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Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*
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Author:  moonfall [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

I really like that this game has fleshed out her character somewhat. Now we know she likes flowers, pretty things, sweets, and teasing Edgeworth about the Steel Samurai. She dislikes tacky clothes and men who snoop through women's belongings. All make sense for her. Looks like my headcanon was right about a few things (secret sweet tooth and liking flowers, making fun of Edgey's fanboyism).

I think the different titles for Larry's book may be a translation difference. Wasn't it "Whippity-Whip Trip" in Japanese?

Author:  Satoshi [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Ramika wrote:
But anyway, I'm a devoted Franzy-fangirl so she was the biggest reason I was looking forward to AAI so much. I knew she was going to be there but still I squealed with joy when she made her appearance.

Same here. Her every appearance even was really joyful, especially with that epic Great Revival theme. =)))

moonfall wrote:
I really like that this game has fleshed out her character somewhat. Now we know she likes flowers, pretty things, sweets, and teasing Edgeworth about the Steel Samurai. She dislikes tacky clothes and men who snoop through women's belongings. All make sense for her. Looks like my headcanon was right about a few things (secret sweet tooth and liking flowers, making fun of Edgey's fanboyism).

Aww yes, those little facts made her character even more awesome! ♥

Author:  moonfall [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Because who doesn't love flowers, chocolate, and picking on Edgey? And I've yet to meet anyone who likes nosy perverts.

It's also interesting how she freaks out when Edgeworth refers to the Nickel Samurai case. I wish we could have seen her reactions to being shot and hospitalized. I remember Phoenix and Dr. Hotti both commented that she seemed "terrified" and "pathetic." Could she be afraid of hospitals? (Or just creepy "doctors"?)

Author:  Icarus [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

moonfall wrote:
Because who doesn't love flowers, chocolate, and picking on Edgey? And I've yet to meet anyone who likes nosy perverts.

It's also interesting how she freaks out when Edgeworth refers to the Nickel Samurai case. I wish we could have seen her reactions to being shot and hospitalized. I remember Phoenix and Dr. Hotti both commented that she seemed "terrified" and "pathetic." Could she be afraid of hospitals? (Or just creepy "doctors"?)

I don't remember that, but I do remember that she was still trying to claw her way into the courtroom with a bullet in her shoulder, and Edgeworth had to drag her to the hospital by her wrist. And she seemed pretty in charge of things with her whip when Hotti came around, although the creep liked it.

Author:  moonfall [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Icarus wrote:
moonfall wrote:
Because who doesn't love flowers, chocolate, and picking on Edgey? And I've yet to meet anyone who likes nosy perverts.

It's also interesting how she freaks out when Edgeworth refers to the Nickel Samurai case. I wish we could have seen her reactions to being shot and hospitalized. I remember Phoenix and Dr. Hotti both commented that she seemed "terrified" and "pathetic." Could she be afraid of hospitals? (Or just creepy "doctors"?)

I don't remember that, but I do remember that she was still trying to claw her way into the courtroom with a bullet in her shoulder, and Edgeworth had to drag her to the hospital by her wrist. And she seemed pretty in charge of things with her whip when Hotti came around, although the creep liked it.

They did both make the comment. Hotti said she looked frightened when she arrived, and Phoenix said she looked pathetic until just a moment ago. I just wish we could have actually SEEN Edgeworth showing concern.

Author:  Icarus [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

moonfall wrote:
They did both make the comment. Hotti said she looked frightened when she arrived,

Obviously that was an "Oh, no, Edgeworth is going to beat Phoenix after I did all the work on the case!" kind of frightened, lol. :whip:

Author:  Indochine Ramera [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Ramika wrote:
Oh gawd yes! *flails*
I'm so late with this whole AAI conversation since the stupid store I ordered the game from failed me and I got my copy like a week later than I should've. *rage*
But anyway, I'm a devoted Franzy-fangirl so she was the biggest reason I was looking forward to AAI so much. I knew she was going to be there but still I squealed with joy when she made her appearance.
I love seeing her interact with Miles, and even more with Manfred.

