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What is Cytube?Topic%20Title
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I can't find anything which explains it, so I figured that I would ask here...

What on earth is Cytube?

Is that where the party is at? I clicked on it and it was a bit of a muddle.

Don't really understand it.
Re: What is Cytube?Topic%20Title
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Alexander James

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I don't know. It's like some sort of a "Chat-AA TV Channel" hybrid.
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Re: What is Cytube?Topic%20Title
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AJtheprogrammer wrote:
I don't know. It's like some sort of a "Chat-AA TV Channel" hybrid.

Hmm... Mysterious... Nobody seems to know what it is exactly... or how it got there...

Re: What is Cytube?Topic%20Title

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Cytube is pretty much the same as Twitch.
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Re: What is Cytube?Topic%20Title
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This is the first time that I have heard about it.
Re: What is Cytube?Topic%20Title
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The Real Human Being

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Hey there friend, this is an older topic.
Try going to here for the random chat.

Also, if I remember correctly. Cytube was a project one of the admins was working on trying to get everyone together to watch streams, videos.
I didn't follow it too closely (Drama in my life) so I'm not even sure if it's still a thing.
Re: What is Cytube?Topic%20Title
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It's still used for viewing Directs and such, and I think they said something about using it more often for other things, not sure if that's still planned.
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Re: What is Cytube?Topic%20Title
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It's pretty much a "watch stuff together" thing but I don't think many of us here even use it.
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