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The relationships between the characters...Topic%20Title
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...This is gonna be one of the most interesting aspects of the game. Because this is the most frequently screwed over aspect of cross-overs: Builiding up believable relationships between the characters from different universes.

The usual clichee is "Hey, I have an awesome power. Hey, you have an awesome power too! I never met you, but let's kick some evil butts together!!"

However, this game's plot, from what we know yet, seems to be a lot more well done. (which was to be exspected, seeing as Takumi-san is writting)

It looks like there was a initial rivalry between Layton and Phoenix, with Layton apparently being somewhat biased against Lawyers (Understandable, seeing how he grew up in England, which is known for... ehh... nasty... attorneys...) and Phoenix just snapping back into his "I don't like prosecuting snobs who think they are so much smarter than me"-attitude. (Also understandable, since he had to watch his best friend turn into this kind of guy once.)

Despite this set up having clichee-potential as well, it appears to be quite well done from what we've seen in the trailers yet. At very least, there appears to be some actual, you know, drive and development and plot, instead of it just being fanservice after fanservice.

Then, we have Luke and Maya. I think making the two of them "Instant Friends, just add water" is a good move, considering what we know of Maya's opinion towards little kids. I wouldn't be surprised if she started calling Luke "Lukie" somewhere along the way and, let's be honest, Luke is REALLY cute... once you got used to his voice... eheh... Also, Luke has enough in common with Maya for the two to make a good team for the time being, at least while their older friends are still busy headbutting each other.

OK, I've said anough of my opinion on the topic yet!

Now it's your turn: Phoenix VS Layton, Maya Teaming Up With Luke, Overall relationship of both groups.

Discuss and feel free to squee in case you have rivalry-fetishes or just find Maya holding Luke by the shoulders "AWWWWW"-worthy. :godot:

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~*Deux Ames Un Coeur*~

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I love that Layton and Phoenix seem pretty skeptical of each other. I mean, it just makes sense, for all the reasons you've pointed out. And I don't have any worries for the same reason: Takumi's the scenario writer.

As for Maya and Luke, instant buddies FTW. Besides Maya and little kids, they both have absolutely ridiculous appetites--which was actually the first thing I thought of when I saw that they were together. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the two of them that sort of starting the "bridging" of the relationship between Layton and Phoenix.

Tangentially, just how old is Layton? I'm guessing early 30s during Unwound Future...and if this game, based on what Luke's wearing, is supposed to take place during the prequel trilogy, then I'd say Layton is about Mia's age (assuming Phoenix is 26 [ie, around T&T]) And what about Luke (I'm going with the default age of 8 XD)? ...I know I'm thinking too hard about this considering the dubious canonicity of this game--but the prospect of Layton being Mia-age (had she lived) intrigues me for some unknown reason.
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The Ace Attorney's Magical Daughter

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NinjAngel wrote:

Tangentially, just how old is Layton? I'm guessing early 30s during Unwound Future...and if this game, based on what Luke's wearing, is supposed to take place during the prequel trilogy, then I'd say Layton is about Mia's age (assuming Phoenix is 26 [ie, around T&T]) And what about Luke (I'm going with the default age of 8 XD)? ...I know I'm thinking too hard about this considering the dubious canonicity of this game--but the prospect of Layton being Mia-age (had she lived) intrigues me for some unknown reason.

That's a good point, actually.

Personally, I still think it's possible for Mia to make an appearance. I mean, ghosts transcendend time and space, right?

It would be awesome to see her reaction of Phoenix' behaviour towards Layton and visa versa and also to heard what the Professor thinks of such a charming, well educated Lady. (with such a charming figure... XD)

I imagine Maya being lost some way or another (maybe falling of a convenient cliff or something) and everybody thinks she dead and then, all of a sudden during the next day of trial, a robbed woman in the audience shouts :mia-maya: "OBJECTION!" and we have our INSTANT CAMEO FOR THE WIN plus a "Wheew, Maya must be alive!" moment...

But that's just me, I guess... XD

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~*Deux Ames Un Coeur*~

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Neni wrote:
NinjAngel wrote:

Tangentially, just how old is Layton? I'm guessing early 30s during Unwound Future...and if this game, based on what Luke's wearing, is supposed to take place during the prequel trilogy, then I'd say Layton is about Mia's age (assuming Phoenix is 26 [ie, around T&T]) And what about Luke (I'm going with the default age of 8 XD)? ...I know I'm thinking too hard about this considering the dubious canonicity of this game--but the prospect of Layton being Mia-age (had she lived) intrigues me for some unknown reason.

