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PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title
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Phoenix Wright has just returned to England after an exhausting adventure in the town of Labyrinthia and is ready to relax for the rest of his stay. However, he soon gets involved in a string of mysteries that lead to him reviving a great ace attorney who disappeared a hundred years ago.
Follow defence attorneys Phoenix Wright and Ryunosuke Naruhodo as they fight for their clients' lives in the Crown Court of London while seeking the truth behind the rampage of the Doctor from a hundred years past!
This is a fan-made game, and has no affiliation with Capcom or Level-5.

This game has spoilers for both Great Ace Attorney games. At the bare minimum you should have played both of them and at least one game from the original trilogy. The game is set after Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright, but has minimal spoilers for that - most of what you need to know is said at the beginning, and anything else related to it is kept as vague as possible.

The game has eight cases planned. Most of those are intended to be shorter than average, while cases 3, 5 and 8 would be on the longer side, so the completed game is expected to be roughly 24 hours long. Each release will be done in four parts - two cases per part. I might release 5 and 6 separately to each other... or maybe not. You can read a synopsis of each case below.

1. Turnabout Discoveries
2. Turnabout Spotlight
3. Turnabout Memoirs
4. The Medical Turnabout
5. Turnabout Resurrection
6. Turnabout Express
7. The Fractured Turnabout
8. The Miraculous Turnabout

Progress on Part 3:
Episode 5:
Planning: 100%
Art: 0%
Inv. 1: 80% (16/20 scenes done) [Deduction time! (help)]
Trial 1: 0% (0/15 scenes done)
Inv. 2: 0% (0/15 scenes done)
Trial 2: 0% (0/20 scenes done)

Episode 6:
Planning: 20%
Art: 0%
Script: 0%

Current focus: Investigation 1 script

Episode Synopsis:
Episode 1: Turnabout Discoveries
Shortly after returning home from Labyrinthia, Professor Layton arranges a meeting with a past student of his. When said student dies before his eyes and the blame falls on himself, his good friend Phoenix Wright takes up his defence.

Episode 2: Turnabout Spotlight
Phoenix finally catches a break, and he spends it by watching a musical at the Queen's Theater. The show falls apart as soon as it begins when an actress is shot on stage in front of the entire audience. Phoenix and Maya suspect there's more to this case than meets the eye and decide to the defend the man held responsible, Director Kyle Cutter.

Episode 3: Turnabout Memoirs
Having solved the case at the theater, Phoenix spends the following night at his grandmother's house. During his stay, he reads through the files for a case that happened a long time ago. Four men gathered together on an isolated island for a game of cards, only for the owner of the house to pull out a gun and shoot one of his guests in the head!
This is the story of the final case ever taken by Ryunosuke Naruhodo.

Episode 4: The Medical Turnabout
Phoenix's grandmother suddenly falls very ill and is rushed to hospital. Help doesn't come immediately as her doctor has been arrested, accused of murdering one of her patients. It isn't long until a far more likely suspect emerges, but the prosecutor is hellbent on convicting Dr. Lockhart by means fair or foul.

Episode 5: Turnabout Resurrection
When Ryunosuke Naruhodo and Susato Mikotoba somehow awaken in the 21st century, Phoenix decides to befriend them both and offer his support. His visit is cut short when he learns there's been a murder back at his hotel, and a member of the staff's been accused! The baton passes from Phoenix to Ryunosuke as they're tasked with solving this case, or else they'll be forced to kneel before the King of the Crown Court.

Episode 6: Turnabout Express
Maya gets wrapped up in a murder case on board the Molentary Express while she's on the way back from the countryside. She avoids the accusation this time, but the kid standing trial needs a lawyer. Phoenix has been worked to the bone though, so he leaves this case for someone -- anyone else to take up instead.

Episode 7: The Fractured Turnabout
Ryunosuke searches his memories of his final days in the 20th century in an effort to figure out what exactly lead to him waking up in the current era.

Episode 8: The Miraculous Turnabout
The Miraculous Turnabout.

Preview images
Spoiler: In-game screenshots of cases 1 and 2

Spoiler: In-game screenshots of cases 3 and 4

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Last edited by Ana R. on Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:27 pm, edited 146 times in total.
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [previews]Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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This looks really cool! Excited for the release, good luck!
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [previews]Topic%20Title
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Thank u, Southern Corn, I'll be sure to please You Specifically!

