Court Records

Your least favorite PW pairings
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Author:  Emiko Nabile Gale [ Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

:edgeworth: / :gumshoe:

Possibly the only guy/guy pairing that grosses me out. I like yaoi and all but Detective Gumshoe has a deep respect for Edgeworth, sure it's a little creepy sometimes but he's not gay for Edgeworth. :uh:

Author:  Gnobo [ Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

This love triangle...

:cards: x :regina: x :punch-ben:

Do I even need to say why?

Author:  CatMuto [ Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Emiko Gale wrote:
:edgeworth: / :gumshoe:

Possibly the only guy/guy pairing that grosses me out. I like yaoi and all but Detective Gumshoe has a deep respect for Edgeworth, sure it's a little creepy sometimes but he's not gay for Edgeworth. :uh:

I kinda don't like this pairing, either.
Although if I do make comments on this pairing while playing, it's always played for laughs - you know, how Gumshoe constantly says he has a deep, thrusting relationship with the prosecutors.
Just some more stuff to giggle at while the court system makes me wanna rape it with a sandpaper covered dildo.

:cody-talk: / :pearl:

I just don't understand it.
These two never meet, they probably would have nothing in common - except maybe being roughly the same age. Then again, I suppose people who ship this pairing are the kind that want to make sure everyone is shipped with somebody.

:grossburg: / :redd:

Okay, I don't really like this pairing, but according to the game, it's a canon choice.
But like Gummy and Edgey, I guess this is more played for laughs.


Author:  Emiko Nabile Gale [ Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

CatMuto wrote:

:cody-talk: / :pearl:

I just don't understand it.
These two never meet, they probably would have nothing in common - except maybe being roughly the same age. Then again, I suppose people who ship this pairing are the kind that want to make sure everyone is shipped with somebody.

With the huge time gaps between cases I say those two could've met at one point. (In my headcanon Ema and Maya may have known eachother since their older sisters know eachother, they just don't mention eachother because it's not relevent information for any of the cases.) However, I don't care for this particular pairing either, it's kind of cute seeing how they are both the same age and Cody was attracted to Mia at one point, who's to say he wouldn't be attracted to Pearl? And those two could discuss the steal samurai together, or have a childish bicker, that seems realistic. :payne: I'd rather ship an older Pearl with Apollo since I think Apollo may be the prince Pearl is waiting for.

Author:  PhoenixFlower16 [ Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I am honestly just not at all a fan of :odoroki: / :ema: . I'm just not, okay???
Sue me if you want!!
I much prefer :ema: / :snap: . I guess...sigh, I don't know...
I've got a huge thing for I guess Ema is a good choice.

Author:  feenieloveiris [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

:phoenix: :phoenix: :maya: :maya:

nonsense. just over nonsense. facepalm to the shippers. already disappointed in AJ cause no iris/phoenix. waiting for iris/phoenix in Dual Destinies, but then this shit.

:phoenix: :phoenix: :edgeworth: :edgeworth:

sure shippers of this have sexuality problems .

Author:  Jean Descole [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Posts 1886 and 1887. I don't like thinking of them as a pairing because they really ought to be part of the same post.

Also, this thread is about least favorite pairings, and not bashing fans of pairings.

Author:  Emiko Nabile Gale [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

feenieloveiris wrote:
:phoenix: :phoenix: :maya: :maya:

nonsense. just over nonsense. facepalm to the shippers. already disappointed in AJ cause no iris/phoenix. waiting for iris/phoenix in Dual Destinies, but then this shit.

Phoenix/Iris isn't as canon as you think it is darling.

Author:  CatMuto [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

feenieloveiris, while I agree with the first post in a sense that I do not like this pairing. And I don't understand why people think those two are automatically romantic - why can't they just let them be friends with a strong bond of truth - I at least let them like it. No reason to bash their pairing.

I could bash Iris/Phoenix easily.
Or better yet, I could subjectively prove that this pairing is not as canon as one might think. And at the very least, it would be very, very difficult to get it to working again.


Author:  PhoenixFlame53 [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I never did understand or support :adrian: / :franny:.

Author:  PhoenixFlame53 [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

feenieloveiris wrote:
:phoenix: :phoenix: :edgeworth: :edgeworth:

sure shippers of this have sexuality problems .