That's a good point, actually.

Personally, I still think it's possible for Mia to make an appearance. I mean, ghosts transcendend time and space, right?

It would be awesome to see her reaction of Phoenix' behaviour towards Layton and visa versa and also to heard what the Professor thinks of such a charming, well educated Lady. (with such a charming figure... XD)

I imagine Maya being lost some way or another (maybe falling of a convenient cliff or something) and everybody thinks she dead and then, all of a sudden during the next day of trial, a robbed woman in the audience shouts :mia-maya: "OBJECTION!" and we have our INSTANT CAMEO FOR THE WIN plus a "Wheew, Maya must be alive!" moment...

But that's just me, I guess... XD

I wouldn't mind a Mia appearance at all. But actually, considering that the Layton series--while it has some fantastical moments--isn't necessarily full of the same "fantastical" as Ace Attorney (I don't know what happens in Spectre's Flute, and the whole ending to Eternal Diva made me go "WTF is this," but yeah), I'd LOVE to see Layton try the magatama. It'll probably never happen, but a girl can dream. If they do take the spirit-medium-channeling-ghosts thing into this game, it'll be interesting to see how Layton reacts to it. It's not like he can logic is way to a normal conclusion, in this case. I mean, considering the series involves "witch trials," it really would be a waste not to do even just a little something with the Fey family.

And actually, the more I think about it, the more I think Layton might actually be older the Mia, depending on when exactly he got that teaching job.
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Professor Layton is 37 in Curious Village and 34 in the prequel series. Older than you think, dontchaknow.

I REALLY want to see Layton and Edgeworth interacting, as unlikely as it is. Even just one little swordfight. Or something.

I actually want to know how Layton would react to someone like Maya. On one hand, he's quite protective and get-back-in-the-kitchen adopted daughter towards Flora. But Maya is a little closer to Remi (although still too young).

I can see Luke thinking Phoenix is Don Paolo in yet another disguise and trying to rip off his face XDD
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Midnight Jasper wrote:

I can see Luke thinking Phoenix is Don Paolo in yet another disguise and trying to rip off his face XDD

Face? I'm thinking of something different...



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~*Deux Ames Un Coeur*~

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Midnight Jasper wrote:
Professor Layton is 37 in Curious Village and 34 in the prequel series. Older than you think, dontchaknow.

I REALLY want to see Layton and Edgeworth interacting, as unlikely as it is. Even just one little swordfight. Or something.

I actually want to know how Layton would react to someone like Maya. On one hand, he's quite protective and get-back-in-the-kitchen adopted daughter towards Flora. But Maya is a little closer to Remi (although still too young).

Whoa. Where did those ages come from? I've been wondering how old Layton and Luke are for ages.

Also, I never thought about Layton and Maya interactions. He is pretty protective of Flora, but that's because she's just so naive. I don't know much about Remi (except for the little I saw of her in Eternal Diva), but I wouldn't be surprised if Maya would inspire this weird combination from Layton--she tends to attract trouble (understatement, yes?), but she's less naive/insecure than Flora and so may be able to deal with it better.

Neni wrote:
Midnight Jasper wrote:

I can see Luke thinking Phoenix is Don Paolo in yet another disguise and trying to rip off his face XDD

Face? I'm thinking of something different...



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Re: The relationships between the characters...Topic%20Title
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Neni wrote:
Personally, I still think it's possible for Mia to make an appearance. I mean, ghosts transcendend time and space, right?

It would be awesome to see her reaction of Phoenix' behaviour towards Layton and visa versa and also to heard what the Professor thinks of such a charming, well educated Lady. (with such a charming figure... XD)

I imagine Maya being lost some way or another (maybe falling of a convenient cliff or something) and everybody thinks she dead and then, all of a sudden during the next day of trial, a robbed woman in the audience shouts :mia-maya: "OBJECTION!" and we have our INSTANT CAMEO FOR THE WIN plus a "Wheew, Maya must be alive!" moment...

But that's just me, I guess... XD

I actually hope they keep the cameos to a minimum (as in, non-existent), for the reasons you yourself mentioned in the first post. The best way to sink this game's story and characterization will be to dump in characters from either series for no good reason. They'll have plenty to work with using just Layton, Luke, Phoenix, and Maya.

