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How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?
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Author:  Lusankya [ Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

From what we know so far the game seems to be very ambitious when it comes to its story.

Basically we have a complete new story in Kurain including Leifa and (hopefully) Maya as important characters. At the same time Apollo and Athena face a crisis in Japanifornia and as far as we can tell it's related to Trucy and Troupe Gramarye.
These two stories need to fit into 5-6 cases and in the end they probably need to be tied together neatly, while I have the feeling that each sub-plot alone could potentially make a full AA game.
It's also intresting to see how Nayuta will be related to the cases in Japanifornia.

Maybe there will be two main prosecutors, so we'll probably have quite a lot of important characters. Even now I wouldn't know which four should fit the cover.
Four out of Phoenix, Apollo, Leifa, Nayuta, Maya, potential second prosecutor. I guess by now Athena doesn't stand a chance and just straight out won't be on the box-art. And I also don't see how Edgeworth or Klavier could be of any relevance to the actual story. I expect them to appear only in the bonus cases.

Overall I am really excited for AA6, because potentially(!) this could be a really epic tale. For that to work imho Apollo's story needs to tie up the loose ends regarding his father and Trucy and at the same time needs some elegant connection to whatever Phoenix faces in Kurain. Although I wouldn't be really mad if Apollo's side of the story is something new as long as Trucy isn't totally unimportant as she was in AA5.

So what are your feelings when it comes to AA6's story?

Author:  Jean Descole [ Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

I'm thrilled about Maya's return, but that's probably the only thing that's got me interested in the overseas case so far. I'm still more invested in the conclusion of Apollo, Trucy, and Thalassa's story.

I can only hope teh AA team handles things with a delicate, respectful hand.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

Well, with Nick out of the way in Japanifornia, that actually leaves Apollo to expand a bit on his own story that AJ leaves out in the open. I don't think Lamiroir will be returning, but it would be great to see Valant again. He was only arrested on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, so they wouldn't be too serious of crimes. However, I'm expecting that case 2 will basically be referencing things in AJ, rather than building on some particular plot involving the Gramaryes again. The appearance of this new prosecutor says a lot more than anything else. And that he appears while Nick has gone abroad is most definitely going to play a part in the plot, I guarantee it.

As for Nick, we still haven't received any hints or suggestions of what his reason to head to Kurain would be. Sure, he meets Maya there, but so far, it doesn't seem like she's the main role to his "reason". The two seem to meet in a rather spontaneous way, like a little surprise gag. I assume Bokuto will be Nick's traveling companion out of court, as he is still a tour guide, but when it comes to the cases, Maya will be lending some hints, though I suspect only if the player likes to travel to the end of testimonies to hear them discuss. Classic AA.

All in all, I like this direction they're taking with splitting the main protagonist role. It cuts down on a lot of unnecessary filler, though filler is unavoidable in these games, so expect case 3 and maybe 4 to draw out something. Given this split of roles, there's no doubt that there will be a 5th case. And given the "shorts" available in the DLC, I doubt we'll be getting a DLC case, so that's that.

Author:  CoolFencer [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

I think it will be great having Nick and Apollo being apart. I think it will expand Apollo charecter and it will be interesting having him run the office for a period of time. It will also be nostalgic having Phoenix back with maya and kinda on his own again (No Athena, Apollo, Trucy, etc.) I honestly think AA6 is trying to be like the original trilogy, you can see it in the improved 3D models (made to look more like the sprites) and the new costumes (Furio Tigre, Tres Bien waitress) and of course the return of maya herself. So in all, I'm looking forward to how the game handles a over arching plot.

Author:  linkenski [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

They've already shown some hints regarding the troupe gramarye and Trucy being important in at least one case. They've also emphasised the game's "dual protagonist" concept, which leads me to believe that Apollo, Trucy and the Gramaryes will somehow tie into his overarching story but in the end Phoenix and Apollo's story arcs turn out to be intricately related except they'll have to take on the usual past-vs-present case so Apollo handles one and Phoenix handles the other. It would be equivalent to how 5-5 was about Clay's case and Blackquill's but instead of tying them together you get the reveals by cutting between each trial happening across the world.

I think it'll end with Maya becoming master and then Apollo tries to kiss her, like in my profile image.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

linkenski wrote:
I think it'll end with Maya becoming master and then Apollo tries to kiss her, like in my profile image.

Oh, the tears of the fanbase... :redd:

Author:  Planetbox [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

I think I'm most excited about them splitting up the main cast. That way, Apollo will actually get some development on his own, without Phoenix being like "WHOA I'M PHOENIX"and then taking over every case and leaving Apollo behind.

Author:  Gerkuman [ Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

The anime prologue gives the background to the game pretty well.

