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Re: Chloe's fics! Phoenix And The BeastTopic%20Title

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I really like it.
The poem, crack, stories, everything :gant-jazz:
Re: Chloe's fics! Phoenix And The BeastTopic%20Title
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Mrs. Jeon Jungkook ♥

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That... is... awesome. :hotti:
Nah, really. I love it!

Keep up the greatest work ever (:

The beginning was quite fun, just with all the ups and downs
But suddenly, we’re tired, from a waste of meaningless emotions

시작은 뭐 즐거웠었네 오르락내리락 그 자체로 어느새 서로 지쳐버렸네 의미 없는 감정소모에

Trivia 轉 : Seesaw
Re: Chloe's fics! Phoenix And The BeastTopic%20Title
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Whinoa wrote:
I really like it.
The poem, crack, stories, everything :gant-jazz:

Mary Faraday wrote:
That... is... awesome. :hotti:
Nah, really. I love it!

Keep up the greatest work ever (:

Thank you guys. Love ya~ :pearl:
Re: Chloe's fics! Phoenix And The BeastTopic%20Title
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The one of Rhoda... LOOOOOL

Would really Rhoda do that or even say that? But I have to admit... I tried to sing her rap hahahaah!

Good one!
Thanks. It was, is and always will be a pleasure.
"Getting into law school will make you realize how fucking bonkers these games are... like REALLY"
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Chapter 34 up!)Topic%20Title
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Spoiler: Chapter 34: Regrets
Looking outside the window Larry could see the street was full of cars and trams. On the last day before Christmas, he looked over and saw the sea shouting, but overshadowed by the traffic. even more of a reason to stay at home where it's cozy. On the white sofa, Alita browsed at some man with a microphone on the television. He stood out clearly in the moonlight themed stage. Larry erased it out of his mind, looking forward to summer where he and Alita could wander down to the beach and sprawl out on the sand.

A lost northern star walking alone seeking joy was how Larry described himself right now. He helped escape a prison doll who became his little princess. He didn't want to die alive or become a man dating a ghost. 'Someone sing for me an oasis without poison...' Larry prayed for. Alita was damned and divine. At first Larry thought it would be a minor heaven destined for a quick sunset. Then he got his wishes to be with Alita and fly to a distant land.

In the still of the night, Larry went through his archive of lost dreams. Falling awake to the crimson deep rivers of lust. desires. Was she really the angel that Larry had been waiting for? Or was all her words little lies written in the dark stars?

Since moving to Blackpool, Larry believed that his ex-girlfriend, Cindy Stone's ghost had been watching him. He knew her parents moved to England after Cindy's death and there was a chance that he would see Cindy's parents again and they would wish for him to be behind bars.

Whenever Larry woke up, he was lost and always afraid. The first week was brilliant, he and Alita had spent so much time together and they went partying without a care in the world, He enjoyed his new life in Blackpool, but not sudden fear that pumped in his system. He had no idea how wrong he could be. He thought running away with the one he loved would make all his issues melt away. So far there were no real problems, but he felt the day he would have to let all of this go. If the police find him: he will lose Alita.

He wished he could have also attended his best friend's wedding and be the best man, but it wasn't to had pictured that Phoenix would have worn his old blue suit for the wedding. The one he used when he was a lawyer. Iris would be wearing a frilly white dress suitable for a wedding. Many would attend the wedding and all the problems they had would be pushed aside. It took him back to the time where he and Phoenix went to a palm reader twenty years ago. She suggested that Phoenix would be married and that Larry would become a fisher.

It was a shame that the letter he had sent to Phoenix would be the only contact he will ever have of him. Larry would not be offended or shocked if Phoenix wished never to see him again. He would understand, this might have been throwing everything he did back in his face.

He couldn't believe he had never been thoughtful until he ran. He went on his first decision without thinking about the consequences. He always went with his gut instint, but it wasn't correct this time. If he had thought about it a bit more, he would have moved more closer to California: a safer place.

The regrets left him trembling in irritation. To add to it, Larry dreamed that someone was dancing on his grave. The dancer sent shivers down his spine, then took him to the promised land where she revealed laughed as she shook her soul. She roared, flaunting mechanical jaws. He woke up before she could take a bite.

No turning back, Alita was now the other half of Larry. He couldn't surrender at least not tonight.

"Larry," Alita mumbled. "We have to do something special for Christmas. Make me a cup of tea."

"I will sweetie!"

Alita fluttered her eyes and Larry stopped to stare at her heavy dose of mascara. Only Alita could ever pull it off, he thought to himself. He walked in the kitchen to make tea for his queen.

"Could you make it quick as well?" Alita requested, "I don't want to be mean."

"Okay," Larry responded. "By the way did you know that my friend Nick is getting married today?"

Alita shrugged. "Whatever," she muttered. "Hey! You said they were getting married on Friday?"

"It is Friday, Princess," Larry replied. "Your tea is almost finished. Do you want anything in it?"

"No thank you," said Alita. "Just on it's own. I'm cold but only a little bit."

Larry returned to the room and just as promised, he gave Alita her cup of tea.

He couldn't dare for another stare. He near Alita's legs and leaned his head against the wall. He left no space for Alita to crawl. As much as he adored this place, he wanted to see his best friend's face. He wanted to be elsewhere, to his best friend marry the sweet Iris. He will miss the chance to see a good pal in utter bliss.
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Chapter 35 up!)Topic%20Title
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Spoiler: Chapter 35: Dahlia's Letter
24th December 2027


How time flies. You notice this even more when your dead. Never would I have imagined being part of a team with you, Alita, and Kristoph. Let alone being part of a team. By the time this letter arrives, you will be at that wedding. Most likely being a two-faced bitch stalking your brother-in-law-to-be. Nice to know you are such a marvelous parent. Anyway, I should be immensely thankful that you have helped Kristoph bring me back from the dead, but don't expect me to reward you generously. Why should I? You're friends with that dull Feenie and my sister Judas. Remember I am not here to be your friend, I don't care about your sister or that boyfriend of hers. The two happy couples got married on the same day, how romantic... and revolting.

Your plans to send Klavier to his grave, but your will to help his older brother escape prison. You claim men are waste of time, but you insist that Mike Blitz , a man that makes your skin crawl is to marry Ema. Bad-mouthing Alita and then helping her escape prison the next. Are you trying a little too hard to impress me? Or are you really that much of an awful person? And what do you think of me? What use are we to each other? Mia was your friend and you know she destroyed me.

I will never forget the day of my death were you laughed as I was hung. Trying getting hung yourself and decide then if it's a laughing matter. How can you associate yourselves with them vile mortals? All you do is contradict yourself and I have no idea where your loyalties lie... but I don't care. Still, you have been useful to me - I can't forget that!

That whore Thalassa is finally dead... I hate her. I loved every minute of killing her. You know she was a whore right? She slept with Damon Gant, Diego Armando (she must have been desperate), Zak Gramayre (who is a jerk) and Kristoph's father. By the way, did you know that Thalassa is also Klavier's mother? She abandoned him too, she left Kristoph holding baby Klavier as she ran off to marry that jerk Zak. I'm guessing it's just a portion of the men she had been eating. Poor Feenie having to take care of that woman left behind. And all this nonsense about her being an amazing singer... meh: it's hype. I listen to better sopranos than her. Thanks for helping me stab the bitch to death. Alita did a mediocre job of distracting Pearl and her boyfriend.

You were right, Alita has hideous taste in men. I think I had to swallow my vomit when I heard she was getting married to Larry Butz. And that Wocky... I'm not going there, his face is enough to make me feel sick but he's perfect for that little sister of mine.

This Apollo dude... is a threat. Well, he was a threat. Killing his mother, and framing his dad should have done the trick but let's give Phoenix, Iris, Maya, Mia and everybody the final blow. Make them pay for the pain they gave me. I've got one final task for you. Since your son is dating Trucy at the moment and the fact she is unfaithful to him. Just like her mother, she slept with other people. Maybe Trucy is worse than Thalassa, because Trucy slept with her brother. It's not our problem, it shows how brilliant Feenie and Thalassa are at parenting. What parenting?

You are the perfect one for the task.

After you've sorted all your personal bullshit against Klavier, I would like you to kidnap Trucy. This is not a request, this is a demand. Once you have kidnapped Trucy, I want you to bring her to me fully alive. I know you want to kill her yourself, but you can't have all the fun. Besides, you'll be having full pleasure watching Klavier's reputation burn in front of you. And I thought I was a bitch. You remind me of my mother, you do things and claim that they are to benefit the ones you love. I know it's not true! Don't sugarcoat it! You're doing it for own selfish pleasure.

When you have completed your task, you can do whatever the heck you want. I won't care anymore. Don't forget, I want your house clean and free for tomorrow. You are to cook Kristoph and I a feast. I'm not really a Christmas woman, but I deserve a feast.

Here we will discuss the plan in more detail.

Yours Sincerely,

Dahlia Hawthorne.
Re: Chloe's fics! Beyond IndulgenceTopic%20Title
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This has been a plot bunny I've had in my head for a long time. It crosses over with Gravitation, and it's based around the idea that Bad Luck will end up with no original members and Hiro, Shuichi and Suguru end up working in completely different music settings. This fic is set around Hiro who ends up as the new singer in Olga's metal band, Beyond Indulgence.

Hiroshi - Vocals & Guitars
Rika - Vocals
Olga - Keyboard
Viola - Violin
Ema - Vocals & Bass
Kay - Drums
April - Xylophone & Vocals

Spoiler: Beyond Indulgence: New Vocalist
I'm Hiroshi Nakano and I'm the new singer of Beyond Indulgence. I never had the training but when I was in Bad Luck I'd sometimes provide backing vocals and then it came to a point where Shuichi wanted to hear Suguru and I sing some parts and he was amazed and that's when I knew that I could sing. After I left Bad Luck I ended up going into Broadway Theatre. I've played as Sweeney Todd and Raoul from Phantom Of The Opera. The last role I played in was Gaston in Beauty And The Beast and I really enjoyed it and I will miss it! But it's time to kiss goodbye to my Broadway career.

Broadway really helped me take control over my problems because as a lot of people have known that I had twins, one of them died and it put a strain on a lot of the relationships I had. Losing a child it stays with you for the rest of your life so I still get depressed when I think about it. It was difficult to remain calm, but now I feel ready to take on the world again.

I met Olga during a friendly game of poker. After the game she introduced me to Viola, April, Rika, Kay and Ema for a session. I recorded a demo with the band and they really liked it and I liked them... the rest is history.

I'm really excited to join to girls on our Ritual Passion tour this October. It's going to be really interesting how things will work on tour. Beyond Indulgence's music has always been very dark and mysterious. I think with me things are going to change. I hope they will be a good change. I'll promise to stay faithful to the old songs. I'm pleased that I'm playing on lead guitar.

Beyond Indulgence is pretty hard to give a genre to, but Viola says we are a gothic metal band with influences of death metal, hard rock and classical music. It's a word away from Bad Luck and Broadway musicals, I know. I've been lucky to know a circle of talented people. Shuichi Shindou is my best friend and he inspires me everyday, even when we don't see each other. The girls are no different... I think my favourite Beyond Indulgence songs are Invisible Flute, The Beautiful Objection, Forever Ice and Vitality. I find it hard to compare Olga's lyrics to Shuichi's to be honest because they're both amazing writers but with contrasting styles. I mean Olga is aggressive while Shuichi is romantic so I think we'll leave the comparisons there.

See you all!

"You look really goofy in that video," Rika told Hiroshi. "I think that's the main reason why there's so much interest in Ritual Passion."

Hiroshi knew he was taking a big risk for leaving Broadway for an all-female metal band. He knew that the majority of his fans would have wanted him to return to Bad Luck. He didn't want to go back to there, at least not in the state it's in at the moment. Hiroshi disliked the guy who replaced Fujisaki, whereas Shuichi adored Yamato. Then again, he always had a soft spot for blonds. Hiro laughed when he discovered Bad Luck had replaced him with blond rock star/lawyer Klavier Gavin.

Bad Luck are still doing well for themselves. They've had three platinum albums since Hiro quit the band but he found the music wasn't his kind of style. Hiroshi had grown fond of metal for it's power and unique way of bringing people together. He had grown so fond of it, that he even started to secretly dislike some of his material in Bad Luck. Hiroshi believed that their music hadn't been as good since Fujisaki left the band.

"Remember you're not in a pop group anymore," Viola hissed until her breaths turned to laughter. He knew Viola was only teasing him. "You can't afford to be goofy. Otherwise our fans will think we've become mainstream whores. Olga would punish you... quietly."

"You mean the miserable bunch that will always find something to complain about?" Hiroshi shrugged it off.

"You can't think about them like that," Viola giggled. "They pay our wage."

"I thought we where in it for the passion and not the money."

"You've got be on your best behaviour..."

Beyond Indulgence's leader, Olga Orly marched into the studio walking over the mountains of paper. Thick scarlet lips stood out from her lukewarm cheeks and careless curls. Her eyes where on Hiroshi as if she wanted to pounce at him. She tiptoed to the corner. The rest of the band where silent as she sat next to her beloved harpsichord between her piano and electronic keyboard. Her hands collapsed together as her lips curled into a smile.

"Our Ritual Passion Tour will be epic," Olga promised. "We must continue to sound as bombastic as possible."

"Oh really?" Hiroshi asked.