Speaking of which, there's a line from Layton in the trailer that interests me. It doesn't read quite like this in some translations, but in the one I'm looking at, he says:

"Luke, my boy, the law does not always do the right thing."

Is he referring to his own role in prosecuting the girl, or is he referring to Phoenix defending her? Either way, I'm looking forward to another installment of the "Phoenix Wright Wax Philosophical Power Hour," as they fling conceptions of law, justice, etc. at each other.

Also, we've touched on Layton and Maya's potential relationship, but what about that between Luke and Phoenix? If Layton cautions Luke against Phoenix in any way, it will be interesting to see Luke's own impressions of Phoenix possibly conflict with the advice of his very own mentor. This may not even happen, of course, but it certainly would be interesting.

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Aka Miss Fortune / Sir Prize

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I'd love to see how Maya reacts to Luke, considering that he's rather smart (Thanks to layton) at quite a young age. She's be pretty impressed, methinks.
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Yes, too many pointless cameos do quickly ruin a game, that's right, on the other hand, however, just ignoring each games canon forcefully, in order to avoid cameos and mentions with all might is just as bad in my opinion, because it removes a game from its series' flow. (This was, saddly, BOTH the case with AAI. Not only did they have tons of unfunny cameos for no reason whatsoever, they also forcefully avoided mentioning Phoenix' by name to a painful extend.)

Darth GW7 wrote:
I'd love to see how Maya reacts to Luke, considering that he's rather smart (Thanks to layton) at quite a young age. She's be pretty impressed, methinks.

She grew up with Pearly-GIRL-WONDER-(In-All-Things-Not-Related-to-Kanji/Letters)-OF-KURAIN. Chances are that she merely declares him "CU~TE!" because she's used to bright kids like him.

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shadowofedgeworth wrote:
Speaking of which, there's a line from Layton in the trailer that interests me. It doesn't read quite like this in some translations, but in the one I'm looking at, he says:

"Luke, my boy, the law does not always do the right thing."

Is he referring to his own role in prosecuting the girl, or is he referring to Phoenix defending her? Either way, I'm looking forward to another installment of the "Phoenix Wright Wax Philosophical Power Hour," as they fling conceptions of law, justice, etc. at each other.

Also, we've touched on Layton and Maya's potential relationship, but what about that between Luke and Phoenix? If Layton cautions Luke against Phoenix in any way, it will be interesting to see Luke's own impressions of Phoenix possibly conflict with the advice of his very own mentor. This may not even happen, of course, but it certainly would be interesting.

1) I loved that line. I've seen it translated many different ways, though, but the ones I liked the best (bias, lawl) are the ones that had this same sentiment in mind. I never thought about it referring to Layton himself, though, considering the context of the trailer makes it seem more likely he's referring to Phoenix (to me, anyway).

2) All these interactions are just going to be awesome. Again, never really thought about Luke and Phoenix, though I did see a cute picture of Layton carrying Maya, and Phoenix hoisting Luke on his shoulders.

Also, I'm of the mindset that the beginning of the trailer is actually towards the end of the game. I think they're probably working together by that point. But that's just me and my possible bias.

There is so much potential for this game...I hope our speculation doesn't ruin the actual product. :yogi:
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Since we're talking about the possible relationships between the characters, I thought I might as well share this. There's not really any point to it, but it's currently the only Ace Attorney/Layton crossover fic on The fact that it focuses on them like this just seemed uncanny to me.

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Nick and Layton - rivals at first, will probably fight together later.
Maya and Layton - Urrr... no idea?
Luke and Maya - something tells me they'd get along pretty well. And that's something I'd like to see!
Nick and Luke - no idea. Phoenix doesn't seem too fond of children. Maybe Luke will tease him.
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NinjAngel wrote:
Whoa. Where did those ages come from? I've been wondering how old Layton and Luke are for ages.

In the fourth game Remi blurts out that Layton is 34. I haven't played it myself, but I know people who have, so...

I'm pretty sure I've heard somewhere that Luke is 10 in Curious Village and 7 in Specter's Flute... maybe from Eternal Diva? You know when Luke gives a little introduction (along with the adorable "I can talk to animals :3")?

Speaking of which, there's a line from Layton in the trailer that interests me. It doesn't read quite like this in some translations, but in the one I'm looking at, he says:

"Luke, my boy, the law does not always do the right thing."

