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Thief's Paradise (Baddies Needed!)Topic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Joined: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:07 am

Posts: 450

Yoooooo! Here is where you sign up for the rp! Follow this form:

Faction: (Sophisticates, Thugs, Sherwood, Police, or citizen)

Also in this tread is the OOC talk. It can be convorsations, announcements or catching up. If you get lost in the rp, DO NOT SAY SO IN THE ACTUAL RP! Come here and ask!


Yuzikichan0's Characters:
Spoiler: Migoto Murasaki
Migoto Murasaki
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Faction: Ex-Sophisticate, Now Sherwood Hood
Appearance: curly blonde hair pulled into a side pony tail, purple tank top, short purple skirt, black an white striped stockings, black rubber boots that go up to her knees, extremely gorgeous.
Personality: Sly, flirty, brilliant, smart... The perfect thief. But, she lets her guard down sometimes, revealing a sensitive side
Bio: the founder of the sophisticates. She won respect in the criminal world when she stole the mist heavily guarded gem in the city, The Peruvian eye.

In the story thus far, she quit the sophisticates, giving control to Sylvester, and joined the Sherwood hoods. It was revealed that she sleepwalks and that the leader of the thugs is her younger brother, Yuui. She then fell for Chase and they began dating.


Spoiler: Yuui Murasaki
Name: Yuui Murasaki
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Faction: Thugs
Appearance: Short, blond hair. Always wears a dark blue hoodie and black jeans. When dealing with those he doesn't want to reveal his identity to, he wears a white cloth mask, like a bag that he can breathe and see through, to hide his face
Personality: Yuui is very young and reckless. He makes rash desisions all the time and doesn't always think things through. He is very rude to Migoto even though she is his sister, but constantly seeks her approval.
Bio: after Migoto became famous for stealing the peruvian eye, Yuui wanted to join his sister. She told him that she worked alone and he accepted that. When she started the sophisticates, he was furious. He demanded entry, but she denied. As his way of revenge, he started the thugs, who got way out of hand. When a thug heist went wrong, an innocent citizen was killed, and Migoto got furious with him. She told him that his line of thievery was dangerous to society and demanded that he stopped before more people got hurt. He went against her and diliberately attacked citizens, thus starting the war. He reins over the thugs, who simply call him "Boss" because he never revealed his real name.

CarChaseCityMan's Characters:
Spoiler: CarChaseCityMan
Name: CarChaseCityMan (Chase)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Faction: Sherwood
Appearance: Tall and lean, with long black hair. He wears long sleeved black shirts and pants, but he never wears masks or anything to cover up his identity when he steals something.
Personality: Chase is loud and sociable, and loves to make friends. However, in his line of work, friends are not easy to come by. He is louder than a thief probably should be, but loves to steal from rich people who hoard their wealth to help the needy. He also has a very harsh outlook on policemen. He can be violent when provoked. He also is incapable of feeling nervous about anything due to a medical condition.
Bio: CarChaseCityMan is a thief who specializes in the impossible. He routinely steals things, even when he has no need for them. He is a kleptomaniac in every sense of the word, but he at least attempts to make some good of it. He tries to find only evil people to steal from, but when necessity calls, he does what he must. He also has a preference for stealing motorcycles.

Spoiler: Floyd Ambrose
Name: Floyd Ambrose
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Faction: Police
Appearance: Stocky and muscular, and shorter than Chase. He wears a brown overcoat and formal pants. He has short brown hair and same color eyes.
Personality: Floyd has a very deep sense of right and wrong, and he firmly believes that all the thieves' gangs, no matter what their intention, are wrong and should be stopped. He is stubborn and his opinion is not easily changed on any subject. He also tends to focus too much on specific things to the point where he ignores other important things.
Bio: Floyd was a member of the British SAS before he moved to America, where he became a detective. Now that he lives in the city, he has personally taken up the initiative to stop the gangs, especially the Sherwood Hoods, led by his childhood friend, CarChaseCityMan.