"Very funny Hiroshi." Olga's eye contact on Hiroshi made it very clear that she had his eye on him. "You can be a cheeky monkey, but I am sure you will provide Beyond Indulgence the essence of change that I desire." Olga's quick fingers jived on the keys. "You should all practise!" Olga demanded.

Hiroshi revised Olga's lyrics and thought of how to impress her.
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Complete)Topic%20Title
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The story's now finished, but I might as well publish the chapters I haven't put on here yet. :)

Spoiler: Chapter Thirty-Six: The Start Of Something New
There was not an empty seat in the church on the day before Christmas. Just how Larry had imagined it to be: Iris wore velvet frills that clung to her body-frame. Phoenix and Iris stared at each other with a pleasant grin on their faces. In their heart, now rests a paradise just for them. Phoenix was not bothered that Larry was absent, he put all the troubles of yesterday behind him and thought of the joys of the future with Iris.

What made the moment even more unique for them is that they didn't say I do. Instead they said: No objections.

A Special memory that will be recorded in their hearts forever. Humbly the two speak their vows and wait for them words to come.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," Reverend Salsa grinned at Phoenix and told him the news that he had been longing to hear for years. The reverend closed the bible in front of him. He faced Phoenix and gave him the sweet words: "You may now kiss the bride."

"Well done Nick," Maya screamed in joy.

Without a second thought, Phoenix cupped Iris' dace and kissed her lips. Fireworks exploded from outside and the crowd cheered with clapping hands and big mouths. When the pair finished kissing, Phoenix bowed to the crowd. He spread his arms out and lowered them down on the floor. Everyone remained silent as if he was their favorite teacher in their favorite class. "I would like to thank you all for coming," announced Phoenix. "This has been a very important day for me, Iris, and I know it's been an important day for Trucy as well. This year has had some fabulous time. I'm officially a lawyer again and there has been not-so-fabulous times."

Apollo found it awkward that Phoenix looked at him when he said that.

"However, I am glad that I can end this eventful year on a high note. We'll be having our photos taken, and then we'll be going to Blackpool for our Vacation. Anything you want to say Iris?"

Phoenix wrapped his arms around her as she spoke. She closed her eyes and felt comfortable. She played with her curly ponytail and giggled. Her accent was soft, high-pitched and could be compared to chocolate. "I would like to say thank you for attending the most happiest day of my life. It would be nice to have a photo with all of us on."

"Right, if everybody could go outside and stand behind out outside on the field we'll make some awesome photos together!"

Lana watched her friend tip-toe
Down the aisle,
While petals curl alive
And squirrels peek inside.

Rejoice butterfly~
Wear your flames in the winter sky~

Glitter written on a wedding dress
Blending with her flesh.
Iris is marrying a phoenix by heart and soul.

Rejoice butterfly~
Wear your flames in the winter sky~

Lana will take away her light.
She's the witch hunting in her sister's name.
Her vengeance takes flight!
Lana wishes
They are prepared for evening pride,
For the red bridesmaid will be another bride.

Rejoice butterfly~
Wear your flames in the winter sky~

They will not know,
What Ema has to know...
Until the clock strikes eleven.
They return to God's den,
And hear more another vow,
For another now.

Rejoice butterfly~
Wear your flames in the winter sky~

Phoenix and Iris sit on a chair.
Bridesmaids stand on the left,
and best-men to the right.
The photos captured the white air.

Rejoice butterfly~
Wear your flames in the winter sky~

The wedding party had already started and continued even when Iris and Phoenix left straight after the photo sessions. Lana slurped all the wine she could have and performed some wild dance routines. Her legs moved like the jaw of a laughing crocodile and a lot of people were speechless. Miles Edgeworth dropped his face in horror and clenched his eyes shut, feeling very embarrassed for Lana.

Judge Salsa approached her, following her tipsy dance movements with the addition of rigid hip action. He tapped her shoulder and she hugged him instantly. Judge Salsa jumped back and gasped as the huge amount o make up on her face: she looked like a hot mess. "LANA WHAT THE HELL IS ON YOUR FACE?" Judge Salsa asked.

"Glitter," Lana replied. "You mad?"

"You look drunk!"

"No guarantees on that," Lana said. She claimed another glass and smiled. "But I do promise tonight will be fantastic."

"If you want to make things even more fantastic come to my bedroom," Judge Salsa requested. He held onto Lana's hips and smooched her lips. "Merry Christmas baby!"

Lana kissed him back on the cheek. She giggled and said, "and to you too... Albert."

"It's ten to eleven," Salsa reminded her.

Everybody thought Lana was drunk by the way she skipped down the stage. "This Christmas I have planned something special for Ema," Lana announced. "She doesn't know this yet, but tonight, SHE'S GETTING MARRIED TO MIKE!"

"EVERYBODY BACK TO THE CHURCH HOUSE," Judge Salsa roared. "It's gonna be one hell of a party!"

There was not a still person in the house except for Ema and Mike. Ema gasped and stood still on the chair. She fiddled with her hair and began to think through Lana's actions over the past month. The surprise wedding hit her as if a knife had stabbed her in the bottom. She loved the idea of being married to Mike, but it was way too soon and she wished Lana had at least given her some hints before dragging her into this mess.

The suddenly she hit her. It was what Lana was planning all along. Lana didn't want to see her in agony and with relationship problems anymore so she hired a guy who fancied her for a long time. Her whole relationship with Mike had been planned by Lana and together they wanted to make her the happiest woman on earth. That was why the two of them spent so much time together, not to have an affair: but to plan a wedding.

Everything all started to make sense.

"Ema I can explain everything..." said Mike.

"I GET IT!" Ema screeched. "I get it! Lana's been planning this the whole time."

"Well yes," Mike responded. "You got that part right, but it's quite hard to explain."

"You can explain at the honeymoon," Ema interrupted Mike. "We better go the ceremony before Lana goes psycho!"

Chapter 37: Meal Of Doom (Includes strong violence)
Spoiler: Chapter 38: Not So Lonely
It seemed that Apollo and Trucy were going to spend Christmas by themselves. Iris and Phoenix had been kidnapped by Kristoph Gavin, but even if he didn't kidnap them on their honeymoon, they would have still been on their own. It would have been nice to have their parents around them for Christmas. Trucy's idea of a perfect Christmas was hanging round with the whole family and enjoying gifts together. Her parents being away ruined some of the magic of Christmas for her, but she was still going to celebrate with Apollo.

Trucy gazed outside the window and saw the snow helplessly fall to the ground. The natural glitter sparkling on the balcony, the roofs and the windows. The birds and bells sang in perfect harmony sending shivers down Trucy's spine. The birds flapped their wings fighting against the blizzard. "They would have loved this," Trucy said referring to her parents. "I wished they were here."

"Guess what?" said Apollo. The tone of his voice sounded happy.


"I got a girlfriend," he announced.

"REALLY?" Trucy gasped. She raised her eyebrows and turned her head. "You've got to be kidding me?" Trucy grabbed onto his arm and asked. "What's her name?"

"Viola," replied Apollo. "She'll be coming over soon."

" WAIT A MINUTE!" Trucy shrieked. "When was this? I mean when did you two start dating?"

"A few days after Phoenix kicked me out. We knew each other from a case a while ago."

"Really?" asked Trucy. The sudden high pitch and slow tempo voice change made Trucy believe he was lying.

"Okay, I'll tell the truth," Apollo said raising his arms in the air. "She's Kristoph Gavin's ex-girlfriend, I've known her for a long time. We've started dating not so long ago and she was the one who asked me out. I said yes and I told her to keep it quiet for a while until I was ready to come out."

"Wow," Trucy said, dropping her mouth. "How old is she?"

"She's 34."

"Wow, you're a toy-boy," laughed Trucy. She jumped into her brother's lap. He was pushed on the coach and Trucy grabbed out some mistletoe in her pocket, then raised it in the air.

"What are you doing?" Apollo asked. His face was red and his eyes were shut tight.

"Being nostalgic," replied Trucy. She smiled and kissed Apollo's lips. "Merry Christmas!"

"Did it ever occur to you that there's a possibility that Phoenix and Iris might walk in and scream?"

"It was just a kiss,"Trucy responded.

"One kiss too many I think,"admitted Apollo. "Kisses lead all sorts of things and that's what got us into trouble. Besides we're both in relationships we can't..."

Trucy kissed him on the lips again. To be honest, Trucy didn't really know why she wanted to kiss her brother in a romantic way after all the trouble she's been through. The only reason she could think of was "I did it for the lols". While that reason would work well on the Internet, in real life, it would need some explaining and Trucy couldn't find the words to describe her actions. "Shut up, and open some presents," Trucy said. She marched to the Christmas tree and pointed to a bag and stocking. "This is your stocking and your sack is here," she told Apollo as she knelt down to her sack. "I'll open mine now." Trucy was pleased with the first parcel she opened, it was gift-box of lipstick that she received from Iris. The lipsticks came in all range of colours: gold, yellow, green, pink, blue, silver, red and orange. She looked up and saw her brother sitting on the coach doing nothing. "What's up Apollo? Why aren't you opening your presents?" Trucy asked twice.

"I'm just not ready to open my presents yet," replied Apollo. "I'm waiting for Viola to come."

"Viola's coming?"

"Yeah, that way we're not by ourselves."

"That's brilliant," said Trucy who smiled and clapped her hands together. "I can't wait to see what she looks like. I've got so many presents this year! I've never had so many presents this Christmas before. Ironic really, the Christmas where I get the most gifts and Daddy and Mommy's not here to watch me. I hope they come back safe."

"So do I." The door knocked and Apollo jumped up. "That should be Viola." He took a brisk walk to the door and just as he thought, Viola was standing outside. "Hi Viola. You look very nice today," he said, grabbing her hand and kissing her cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Apollo," Viola whispered. "I brought some presents."

"Well come in," Apollo took Viola into the lounge and stopped when she was face to face with Trucy. "This is my sister,"

"Hi Viola," Trucy said in an excited tone. "I'm Trucy. So nice to meet you. You're very pretty. Polly was just talking about you."

"Thank you," Viola responded. Her voice was soft and weak. "I have some presents for you." Viola handed over an oval shaped box decorated in blue and white roses and smiled.

"Oh wow! Thank you so much Viola."

"You're welcome," Viola giggled. "I hope you like them." Viola looked around and asked, "so you two have been alone?"

"Yeah," Apollo answered. "Trucy's adoptive parents have been kidnapped, our real mom's died and my dad is in prison."

"That's a shame."Viola looked up at Trucy and said, "I heard Trucy's dad was Phoenix Wright. Is is true?"

"Yeah! That's my daddy's name."

"I thought so," Viola admitted. "Kristoph told me a lot about you. Too bad he went at an all time low..."

"Let's forget about the past," suggested Apollo. "It's Christmas, no need to be gloomy."

"OH MY GOODNESS," Trucy screamed as she grabbed a first of notes. "THERE'S MONEY IN THIS COOKIE BOX!" She gasped and asked Viola, "How much is in here?"

"A thousand dollars exactly," Viola replied. "Enjoy... wisely."

"Thank you so much Viola," Trucy shouted again. She hugged Viola and twirled her around. "Hey Apollo, open your presents now!" she demanded her brother. "Viola's here now so you two can open the presents to-"

A boom from outside distracted Trucy and made her lose her words. "I'll get that," Trucy said as she ran to the door. She had a feeling that she knew who it was. She opened the door and saw two magicians, one in purple, the other in purple. "UNCLE MAX AND UNCLE VALANT!"

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!"the two men shouted in unison. Rainbow smoke escaped from thier hats, dying the top of thier hair. Glitter leaked from Valants jacket, blowing on Trucy's face.

"Love the glitter rain," Trucy told them.

"Everyone should love the glitter rain," Max announced.

"Yes," Valant agreed. "We've heard about Phoenix and his wife being kidnapped and we didn't want to leave you guys on your own." Valant and Max let themselves in as they hummed Christmas carols.

"Hello, what's your name?" Valant asked Viola who was playing with the pleats of her red dress.

"Viola," she murmured.

"She's Apollo's girlfriend," Trucy told Valant.

"Oh very Gothic," Max claimed. " Also very fabulous. We should make sure these sweeties stay good."

"Good idea."

"We seem to be getting a lot of visitors," Trucy reacted as she heard another knock on the door. She couldn't believe she was receiving so much attention. She opened the door again and there was Maya and Franziska. The pair of them were wearing a red dress with a Santa's hat on their heads. Franziska seemed vacant, whilst Maya seemed bubbly with her arm around Franziska's waist.

"Heya you two," Trucy said. "Nice of you to drop in: Merry Christmas." Trucy remembered the time where she absolutely detested Franziska. Since Thalassa's death, the hatred for Franziska sizzled out. She released Franziska wasn't a mean person, and that she was just doing her job.

"Merry Christmas," Maya cheered. "Nick told me to visit you at Christmas to make sure you two were on your best behavior."

"Well there's no need to worry," Trucy responded. "Come on in, we've got a party going on."

"Oh my it looks like we're having a party," announced Valant as he saw Maya and Franziska enter the lounge.

"Let's celebrate then!" Trucy shouted.

"Man," growled Apollo. "And I've only got frozen pizza in the freezer for me, Trucy and Viola."

"What fool celebrates Christmas with only pizza?" snapped Franziska. If she had her whip with her, Apollo would have been slashed with it and Trucy would hate on Franziska again.

Trucy saw Lana and Machi knock on the open door, close the door after them, then tip-toed into the room. Machi waved, and Trucy waved back.

"Hi guys," Trucy called. She walked up to Machi and kissed his cheek.

