Court Records

OC Land 3 Revival
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Author:  Anthony [ Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  OC Land 3 Revival

Welcome, one and all, to the central hub for original characters, Origin Trail! All original characters can gather here and get into any number of antics.

There will be a few slight differences from the last place, but nothing major. Anyway, here's the layout:
Spoiler: Uptown
The classy district, with all the rich entrepeneurs and fancy homes. This is where the big houses are, along with:

Origins Mall: The shopping center of Uptown, one of two in Origin Trail. Being supported by huge corporations, this mall is enormous, 2 miles long across with three stories, filled with every store imaginable. A very popular place.

Singularity Plaza: A large meeting place, marked by an enormous fountain in the shape of three question marks. Benches and chess tables abound, along with the occasional oak tree.

Uptown Heights: The Neighborhood of Uptown. This is where all the houses and penthouses are. A few playgrounds dot the cells of housing.

Start Concert Hall: A huge colloseum where concerts are held, ranging from orchestras to rock groups. Remeniscent of other famous halls around the world.

Penny Lane University: The only college in town, partly because noone but the upper crust can afford it. With thousands of scholarships and some connections, it becomes possible. There are many frat houses, and the campus is enormous.

Spoiler: Suburbs
The average, middle class area of OT. Small, suburban homes pepper the landscape along with:

Lennon Park: An acre of leafy expanse that has benches, a jogging track, and a large lake in the middle of the park, with small canals running through.

Starr Complex: The living area of the Suburbs, where average houses stretch out in all directions. Apartments are also sprinkled throughout.

Harrison State Fair: The local theme park. The Suburbs may be a somewhat bland place to live, but holds the advantage of having the only amusement park in the city. It is the home of the Guzzler, the tallest and second fastest spinning tea-cup ride on the Eastern Seaboard.

McCartney Tower: The TV station that powers the entire city. McCartney Industries owns almost every business in OT, so anyone and everyone who has a job probably answers to McCartney Industries.

Peace High: The best school in town. Even Uptown kids attend. The teachers actually teach, there are rules, and the view from the front steps is very nice. Thousands of after-school activities give students plenty of reasons to stay other than to smoke in the locker rooms.

Sword and Crown Cemetery: A graveyard that serves as the dividing line between the suburbs and the slums. Many urban legends revolve around the cemetery, but none of them are true. Or are they...?

Spoiler: Downtown
The Slums of the city. This part of town is rank, filled with trailer parks and petty crime. Some landmarks would be:

Led Balloon Junkyard: This expansive landfill is an aspiring builders' dream. It holds used, broken down car parts and machinery galore, ripe for the creative individual to plunder its amazing heaps of trash.

Queenly Flea Market: The second shopping center of OT, this place is crawling with vendors, mingling hoods, and cheap deals for cheap merchandise. One can find most anything here, albeit with lower quality and a slight smell of whatever happens to be in the air at the time.

Princely Estates: Affectionately called "Slumland" by its inhabitants, this is where Downtowners live. The houses are far from princely, and most of them have wheels.

Shelter High School: Public schooling at its worst. The halls reek, the lockers are obsolete from being broken so many times, and the teachers couldn't give a rip about teaching. One can find peace here, to be sure. Unless you get shanked first.

So, once you are accepted in the OOC thread, feel free to start your adventure...

And well I thought I should bring this one back since the old one died.

Oh and here is the Skeleton
Living Area:

And the rules.
1: No God-Moding
Lets face it, a story isn't much fun if everyone turns out to be Superman. Everyone has weaknesses, and so your characters should too! Also, remember that this is a group activity, and it's not a good idea to try to make the RP totally about your character.

2: A paragraph, please!
This one might be a bit controversial, but stay with me. One sentence posts don't really move the story along, and they're more than a bit bland. And that is why I'm setting the rule to spice things up a little. Remember, the best RP's have depth, and it won't take too much effort to write a paragraph. :D

3: You must create a Signup/OOC Thread
We have a new subforum. Please use it for signups before you start, and once that's done, use the topic for OOC chatter. That not only means the topics can stay clear, but even better than that, there's no restriction on how much you can discuss the RP now.

4: If you have any questions, PM General Luigi.
This one doesn't need much explanation, I think. And now here is a little thing which should explain the rules simply, I hope you like it!

Author:  aznfangirl_ [ Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Revival

Awesome! Count me in! Should I put up a character profile? I agree with most threads being dead. It's great to see new threads coming out especially for a newbie like me.

Author:  Anthony [ Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Revival


Author:  Lida_Rose [ Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Revival

Alright! I'll apply with two OCs of my own. Let's see how this goes!

Name: Mike Doberman
Age: 28
Living Area: Suburbs
Gender: Male
Appearance: Standing at 6 feet tall, Mike is imposing with his muscles and hair that's semi-spiky and makes him look taller. He's pretty tan, and definitely fit. He has brown hair and eyes, and can usually be seen in either his uniform (which consists of a faded blue, collared shirt and dark red tie under a trench coat that is torn on the bottom) and or his work-out clothes (which consists of a white tank-top, gray sweatpants, and a gray hoodie if it's cold). He only ever changes into a suit for the most formal of occasions.
Personality: Mike is very dog-like in that he has very expressive eyes and is very loyal. He mostly jokes around and tells stories, but he's also very good at comforting others. When it comes to talking about himself, however, he seems to have trouble. He doesn't mind giving elaborate gifts to those that are close to him.
Other: He was a homicide detective, but recently lost his job. Now, he's Sandra Castro's assistant.

Name: Sandra Castro
Age: 35
Living Area: Uptown
Gender: Female
Appearance: Sandra is very pale, with curly, black hair and blood-shot green eyes. She wears long sleeves to cover up the burn marks on her forearms, and always carries around a white cane that's actually a cane-sword. She is short for her age and absolutely refuses to wear high-heels. She likes to wear black, and wears a medium-length skirt with a black blouse to keep the appearance of being formal.
Personality: Sandra is extremely intelligent and very blunt. It is very hard to earn her respect, and she is hard to catch off-guard. She hates not knowing things, but she doesn't ask questions and prefers to research in isolation. It is still iffy on whether she'd truly trust someone, even if she respected them. She does not give up and absolutely hates being underestimated. She usually wears a smirk or a glare, and doesn't tend to smile or laugh often.
Other: She is a blind private investigator.

Author:  Anthony [ Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Revival

Name:Anthony Scaccio
Living Area:Suburbs
Appearance:Brown spiky hair with brown eyes, average built body, wears a black jacket with black fingerless gloves, black pants, and black shoes. He bears tattoos on him but are covered and has many scars on his body.
Personality:Forgivable person, somewhat crazy in the head, scatterbrain sometimes, lazy sometimes, short-tempered, and not much of a fighter or a lover.(Meaning he doesn't get into fights nor does he fall in love that easily)
Other:He lives with four wolves known as Flazer, Starrk, Lilynette, and Lang, he tends to invent items like sword, clothing, shields, armor, and etcetera. He listens to Metal, Rock, Game music and anime music.

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