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Once upon a time, an Ace Attorney fan named Croik opened a little website named Court-Records.

It wasn't a lot to look at (sorry, Croik, that's why you hired Wooster), and the news came in as hand-added tables on the front page. Affiliate banners were available for those interested, and a fanlist and LiveJournal communities rounded out the recommended links. (And yes, one of them was specifically for Phoenix/Edgeworth slash.)

It didn't have its own domain; its forums lived on Invisionfree, back when the URLs there started with "s" instead of "z". Character profiles hid spoilers by setting their text to the background color, and navigation was done through a few icons at the bottom.

It was the first major English Ace Attorney fansite, and ten years later it's still kicking.

Court-Records has been through a lot since then. We've seen the series itself wax and wane - the 2010-2013 drought for English games wasn't that long ago! - and the community grow and shrink. The internet itself has been around the block a few times, to boot; these days, our Phoenix/Edgeworth slash communities are all on Tumblr, thank you very much.

I'll be the first to admit we're a bit old-fashioned these days. Hard-coded pages with information manually added by a few admins? Who do we think we are, Serebii or Serenes Forest? The Ace Attorney wiki laughs at us, and also gets into page-long debates over what constitutes a "breakdown" animation.

And yet despite all that, we're still here. We may not be as lively as we once were, and the redesign for the main site is well overdue. But C-R is still around, we're still proud to encourage the fandom with always-slightly-off-schedule contests (check out this year's winners, by the way!) and we still can't agree on if you abbreviate it C-R or CR.

Speaking personally, C-R's been a part of my life for almost as long as its been around. Someone with an avatar comprised of character profiles taken from the site caught my eye on a completely separate forum, I got my hands on the old 3-1 fantranslation, and wound up here. I left and came back a few times, and somehow I wound up helping things run around here. (Or at the very least, trying to.)

I have a lot of good memories here, and I hope you all do too. In the years to come, we've got a lot of work to do - the series is as healthy as ever, and with an anime on the horizon you could even say it's got more cultural cachet than ever before. And with all that, we hope to remain a friendly resource and community for AA fans of all stripes.

A hearty thank you to all our readers and especially our members over the years. Here's to many more!
Hi! I've largely stepped back from C-R due to life stuff. Please contact one of the other staff members for help!

Wooster wrote:
If there was such a thing as the "Wooster Seal of Approval", this post would get it.
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Thanks Bolt. Another topic to remind me how old I am. =)

Honestly, still can't believe I'm around, but it's been quite a ride through and through. One thing I am happy about is how much more exposure this series as a whole has gotten since the day I got into, which back then, was only one game back in the states.
On April 3, 2016, Court Records Forums experienced a miracle upon that day.
CatMuto wrote:
Pierre wrote:
Man...that looks dull...this actually makes me worried for KH3 (since that team worked on the battle system)

I feel the same
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Ten years already... wow, time really does fly, doesn't it? I still find it hard to believe that so much time has passed since the days of awaiting future DS releases of the original trilogy. And yet here we are, anxiously awaiting a future title, a different one that may-or-may-not ever be released internationally and its potential sequels therein.

But hey, ten years is a long time, and a lot has happened since then; two more sequels, three spin-off titles, a crossover with Professor Layton (and cameos/guest spots in other titles), manga serializations, an anime, and countless more. It's amazing to see how far our little series has come since the days of 2006.

And yes, the forum has been there for the ride. From the transfer from the Invisionfree forums to the outages and the spambot infestations. From the game releases, to the fan creations and oh so much more. I'm glad to have been a part of it from the very beginning.

I look forward to seeing what the future holds for both Ace Attorney and CR, and to share that experience with all of you. Happy anniversary, Court-Records!
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God, I can't believe I'm posting here! It's been so dang long since I was active in the AA fandom, no matter how near and dear the games are to my heart. I just wanted to say I have really fond memories of you guys and it's amazing to think it's been a decade! And honestly, I feel all warm and fuzzy to see the Turnabout Pokemon Diggeh and I worked so hard to create are still on the website. Being able to be a part of something this great is definitely a memory I won't forget.

Here's to many more, CR! :pshhh:

(and no matter how little time I spend on here nowadays... I really should update my signature and avatar. Jeez!)
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Awww...I haven't been here in a long time, but I just went and looked at old posts and I'm feeling very nostalgic. (I joined when I was 13! That's insane!) I may not post on the forums anymore, but I still love the series very much & continue to use this site as my main source of news and info. I'm glad this community is still around & I hope we last many more years!! Thank you guys!
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^ Haha, saaaaame! I've only become active again recently, after the anime adaptation was announced.

Happy anniversary, C-R! (I vote with hyphen on this, because the alternative is a colloquial for the washroom here in my country.). Here's to many more years of fan love and all the craziness!
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Man 10 years is like a century in internet terms.

Still C-R is doing great to have lasted so long, here's hoping to many more years of AA and CR!
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Guys... I'm feeling emotional...

