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Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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((You know Kraus enough to answer that I think Nadindi ;) ))

Darren glanced in the direction Chris pointed, and tensed up seeing that pretty boy hitting on Nadine. He looks away for one minute and some guy is already after his girlfriend. Was this the world telling him that he wasn't allowed a girlfriend?! Time to tell this guy who is boss around here...

Kraus adopted a thoughtful silence at Nadine's muse at post high school romance being simpler. When he thought about it, romance never got easier. Sure, the chemicals in your body kick starting and going into over drive was enough to send one mad, but even when your body DID get use to the sexual overdrive, you were expected to magically know exactly what to say. What to do. It was a simple task for him to be sauve and charming for the ladies... being a good host was what he was brought up to do, but the act of love... nothing prepared you for that when it hit.

"Perhaps," Kraus smiled, not wanting to confirm or deny Nadine's hopes of clarity when she was old enough. Or perhaps he was so use to dealing with rumours in this way that it became his default mode. What ever the case, it was possibly better to answer in this fashion for now till she understood her feeling more.

"Did you say what your name was?" Nadine asked, placing a hand on Kraus' knee. Kraus nearly glanced at the hand- it didn't make him feel nervous to have a woman's hand on his body, but her efforts to gain the red head's attention just went up to a slightly uneasy notch. He was VERY aware of the laws of the country he was in right now, and what she was starting to do right now could be EXTREMELY tarnishing on his reputation if it went any further. Kraus' expression tightened for a brief moment as he had a flash image of the courts in his mind, trying to explain that they were only trying to get some red head kid to pay attention to his girlfriend again. Ah- he'd be amused if only it weren't him in the defendants seat...

"My apologies," Kraus responded picking up her hand on his leg and bringing it up to give it another welcome kiss, breaking out of the mind set very quickly, "My name is Alexander Kraus. It is my pleasure you meet you, Miss..."

"HEY," Suddenly, the girl's hand was jerked out of his. The red head boy had snuck up on him, and snatched the girl's hand from his, "I don't care who the hell you are, but get your hands off my girl you... creep!"

Kraus' brows raised at his 'attack', before adopting a bemused expression, "Your girl?" Kraus asked, "I don't recall a wedding ring on her finger showing a legal marriage between the two of you, and she is certainly no one's property. The young fraulein may do as she pleases. It seems to me that you already are."

Darren's eyes were wide in fury, ready to retort with the first thing that came to his head, but something about what he said stopped him. He's doing as he pleases? What was he doing that would make it look like he didn't like.... Oh. Smooth bro.... Smooth...

Turning to Nadine, Darren tensed his lips trying to hide his embaressment. Perhaps this is what he had done to other past girlfriends to drive them away, and it took some pretty boy a few words to show him?

"Nadiiiine..." Darren held her hands and gave her an uneasy expression, "I... you..." Pausing for a moment, Darren glanced aside uneasily, "I was acting like an idiot again, wasn't I?"
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Nadine had been smiling and feeling another tinge of a blush colour her cheeks as Kraus kissed her hand once more, but she was snapped out of her pleasantly flattered haze as she felt her hand forcefully snatched from Kraus' smooth fingers. Looking to the side in alarm towards the owner of the hand, Nadine's smile disappeared as she saw Darren, and her pleased blush deepened to a more embarrassed shade. She had almost forgotten that the whole purpose of this was to attract the attention of her boyfriend again, but now that she had, she found herself feeling a bit.... silly.

It was a cheap thing to do, flirt with Kraus, but.... he was a nice person to talk to, actually. That idea was reinforced as Nadine watched him coolly counter Darren's furious accusations. As the realisation dawned on Darren's face and he turned to her sheepishly, Nadine averted her eyes, embarrassed on his behalf at the abrupt jerking back to reality that Kraus had given him.

"I was acting like an idiot again, wasn't I?"

Nadine raised her eyes to look at him, seeing that he was averting his own gaze. "No, I...." Catching herself automatically speaking in his defence because she hated to see him so conflicted, Nadine paused, glancing at Kraus before squeezing Darren's hands and giving him an uneasy smile. "A little bit. I mean, Cara's so..." She hesitated again. "I just... I already feel as if I can't compare, so you didn't really.. help."
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Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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"No, I.... A little bit. I mean, Cara's so... I just... I already feel as if I can't compare, so you didn't really.. help."

Darren's glanced back to Nadine quickly, and he bit his lip. Looks like he had pushed it too far with the whole ex girlfriend thing. It was just so hard to handle that he had hurt her so badly for something that she didn't do. He felt guilty about his poor decision.

"Nadine," Darren said, dipping his voice, "There is no comparison. I just..." Darren paused, glancing at Cara, "I misjudged her feelings for me, and my misunderstanding of the situation with her made me jump to the wrong conclusion and well... I said things to her bout her character that I'm not proud of." Darren dipped his head in shame, "I swore to myself that I'd never be that guy, when now I am. I'm sorry if I came across like I still had romantic feelings for her. My feelings are more... sympathy for her, and disappointment in myself."

Watching the conversation take place before him, Kraus crossed his arms. So, the red head was less than a gentleman to the young lady. The youth of today were so careless of feelings.

"What proof did you have at the time that the young fraulein was guilty of crimes against your heart?" Kraus asked, "Breaking a young woman's heart is a punishment reserved for but the darkest of intent."

Darren glanced back at Kraus for a moment before reverting to a blank patch of carpet, "I was told that she was only dating me for a dare." Kraus tilted his head up to glance down at Darren analytically. Analysing his character for a moment, he was no expert on personality like Gant was, but he could tell that this young man had a few scars of his own.