Is he referring to his own role in prosecuting the girl, or is he referring to Phoenix defending her? Either way, I'm looking forward to another installment of the "Phoenix Wright Wax Philosophical Power Hour," as they fling conceptions of law, justice, etc. at each other.

As has been said, in other translations it's more like "Just because he fights for the law, doesn't mean he can be trusted." I think it's meant to emphasize their rivalry. Which is a bit strange, because I can't really see Layton intentionally being a rival against anyone unless they insult him or his adopted children (or his beloved Claire <3) I'm willing to bet there's a misunderstanding when they first meet, in a sort of Crash Into Hello style.

Luke and Pearl. Now there's an adorable toy ship. (Not that it's likely that Pearl will come into this game...)
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I would like to note something before I sat anything: PW vs. Layton happens in a different, non- canon universe. So anything canon from either series will probably be flying right out the window.

Phoenix seems to have a general dislike of kids, so he probably wouldn't like luke. However, luke is actually slightly smarter than phoenix in opinion, so I would expect luke to tease him quite a bit.

Also, I can easily see Layton pulling one of his famous "oh yes, I knew this insane plot from the very beginning" And Phoenix starting to shout at him like all we people who are playing the game always want to.
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Marche Tobaye wrote:
Phoenix doesn't seem too fond of children.

Zxblaze wrote:
Phoenix seems to have a general dislike of kids

Where is this idea coming from? The only time I can think of where this seems to be so is case 1-3, and Cody Hackins is pretty bratty. Someone want to fill me in?

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shadowofedgeworth wrote:
Marche Tobaye wrote:
Phoenix doesn't seem too fond of children.

Zxblaze wrote:
Phoenix seems to have a general dislike of kids

Where is this idea coming from? The only time I can think of where this seems to be so is case 1-3, and Cody Hackins is pretty bratty. Someone want to fill me in?

Yes, Cody Hackins is the only kid he dislikes. He found Pearly incredibly adorable and was UPSET when she ran away upon seeing him, and he ADPOTED Trucy at the spot despite just having lost his job. (Though that might have something to do with the fact that she was home- and parent-less)

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I can imagine Luke being scared of Phoenix' hair at first.
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Neni wrote:
shadowofedgeworth wrote:
Marche Tobaye wrote:
Phoenix doesn't seem too fond of children.

Zxblaze wrote:
Phoenix seems to have a general dislike of kids

Where is this idea coming from? The only time I can think of where this seems to be so is case 1-3, and Cody Hackins is pretty bratty. Someone want to fill me in?

Yes, Cody Hackins is the only kid he dislikes. He found Pearly incredibly adorable and was UPSET when she ran away upon seeing him, and he ADPOTED Trucy at the spot despite just having lost his job. (Though that might have something to do with the fact that she was home- and parent-less)

I don't know, even if Phoenix loves kids (and I think somewhere he mentions the fact that he dislikes them) he clearly doesn't do too well around them. Pearl is something of a special case, but she only trusts him properly once she learns he's Mystic Maya's "special someone". Later on, he's terrible at comforting her and gets absolutely steamrolled by Trucy. At least he does better than Gumshoe XD
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Midnight Jasper wrote:
NinjAngel wrote:
Whoa. Where did those ages come from? I've been wondering how old Layton and Luke are for ages.

In the fourth game Remi blurts out that Layton is 34. I haven't played it myself, but I know people who have, so...

I'm pretty sure I've heard somewhere that Luke is 10 in Curious Village and 7 in Specter's Flute... maybe from Eternal Diva? You know when Luke gives a little introduction (along with the adorable "I can talk to animals :3")?

Speaking of which, there's a line from Layton in the trailer that interests me. It doesn't read quite like this in some translations, but in the one I'm looking at, he says:

"Luke, my boy, the law does not always do the right thing."

Is he referring to his own role in prosecuting the girl, or is he referring to Phoenix defending her? Either way, I'm looking forward to another installment of the "Phoenix Wright Wax Philosophical Power Hour," as they fling conceptions of law, justice, etc. at each other.

As has been said, in other translations it's more like "Just because he fights for the law, doesn't mean he can be trusted." I think it's meant to emphasize their rivalry. Which is a bit strange, because I can't really see Layton intentionally being a rival against anyone unless they insult him or his adopted children (or his beloved Claire <3) I'm willing to bet there's a misunderstanding when they first meet, in a sort of Crash Into Hello style.

Luke and Pearl. Now there's an adorable toy ship. (Not that it's likely that Pearl will come into this game...)