"Merry Christmas Trucy," Machi squealed as he passed her a huge teddy bear.

"Thank you," Trucy squealed back. "Come on in you too."

"We didn't want to leave you guys to be on you own," Lana mentioned. "And Machi wanted to see you."

"It seems as if everybody had the same idea," Trucy giggled. As Lana and Machi sat near Apollo, Valant and Max were throwing glitter and champagne everywhere.

"Thank you guys all for coming," Trucy shouted. "I'm glad I have all your support and I hope my parents come home safely."

"They'll be fine," Lana told them with pride. "Edgeworth will save them and they'll come back unharmed."

"Edgeworth sounds like a really good man," Machi said.

"Yes," Lana agreed. "He is..."

Trucy heard thunderous knocks on the door and she scurried to the door and was greeted by Detective Dick Gumshoe.

"Hi Gumshoe."

"Heya Pal happy Christmas," Gumshoe roared. "I've got some news to share."

"Come on in."

Gumshoe followed Trucy into the lounge and everybody stared at Gumshoe. They all knew he had something to say regarding Phoenix and Iris and they were hoping it was good news.

"Wow nice party you guys got in here. Now I have some good news and I have some bad news," announced Gumshoe as he straightened up his coat. "The good news is that Phoenix and Iris have both been found safe and well." Gumshoe smiled as he cheered with the group, then his smile melted away. "As for the bad news... I can't bring myself to say it,"

"What happened?"

"I'm really sorry to say this," Gumshoe croaked, he faced his shoes and shook his head. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we have lost a valuable person. Edgeworth has been brutally murdered. We believe he was killed by Gavin and then he was murdered by someone else. There is phenomenal amount of evidence to suggest that Kristoph had maids to assist him. One of whom is Namow Lantem, who's fingerprints matched the ones we found. An official autopsy report will be on it's way soon."

"Where are my parents now?" asked Trucy killing the silence that had become a contagious disease.

"They're in a hospital at the moment," replied Gumshoe, trying to sake off his tears. "Both in a stable condition, they'll need to be questioned by the police so you can't see them just yet... Are you okay Lana?" Gumshoe dashed over to Lana who appeared to have collapsed to the ground.

"Just a coincidence," Lana muttered as she crawled her way back up. "Just a few minutes ago I said everything was going to be fine and in just a matter of seconds things aren't."

"I know how you feel Lana," Gumshoe sobbed. "He was the best friend I ever had."

"We shouldn't really be crying at Christmas should we?" Trucy asked.

"Yes," Valant replied. He patted Trucy's back and told him, " I never knew him that well myself but I have a feeling he wouldn't want us crying over him."

"No," Lana murmured. "He wouldn't, but... how can we celebrate without him?" Lana sulked. She sat down and cried. "How is Ema going to react? It will be awful, he inspired her a lot and I loved him." Her head was buried in her hands, concealing the tears that could be heard. She looked up and found herself the center of attention. "I'm sorry..."

"You're not the only person who ever loved him," Franziska barked as she looked down on Lana. "You won't be the last either."

"Do you want me to channel him for you?" Maya whispered to Franziska.

"No it's okay," Franziska replied. Maya cupped her face, kissed her cheek and hugged her.

"We should have a few moments of silence to remember the great man that was Miles Edgeworth," Gumshoe roared trying to hold back the tears. He bowed his head down and the others followed as they remained silent. There was not a dry eye in the room as they reflected on Edgeworth's bravery on Christmas day.

"We should all go to Borscht,"Valant suggested. He was determined to keep the Christmas spirit in tact. He held onto to Max's hand who agreed with every word he said. "They make lovely Christmas dinners."

"I like that idea,"Trucy said. "I'll save the rest of my presents later for when my parents come out from the hospital. First I've got to tidy this place up a bit then we'll be there."

"Okay," Valant shouted with his first in the air. "Let's go and have a party!" Nearly everyone followed Valant and Max out who both despite being sober sounded as drunk as break-dancing dog.

"Machi," Lana said. She grabbed his shoulders and told him, "You stay here with Trucy, I'm going out for some fresh air and then I'll be home. You'll be okay looking after Trucy won't you?"

"Of course Mama," Machi replied. "I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you," Lana responded with a smile on her face.

Lana returned to her car and drove far away. She stopped the car off in a deserted woods. She had to get away from the place, she breathed heavily and gasped her breathes out. Lana knew she would not be able to sleep that night. She had seen the sad reactions of people's faces when they found out that Edgeworth had died a cruel death. She could almost smell the blood on her hands. She had no regrets killing Kirstoph. Why should she, she thought. She threw her hand against the wall, clenching it tight as she pictured every moment of Kristoph torturing Edgeworth and how Dahlia and Namow simply did nothing. It was the lowest form of entertainment.

She didn't know weather to laugh or cry: so she did both.

She was caged in the hell she had remorse she should feel, she had none in the heart she once had. Every day it was getting hard to conceal her darkest side. She would smile and pretend that everything was fine. The rage inside still exists and she wished she it could evacuate, but the animal inside her craved for blood: April May's blood. Edgeworth's death had opened her eyes and she saw just how morbid her revenge plan really was, and it was increasing.

She had been lying to herself for so long. She said that men were useless, but she only said it because the man she loved rejected her. She was silly enough to even think he would date her after she tried to frame him for murder. Lana banged her fist again, feeling the red bruises on her knuckles burning her skin.

She had faked her killer instinct when she was working with Damon Gant, but now she truly did have a killer's instinct she became lost. All she wanted to do was protect Ema. That's why she arranged the marriage with Mike and made sure they were both sent away. Lana hoped it would spite Klavier and it almost worked. She felt so bad for murdering Edgeworth that she almost considered sparing April and Klavier's life until she saw the two of them together, laughing and cheering without a care in the world. She was reminded of how much she despised the two. She had come this far, she thought. It would have been all a waste of time if April and Klavier didn't get hurt. One way or another she was gonna humiliate Klavier and spite Kristoph's spirit even further.

The desire to kill still burned inside of her. She knew no one could ever tame the animal she had become. She believed this wasn't the real her and she wished someone could save her from herself, but as far as she was concerned it was too late. She gritted her teeth as she watched Klavier and April kiss passionately on the floor. Both of their long locks of hairs mixing with each other. To a normal person, Klavier and April seemed to be having a young and careless romance, but to Lana is was a disgusting match made in hell which made her want to run the pair of them over.

Her state of mind was like a tug of war. A part of her wanted to drive back to the rest of the gang and the other part wanted to run the pair of them over and have everything over and done with.

"Kissing in the woods at a white Christmas," Lana muttered. "You guys are in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Lana started the engine of her car, cackled immensely then charged down the hill. The adrenaline rush felt orgasmic as she cackled as April screamed. Klavier tried to save April but the pair of them were bashed by the front of Lana's car. Lana steered the wheel and drove over their legs and went round in circles twice before steering to a halt. Lana's forehead touched the wheel. Behind closed doors was a smirking woman who had officially become a serial killer.

She stepped out of the car and reached for a gun. Her hands were covered in gloves so her fingerprints will never be found. Her footsteps thudded in the thick snow as she followed the red stains. Some of the snow covered the injured couple who were both unconscious. Lana stabbed the gun near April's chest and pulled the trigger. The friction caused her to fall on the floor. Lana sighed and grinned. Blood splattered on her face, but she didn't mind. She had completed her revenge plan at last. She didn't care about Klavier anymore, she hoped he would freeze to death. Either way she placed the gun near Klavier to make it look like he had murdered April.

Lana returned to her car and drove back home. "No more deaths," she promised herself. She could feel her senses return and her madness fade to black. Once again she had no remorse. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Spoiler: Chapter 39: Six Months Later
Stephen Ronald Walter DeLite was brought into the world on 26th June 2028 not long after midday. The clock has just stroked twelve again. Dessie rested on the hopital bed with Ron sprawled ontop of her. The young baby laid fast asleep in the crib without any knowledge of the chaos that circulated around his parents during the past nine months. The parents were Dessie DeLite and Wocky Kitaki. Just the thought of it made Alita Tiala laugh. Lana agreed to give her a private jet to take her to California to Blackpool whenever she wished. Lana had always kepted her up to date with what was going with Wocky through her son, Machi.

Lana's plans of locking Klavier up had failed. He was still unconscious at hospital and there was a theory that Klavier murdered April then tried to harm himself to free him from suspicion. Another theory was that it was Ema and that she pretended to not know about the wedding so she could get away with murder. The only accurate theory she heard was the same person who killed April and tried to kill Klavier was the same person who murdered Edgeworth and Kristoph.

None of them guessed it was Lana. Lana still had Mike and Ema stuck in their honeymoon place. Lana was doing a good job in keeping them away from the police force. Alita had expected them to be back at work by now. She could easily imagine the two of them held hostage by Dahlia, but Lana wouldn't have liked that and Mike seemed a bit too ruthless to be locked up for six months.

She wasn't going to bother turning anyone in either because Lana was the only tool she had left to get close to Wocky. To hurt him. To kill him inside. What better way to hurt him then to take something precious away from him. She wasn't thinking of Pearl, she had enough of her and she was fine with the money. She looked down at the peaceful infant and grinned. Stephen was starting to giggle and Alita knew she had to be swift and careful if she wanted to get out without waking Ron and Dessie.

Alita tiptoed to the glass crib. Her finger crawled around Stephen's face. She remembered the time she told Wocky that she had sympathy for Dessie because she predicted the child would be hideous, but to her surprise, he was actually quite cute. Stephen's eyes were shut but his lips curled. She took one more look down on the unlucky couple and whispered, "Stephen, it's time to say goodbye to your parents... well your mother anyway. Your real daddy's screwing some slut."

Alita carried Stephen out of the room and crept outside the garden door where the scurrying nurses and doctors had their backs turned. She wanted to laugh so desperatly, but she knew she had to maintain her giggles in her throat. It would have been awkward for her to be caught holding the child of a man she despised. She felt even more sorry for Ron, who was determined to be a good father figure for Stephen and even claimed to be doing karate classes.

Alita had no remorse, none whatsoever. If it were up to her she would still be in Blackpool flaunting herself at the beach, but she knew that Larry wanted to return. He was torn between his friends and her. As long as Larry didn't do anything stupid, Alita was fine with Larry spying on Phoenix, there was nothing to see in his flat other than clutter. Last time she went she saw Godot slouching on the desk. With that in mind she cradled Stephen in her arms and said, "this is a fucked up place. Let me take you to a much better place."

"So you got him?" said a voice behind her. Alita knew the cold voice well. Lana had her back against the tree as Dahlia stood by her side holding a cigarette.

"How kind of you kidnapping your ex-boyfriend's child," Dahlia murmured. "Are you really as bitchy as you claim to be?"

"What do you mean?" asked Alita.

"You claim to be a cold hearted cunt," Dahlia said as she chuckled out smoke. "I know I'm a million times as crueler as you are."

"Because I know it will hurt Wocky," Alita replied.

"I know what will happen," Dahlia murmured. "You'll fall in love with the ugly brat again and spoil the child rotten."

"I won't..."

"I've seen it happen."

"Doesn't mean it will happen to me."

"It will be just like them disgusting fairy-tales."

"I guess I'll have to take you back," Lana said. "Larry's asleep in my flat."

"Machi won't report him will he?"

"Machi is over at Trucy's house."

"The sooner you're gone, the better!" Dahlia snapped. "You'll be out of the way while Lana and I plan the final steps to our revenge."

"Nice to know you have at least one friend," Alita snapped.

Lana marched over to her car and opened the shiny black door. "Jump in Alita," Lana demanded.

"Bye Dahlia," Alita said as she gulped. She stepped into the car. Lana hopped in the car, placed her seatbelt around her and started the engine. Stephen cried just as Lana drove away. Alita had trouble trying to keep him quiet ever since. "Why on earth would Dahlia thing kidnapping a child is an act of kindness."

"Probably because her parents treated her like shit," Lana responded.

"Good point." Alita looked down on Stephen's face and said, "it's sad that she never got real love." Alita was starting to wonder if Dahlia was either right, jealous or both? She had told so many lies about Wocky abusing her she started to imagine and hallucinate them. She knew they weren't true and everybody did too with the exception of Larry who would believe anything she said. Alita kissed Stephen on the cheek and then freeze for releasing it was the first time in her life she had given real affection to anyone.

"I'll tell them you ran to San Fransisco."

Alita thought Larry had done a wonderful job painting the walls. She loved the use of colour and simple compositions. The hues of blues had made the golden stars and rainbows stand out in their own right. It was a lovely atmosphere for baby Stephen. He thought that Larry's art had improved since the day they first met in prison. She admired the painting of herself, Larry with Stephen lying peacefully in Alita's arms.

A week had passed since Alita had kidnapped Stephen. Things seemed to be a lot calmer and the atmosphere between Alita and Larry seemed to have improved. As expected, Larry was timid around the little boy. Alita had already gone and bought material for the baby's comfort. Alita had learned no matter how much you try, you would never be fully prepared to the adventure of raising a child. It could be tiring, frustrating, beautiful and fun all at once.

Alita had never intended to have children. She only kidnapped Stephen just to aggravate Wocky and she knew it would work. They were most likely hunting for the three of them in San Fransisco and hunted throughly like idiots. As long as they never arrived at England, Alita knew she was fine. She could breathe and raise Stephen like her own. Poison his mind with whatever lies come to her head and them return him to California with a huge hatred against Wocky.

If the lies had worked on Larry, she was confident they would work on a child as they both have the same mindset.

