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Island Of Fire RPTopic%20Title
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Audere est facere.

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You are a passenger on the cruise ship Marina, a prestigious liner that circles the Pacific, making several stops on renowned tourist spots. A sudden storm hits the ship, and you, along with several other passengers, are thrown overboard. When you regain consciousness, you find yourself stranded on a seemingly deserted island, with many resources such as caves you can inhabit, fresh water, fruit trees, and wild vegetables in the soil. Of course, there are also many dangers to the island, such as wild animals, poisonous mushrooms and plants, mosquitoes, and a volcano that looms over the whole island. There is also a mystery surrounding the island, one that may explain why no human inhabits the island. Will you be able to escape the island alive? Only time will tell.

Spoiler: angel_of_nature :::: Cassandra Mueller
Name: Cassandra Mueller
Age: 23
Occupation: Librarian
Appearance: Rather short, standing at 5’2”. She has long, pale brown hair kept in a ponytail and a light complexion. She wears glasses, a light blue tank top, a brown cotton jacket, tan cargo pants and leather sandals.
History: Cassandra Mueller is a half-German, half-American librarian with an obsession for books and history. She planned on being a writer, but so far her writing career hasn’t kicked off, so she spends her time working at a nearby library, though she may often be caught reading the books customers return instead of shelving them. She decided to take a break from city life and bought a ticket for a Pacific cruise liner.
Skills: Cassandra has the barest of survival skills, knowing how to use a knife, shinny up a tree, and swim for her life, but she can also be useful on an island by identifying certain wildlife, with the knowledge obtained by her reading passion.
Other: Cassandra is deathly afraid of heights, and took a cruise ship instead of an airplane because of this.

Spoiler: Franzika Von ehmpke5 :::: Jeanette Jundin
Name: Jeanette Jundin
Age: 18
Occupation: Waitress
Appearance: Long straight brown hair. Light blue jeans. Purple T-Shirt.
History: Jeanette Jundin was always the smartest kid in her class. The only reason she's a waitress is because her parents wanted her to work at the family diner. When she was little she always climbed trees and things, she got really good at climbing. When Jeanette was a child she went to the zoo a lot. At the zoo they had an area where you build little animal houses out of sticks leaves etc., she really loved to build things out of leaves and twigs so she kept practicing making things with them.
Skills: Making things out of leaves sticks etc., climbing, fighting.
Other: Jeanette is always kind. She always wanted to live on an island. Sometimes she's serious other times she's childish.

Spoiler: Lida_Rose :::: George Haufmann
Name: George Haufmann
Age: 25
Occupation: Security guard, war veteran.
Appearance: He has deep, brown eyes and a hat that always covers his hair. All of his features seem hardened, from his square jaw and shallow cheeks to his narrow eyes. He's skinny, but muscular, and has dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep.
History: As soon as he turned 18, George joined the army and soon found himself in the front lines during a war. As such, he knows how to use a gun, use a knife, and be stealthy, along with knowing basic survival skills. He also has a general knowledge of which are poisonous and which aren't, although that's more for the terrain he was in during the war. He came back from it a year ago, and became a security guard, but he still has nightmares...
Skills: Use of a knife, firearms, general knowledge of plants, stealth, and basic survival skills.
Other: He tends to be really tense all the time, so if someone surprises him, he or she might find him attacking him or her, rather than whatever actions he or she was expecting.

Spoiler: ToonBlade :::: Alex Gatrie
Name: Alex Gatrie
Age: 18
Occupation: Pizza deliveryman.
Appearance: Spiky blue hair, yellow eyes, blue shirt, green shorts, red shoes.
History: Alex has always been lazy, but is actually quite fit. Ever since he was a kid, he watched survival shows on TV because that was what he wanted to be when he grew up. He also went on hunting trips with his best friend when he was younger. Now he works at another friend's pizza place as the delivery boy.
Skills: Knows how to hunt, knows handy survival tricks, can quickly memorize the layout of an area or memorize any route.
Other: Since he is still lazy, he tends to falll asleep sometimes. He's also a bit blunt.

