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Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?
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Author:  Rnomadrs [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

TheDoctor wrote:
If you play AA6 without playing T&T first, you'll know Iris is not Dahlia when she's revealed in 3-5.

Wait AA6? That hasn't even come out yet though. unless you're from the future!!!!

Author:  Nearavex [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Technically, he meant that is what would happen, in case AA6 featured Iris.

On the subject of the change of her appearance, something like this comes to mind:


It's still too similar, but it's only because it's a sprite edit - given the fact that differences in facial features between characters in anime style are actually pretty subtle, 3D modeling could allow making her look like herself, while not bearing any resemblance to Dahlia from 3-1.

Author:  TheDoctor [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Rnomadrs wrote:
TheDoctor wrote:
If you play AA6 without playing T&T first, you'll know Iris is not Dahlia when she's revealed in 3-5.

Wait AA6? That hasn't even come out yet though. unless you're from the future!!!!

Well, I am TheDoctor after all. Lol.

Now that I think of it though, Adrian's presence in T&T was kind of a walking spoiler in and of itself due to her being the only other suspect aside from Matt in 2-4 (As much as I loved the case, there should have been more suspects, since Will Powers and Wendy Oldbag obviously don't count).

I do kind of hope Iris shows up or at least gets a mention in AA6 though.

Author:  linkenski [ Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

I just don't think Iris had enough of a buildup as a character, if you know what I mean. She's Nick's girlfriend who is written into the plot in a little contrived manner. I think that's why I don't find them cute, but boring instead. I wanna forget Iris, I think she's a bad character.


Author:  shippersdreamer [ Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Nearavex wrote:
Technically, he meant that is what would happen, in case AA6 featured Iris.

On the subject of the change of her appearance, something like this comes to mind:


It's still too similar, but it's only because it's a sprite edit - given the fact that differences in facial features between characters in anime style are actually pretty subtle, 3D modeling could allow making her look like herself, while not bearing any resemblance to Dahlia from 3-1.

Wow, you really made that look good, I'm serious she looks GORGEOUS.

Author:  Nearavex [ Tue Aug 12, 2014 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

No no no, the edit was made but Yuneia, I claim no credit here xD

Author:  Going for Miles [ Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Maybe then she could get a personality as well! :D

Author:  Nearavex [ Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

I actually like her personality in itself, but I think there wasn't really a good opportunity to flesh it out, so it did kinda turn out somewhat bland.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

How would you describe her personality? Other than "kind". Because honestly, that's the only trait I can think of for her.

Author:  Nearavex [ Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

There isn't much, but most of it does show in the game. She is kind and gentle, for sure. However, she had something that could be described as a very severe case of what Adrian had - dependency on others.

She depends mostly on her sister, Dahlia, and on Phoenix - she feels insecure about losing or betraying either of them, which is why most of the time, since her values often contradict each other, she can't decide what she should do - a state, in which she can be easily manipulated, either by Dahlia herself, or when neither of the two were by her side, by Godot.

In this state, there is kind of darker side to her - regardless of how she feels about it, she is a willing accomplice to whatever scheme she's participating in. She does have limits, she does want to minimize the damage, but no matter the scheme that the person she's accompanying has planned, she still works towards its success, like she suppresses her feelings until later point in time. That's kinda creepy, when you think of it.

She does have a certain strength of character, when it comes to defending what, or rather, who she cares about and depends on, specifically trying to stop Dahlia from poisoning Phoenix, once the former left their house with that goal in mind, but, unfortunately, this was limited to a declaration, which certainly didn't do too much to reflect that trait.

It would work much better if there was an unexamined factor in 3-1, like signs of a struggle or a murder attempt, which would be left unaxplained in a way similar to what 4-1 (Zak's identity, Kristoph's motive) or GK2-1 did. *sigh* There are so many things I would do differently in the Ace Attorney's story, really.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Interesting! Thanks.

There are so many things I would do differently in the Ace Attorney's story, really.

Yeah, and that's even more sad/frustrating than if it'd be downright bad - when you think about how good it could have been, often with just a few small changes. :viola:

Author:  Nearavex [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Ah, this gets me in the shippy mood again~

I wanted to browse earlier posts, and what I find is a lot of art with broken links :sadshoe: So much art lost forever.

Author:  TheDoctor [ Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

I know, it's sad.

I have to say though, my favorite artwork of the paring usually involves Iris wearing her own version of the hobo hat. Just throwing that out there.

Author:  Ucha Nekome [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

linkenski wrote:
I just don't think Iris had enough of a buildup as a character, if you know what I mean. She's Nick's girlfriend who is written into the plot in a little contrived manner. I think that's why I don't find them cute, but boring instead. I wanna forget Iris, I think she's a bad character.


