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Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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I've reuploaded the scripts of GS5 and GS6 with a minor update (for GS5, this only affects the DLC case). When a file started with a testimony or cross-examination, the first character (~) was missing; it's fixed now.
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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hey, these are super helpful thanks for making these! I first found this thread when I was looking for a side by side of the japanese and english for my (ongoing) translation of the second aa stageplay, and they've been super helpful and fun to look at in general.
I'm now also working on a romhack of aai and i was wondering what utility you used to extract the dialogue, since the investigations files are formatted differently from the rest of the series. i've been looking around and I thought I'd ask someone who I know was successful. thanks!
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edgeworthlez wrote:
I'm now also working on a romhack of aai and i was wondering what utility you used to extract the dialogue, since the investigations files are formatted differently from the rest of the series.

Hello, I've been making my own programs to extract the dialogue of all the games. For AAI it's been a long time so I don't remember the details, but I remember the files were unusually complicated. If you're interested in the C source code of my program, I can try to see if I still have it somewhere...
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Jozerick wrote:
edgeworthlez wrote:
I'm now also working on a romhack of aai and i was wondering what utility you used to extract the dialogue, since the investigations files are formatted differently from the rest of the series.

Hello, I've been making my own programs to extract the dialogue of all the games. For AAI it's been a long time so I don't remember the details, but I remember the files were unusually complicated. If you're interested in the C source code of my program, I can try to see if I still have it somewhere...

If you still have it I would really appreciate seeing it! If only so I can learn about the file structure from it. Thank you either way :)
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OK, I've found the source code of the programs I made to extract the dialogue from GK1 / AAI.
For the English version
For the Japanese version (the output is a text file that uses the Shift-JIS encoding).
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Just wanted to say, bless you for providing all of these, Jozerick. I've been heavily referencing (and quoting... lmk if you want me to not do that) these scripts for an un-localizing project I'm working on and it's been crazy interesting to compare the originals with the official translations. Thank you so much!!!
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You're welcome :)
Feel free to quote them as much as you want. After all, all the text belongs to Capcom, not me.
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Oh I meant to ask and forgot--are you planning to/have you already done rips of the Japanese scripts for DGS 1 & 2?
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Yes, I have the Japanese scripts of the DGS games. Now I'm waiting for the localized version...
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I've re-uploaded Ghost Trick's script with corrections, as there were a few mistakes.
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Hey again. I've finally got my copy of The Great Ace Attorney. Will you be sharing the complete scripts of this game as well? It will prove most useful for my research. In the meantime, I'm just gonna mess around in the game and see what I can find on first glance.
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Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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Yes, I'm planning to make dual scripts for TGAAC. I'll be using the 3DS scripts for the Japanese, and the Steam scripts for the English text.
That said, I was planning to wait a few months before publicly releasing them, as I'm not comfortable releasing the game's whole script soon after its release. I'm okay with sharing it privately though.
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Sure thing. Send me a DM with what you have. I've played through both games so I won't be spoiled to anything. I also don't share these files with anyone. I only share the notes I've taken and I'll make sure not to leave anything too spoilery out in the open. That's why I made a different tumblr blog just for DGS spoilers and the like.
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Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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Oh, could I be put on the DM list too for the DGS scripts? They're so handy when looking up specific lines!
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Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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I've added the dual script of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles to the first post. In the end I took the Japanese script from the Steam version too.

- For these games I've kept the furigana, but I've separated them from the main text in order not to clutter it. The furigana have been placed on a line starting with "//" between the Japanese text and the English text, like this:
// 成歩堂 = なるほどう / 龍ノ介 = りゅうのすけ
(My name is Ryunosuke Naruhodo.)

- "{" and "}" have been added around readable cursive text in GAA1-1 (to distinguish it from normal text)
- Keyboard keys displayed in the text have all been replaced with "[]"
- There is one instance in the games where a name tag is changed during the course of the game. This is not reflected in the script; the old name tag is used in the script, even for the dialogue that can only happen after the change. The change in question is
Gossip -> Boone, in GAA2-4
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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I updated GS4/AJ's script. There were a few mistakes such as missing lines or missing quotation marks.
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title

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Many, MANY thanks for supplying these scripts! They have been a great source of inspiration for a machine translation project I'm currently working on. I have some feedback I've collected on some of the scripts I could share, if interested!

I know it may be a stretch, but I was also curious to know if you could share the script for Gyakuten Saiban Jiten? I'm not aware of an English equivalent yet, but to even have it in a .txt doc would be helpful for a translation experiment I'd like to run :maya:

Many thanks again!
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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TokenAttraction wrote:
Many, MANY thanks for supplying these scripts! They have been a great source of inspiration for a machine translation project I'm currently working on. I have some feedback I've collected on some of the scripts I could share, if interested!

I know it may be a stretch, but I was also curious to know if you could share the script for Gyakuten Saiban Jiten? I'm not aware of an English equivalent yet, but to even have it in a .txt doc would be helpful for a translation experiment I'd like to run :maya:

Many thanks again!