Spoiler: Inquisitor Amakiir :::: Kendal Dekker
Name: Kendal Dekker


Occupation: Missionary

Appearance: Kendal has black hair down to his shoulders, and a black mustache and goatee. 5'10", 170lbs. He wears a red button up shirt and kahki work pants. He has a brown duster coat and a cowboy hat.

History: Kendal was born and raised in Boston, the child of two missionaries. When they were out on the job, he would go out west and live with some of his family out in Arizona. There he learned the lost art of the cowboy, but eventually he followed his parents into the missionary trade. He moved to Italy, where he got a degree in theology from the University of Milan. Now he wanders the world and is awesome and stuff.

Skills: From his time in the field Kendal has learned BASIC wilderness survival, natural history and all that. He is also quite good at first aid and basic medicine. Other than that, he can hold his own in a fight (trained in clubs as missionary training, and learned how to shoot as a cowboy, not to mention basic bullwhip operation). He can ride a horse as often as he can't, and can fluently speak Italian. He also has basic occult knowledge though I doubt that will be useful.

Other: Kendal has a bad habit of wanting to take charge when going out into the island. On the shore he's quiet and contemplative, but out in the wild he's party leader.

Spoiler: SomariFeyWright :::: Chris Player
Name: Chris "Somari" Player

Age: 13

Occupation: None

Appearance: Tall and thin, despite his laziness. Wears a pair of near-sighted glasses even though he doesn't need them. Nearly all of his clothing has Sonic/Mario/Ace Attorney/Ghost Trick on it. Wears a Magatama necklace that looks exactly like the Magatama Maya Fey from Ace Attorney has.

History: Somari has always been a freak compared to other kids his age. For so long, in fact, that he's started taking many insults as compliments. He's very smart, but few like him because of how weird he is, not to mention the personality traits he doesn't have that teenagers almost always have. He's a pacifist, even though he's been beaten up for a long time, and would NEVER fight under any circumstances. He's good-natured, and cares a lot about the welfare of others before himself. He's nerdy, and geeky, and proud of it, despite the many beatings he's gotten from it. He's very smart, and has never gotten anything lower than a C on a Report Card in his life.

Skills: Can play video games better than most, and can use Logic in a way similar to Edgeworth, but not much else.

Other: Is extremely lazy; you'd have to give him one heck of a serious reason to help do some physical labor; even on the island, always has a DS on him.

The Sign-up and OOC thread is located here. Once your profile has been approved and is posted on here on the main thread, you may post freely. The introduction post is basically set when your character regains consciousness on the shoreline of the island, and from there the story continues.
I've been away for far too long.
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Last edited by AoN on Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Island Of Fire (Open for applications!)Topic%20Title
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The GG. The Girl Gamer

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Jeanette Jundin woke up on a deserted island. She was unconscious a few minutes ago.
"What the?! Where am I?!" Jeanette wondered out loud. She remembered being on a ship and then a storm.
"Why can I barely remember what happened?!" Jeanette wondered.
"HEY!!! IS ANYONE HERE?!?!?!" Jeanette screamed.
Re: Island Of Fire (Open for applications!)Topic%20Title
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Audere est facere.

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((@Franzika: Just a tip to make your posts longer from now on (your post was 49 words, actually one word below minimum, but I'll disregard that for now), do try to add more description about the events, your surroundings, or even the actions of your character. I do expect quality posts from everyone I RP with, so please bear with me!))

Cassandra Mueller opened her eyes to see the blazing sun and clear, blue sky above. Her throat felt dry, her skin itchy from the sand. " I?" Sandra asked herself, pushing herself upright. Looking around, she saw a whole forest of trees, a few pieces of driftwood and seaweed on the beach with the waves lapping at her feet, and a volcano which seemed to rise from the forest, puffs of smoke coming from its crater. Something shone in the sand, and when she took a closer look, they were her glasses, still quite intact despite being buried halfway into the sand. She sighed in relief, putting them on, though why they were in the sand, or why she was here, for that matter, was still a mystery.