"Crimes of the heart are enough to drive any man mad with rage," Kraus started tilting his head to the side, "but a true gentleman would set his anger aside and approach the situation logically. A gentleman does not always have to be just, but he will always be level headed about his decision, and thus graciously accept responsibility for his actions later."

Placing his fingers under Darren's chin, he turned his head to look at himself with a serious expression, "Are you ready to graciously accept responsibility for your actions, no matter how misinformed they were?" Darren's eyes widened in worry. Who was this guy? He was suddenly VERY intimidating, and VERY scary.

"Um..." Darren gulped, fidgeting himself into a more upright, "I guess. I can't keep brooding over it. Nothing can be done about the past."

"Correct," Kraus smiled, removing his hand, "Now, I think that there is a young lady here that would like some reassurance that you have shouldered your responsibility.
Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title
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Chris was watching the scene unfold uncomfortably. He had an idea what was happening, but he preferred not to see or hear his friend in this predicament. He put his headphones on to drown out all the noise and finally, for the first time that night, he was in a state of clear, unbroken thought. He looked from the dramatic events happening to Nadine, Kraus and Darren, and then to Klavier and Cara, thinking all the time. He thought about what Cara was talking about with Klavier, wondering why it was that she would be so fanatical about his shows and then turn away from him so suddenly like that. Even in this state of clarity, it still confused him.

Chris closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, pondering all these things until someone pulled him back to the scene for something important.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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((Sorry, Chase :( I hoped that this scene with Cara and Klavier was going to go faster :( She'll probably be all clingy again with Chris once her kiss with Klavier is over.))
Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title
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((No no no, I didn't mean anything by it. I don't really care myself, I like the dramaticness of all this going on. I was just showing what I meant by Chris using his headphones.))
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title
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Nadine sighed, a small smile of appreciation making its way back to her face as she watched Kraus give Darren.... well... a man-chat. He was such a gentleman. And yet... Looking from the mature, chiselled man to her adorable, red-headed boyfriend.... it was still blindingly obvious just who she still preferred.

"Now, I think that there is a young lady here that would like some reassurance that you have shouldered your responsibility."

Smiling gratefully at Kraus, Nadine looked up at Darren expectantly, but still with the hint of a tentative smile on her face. She believed him when he had said that there weren't any more romantic feelings involved with Cara, and that had provided her with a huge wash of relief, but... she still needed that reassurance.
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Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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((Yay airport internets!! <3 Can't look at lolcats cause they're 'unsuitable viewing' but Court Records is ok :3 ))

"Re... assurance..." Darren echoed, "I can do that."

Turning to Nadine, Darren cleared his throat as he thought about his words. Now wasn't the time to dig himself a deeper hole than he was in now, "Nadine, " Darren started, "there's... still a lot of guilt left over from how I broke up with Cara, but I never formed a proper relationship with her to start with so that's all there is. Guilt." Glancing aside sadly, Darren did a slight pout, "I'll deal with that when the time is right. I promise. There is NO way I'm dropping you for anyone though," Glancing back to Nadine, Darren gave her a small smile, "That much I can guaranty."
Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title
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((I can't really do much. Someone should post here.))
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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(I already have >.>)
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((I would love to post but I don't really think there is anything for me to do.)) :sadshoe:
Thank you to PandaPrinzessin for the awesome signature(:
Daughter of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5 and sister of SomariFeyWright, Game Over, and >Mario<
Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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((Sorry Beth :( I've sent Panda a message. I hope she gets it soon :( ))
Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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((Alright guys, good and bad news on it's way here! The good news is Panda has responded to me. The bad news is that she's still very sick and likely wont have much free time till December. This is not an unrecoverable situation for this RP though. If we're keen, I can make a new Spin the bottle thread and boot this RP back into business again myself and restart it. People currently holding a character in this RP will have first rights to that character in the new thread. This is a good time to ditch characters that aren't working for you and start new ones if you want. Klavier and Trucy will be opened back up for the take, but I'm not going to insist on Trucy being... 'required' to be at her own party. She's there, she's just an 'NPC' (non player character) so if you wish to interact with her, make sure it's not conversation stuff (unless she has a player)))

((My rules for RP are simple. I only ask a few things of RPers in threads I run.

* Have fun. ALWAYS. Period. If you're not having fun, TELL ME. I'll try my best to make the game fun again even if I have to give an RPer a boot up the bum for being a jerk or uncomfortable or something.

* Have drama. Damn, undramatic RPs are boring. This is a given though, right?

* If you can't post every day, then that's cool. If you can't post once every few days, cool. IF you're sick or have an assignment or something and can't post in a week then tell us and try to make your character idle when you head off. You guys have lives and so do I. I think it's acceptable to wait up to 1 week for an active post in an RP.

* If you're idling cause you don't know what to do, tell me. People will just continue to ignore you cause they don't think you're following the RP regularly. This is the honest truth. I'll give you something to do, or advice or something.

That's basically it. I want any RP I run to be active and happy. I'd like to hope that's agreeable with everyone. So- Who' keen to jump to the new thread? I'll get the new thread up in the next few days when I've got time to type it all out :) ))
Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title
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Sounds good to me!
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: Spin The Bottle Part 4~ (Applications Currently Closed)Topic%20Title
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Yay!! I so miss the RP!! :keiko:
Thank you to PandaPrinzessin for the awesome signature(:
Daughter of ToonBlade and Franzika Von ehmpke5 and sister of SomariFeyWright, Game Over, and >Mario<
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