She could see it in Larry's eyes. He wanted to approach the child, but the thought of having a child had terrified him. That was why he said he wanted to wait until Alita was thirty. She hoped raising Stephen would help Larry man up to his responsibilities. He wasn't doing too bad, but Alita knew he could do much better and since Larry would do anything for her, she was determined to take as much advantage of him as she could.

Alita felt her plan to hurt Wocky had been complete.

"Larry," Alita said. She placed Stephen back in his cot and said, "I love you. I haven't said it in a while."

"It's okay," responded Larry. He patted her back with gentle fingers. "You've been fantastic. I know you'll be a wonderful mother to Stephen. At least with us, he'll be able to have a gorgeous life. And I'll look for a good job and you can be sure that there'll be some good money for us."

"You're so sweet," Alita said. She smiled, and something inside made her feel like she was a glowing star. Her stomach churned and she felt the tingling lips of Larry kiss her neck. She thought of Wocky. In her mind she saw him crumble down to the ground and scream at himself and at Alita. She wondered if she really taken it too far?

"Why isn't that fool Apollo Justice here?" Franziska bitterly asked. "Shouldn't he be here to support his friend? Klavier Gavin always stated they were friends."

"He's with his dad in hospital," Phoenix replied. "Godot's sick again."

"I hope Godot gets well soon," Maya said. "Being arrested for Thalassa's murder triggered his illness again."

"So Professor," the young boy in the defence lobby said. "What do you think about this?"

"Well Luke, there are only two possibilities. The prosecution is either lying or passing down inaccurate facts," Professor Layton announced.

Klavier Gavin's trial was coming across as rather odd. This was Maya's first case as a lawyer, she had become shocked at the lack of common sense in the court room. Had Miles Edgeworth had still been alive, the case would have been settled before New Years Day. There was simply no way that Klavier could have murdered April under the circumstances, but the only people that were really paying attention to her was Franziska, Phoenix and Professor Layton. Franziska had hired Professor Layton because she knew his passion for puzzles would help win their case. Judge Salsa refused all of Maya's objections and refused to give Lana any penalties where she should be getting. The people in the trial were too scared to make a sound, it was as if they had been threatened.

Layton's assistant, Luke Triton had been equally helpful. He reminded Maya of Pearl when she was around Luke's age: full of honour and determination. Maya had a strong defence team behind her, but she was starting to lose hope that she could clear Klavier's name. She really wanted to maintain the hope, but it was proving to be a struggle. Judge Salsa had suggested a fifteen minute break for Maya to cool down. Maya was anything but calm. Her fingers were shaking with vicious nerves.

"The prosecution's been lying to us!" Maya snapped. She had finally figured out how Klavier had managed to hurt himself. "They were both run over at the same time." "How could Salsa believe that Klavier hurt himself."

"Cause he's fool," Franziska replied. "That man loves Lana Skye and will believe her every foolish word."

"There's gotta be a way to prove it," Maya said. "I'm so stressed right now that I can't even think properly."

Phoenix grabbed her shoulders and took her to the seat near the door to the court. "Now calm down," said Phoenix. "You're doing great, you just need to calm down."

"That lady stole my notebook," Luke snapped. "It had all my notes in it."

"We'll get it back," Maya said. Her fingers still shook. "Don't worry."

"Just listen to us," Phoenix whispered to Maya. "Think about the events that happened before the murder. Anything you consider strange, we've got no defendant with us nor witnesses, but we've still got some good evidence. We just need to prove that the prosecution is lying."

"You're right," Maya said. "Franzy, did you keep the message on your cell phone."

"What message?" Franziska asked.

"The ones Mike sent you."

"Let me guess it's a sexual one," Phoenix said. "I know what's he like. But he's really nice once you get to know him."

"I got to know him for years and he's a dirty scoundrel," Franziska barked. She flashed her cellphone to his face and the messages from Mike was revealed to Phoenix. He could tell Franziska refused to reply to them. Phoenix chuckled and he knew he would get whipped for it; but he didn't care as he was used to it.

Franzy, I love you.

Hey Franzy why don't you show me what's hiding beneath those tights.

Lesbian pictures please?

I'm married to Ema, but I still love you. You can be my second wife. Lol.

Franzy why don't you answer my calls?

Franzy please accept my calls.

I got something special to send you soon. Love from Mike. X X X

Did you like what you got? Now it's your turn?

I'm waiting...

"These messages are absolutely disgusting!" Luke shouted in disgust.

"It seems that Mr. Blitz was not a true gentleman after all," Layton summarized the whole situation and pictured Lana gritting her teeth.

"This needs to be mentioned in the trial," announced Maya. She held Franziska's phone and took it with her to court. She smiled. The thing was finally going to get sorted out.

"Oh my," Judge Salsa roared. "The defence seem to be very happy. What's up?"

"We've got something we want to show the prosecution," Maya announced. She smartened up the collar of her robe and faced Lana. "You know your brother-in-law, Lana?"

"Yes," Lana sighed. "He's a good man."

"So good you wanted the two of them to get married?"

"Yes," Lana replied. "I'm sorry," she started to mumble her words, "but what has this got to do with the murder of April May."

"Stop acting," grumbled Maya. "We know you're lying. Klavier was run over at the same time as April. You know he's innocent!"

"He's not innocent!" Lana spat back. Her body leaned over her desk as she slammed her desk. "He's a filthy whore and a cheat. I don't care if he's a murderer, he should still be guilty."

"Preach my love," Judge Salsa cried. "I want to give him a guilty verdict just for you."

"OBJECTION!" Maya screamed.

"Calm down baby," Salsa told Maya. "You'll get your turn."

"I guess you didn't know that Mike sent a picture of his penis to Franziska," Maya said.

Judge Salsa dropped his mouth and gasped. He jumped out of his seat and then exploded with laughter. "OH MY GOD! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! PICTURES OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!"

"Here's Franziska's phone," Maya said. She walked out of the bench and passed it over to Judge Salsa. Salsa's eyes had opened.

"That's one hell of a thing," Salsa said. "He's sent Franziska messages too. Lana you have to look at this one: Hey Franzy, this is Mike Sexy Blitz. How are you doing? Just had sex with Ema and I wish you were here to make a sexy sandwich."

"PASS IT OVER!" Lana screamed. Maya retrieved the phone from Judge Salsa and she walked over and showed the picture and sexual messages that Mike had sent to Franziska. She gritted her teeth and bit her fingers as she wailed in the progress. She then banged her head on the table and then with one mighty scream, she roared, "FUCK!" She stormed out of the court room and Salsa moaned.

"Damn you Mike Blitz for making my Lana-baby cry," Judge Salsa roared. "I hate to admit it, my plan on giving Klavier a lesson to tell him that those big boobies were trouble have failed in some degrees. I can honestly say that he is innocent and it looks like Mike is the guilty dude here. I find Klavier Gavin, not guilty... for now. The court is dismissed." He banged the his gavel and then said, "I believe we should a warrant out to hunt down Mike Blitz."

Judge Salsa scurried out of the court. Everyone knew it was so he could chase after Lana.

Spoiler: Epilogue: Alita's Letter
Dear Wocky Kitaki,

I've known you for about two years. It seems that time has flown by and it doesn't seem very long. From the small amount of time I've spent with you, you've already managed to destroy my life. You're a dumb and vile human being, and I had the greatest pleasure in watching you suffer, I'm just disappointed that I never got to finish you off. Months in that stupid prison cell and all because you and your stupid friends. Since being jailed, all I wanted to do was break you. I wanted to kill you! Do something that make you do the crying. I thought it would be tough, but when I heard you got arrested for rape, I roared with laughter. I thought it was even more hilarious that you were originally found guilty for it. You poor thing: NOT!

I told you this before, but I said that your kid was going to be ugly. Your girlfriend, Pearl is a home-wrecker and a slut. And yet she gets everything she wants even though the rest of her family are complete cunts. Fuck you all!I simply cannot find the the time to hate you anymore. Have your little boy back! I only stole him just to piss you off, not because I wanted your babies or anything stupid like that. No, you as a father is like the worst thing imaginable. I wouldn't be surprised if Pearl had a baby bump on her right now.

Stephen was better off with us! Larry and I were good parents to him. We gave him all the things you could only wish you could give him. Then again you were always a lazy one. When we were dating all you wanted to do was lie about in the park doing fuck all. You were always trying to show off with those pathetic hip-hop anthems and dodgy dance moves. Don't get me started on the sex, it was painful and your face was even more painful to look at.

I can't believe I tried to marry you for your money. I can't believe I tried so hard just to be accepted into this world. I just wanted to fit in, but I couldn't so I decided fuck it! I'll go my way. Once I married you, I would have waited for your death. I would have taken your money and used it to runaway much more earlier. I would have still had a relaxing and enjoying life. I should have been less more obvious, I should have given it much more time to think it over. I should have planned it carefully like Lana did. Well look at Lana, she's back in jail but at least she got to do what she wanted before she got thrown back in again.

All these fuck ups in my life had led me into the arms of some dopey prison officer. You know who that guy is. Your little hoe beat him up and he pushed you down the stairs. He should have killed you off. You could have been great friends with him, but you chose to warn him about me. He still believes that you're a wife-beater, I'm not going to tell him the truth, and I don't want you going round flashing this letter to everyone either. This letter is just for you; nobody else! If I find out that you've been spreading this letter, I will come back and bring hell to you and all you love. Do I make myself clear? YES? GOOD! NO? FUCK YOU!

I don't even know why I'm bothering anymore. I won! I got what I wanted. I'm rich, and I'm faraway from the terror I once called home. Okay, Larry is so cheerful that I find it very frustrating sometimes, but that's normal for a couple. I know everyone thinks that I twisted Larry under my little finger and it's because of me that I made him an eccentric criminal, but you guys must know nothing about Larry. He is a sweet guy, and I do love him! And I'm not lying, I mean it. He treats me right, he cares and he does what every man is suppose to do to their lady. Which is more than I can say about you. I have always blamed my misery on you. I loved raising Stephen up to be my own and then... CURSE YOU. He just had to have your eyes. It reminded me of all the good times we had together. The times where I found your company enjoyable.

Why am I doing this? Don't worry about the money, you were right; you don't owe a thing. It's me that owes you something. In the basket under Stephen, there should be a thousand dollars. Don't worry, Stephen should remain unharmed. Now you can tell Dessie and Ron that their baby is fine, well it's your baby too. It was hard work getting Stephen to be healthy in the first few months of his life and I don't want our efforts to go to waste. I really hope Stephen gets the best out of life. In the basket is also a silver rattle. Look after that, it's his favourite. We gave him many toys, but it was the rattle he loved the most.

I'm sorry for everything. Screw the nasty words I did and forget about the horrible stuff I did to you all. You should all thank Stephen. I loved him like my own son and it was because I grew attached to him, was that I decided it was best that he would be returned to his real parents and to his real home. I don't know where the DeLites live, and I'm guessing they've moved and tried to search for us, but I'm guessing that Plum will be forcing you and Dessie to contact each other regularly so I returned him to you.

I love you Wocky, you're so cute in a very odd way. I was just really jealous that Pearl managed to get to you and I didn't, but I guess it's for the best. I'll move on with Larry and you move on with Pearl. It's as easy as at. I don't think I should contact you again, just for your own safety. I'm sorry I ever called your child ugly, Stephen is beautiful.

All the best for all you,


P.S We've adopted a girl named Sapphire.
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Spoiler: Olga meets her mother
Olga woke up nice and early to visit her mother in prison. Her mother, Helga had been sent down for five years for forgery and identity theft. Olga had given Wendy Olgbag a parcel of food to compensate what Helga had stolen from her. Olga had seen Wendy many times, she was quite a fussy customer, but was in fact a nice lady if you're in her good books.

It was safe to say that Olga's mother had not been herself these past few years. Not since she lost a game of poker to Wendy Oldbag six months ago. Her mother didn't support her as a musician because she hated metal music. Not once did she pat Olga on the back and say, "You do our family proud."

"Hello mother," Olga called.

Helga sat with her teeth gritted in the visiting room. Olga's mother still had the beard attached under her nose when she was trying to make out that she was a judge in court. She still had her hair shaped in the style of Wendy Oldbag, which surprised Olga. She thought she would be back to her normal self again.

"What do you want?" Olga's mother howled. "You come to bail me out yet?"

"I can't bail you out," Olga admitted.

"Your band is flopping is it?"

"On the contrary, our most recent two albums have met with critical and commercial acclaim."

"Then why won't you bail me out?"

"I need to save money," Olga admitted. "There's a lot of places that I'd love to go to."

"You can at least pay to get this beard off!"

"Mother, I'm sure you can cut it off here."

"They won't let me anywhere near sharp objects."

"Don't they have a barber shop near you?"


"Then why don't you go there?"

"Don't like the people there."

Olga hated seeing her mother so distressed. But she couldn't help but laugh in secret. She quickly shook it off and said, "listen, when you were in your prime time as a poker player you used to meet people you hated all the time. It will only a few minutes.

"A few minutes!" Helga shouted. "You're having a laugh. You don't care about me. You've come to brag about how awesome you are."

"Looks like visiting hours will be over soon," Olga said. "I'll visit you sometime next week."

"Goodbye," grouched Helga.