I couldn't agree more. She was pretty much there to prove Phoenix was right and that he didn't have to learn a lesson about anything cause he was right all along. BULLSHIT! I'm sorry but Iris is a terrible person! She could have told Phoenix about the plot in the beginning same as Godot! Why didn't she? Anyone who genuinely cared about him would have said something so Phoenix would leave with Maya and Pearl right away. Godot at least had "blinded by revenge" as an excuse. Phoenix helps her out and she just disappears completely! And the fact that she has Dahlia's face doesn't help. All throughout that game I wanted to smack that bitch Dahlia. Then Iris comes with her face and I just wanted to smack her too. (Which I admit isn't fair of me, they are two very different people and all.) I'm sorry, I just felt as if Iris was a plot device and nothing more. If they had spent more time and developed a character for her I might have felt better about the whole thing but most of the time I just felt uncomfortable with her presence. Dahlia was a villain, thus meant to be hated. She did her job...Iris didn't. And people complain about Athena. At least she's always grateful, and has a personality. Iris is a wallflower...She could have stood up for herself and said something about the crazy plan. And why did she go along with that in the first place?! You'd think she would have done something to avoid her crazy sister from ever being channeled. Like IDK TELLING PHOENIX, PEARL, SOMEONE!!! Nope she just let it happen. Sorry about the rant...I just needed to say this.

Author:  Nearavex [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

I'd say the whole matter was a bit sensitive here - first of all, they weren't sure if they could tell it directly to Pearls, since there was a possibility she knew what she was doing. Second, they couldn't really restrain her or anything (hell, they didn't even have a chance to have her alone at any time).

Iris was merely following what she was told. There wasn't really reason for her to tell Phoenix about it, since it was Maya's life on the line - they tried to stop it, of course, but it's not like she could just walk up and say everything (that'd be a horrible mystery, too)

Also, I'm not sure I really appreciate your rant about her lack of personality, after I wrote something about it...

Author:  Ucha Nekome [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Nearavex wrote:
I'd say the whole matter was a bit sensitive here - first of all, they weren't sure if they could tell it directly to Pearls, since there was a possibility she knew what she was doing. Second, they couldn't really restrain her or anything (hell, they didn't even have a chance to have her alone at any time).

Iris was merely following what she was told. There wasn't really reason for her to tell Phoenix - there wasn't even reason to tell Phoenix about it, since it was Maya's life on the line - they tried to stop it, of course, but it's not like she could just walk up and say everything (that'd be a horrible mystery, too)

Also, I'm not sure I really appreciate your rant about her lack of personality, after I wrote something about it...

Look I'm not here to start a fight. It's just me...I don't understand why but her character's very existence drove me nuts. Lets face it...She was there to prove that Phoenix was right all along, in that the woman on the stand was not the woman he was dating. In the real world, fate isn't so kind. You can argue her reasons for being there all you want but in the end it comes down to this. People you've known all your life could kill you without a second glance. Some Psychopaths have normal family lives with a little hobby known as murder on the side. Dahlia is a Psychopath. She manipulates and uses until she gets what she wants. It wouldn't be so unbelievable that she could act her way to get Phoenix to believe she was a good person...she had done it before. Iris's existence pisses me off because it says "It's ok to trust your feelings on people who betrayed you, because it's just their evil twin!"...It just occurred to me that I hate Iris because she is a soap opera cliche...That and her lack of any good decisive judgement. And why WOULDN'T she say anything? You do realize the whole "Evil Plan" hatched by Morgan depended on Phoenix's decision to go to a secluded cold mountain for a night. All three of them could have told him before that bullshit began! Even IF she didn't know he was involved she could have said something to him that night! He could have gone to Pearl and said. "Listen you can't call upon Dahlia she is a demon from the darkest deeps of hell! I know you promised your mother but Maya could be in danger if you call her." That would have easily stopped Pearl. Even Godot admitted if he really wanted to stop all that chaos from happening he would have told Phoenix. In the end, someone got killed anyway, and Iris just allowed herself to be used as a fall guy/girl for someone who just killed your aunt and head of your family...Do you see where I'm coming from here? I know she has "SOME" redeeming traits, but her letting people walk all over her isn't one. Again this is just my opinion I don't mean to offend anyone or their ship!

