Court Records

Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Episode 2 & Revised OST INDEV!]
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Author:  UltrawaveStudios [ Sat Jul 19, 2014 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Episode 2 & Revised OST INDEV!]


Ace Attorney Online:

NOTICE: Turnabout Express development is paused temporarily; scroll down.

During a trip on the S.S. Olympia, this seemingly relaxing cruise turns sour as the body of a celebrity was discovered in his room.
According to one witness, a man by the name of Ian Cenotenni was seen standing over the victim, one Steve Persson,
in the middle of stealing his very valuable Golden Apple. All hope seems lost, but a recently barred Justin Torney doesn't think that
this is everything this case has to offer. Will his trust in his client earn him a win for his first case?

NOTE: The spritework for the game isn't complete. If you wish to contribute, please contact me.
1st Trial:
Last Trial:

Spoiler: Episode 1 information
Justin Torney (VA: UdgeyWudgey)
A rookie defense attorney.

Ian Cenotenni
The defendant of the case. He looked up to the victim a lot.

Gendar Gagnon (LOOKING FOR VA)
The prosecutor for the case. Seems a bit too confident about himself.

Amanda Forens
The detective in charge of the case. Was on the S.S. Olympia at the time of the crime.

Boris Iditovich
The witness for the case. Saw Ian at the scene of the crime taking back the Golden Apple.

Screenshots: Scroll down

Overall progress: 100%*
*Without custom artwork

Artwork and Sprites: 15% (Spritework begins at 68%)

Overall progress: XX%
Case Planning and Scriptwriting: 30%
Music: See below%

Justin Torney: Ace Attorney ~ The Revised Soundtrack

Now this is out of nowhere. Actual music is being made. Click the link above to check it out!
There will be two volumes: Volume α featuring the soundtrack of the first two cases, and Volume β with the last two.
Spoiler: Tracklist and Progress (spoiler tracks hidden)

Because of some reasons, I will be pausing development of Turnabout Express until I'm complete the soundtrack for both cases. Don't worry, this project is not cancelled.

I'm also looking for people to help out with sprites, so please contact me via PM if you want to help out with that.
Thank you.

Author:  Blizdi [ Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft Ace Attorney [WIP]

Why did you link the midi version of the song? It's not as good as the non-midi

Author:  UltrawaveStudios [ Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft Ace Attorney [WIP]

Blizdi wrote:
Why did you link the midi version of the song? It's not as good as the non-midi

Looked through my files, did you? Well, the non-MIDI version was made by a friend of mine. And I said that I can't make music. Not my friend.

By the way, people back on the AAO forums didn't really like that version, either. So Cross Examination themes are still open.

Author:  UltrawaveStudios [ Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Case 1 in progress]

Updated a couple things. Woo. This project is not dead, I assure you.

Author:  UltrawaveStudios [ Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Case 1 in progress]

Overhauled the scenario; things will be easier now.
Plus I can actually compose my own music, so that's being covered now.
All the help I really need is with sprites.

Author:  Blizdi [ Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Case 1 in progress]

UltrawaveStudios wrote:
Overhauled the scenario; things will be easier now.
Plus I can actually compose my own music, so that's being covered now.
All the help I really need is with sprites.

Nice. Let me help you man, pm me

Author:  UltrawaveStudios [ Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Case 1: 64% complete]

A Midnight Turnabout: Now over 60% complete!
Although, once the game reaches a playable and complete-able state, most of the artwork will be default Ace Attorney assets, since I cannot do spritework to save my life.
Spoiler: Screenshots

Anyone who wants to help contribute, feel free to PM me either here or on AAO!

Author:  Blizdi [ Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Case 1: 64% complete]

UltrawaveStudios wrote:
A Midnight Turnabout: Now over 60% complete!
Although, once the game reaches a playable and complete-able state, most of the artwork will be default Ace Attorney assets, since I cannot do spritework to save my life.
Spoiler: Screenshots

Anyone who wants to help contribute, feel free to PM me either here or on AAO!

I can help you! PM me dude.

Author:  UltrawaveStudios [ Fri Aug 05, 2016 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Case 1 RELEASED; NEEDS SPRI

EDIT: Alright, so after thinking about things, it does make sense to launch the game now, then do the spritework later.
While the placeholders will make things weird, at least it's done.

Check out the links on the main post!

Author:  Thunder84 [ Fri Aug 05, 2016 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Case 1: 100% NEEDS SPRITES]

UltrawaveStudios wrote:
Literally the only thing this case needs before it can be fully released is the spritework. Other than that, this case is 100% complete!
If this were a generic Ace Attorney case, then it is ready to go! However, it is not.
It's all up to you now to decide if this case gets released complete or not!

Current state release date: December 31, 2016

You have plenty of time. :)
If you want to help make the spritework of the case, please contact me!
Should nobody step up until the above date, I'll release the game as-is. While that is almost suicide for case creation, I am not going to banish this case
to being vapourware because of a lack of sprites. This game was "started" in 2011, went through many changes, helped me learn very important things about
game development (such as not advertising your games when you've barely started), and now I am going to release this case whether or not its sprites are finished.

And for Blizdi, perhaps you could share some sample spritework here to show what you're capable of?

I'm not the expert at custom cases, but my personal reccomendation is to just release the case now, and add in the custom sprites later. If it's done, then it's done. You can always re-release the case later, but waiting for other people to volunteer sprites can cause more trouble than just releasing the case without them.

Author:  UltrawaveStudios [ Sat Aug 06, 2016 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Case 1 RELEASED; NEEDS SPRI

Alright, I've thought about it, and I suppose it would make more sense.

Case 1 now released!

Author:  UltrawaveStudios [ Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Episode 2 & Revised OST IND

Justin Torney: Ace Attorney ~ The Revised Soundtrack has been revealed! Plus for reasons, Turnabout Express has been paused temporarily.
The project is not cancelled! I just have plans.

Author:  Namalicious Speed [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Episode 2 & Revised OST IND

Hype for the first two cases to be completed. :godot:

Author:  Southern Corn [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Justin Torney: Ace Attorney [Episode 2 & Revised OST IND

Hmm,that style for your characters is rather familiar....

Roblox,clearly :godot:

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