Um, I don't think I have sexuality problems, thank you very much. :edgeworth:

Anyway, if you like your beloved Phoenix/Iris so much, you should stop hating on other people's choices and head on over to the 'Favourite Pairings' thread.

Author:  CatMuto [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

PhoenixFlame53 wrote:
I never did understand or support :adrian: / :franny:.

I think it's people took Adrian's dependency on Celeste the way that she was in love with her... and when Franziska gave her that... pep-talk or whatever in 2-4, Adrian relied on that and people think dependency = love...

And as we all know, Franziska's intense hate for Phoenix automatically means that she's a lesbian (when it doesn't mean she loves Phoenix) *should stop with the sarcasm there*

Not saying that is like that, but I do like to imagine why people may like a pairing.


Author:  tiger_festival [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

CatMuto wrote:
feenieloveiris, while I agree with the first post in a sense that I do not like this pairing. And I don't understand why people think those two are automatically romantic - why can't they just let them be friends with a strong bond of truth- I at least let them like it. No reason to bash their pairing.

I can honestly say the same thing about Phoenix/Edgeworth.

Author:  Pierre [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

sumguy28 wrote:
CatMuto wrote:
feenieloveiris, while I agree with the first post in a sense that I do not like this pairing. And I don't understand why people think those two are automatically romantic - why can't they just let them be friends with a strong bond of truth- I at least let them like it. No reason to bash their pairing.

I can honestly say the same thing about Phoenix/Edgeworth.

Read the quote before I read your comment Sumguy and I'd ASSUMED he was already talking about Phoenix and Edgeworth.

Author:  CatMuto [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

sumguy28 wrote:
CatMuto wrote:
feenieloveiris, while I agree with the first post in a sense that I do not like this pairing. And I don't understand why people think those two are automatically romantic - why can't they just let them be friends with a strong bond of truth- I at least let them like it. No reason to bash their pairing.

I can honestly say the same thing about Phoenix/Edgeworth.

I knew somebody would mention that.
Here's my reason why I do not have Phoenix and Edgeworth be just friends unlike Phoenix and Maya. I see a ton of sexual subtext being said between Phoenix and Edgeworth throughout the game, hence the very least I think they have some (physical) attraction to each other.


Author:  Pierre [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

CatMuto wrote:
sumguy28 wrote:
CatMuto wrote:
feenieloveiris, while I agree with the first post in a sense that I do not like this pairing. And I don't understand why people think those two are automatically romantic - why can't they just let them be friends with a strong bond of truth- I at least let them like it. No reason to bash their pairing.

I can honestly say the same thing about Phoenix/Edgeworth.

I knew somebody would mention that.
Here's my reason why I do not have Phoenix and Edgeworth be just friends unlike Phoenix and Maya. I see a ton of sexual subtext being said between Phoenix and Edgeworth throughout the game, hence the very least I think they have some (physical) attraction to each other.


And other people don't.
And their opinion is just as valid as yours.

Author:  tiger_festival [ Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Pierre wrote:
sumguy28 wrote:
CatMuto wrote:
feenieloveiris, while I agree with the first post in a sense that I do not like this pairing. And I don't understand why people think those two are automatically romantic - why can't they just let them be friends with a strong bond of truth- I at least let them like it. No reason to bash their pairing.

I can honestly say the same thing about Phoenix/Edgeworth.

Read the quote before I read your comment Sumguy and I'd ASSUMED he was already talking about Phoenix and Edgeworth.

Wait, CatMuto's a MAN?
I'm sorry, that joke was inevitable
Pierre wrote:
CatMuto wrote:
I knew somebody would mention that.
Here's my reason why I do not have Phoenix and Edgeworth be just friends unlike Phoenix and Maya. I see a ton of sexual subtext being said between Phoenix and Edgeworth throughout the game, hence the very least I think they have some (physical) attraction to each other.


And other people don't.
And their opinion is just as valid as yours.

What Pierre just said. Maybe I'm just blind to sexual subtext in a game that tries to tell a story that isn't about sexual subtext, but the only thing thing I ever found that was even close to sexual subtext was in a penalty to a question in 2-4 that was extremely easy to answer correctly had one made it that far.

