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Nintendo Direct on 3/3Topic%20Title
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Nintendo has announced a new Nintendo Direct for tomorrow starting at 2 PM Pacific/5 PM Eastern/22:00 GMT/23:00 CET/07:00 JST.

While it's not very likely Ace Attorney news will be included due to the upcoming AA6 stream on Saturday, we invite everyone to watch and chat together on Cytube - and who knows, maybe there will be something AA-related after all!

Speaking of that AA6 stream, a reminder that it'll be running at 8 PM PT/11 PM ET/04:00 GMT/05:00 CET/13:00 JST on Saturday, March 5th/Sunday, March 6th depending on your timezone. We'll also be streaming that on Cytube and providing translations as it goes.
Hi! I've largely stepped back from C-R due to life stuff. Please contact one of the other staff members for help!

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I saw this news on GoNintendo, not much later followed by leaks for said Direct, ruining every surprise it may have.
Luckily I managed to only read that there were leaks, but not what the leaks actually are, so I am still safe.

But this whole information age is both a blessing and a curse. We can't have nice surprises for Directs anymore without someone trying to ruin it.
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On one hand, I seriously doubt any AA news, but on the other hand everything seems to be going faster with GS6 than it did with DD in regards to announcements so I could potentially see an English version of the TGS trailer; we got the DD TGS 2012 trailer in English in May of 2013 - we'd get the name around the same time. I'm not getting my hopes up, though, it still seems a little too early. I'd start being on the lookout soon though if they're announcing a release date for Japan this weekend. Wouldn't be surprised if the English trailer, the name, and a vague release date (fall for example) will be released in April.

Regarding the leaks, normally I'm fine with knowing stuff beforehand (I read all the spoilers before Star Wars came out for instance) but part of the fun is the Nintendo Direct is the surprise so I wish they hadn't leaked, mostly because I know there will be tons of people who post them and don't properly warn the person reading it first. I haven't read them yet; I probably will later on to get a grasp on the chances of any AA6 stuff but I've learned over the years that you have to take this stuff with a grain of salt. Lots of the Star Wars spoilers I read that seemed to be "confirmed" or "validated" turned out to be half-true but meant something completely different.
I used to have Sam Waterston as my avatar but photobucket added a watermark and also Law & Order has been cancelled for 10 years so it's time for me to move on.

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Supposedly, the leaks were for the European direct. Still a big chance for something to be different in the American and Japanese direct.
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Reglare wrote:
Supposedly, the leaks were for the European direct. Still a big chance for something to be different in the American and Japanese direct.

That's a good point. As I said above, I don't know what's in the leaks yet (obviously no one should post them here, I'll find them if I decide I want to "know") but I wasn't even thinking of the Japanese direct. That has a really good chance of some new stuff, especially if they somehow put in an ad for the event happening this weekend.
I used to have Sam Waterston as my avatar but photobucket added a watermark and also Law & Order has been cancelled for 10 years so it's time for me to move on.
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Out of curiosity, which region's direct will you be streaming? Will it be Japan's in hope of a new trailer? Or the US's in hopes for an announcement trailer?
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Eh I've not kept my ear to the ground so any supposed leaks I will have missed. I'll be there

Also with E3 coming up would that be possible to cover with Cytube?
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We went with the American stream for the last direct IIRC. I think we voted for which stream to pick the hour before?

As for E^3, if we can find a (re)stream that is on a compatible site, sure.
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Re: E3: most conferences are streamed on YouTube these days, so we'd be happy to get that up and running.

Anyway, today's Direct starts in about 75 minutes. Swing on by!
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Wooster wrote:
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Sadly, there wasn't much that interested me other than Star Fox Zero and the new Kirby game...
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Holy shit, they finally confirmed Rhythm Heaven 3DS. Brb I need to clean myself up :coffee: ... 44a161.gif

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Though I'm not that interested in the whole pop idol mess, I'm considering picking up Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE because Atlus generally tends to make good games.

Hate to say this too, but after seeing the new Paper Mario footage, I think I'll just have to give up on the series at this point and say that Super Paper Mario is the last good entry in the series. Seems they're continuing in the direction Sticker Star went for and that game sorely disappointed me.
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CatMuto wrote:
Pierre wrote:
Man...that looks dull...this actually makes me worried for KH3 (since that team worked on the battle system)

I feel the same
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Looks like Paper mario is dead.

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Anyone catch the EU one? Was there many differences? Like a release date for FE Fates?
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Pierre wrote:
Anyone catch the EU one? Was there many differences? Like a release date for FE Fates?

Yes, finally! It will be released on May 20th. There's also a Special Edition with an artbook and a poster.

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Re: Nintendo Direct on 3/3Topic%20Title
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Slammer wrote:
Pierre wrote:
Anyone catch the EU one? Was there many differences? Like a release date for FE Fates?

Yes, finally! It will be released on May 20th. There's also a Special Edition with an artbook and a poster.

Hmm the 3 in one sounds nice but man...what a delayed release date.

To think I finished Xenoblade for this.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: Nintendo Direct on 3/3Topic%20Title
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Has there ever been Ace Attorney presented in a Nintendo Direct before ?
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mrlmaokun wrote:
Has there ever been Ace Attorney presented in a Nintendo Direct before ?

They announced PLvsAA for Europe before, but I think that's about it.
Re: Nintendo Direct on 3/3Topic%20Title
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SuperAj3 wrote:
mrlmaokun wrote:
Has there ever been Ace Attorney presented in a Nintendo Direct before ?

They announced PLvsAA for Europe before, but I think that's about it.

If I remember correctly, the Japanese Directs had a lot of DD coverage, especially from May 2013 until release.

We got a confirmation that VS was coming in a US Nintendo Direct during the summer of 2013. Then there was a US one that fall where DD was shown off and the demo was released (the US just mentioned it, but the European Direct played the intro scene, I believe). I think it might have been shown off during the nearest Direct to the release but I can't confirm that. So I think we'll see it, but not for until 1-2 months before the game comes out, and even then it will not be the star of the show or anything.
I used to have Sam Waterston as my avatar but photobucket added a watermark and also Law & Order has been cancelled for 10 years so it's time for me to move on.
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