Spoiler: Phoenix Wright's Most Easiest
Defense Attorney: Phoenix Wright
Prosecutor: Winston Payne
Defendant: Link
Victim: Princess Zelda
Cause Of Death: Drowning
Murder Weapon: Bare first

Turnabout difficulty. Link's lawyer, Phoenix Wright had been up all night thinking how to prove his client innocent. When he took on the case, he thought it was going to be a tough cookie, but as the trial started it just kept on getting easier and easier. At 2:30 in the morning, Phoenix Wright came up with a brilliant theory that could close the case down. He rang up everybody involved with the case and the judge agreed to make an urgent meeting in the court.

The crowd were not as chatty as they once were. They were understandably, quite groggy. The man in the prosecution bench slouched back and gave Phoenix the most miserable nerdy look that he had never seen from anyone else with the exception of extreme nerds from university.

"Now look your honour," Payne moaned. "I demand to know why we've all been summoned here at this hour?"

"I believe the defence has some ground-breaking news," the judge explained.

"Indeed I do," Phoenix announced. Compared to Payne's failure to hide nerves, Phoenix had his shoulders laid back. He knew he had nothing to hide and the fact it was all here right in this very court room had made things even simpler.

"Spill it out then!" the judge spat out.

Phoenix slammed his hands on the desk and said, "This murder never existed."


"That's preposterous!" Payne yelled from the top of his voice.

"You don't suspect that Princess Zelda is still alive?" the judge widened his eyes and leaned back on his chair.

"Of course."

"Do you have evidence to prove this?" the judge asked with a wrinkled frown.

"I don't need evidence," Phoenix roared. He pointed at the lady in a pink dress as he declared, "She's in this very room!"

Princess Zelda stood up and waved to everybody. Stunned, the judge shook his head and his eyes met the defendant's. "Because of the circumstance," the judge said, "The court has no choice but to declare Link: NOT GUILTY. Court dismissed." The judge slammed his gavel and advised everybody to rest for the rest of the morning.
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I don't know who did this, but I was shocked when I saw my fic got mentioned on TV Tropes. I noticed it a while ago and shared it on tumblr, but I thought I might share it on here too.
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Crossover with pokemon

Instant Justice

One bang from the gavel silenced the crowd. All rose for the judge, then all sat when instructed. "The court is now in session for the trial of Ash Ketchum!"

Phoenix Wright was a man of his words. When he promised Professor Oak he would help his friend's son. He would not stop until his name was cleared. The boy was accused of murdering a girl called May Maple. But there was no evidence to link Ash to the crime. There was no body and no evidence.

Still Phoenix remained confident.

"This is a murder most foul," announced the voice of a cranky Winston Payne. He was the self-proclaimed rookie killer. Famous for his attempts to humiliate his rivals. He was well beyond the age where it was acceptable to retire and he had been a prosecutor all his life; it ran in the family.

His opponent was no rookie. He was the legendary Phoenix Wright. He was the master of all attorneys and known worldwide as the Ace Attorney. His influence was so huge, he had musicals,, films, stories and the world famous video games from Capcom. The games remain the most faithful to his lifetime and legacy.

Phoenix always won against Payne. If it ever seemed that he was close to losing it meant that the trial was far from over. Phoenix shook his head at Payne's opening statement.

"The murder took place on 15th October 2013 in Lavender town. This town is located in the Johto region."

"OBJECTION!" It felt good. He had to say it. Nobody should be able to make a mistake as stupid as that.

"MR. WRIGHT!" The Judge roared. His face was stern and pale. "Please do not disturb the opening statement. Do you want a penalty?"

"Your Honour," Phoenix interrupted. He had to save himself. He didn't want a worthless penalty over something that wasn't his fault. "There is a massive mistake in the opening statement."

Payne swirled what was left of his grey hair. "How do you know? I've only just started."

"Please let Mr. Payne finish the opening statement."

Phoenix sighed.

"The murder took place in Lavender Town in the Johto region," Payne continued. "The defendant used to be a mentor for the victim. They were close friends. The Night of the murder would have been the first time they've met in several years. Mr. Ketchum had lost the Kalos Leaugue whilst May became an Olympic champ. He was jealous. They had a fight and Ash pushed May over the cliff out of smite. Her body was never recovered."

"Now Mr. Wright," Judge Udgey frowned at him. Phoenix had a feeling that he was always picking on him. "Point out these contradictions."

"First of all, the opening statement is nothing but fanfiction. Secondly, Lavender Town is in Kanto. And thirdly I would like to bring May Maple to the witness stand."

Payne shrieked and stormed out of courtroom.

"I don't know what this is all about," May admitted as she stood behind the stand. "I just hope this is all a publicity stunt."

"Team Rocket have been trying to get Mr. Ketchum's Pikachu for a long time," Phoenix announced. Even though the case was fairly simple, he still got that buzz. The buzz that made him feel good about himself. He was delivering the truth just as the court requested. Although they may be too naive to understand how corrupt the system was nowadays, he knew he was one step closer to making a world a better place again. "They've failed every attempt. By bringing Ash to jail, they hoped they would be at a better chance of getting Pikachu."

"So Team Rocket was behind this?" Ash asked. He was so angry at them. If he was found guilty, he would never had been allowed to enter a league again.

"Yes. The prosecution is a member of this gang." Phoenix grinned. He finally exposed Payne for who he truly was. The next time Payne came to court, he would be a defendant.

"We must search for Team Rocket at once,"' Judge Udgey announced. "I apologies for any inconvenience caused to all parties. It is clear that Ash Ketchum is not guilty." Pikachu cried tears of joy. Phoenix was happy to bring to friends closer, and he felt that justice was truly served.
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Haven't updated this thread for over two years. =O But I'm still writing fan fics for Ace Attorney. Added three one shots and chaptered fic to the list in the first post.

Title: No Turnabout Required
Rating: PG
Summary: After being promoted as Chief Prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth reflects on his most easiest case with an insane defendant, a rookie judge and the coolest attorney of the west. Entry for Court Records OC Contest.
Link: ... t-Required

Title: Hello From The Other Side
Rating: PG
Summary: After many failed attempts to contact her mother, Franziska rings one more time and gets a response that she will never forget.
Link: ... Other-Side

Title: Babe
Rating: PG
Summary: After the war, Franziska is reunited with Maya

I'll add chapters to the new fic: May's Justice in the next post.
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Title: May's Justice
Rating: PG
Summary: May becomes a defence attorney to save her boyfriend, Ash.
Notes: I'm aiming to write something original here. The story is heavily influenced by Ace Attorney and Pokemon and there shall also be references and characters from other fandoms. There will also be some spoilers and content that may upset readers. I would like to thank everyone from Advancers for being so encouraging.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story and they belong to their respective owners. This story is written by a fan for fans.

May's Justice

Chapter One: May's First Job Interview

It was May Maple's first ever job interview. May's father had firm belief that she would get the job with relative ease. Getting into law was a long journey, but one she felt had to be fulfilled. She had passed all her exams and received her golden badge to prove that she was qualified lawyer, but she knew that the interview would be tough. Not only did May have to perform well at the interview, she also needed to stand out from the crowd. Just like she had to do when she was a pokemon coordinator.

The firm she was having her interview was called The Wright Anything Agency. The current owner was a famous defence attorney known as Phoenix Wright. May knew that if she was successful, she would be working within a small team, but would be having her own cases. The concept of working for law both excited her and frightened her at the same time. She would be expected to believe in her client's innocence, but also be able to seek the truth.

Although she gave up her career as a pokemon coordinator, her passion for pokemon remained as strong as ever. She contemplated on whether to bring her pokemon with her to the interview. She still had her pokeballs attached to her belt, as she felt that they might bring her some good luck. Despite all the academic tips she received, she still felt underprepared.

It was a painful decision to change her career, but one she felt that she had to do. She had thrown herself into a whole new world and dived into the deep end. She felt that she owed so much to Ash. He had been everything to her; a mentor, a friend, and a lover. Five years ago, Ash was sent to prison for killing his mother. May felt like she was the only one that believed in his innocence and the lawyers were useless. The prosecutor was allowed to do whatever she wanted whilst the defence attorney cowered at the sight of her black whip.

The court of law had become a victim of corruption. Innocent people were being jailed whilst murderers were walking away. There were many lawyers out there that only cared about winning and judges who had become too soft. Trials were rushed and witnesses were put under pressure. Justice was like gold dust. Sadly none came to Ash when he needed it the most.

Ash's trial had only lasted two hours. Although he confessed to the crime, May didn't believe a single word of it. Ever since the incompetent judge declared Ash as a murderer, May decided that she would stop aiming to be the top pokemon coordinator and become a great defence attorney and she would not rest until Ash's name was finally cleared. Ash was not the only victim of injustice, so many defendants were getting the wrong verdicts that it caused outrage and chaos that was known as "The dark age of the law."

Ash's cold and distant face burned in May's mind. It couldn't have been any different to the warm and kind loving Ash that she knew and grew to love. The court had failed Ash. But she swore to herself that she would not fail him. May remembered her family's reaction as if it were yesterday. They were shocked but immensely pleased. Countless hours and dollars had been spent to get May to where she was now, but the journey was far from over.

Despite high stakes, May never gave up. A true pokemon trainer would never give up on the ones they love. She felt blessed that her close friends and pokemon were with her every step of the way. Each day that passed was another day closer to clearing Ash's name and finding the true culprit.

Despite good academic results. A lack of education in her childhood might prove to be a disadvantage. May had thought of a way to turn her pokemon experience into a positive thing and to show that she is more than capable of doing her job. Every second felt like an eternity. Her legs wobbled like jelly and fingers were twitching. As she stood outside the office, she observed the surroundings trying to think away the nerves. Seeing the magic props around the office reminded May that Phoenix Wright's daughter was a magician. The plastic plate with floating spaghetti made her stomach rumble.

She shook her head. She flicked her head and she was surprised that her palms were damp from sweat. Her heart jumped as a door swung open. A young brunette with a tall blue hat burst out of the door. May assumed that it was Phoenix's daughter. Her first impression of the girl was that she had some awesome clothes. She liked the girl's little black dress and the large cape she waved around her body. It seemed really fashionable and unique.

"Come in, Miss Maple," the girl said. "Daddy will see you know."

May jumped from her seat and made her way into the small room. She took a deep breath. She knew it was no time to think of other people's passion and it was time to focus on the goal: to pass the had high hopes that her nerves would melt away the minute the interview began. As soon as she saw Pheonix Wright, the person who would be interviewing her, the nerves multiplied. He looked just as he did in the newspaper with his famous spiky hair and blue suit. His gold pin flashed beneath an opal bulb. Phoenix and May shook hands and they both sat down. His daughter and two other people were also sat in the room.

All of May's mock interviews were one-to-one. She had no idea what to expect from a panel interview. The four of them looked like judges for a talent show in their grand office clothes and paperwork in front of them. May was beginning to wonder if she was appropriately dressed for the interview. She wasn't sure if she was overdressed or underdressed.

"Thank you for attending the interview Miss Maple," Phoenix said as he opened a notepad in front of him. "As you know, I'm Phoenix Wright. This is my daughter, Trucy. And this is Apollo and Athena. They are both defence attornies that work for this firm. This is going to be a panel interview. We'll ask you questions about yourself and about the job and we'll make a decision from there. Is that okay."

"Sure," May said.

"There's no need to be nervous," Trucy said with a big smile on her face. May tried her best to stop shaking and nodded. "I'll ask the first question. What do you know about our agency?"

May looked around the room. There was something peculiar about Apollo's hair. The way it stuck out like a tail reminded her of a certain water-type pokemon, but she couldn't think which one it was. She liked Athena's yellow jacket, it sparkled brightly like a Pikachu's thunder. May knew that pokemon she was thinking off. Apollo's brown hair from the way it was styled made her think of a poliwag for some reason. After a momentary lapse, she was ready to give her answer.

"I know that the Wright Anything Agency was established by Mia Fey as Fey & Co. Law Offices. After her death it was renamed into Wright & Co. Law Offices and has been through several name changes over the years. But it's main goal is to believe in the client and to seek the truth."

"So can you tell us more about yourself?" Apollo asked.

May nodded. "Before I graduated from Themis Legal Academy, I became a pokemon coordinator when I was ten years old. I travelled to many places and entered many contests and won many ribbons for my efforts. During my pokemon journey, I learned to work as a team with my pokemon and how to become a good leader for them.

"What do you think is more important as a defence attorney," Phoenix asked. "Winning the cases or the truth, even if it means losing the trial?"

"Seeking the truth of course," May responded.

"What made you decide to become a defence attorney?" Athena asked. "It must have been a really big step you took. I really admire you for it."

May sunk her head and held back the tears that wanted to flow. She promised herself that she wasn't going to cry and let her demons win. "My boyfriend is in prison for a crime he didn't commit."

May noticed that all four of them had bounced towards the wall. She wondered if she had said something wrong. Both of the women gasped as Apollo was the first to speak. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"When your boyfriend was on trial, how did you feel about the process?" Phoenix decided to press on.

"It made me very angry!" May responded as she threw her arms by her side.

"Why did it make you angry?"

"I don't believe my boyfriend had a fair trial," May announced. A few tears had crept out of her eyelids, and May hoped that it was discreet. "His trial only lasted for two hours and it felt more like a battle of wits between the lawyers rather than seeking the truth of what happened."

"Do you hope that by becoming a defence attorney," Apollo said as he leaned closer to the table. "That you can eventually clear his name?"

"Yes," May nodded. She felt a wave of confidence inside of her. "I wanted to join a law firm to gain experience and earn respect. I hope to gather enough evidence to clear my boyfriend's name."

"May I ask, what is your boyfriend's name?" Trucy asked.

