Court Records

The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition
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Author:  sirsteve [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

I sure picked a good time mosey back...

I'm bringing my original guess back. Gumshoe!

In the time after Phoenix's disbarment, Gumshoe travels with Edgeworth on one of his many trips abroad to learn the fine art of prosecution, through hard study and many pull ups. He returns a new man, but he'll never lose who he was ("Pal" is going to be the taunting name ala "Trite" or "Herr Forehead" but never so condescendingly). More well fed than he used to be, Gumshoe will prove to be a very tricky opponent for Apollo (who I'm sure is still the main protaganist). Gumshoe will also be making enough dough to hire a certain Byrdie to fill his own Maya/Trucy/Kaye roll.

Other guesses for fun.

1.Both Apollo and Gumshoe will be somehow incapacitated (not dead) to go to trial. Leaving a Mr. Phoenix Wright (who just finished getting his badge back) and Klavier Gavin settling a 7+ year old grudge in the last case.

Author:  turnaboutobjection [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

The prosecuter will be maya fey....but I kinda suggested this 4 years ago, right after the first announcement of this contest. Does this mean that what I wrote 4 years ago doesn't count? I'm probably wrong, but just to make sure...I'm pretty sure I was the first to suggest maya fey back then...

Author:  KingRaptor [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Well, I don't plan on winning anyway, so I figure I'll throw out what I want to happen the zaniest things I can think of.

The prosecutor will be/have:
  • Female
  • Young (early twenties)
  • Have black hair
  • Wear a hood
  • Have significant facial disfigurement due to some sort of accident
  • Cover up aforementioned disfigurement with a mask
  • Also have lost an eye and/or an arm to same accident, requiring the use of prosthetics/cybernetics
  • Have a secret identity which is hidden in the name
  • Mentored by Edgeworth and/or Franziska
  • Previous connection to the protagonist, but considers it past history
  • Cold-blooded personality, bordering on being ruthless
  • Is really Kay in disguise

Author:  Chloe [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

And what's an Ace Attorney Game without Winston Payne as the prosecutor?

Author:  dancingpoppies [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

The new prosecutor will be a female.
She will have long hair and pretty facial features, getting the favor of the Judge and the mob.
She will be very calm. Polly, if in the game, will have a secret crush on her.
She is very confident and experienced though she doesn't have a typical-started-prosecuting-at-a-tender-age background.
She will be older than Polly and Trucy.
She will know one of the characters from PW:AA.
When she's nervous she fiddles with her hair though it is rare.
She will own a pet. She will be on good terms with Klavier.
She will be a secret fan of a certain cartoon character (i.e Badgers/Samurais)
Gosh, mine sounds terribly mundane.... :payne:

Author:  himeka [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

I think Kristoph somehow gets out of Jail and becomes a prosecutor! (Maybe in disguise?)

Author:  jes_778 [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

I think the new prosecutor will be
-around 20-30
-black hair
-long hair
- have a troubled past like miles edgeworth
-connected to phoenix, edgeworth or franziska
-gets the favor of the judge easily like dahlia hawthorne
-she hates criminals like edgeworth
-she searches for the truth instead of a guilty verdict
-she helps the protagonists

Author:  Ziska Von Hawthorne [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

It's going to be.........

    -A dude
    -New character
    -From Germany
    -Corrupt (in cahoots with the final boss)
    -Middle aged
    -Has a kid

Author:  jjaystar [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

I think it's about time for another female prosecutor :phoenix:
but i don't think it's going to be Franziska.
I'm thinking:
long, blonde, straight hair
Nice outside of court, but brutal when it comes time for a trial
Romantically interested or involved with someone else in the game
those are my guesses! :godot:

Author:  Sleepyglitch [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

He is cheerful, a sort of joker and rather prideful, but very serious to his work and dedicated attorney. his primary character color can be like a green or a rather sort of yellow ,even a mix of both.Hes known to be very agile with finding the right evidence. Top Rank prosecutor, very well known for his work & tuff to crack.
he could be like young Klavier :kyouya: like on case 4 of AJ, but not as helpful xD

Author:  rydus65 [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Guess I'll try my hand in this.
Spoiler: TEXT
GS5 Prosecutor will be:
-either 2 years older or younger than Apollo
-blue eyes
-black hair/crewcut
-clean shaven
-no glasses
-wears a suit like Kristoph's only it's black
-navy blue pants
-blue tie
-was in the same orphanege as Apollo
-used to work for Gavin and Co. Law Offices
-left Gavin and Co. when Apollo was hired
-has a grudge against Apollo because of a past incident
-has a grudge against Kristoph because he hired Apollo
-doesn't like Klavier Gavin or the Gavinners
-doesn't like Phoenix Wright
-knows the final case villian in some way
-the final case villian is the actual cause of the past incident that made him hate Apollo
-blames all case losses on Ema Skye except the final case.