I don't really post here much, and I was a lurker for a long time before I became a member, but C-R (that's the one) has not only been my one spot source of AA news and discussion, but also a great forum for general discussions. One of the things that I didn't like at first about C-R was how small a community it is, but over time, that's become one of it's biggest strengths (at least for this guy) - I really like recognising all the usernames and avatars, or even just knowing who someone is based on their writing. Here's to a great 2016 (anime and AA6!) and a fantastic 10 more years!
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Great job making it to 10!
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Bolt Storm wrote:
The Ace Attorney wiki laughs at us[...]

Wait...what? I honestly have no idea where you've gotten that idea from. I can hardly speak for any other AA wiki contributor, but I absolutely love this site! I've used C-R for so much on the wiki since I joined it back in 2009, both in terms of resources from the games and AA news. I mean there's even a page about this site on the wiki (! Perhaps I've completely misconstrued what you mean or I've completely missed something, but I'm honestly a little sad you think of the wiki like that, especially considering how much I respect this site... :sadshoe:

Bolt Storm wrote:
[...]and also gets into page-long debates over what constitutes a "breakdown" animation.

That, on the hand, I will not contest!

Anyway, here's to another 10 years of Court Records! :b33r:
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Happy 10th anniversary, C-R!

I'm relatively new on the forums, but I can say this place is so fun and everyone is always kind and cheerful.

10 years is really a great result and I'm hoping we'll be here for many more years :basil:

Gregory... Tomorrow, I'm heading towards that fateful place with your son. To find out the truth of 18 years ago...
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Congrats, C-R!
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I've heard about this place for years but never joined until two years ago, congrats guys!

My DA account can be found here:
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I'm pretty new here in a lot of ways. I've only started playing the games in late 2014, and I only joined these forums a few months ago.

But this community has been so welcoming! As shy as I am, I look forward to seeing this place grow as we welcome new games in the series.

Here's to AA6!
I fell into fanfic hell many years ago. This place is my home now.
Re: Court-Records' 10th AnniversaryTopic%20Title

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Wow! Happy 10 years, Court-Records!

I don't say much here on the forums, but I do keep up to date with the news and features. It's always the most impressive source for all news Ace Attorney, and I'm thrilled that it is going 10 years strong.

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I've come back from the dead to congratulate you, Court Records! Ooooh~!

I may not post on these forums anymore, but you're still my main source of AA news via other channels, and were a defining aspect of my teenage years. Cheers.
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Whooooop! :gant-jazz: Here's for my favourite forum :b33r:
(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
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Happy 10th Anniversary, Court-Records!

It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years since Court Records was created. I remember when the old forums were still barely a few weeks old when my best friend, Blademaster_Orca and I joined. :yogi: There were less then 50 members at the time. Everyone pretty much knew everyone else. Not bad for a series that was just budding in the US.

It was the first time I ever really joined into a series fandom. Never thought I'd get to join in with others in such passionate game discussions over the littlest details and even little spin-off projects like "The Super Makoto" project. Good Times. And to this day, it's still one of my favorites, even after disappearing for years and never really coming back. Even now, I occasionally bump into an old friend from here on other sites and it's always good to see a small piece of the past again.

But my love for the AA series is still there. Almost every time I open my 3DS, I see one of the AA themes and still bring a smile to me face. I still check the main page daily as well.

Thank you Court Records for the friends I've made online and the many fun memories I remember fondly.

And before I finish, I believe this quote has never been more fitting for me then at this moment:

"Ahh... the days of my youth... like the scent of fresh lemon", you see. :grossberg:
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Happy 10th anniversary Court-Records!

...I've only been here for about two months so I have nothing else to contribute, but congratulations to everyone else!
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☆☆☆ Kira ☆☆☆

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Damn son. I remember I joined the backup forums back when C-R was down. Though my enthusiasm for the AA series as a whole has waned since the time I first got into AA, I still live here for you guys. Well.... there was that one time.
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Happy birthday CR! :)

I've been on a 5 year hiatus from anything Ace Attorney related but as of recently I've found myself obsessed with it again, perhaps to coincide with the release of the sixth game and the anime this year.

Oh boy, it's like the old times when I joined the forums, except I'm 25 now, not 16. Used to spend a whole a lot of my latter teenage years on these forums and hence, I'm never going to take a look at my post history again. Talk about awkward times.

And yay my smilies are still in use... although at this point I can't remember which all I made :rock'n:
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Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey...

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Wow, the site's been around that long? That's pretty impressive actually.
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Happy 10th Anniversary CR!
Wow the site has grown so much since it started! That's amazing!
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Ten years sure is a long time. The site sure had a rough start. But gone are the days of manually editing the front page to add news. Hopefully all those other problems will be fixed soon too.
Currently working on a redesign of itself! Come talk to me about it on Discord!
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Happy 10th anniversary!
I'm Japanese and I live in Japan. English is difficult for me.
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Oh wow, 10 years and I've been around for (almost) 9 of them! Feel so accomplished *_*

While this place has had its fair share of forum drama, it's been a goldmine for AA info and discussion, so thanks a bunch to everyone who's maintained it over the years.

Long live Ace Attorney, and the fandom with it!
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Is Phoenix/Edgeworth slash what I think it is?

