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Anyone wanna help me make an AJ fangame?Topic%20Title

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I've had a bunch of ideas brewing for the longest time and I finally want to make them real. Without giving away too many details, this game takes place between AJ:AA & Dual Destinies and has 4 cases. It's an "alternate universe" where Dual Destinies is canon but Spirit Of Justice is not. I have the overaching plots planned, a majority of case plots planned, a majority of characters planned, etc. I mainly need help making custom character sprites and backgrounds since I'm absolutely terrible at that stuff.

There's also a second game I have in mind (basically giving Apollo the trilogy treatment). It would be Apollo's "Trials & Tribulations" with returning characters, 5 cases, and big stakes. I have plans for that one too, but its not as developed (I only have like half the game thought up). Elements of the first game would tie into the second game.

I really want to get the ideas out there, so if anyone is willing to make some sprites/backgrounds for me as well as collaborate on ideas I'd be really grateful. My discord is [@this_is_not_sheraz.].
Re: Anyone wanna help me make an AJ fangame?Topic%20Title

Ace Attorney Megafan

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I can help! I'm really good with PyWright and I can't think of any case ideas, so it'll be great!

EDIT:Never mind, I don't really know how to make custom characters.
Re: Anyone wanna help me make an AJ fangame?Topic%20Title
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There's Always Someone Else

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I recommend joining the Ace Attorney game dev discord server. It's the best place to spitball ideas and find people capable of helping you with what you're looking for.
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