Spoiler: GrandTheftAutoBro
Name: GrandTheftAutoBro (Grant for short)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Faction: None (Thug Sympathizer)
Appearance: Grant looks very similar to Chase, although he is bigger and his hair is blonde. He wears a long black trenchcoat and black pants, and he usually carries a fancy black cane.
Personality: Grant is the polar opposite of Chase: where Chase is lighthearted and seeks good, Grant is evil and wants only to incite chaos and anarchy. He lacks compassion for others, and usually laughs at the sight of pain or discord. He does, however, share Chase's charm, and for the most part will not blatantly harm someone, usually tricking them and then stabbing them in the back.
Bio: Grant and Chase are bitter, mortal enemies. After their first meeting in a London prison, they became partners, stealing ever more expensive and awesome vehicles. But when Chase decided to become an honorable thief, Chase betrayed him and Grant fled to Tibet, where he led a gang of vicious monks that would terrorize anyone who got in their way. Now he seeks revenge on Chase in the city, where he plans on ruining Chase's life forever.

Apollo72's Characters:
Spoiler: Sylvester Felix
Name: Sylvester Felix
Age: 23
Gender: Male. If you needed to read that part, I'd suggest you see a doctor.
Faction: Sophisticates
Appearance: Blue-ish black hair, slicked back against his head. Blue eyes and pale skin. Very thin; could easily slip through tight gaps. Usually wears a black suit with a white shirt, complimented by a large, red rose. His pants match his suit. During a heist, he wears a surfer-esque, skintight outfit, also black - 100% no-nonsense and suited to the job. Wherever he goes, he always has with him his Conductor - a device that looks like a conductor's stick. You know, that thing they wave around to conduct the orchestra? Anyway, it only 'conducts' energy. It delivers shocks and bursts of electricity. Not enough to kill, no. Enough to shock or incapacitate when charged. Though it's main purpose is shorting out devices and equipment. Oh, and it's an MP3 player. Because, why not?
Personality: A big fan of classical music, Sylvester is the embodiment of sophisticated. He always leaves a Mask☆deMasque-ish card before he steals, ever the gentleman. He can become arrogant at times, a trait that his sub-ordinates aren't exactly fond of and rage has overcome him on a couple of occasions. These were very specific occasions, though he wasn't wrong to be upset. But man, when he gets angry, does he get angry! Unless he is in one of his moods, Sylvester allows the Sophisticates the freedom to do what they want. Although he may be strict to others, the group he belongs to are almost a second family. One that he doesn't have to hide from.
Bio: Raised in many places throughout Europe, Sylvester learnt all about the greats: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart...Felix even composed a few pieces of his own as he grew up. He joined the Sophisticates as a teenager. It seemed to him to be a good challenge; a way to pass the time. But Sylvester discovered he had talent for this 'hobby' of his. And as his trophies piled up, he became more and more competitive. He bares no ill wishes to the Hoods nowadays, though he practically loathes the Thugs, seeing them as far below himself. A sad stain on the world. Sylvester has since made it his 'big challenge' to eradicate them and bring harmony to the Sophisticates.

Inquisitor Amakiir's Characters:
Spoiler: Marcus Flynn
Name: Markus Flynn "The Blackguard"
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Faction: Thugs
Appearance: Markus has his silvery hair cut short in a military style cut. He wears a long sleeve black T and a bullet-proof vest. He wears tight black jeans and combat boots, and carries a long knife with a dragon shaped hilt.
Personality: To discribe himself in shorthand, Markus is a sadistic, psychopathic hardcore BA, and not in a good way. Markus has anti-social personality disorder. Not much to him.
Bio: Markus was the child of a military family. When both of his parents died in the war, he was shipped to live with his uncle, who was one of those crazy redneck gun fanatics. From there, Markus ran away with whatever he could find, his heart hardened by both of his parents being gone. He was sent to therapy at least twice, neither time ending well. Now, he loots and mugs not for the score, but from the pleasure he gets from getting what he wants from other people.