Bolt Storm wrote:
I got my hands on the old 3-1 fantranslation

And what's this exactly?

Strabo412 wrote:
Bolt Storm wrote:
The Ace Attorney wiki laughs at us[...]

Wait...what? I honestly have no idea where you've gotten that idea from. I can hardly speak for any other AA wiki contributor, but I absolutely love this site! I've used C-R for so much on the wiki since I joined it back in 2009, both in terms of resources from the games and AA news. I mean there's even a page about this site on the wiki (! Perhaps I've completely misconstrued what you mean or I've completely missed something, but I'm honestly a little sad you think of the wiki like that, especially considering how much I respect this site... :sadshoe:

I'm quite sure he was being facetious here
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I can't even remember when I joined the forums, though I'm pretty sure I've been here since the early days.
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Re: Court-Records' 10th AnniversaryTopic%20Title


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Ash wrote:
I can't even remember when I joined the forums, though I'm pretty sure I've been here since the early days.

According to the information under your profile image: Tue Feb 27, 2007
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That's for this forum, but this isn't the original forum. Haven't you noticed that a lot of the members who posted here joined this forum on the same day?
"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear
Re: Court-Records' 10th AnniversaryTopic%20Title


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Ash wrote:
That's for this forum, but this isn't the original forum. Haven't you noticed that a lot of the members who posted here joined this forum on the same day?

Ah, right. Too bad the old forums were deleted somehow...
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Happy 10th anniversary! I'm pretty much a newbie compared to old this users who joined back when the old forums still existed, but I have enjoyed using this site, and I have found out a lot of awesome AA related stuff both official and fanmade through it.
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Nurio wrote:
And what's this exactly?

I'm not exactly certain myself, but I'm pretty sure it was the first part of a fan-translation of Trials and Tribulations made before an official one was announced. Sort of like the Gyakuten Kenji 2 translation, except the original game was actually released here.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Strabo412 wrote:
Bolt Storm wrote:
The Ace Attorney wiki laughs at us[...]

Wait...what? I honestly have no idea where you've gotten that idea from. I can hardly speak for any other AA wiki contributor, but I absolutely love this site! I've used C-R for so much on the wiki since I joined it back in 2009, both in terms of resources from the games and AA news. I mean there's even a page about this site on the wiki (! Perhaps I've completely misconstrued what you mean or I've completely missed something, but I'm honestly a little sad you think of the wiki like that, especially considering how much I respect this site... :sadshoe:

Nah, I'm just joking around! That was actually a poke at our own lag in updating things like case summaries and PLvsPW stuff the past couple years; y'all are way ahead of us in that department. Probably could've worded that gag a little better! :oops:

Nurio wrote:
Is Phoenix/Edgeworth slash what I think it is?

how do you think the english fandom got started

Planetbox wrote:
Nurio wrote:
And what's this exactly?

I'm not exactly certain myself, but I'm pretty sure it was the first part of a fan-translation of Trials and Tribulations made before an official one was announced. Sort of like the Gyakuten Kenji 2 translation, except the original game was actually released here.

Yep! A long time ago someone was working on a fan-translation of AA3 and released a mini-patch covering the first case - before PW:AA was even officially released in America, I think! Once AA3 got announced for official release, they took the patch down to support the series.

It's actually a bit interesting, since that meant my first experience with the series was the story of how Mia and Phoenix met. It kind of helped fill out their relationship in the first two games.
Hi! I've largely stepped back from C-R due to life stuff. Please contact one of the other staff members for help!

Wooster wrote:
If there was such a thing as the "Wooster Seal of Approval", this post would get it.
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10 years already? I still remember the time when I was helping with our GS manga scanlation. Time sure flies...
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Oh... Cheers. :b33r:
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Bolt Storm wrote:
Nah, I'm just joking around! That was actually a poke at our own lag in updating things like case summaries and PLvsPW stuff the past couple years; y'all are way ahead of us in that department. Probably could've worded that gag a little better! :oops:

That's a relief! I was worried there was some weird drama I'd missed, but instead it was just me being daft. :meekins:
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Bolt Storm wrote:
how do you think the english fandom got started

From love for Phoenix and Edgeworth slash epic courtroom drama? =D

Bolt Storm wrote:
Planetbox wrote:
I'm not exactly certain myself, but I'm pretty sure it was the first part of a fan-translation of Trials and Tribulations made before an official one was announced. Sort of like the Gyakuten Kenji 2 translation, except the original game was actually released here.

Yep! A long time ago someone was working on a fan-translation of AA3 and released a mini-patch covering the first case - before PW:AA was even officially released in America, I think! Once AA3 got announced for official release, they took the patch down to support the series.

It's actually a bit interesting, since that meant my first experience with the series was the story of how Mia and Phoenix met. It kind of helped fill out their relationship in the first two games.

I see! Very interesting! I never knew such a patch existed. That would actually be a very nice way to start the series, actually.
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Athena Internet Defense Force

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Honestly I do bum around the wiki more frequently these days but it's because I can use a more elaborate writing style there and explain things in greater detail when I contribute. I like being thorough.
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