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

The game was obviously implying that what Phoenix and Iris had was "real." It was something that couldn't be faked and that's why Phoenix was so sure at the time. I like the fact that the last person he defends in the OT is someone he once loved and he doesn't even know it. Plus, she even admitted she would kill her own sister for him

Godot messed up the plan out of his own self-pity. Iris followed what Godot said because he was in charge. She helped because she felt she had an obligation towards Phoenix and an obligation to protect others from her sister

Now, I don't think I'd want Iris to be in GS6 but I think she's better than most make her sound

Author:  Nearavex [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Ucha Nekome wrote:
"Listen you can't call upon Dahlia she is a demon from the darkest deeps of hell! I know you promised your mother but Maya could be in danger if you call her." That would have easily stopped Pearl.

Question: How would Godot, Misty or Iris know that it'd stop her? Like I said earlier - how would they know she doesn't know what she she's doing and isn't helping willingly? Or even so, how would they know, she wouldn't trust her own mother rather than them?

They did try to prevent channeling - by occupying Pearl with something else, a meeting with Misty. That was it. They couldn't have known Pearl wouldn't show up, even in case they prepared for that.

Maybe they could've told Phoenix, but it's like JM said - Godot was in charge and he choose not to and Iris couldn't just go and tell everything, you know. However, the very basics of the plan was preventing Pearl from channeling without informing her of her mother's evil plots. What you propose goes directly against it.

Author:  Ucha Nekome [ Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Nearavex wrote:
Ucha Nekome wrote:
"Listen you can't call upon Dahlia she is a demon from the darkest deeps of hell! I know you promised your mother but Maya could be in danger if you call her." That would have easily stopped Pearl.

Question: How would Godot, Misty or Iris know that it'd stop her? Like I said earlier - how would they know she doesn't know what she she's doing and isn't helping willingly? Or even so, how would they know, she wouldn't trust her own mother rather than them?

They did try to prevent channeling - by occupying Pearl with something else, a meeting with Misty. That was it. They couldn't have known Pearl wouldn't show up, even in case they prepared for that.

Maybe they could've told Phoenix, but it's like JM said - Godot was in charge and he choose not to and Iris couldn't just go and tell everything, you know. However, the very basics of the plan was preventing Pearl from channeling without informing her of her mother's evil plots. What you propose goes directly against it.

Look I'm not gonna post here anymore cause this isn't the place for me, but I will say that if Iris was a person with self respect she wouldn't allow herself to be used like that. I guess you could say I don't like people who do whatever they are told even if there is nothing to gain emotionally or otherwise. If it's something you believe in that's great...But Godot murdered someone and she was willing to take the fall for him. Like I said it's JUST ME! I have no intention to push my opinion on other people. Iris was one of those characters I felt was the opposite of me. She relies on other people to tell her what to do. And whenever she tried to do something right it would end up wrong. And not in the funny way. People pity her when she puts herself into those situations to begin with. The rest really is Godot's fault but he admits his guilt on that...AFTER trying to prove Iris, a girl who bent over backwards to help him literally get away with murder, guilty...(I don't hate Godot...but he really is a villain...)

Author:  tiger_festival [ Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Nearavex wrote:
Question: How would Godot, Misty or Iris know that it'd stop her? Like I said earlier - how would they know she doesn't know what she she's doing and isn't helping willingly?

How is that any worse than what they did? If all three of them confronted the diabolical little girl about it, who's going to get hurt? And if this scenario is what the three stooges assumed, then they would have utterly failed when they kept Pearls and Maya trapped on the island.
Or even so, how would they know, she wouldn't trust her own mother rather than them?
Because her mother said it was for the good of the Fey clan. That it would help Mystic Maya. If Misty simply revealed who she was, all of Morgan's credibility would just vanish. Yes, it would be "mean" to the kid, but it's less "mean" than what they did end up putting her through.

Author:  Nearavex [ Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

I don't think she had any self respect anymore - she valued Dahlia and Phoenix more than anything else, but when Dahlia was convicted, she lost both of them. As a person dependant on others, she must have felt empty - to suddenly return to the Hazakura Temple, with no one but sister Bikini in her life, again. Let's be honest - she does appreciate her foster mother, but I don't think that this would be anyone's idea to spend whole life.

I actually just noticed that Iris is not only similar to Adrian with her dependency issues - but also to Phoenix as well. The strenght of both of them lies in others - however, unlike Phoenix, Iris actually lost the people she relied on, the people she cared about. Even with Phoenix still alive, he treated her as a stranger - who knows how that could have changed even if he knew the truth? - hell, according to most of the fandom, and even her lack of presence in present-day canon, it didn't. At that point, I'm not even surprised she was fine with taking the blame

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Nearavex wrote:
I don't think she had any self respect anymore - she valued Dahlia and Phoenix more than anything else, but when Dahlia was convicted, she lost both of them. As a person dependant on others, she must have felt empty - to suddenly return to the Hazakura Temple, with no one but sister Bikini in her life, again. Let's be honest - she does appreciate her foster mother, but I don't think that this would be anyone's idea to spend whole life.