Right now I'm finishing up all the graphical stuff for case 2, now that all the actual art is done. After that I've one last round of assignment hell to get through and after that I should be clear to do the first round of playtesting and editing for this case.

til then here's a peek at some of the case 2 cast
Spoiler: Character Sprites

On another note, planning for case 3 just finished up properly. I like the second day of this case very much.
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Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [previews]Topic%20Title
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this genuinely got me hooked! im interested to see the story unfold

also of course this isnt an ace attorney fangame without maya as one of the suspects
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [previews]Topic%20Title
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After like a year of on-and-off planning, writing, scrapping old plans and rewriting, the opening chapters of Return of Ryunosuke are publicly available for everyone to play! This release includes the first two cases, Turnabout Discoveries and Turnabout Spotlight, as well as an unexpectedly lengthy preview of Turnabout Memoirs. The three cases combined come to roughly 4-5 hours of gameplay.

The preview of case 3 features the entire first trial. This first trial happens to be mostly unrelated to the events in the rest of the episode, so players won't have to worry about remembering all the minor details when the full version of the case releases, and can just resume where they left off through the chapter select.

Thanks to eerew and MasqueradeDemure for playtesting and their fairly extensive feedback.
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Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 1 & 2]Topic%20Title

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Played the first two cases and the first part of the third case. I absolutely love it. Everyone felt in character and the Jury mechanic was my favorite part of the whole shebang. Can't wait to see what's next.
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 1 & 2]Topic%20Title
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the stupidest person alive

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Hey, I recently finished the demo and holy crap that was awesome! The cases were really good(especially the third one, even though it´s only half done yet) I am really excited to see more of this game!

I only have some complaints, like Ryunosuke´s screams being very low quality and the investigation sections being too short, cuz sometimes it feels like you just go to 4 places and you are already on the trial, but still, really good game! :edgey:
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 1 & 2]Topic%20Title

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As people working on their own mystery-based fan project, my co-director and I have been actively seeking out highly-praised fan projects to critique on what they do well and where they fall short on Twitch. As fans of the series, the idea of The Great Ace Attorney cast being brought to the modern day was interesting enough to see what you were working on.

Thank you for making this project. The first case alone has been more of a delight than any of the fan games we've played prior. Your clear understanding of the writing, proper mystery structure, and respect for the source material shines through. We will be following this project closely and cannot wait to see what you have in store for us in the future.

Best of luck to you!
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 1 & 2]Topic%20Title
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Just wanted to pop in and leave some feedback on the 1st case.

I think it's really solid. It didn't waste time getting to the actual meat of the case and it was fairly consistent logically for the most part.
I do have a few criticisms of it, though (heavy spoilers ahead):
Spoiler: Case 1
There are some points where I felt like the defense was leaping to conclusions too quickly given the current facts of the case, causing things to get a bit jumbled. There is one point where it's not that bad, but it does set the stage for a pretty bad post-objection conclusion.

After testimony 1, you establish the contradiction with the Autopsy Report and the witness's account of the murder. This leads to a little too much speculation about when the victim actually died, which is a bit reaching in my opinion, but it's more-or-less saved by the fact that the witness adjusts the story to say that it's possible what he saw wasn't the moment the victim died.

At this point (functionally speaking), the following testimony is operating under the witness's claim that Carmine simply fell over after drinking the tea from some unrelated ailment, then died 30 minutes later which fits with the Autopsy. This is a really hard story to break because you now have to essentially prove that Carmine did actually die at that moment.

Having the conversation pivot to the newspaper story from here with the contradiction about the witness's knowledge introduces the side of the case where it's possible the victim and witness met at some point. What it doesn't do is actually resolve the topic that got us into that testimony in the first place. Having Phoenix assert later that it's possible the victim was poisoned 30 minutes earlier isn't substantiated because the changes the witness made to his original story already resolves the outstanding issue from the 1st testimony.

I understand the purpose of the 1st case was to function as a tutorial for what will be about 8 full cases so it was intentionally short, but this is definitely something to keep in mind for future cases because, in a longer case, it might've been better to actually explore that outstanding issue in more depth AFTER you established that the 2 could've met.

The last thing I was a bit put off by was the introduction of "3D" examinable evidence interfering with the flow of the case as it's essentially a deus-ex machina reveal that immediately puts an end to the witness's argument as he makes it when this mechanic is revealed. Again, I understand this is just a tutorial, but it does cheapen the case in a way when this type of thing comes up because I really wasn't responsible for finding the answer, it was just given to me for free.