She tried to recall the events before this. She remembered being on a cruise ship in the Pacific, enjoying her vacation from work in the city. Then it hit her - a storm hit the ship, sending it rocking back and forth, the slippery floors of the decks letting her slide out to the open ocean. She tried swimming, she remembered as well, but the waves overpowered her, and she drowned, finding herself on this island when she awoke.

A voice called out from nearby, sending her thoughts back to the present. "Is anyone here?!" it seemed to cry, a woman's voice, if she wasn't mistaken. Looking to her left, Sandra saw a woman in a purple shirt and jeans, looking quite bewildered. She tried shouting to the woman to let her know of her own presence, but she ended up coughing up more saltwater. Since there was nothing more she could do at the moment, she stood up and headed in the woman's direction, to let her know, at the very least, that another human being was on this island.
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The GG. The Girl Gamer

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((@Angel Sorry. I'll make my posts longer now.))
Jeanette saw a girl who had just coughed up water.
(Thank god there's other people here!) Jeanette thought, happily.
Jeanette was about to wave to the girl but stopped. She saw that her hand was covered in splinters.
(Why is my hand covered in splinters?) Jeanette wondered as she checked her other hand. It was also covered in splinters. She then saw a piece of driftwood next to her.
(Is that why I have so many splinters?) Jeanette wondered, she was now more curious than she ever thought she could be.
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George Haufmann knew right away when he looked at the sky that a storm was coming. The clouds covered up the sun, making the area surrounded by darkness, the kinds of which most would never know.
"We need to abandon ship," he said to the captain. The response was a simple: "Oh? And where will we go? Just float around until someone sees us? No. Besides, we don't have enough lifeboats for everyone to get off safely." Exasperatedly, George looked up at the sky, just in time to see a bolt of lightning hit the crow's nest, setting the ship aflame. With no time to get to the lifeboats, George jumped into the sea. He had always been a strong swimmer, after all. As he came closer to the island, he felt tired, very tired. Maybe if he just stopped swimming and fell asleep...He started sinking. Down, down, down, but he was too tired to go any further.

George woke up, gasping for air. He was on the island, by the sea. He didn't drown, or get tired enough to do so when he was swimming. After he managed to swim to the island, he had walked a few steps, then fell asleep. The fact that lightning hit the boat and lit it on fire, he was hazy on. Was that dream, or reality? Now that he was awake, he was going into survival mode. The first order of business was to find other survivors. He glanced around, and saw two young women: one walking toward the other after coughing up water.

"Are you okay, Ladies?" he asked as he headed toward them. He would be loathe to act discourteously toward women.
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Last edited by Lida_Rose on Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Island Of Fire (Open for applications!)Topic%20Title

The Zelda Geek

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"..... Ugh.... what in.... where am I....?
And why the hell am I on the sea?!"

Alex had just woken up, and found himself floating in middle of the sea. He was nervous. He had to get to dry land as soon as posible. Eventually he found a island with a huge volcano on it. He swam as fast as he could twoards the island.

As soon as he made it to shore, he tried to remember what happened.
(Alright, lets see....... I won that one contest for a free tiket to that cruise...... on the cruise, a storm hit, and I was thrown overboard.......... I find myself on an island.0

At that momment he decided to look for other survivors, and sure enough, there were three right in front of him. He ran twoards them and yelled.
"Helloooo! Are you survivots too?! Helloooooo!!"
Re: Island Of Fire (Open for applications!)Topic%20Title
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Audere est facere.

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((@ToonBlade: Please take note of grammar and spelling before posting anything. This goes for everyone, of course, but this is supposed to go unsaid and I didn't think it necessary to say anything until now.))

Before Sandra could even reach the other woman on the island, two more people caught her attention as they headed toward their direction. One wore a hat, and had the appearance of a young soldier, walking toward them steadily and greeting them with a gentle tone. The other seemed quite the opposite, with strikingly blue hair and colorful attire, running toward the two while calling their attention. Both seemed drenched as well by the seawater, and were no doubt on the same ship, having quite the same predicament as herself. Finally able to speak without much difficulty, she turned to the first man, saying, "I'm quite alright, though I can't say the same for my friend over here."