"Ash Ketchum."

"The pokemon trainer that was found guilty of murder," Athena recalled. "Didn't he confess to the murder?"

"There have been occasions where people have confessed to murders they didn't commit," Apollo stated. "Things aren't always as they seem.

"So May...When can you start?" Phoenix asked May.

"As soon as possible," May replied.

"Welcome to the team," Phoenix announced with a smile on his face.

"Oh that's great," May "I'm looking forward to working with all of you."

"I'm glad you say that," Phoenix responded. "You'll be meeting your first client tomorrow morning."

May was glad that the interview was over, and that the outcome was successful. However, the nerves never left her. The real work had only just begun. She knew that if she wanted to clear Ash's name, she would have to get more experience and take on any case that comes available. She didn't know how long it would take to set Ash free, but she knew she could not continue her pokemon journey without him.
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Chapter Two: The State VS. Sakura Haruno

The heavenly light began to fade beneath the dull clouds. It was too light to be called night and too dark to be called day. Beneath grey clouds laid the final resting place of Neji Hyuga. His cousin, Hinata sat in front of his tombstone and planted more sunflowers in the pot. She took a deep sigh and snatched her purple phone from her pocket. The phone greeted her with a screenshot of her with her husband and two kids.

She couldn't help but laughed for a few moments, flicked her dark hair behind her ear and called Hanabi, her younger sister. Tears rolled down her face as her heartbeat pounded in time with the beeps of the phone.

"Hey Hinata," Hanabi said through the telephone. "I thought you were going to see Fiddler On The Roof tonight?"

"No," Hinata shook her head. "I'm not feeling very well."

"Where are you?" Hanabi asked. Hinata could only just about hear her through the sound of the whirling wind. "I can barely make out what you're saying."

"Hanabi... can you meet me by Neji's grave?"

"Sure," Hanabi replied. "But... why there?"

"It's where I feel safe. I've found something...terrible." Hinata couldn't tell who was crying harder, herself or the sky. "I don't know how to tell Naruto or the children..."

"What is it, sis?" Hanabi yelled through the phone.

"Ah!" Hinata couldn't stop coughing up red droplets on the grass. She felt pain all over her body as blood dribbled all over her body. She felt as if someone had stabbed her a dozen times in the stomach. She clutched onto the phone with all her might as she slowly grasped for air. She muttered, "I don't know how long I've got left...If you see father, tell him I love him too."

The phone slipped out of Hinata's fingers as her body imploded against Neji's grave.

"Hinata!" Hanabi screamed. "What's going on? Say something."

The sky roared as thunderous rain continued to shower the land. Hinata's body lied lifeless in the cemetery.

"HINATA!" Hanabi squealed. "What have they done to you?"

"Hello?" A lady passing by had ran across to check if Hinata was alright and heard Hanabi's pleas as she approached Hinata.

"Hinata?" Hanabi sobbed through the phone. "Is that you?"

"No... it's Sakura."

"What have you done to Hinata?" Hanabi yelled. She yelled so loud it was as if Hanabi was right by the grave.

"I'I've only just got here," Sakura responded. She rolled Hinata over and could feel no sign of life in her. No pulse, no heartbeat. "Hanabi...Hinata's dead."

"Sakura... what have you done? YOU MURDERER!"

"No..." Sakura muttered as she shook her head. "Hanabi...It's not what you think."

May had arrived half an hour earlier than planned. She hoped being early would be beneficial to her case. She was greeted by both Phoenix and his daughter, Trucy. "Good morning, Mr. Wright," May said. "Good morning, Trucy."

"Nice to see you up so early," Phoenix stated. "It means more time to look at the court records."

"Of course," May responded. Phoenix presented May with a picture of a young woman with bright pink hair and green eyes. "Wow, she's really pretty."

"That is Sakura Haruno," Phoenix explained. "She's will be your client today." Phoenix also presented a photo of another woman. "She is accused of murdering her friend Hinata Uzumaki." Phoenix continued speaking as he passed over sheets of paper. "They have been unable to determine how the victim died. Since they don't know how she died, they can't determine the murder weapon. It's not going to be an easy case, but I'm sure we can turn things around."

"Why was the defendant arrested?" May asked.

The defendant was the last person to see Mrs. Uzumaki alive, but also the first person to find her body."


"According to the court record, the victim wanted her sister to meet her at the cemetery."

"Why a cemetery of all places?" May asked.

"That's for you to find out," Phoenix responded. He flicked through May's papers and brought out a picture of the murder scene. Hinata's head laid next to her cousin's name on the tombstone. If it weren't for the blood, she would look as if she was only sleeping. May noticed that Hinata's hand was open as if she was holding something important.

"She looks like she was holding onto something," May said to Phoenix.

"The victim was ringing her sister and died during the call."

"That's so sad."

"The prosecution and Detective Looker believe that Miss Haruno killed Mrs. Uzumaki, so that she could marry her husband."

May browsed through the profiles and a paragraph stood out to her. According to the report, Sakura and Hinata were very good friends. "Why would Sakura want to kill her friend?"

"Who knows," Phoenix said. "But hopefully today we can reveal the truth."

"Where do we go from here?" May asked her mentor.

"I think we should visit Miss Haruno," Phoenix suggested. "Her trial is today. Apollo and Athena managed to grab as much information as they could about the case, but they've got another trial on today. So it will just be you today."

"That's alright," May responded with her fists clenched. "I can do this."

May followed Phoenix and Trucy out of the office as they rode to court with their bicycles. After the somewhat short ride, they parked their bikes and made a longer walk to defence lobby 7 where the defendant, Sakura Haruno was waiting for them. The guards who stood as still as ever watched as May approached Sakura. "Are you Miss Haruno?"

"I am, the lady replied.

May opened her arm and shook hands with her client. "Pleased to meet you, Miss Haruno. I'm May Maple, and I'll be your lawyer."

"You're my lawyer?" Sakura gasped. "No offence, but you look really young."

"Miss Haruno..." May admitted that she was young and inexperienced, but she still had a good shot. "I don't have a lot of experience. But I truly believe that you're innocent. I'm going to find out what happened and clear your name."

"Thank you, Miss Maple."

"I have to go," Phoenix said. He looked at his daughter and smiled. "You'll look after May, won't you Trucy?"

Trucy lifted her thumb up. "I sure will."

Phoenix left the lobby, but May had a feeling that he would be watching the trial and keeping a close eye on her. As Phoenix left, May took a seat next to her client. She asked Sakura, "Miss Haruno, can you tell me more about yourself?"

"I'm a Ninja medic from Konoha," Sakura replied. "I live with my daughter, Sarada."

"What were you doing on the day of Mrs. Uzumaki's death?"

Sakura lowered her head. "Hinata and I went out for lunch that day. The academy that our children go in were hosting their own production of Fiddler On The Roof. We were both looking forward to it as it had been the first time that the academy had done a musical production before. On the day of the show, I couldn't see Hinata so I went searching for her. I missed the show, but I found her at the cemetery. There was nothing I could do, she was already dead."

"So you and the victim were great friends?"

Sakura nodded. "We went to the same academy and I was on the same team as her husband. We were all really close."

May wanted to cry with her, but there was someone or something in her mind telling her that it was no time to cry. She shook her head. Of course, it was the wrong time to cry. May felt stupid for a few minutes. "Where is Sarada now?" May asked.

"She's got an exam coming up," Sakura replied. "I told her not to worry about me."

"The trial is about to start," Trucy announced. "Are you both ready."

May nodded at Trucy and then turned to Sakura. "You don't need to be scared," May insisted, feeling the great pressure herself. "All you need to do is tell the truth and you'll be fine."

Sakura nodded and then stood up. May liked her red floral dress and white tight jeans, but she wanted to wait until after the trail to complement her client's clothing. In fact, she wasn't even sure if she should say it at all.

"Focus May..." May said to herself in her head. "You have to concentrate to save this innocent woman."

May was overwhelmed by the grand exterior of the courtroom. The smooth wooden decor was so polished, May could see mirror-like reflections of herself and it's surroundings. From the golden bars to the leather seats, everything in the courtroom appeared to be luxurious. Apart from the simple plastic chair where Sakura was sitting on.

Everybody took to their place in the court. Everyone rose when the presiding judge slowly made his way up the stairs. He was a bold man with a beard like Santa Claus. He must have been at least in his eighties. As soon as he took his seat, Everybody in the audience sat down too. The Judge banged his gavel against his stand and said, "The court is now in session for the trial of Sakura Haruno!"

"The prosecution is ready, Your Honour," the man in the prosecution bench said. May recognized the arrogant man with slick black hair and sunglasses as Gaspen Payne. His older brother was also a prosecutor. Gaspen Payne did a speech for the law school she went in once. She always thought of him as a creep with the way he rubbed his hair like a puppy.

"The defence was born ready," May said, flicking her fist against the bench.

The Honourable Judge squinted at May. "That's nice." He glanced over to Mr. Payne. "Would the prosecution please give their opening statement to the court."

"With great pleasure," Mr. Payne hissed. "The murder took place on 18th July this year." Mr. Payne began his statement. His voice oozing with arrogance with each word he spoke. "The victim was Hinata Uzumaki. Mrs. Uzumaki was a beloved mother, sister, daughter and wife. The prosecution believes that the defendant killed her out of jealousy. Her cause of death is unknown and the first autopsy was inconclusive. She had lost a lot of blood and was believed to have choked. There were also many bruises and bumps on her stomach. A second autopsy report is underway."

"Can the prosecution please explain why Sakura was arrested?" The Judge requested.

"Detective Looker shall take the stand and reveal all." Mr. Payne announced. Detective Looker was a tall handsome man with a large trench coat. "Please state your name and profession."

"Detective Looker," he said. "I'm in charge of this investigation."

"Please give your testimony."

"As stated, the murder took place on the 18th July. Which was two weeks ago. The victim and defendant were seen having lunch together. The defendant's husband filed for divorce last year and it was finalized this year. The defendant is the only person with a motive for murder. She was also the last person to see her alive. Whilst the victim was on the phone to her sister, the defendant made her move."

"A flawless testimony," Mr. Payne announced with such pride. "If I do say so myself. It makes everything fall into place. The defendant is a ninja after all."

"I've had parrots and orcas in this court," The Judge retorted. "Ninjas aren't that shocking. Miss Maple, your cross examination if you please?"

"So Detective Looker," May started. "You said in your testimony that believe that my client was having an affair with the victim's husband?"

Detective Looker nodded. "That is correct."

"Do you have any evidence to support your claims?"

"I do indeed," Detective Looker announced as he submitted a picture of Sakura with a tall man with blonde hair and distinctive face marks. "This man is Naruto Uzumaki, the victim's husband. He is the Seventh Hokage of the village."

"And on planet earth what does that mean?" The Judge asked curiously.

"He's what you would consider the town hero and leader. As you can see in this picture they look very close "

"Objection!" May roared. She inspected the picture of Naruto with his arms around Sakura and with both their tongues out. "I don't see what makes this picture so suspicious."

"You should have gone to Specsavers," Mr. Payne yelled at May. His sharp voice made her jump. "It's a very sexual picture."

"Mr. Payne is right," The Judge said as he nodded his head. "This picture certainly looks suggestive. Look how close their cheeks are."

"They look like best friends on a night out," May explained to the court. "I make selfies like these with my friends all the time."

'Selfie?" The Judge muttered. His eyes widened.

"To be fair Miss Maple," Mr. Payne snorted. "You're not exactly a woman of grace."

"Please continue with your cross-examination," The Judge ordered.

"How is my client's divorce related to this case?' May asked.

"Keep going May," Trucy whispered. "You're doing a grand job."

Detective Looker took out a piece of paper from his notebook. "Here I have the divorce papers of the defendant. Sakura and Sasuke had been married for fourteen years. They have a fourteen-year-old daughter, Sarada. I believe that the defendant wanted to kill Mrs. Uzumaki to marry her husband. It makes sense."

"OBJECTION!" May roared at the top of her voice.

Trucy clapped and smiled. "That was an awesome objection."

"Miss Maple," The Judge sighed. "There is no need to shout. I might behold but I've still got my marbles."

"The prosecution's argument is based on assumptions," May announced. "The defence demands hardcore facts."

"Quiet you!" Mr. Payne hissed at May. "You're just a rookie."

Trucy growled and clenched her fists together. "Oh he makes me so mad. Just ignore him, May."

"You don't know the murder weapon, you don't know how she died and the autopsy was inconclusive. ..." May raised her left arm and pointed at him. "YOU HAVE NO CASE AGAINST MY CLIENT!"

"YES I DO!" Mr. Payne shrieked. "The prosecution would like to bring it's next witness. The victim's sister, Hanabi Hyuga."

Detective Looker left the stand and returned to his seat. May was amazed at how much Hanabi had in common with her late sister. Her long hair and unique lilac eyes. May looked up and noticed in the front rows above Mr. Payne, a lot of men with the same eyes as Hanabi. May assumed that they were all related to the victim.

"Name and occupation please, Miss."

"Hanabi Hyuga, I'm ninja and heiress to my clan."

May had never seen a young girl so distraught. Hanabi's pale face and lilac eyes were a face of sorrow.

"So Miss Hyuga, you're the victim's sister?"

"That's right."

"You were on the phone to your sister at the exact time she died."

Tears rolled down Hanabi's face. "It still haunts me."

"Miss Hyuga," The Judge gulped. "When you're ready please give your versions of events." Tears were beginning to roll down his face.