Author:  Jozerick [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

- a new character
- female
- black hair
- between 20 and 25 years old
- wears her prosecutor badge
- does not originate from another country
- is related to an established character
- blue eyes
- white clothes
- wears a vest and trousers
- earrings
- a bracelet around one or both wrists
- a scarf around the neck
- no glasses
- has a crush on another character
- has a short temper
- freely insults the protagonist and the judge
- slams the desk with the fist when objecting/angry
- last name has 7 letters
- has a sibling

Author:  Kitties [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Wow, I can't believe I posted this in 2008...I don't really post here anymore but I still come by to check out news etc, so I'm gonna repeat mine from the last thread =)

The new prosecutor will be female. She will be in her 20s. She will wear blue. She will have a quieter, colder personality. She will not be someone we have seen before, but will have some connection to at least one character from a previous game. Her hair will be an unnatural colour and of medium length. She will wear her hair down. She will wear a long-sleeved top. She will have white in her outfit. She will not wear anything on her head or any sort of hair accessory. She will have at least one visible earring. She will wear at least one ring. Her first name will start with a vowel. Her last name will start with a consonant. Her first name will be shorter than her last name. She will wear a skirt. Her eyes will be green. She will wear some sort of accessory on her neck, like a necklace or a scarf. She will be mostly interested in winning. Her name will contain some sort of pun. She will wear high-heeled shoes. She will have bangs. She will not wear tights or socks. She will wear at least one piece of silver jewelry. She will have light-coloured skin. She will be from another country, and will have studied law in said country. She will have previous trial experience.

Author:  LySs [ Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

I'll give it a shot.

-Around 22-24 years old
-Quite vain and beautiful and uses her looks to help win her cases
-Part-time model/idol?
-Maybe a former teen idol?
-Strawberry blonde
-Holds a secret and has a more serious side
-Maybe tsundere for Phoenix?

Author:  Detective Rossco [ Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

I'm going to have to go with Franziska :franny:

Author:  Nobodyknowsme021 [ Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

I'm interested in the possibility of having Kay as the main prosecutor for the next game. She would have more than enough years to develop and mature herself and seeing as
how her father was one
, she could use this as a helping point for being a "thief of truth".
Then again, it would ruin Capcom's tradition of having new prosecutors every game so.......
PS: I don't intend on winning so I'll just throw out whatever I can think of.
-It will most likely be a male (no edgeworth).
-He has little respect for Apollo and Trucy and has no relation to Phoenix.
-Will be more challenging than Klavier.
-Is actually Apollo's brother or something and both eventually get along as they both find out through random occurance of events in the last case and catch the villan.
-General Gimmick is classical music and mentions random classical composers or their pieces at various times.
-Slamming Gimmick will be punching down onto the desk.
-"Oh no" Gimmick is pretending to conduct really fast.
-Wears a conductor suit.
-Name is a pun of random baroque classical composer.
-Wears black glasses.
-Has Studied law (and music) in Zheng Fa.
-Will have the fangirls drooling.
:pearl-blush: :sparkly-maggey:

Author:  Pie [ Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

I feel like playing this time, why not.

- It will be a new lawyer for at least two cases.
- The lawyer will be female.
- Age is a tricky one, but I'm going to go with wishful thinking instead of intuition and say older than Apollo. Closer to Kristoph's age, or Mia when she was Phoenix's mentor.
- She'll have pale colored hair (this is almost a given -- Edgeworth, Franziska, Godot, Klavier? Of the four, Edgeworth has the darkest colored hair, and he's still more of a gray...). For the specific hue, I'm going to going to guess sort of a reddish orange, but I'm much more certain about it being a light color than anything else.
- More wishful thinking: glasses. A design that hearkens back to Kristoph a little, maybe.
- Hair is put up in a bun. Asymmetric bangs, with long locks hanging down either side of her face.
- Clothes will be formal, but not a suit with tie. The skirt will be short, because that's how Capcom rolls.
- She will be a little flirtatious, notably with Apollo outside the courtroom and buttering up the judge in it. She will be utterly relentless in her prosecution, and seem to love watching Apollo squirm.
- All right, we've already had a Prosecutor who was accused of murder in the final case (Edgeworth) and a Prosecutor who was convicted of murder in the final case (Godot), so I'm going with the long shot: she will be the murder victim of the final case.

Author:  Regy Rusty [ Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

I swore a solemn oath in the last thread. I will not back down from it now.

The prosecutor will be Jacques Portsman.

Author:  Little_Thief [ Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

I might as well make my own prediction.