Speaking of the other woman, she noticed the girl had stopped her approach and stared at her hands quite eagerly. Curious, Sandra went up to her, and saw several splinters on her palm. Sandra wanted to help, but she feared anything she did might worsen the girl's condition, so she called out to the others, "Does anyone here know first aid or how to remove splinters?"
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The Zelda Geek

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"Splinters? Erm.... I'm not sure....." sid Alex as he started to think

(Splinters.... Has Bear Grylls ever talked about splinters...? I'm not sure.....) he thought. He was thinking as hard as he could.
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"I know how to remove them," George said. "However, it will be painful. Especially since I doubt anyone has tweezers on them. Not to mention, I have never actually removed a splinter before. They have been removed from me, though, multiple times, so I know how it's supposed to be done." He pulled out his knife. "I'd rather not be the one to do it. I can walk either of you through the process as best as I know it, but...I don't want to harm a lady." He had, by the time he finished talking, reached the two women. He gathered that the one who was staring at her hand was the one who had the splinters. "It would be wise to get them out before they get infected."
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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Kendal sputtered, coughing up water onto the sand in front of him. That was quite the swim he thought as he turned back towards the ocean. It was still hitting him, the destruction of the ship. He said a silent prayer in thanks for his survival. At that point he heard one of the other survivors asking for help, someone who knows first aid.

"I know a thing or two about first aid," Kendal said as he walked over to the group, one of which seemed to have a messed up hand. Then the one guy pulled out a knife.

"Do you think that that is the best?" He asked, "It seems a bit... big for the situation. Does anybody have a Swiss Army Knife?" He looked around, "I know first aid quite well actually."
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
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George shrugged and pocketed his knife, then stood at attention.
"It is a bit big. Forgive me. I had nothing else on me that would help the situation," he said. "Is there anything I can do to help? Maybe I could gather firewood so we could make a fire? Or go hunting? Whatever it is you wish me to do, Sir."
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The older man offered to help, pulling out an army knife, though he seemed quite unsure of himself, as were everyone else. Then a new face appeared, seemingly arriving at the island only now, claiming he knew first-aid. The man asked if anyone had a Swiss Army knife, and at that point, Sandra remembered having one in her pocket. She brought it out, but both the toothpick and tweezers were gone, most likely washed away by the sea. "Here's mine," she said, handing it over to the man who'd just arrived, "but I don't know if it'll be of much help. I think I'll try looking for some fresh water to wash the wounds."

Heading away from the group, she then saw a stream further on, leading toward the ocean. She sighed in relief, her throat yearning for the water. Eagerly, she cupped her hands and drank her fill. The only problem was, there wasn't any way to transport the water back to the woman, so they had to go to the stream instead. Walking back to the rest, she told them, "There's a stream over there, but you'll have to go there personally to get water until we find a container of sorts to transport the water."
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"Thank you," Kendal said as he grabbed the Swiss Army Knife, "This will work wonders." He started flipping through the tools, only to find the tweezers gone.

"Crap," He muttered, eventually flipping out the scissors, "Which would you prefer? Scissors or pliers?" He clicked the scissors together as he gently grabbed the girl's wrist. He started gently doing his best to wedge the splinters using the scissors and, when all else failed, just cut the splinters so they wouldn't be as injuring. (I rolled a critical success on my first aid check, 3 out of 75 if you're wondering)

At that point the woman who gave him the knife walked back, and spoke about the stream. "Okay, I think we can move her easily. Do you think you can get to the stream Ms..."
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
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Feeling guilty after not being acknowledged by Kendal, which he took to mean the guy didn't think he could be useful, George offered his hand to Jeanette in order to help her to the steam. Not that she needed it, since it didn't seem like her legs or feet were injured, but still, it was the gentlemanly thing to do.
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The GG. The Girl Gamer

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Jeanette held George's hand.
"Hello. My name is Jeanette. What's your name?" Jeanette asked George.
([I]A stream.... I hope we find a container that we can hold water in soon...[I]) Jeanette thought, she was very worried. She had always wanted to live on an island but definitely not like this.
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George grinned slightly, helping Jeanette toward the stream.
"I believe she can," he said, in response to Kendal's question. "My name is George Haufmann, former veteran and security guard. Now, I suppose I'm just a person stranded on this island. Might I inquire as to your name, Miss?"
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Kendal watched as his patient walked off with the man that had the knife. He followed along nearby, though he let go of the girl's wrist.