"I received a phone call from Hinata the night she died. She said she had something to tell me and asked me to meet her by our cousin's grave. Then suddenly..." Hanabi paused. "I heard her making these sounds. Her last words were: Tell Father I love him." She buried her hands and burst into tears.

"How incredibly sad," The Judge croaked. "Can someone please give the witness a tissue." Within five minutes a bailiff gave Hanabi a box of tissues. "I urge both the defence to be sensitive in the cross-examination."

"Miss Hyuga..." May wanted to start her cross-examination, but there was something about the glares all around her that made her feel intimidated. "Why did she ask you to meet you in the cemetery?"

"Neji and Hinata were really close," Hanabi replied, wiping her tears with the tissues. "He gave up his life to save Hinata during the war."

"The war?"

"17 years ago," Mr. Payne butted in. "Konoha was involved in the 4th Shinobi War. The defendant and victim played a very important role in stopping the war and bringing peace to their nation."

"What a remarkable woman," The Judge cried in amazement.

"Hinata visited Neji's grave in a regular basis," Hanabi added. "But recently she had been visiting Neji's grace everyday and would hours sitting near Neji and talking to him. She felt safe around Neji."

"Can you describe what sort of sounds she was making?" May asked Hanabi.

"It was hard to tell at first because of the weather," Hanabi sobbed. "Then when the thunder stopped I could hear choking noises as if she was being strangled. She sounded like she was struggling to breathe." Hanabi gulped.

"The autopsy report showed that the victim had vomited and that there was lots of blood," Mr. Payne added. "A rather terrible way to go if you ask me."

"Did you ever find out what the news was?" May asked Hanabi. "Did your sister leave any clues?"

Hanabi spoke, but May couldn't fathom the words through the sounds of her crying.

"Your Honour, if I may," Mr. Payne said. He brought out an old tape player from behind his bench and brought it to the court. "We have the witness' final call with her sister on tape."

"Then play the tape," The Judge demanded. Mr. Payne did as he was told and listened to the tape with a big huge grin on his face.

"Hey Hinata, I thought you were going to see Fiddler On The Roof tonight?"

"No. I'm not feeling very well."

"Where are you... I can barely make out what you're saying."

"Hanabi... can you meet me by Neji's grave?"

"Sure. But... why there?"

"It's where I feel safe. I've found something...terrible. I don't know how to tell Naruto or the children..."

Payne stopped the tape and pressed the rewind button. "Let me play this part again."

Hanabi... can you meet me by Neji's grave?"

"Sure. But... why there?"

"It's where I feel safe. I've found something...terrible. I don't know how to tell Naruto or the children..."

Payne stopped the tape again. "The victim says that she doesn't know how to tell Naruto or the children. This statement from the victim clearly supports Detective Looker's theory that Miss Haruno had a sexual relationship with Mr. Uzumaki.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" May shouted. "That statement proves nothing."

"OBJECTION!" Payne screamed right back. "This tape is definitive proof that Miss Haruno is guilty. I shall continue playing the tape."

"What is it, Sis?"

The audience gasped in horror at the sounds of excessive coughing and coarse breathing coming through the tape. May could even hear sounds of vomiting. On her left, May saw Trucy with her eyes welling up.

"Ah! I don't know how long I've got left...If you see father, tell him I love him too."

"Hinata! What's going on? Say something."

"HINATA! What have they done to you?"

Mr. Payne stopped the tape. "This is the part where the victim tragically dies. And where the defendant pretends to be a person passing by with her Oscar-winning acting."


"Hinata? Is that you?"

"No... it's Sakura."

"What have you done to Hinata?"

"I-I've only just got here. Hanabi...Hinata's dead."

"Sakura... what have you done? YOU MURDERER!"

"No...Hanabi...It's not what you think."

"STOP THE TAPE," The Judge demanded. "I think we've put Miss Hyuga through quite enough now. This cross-examination is over."

"I think we can end the trial now," Mr. Payne announced as he placed his hands in his pocket. "I believe that we've come to the end of the road."

"Yes," The Judge nodded. "You're quite right. Should I deliver my verdict now?"

"NO!" May cried out. She slammed her desk against the bench. "This trial is nowhere near finished. We still haven't determined her cause of death."

"Weren't you listening?" Mr. Payne giggled. "Mrs. Uzumaki was strangled. You could hear it in the tape."

"That's not enough," May pressed herself against the edge of the bench.

"Alright then," The Judge squawked. "I shall allow the defence to call upon one more witness. Make your choice wisely, Miss Maple."

It was only Sakura and Hinata that were in the cemetery at the time of the murder. What if there was a possibility of another person being there? What if Hinata was poisoned by somebody else before meeting Sakura? May had so many questions in her mind, that she was finding it hard to make the right choice. Could she bring Detective Looker or Hanabi back onto the stand?

"If I were in your shoes," Trucy whispered. "I would bring Mr. Uzumaki up to the stand."

A bright light sparked in May's mind. "That's it!" May muttered. "Thanks a lot Trucy."

"Has the defence made their decision?" The Judge asked as he lifted his hand and was ready to slam his gavel.

May nodded. "I would like to bring the victim's husband, Mr. Naruto Uzumaki to the witness box please."

"Very well," The Judge said. "Can Mr. Uzumaki please step forward."

"This is a huge waste of time," Mr. Payne moaned as he rubbed his hair.

Naruto marched to the witness box as if he was walking to a scaffold towards his execution. His eyes never left the floor as his chin was firmly attached to his neck. May took one look at him and decided that he was a guilty man. Perhaps he's the one that killed Hinata.

"Please confirm your name and occupation," May asked as soon as Naruto halted behind the stand.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I'm the the Seventh Hokage. I never thought I would be standing here."

"Mr. Uzumaki," May sighed and took a deep breath before she continued speaking. "I'm going to ask you very straight forward question."

"Go ahead."

"Oh my goodness," Mr. Payne muttered.

"Have you ever passionately kissed or made sexual contact with Miss Haruno?"

"Huh?" Naruto gasped. He folded his arms and pursed his lips. His cheeks were a strong shade of pink. "I withhold my right to remain silent."

"This is serious," May yelled at Naruto. "If you don't co-operate with me then Sakura is going to jail. You need to understand that if Sakura is found guilty then she'll be sent to death row."

"OBJECTION!" Mr. Payne wailed. "Miss Maple, Mr. Uzumaki has the right to decline your questions. Perhaps Mr. Uzumaki can testify where he was last night?"

"That sounds like a good idea." The Judge coughed to clear his throat. "Mr. Uzumaki, please tell the court where you were at the time of your wife's death testimony."

"I was at the academy watching Rumble In The Bronx." Naruto announced. "It was a great show with lots of full of action. During the interval, I noticed that Hinata wasn't at the academy. I used my Shadow Clone Technique to help Sakura look for Hinata whilst I enjoyed the rest of the show."

"Hmm..." The Judge pondered. "What does the prosecution think of this."

"Once again," Mr. Payne mouthed. "Another flawless testimony."

"We've yet to have any flawless testimonies," May muttered beneath her breath.

"Miss Maple, can we please have the final cross-examination."

"There's bound to be contradictions here," Trucy told May. "You gotta catch 'em all!"

"Mr. Uzumaki can you explain to the court what this Shadow Clone Technique is?" May requested.

"It's one of my specialities," Naruto explained. "I'm a very busy man nowadays. So I often clone myself so I can do all the things that I want to do."

"I see," May replied. She raised her hand in the air with her index finger pointing at Naruto. "But hold it right there, are you sure that musical you watched was called Rumble In The Bronx?"

Naruto shrugged his shoulders. "Of course. What's wrong? I have a solid alibi."

"I want to believe you," May admitted. "You seem to be a very nice guy, but you have a very big contradiction in your testimony."

"WHAT!" Naruto blared. "Where is my contradiction?"

"Can the prosecution please play the first five seconds of the tape," May announced.

"Hey Hinata, I thought you were going to see Fiddler On The Roof tonight?"

"You did it, May!" Trucy said at the top of her voice. "Now finish him!"

"It's a little too early to celebrate," May responded. "Just got to hang in there a little bit longer."

"What's just happened?" Mr. Payne yipped with his mouth wide open.

"Mr. Uzumaki has testified that he saw Rumble In The Bronx in theatre," May repeated. "Though in the tape and previous testimonies the play at the academy was Fiddler On The Roof. Mr. Uzumaki cloned himself to make it look like his real self was watching the play. Also when the tape was played out in full, there was not a single dry eye in the courtroom. Except for one..." May's finger sharply pointed at Naruto.

"Are you trying to pin Hinata's death on me?" Naruto snarled at May.

"If that is the truth, then yes," May replied. "I am close to pinning it on you. I know you still have an alibi... but's not the one you've submitted to the court."

"May," Trucy cried out. "What are you doing? We're so close to finishing this case."

May sighed. "Please trust me, Trucy."

"Miss Maple," The Judge banged his gavel to promote order in his court. "I must confess that I am really confused right now. I don't know what you're trying to achieve."

"I'm going to get to the bottom of all of this," May replied. "But first I want to get down to why Fiddler On The Roof and Rumble In The Bronx got mixed up."

"What's the difference?" Naruto asked.

"Fiddler On The Roof is a musical about a Jewish guy with five daughters," May replied. "Whilst Rumble In The Bronx is an action movie with Jackie Chan in it."

"Daddy loves Rumble In The Bronx," Trucy added. "Coincidently the film was on air on the night of Hinata's death."

"So Mr. Uzumaki," May said. "Can you tell us where you really were last night."

Naruto gulped. "No comment."

"Alright then!" May snapped with her arms folded. "I'll tell them for you. On the night of your wife died, You were on your rooftop, having sex with my client."

"You can't prove that," Naruto yelled.

May grinned. "Yes I can! May I please have a look at my client's divorce papers." Detective Looker passed May the divorce papers and May flicked through all the pages until she found what she was looking for. "I got it. My client's late husband has listed 'infidelity with my best friend' as one of his reasons for divorce."

"I don't like where this is going?" Mr. Payne admitted.

"Mr. Uzumaki was having sex with my client," May announced. "That gives them both a solid alibi. Not only does it give them a solid alibi, but it also proves that my client did not kill Mrs. Uzumaki."

"Then who killed Mrs. Uzumaki?" The Judge asked.

"Nobody," May declared to the court. "Mrs. Uzumaki's death was a tragic accident."

"But the defendant is clearly guilty," Mr. Payne gulped.

"No Mr. Payne," May shook her head. "Mrs. Uzumaki died of natural causes. And when the updated autopsy report comes back, it will tell us the same thing."

"You have no proof," Mr. Payne sneered at May as she shook his head. "She was covered in blood. There was no way she could have lost that much blood through natural causes alone. The defendant now has a solid motive for crime. The defence is digging a very big hole for herself."

"And the prosecution has yet to determine the murder weapon."

"She's a ninja," Mr. Payne retaliated. "She strangled Mrs. Uzumaki with her bare fights of course."

"The reason we have failed to determine the murder weapon is because it doesn't exist," May confirmed. She looked up to the Judge. "Your Honour..."

"Yes, Miss Maple."

"I would like to bring one more person to the stand."

"Not another one," Mr. Payne groaned.

"Alright then," The Judge said. "Just one."

"The court would like to bring Himawari Uzumaki to the court," May announced.

"MY DAUGHTER!" Naruto said. A small girl with blue hair and with Naruto's cheeks ran towards the witness box next to her father.

"I'm Himawari Uzumaki," Himawari said. "And my father is not a killer."

"I no longer consider your father a suspect," May admitted. "I wanted to ask you a couple of questions."

"Oh..." Himawari seemed nervous. She held onto her father's hand. "Go ahead."

"Have you ever noticed anything strange with your mother before she died?"

Naruto shook his head in disbelief.

"Actually... I have," Himawari admitted.

"Can you be more specific?" May pressed.

"When Daddy was away she would cough lots and lots," Himawari explained. "Sometimes she would cough so much, blood would come out. She was burping more often, worse than Daddy and Boruto combined. Three months ago, she wasn't eating, drinking or sleeping that much. She kept giving most of the food and drink away to us. She would only have a fraction of her meal, and then say she was full."

"How did I miss this?" Naruto asked himself.

"Suddenly," Himawari continued. "She wouldn't go out anymore. Only to buy flowers for Uncle Neji's grave. If I ever wanted to find my mom, she would either be at home or at my mom's grave."

"Does the prosecution have any medical history on the victim?" May asked.

Mr. Payne closed his eyes and ignored May.

"Mr. Payne, I'm asking you a question."

"No, I don't!" Mr. Payne snapped.

"Then you won't mind if I have a look at your records for myself then," May snorted. She marched over to the other side of the court and browsed through all of Mr. Payne's paperwork.

"OBJECTION! Mr. Payne yelled, but it was too late. May had waved a piece of paper in the air. Mr. Payne tried to snatch it off May, but she passed it over to a bailiff, who then went on to pass it on The Judge.

"What's this then?" The Judge asked curiously. "Hmmm... Medical Records for Hinata Hyuga." The Judge skimmed through the medical records out and opened his eyes wider in shock. "It all makes sense now," The Judge announced. "Mrs. Uzumaki was diagnosed with stomach cancer on the 18th February. Exactly six months before her death. Her last appointment was on the 18th July... the actual date of her death. Cancer: what a terrible disease."

"We'll never know what Hinata knew about her husband's affair," May announced. "But she we know that she didn't want her family and friends to worry about her, that's why she never told anybody. Let's play the tape again."

