Court Records

PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!
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Author:  Bolting Shaman [ Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

tbh, I feel that CoI can still fit in the canon story if the timeline is adjusted just a bit.

Author:  megamike15 [ Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Bolting Shaman wrote:
tbh, I feel that CoI can still fit in the canon story if the timeline is adjusted just a bit.

it's mostly the pearl stuff that makes it not fit.

Author:  Bolting Shaman [ Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Yeah, you have a point

I wished they weren't playing so safe with DD Pearl, nothing wrong with making her taller and you know, more mature. It's a stretch, but if Pearl was just a little different there, then CoI can work better as a spot where she picks up from.

Author:  Sky [ Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Please don't spoil it for me, but...

...after Morag's testimony and when I click on the "You saw the assailant's face" and Phoenix is about to reveal what she saw, the game stops. Like literally just stops. The only thing that I can do is go to the Court records and only that. Well, aside from the fact that I can see Phoenix blinking at the bench, nothing else is happening.

Spoiler: Completely different matter
2. Is there no way that I can save willingly on Pywright 0.976, without it have to autosave? Are there any other versions I can use to play this game with or just this one?

Author:  Blizdi [ Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Uh.... your pywright is massively outdated Sky.

0.989 is your best bet

Author:  Sky [ Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

I didn't find a link to that version, so I downloaded this 0.976

Author:  megamike15 [ Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

the new version of pywright is pack in with conflict of interest if i remember right.

Author:  Double KO [ Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

If you still can't find .989, use .9880, which could be found on the PyWright website. CoC will run smoothly with just a few minor bugs.

Author:  Sky [ Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

So, I downloaded 0.9880 and the game is going great. Thanks for the suggestion.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Top 5 Contempt of Court Cases. Number WILL BLOW YOU


Anyway,with the whole game being out for some time now,I thought to finally rank the cases and give my detailed thoughts on them. So here's my top five CoC cases! And before you say,'OH SC U SUCH A DUMDUM THEIR ONLY FOUR COCKASES',give me a chance,okay? Let's start


Spoiler: The whole game obviously plus some stuff said in this thread
#5-Turnabout Scapegoat


Yeah,this probably doesn't come off as much a surprise to those who've played this case. Number 5 is the first case of the game,and it's a good first attempt,but really is a bit shabby at some parts. I can tell that this isn't supposed to be your typical first case,but still,it drags out way too long. It's longer than even the second case,and is about the same length as the third. And this is mainly due to Vincenzo's trial cutting in twice through the first investigation.

I would've accepted it if it was told in one part after Wright arrived at the detention centre,or even if it was the actual first case,but it ruins the pacing of the first investigation completely by butting in TWICE. Plus,the trial itself is rather vague and cryptic at some points. I especially recall one time where the court record button was obscuring the location you had to present.

The trial in present time is alright,I guess. The first day was mostly so and so,but the second trial was actually quite interesting. Even if I saw all the major twists coming way beforehand. The first investigation was boring but the second was rather intriguing. Plus,Krump's death is quite an interesting twist which comes back later in an even better fashion.

The characters range from annoying to unmemorable. The former consisting of Snow,Krump,past Vulper and to an extent,Brisbane. The latter consists of Marshall (seriously,he was just kinda there the whole time),Cicatrice,Grossberg,and Maya (who thankfully gets better later on when you learn how she's the true mastermind behind all four cases). The only exception is present day Vulper,who is a fantastic villain and way more hilarious without his dumb borrowed perfectionist shtick.

So yeah,overall,while this was a good first attempt for Cardiovore,the case itself was mediocre at best. Thankfully that's about the worst I have to say about this game. Anyway,up next is...

#4-The Haunted Turnabout


Yep,this is going to be pretty spooky,huh Phoenix? I'll admit,after the impression Scapegoat had on me,I was a bit scared (pun intended) that this was not going to live up to its premise. Thank goodness that didn't happen in the least!

To get the most negative things out of the way,I feel like nothing much happens during the first day of investigation. We don't really get to know much about any of the characters,and the spooky factor was a bit lacking for the most part. Also,there are A LOT of filler locations where nothing happens,like the dining room,the lounge, the bar, room 101 kinda,Phoenix's room,and the outside of the hotel,which leads to a lot of padding. Even the first trial is lacklustre as you don't uncover much and only barely delay the case. Other than that though,this case is incredible!

First of all,not all the characters are trash. They're actually quite good! Cedric is quite a sympathetic villain surprisingly,and his family history is quite interesting. I wish they were the prime focus,honestly. Rubin is a very nice defendant,and I wish we got to know more about her. It's interesting how the blame shifts to Barrows in the last part,who's also a cool character. The Bellboy is a clever cameo,who gives you quite an interesting tale in the second investigation. Greisen is introduced here,and I gotta say,I love his theme. It's similar to the Pink Panther,except better.

Oh yes,and the last part of this case is quite fantastic,from the genuinely unnerving investigation of the nursery,to the Maplethorpe story,to everything about the case getting explained in one fell swoop. It's fantastic,and honestly why it's so good. I wish the first part had been more like this.