I predict that the prosecutor in GS5:

~Is female

~Is about the same age as the protagonist

~Is a greenhorn, but doesn't want to admit it

~Is stuck-up and snobbish

~Dresses extra fancy (think ball gown)

~Had her job handed to her on a silver platter

~Insults the protagonist every chance she gets

~Has platinum blonde hair and blue eyes

~Is incredibly vain

~Puts Manfred von Karma's ego to shame

~Is actually not all that bright (though she pretends to be)

~Has an assistant who does all the work for her

~Will smack said assistant around as a damage animation

~Said assistant will stab her in the back in the final case (though not necessarily to help the protagonist)

Author:  Cal Santiago [ Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Here are my two cents.

The new prosecutor will be:

- Female
- Either a blonde or a brunette who wears her hair in a ponytail but has bangs parted to the right
- Wears glasses, or even better, a monocle
- Suit's color scheme will be predominantly green and may have pinstripes
- Personality-wise, she will be serious and straightforward
- Fails at humor and makes bad jokes
- Will have an affinity for history and may carry around a history book (out-of-court sprites)
- Will constantly reference historical figures in her speech
- Has a thing for strawberry-flavored yogurt
- Went to the same law school as the protagonist
- Is actually the protagonist's ex-girlfriend

Author:  Lazi Al Knight [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Hello!! Newbie here.

It would be Kay Faraday, mentored by Edgeworth himself, living her Father's Job as a Prosecutor... a Prosecutor/Ninja/Truth Burglar! She can even wield a Katana!

Also, She can use the Logic System of Edgeworth's game to present a contradiction to your presented evidence. and her mentor's Pursuit theme roaring when she's at the upper hand.

Author:  tat2 [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Phoenix Wright, nuff' said.

Author:  Randombore [ Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Okay, here's my theory!

I think GK5 is going to revolve around two story arcs, Phoenix's and Apollo's, and circle around those two.

So I would suppose that Miles AND Klavier are going to be the guest prosecutors in the game.

But then, a new prosecutor, probably a girl with deep back story.. blah blah.. comes in for the last two(or one) cases..
She's probably going to be in her 20's and a rival to Apollo, as a bigger case ties Apollo, Phoenix and her together for a tremendous mystery.

Author:  JOHNTWOK [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Actually the Prosecutor has been announced and they actually are appearing in the crossover They are:
Not really a prosectutioner and not really Phoenix you play as but the Prosecutor is Professor Layton and luke the assistant *Phoenix wright Vs Professor Layton (sorry edgy :larry: )

Author:  ReturnofthePhoenix [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Actually the Prosecutor has been announced and they actually are appearing in the crossover They are:
Not really a prosectutioner and not really Phoenix you play as but the Prosecutor is Professor Layton and luke the assistant *Phoenix wright Vs Professor Layton (sorry edgy :larry: )

That's in Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney. This is about Ace Attorney 5. They haven't announced anything, as of yet.

Author:  AthenaCat [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

ReturnofthePhoenix wrote:
Actually the Prosecutor has been announced and they actually are appearing in the crossover They are:
Not really a prosectutioner and not really Phoenix you play as but the Prosecutor is Professor Layton and luke the assistant *Phoenix wright Vs Professor Layton (sorry edgy :larry: )

That's in Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney. This is about Ace Attorney 5. They haven't announced anything, as of yet.

Not to mention that Layton isn't even the prosecutor in PL vs AA.

Author:  ReturnofthePhoenix [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

AthenaCat wrote:
ReturnofthePhoenix wrote:
Actually the Prosecutor has been announced and they actually are appearing in the crossover They are:
Not really a prosectutioner and not really Phoenix you play as but the Prosecutor is Professor Layton and luke the assistant *Phoenix wright Vs Professor Layton (sorry edgy :larry: )

That's in Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney. This is about Ace Attorney 5. They haven't announced anything, as of yet.

Not to mention that Layton isn't even the prosecutor in PL vs AA.

Exactly. It's some medieval knight or something.

Also, @AthenaCat, do you happen to be known elsewhere as AffuuCat? Because if so, I think I know you...

Author:  Cal Santiago [ Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Actually the Prosecutor has been announced and they actually are appearing in the crossover They are:
Not really a prosectutioner and not really Phoenix you play as but the Prosecutor is Professor Layton and luke the assistant *Phoenix wright Vs Professor Layton (sorry edgy :larry: )

Wrong game, kid.

Author:  MrCheeze [ Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Lana Skye, because of how hilarious it would be if it was somehow true.

Author:  Xbro Ace [ Tue May 01, 2012 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

it has to be somehow related to anyone in the ace attorney series

Author:  ChihiroAyasato [ Tue May 08, 2012 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

GS5, eh?