This also causes a much larger issue with the tea cup. The tea cup having the victim's name on it doesn't actually tell us anything besides 1. the victim potentially being the actual owner of the tea cup and 2. the fact that the poison was in a cup with his name on it. It's a bit of a reach in the last stretch of the case when Phoenix makes a series of assumptions that this somehow connects the witness to the poisoning itself because of their supposed meeting 30 minutes prior (which is again not that well-established either).

Again, I understand that this is most likely going to be rectified later on as it was heavily implied that there were shenanigans going on in this first case that led to the witness being framed, but I do think these things will be relevant later in cases that don't have as many over-arching plot elements as this one.

Despite all this, I still want to say that I don't hate this case and I don't think it's bad in the slightest. I think you're doing stuff that's well ahead of most fancase creators right now and these discussions about case design are good problems to be running into. I really like the premise you're going with of revisiting the Witch Trials and I'll look forward to playing the rest when it's finished.
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 1 & 2]Topic%20Title
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Accidentally double posted, my bad.
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 1 & 2]Topic%20Title

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I really liked the first 2 and a half cases and am looking forward to the final part of case 3 (and case 4) when they come out!

I don't see Ryonosuke or the GAA jury system used in other fangames, so special kudos for implementing those (somehow)!

About the 3rd case,
Will we ever learn why he was in pajamas? Or was that just for rule of funny?

Also, thanks for keeping us notified on the progress in the first post.
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 1 & 2]Topic%20Title
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Took a bit longer than expected but cases 3 & 4 are done and released - also updated the previous cases, touched up the dialogue a bit in some places and updated the character sprites. Should note that a few names have been updated.

Spoiler: Updated names
Connor Cantus (inspector), Sebastian Moran (elderly servant in case 3A), and I think that's all for the characters. The disease mentioned in case 3's called Arker's Disease now also.

If you've already played up to the first half of case 3, you'll probably be fine just starting from the start of the second half's investigation - it's a 6-5 kind of case, you shouldn't need to have a fresh memory of the first half to get what's going on in the second.
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Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title

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I’ve reached the
Spoiler: Case 3B
Abandoned Hat Store crime scene,
and thus far, some evidence & profiles don’t display correctly in the Court Record (names obtained from evidence.txt):
• Gina Lestrade: name, info = “gina”
• Redd D. Fast: name = “redd”; info okay
• Harold’s Photograph: name, info = “haroldphoto”; no Check button or thumbnail
• Crime Scene Diagram: name, info = “diagram2”; no Check button or thumbnail
• Harold’s Autopsy Report: name, info = “autopsy”; no Check button
• Scarlet Ink: name, info = “ink”
• Store Key: name, info = “key”
• White Shard: name, info = “shard”

This is in both PyWright 0.9880 (included with RoRN) & PyWright 0.990.2 (included with Truth and Consequences) on 64-bit Windows 11 Home 23H2. I kept RoRN’s previous ZIP file from 2022, but replaced all files when extracting the new one.

Also, this doesn’t seem like a bug, but I noticed some age discrepancies between in-game & evidence.txt:
• Iris Wilson: 13 vs. 12
• Harold Hardy: 39 vs. 52

Where do profile & item names load from?

And kudos for your implementation of
Sholmes’ Dance of Deduction!

Last edited by astrodude87 on Thu Jul 04, 2024 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title
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astrodude87 wrote:
I kept RoRN’s previous ZIP file from 2022, but replaced all files when extracting the new one.

Did you also load a save file from before the update, cause that'd be why if so. If you try restarting from the "Murder" chapter in the chapter select it should all, hopefully, correct itself. (Or "Sholmes and Hoirot" if you've already finished talking at the prison)
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Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title

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I had indeed continued from a pre-update save, which I now realize contains Iris’ & Harold’s ages from the old evidence.txt (even though young Iris doesn’t appear in part 1). I’ve restarted from “Runaway Witness” and already, the ages are fixed & Gina’s profile is complete, so everything else should be good. Thank you.

Last edited by astrodude87 on Thu Jul 04, 2024 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title

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Just finished Episode 4 — what a cliffhanger! I sincerely hope Part 3 (or Episode 5, at least) won’t take another two years (or longer). I first played 1 to 3A only on May 8, so my wait for 3B & 4 was just 52 days.

Spoiler: 3-5, RoRN-4
Having read all the episode synopses, I figured Maya couldn’t channel Ryunosuke, Susato or Sholmes because somehow, they were still alive after over a century. But just like when Pearl failed to channel Dahlia, if she thought something was wrong with her powers, she could have simply tested them on Mia.