Thank you soo much for those ages I had a hell of a time looking for them.

I think the lack of trust for the law came from when
Claires accident
nothing was done about and no one cared about it. So I can understand Layton's distrust.

shadowofedgeworth wrote:
Since we're talking about the possible relationships between the characters, I thought I might as well share this. There's not really any point to it, but it's currently the only Ace Attorney/Layton crossover fic on The fact that it focuses on them like this just seemed uncanny to me.

I know I read that one too then 2 days later I see this...Hrmmm maybe they know something we don't?

Neni wrote:
Midnight Jasper wrote:

I can see Luke thinking Phoenix is Don Paolo in yet another disguise and trying to rip off his face XDD

Face? I'm thinking of something different...



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I dont think it's that Phoenix dislikes kids, just that he's not good with them. He likes Pearl immediately and thinks she's adorable when he meets her, but he scares her off. XD

With Cody, well, Cody was a bit of a brat and Nick just couldn't deal.

Even when Nick first gets Trucy, he likes her but he doesn't seem to know what to DO with her.

I'm sure Nick likes kids, he's just not good with them, and his lacking skills with kids can lead to frustration which is misinterpreted as a dislike of kids.
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I don't know if Layton is biased towards lawyers in general, and I don't really see Layton disliking anyone (he's too much of a gentleman), but I think he initially doesn't like/trust Phoenix because he's defending someone who he thinks is guilty. I'm guessing the puzzles he solves lead to the conclusion that the girl is guilty. But as they investigate, he finds there are contradictions (that Phoenix is going to point out) in the puzzles?

Layton's line in the trailer intrigues me as well. I don't know enough Japanese to fully understand its meaning. But I get the gist that he's saying something like "one who protects the law isn't always right" , which goes with the next scene where Phoenix voices his dislike of the silk-hatted guy.

Phoenix's initial dislike of Layton is easy to justify, since Layton is accusing someone who Phoenix thinks is innocent.

What interests me is how they initiated the investigation and to work together. Generally Prosecution and Defense don't investigate together... Did Phoenix say "there are contradictions in your logic", and Layton, being curious and confident in his own deduction skills, say to Phoenix "yeah? show me" (but in a politer way XD)

As for Maya and Luke, they're totally BFFs! I can imagine Maya adopting Luke as a younger brother and corrupting him and showing him Steel Samurai stuff and burgers all enthusiastically, while Luke is hesitant and kinda scared of her, but because Layton told him that a true gentleman is polite to ladies, goes along with Maya's schemes politely. Okay, maybe not the Steel Samurai part, but Maya does seem to like kids, and will probably help Luke investigate (and be impressed by Luke's puzzle-solving skills, and Luke would puff up his chest and be all proud at her amazed reaction XD)

As for Layton and Maya.. tbh, I don't think there will be all that much interaction between them, or between Phoenix and Luke. Since Layton games don't usually have the kind of humour PW games do, I don't know how much comic relief there will be (at the expense of Phoenix). But if there was, Luke will probably be the one to execute the comedy, while Layton reminds him to be a gentleman and be polite.

Layton will probably be nice and civil to Maya, since she's a lady and all, but other than that, I don't see much interaction. Maybe if Maya channels to help the case, Layton might have some lines towards her.
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I'm in agreement with Luke and Maya being best buddies theory.
Layton would be a perfect gentleman to Maya, of course.
Phoenix would probably make Luke mad by treating him like a little kid.
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NinjAngel wrote:
Midnight Jasper wrote:
Professor Layton is 37 in Curious Village and 34 in the prequel series. Older than you think, dontchaknow.

Whoa. Where did those ages come from? I've been wondering how old Layton and Luke are for ages.

As someone else said, his younger age explicitly stated at some point in Specter's Flute. I don't know if 37 is ever directly given, but it's implied twice over- once, apparently, the person who voices Layton claimed he voiced him to be 37. Slightly more concrete: (UF Spoilers)

Just over ten years before Unwound Future takes place, Layton is about to become a professor, which is why Claire gave him his hat. His profile states that he became a professor at 27. Transitive property dictates, then, that he's probably 37. That said, there was a probably small period of time between Claire's reappearance and the incident with the Prime Minister, so it's not out of the question he turned 38. But that's probably just looking too far into things.