I'm glad you find these scripts useful!
Unfortunately, I don't have GS Jiten's script. I gave it a look, but I have no idea where the scripts are among the game's files.
But I'm interested in the feedback you mention!
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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Jozerick wrote:
TokenAttraction wrote:
Many, MANY thanks for supplying these scripts! They have been a great source of inspiration for a machine translation project I'm currently working on. I have some feedback I've collected on some of the scripts I could share, if interested!

I know it may be a stretch, but I was also curious to know if you could share the script for Gyakuten Saiban Jiten? I'm not aware of an English equivalent yet, but to even have it in a .txt doc would be helpful for a translation experiment I'd like to run :maya:

Many thanks again!

I'm glad you find these scripts useful!
Unfortunately, I don't have GS Jiten's script. I gave it a look, but I have no idea where the scripts are among the game's files.
But I'm interested in the feedback you mention!

If I am not mistaken, all the text in that game is graphics, not "text", so there´s no script files, only graphics
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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AshuraMage wrote:
If I am not mistaken, all the text in that game is graphics, not "text", so there´s no script files, only graphics

That seems unlikely. I can see that all the buttons are images, but for the main text it would make more sense to use a font.
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Jozerick wrote:
AshuraMage wrote:
If I am not mistaken, all the text in that game is graphics, not "text", so there´s no script files, only graphics

That seems unlikely. I can see that all the buttons are images, but for the main text it would make more sense to use a font.

Ok, so I was searching somewhere to see where I found out that the game´s text is all graphics and found this video about a dude that translated some buttons:
And he said that in response to someone´s comments:
By the way, all the book part is graphics as well, so you understand what pain in the ass it is to translate.
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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AshuraMage wrote:
Ok, so I was searching somewhere to see where I found out that the game´s text is all graphics and found this video about a dude that translated some buttons:
And he said that in response to someone´s comments:
By the way, all the book part is graphics as well, so you understand what pain in the ass it is to translate.

Alright, but in another comment of this video, they say this:
The "game" is programmed with the a** , there is a lot of text that is graphics and the text lines that are real text, are all scrambled in a big file of text.
Example the 6 lines of text at 00:16, are 6 lines of text in 6 random spots in the big file with all the text any none of those lines is sequential to any others.

So it seems there is a file with all the description text, but either way it'll be difficult to extract.
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title

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Jozerick wrote:
TokenAttraction wrote:
Many, MANY thanks for supplying these scripts! They have been a great source of inspiration for a machine translation project I'm currently working on. I have some feedback I've collected on some of the scripts I could share, if interested!

I know it may be a stretch, but I was also curious to know if you could share the script for Gyakuten Saiban Jiten? I'm not aware of an English equivalent yet, but to even have it in a .txt doc would be helpful for a translation experiment I'd like to run :maya:

Many thanks again!

I'm glad you find these scripts useful!
Unfortunately, I don't have GS Jiten's script. I gave it a look, but I have no idea where the scripts are among the game's files.
But I'm interested in the feedback you mention!

Sounds good! I'll do a larger post in the future once I wrap up the project I'm working on and share my notes!

Would you also happen to know if there was a script for Ace Attorney Investigations 2/Prosecutor's Path? Not sure if having that available is a legal issue or if it opens another entire can of worms with fan translations... :ron:
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title

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Jozerick wrote:
AshuraMage wrote:
Ok, so I was searching somewhere to see where I found out that the game´s text is all graphics and found this video about a dude that translated some buttons:
And he said that in response to someone´s comments:
By the way, all the book part is graphics as well, so you understand what pain in the ass it is to translate.

Alright, but in another comment of this video, they say this:
The "game" is programmed with the a** , there is a lot of text that is graphics and the text lines that are real text, are all scrambled in a big file of text.
Example the 6 lines of text at 00:16, are 6 lines of text in 6 random spots in the big file with all the text any none of those lines is sequential to any others.

So it seems there is a file with all the description text, but either way it'll be difficult to extract.

Many thanks for the quick responses, all!

Neat! I encountered that same video! Its author also seems to be the same person who worked on/helped release the Ace Attorney Investigations II/Prosecutor's Path rom.

Another part of my project was to get the scripts from the manga (which I also found on this site). Thankfully when the submitter created the JA/EN files, they created jpg files for each page. I recently ended up finding an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) site that scans images and converts them into editable text files (.txt, .doc, etc.). Could handling the graphics as images work in this case? Or do you think that the in-game images would come out as sprites and could not be manipulated?