So yeah,I loved this case from middle to finish! It's a great improvement on the first case. Up next is (or should I say are?)...

#3-Turnabout of the Snow+The Ensnared Turnabout

Image Image

Ayup,two cases in a tie here! I had a bit of trouble trying to figure out which one of these to rank higher,but since they're basically the same case anyway divided into two parts I decided to put them together. They're both equally fantastic,and I'm just about as surprised as you that they're taking up only the midpoint of this ranking,but oh well,the show must go on!

First let's talk about Turnabout of the Snow. It's pretty interesting how the previous killer has died in this case in a prison. Never seen that befor-oh hai AAI2-2! Regardless,it's still rather intriguing that an officer died during the interrogation of his supposed killer too. Perry Docks has the creepiest profile picture ever. He scares me,man.

Anyway,I really like this case a lot. The two murders are rather simple at first sight, but then there seem to be rather strange contradictions upon close examination. Ones that don't seem to make sense. However,it seems rather likely that Vulper committed both crimes. But something is off...

The characters here are great. Smith has a cool theme and I enjoyed hanging around him. Vulper here is great. His fake schizophrenia plus his Krump impressions make him a way more enjoyable character. Freude is introduced here and leaves quite the impression upon you. Snow as the defendant of this case is way more serious and thus less annoying. Brisbane really overdoes it though and I was with Phoenix on his immature behaviour. Him bringing up the scabbard but it having no use in the crime was interesting,and I'm surprised it didn't come back in any way. Maggey here is an alright cameo.

The trials are great. Especially the end of the last one with how Bulper rushes up and declares himself guilty out of sheer paranoia. It's rather similar to the ending of a certain unreleased case in America that I won't spoil here. And the flashback at the end is great! Leaves you with a lot of questions,most of them being about Hemlock.

And now we come to the Ensnared Turnabout! This case is a great finale! The first part is rather tame,but everything beyond that is amazing. I loved taking down Freude;exposing his,Trent's,and Vulper's secrets (though the latter was rather forced); figuring out who Hemlock is; getting the evidence hidden under the table; being blackmailed by Hemlock; exposing Hemlock as Edgeworth; and taking that bastard DOWN! It was all quite an experience,and I loved I thought end to end!

My only major problem is that Hemlock is...kind of a weenie. I know it's supposed to be so,but still makes him underwhelming as a villain. Also Hemlock's true identity is kind of undermined by him just being a stooge for Maya but that's a nitpick. I really loved it. I can't go into too much detail because that would take too long and I'm running out of battery.

So yes,I loved these cases to death! They're the best,Cardy!...Or the third best. Next up is...

#2-Turnabout Before a Fall

there is no image here

Yeah I know this case was scrapped and we know nothing about what it was going to be about,but Turnabout Before a Fall is an epic case name. So that's why it's up here.

And last,but definitely best,is...!

#1-This Thread

Blizdi wrote:

Planetbox wrote:
I know it sounds like it doesn't make sense but it totally does.

Thunder84 wrote:
Hemlock is Blizdi is Maya is Don Paolo

Ropfa wrote:
Didn't Cardiovore straight up confirm it was Maya?

Dynakirby63 wrote:
[Hemlock] is a Gant and Adrian's third girlfriend

Banette wrote:
You know it is an amusing thing:

All this nonsensical build-up. The speculation. The wonder, the auspiciousness that is the distortion that comes with it, and the brittle despair of of hazily turning answers over in your heads over facts, trivia, and info to make sense of a mystery that serves as the weight a single individual could, if he chooses to, completely abandon with malicious and gleeful speed. The world is already a hectic devilish mess, why devote your time to making another?

So we do not know who Hemlock, or whatever jagged, mangled realignment of letters his name has gradually devolved to amidst this circle of elevated peers, truly is behind the title alone.

But much like his name, it seems to permeate the air of this forum and corrode every atom of our bodies as potently and as aggressively as any Poison.

Cesar Zero wrote:

Southern Corn wrote:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Daisies are yellow
Grass is green
Please hurry up already

Come on,you all saw this coming. How could this not be number one? The inane conspiracy theories,the belittling of said theorists,the cool fan art,the soul crushing memes,and also how this uncovered the truth of how Maya is the true mastermind behind everything. Thankfully she was later killed in a Heal/Hurt game (link here) . Also,it has been confirmed that Cardiovore is using this thread as the script for the sequel to this game,2 Contempt 2 Court. And he has also confirmed that when he inevitably gets on Ellen,he'll read the last thirty or so pages of this thread. It's that good. So of course,this is number one.

I hope you enjoyed reading this ranking as much as I did writing it. It was quite fun overall. What an experience, big thanks to Cardiovore for making this game in the first place and shoutout to us uncovering Maya's true nature. See you never because I'm going to hell for writing this

Author:  Blizdi [ Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Your #1 is all in our hearts

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Yeah,it is. I got a tear in my eye now. Not because this thread makes me feel nostalgic,but because I'm going to hell for writing this. Goodbye

Author:  Blizdi [ Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Oh thank god, he's gone. PARTY

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!