Author:  TheOtherAttorney [ Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Klavier X Daryan.
Eww. Just... eww. :beef:

Author:  CatMuto [ Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

And other people don't.
And their opinion is just as valid as yours.

Um, I never said anyone who doesn't follow my pairing ideas has no valid opinion. As for the "Just Friends" thing between Phoenix and Maya, but not Phoenix and Edgeworth, I gave my personal reason to be that I see sexual subtext between Phoenix and Edgeworth in the game. I know other people may not see the sexual subtext or may see subtext between Phoenix and Maya and that is fine. I just stated that I personally see no reason for Phoenix and Maya to work as more than friends.


Author:  Pierre [ Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

CatMuto wrote:
And other people don't.
And their opinion is just as valid as yours.

Um, I never said anyone who doesn't follow my pairing ideas has no valid opinion. As for the "Just Friends" thing between Phoenix and Maya, but not Phoenix and Edgeworth, I gave my personal reason to be that I see sexual subtext between Phoenix and Edgeworth in the game. I know other people may not see the sexual subtext or may see subtext between Phoenix and Maya and that is fine. I just stated that I personally see no reason for Phoenix and Maya to work as more than friends.


I know you didn't but you presented an argument and the straight fact other folks don't see it is the counterargument.

In an ideal world topics like the pairing debate thread and this wouldn't even exist and people would be happy to just leave this sorta thing alone.

Author:  Thelema [ Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

:phoenix: / :maya: - Whoa! It's so beautiful... Flowers... Burgers... Happiness, love, smiles, tangerine trees and marmalade skies. No! I just don't swallow it. It's just boring. I can see it happening, but not in a MATURE way - and that's what bothers me.

:larry: or :eh?: / any serious character - Please.

Author:  CatMuto [ Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

In an ideal world topics like the pairing debate thread and this wouldn't even exist and people would be happy to just leave this sorta thing alone.

Well, we don't and I don't think we will.
Although even in a perfect world, I think a debate thread would be neat. After all, it's nice to talk about somebody's pairing or one's own pairing and see their reasoning, their idea of how and why they think those two would fit together.

I have seen arguments for characters like... Refill and Kratos from Tales of Symphonia which I don't buy. But I have also seen arguments for those two that would make it seem possible to happen, even if it was 'just a fling' or maybe even more. I'm not saying that people with flimsy reasons for shipping two characters are bad, just that they shouldn't expect to be able to convey their idea 'properly' to other people.


Author:  9mayasato9 [ Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Slash pairings in general. Not my thing.

:edgeworth: / :franny: : Ok, NO! They're siblings, for crying out loud! Adopted, yes, but that doesn't change that they grew up as siblings!

:phoenix: / :edgeworth: : This is actually simultaneously one of my favorite and least favorite pairings. I dislike it because, well, one, I dislike slash in general, and two, I once came across a P/E fic that I could relate 90% to. Except, my Edgeworth (well, actually, I'd be the Edgeworth between us, but it was Phoenix's PoV that I was connecting to...) is a platonic friend. I think. Argh. I think it'd be easier to like this pairing if I could sort out my own relationships :payne: But yeah... after that fic I saw more and more connections from P/E to myself and my friend and got disturbed into staying away, for the most part. Yet I keep coming back to it... :yuusaku:

:phoenix: / :maya: : They seem like siblings to me...

Pierre wrote:
In an ideal world topics like the pairing debate thread and this wouldn't even exist and people would be happy to just leave this sorta thing alone.

That would be a rather sad ideal world. I like these debates... They're fun... :sadshoe:

Author:  Thelema [ Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

9mayasato9 wrote:
Slash pairings in general. Not my thing.

:edgeworth: / :franny: : Ok, NO! They're siblings, for crying out loud! Adopted, yes, but that doesn't change that they grew up as siblings!

So what? I mean... Edgeworth hasn't been present in Franziska's life like a real sibling. The connection between them was way more intellectual and competitive than openly emotional - the "von Karma" family was far from conventional. I don't ship this pairing but I think there's a possibility for a romantic feeling to be developed after some time.

Author:  CatMuto [ Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

dangerousoffender wrote:
9mayasato9 wrote:
Slash pairings in general. Not my thing.

:edgeworth: / :franny: : Ok, NO! They're siblings, for crying out loud! Adopted, yes, but that doesn't change that they grew up as siblings!