Note: While there are many OCR sites, this site was the closest I found that accurately scanned the text bubbles and produced text that needed the least amount of touch-up/post-editing. I did notice that it did not grab any text that was part of the environment (such as Japanese signs and embedded text).
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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TokenAttraction wrote:
Would you also happen to know if there was a script for Ace Attorney Investigations 2/Prosecutor's Path? Not sure if having that available is a legal issue or if it opens another entire can of worms with fan translations... :ron:

I do have a dual script for AAI2. It was made quickly and doesn't use the fan-made localized names.
Download link

TokenAttraction wrote:
Another part of my project was to get the scripts from the manga (which I also found on this site). Thankfully when the submitter created the JA/EN files, they created jpg files for each page. I recently ended up finding an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) site that scans images and converts them into editable text files (.txt, .doc, etc.). Could handling the graphics as images work in this case? Or do you think that the in-game images would come out as sprites and could not be manipulated?

You can always try to take screenshots of GS Jiten and use OCR to extract the text. I don't know how well that would work, though.
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title

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Jozerick wrote:
TokenAttraction wrote:
Would you also happen to know if there was a script for Ace Attorney Investigations 2/Prosecutor's Path? Not sure if having that available is a legal issue or if it opens another entire can of worms with fan translations... :ron:

I do have a dual script for AAI2. It was made quickly and doesn't use the fan-made localized names.
Download link

Aah! Thanks so much!

TokenAttraction wrote:
Another part of my project was to get the scripts from the manga (which I also found on this site). Thankfully when the submitter created the JA/EN files, they created jpg files for each page. I recently ended up finding an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) site that scans images and converts them into editable text files (.txt, .doc, etc.). Could handling the graphics as images work in this case? Or do you think that the in-game images would come out as sprites and could not be manipulated?

You can always try to take screenshots of GS Jiten and use OCR to extract the text. I don't know how well that would work, though.

After re-reading the author's YouTube comments and sleeping on it, I realized that the Japanese must be hard-coded into the sprites, which is why it's so labor-intensive, and why my solution wouldn't work.

I goofed around with Google translate from my phone to the DS, and the translations were an amusing mess. I will try the screenshot route!
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I don't know if this is worth reviving a thread over, but thank you so much for these scripts! They'll be so helpful to me!
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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I reuploaded the scripts of GS1, GS2, GS3, GS4, GS5, GS6, and GK1, with minor corrections such as removing superfluous name tags.
I added the scripts of the Steam version of GS123 and GS456, in case you want to compare them with the DS/3DS version. For GS4, I didn't have the proper file names so I just reused the numbered names from the DS script.
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title

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Jozerick wrote:
I reuploaded the scripts of GS1, GS2, GS3, GS4, GS5, GS6, and GK1, with minor corrections such as removing superfluous name tags.
I added the scripts of the Steam version of GS123 and GS456, in case you want to compare them with the DS/3DS version. For GS4, I didn't have the proper file names so I just reused the numbered names from the DS script.

Hi, thank you for all your work!

I was wondering how you're extracting the Steam transcripts, I'm trying to get a readable version of GK1&2 scripts from the new Steam collection but in French language so I can find typos and report them to Capcom.
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Snowphey wrote:
Hi, thank you for all your work!

I was wondering how you're extracting the Steam transcripts, I'm trying to get a readable version of GK1&2 scripts from the new Steam collection but in French language so I can find typos and report them to Capcom.

The process is different for each game. For Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, you can use a program like AssetRipper or AssetStudio to extract script files from the .bundles files in the folder "Ace Attorney Investigations Collection\GK12_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64". For the French script, it's in the files starting with gk1_scriptmessage_fre_ and gk2_scriptmessage_fre_.
Then to extract the script in text format from those files, I write my own programs. For these two games, I haven't finished yet, and it'll probably be a while until I do since I want to play the games first.
Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title

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TokenAttraction wrote:
Jozerick wrote:
TokenAttraction wrote:
Would you also happen to know if there was a script for Ace Attorney Investigations 2/Prosecutor's Path? Not sure if having that available is a legal issue or if it opens another entire can of worms with fan translations... :ron:

I do have a dual script for AAI2. It was made quickly and doesn't use the fan-made localized names.
Download link

Aah! Thanks so much!

TokenAttraction wrote:
Another part of my project was to get the scripts from the manga (which I also found on this site). Thankfully when the submitter created the JA/EN files, they created jpg files for each page. I recently ended up finding an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) site that scans images and converts them into editable text files (.txt, .doc, etc.). Could handling the graphics as images work in this case? Or do you think that the in-game images would come out as sprites and could not be manipulated?

You can always try to take screenshots of GS Jiten and use OCR to extract the text. I don't know how well that would work, though.

After re-reading the author's YouTube comments and sleeping on it, I realized that the Japanese must be hard-coded into the sprites, which is why it's so labor-intensive, and why my solution wouldn't work.

I goofed around with Google translate from my phone to the DS, and the translations were an amusing mess. I will try the screenshot route!

Wanted to pop back in with a heartfelt thank you again for the hard work it takes to curate the scripts, and with a follow-up to my final project (albeit late).

I couldn't end up doing the OCR route in time for the project, but am greatly appreciative of the ideas and help along the way. It could also be interesting to run this project again now that AAI2 has an official localization...

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Re: Dual Japanese/English scriptsTopic%20Title
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Glad I could help! That was an interesting read.
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