I agree with all my heart!

Author:  Ramika [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Yep, Hotti did mention that Franziska seemed terrified, and even screamed when Hotti molested her.

Author:  Midnight Jasper [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

O gods, I loved that scene in the hospital.
Edgeworth being fooled by Hotti until Franzy tells him to go back to his room =D

:ka-whip: And what are those tulips doing in your hand, Phoenix Wright? XD
Ah, Feenie's so cuuute~

Author:  Auraion [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

moonfall wrote:
Because who doesn't love flowers, chocolate, and picking on Edgey? And I've yet to meet anyone who likes nosy perverts.

It's also interesting how she freaks out when Edgeworth refers to the Nickel Samurai case. I wish we could have seen her reactions to being shot and hospitalized. I remember Phoenix and Dr. Hotti both commented that she seemed "terrified" and "pathetic." Could she be afraid of hospitals? (Or just creepy "doctors"?)

I remember that. That proves that franny has feelings. I was expecting her to mention adrian. (You know, it's her only friend) But yeah, That case got a scar in her shoulder, and her heart.

Author:  Firefury Amahira [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

I adored seeing more of how Franziska has grown- replaying 2-2 right now and it's almost like night and day the difference in her character.

I found the idea that she's working with Interpol quite interesting, and have my own personal theory as to why. Her 'perfect' win record has been irreversibly destroyed, and given how competitive she is, I can see her wanting at least subconsciously to 'beat', or at least surpass Edgeworth, and possibly even her father. Edgeworth, until AAI, doesn't appear to have handled super large-scale international cases, his work has been within that local district. What little evidence we have about Manfred also implies that the vast majority of his work has been local scale. (Check the metal plate on the King of Prosecutors trophy in 1-5, Phoenix notes that Manfred's listed a whole boatload of times.) So I kinda think that's her way of distinguishing herself from her father's legacy, and a way to 'beat' Edgeworth by making a career out of taking on these difficult, complicated international cases that neither her father or her 'little brother' have done before.

Spoiler: AAI-5 Spoilers
My sister and I got into a pretty heated debate as to why she didn't whip Alba at all though. My sis thought it was out of character. I think it comes down to Franziska tends to bully people, and the whip is her favorite tool to do so. Most of the characters we've seen let her get away with it. When confronted by characters that she knows won't take it, someone else gets hit instead. Alba is a slimy enough bastard that had she hit him, he would have turned that to his advantage, blown it up into a proper international incident, and drawn the spotlight off of him in favor of 'OMG TEH INTERPOL IS CORRUPT AND VIOLENT!' He's not the sort to be cowed or bullied by someone like Franziska, and she is clearly smart enough (and now I think mature enough) to realize that while she wants, and wants very badly to whip the crap out of him, actually doing so would sabotage the goal of hauling him before the judge.

Author:  Ms Objection [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

In my opinion, Franziska is the greatest surprise in AAI. Case 4 proved me that Edgeworth and Franny were really like brother and sister. Their relationship when they were younger was so cute...

Spoiler: AAI - Case 4
One of the tenderest moments of the game was when they examined the swiss rolls sold in the vending machine. Edgeworth suggested to share a package of them with her, but she refused because she didn't want to divide anything with him. So competitive, but so cute.

I would like to see Franziska as a playable character facing Phoenix Wright in a kind of classic Ace Attorney game (I mean, with trials). Franziska would be in her mid-twenties and Wright would be a lawyer again. The defendant would be innocent but somehow, at the end, the final verdict would rely on her shoulders. Two possible endings: being von Karma's daughter or being Miles Edgeworth's big sister.

Author:  Icarus [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

I guess I didn't remember the stuff about Franny being frightened and "pathetic" in 2-4, but the fact that she felt terrified and was still planning to crawl into the courtroom and beat Phoenix Wright's ass almost makes her even more badass.