OnyxAlchemyst's Characters:
Spoiler: Mercer Baitman
Name:Mercer Baitman
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Faction: Currently unaffiliated.
Appearance: Somewhat short at 5'5", but is fit; with well-trained muscles. His hair is cropped short to military regulations and is clean shaven. He has muddled, brown eyes set in a permanantly furrowed brow from squinting. Wears a black turtleneck with matching fingerless gloves and slacks over a set of scuffed combat boots.

Personality: Mercer tends to be slow and methodical, avoiding detection and confrontations. When the situation dictates for immediate action, Mercer relys on his training and instincts and reacts quickly and coldly, leaving thinking to afterward. He is not very well suited for direct confrontations, though his hand-to-hand training has served him well when he slips up. But if an opportunity to escape presents itself, he will take his leave without hesitation. He is a fast runner and a practitioner of parkour, making him difficult to catch when he's on the run. He looks down upon harming civilians, but if he deems an individual as a threat, he is not adverse to using lethal force if he believes it is necessary.

Bio: Mercer is the only child in his military family. When he was 13, both of his parents were killed in action by the enemy in the war; His uncle, who worked as a marksman trainer, took him in. Mercer enlisted when he turned 18, and served a full tour of duty as a reconassance sniper. During his second tour, he witnessed his own commanding officer making an illegal deal with a beraucrat to sell intelligence that Mercer had collected to the enemy. Mercer attempted to get the officer court-martialed for treason, but was unable to prove his guilt. Eventually the situation escalated, and Mercer ended up being discharged for his actions. Now he works by himself, digging for the secrets that the corrupt bury.

Ha³'s Characters:
Spoiler: Raphael Boulevard
Name: Raphael Boulevard

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Faction: Sophisticates

Appearance: A tall, young boy. Has black, short hair. He wears a black fedora. His suit composes of a brown jacket with shoulders pads, and he uses a normal blue shirt below it. His jacket has a pattern similar to that of Lana Skye.

He wears black pants and shoes. Also uses a pair of glasses. He sometimes wears a mask like this guy wears, to hide his identity.

Personality: He's optimistic and snarky, but not very fond of developing close bonds to someone. During serious times, however, he turns into a cold and strict person. He tends to boss people around too.

Bio: Having both of his parents -his only family- murdered, Raphael came to roam the streets. He joined the Thugs, and fought alongside them for some time. However, he didn't like their style not just of brutal fighting, but their general pigsty way of living.

He decided to leave the Thugs, and joined the Sophisticates. He became quite the prodigy there. Over the time, he learned and mastered the technique of fencing. He's also very stealthy, and has the skill of being able to hide in the shadows, unseen by anyone.

Game Over's Characters:
Spoiler: Brutus
Name: ????, The Sophisticates decided to call him Brutus.

Age: ??, assumed to be in his early twenty's.

Faction: Sophisticates

Appearance: Brutus is currently Five foot four inches and dressed in your fairly standard Sophisticates fancy suit and tie with matching fancy shoes. Brutus originally wore a Suit covered in unknown symbols and had a knife with the same symbols in it's hilt... Brutus had apparently had plain black hair when he was found but a few days latter it has turned into a blood red color and has stayed that way so far. His eyes also did the same. When on a heist he wears pitch black custom made wetsuit. He refuses to wear anything that would obscure his face for some reason...

Personality: He is actually quite that chatterbox when he wants to though most of the time he is a man of few words. He's usually quite calm under any condition though he freaks out when someone tries to attack another Sophisticates. When he freaks out he seems to use some sort of martial art and attempts to subdue all attackers ignoring all damage he takes during the time. Seems to be incredibly loyal to all who save him.

Bio: ????????. His past a complete mystery, he was found by the Sophisticates on a very difficult heist to steal a recently excavated ornate sword from an unknown civilization on display from a major high end museum. They found him covered in blood clutching the sword surrounded by wounded security guards and dead men wearing the same suits as him. After managing to subdue him they were forced to take him with them as he refused to give up the sword even with subdued and they weren't going to cut off his hands, they weren't thugs. When they brought him back he calmed down and gave them the sword in exchange for a home and a promise that they would help figure out who he is. He quickly became a go to man for removing "Obstacles" in a non lethal way. Even though he has been with them for three years now many of them don't trust him but he does not mind. ??????????????