I guess it will be a continuation of Apollo-kun's story?
That's good, I would like to see more of his universe of characters. :phoenix:
Ahh, the AJ sprites...they were GOOD...
What I would like to see?
Probably (if possible), the bringing back of some of the old characters.
Though...I doubt that's going to happen. :sadshoe:

Author:  char13happy [ Wed May 23, 2012 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

My choice is either Lana Skye gets released from prison or Kay becomes a prosecutor. :odoroki:

Author:  .Fairy. [ Sat May 26, 2012 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Hmmm... I'd like to have a try at guessing! (^_^)
Of the existing characters...
I think Kay is a possibility, it would be interesting if it really did happen.
I'd love to see Franziska or Edgeworth return, but it's a bit unlikely.
If not this is the kind of new character that would be created...
I'm guessing it's continuing with Apollo(?)

- Female
- Pale coloured hair (i'm thinking mainly pastel colours and especially- pink, green or lilac)
- Is connected to one or more existing/past character(s) in some way, most likely prosecutors (Edgeworth, Franziska, Godot...etc)
- Looks up to/Admires a past prosecutor.
- Known as an up coming Prosecutor with a lot of promise but hasn't been in many cases.
- In early to mid twenties.
- Very intelligent.
- Dresses elegantly and stylish - a little bit girly.
- Wears some sort of hair accessory.
- Guards herself well, she doesn't trust people easily.
- Has a back story that involves an existing/past character.
- Different side/personality than she appears - for example might appear cold but is actually caring and sweet on the inside...or vice versa.
- Composed and calm unless put under a very extreme ammount of stress. She barely even sweats...
- Ladylike in gestures and mannerisms.
- Doesn't take defeat easy.

Can't think of anymore right now...

Author:  Detective Badd [ Sat May 26, 2012 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

This could be just a wild guess...really wild, but...I think the main prosecutor for GS5 will be...Manfred von Karma's granddaughter. The one he mentioned in the original game. She'll be 17 or 18 at the time, around when Franziska started prosecution. My theory is that there will still be some influence from the von Karma family even in the world as of 2027. Plus, there has yet to be a female rival for Apollo and this would be the second in the series out of the 5 in the GS series.

Author:  Pierre [ Sat May 26, 2012 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Detective Badd wrote:
This could be just a wild guess...really wild, but...I think the main prosecutor for GS5 will be...Manfred von Karma's granddaughter. The one he mentioned in the original game. She'll be 17 or 18 at the time, around when Franziska started prosecution. My theory is that there will still be some influence from the von Karma family even in the world as of 2027. Plus, there has yet to be a female rival for Apollo and this would be the second in the series out of the 5 in the GS series.

True it would be in pattern considering Franziska emerged though wouldn't she be older than 17 or 18? This is pretty far on from that time.

Author:  Jozerick [ Sun May 27, 2012 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Detective Badd wrote:
This could be just a wild guess...really wild, but...I think the main prosecutor for GS5 will be...Manfred von Karma's granddaughter. The one he mentioned in the original game. She'll be 17 or 18 at the time, around when Franziska started prosecution.

Actually, Franziska started prosecution at 13.
But I think your theory is plausible.

Pierre wrote:
True it would be in pattern considering Franziska emerged though wouldn't she be older than 17 or 18? This is pretty far on from that time.

Manfred said she was 7 in GS1, so if GS5 takes place 1 year after GS4, 17-years-old seems right.

Author:  Detective Badd [ Mon May 28, 2012 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Jozerick wrote:
Actually, Franziska started prosecution at 13.
But I think your theory is plausible.

Right. I meant to say started prosecuting in the same court system as Phoenix Wright (Japan in Gyakuten Saiban/America in Ace Attorney)

Author:  char13happy [ Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

This could be just a wild guess...really wild, but...I think the main prosecutor for GS5 will be...Manfred von Karma's granddaughter. The one he mentioned in the original game. She'll be 17 or 18 at the time, around when Franziska started prosecution. My theory is that there will still be some influence from the von Karma family even in the world as of 2027. Plus, there has yet to be a female rival for Apollo and this would be the second in the series out of the 5 in the GS series.

Not bad. It's likely that they can use her as an indirect connection to the older cast in some way. With that idea in mind, I wonder if she'll follow the way of von Karma or follow her own rules... :gant:

Author:  Detective Badd [ Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

Or even if they could introduce her parents through this. From what Manfred said in the first game, Franziska is obviously not her mother. Where's Manfred's other child?

Author:  SirChris [ Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The NEW Pick Your Prosecutor GS5 Edition

-Brown hair
-From Britain
-Antagonistic nature towards Main Character
-Connected to Main Character
-Franziska von Karma was his mentor
-Against Jurist System
-Smug, sly and smart

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