Nick's off to Kurain because he thinks Maya's in danger. Which she was, but then Prosecutor Handsomepants saved her and her phone broke so she couldn't tell him not to bother.

Author:  Yash K. Productions [ Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

Honestly, seeing how the Gramaryes are (somehow) involved in the plot, Apollo could find out the truth about his family, then confront Phoenix about it and get mad at him for hiding the truth for two years. That, and a reason for why that Kurain attorney tried to attack Maya in the prologue.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

Gerkuman wrote:
The anime prologue gives the background to the game pretty well.

Nick's off to Kurain because he thinks Maya's in danger. Which she was, but then Prosecutor Handsomepants saved her and her phone broke so she couldn't tell him not to bother.

Actually, Ash mentioned in that thread
Maya was already expecting him to come by to pick her up. Based on the livestream footage, it seems she's about ready to leave for Japan (probably on break between the two halves of her training schedule). I'm guessing Nick's arrival just came a bit earlier than scheduled.

I think I'm more concerned that she couldn't borrow someone's phone to tell him that she's alright and he shouldn't freak out over it... unless she did and that's why he could even sleep on that plane.

Author:  Yash K. Productions [ Thu Mar 24, 2016 2:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
I think I'm more concerned that she couldn't borrow someone's phone to tell him that she's alright and he shouldn't freak out over it... unless she did and that's why he could even sleep on that plane.

That makes a lot of sense, actually. Normally, when you're rushing to another country to make sure someone's all right (which no one in their right mind would do, no offense), you wouldn't be able to sleep without thinking about that person's condition.

-Oh, my God. That was the greatest thought I've ever had.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

The thought came to me in a flash of insight. Wouldn't it make sense for the WAA to face a "crisis" if their boss is arrested for anything? Being in a country that's going to face imminent revolution because the royal family's influence is too powerful is an easy place to be targeted for wrong accusations, foreign attorney or not.

No wonder in the trailer, Athena asks what will happen to them if their boss won't make it back alright.

Trucy's arrest was for an independent case. There has to be something bigger that brings the WAA to their knees.

Author:  Klonoahedgehog [ Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Trucy's arrest was for an independent case. There has to be something bigger that brings the WAA to their knees.

It's kind of sad when the daughter of your boss getting arrested while he's away on business is just a footnote in a much bigger storyline.

Author:  tiger_festival [ Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

Klonoahedgehog wrote:
Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Trucy's arrest was for an independent case. There has to be something bigger that brings the WAA to their knees.

It's kind of sad when the daughter of your boss getting arrested while he's away on business is just a footnote in a much bigger storyline.

What if they're unable to secure a not guilty verdict in time?

Author:  Klonoahedgehog [ Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

sumguy28 wrote:
Klonoahedgehog wrote:
Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Trucy's arrest was for an independent case. There has to be something bigger that brings the WAA to their knees.

It's kind of sad when the daughter of your boss getting arrested while he's away on business is just a footnote in a much bigger storyline.

What if they're unable to secure a not guilty verdict in time?

That'd be an interesting spin on things, though i'm not sure how they would that into two completely different cases.

Author:  Rubia Ryu the Royal [ Mon Apr 11, 2016 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

sumguy28 wrote:
Klonoahedgehog wrote:
Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Trucy's arrest was for an independent case. There has to be something bigger that brings the WAA to their knees.

It's kind of sad when the daughter of your boss getting arrested while he's away on business is just a footnote in a much bigger storyline.

What if they're unable to secure a not guilty verdict in time?

If we're to expect at least two separate cases in Japanifornia, to follow with the dual protagonist thing, then they ought to get her out. Otherwise, it'd be splitting up the same case in two, like with DD. However, it doesn't seem practical to do so, especially when the culprit seems so obvious and case 3 likely jumps back to being Kurain-only.

Now, if Trucy is caught up again in a separate case... well, I don't think they'll go there, since we technically have Maya back in the game. (That said, I'm hopeful Maya will not be a defendant, at least for the third case. Last case, maybe, but fingers crossed for otherwise.) So if Trucy is defendant again for case 4, it'd be a cheap cop out in more ways than one, but at least there would be some semblance of a "crisis" at the WAA if they can't keep their co-owner out of trouble while Nick is away. But that'd just be sad, through and through.

I'd say the chance that the Gramarye plotline, whatever was even left of it, is far gone into left field. They won't be able to keep a consistent story if Nick is minding foreign affairs while Apollo and Trucy have to face their past. There really is no connection... unless Apollo's dad really turns out to be from Kurain or is a spy sent there to instigate commotion or is all in all a bigger jerk than Zak has been.

Author:  Klonoahedgehog [ Mon Apr 11, 2016 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

Maybe Apollo's dad is the guy who was in shadow at the end of the prologue?
...Hey if Thallasa can fake her death.