I actually just noticed that Iris is not only similar to Adrian with her dependency issues - but also to Phoenix as well. The strenght of both of them lies in others - however, unlike Phoenix, Iris actually lost the people she relied on, the people she cared about. Even with Phoenix still alive, he treated her as a stranger - who knows how that could have changed even if he knew the truth? - hell, according to most of the fandom, and even her lack of presence in present-day canon, it didn't. At that point, I'm not even surprised she was fine with taking the blame

I just want to say that even though we've disagreed on a ton of shit, your posts have really made me appreciate Iris' character more (not saying I didn't like her before). This one made me so sad :sadshoe:

Author:  Going for Miles [ Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

I'm almost starting to get - dare I say it - sympathy for this person. But seriously, it's great how people view characters differently and bring out new sides / a new perspective on them, I don't know how deeply the developers thought about Iris but this makes me see her with somewhat different eyes and not as flat as I've always interpreted her character.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Seriously. I feel really bad for her now and her ending is a little bittersweet. She's in prison, but she got to meet Phoenix again and say a proper goodbye

Author:  Johnny Rotan [ Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

No new P/I art as of late, but there have been a couple of Iris and Dahlia pics (not pairing ones): ... -480713668

And another shameless plug for the Deviantart P/I, and Hawthorne twins groups :godot:

Author:  Mayu Igiyooki [ Mon Apr 27, 2015 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

I'm both Phoenix/Maya and Phoenix/Iris Shipper. But I ship the second one twice as the first one. Hope they'll show Iris again on AA6. I can't wait to see her! Feenris is my favorite Pairing, after all! :edgey:

Author:  SPInc [ Thu May 07, 2015 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Whew, finally got through all 88 pages.
What can I say?

First off, I really like Iris. As flawed as she is, her positive traits are admirable. Kind and forgiving - as simple as that. Although I wouldn't mind seeing more character development for her - all the more reason I'd like to see her in GS6 as a stronger person.

Likewise, I really enjoy NaruAya. These two are just adorable together. Sadly, this pairing is pretty much doomed canon-wise (thanks, Kristoph).

Spoiler: ^_^
However, nothing can beat the ultimate GS pairing - Phoenix Wright X Attorney's Badge. Truly a match made in Heaven, destined to be supported for ever and ever!

Anyway, glad to see more people supporting this pairing!
*peeks away*

Author:  Mayu Igiyooki [ Fri May 08, 2015 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

SPInc wrote:
Spoiler: ^_^
However, nothing can beat the ultimate GS pairing - Phoenix Wright X Attorney's Badge. Truly a match made in Heaven, destined to be supported for ever and ever!

Agreed, too. :butzthumbs:

Author:  Johnny Rotan [ Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Actually have some new art to post:

With Dahlia: ... -539488064 (a tiny bit disturbing).

Author:  Athena_Cykes [ Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Feenris Day is coming up soon! If I'm not mistaken, it's on the 12th of September.

Author:  Johnny Rotan [ Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

The first new P/I art in ages: ... -576927207

Author:  ZoomBoom124 [ Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Yep they are perfect for each other, I'll go edit my shipping list right now! :phoenix: :iris:

Author:  Planetbox [ Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

This if probably one of the few shops I have in Ace Attorney, especially considering it has a canon basis.

Author:  MoonRaven [ Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Hmm... I think they are sort of cute but I don't really see them getting together again. Iris has so much guilt on her shoulders and self-esteem issues that I doubt she'd think Phoenix would ever forgive her enough to date her. Phoenix in the other hand... well, he has grown a lot, especially during the AJ time-skip. Not to mention how much the whole Iris-Dahlia debacle must have hit his psyche. Despite his optimism I guess there would be some trust issues.
In any case though, I think they could mend bridges and become friends again. Not dating but friends.

Author:  Butz the Klutz 52 [ Sat Aug 20, 2016 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

This pair is amazing. Feenris forever! :phoenix: / :iris:
Don't let this thread die :accordion-head:

Author:  Butz the Klutz 52 [ Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

More pics


My love for this pair will never die! Feenris for AA7!

Author:  Butz the Klutz 52 [ Tue Aug 23, 2016 4:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?


More Feenris

Author:  Butz the Klutz 52 [ Wed Aug 24, 2016 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?


My passion will never die

Author:  Butz the Klutz 52 [ Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?


Author:  Phoenix_Wrong [ Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phoenix and Iris: Cute or CUTE?

Butz the Klutz 52 since you're posting Feenris pics, I'll help you out


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