Last edited by yuzikichan0 on Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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Insanity at its classiest.

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Name: CarChaseCityMan (Chase)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Faction: Sherwood
Appearance: Tall and lean, with long black hair. He wears long sleeved black shirts and pants, but he never wears masks or anything to cover up his identity when he steals something.
Personality: Chase is loud and sociable, and loves to make friends. However, in his line of work, friends are not easy to come by. He is louder than a thief probably should be, but loves to steal from rich people who hoard their wealth to help the needy. He also has a very harsh outlook on policemen. He can be violent when provoked. He also is incapable of feeling nervous about anything due to a medical condition.
Bio: CarChaseCityMan is a thief who specializes in the impossible. He routinely steals things, even when he has no need for them. He is a kleptomaniac in every sense of the word, but he at least attempts to make some good of it. He tries to find only evil people to steal from, but when necessity calls, he does what he must. He also has a preference for stealing motorcycles.

How's that?
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Awesome <3 I've done an RP with you before, the wild west one, right?
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title

The Zelda Geek

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Name: Kieran "Triple" Blade
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Faction: Sherwood Hoods
Appearance: very messy and vey spiky black hair, light blue eyes, a very large and long gray scarf with torn ends wraped around his neck, dark green shirt with a long tailcoat, brown pants, black gloves with metal plating on top, very dark brown boots, sword and scabard on his back.
Personality: A bit serious at times, but is mostly friendly and caring. Whenevr he's stuck in a fight, he always keeps a cool head.
Bio: He has been a part of the Sherwood Hoods since he was 14, and since then he's become one of their best thiefs. Since joining the group, he's become a master at weilding swords, bows, and knives.

Last edited by ToonBlade on Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Accepted! Oh! And we need a leader for each criminal faction. I'm the sophisticate leader, so the other two need one.
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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Insanity at its classiest.

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I guess I'll lead Sherwood. Yeah, we did the Wild West one, and High School I think. Good to see you back, Yuki!
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Sweet. Now we just need more people, then we can start!
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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The GG. The Girl Gamer

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Name: Renee Elina
Age: 11
Faction: Sheerwood Hoods
Appearance: Brown hair that she always wears in long pigtails. Blue gray eyes. Never wears masks. Has a scar across her leg.
Personality: Renee gets angry if someone says she's to young for this. She's usually serious but sometimes she's childish.
Bio: Renee is new to the Sheerwood Hoods. She's amazing with a sword and fighting in general. She's been kidnapped before, that's how she got the scar. She may be young but shes an amazing thief.
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Woot! Welcome! I guess we can start. Hopefully, we can get more for the thugs and the police...
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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Insanity at its classiest.

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I'll add a detective.

Name: Floyd Ambrose
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Faction: Police
Appearance: Stocky and muscular, and shorter than Chase. He wears a brown overcoat and formal pants. He has short brown hair and same color eyes.
Personality: Floyd has a very deep sense of right and wrong, and he firmly believes that all the thieves' gangs, no matter what their intention, are wrong and should be stopped. He is stubborn and his opinion is not easily changed on any subject. He also tends to focus too much on specific things to the point where he ignores other important things.
Bio: Floyd was a member of the British SAS before he moved to America, where he became a detective. Now that he lives in the city, he has personally taken up the initiative to stop the gangs, especially the Sherwood Hoods, led by his childhood friend, CarChaseCityMan.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Yay! <3
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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by the way, this is what migoto looks like.
Spoiler: Migoto Murasaki

And yes, I drew it <3
Wife of Inquisitor Amakiir and Mommy of Apollo72 and Ha³
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The Chocolateholic of CR

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Ah Yuzi your drawing still amazes me.... now that I think of it you never did do a drawing of my guy back in Final Fantasy RP XD
The Dragovian King and Captain Of The Ragnarok Ship and Owner of The Ragnarok Ranch.
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Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorry! :sob:
Wife of Inquisitor Amakiir and Mommy of Apollo72 and Ha³
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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The Chocolateholic of CR

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*pats Yuzi on the back* Its okay. :3
The Dragovian King and Captain Of The Ragnarok Ship and Owner of The Ragnarok Ranch.
I'm a ♌ since 1990 of August 10th. Better Recognize.
3DS FC:2535-5065-3560
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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Insanity at its classiest.