Firefury Amahira wrote:
Spoiler: AAI-5 Spoilers
My sister and I got into a pretty heated debate as to why she didn't whip Alba at all though. My sis thought it was out of character. I think it comes down to Franziska tends to bully people, and the whip is her favorite tool to do so. Most of the characters we've seen let her get away with it. When confronted by characters that she knows won't take it, someone else gets hit instead. Alba is a slimy enough bastard that had she hit him, he would have turned that to his advantage, blown it up into a proper international incident, and drawn the spotlight off of him in favor of 'OMG TEH INTERPOL IS CORRUPT AND VIOLENT!' He's not the sort to be cowed or bullied by someone like Franziska, and she is clearly smart enough (and now I think mature enough) to realize that while she wants, and wants very badly to whip the crap out of him, actually doing so would sabotage the goal of hauling him before the judge.

Spoiler: AAI-5 Postgame
It is stated that while Edgeworth is prosecuting the case in the States, Franziska is prosecuting the Quercus Alba case in Cohdohpia (sp?) and implies that she plans to whip the ever-loving shit out of the guy, so good for her.

Author:  Firefury Amahira [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Icarus wrote:
Spoiler: AAI-5 Postgame
It is stated that while Edgeworth is prosecuting the case in the States, Franziska is prosecuting the Quercus Alba case in Cohdohpia (sp?) and implies that she plans to whip the ever-loving shit out of the guy, so good for her.

Oh hell yes. I wish we could have seen it! :ka-whip: She's got to make up for lost time, after all! :franny:

Author:  Indochine Ramera [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Ms Objection wrote:
In my opinion, Franziska is the greatest surprise in AAI. Case 4 proved me that Edgeworth and Franny were really like brother and sister. Their relationship when they were younger was so cute...

Spoiler: AAI - Case 4
One of the tenderest moments of the game was when they examined the swiss rolls sold in the vending machine. Edgeworth suggested to share a package of them with her, but she refused because she didn't want to divide anything with him. So competitive, but so cute.

Case 4 is my favorite case and I love this moment. That's why I'd love to have more cases like case 4. Edgeworth is handsome and funny AND great, and Fran is sooooooo cute!

Spoiler: Case 4
When Edgeworth see her for the first time in the case and after Manfred's departure, Fran says: "Miles Edgeworth, we're going to compete to see who is perfect" or something and Miles: "Would it kill you to at least say hello?"

Author:  Midnight Jasper [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Indochine Ramera wrote:

Spoiler: Case 4
When Edgeworth see her for the first time in the case and after Manfred's departure, Fran says: "Miles Edgeworth, we're going to compete to see who is perfect" or something and Miles: "Would it kill you to at least say hello?"

Oh yes, and then she's like
:whip: .....! ...Long time no see.
:edgeworth: Very good.

Awwwww... I love the thought of Edgeworth teaching Franziska to be a normal human being :3
That case was just filled with loveliness. I especially love the one where you talk to the guard and he says that Franzy seems to him like the younger sibling of a dysfunctional relationship, and she replies "I'm not the younger one! He is!" Looks like Edgeworth's only fooling himself...
We need a young Franzy smiley.
Also, no spoiler tags required, it's in the thread title =D

Author:  Satoshi [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Midnight Jasper wrote:
We need a young Franzy smiley.

Awww yes. ♥♥♥ But I'd probably die of her cuteness overdose. xDD Anyway little Franzy looks like she needs a hug and a swiss roll as a present in 4th case. :3

Author:  Auraion [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Satoshi wrote:
Midnight Jasper wrote:
We need a young Franzy smiley.

Awww yes. ♥♥♥ But I'd probably die of her cuteness overdose. xDD Anyway little Franzy looks like she needs a hug and a swiss roll as a present in 4th case. :3

I will make one once i get my laptop back I promise.