So what? I mean... Edgeworth hasn't been present in Franziska's life like a real sibling. The connection between them was way more intellectual and competitive than openly emotional - the "von Karma" family was far from conventional. I don't ship this pairing but I think there's a possibility for a romantic feeling to be developed after some time.

Yes but the fact that the family was so conventional means that it would probably take a long time for romantic feelings to pop up. I feel dirty saying this, but I feel that maybe Franziska would be slightly similar to a Shoujo Manga heroine, being all furious at Edgeworth and thinking about him all the time and getting even angier because he's on her mind all the time... you know, typical, stupid stuff like that. So... it is a possibility, probably like any other pairing in any franchise, but it would take a long time to pop up.

:ka-whip: Ow!


Author:  Thelema [ Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

CatMuto wrote:
dangerousoffender wrote:
9mayasato9 wrote:
Slash pairings in general. Not my thing.

:edgeworth: / :franny: : Ok, NO! They're siblings, for crying out loud! Adopted, yes, but that doesn't change that they grew up as siblings!

So what? I mean... Edgeworth hasn't been present in Franziska's life like a real sibling. The connection between them was way more intellectual and competitive than openly emotional - the "von Karma" family was far from conventional. I don't ship this pairing but I think there's a possibility for a romantic feeling to be developed after some time.

Yes but the fact that the family was so conventional means that it would probably take a long time for romantic feelings to pop up. I feel dirty saying this, but I feel that maybe Franziska would be slightly similar to a Shoujo Manga heroine, being all furious at Edgeworth and thinking about him all the time and getting even angier because he's on her mind all the time... you know, typical, stupid stuff like that. So... it is a possibility, probably like any other pairing in any franchise, but it would take a long time to pop up.

:ka-whip: Ow!


I must admit, it's a cute scenario. That pairing grew on me, but I still have problems with it by Edgeworth's perspective. I love the character, but I'd like him even more if something, at least some subtle insinuation in the game suggested that he could approach a vagina. Franziska herself have already so much trouble dealing with emotions - Edgeworth is more mature/calm but not less proud-spirited. I can't see him expressing romantic feelings or taking the initiative.

Author:  dimentiorules [ Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I have a neutral opinion towards almost all pairings. I'm not really into pairings in the slightest, but I have nothing against people who are. The only pairing I don't quite understand is Emma X Klavier. It's made quite clear that Emma hates Klavier with a passion, so I don't quite get why they're shipped so much. If you ship them, that's fine, more power to you, I'm just voicing my opinion.

Author:  CatMuto [ Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

dimentiorules wrote:
It's made quite clear that Emma hates Klavier with a passion, so I don't quite get why they're shipped so much.

Because a lot of people seem to think "Constantly Fighting = They're In Love!!"


Author:  Pierre [ Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

CatMuto wrote:
dimentiorules wrote:
It's made quite clear that Emma hates Klavier with a passion, so I don't quite get why they're shipped so much.

Because a lot of people seem to think "Constantly Fighting = They're In Love!!"


Even then I'd say that formula typically only applies when the hate goes both ways.

With Klavier it's just like he doesn't care.

Author:  Jean Descole [ Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

dangerousoffender wrote:
I'd like him even more if something, at least some subtle insinuation in the game suggested that he could approach a vagina.


Well, he sure seemed interested in "that bikini lady" for some reason...

Author:  linkenski [ Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Everything except

:maya: x :phoenix:,
:adrian-crunch: x :phoenix:,
:ema: x :odoroki: unnacceptable!

Author:  papasbuddy [ Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

the worst :lana: / :gant:

Author:  Thelema [ Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

C'mon, some love/hate pairings are cute.

linkenski wrote:
Everything except

:maya: x :phoenix:,
:adrian-crunch: x :phoenix:,
:ema: x :odoroki: unnacceptable!

Adrian and Phoenix? What th-
Can someone explain this?

Author:  Jean Descole [ Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

dangerousoffender wrote:
C'mon, some love/hate pairings are cute.

linkenski wrote:
Everything except

:maya: x :phoenix:,
:adrian-crunch: x :phoenix:,
:ema: x :odoroki: unnacceptable!

Adrian and Phoenix? What th-
Can someone explain this?