And I thought of cryogenic suspension as a possibility before discovering the pods. I wonder if Dr. Andrew Stiles is in the 4th pod?
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title

I am REALLY bad at Ace attorney

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Hey, really enjoying this case, might have gotten softlocked in case 2 though.
I finished the trial day 1 and I'm trying to break Connor's psyche lock, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what evidence I'm supposed to present, I've presented pretty much everything I have including profiles.
It's possible that I'm just missing something though, so please let me know if I just missed something, thanks!
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title
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Amphaboss wrote:
Hey, really enjoying this case, might have gotten softlocked in case 2 though.
I finished the trial day 1 and I'm trying to break Connor's psyche lock, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what evidence I'm supposed to present, I've presented pretty much everything I have including profiles.
It's possible that I'm just missing something though, so please let me know if I just missed something, thanks!

Examine the name on the back of the manuscript you got from Lockhart before you present it.

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Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title

I am REALLY bad at Ace attorney

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Ana R. wrote:
Amphaboss wrote:
Hey, really enjoying this case, might have gotten softlocked in case 2 though.
I finished the trial day 1 and I'm trying to break Connor's psyche lock, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what evidence I'm supposed to present, I've presented pretty much everything I have including profiles.
It's possible that I'm just missing something though, so please let me know if I just missed something, thanks!

Examine the name on the back of the manuscript you got from Lockhart before you present it.

See that's the issue... I can't seem to get to Lockhart. If you are referring to the manuscript as a different piece of evidence than the main script, since I can't examine the main script. I'm assuming that she's in the backstage room, but I do not have an option to get there (I only have the options for theater lobby and auditorium, as well as the remand center) Is there something else I have to do? Without this evidence idt I can progress
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title
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Oh the locks aren't breakable until the the end of the investigation. Aside from obviously talking to everyone you also need to present Cutter's profile to Arthur, present the crime photo to Cutter and, only after you finish talking to Arthur, present Lockhart's profile to him as well. Then Lockhart should become available.

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Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title

I am REALLY bad at Ace attorney

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Ana R. wrote:
Oh the locks aren't breakable until the the end of the investigation. Aside from obviously talking to everyone you also need to present Cutter's profile to Arthur, present the crime photo to Cutter and, only after you finish talking to Arthur, present Lockhart's profile to him as well. Then Lockhart should become available.

Thank you so much!
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title

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Loved the two new cases as well as what we had prior! You’re really setting up for a great story and we can’t wait to see what comes next.

There’s only a couple things I wanna throw out there just see your thoughts.

1. As a love for GAA, I really hope we see similar mechanics present during the modern day (jury, multiple cross exam) things like that. They were excellent additions of the AA formula and you’ve shown yourself to have a great handle on making juries and making them flow together well.

2. While the =logic route= is a great visual and a lot of fun, I feel as if it takes away the mystery solving aspect at the end. Personally, I’d love to just have the final gotcha in our hands, instead of leaving it to multiple choice.

Other than those two, we can’t wait to see what you’re cooking up and we’ll be streaming it the instant one finishes!
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I'm looking forward to play this game once it's fully done.
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title

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This can wait until the next release, but in episode 3,
at the start of a summation examination, the plain-text "- - Judicial Findings - -" should be "- - The Jurors' Contentions - -". The rest is good (ornate "Judicial Findings", ornate "Jury Examination", plain-text "- - The Defence's Rebuttal - -").
Re: PWAA - The Return of Ryunosuke Naruhodo [Cases 3 & 4]Topic%20Title
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Realized there was a bug in the final summation examination that let you pit statements together without doing the required pressing, so that's fixed.
Spoiler: Case 3
Actually you can still pit statements 1 and 6 together right away, only now it'll run you through the key-grabby puzzle there instead of in the press conversation. which is the actual thing i wanted to patch in here, cause i realized this was kind of a g2-2 moment where the initial statements already kinda contradicted each other enough that it made sense to clash them - certainly wasn't expecting to find out that the game already accepted doing that. hope not too many ppl did this before now...

Also changed while I was at it: Ryunosuke's front pose cause the old one was weird and I'm not even sure where that pose came from (thought it came from the Asogi DLC case but it doesn't seem to be there. Begone!!)
And the thing in the above post too thanku for that

On the 17th I will be Free (for like 2 weeks) and case 5 will hopefully get going. Still got to work out the investigations a bit + make sure my plan for the rest of the case isn't secretly unhinged and broken, but I've been braining about all this constantly so it should come together smoothly enough by now.
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