Author:  luck [ Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

There's always that mysterious Green Gramarye, but I think that whoever that is, his story is going to be wrapped up in Case 2. Maybe with a Thalassa cameo if neccesary or something.

I'm thinking, what if the final defendant is LeĆ­fa herself? I remember that they used that 'key character' thing to describe her like they did with Athena. That way she could realize that defense attorneys aren't evil and change Kurain's approach to justice. I'm not sure how someone as powerful as her could even be arrested, but it might be posible if there are more royal family members involved (after all she's a princess, not a queen).

Author:  Dotogam [ Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

I want to see some loose ends tied up with Apollo but I also enjoy consistency much much more. If Apollo's section seems too out of place I'll probably not want it.

Author:  Smithee [ Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

I'm more concerned about how the entire Kurain government appears to be even worse than Manfred and Kristoph combined when it comes to Disproportionate Retribution against defense attorneys.

Author:  Lusankya [ Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

Smithee wrote:
I'm more concerned about how the entire Kurain government appears to be even worse than Manfred and Kristoph combined when it comes to Disproportionate Retribution against defense attorneys.

I don't think there actually is a government. Considering how they worship "the Founder" I expect her descendants to rule as autocrats. So either Leifa's mother or Leifa herself is the ruler and their legimitation are their spiritual powers. So having attorneys doubt the Spirit Mirror is like doubting Leifa herself and that could severly weaken their claim of rulership. I don't think Leifa herself came up with the law against defense attorneys, but most likely there is some evil advisor/ relative/ whoever who doesn't want the autocrat to lose their power.

Author:  Feroz El Mejor [ Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

OMG, reading this threat I'm getting really hyped, I really want to see the first case with Phoenix/Maya and the second one because TRUCY and Apollo.

Maybe the guy from the trailer is the phantom, he can espace from prison or something, I'm pretty sure that Dual Destinies is something like Justice for All, there's something important to make the game more relevant than we can think.

Author:  linkenski [ Fri May 06, 2016 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

Smithee wrote:
I'm more concerned about how the entire Kurain government appears to be even worse than Manfred and Kristoph combined when it comes to Disproportionate Retribution against defense attorneys.

It's also ways off, even in the japanese version I assume. I'm interested to see if the inspirations will be modern or from historic periods. Would making allegories to North Korea be out of the question? Nah, I'm just throwing random things in the pot lol.

On a less rambling note, I really hope we get some actual backstory to whoever the Founder of Kurain was, as opposed to how there is no lore about the "Goddess of Law" or any history to when or who the statue might represent (other than being an embodiement of law lol). I desperately needed context for Justine constantly mentioning her stupid Goddess of Law or how they also in DD talk about the Goddess of Law statue and you're just like... "What IS it?"

Author:  SPInc [ Fri May 06, 2016 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

Isn't Goddess of Law just a reference to Themis, the Greek Goddess of Justice? Since, y'know, Mikagami is a judge'n'all...

Author:  Blizdi [ Sat May 07, 2016 4:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

linkenski wrote:
as opposed to how there is no lore about the "Goddess of Law" or any history to when or who the statue might represent (other than being an embodiement of law lol). I desperately needed context for Justine constantly mentioning her stupid Goddess of Law or how they also in DD talk about the Goddess of Law statue and you're just like... "What IS it?"


She's a real thing, Iustitia, the Goddess of Law, she is what the AAI2/Statues were based on

Her GREEK counterpart is Themis, Goddess of Law, hence Themis Legal Academy

Author:  MBr [ Sat May 07, 2016 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

It makes sense for Mikagami/Justine to speak of the Goddess of Law like she does. Her design is based o a priestess, after all.

Author:  linkenski [ Sun May 08, 2016 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

MBr wrote:
It makes sense for Mikagami/Justine to speak of the Goddess of Law like she does. Her design is based o a priestess, after all.

Which is part of why her design is terrible. You could do that kind of stuff with perhaps Gant or Furio Tigre who were campy characters, and "EVIL" but Justine's characterization is very straight and takes itself so seriously, so the whole priestess stuff isn't played like a gag or at least it's not funny... it's just obnoxious.

Author:  Blizdi [ Sun May 08, 2016 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you think will they handle the overarching plot?

linkenski wrote:
MBr wrote:
It makes sense for Mikagami/Justine to speak of the Goddess of Law like she does. Her design is based o a priestess, after all.

Which is part of why her design is terrible. You could do that kind of stuff with perhaps Gant or Furio Tigre who were campy characters, and "EVIL" but Justine's characterization is very straight and takes itself so seriously, so the whole priestess stuff isn't played like a gag or at least it's not funny... it's just obnoxious.

Fun fact: It's supposed to be obnoxious, she's the ANTAGONIST for Case 2/3

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