Author:  Cohdopia Over All [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Firefury Amahira wrote:
So I kinda think that's her way of distinguishing herself from her father's legacy, and a way to 'beat' Edgeworth by making a career out of taking on these difficult, complicated international cases that neither her father or her 'little brother' have done before.

Ah that would be an interesting career path for Franny to take, handling international cases and such. Perhaps in the future, von Karma/Lang will be a prosecutor+detective tag-team like Edgeworth/Gumshoe and Gavin/Skye already are.

Author:  moonfall [ Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Cohdopia Over All wrote:
Firefury Amahira wrote:
So I kinda think that's her way of distinguishing herself from her father's legacy, and a way to 'beat' Edgeworth by making a career out of taking on these difficult, complicated international cases that neither her father or her 'little brother' have done before.

Ah that would be an interesting career path for Franny to take, handling international cases and such. Perhaps in the future, von Karma/Lang will be a prosecutor+detective tag-team like Edgeworth/Gumshoe and Gavin/Skye already are.

I almost want her to abandon prosecuting in favor of investigating. Interpol!Franziska is more likable than prosecutor!Franziska, though that may be because she's matured some. It would also be a way for her to get out of her father and "brother's" shadow.

Author:  Firefury Amahira [ Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

moonfall wrote:
I almost want her to abandon prosecuting in favor of investigating. Interpol!Franziska is more likable than prosecutor!Franziska, though that may be because she's matured some. It would also be a way for her to get out of her father and "brother's" shadow.

Well, I can't see her giving up prosecuting, but I imagine prosecuting at the international level is probably a whole new ball game compared to the stuff we've all seen before. A blend of law, diplomacy, and politics. Of course, for all she talks about perfection and being perfect, she's awfully vague about it. There's more than one route to "perfection," and at this point I rather doubt the perfection she seeks is the perfection her father prized; at least not anymore. I can see her pursuing a perfection of accuracy though- chasing down the perfect truth in any case she's given.

And I'm really, really hoping we get an "Ace Attorney Investigations: Franziska von Karma" in the future. :franny:

Author:  Home32 [ Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Only thing I didn't like about Franny was her lips in the sprites... I don't know why this bugs me so much, but their like 5 pixels bigger than in the original games. >.<;

Author:  oddy [ Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Home32 wrote:
Only thing I didn't like about Franny was her lips in the sprites... I don't know why this bugs me so much, but their like 5 pixels bigger than in the original games. >.<;

I agree to that to. But some sprites were fine thought.

Author:  Indochine Ramera [ Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

moonfall wrote:
Cohdopia Over All wrote:
Firefury Amahira wrote:
So I kinda think that's her way of distinguishing herself from her father's legacy, and a way to 'beat' Edgeworth by making a career out of taking on these difficult, complicated international cases that neither her father or her 'little brother' have done before.

Ah that would be an interesting career path for Franny to take, handling international cases and such. Perhaps in the future, von Karma/Lang will be a prosecutor+detective tag-team like Edgeworth/Gumshoe and Gavin/Skye already are.

I almost want her to abandon prosecuting in favor of investigating. Interpol!Franziska is more likable than prosecutor!Franziska, though that may be because she's matured some. It would also be a way for her to get out of her father and "brother's" shadow.

Yes but I don't think that will happen. Because she said that even if people always hear "Manfred" under the name von Karma, she actually likes prosecuting, she likes the laws and the justice. I don't think she would change her carrier, because she's able to send criminals in prison, and I think she's like Edgeworth on this point. She doesn't like criminals.

Author:  Auraion [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Satoshi wrote:
Midnight Jasper wrote:
We need a young Franzy smiley.

Awww yes. ♥♥♥

Is this good?

Author:  OnyxAlchemyst [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Auraion wrote:
Satoshi wrote:
Midnight Jasper wrote:
We need a young Franzy smiley.

Awww yes. ♥♥♥

Is this good?