If you present Phoenix's photo to her in 3-2, she'll mention something about him looking like he's "bulked up a little."

There's also the whipping comment in the ending, where Adrian says that Franziska told her to demonstrate what she's learned on Phoenix.

I'm not sure if fans see it as a healthy relationship or not, so I can't decide which moment it is.

Author:  CatMuto [ Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

linkenski wrote:
Everything except

:maya: x :phoenix:,
:adrian-crunch: x :phoenix:,
:ema: x :odoroki: unnacceptable!

So according to you, it's acceptable that Phoenix cheats on Maya with Adrian or vice-versa.


Author:  Pierre [ Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Adrian in black wrote:
dangerousoffender wrote:
C'mon, some love/hate pairings are cute.

linkenski wrote:
Everything except

:maya: x :phoenix:,
:adrian-crunch: x :phoenix:,
:ema: x :odoroki: unnacceptable!

Adrian and Phoenix? What th-
Can someone explain this?

If you present Phoenix's photo to her in 3-2, she'll mention something about him looking like he's "bulked up a little."

There's also the whipping comment in the ending, where Adrian says that Franziska told her to demonstrate what she's learned on Phoenix.

I'm not sure if fans see it as a healthy relationship or not, so I can't decide which moment it is.

I don't think any relationship with Adrian is healthy :gant:

Author:  Jean Descole [ Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Pierre wrote:
Adrian in black wrote:
dangerousoffender wrote:
Adrian and Phoenix? What th-
Can someone explain this?

If you present Phoenix's photo to her in 3-2, she'll mention something about him looking like he's "bulked up a little."

There's also the whipping comment in the ending, where Adrian says that Franziska told her to demonstrate what she's learned on Phoenix.

I'm not sure if fans see it as a healthy relationship or not, so I can't decide which moment it is.

I don't think any relationship with Adrian is healthy :gant:

Really? Why do you say that?

Author:  Pierre [ Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

I feel I may be walking on thin ice here.

I just think given Adrian's mental state that she's not really in a good place for any kind of relationship or at least a good one with equal footing where she doesn't become a dependant neurotic mess.

Author:  icer [ Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

dangerousoffender wrote:
9mayasato9 wrote:
Slash pairings in general. Not my thing.

:edgeworth: / :franny: : Ok, NO! They're siblings, for crying out loud! Adopted, yes, but that doesn't change that they grew up as siblings!

So what? I mean... Edgeworth hasn't been present in Franziska's life like a real sibling. The connection between them was way more intellectual and competitive than openly emotional - the "von Karma" family was far from conventional. I don't ship this pairing but I think there's a possibility for a romantic feeling to be developed after some time.

I think it's the fact they (still) ACT like siblings. And not the kind that would be into incest.

They act more like siblings than most of the real siblings in the series. "I hate you, Miles Edgeworth!"

I still think Adrian/Franziska is a nice idea. Although it probably wouldn't really work out.

Author:  linkenski [ Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your least favorite PW pairings

Pierre wrote:
I feel I may be walking on thin ice here.

I just think given Adrian's mental state that she's not really in a good place for any kind of relationship or at least a good one with equal footing where she doesn't become a dependant neurotic mess.

Then you were not paying attention to what was showed in Trials and Tribulations. Adrian resolved her inner conflict at the end of JFA, because she realised she should accept herself and her mistakes instead of trying to be like other people. That's why she's so incredibly clumsy in 3-2. It makes a lot of sense psychologically imo. In 2-4 she's described by Phoenix as being the "always-thinking type". Deep down she's maybe not as confident as she seems and when she accepts herself she lets go of her over-controlled attitude and therefore she doesn't try to hide that she's full of flaws. Imo she's found herself and she isn't mentally ill at this point.

Also the whole thing about Maya commenting "Is there something I don't know?" as she was never really there when Adrian appeared in 2-4 was a comic relief that she's misinterpreting it as if Phoenix and Adrian could've been lovers since she has never seen Adrian before. In general that case played a little with making it seem like Phoenix and Adrian knew each other more than you thought.

IMO over :phoenix: and :maya: this is the most compelling coupling including Phoenix to make sense with canon. Alright there's Iris, but c'mon. It's too sugar-sweet, like I want to puke because it's too clean and lovey-dovey for a relationship.

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