I must say though,the biggest disappointment of the whole game was Cardy NOT making What is Love the credits song. :(((

Author:  Double KO [ Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Hey Cardi, I think you included an old version of Turnabout Scapegoat in the completed case pack. The intro still used the JFA reminiscence theme, Maya still had her Cadenza theme, the credits listed the wrong music, and some of Snow's unrefined old sprites appeared here and there. I think that's why Vinnie's voice lines didn't play; his objections must've still been coded as Edgeworth's. Is that the same for everyone else's or is that just me?

Author:  Rehncohro [ Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

How'd this place become such a beautiful mess? Lol.

Author:  Double KO [ Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Dollarluigi wrote:
How'd this place become such a beautiful mess? Lol.

It was always a beautiful mess. Mostly dead now, though.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Shall we revive it talking about 2C2C?

Author:  Double KO [ Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Southern Corn wrote:
Shall we revive it talking about 2C2C?

After the credits of CoC, Brisbane decides to use the enigmium to fund 2 Contempt 2 Court. "What is Love" confirmed as Cornered theme.

Author:  Rehncohro [ Fri Apr 28, 2017 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Can't wait. :D

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

It also takes place in Khura'in for no good reason

Author:  berserkerbladerx [ Sat Apr 29, 2017 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Spoiler: Case 3
my god it was worth the whole wait and then some just to see Vulper having Titus Krump as a split personality


Author:  Blizdi [ Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

I hope CoC has 7 sequels. I can't wait for Contempt of the Court.

Author:  Rehncohro [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Only 7!? Why not INFINITY!? :P

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Because 7's lucky. Coc8 will break the streak and the world will explode. Duh

Author:  Rehncohro [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

But 69 is Lucky.
How about 69!?

I doubt 8 would cause the world to explode. That's what 666 does!

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Yes but 7 and 13 are my lucky numbers and I am the luckiest of them all so don't defy me or Hemlock will come and kill you in your sleep

Pls like and repost this in 7 different websites in 2 seconds oops your time's up lol

Author:  Rehncohro [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

once upon a time there was a boy named bill and he downlod CoC and was up all night playing and then he fell asleep then he woke up and Hemlock jumped out of his cumputer and ate his face off so he bleeded, screemded and cried until he tirned in2 a spoopy skary sceletin liek dis if u cri everiteim and if u dont send to all ur fwends and famly u well b cursed and die

Author:  Double KO [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

But who will be the new Hemlock? Mike Meekins? Spark Brushel?

Author:  Bolting Shaman [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Double KO wrote:
But who will be the new Hemlock? Mike Meekins? Spark Brushel?

Everyone becomes hemlock

except edgeworth because people like him too much

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

No,the new villain is his wife Henlock it's all written in the prophecy u guys

Author:  Rehncohro [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

I thought Blizdi was Hemlock... :P

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

I thought he was Mendirez

Author:  Blizdi [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Ahuh huh huh huh......

My fellow Court-Recordians, you're ALL right!

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

So you're Blizdi and Mendirez and Maya and Hemlock and Don Paolo and CARDIOVORE and my self esteem simultaneously? LE GASP

Author:  CourtroomShenanigans [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

So I've just watched a full playthrough on Youtube (I could go download PyWright to play it, but I'm a bit lazy to do that), and wow, it's a great fangame that you've made here, Cardiovore!

I know that it's probably been planned in advance before GK2, AA5 and AA6, but it's kind of a funny coincidence that Hemlock somehow has elements from all three of their final boss villains.

Author:  Blizdi [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Southern Corn wrote:
So you're Blizdi and Mendirez and Maya and Hemlock and Don Paolo and CARDIOVORE and my self esteem simultaneously? LE GASP

It's scary, I know.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

CourtroomShenanigans wrote:
So I've just watched a full playthrough on Youtube (I could go download PyWright to play it, but I'm a bit lazy to do that), and wow, it's a great fangame that you've made here, Cardiovore!

I know that it's probably been planned in advance before GK2, AA5 and AA6, but it's kind of a funny coincidence that Hemlock somehow has elements from all three of their final boss villains.

I looked it up. Someone uploaded the last part of cased our before I even finished playing it. CoC uploaders are FAST

(and yes it's a spooky coincidence)

Blizdi wrote:
Southern Corn wrote:
So you're Blizdi and Mendirez and Maya and Hemlock and Don Paolo and CARDIOVORE and my self esteem simultaneously? LE GASP

It's scary, I know.

Even spookier! :beef:

Author:  Rehncohro [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

Wait... is Blizdi... EVERYONE!? :ron:

Author:  Thunder84 [ Mon May 01, 2017 2:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ FULL GAME RELEASED!

I feel that in my honest opinion, the Hemlock we saw wasn't actually Hemlock. It's actually Serafina Alexander, who is secretly the really flamboyant servant from The Curious Village.

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