"Thanks for the help partner," He went to tip his hat at the man, only to realize his hat wasn't there.

"Where's my hat?" He asked as he looked around, "Where's my hat?"
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
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The GG. The Girl Gamer

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"My name is Jeanette Jundin. Nice to meet you George." Jeanette said.
([I]How are we all going to be able to survive on this deserted island?![I]) Jeanette thought worried. Tons of things were going through her mind. She was really freaked out about this whole situation. She didn't looked freaked out or worried at all though.
Epic signature by PandaPrinzessin
Daughter of CarChaseCityMan, married to ToonBlade, and mom of Game Over, SomariFeyWright, bethanyann96, and >Mario<
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George chuckled.
"You're welcome. Your hat?" he asked, looking around. "I don't see it around here...Is it possible it's lost at sea? If it is..." He pulled off his hat, only to reveal there was another one under it, and handed it to Kendal. "You may use my spare." He looked at Jeanette. "A pretty name for a pretty girl." He smiled slightly. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well."
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The GG. The Girl Gamer

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Jeanette blushed a little.
"Thank you." Jeanette said.
(A hat under his hat? That reminds me of when my older sister did a magic trick where she pulled out of a hat out of a hat out of a hat out of a hat and it just kept going for hours. And all the hats were about the same size. And when she showed me her hat before the trick there was nothing in it.... I'm still wondering how she did that...) Jeanette thought.
Epic signature by PandaPrinzessin
Daughter of CarChaseCityMan, married to ToonBlade, and mom of Game Over, SomariFeyWright, bethanyann96, and >Mario<
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Kendal rolled his eyes as he saw the two flirting, "We're stuck on an island, this is no time for flirting." He muttered in Italian. "Thanks for the hat," He said as he placed it on his head.

"So, does anybody here have any idea where we are actually? I mean, relative to the mainland." He looked out to the ocean as he approached the stream.
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
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"You are welcome," George said to both Kendal and Jeanette. He heard what Kendal said in Italian and could vaguely guess what it meant, but didn't acknowledge it at all. "I wouldn't know. The captain didn't even know this island existed. I bet any maps we had are unreadable by now thanks to the storm." He sighed and rubbed his temples. "How long had we been cruising before the storm hit?"
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Sandra followed the conversation, walking constantly toward the stream along with the rest of them, though why a man would keep a spare hat with him at all times, she had no clue. When the topic moved to where they were located, she said, "If I remember correctly, our last stop was Bali, and we were on our way to Hawaii, and we've been out at sea for about a week's time, so we were roughly halfway to our destination. That still doesn't give us much of a clue to where we are, though, as the gap between the two points is quite large, and the currents may have taken us anywhere in the Pacific."
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Just then, another being washed up to shore near the current people on the island. He was young; about 14 to be approximate; and there was something bulging in his pocket. He was also clearly wiped out from all his time in the water, assuming he was knocked out.

Suddenly, he started slowly standing up, coughing out water, trying to speak.
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
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"Hmmm...I see. In other words, we're screwed," George said with a chuckle. "Well, let me think...I'd say, then, that in another week or so, they'll find out that our cruise did not arrive, and they'd probably wait another day or two afterward just in case we're running late. Then, after that, they might come searching for us. How long it would take them to reach here, I have no idea. We're probably looking at a month or more." He saw a kid float ashore and added, "Well, I'll be. Another survivor." He tipped his hat to Jeanette. "Please excuse me for just one second." He walked over to the kid and reached out to steady him with his arms. "Keep coughing, Kid. Don't try to talk just yet. Get all that water out first."
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The boy, shaking violently, slowly stood up, and continued his coughing. After coughing a little bit more, he was breathing heavily, and fell back down on the ground, though he was still conscious.
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
Re: Island Of Fire (Open for applications!)Topic%20Title
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"Excuse me miss," Kendal said as he left Jeanette and ran over to the boy, "You okay son?" He looked over to George.