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That was a good drawing. I didn't know you liked Homestuck too, Yuki.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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The Chocolateholic of CR

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Name:Anthony Scaccio
Faction: Citizen
Personality:Mysterious and Handsome.
Bio:His whole life is a Mystery to everybody but himself and he runs at incredible speed due to his shoes but instead of running he hoverskate. He made the shoes by finding the right materials to do it, so he can glide around. He also tends to keep himself from trouble but sometimes he likes to get in trouble with thugs just to kick some butt. He also trains like a ninja. And he likes to play with his Guitar and tends to sing.

Cant think of anything else. :yogi:
The Dragovian King and Captain Of The Ragnarok Ship and Owner of The Ragnarok Ranch.
I'm a ♌ since 1990 of August 10th. Better Recognize.
3DS FC:2535-5065-3560

Last edited by Anthony on Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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I love homestuck! My friends call me Nepeta because I'm just like her XD
Wife of Inquisitor Amakiir and Mommy of Apollo72 and Ha³
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The Zelda Geek

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((Late post is late....))

Cool drawing, yuzikichan0 !!
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Hey Yuziki! D'ya mind if I RP as Sylvester?
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Anthony wrote:
Name:Anthony Scaccio
Faction: Citizen
Bio:His whole life is a Mystery to everybody but himself and he runs at incredible speed due to his shoes but instead of running he hoverskate.

the only problem I have with this is the "hoverskate" Everyone else is human, they just have skills in combat, Migoto has ninja like athleticism because she trained and worked out because she needed it to be a master thief. And you should expand on the personality and bio.

Not to pick on chase, but his was really good. He could have used one word, but he wrote an entire paragraph. By expanding personalities and biographies, you make your character more 3-dimensional, instead of being flat. The more 3-dimensional the characters are, the more interesting the rp is!

I'm sorry for ranting and sorry for picking on you. I was just trying to help you out :payne:

@Apollo72: Sure, but can you make a character sheet and evolve him a bit. Sylvester was just the first name I pulled outta my brain XD

@Toonblade: Thanks~~ You should try to build on your character. I bet he can be really awesome if you make im more complex
Wife of Inquisitor Amakiir and Mommy of Apollo72 and Ha³
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Oh, don't worry, I will! =D I already have a couple of ideas lined up. I'll get to work on his sheet now and finish it in the morning!
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Awesome! From my experience in the doomsday rp, I know you'll make him awesome. Which, BTW, I brought back Migoto~ She's even crazier than ever <3
Wife of Inquisitor Amakiir and Mommy of Apollo72 and Ha³
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Because I just introduced him, I'll give you Yuui's Profile

Name: Yuui Murasaki
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Faction: Thugs
Appearance: Short, blond hair. Always wears a dark blue hoodie and black jeans. When dealing with those he doesn't want to reveal his identity to, he wears a white cloth mask, like a bag that he can breathe and see through, to hide his face
Personality: Yuui is very young and reckless. He makes rash desisions all the time and doesn't always think things through. He is very rude to Migoto even though she is his sister, but constantly seeks her approval.
Bio: after Migoto became famous for stealing the peruvian eye, Yuui wanted to join his sister. She told him that she worked alone and he accepted that. When she started the sophisticates, he was furious. He demanded entry, but she denied. As his way of revenge, he started the thugs, who got way out of hand. When a thug heist went wrong, an innocent citizen was killed, and Migoto got furious with him. She told him that his line of thievery was dangerous to society and demanded that he stopped before more people got hurt. He went against her and diliberately attacked citizens, thus starting the war. He reins over the thugs, who simply call him "Boss" because he never revealed his real name.
Wife of Inquisitor Amakiir and Mommy of Apollo72 and Ha³
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yuzikichan0 wrote:
Awesome! From my experience in the doomsday rp, I know you'll make him awesome. Which, BTW, I brought back Migoto~ She's even crazier than ever <3