Anyhow, yeah. Maya and Luke are going to be so dawwww, I can already tell. <3
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If it wasn't a complete alternate universe. I'd be thinking Maya would make Luke a Steel Samurai fan by the end of the game, or at least I thought at first the two would argue over some trivial thing like Maya did with Cody for instance.

Somehow I want to believe this crossover happens though because one day while cleaning his toilet Phoenix got sucked into his toilet as well as Maya when she tried to pull him out a la something straight out of super mario bros. XD

But anyways back to the topic. It's obvious Layton and Phoenix will butt heads but I hope that maybe both of them switch playing styles for a while. So for instance Layton has AA gameplay while Phoenix has PL gameplay. Not permanently but it'd be nice if they did it for a chapter or two, but I feel it obvious that by the end the two of them will have grown respect for the other. We'll probably see the whole cliche shaking of hands and walking off into the sunset conclusion we see in most other crossover type series. As for Layton himself I'm hoping he is far more powerful a prosecutor than any of Phoenix's rivals had been. It wouldn't be amazing if Layton was just another Edgey or Godot.

But even so I haven't been this excited for a battle of intellects since Detective Conan vs Lupin III.
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So, We've had some new information about the game, where do we stand now?
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That wasn't an objection, honest! I was just pointing someone to the bus stop!
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I'm going to assume that a lot of stuff from the first trailer can be discounted - Layton and Phoenix clearly aren't rivals anymore, and Luke has switched to his older form. So from the newest trailer...
Yes this is all unnecessary: I'm just bored

Seems a lot like instant friendship. Both assistants doing their signature animation at the same time is just too cute for words <3

Awww. Looks like both Maya and Phoenix are adopting Luke as another Pearl. And those textboxes obscure Luke's face... a lot.

Grasping a little here, but is Phoenix getting influenced by Layton's animations? :P
It could just be his 'thinking' sprite, but still...
I'm just waiting for him to turn around and solve the puzzle point out the murderer :D
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I am sure, after some kind of bumpy start (I'm going for Neni's hair attack), that Nick would get along with Luke. Luke is just... get-along-able.
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Nick and Hershey: Mutual respect, though maybe a bit of distrust at first

Nick and Luke: I really want to see
Neni wrote:

Maya and Luke: Like everyone else, Instant friends! But Luke will be a bit more hesitant, maybe Maya will help him become stronger as a person? I also feel like these two will have the (Inevitable) "Ladder vs Step Ladder" debate!

Maya and Hershey:
Spoiler: "Unwound future Spoilers"
I feel that Hershel might mention something about Claire, and her death, this might sadden him and, with the intent of cheering him up, Maya might try to channel Claire.

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So, we have new information about the game (again). Where do we stand now?
(because this thread is way to awesome to let lie)
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That wasn't an objection, honest! I was just pointing someone to the bus stop!
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I'm not sure how Maya and Hershel will interact and have similarities. They are so different from each other. i feel it won't be the natural friendship Maya and Phoenix have for some reason.
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beterbomen wrote:
So, we have new information about the game (again). Where do we stand now?
(because this thread is way to awesome to let lie)

Of what I've seen from various clips of the game, the trailers lie again. (Given that the first PV was released before the game was anywhere close to finished, I'm not surprised that they changed a few things.) Our main characters meet in a very genial (and a bit awkward) manner. I remember Bolt mentioning that they do at some point battle it out in court, so the conflict isn't completely out of bounds, but most of the game, they're working together. And as with any Ace Attorney game, there are multiple cases that tie into one another, so they aren't together only for one case.

But I haven't played it myself yet, so I'm left speculating on how that conflict builds.
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OBJECTION! That's a clear contradiction!

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I remember reading somewhere (I forgot where) that the trailer from 2010 has been discontinued by either Level - 5 or Capcom. I also think I read that it was made just as the two companies sealed the deal so right when initial production began. On the topic of relationships, all I have seen is the prologue of the game and it looks like Layton and Luke share the same relationship as always and Maya and Phoenix share the same relationship as always. However, I still want to know how the Professor and Phoenix go from rivals to working together in the end. I also think the relationship between Maya and Luke will be really cute. So here's what I think about the relationships:
Professor Layton/Phoenix: Rivals but work together sometimes
Maya/Luke: Instant friends that watch their older friends but heads
Professor Layton/Maya: Layton is sort of a "protective father figure" to a certain degree like his relationship with Flora
Phoenix/Luke: Phoenix is at the mercy of Maya and is forced to be nice to Luke after they meet
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