"Hey, you want to finish taking care of the girl or leave her to me while you get the boy?"
Re: Island Of Fire (Open for applications!)Topic%20Title
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George wanted to catch the boy before he fell, but the scene reminded him so much of the war, he froze on the spot for a moment. Cough, splutter, fall down dead...the boy isn't dead yet. He shook his head and snapped out of it in time to hear Kendal's question.
"Quite frankly, I think you know what to do better than I when it comes to this boy," he answered in a tone that he hoped was completely calm. "However, you are the medic, I suppose. You go where you think you're needed more. Is there any way I can help you out over here?"
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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"See if you can finish up with the girl," Kendal said, "If you finish up with her, you can come help me."

He knelt down next to the boy, flipping him gently onto his back. "Kid, you better get it out of your system before I have to give you mouth to mouth." He examined the boy up and down to check for any other wounds. (Another critical First Aid)
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The boy looked at Kendal. He looked at him with a kind of look that said, "I think I'll be fine..."

He started slowly standing up. His energy seemed to be coming back, and his breathing started going down a bit, and he was shaking a lot less.

He looked around, clearly wondering where he was.
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
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George nodded and saluted Kendal before walking briskly back to Jeanette and Sandra, tipping his hat to them before speaking.
"It seems there is another survivor," he said. "Looks to be a kid. Probably around the age of fourteen. Hopefully, he is fairly self-sufficient. Anyway..." He offered his arm to Jeanette. "I will help you to the stream." He turned to Sandra. "If you would like to help the kid, you may feel free. Miss Jeanette and I can find it, I hope. However, if you would like to lead us there, you may do that as well. Whatever it is you wish."
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The boy tried to speak once more, but his voice had been temporarily knocked out of him by all the hard effort it took to make it to the island.

Two words, however, could be mustered out of him, as he looked at everyone in the group. "Mom...? Dad...?"

Then, the boy fell to his knees, sobbing.
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
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And the boy is crying. Crap. Kendal thought to himself. He knelt down next to the kid and gave him a hug.

"Come one boy, we need to make sure everyone is safe. Your parents could still be fine," He let go of the boy and stood up, offering the kid a hand to stand up.

"So, what's your name boy?"
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
Re: Island Of Fire RPTopic%20Title
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((Continuing from Lida's post after mine.))

Sandra nodded, aware of the desolate situation they've found themselves in. "Of course," she then added, "I don't recall the ship actually turning over or sinking, just it shaking back and forth with the waves before I slipped overboard and ended up here." Then a coughing sound came from yet another survivor, a boy in his teens, to be exact. Before she could walk towards the boy, George was already proceeding in that direction, steadying him out. The other man went to him as well, just in case he needed CPR. As George decided to help out Jeanette instead and go to the stream, Sandra decided that the two could find their way on their own.

"The stream is just a ways from here. Just follow the coastline," she then directed before heading to the boy. Squatting down beside him, she said, "It'll be all right, we'll get you to your mom and dad somehow." Sandra highly doubted they'd last a week on this island, let alone escape and get back to mainland, but she had to do something to comfort the kid. "But if we're to be here on this island for a while, it's best to get to know each other. I'm Cassandra Mueller, but you can call me Sandra. This is...." she then directed her attention to the man beside her with extensive first-aid knowledge.
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The boy looked up at Kendall, his face red as a rose. He waved the hand away, and slowly stood up, sniffling. "M-My n-name is C-Chris... b-but you can *sniffle* c-call me S-Somari. W-Who are y-you?"
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the amazing signature.

I am SomariFeyWright, the freaky and happy shipper-hating son of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5, and brother of bethanyann96, Game Over, and >Mario.<
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