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Doctor Who RP: The Darkness Within
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Author:  Dimbo [ Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Doctor Who RP: The Darkness Within

This is the signup thread for the Doctor Who RP (viewtopic.php?f=24&t=21003)

Time-Lords ARE allowed (But give a good backstory)
If someone wants to be The Doctor, fill out a special Skeleton Profile.
You are allowed to create a new race or be a existing one, except villains (Cybermen, Daleks...)
Timelords can have their own TARDIS, so (if you want.) make a description of what it looks like.

Skeleton Profile:
Weapons: (Sonic Technology IS allowed even if you aren't a Timelord):
Backstory: (Not really a problem unless you are a Timelord.):
TARDIS: (If Timelord)

The Doctor's Skeleton profile:


Author:  FVKWY [ Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doctor Who RP: The Darkness Within

Name: Pandora Hel
Race: Yatagarasu (Three-legged crow. See Wikipedia for more details besides the AAI stuff.)
Appearance: Although she is a Yatagarasu, Pandora somehow is lacking her third leg. She has two large black wings and long black hair. She wears a black and red dress that goes just below her knees. She always wears boots with long and sharp heels. She wears a belt with her swords' sheaths in it.
Personality: Pandora is often considered to be a demon and she is run away from often, but she is actually quite a nice person. She makes friends easily and whenever she has a friend in danger, she will protect them with her life. Pandora draws her sword a lot, though.
Weapons: Two swords. One of fire and one of shadow, though she never clarifies what they do.
Backstory: Pandora once travelled the planet of Olympus and feasted with the Gods, but she began getting bored of it. A portal opened up one day and she ventured into it, then appeared on Earth, travelling it as a demon. She was feared by most, but some were in awe of her. She is just travelling the Earth trying to avoid people.
TARDIS: Her wings. None.

Author:  Dimbo [ Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doctor Who RP: The Darkness Within


Author:  Nadindi [ Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doctor Who RP: The Darkness Within

Ooh, I call the Doctor! ^^

Appearance: Tall, standing at about 6'3 with short black hair and big brown eyes with a ring of grey around the outer edge. He wears jeans, navy blue Vans shoes, a black t-shirt and a dark purple suit jacket.
Personality: With the Doctor's intrinsic need to help people, this incarnation is witty, talkative and can have a tendency to overstep the line in terms of any sort of social propriety.
TARDIS: Externally stuck as the dark blue police box, internally like 11's TARDIS but with a clear glass scheme with silver twisting pillars.

Author:  Reverie [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doctor Who RP: The Darkness Within

Name: The Sentinel

Race: Time Lord

Appearance: 5' 9" Brown hair shaped in such a way that it appears that some form of effort was put into it. Eyes with solid violet irises. Wears a bright, red coat that goes down to his knees with a crisp, white shirt, jeans, Converse All-Stars and a medallion around his neck.

Personality: Kind with a just sense of right and wrong, keen to speak out against that which he disagrees with. On the other hand, the Sentinel can be a deadpan snarker at times. And don't try flying his TARDIS. Srsly.

Weapons: (Sonic Technology IS allowed even if you aren't a Timelord): Sonic Umbrella..?

Backstory: (Not really a problem unless you are a Timelord.): The Sentinel lived a middle-class life in the Citadel on Gallifrey for the first few years of his life as Quelkuest Skesst'chez. He graduated from the Academy top in class the day the Dalek horde breached the Citadel and began to invade. He lost most of his friends and all of his family during the crisis. As such, he fought the invasion for many years until one day, he was given a crucial mission by the High Council. They gave him his own TARDIS to accomplish it and used tremendous amounts of energy to propell him outside of the timelock. Once outside, in the year 2005, the Sentinel began to pilot his TARDIS to the mission destination. It was then that a time-sensitive being located him, asking him for help refuelling his crashed cargo ship. Before long, he had told the Sentinel of the Time War's outcome and the young man was unable to go back to Gallifrey, or to complete his mission. He refused, instead taking the opportunity to follow legends that had sprouted of a dead mythical figure. A man known only as the Doctor.

TARDIS: The Sentinel's TARDIS is a Type 87, Mk V. It's chameleon circuit functions fully, meaning it can blend in with it's surroundings. The interior is glossy black, spacious and has a half-spiral staircase leading up to the platform that houses the main console. Said main console is also glossy black, but the six panels around it are lit up neon blue, with many gadgets and pieces of bric-a-brac surrounding them. The time rotor is made of pure, white energy. Various coloured light orbs hang around the machine, slowly flying around. Staircases lead to different areas of the TARDIS.

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