Squee! >w< *totally unmanly reaction, but so worth it*

Author:  Auraion [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

OnyxAlchemyst wrote:
Squee! >w< *totally unmanly reaction, but so worth it*

lol animated *squee*

Author:  Firefury Amahira [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Auraion wrote:
OnyxAlchemyst wrote:
Squee! >w< *totally unmanly reaction, but so worth it*

lol animated *squee*

I quite shamelessly second that *squee*!

Author:  Icarus [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Auraion wrote:
OnyxAlchemyst wrote:
Squee! >w< *totally unmanly reaction, but so worth it*

lol animated *squee*

This one's even better.

*chuckles approvingly in a manly fashion*

Author:  OnyxAlchemyst [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Dangit! Where's the swill rolls? >.<

Author:  Home32 [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

OnyxAlchemyst wrote:
Dangit! Where's the swill rolls? >.<

You got six bucks on you...?
Yeah, me neither. :sadshoe:

Author:  Dylia [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

I think she was on her period this entire game.

She has NEVER been this pissed off.
Spoiler: AAI
Well, except for 7 years ago. BALL POINT PENS FTW

Author:  Firefury Amahira [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Dylia wrote:
I think she was on her period this entire game.

She has NEVER been this pissed off.
Spoiler: AAI
Well, except for 7 years ago. BALL POINT PENS FTW

Well, given the entire game pretty much spans 3 days, that's entirely possible, y'know.
Spoiler: Case 4
Not to mention she was like, 12 or 13 in the flashback case, so she could have been an early bloomer, if y'know what I mean. Otherwise, we can still blame it on the fact she was still a kid on the brink of puberty.

*cackles and watches everybody else get uncomfortable with the subject?* :franny:

Author:  DefenceLawyer [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Firefury Amahira wrote:
Dylia wrote:
I think she was on her period this entire game.

She has NEVER been this pissed off.
Spoiler: AAI
Well, except for 7 years ago. BALL POINT PENS FTW

Well, given the entire game pretty much spans 3 days, that's entirely possible, y'know.
Spoiler: Case 4
Not to mention she was like, 12 or 13 in the flashback case, so she could have been an early bloomer, if y'know what I mean. Otherwise, we can still blame it on the fact she was still a kid on the brink of puberty.

*cackles and watches everybody else get uncomfortable with the subject?* :franny:

*looks sideways awkwardly*


How did this conversation start again?

Author:  Firefury Amahira [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

DefenceLawyer wrote:
*looks sideways awkwardly*


How did this conversation start again?

Because Dylia postulated the theory that Franziska's generally angry demeanor could be attributed to hormonal changes common to the female menstrual cycle and often mistakenly given the diagnosis of "PMS." :no-no:

And I, being female and thus unperturbed by such a routine issue of female anatomy, pounced on the opportunity to make other people uncomfortable by pointing out that said theory could in fact be plausible. :franny:
I'm such a dork. XD

Author:  Jean Descole [ Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*




What's to be uncomfortable about?

It's perfectly possible Franziska was 'ginerbleeding during or after AAI. Or, she could just have been under additional stress, considering her involvement with Interpol.

Author:  Firefury Amahira [ Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

It could be both! PMS and stress from the smuggling ring case!

Author:  moonfall [ Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

OnyxAlchemyst wrote:
Dangit! Where's the swill rolls? >.<

I hope you mean "swiss" rolls. Swill rolls don't sound very good at all.

Edit: PMS is also a plausible explanation for craving swiss rolls (or any other chocolate). It's fairly normal for a girl to be menstruating by age 13, btw.

Author:  Icarus [ Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Boy, I sure am glad I've got a thread here in which to talk about bleeding vaginas! Let's keep this high-quality discussion goin', fellas!

And I didn't think Franziska seemed any more angry or cranky than normal.

Author:  mdquak [ Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Franziska in AAI *Full game spoilers*

Conclusion: Franziska needs to get laid take some physical mental therapy sessions. :hotti:

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