I know, I've been spying for a while now! xD I can't wait for Flux to find out that Migoto doesn't remember the time they had to extract a damn bullet out of a certain sarky-pants. That was his first operation, so he'll feel...'strongly' about her forgetting it. But I'm getting off-topic. Sylvester Felix's profile is about done but I'll make the final additions later and post it in here!
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Oh jegus XD

And yeah. I can't wait!
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Tada~! ☆

Name: Sylvester Felix
Age: 23
Gender: Male. If you needed to read that part, I'd suggest you see a doctor.
Faction: Sophisticates
Appearance: Blue-ish black hair, slicked back against his head. Blue eyes and pale skin. Very thin; could easily slip through tight gaps. Usually wears a black suit with a white shirt, complimented by a large, red rose. His pants match his suit. During a heist, he wears a surfer-esque, skintight outfit, also black - 100% no-nonsense and suited to the job. Wherever he goes, he always has with him his Conductor - a device that looks like a conductor's stick. You know, that thing they wave around to conduct the orchestra? Anyway, it only 'conducts' energy. It delivers shocks and bursts of electricity. Not enough to kill, no. Enough to shock or incapacitate when charged. Though it's main purpose is shorting out devices and equipment. Oh, and it's an MP3 player. Because, why not?
Personality: A big fan of classical music, Sylvester is the embodiment of sophisticated. He always leaves a Mask☆deMasque-ish card before he steals, ever the gentleman. He can become arrogant at times, a trait that his sub-ordinates aren't exactly fond of and rage has overcome him on a couple of occasions. These were very specific occasions, though he wasn't wrong to be upset. But man, when he gets angry, does he get angry! Unless he is in one of his moods, Sylvester allows the Sophisticates the freedom to do what they want. Although he may be strict to others, the group he belongs to are almost a second family. One that he doesn't have to hide from.
Bio: Raised in many places throughout Europe, Sylvester learnt all about the greats: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart...Felix even composed a few pieces of his own as he grew up. He joined the Sophisticates as a teenager. It seemed to him to be a good challenge; a way to pass the time. But Sylvester discovered he had talent for this 'hobby' of his. And as his trophies piled up, he became more and more competitive. He bares no ill wishes to the Hoods nowadays, though he practically loathes the Thugs, seeing them as far below himself. A sad stain on the world. Sylvester has since made it his 'big challenge' to eradicate them and bring harmony to the Sophisticates. 
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It's yuzikichan!

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Oh gog! That was huge, yet entertaining.
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yuzikichan0 wrote:
Oh gog! That was huge, yet entertaining.

That's what she said.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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It's yuzikichan!

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I can't do it either, I'm on my iPhone.

And Apollo, that's awesome!

And chase.... -just shakes head-
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*Cheers for the other boys*
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It's yuzikichan!

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Apollo72 wrote:

I just read this at 2:15 am and laughed for like 5 minutes.
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*Cheers for own humour and thanks Yuziki*
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It's yuzikichan!

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Chase knows this, but I get super goofy in the wee hours. I was drawing a picture and I would just start laughing for no reason what so ever. Then my little bro came and made a stupid face at me and I couldn't stop laughing.

Oh, and you guys are cool. I'm gonna give you guys my IM account. If you want it, pm me. It's a msn/windows live account, but I can chat with yahoo with it too.

And one more thing. I'm gonna draw a picture of each character because I can. Pm me the most detailed description you possibly can, but keep in mind that hands are my weakness. (This applies to Apollo, toonblade, and anthony. I know chase and i've already done Renee. I just need to upload and post it.)
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Yuzi is my guy's application better?
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It's yuzikichan!

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Yus! I like it XD
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You should upload all the pictures here.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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I wiiiiiilllll!! I have to have Internet!
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The Zelda Geek

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Actually, I'm making a drawing of my character. I just have to finish it. But the problem is, I don't know how to upload images....
Re: Thief's Paradise Sign up ThreadTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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I already drew Kieran XD I upload them on photobucket and there is a code like this:


You just copy the code and paste it in a post
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