"Hey Hinata, I thought you were going to see Fiddler On The Roof tonight?"

"No. I'm not feeling very well."

"Where are you... I can barely make out what you're saying."

Hanabi... can you meet me by Neji's grave?"

"Sure. But... why there?"

"It's where I feel safe. I've found something...terrible. I don't know how to tell Naruto or the children..."

"What is it, Sis?"

"Ah! I don't know how long I've got left...If you see father, tell him I love him too."

"Hinata! What's going on? Say something."

"HINATA! What have they done to you?"


"Hinata? Is that you?"

"No... it's Sakura."

"What have you done to Hinata?"

"I-I've only just got here. Hanabi...Hinata's dead."

"Sakura... what have you done? YOU MURDERER!"

"When she was told she didn't have long left to live, she would seek confident in Neji. She distanced herself away from the family as she didn't want to become a burden. Meanwhile, Mr. Uzumaki becomes close to my client, Miss Haruno. The two became so close... that they made love not just once, but many times. Mr. Uzumaki and Sakura did not look for Hinata straight away, it wasn't until after she had sex, did they try to find her."

The courtroom doors swung open as another bailiff came in with a piece of paper to hand to The Judge. "Your Honour, Mrs. Uzumaki's 2nd Autopsy is back."

The Judge opens the envelopes and skims through the letter. "You're right, Miss Maple," The Judge said. "The autopsy confirms that Mrs. Uzumaki's cause of death was indeed natural causes. The cancer in her stomach had spread all over her body.

"Having sex with a married man as his wife dies of cancer..." Mr. Payne spat. "It's disgraceful."

"Making love isn't a crime," May reminded Mr. Payne. "Withholding evidence is."

"You are right there," The Judge heartfully agreed. "The court finds Sakura Haruna... NOT GUILTY!" The judge announced. He slammed his gavel and confetti and a round of applause poured over Sakura like cherry blossoms across the courtroom. "That is all, this cause is adjourned." The judge stands up and leaves the court. May was pleased to have won her first case, but even happier for Sakura to be found innocent. The way that Sakura smiled at Naruto after her verdict made May well up in tears.
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Chapter Three: A Special Request

The blonde novelist never opened his eyes the entire time that his friend came to visit. Before his arrest, the world knew him as the charming romance novelist, Eiri Yuki. His smart suits and exotic looks were an epitome of a modern day prince charming. He appeared to be in a happy relationship with singing sensation Shuichi Shindou. To the ones that were close to him, he was Eiri Uesugi, a vulnerable man with a dark past.

As his brother-in-law and best friend since childhood, Tohma Seguichi knew and understood more about Eiri's past more than anyone else. Tohma held himself responsible for the devastating events in his past. Now that Eiri has been arrested, Tohma felt that it was his duty to protect him and to hire a lawyer.

"You're wasting your time," Eiri told Tohma. "This is my karma. I deserve to be here."

"Eiri...what happened all those years ago is not your fault," Tohma whispered.

"I killed them all," Eiri moaned.

"No you didn't," Tohma responded. "I'm not too proud to beg. I will hire a lawyer and clear your name in anyway possible."
May's first case had been successful. Even though her client, Sakura bowed her head in shame, she could tell that she was happy deep down. Both of Naruto's little ones glared at him as he was a murderer. They may have been young, but they were old enough to understand what was going on. In the corner of a room, May saw a transparent figure of a tall beautiful brunette with large breasts and long hair. The figure was wearing the same black skirt and jacket as May. The lady was smiled and waved, but nobody seemed to notice her. By the time May blinked, the woman had vanished. It reminded May of the dreams she had had since she left her hometown at the age of ten. The mysterious figure she saw resembled the comforting ghost of her dreams. The one that told her not to cry and to laugh at her worst times.

"Thanks a lot," Sakura muttered. She blushed, but she still lowered her head in shame.

"Miss Haruno," May patted Sakura's back and smiled at her. "You don't need to feel guilty anymore. You're free." When May saw the tears roll down on her client's face, she hugged her. Prosecutor Payne made May's blood boil with his sexist remarks against Sakura. Besides, lots of people cheat on their partners, so May felt that Sakura had nothing to worry about. "At least now, you can start your future with Mr. Uzumaki and the kids."

May could understand why the affair happened. With Sasuke being away all the time and with Hinata distancing herself to hide her illness it left Naruto and Sakura to spend more time together. It allowed them to do things that they hadn't done with their partners in a while. She could also see why Hinata hide her illness for so long, she didn't want to become a burden to her family.

"I should have known something was up," Sakura admitted. "I wonder if she knew..."

"I don't know if she knew," May replied. "But if she was as kind and as sweet as others described her, then it's safe to say that she's forgiven you, already."

Sakura lips had curled slightly. "I guess you're right."

"S-Sakura..." Naruto mumbled. "I'm sorry for making you go through this."

"I guess it can't be helped." Sakura told Naruto as she squeezed his hands.

"I think a lot of people in the village hate me at the moment..."

"I'm sure you can easilly regain the village's trust again."

"You know what?" Naruto rubbed his stomach. "I'm hungry. Let's go and grab some ramen."

"Okay then."

Sakura and Naruto left the courtroom, holding hands. They both waved at May and she waved back. May hoped from the bottom of her heart that Naruto and Sakura could get their relationship to work.

"Congratulations," a voice spoke from behind them. It was Phoenix's voice. "That was a truly great turnabout."

"Thanks, Mr. Wright!" May looked over and smiled at Trucy. "But I wouldn't have been able to have done it without Trucy."

"Me?" Trucy giggled. "Sure I was there for support... but you did most of the work on your own."

"Anyway May," Phoenix said. "I've got a new case for you."

"A new case?" May then noticed that there was another man behind Phoenix. The man had white hair partially concealed in a fluffy black hat and a blue coat the same shade as Phoenix's suit. Both his coat and hat were equally fluffy. The man resembled a keyboard player that May remembered seeing on her mother's wall once. May thought that the man was Tohma Seguchi from Nittle Grasper. The band did occasional reunions, but Tohma had been busy running his own major music label.

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Maple," the man said. There was pride in his broad shoulders, but the tone of his voice resembled a beggarman. "My name is Tohma Seguchi. I'm the president of N-G Records. I'm in desperate need of your assistance."

"I thought it was you," May smiled. She shook Tohma's hand. "What can I help you with."

"I need you to defend my friend," Tohma whispered. "My wife's brother...has been framed for murder."

"It's been all over the news," Trucy told May. "That novelist Eiri Yuki has been arrested for the murder of Taki Aizawa."

"Why don't we discuss this over lunch?" Tohma suggested.

"Sounds like a good idea," May nodded. Then she lowered her a head when she remembered her nearly empty purse. "I haven't got a lot of money though..."

"Not to worry, Miss Maple," Tohma responded with a warm smile. "It will be my treat."

"Oh!" May felt a huge wave of relief had been lifted from her shoulders. "Thank you very much."

May never expected her morning would end with a trip to Kozue restaurant, one of the finest restaurants in the Shinjuku District of Tokyo. It was a perfect summer's day, so Mt. Fuji could be seen from the window. Tohma was even paying for her, Phoenix and Trucy. May was starving, but she didn't want to take advantage of Tohma's good will. She reminded herself that this was still a business venture.

They all mingled on fresh sushi, hearty miso soup and yummy yakitoris. If May's mum had known where she was right now, she would have been very jealous. Her mother was a big fan of the bands that were signed to N-G Records and had a great admiration for Tohma's talents. She was surprised at how Tohma was just as sweet and polite as he was on the camera.

"You really care for Mr. Yuki don't you?" Phoenix asked Tohma.

"Yes," Tohma announced. "More than anything in this world."

"Can you tell us more about Mr. Yuki?" May asked.

"Of course," Tohma nodded. "Eiri Yuki and I have been friends since childhood. I'm married to his sister, and his boyfriend's band is signed to my label."

"That's Bad Luck isn't it?" Trucy asked. "Klavier joined the band two years ago."

"Indeed," Tohma responded. "Two of the members left the band. Leaving only Shuichi, so I hired Mr. Gavin and Mr. Ishida. The Chief Prosecutor has assigned Mr. Gavin as the prosecutor of Eiri's trial. I've failed Eiri once," Tohma admitted. "I would never live with myself if I failed him again."

"Mr. Seguchi," May said curiously. "What do you mean when you've said you've failed Eiri once?"

"Eiri was gang-raped by our tutor and other pedophiles," Tohma whispered. "A tutor that we both highly looked up to. It's all my fault."

"Why is it your fault?" May asked.

Tohma lowered his head. "I was the one that hired him."

"That's not your fault," May shook her head as she spoke. "You were tricked."

"Wasn't this already resolved?" Phoenix asked. "Eiri was arrested for killing his tutor, Yuki Kitazawa and his accomplices. But he was found not guilty for numerous reasons."

"Eiri was very young when it happened," Tohma mumbled. "So the court ruled in his favour. They were able to see the truth and deliver a Not Guilty verdict. But I fear the prosecution will use this against him."

"That sounds so sad," May thought. "Don't you worry Mr. Seguichi. I will do everything in my power to clear his name."

May's words had turned Tohma's frown upside down.

"After lunch, I think it would be a good idea to go to the detention centre," Phoenix told May. "And after that, go to the crime scene to gather some clues."
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May's Justice
Chapter Four: Detective Gary Oak

From dazzling views from a fancy restaurant to the dull walls of the detention centre, May had grasped a sense of reality. For May, a trip to the detention centre had become a part of her routine. She wouldn't be seeing her boyfriend this time, but instead her client, Eiri Uesugi. She still wondered how Ash was getting on, but she felt bad for not being able to see him. When the guard escorted them to Eiri's cell, May noticed a tall brunette sitting down and three children leaning against the glass in front of Eiri.

May recalled that Tohma had two children: one of each. He went on to explain further that Riku was Yuki Kitazawa's orphaned son. Riku had been living with his transsexual aunt, Yoshiki Kitazawa until she left him with Eiri and Shuichi to look after. Eiri ended up adopting Riku, which surprised May. Eiri didn't appear to be the kind of man who would be interested in children. From what she had seen of Shuichi in the media, he wouldn't have had the time nor place to look after a child.

Yoshiki Kitazawa was murdered and her killer was never found. Eiri was the prime suspect, but he was released without charge. The case was eventually closed. The deeper May got into Eiri's life story, the more she realized how much she was getting herself in for. She wished she was back in her childhood, and on her pokemon journey. She used to travel around the pokemon regions without a care in the world. Times had changed. She was an adult and she had a job to do: She had to seek the truth at all costs. If Eiri was innocent, then she would defend him at all costs. If Eiri was guilty, she wouldn't hide it, but she wouldn't give up on her client.

"Uncle Eiri," the little blonde girl said. "I thought only bad guys go to prison."

"Your uncle has done something terrible," Eiri responded. The pain he showed in his voice made May's stomach churn. She gulped as she watched Eiri hide his face in his hands. His fingers crawled all around his face. May was startled of how deep and soft his voice was. "I am a bad guy...I have to be punished."

"Daddy! That's not true," the tall blonde boy said. "Uncle Tohma is going to get a really good lawyer to save you." When the three children saw Tohma and May's reflection through the glass, they turned to face them. They all scurried towards Tohma and embraced his coat. The tall boy cried in happiness as the other two children called for their father. "It's great to see you, Uncle Tohma. Have you hired the lawyer?"

"Yes, Riku..." Tohma told his nephew. He nodded as his arm reached out towards May. "Here she is."

"Daddy..." the girl muttered. "She's the lawyer? But she looks so young."

"She is young," Tohma nodded as he spoke. "But she's the just the kind of lawyer we're looking for."

"I think it's time to take you all home," the woman said. May assumed that the woman was Tohma's wife, or at least the mother of both of the kids. That would have meant that she was Mika, the defendant's brother.

"Home?" Riku said. "With Daddy Shuichi? He's not in the best of moods right now."

"Then why don't you stay with us?" Mika offered as she patted the top of Riku's head. "Your cousins could do with your company right now."

"Okay Aunt Mika," Riku said with a smile on his face. Riku and his cousins followed Mika out of the room, which left Tohma and May alone with Eiri.

"So you hired this brat to represent me in court?" Eiri hissed. "You know I'm going to be guilty anyway?"

"Eiri," Tohma raised his voice. "Don't talk like that. That was in the past and it's been resolved. I know you didn't kill Mr. Aizawa and Miss Maple will prove that."

"But I'm a killer," Eiri stated with his hands over his ears, his eyes wide open and his lips shivering.

"That was a long time ago," Tohma roared with his hands pressed against the glass. "You shouldn't have to suffer for a crime you didn't commit because of your past."

"Tohma's right," May nodded. "He told me about your old tutor. They can't bring you to trial over that anymore because of double jeopardy. It seems to be that the prosecution wanted to tie you in with something else."

"I'm the only suspect," Eiri snapped. "Everyone knows I'm a killer. Band members get shot, one of them dies and they think it's me cause I'm a killer."

"Did you actually kill Taki Aizawa?"

Eiri glared at May and remained silent.

"Either you did or you didn't."

"No..." Eiri whispered.

May believed in him. "Then you don't need to suffer from your past anymore."

"Where's Shuichi?" Eiri asked. "How is he? Does he think it was me?"

Tohma shook his head. "Shuichi is crying a lot, but that's nothing new."

"Is that why Riku didn't want to stay at Shuichi's house?" May asked.

Both men nodded.

"Shuichi's a fun guy," Eiri admitted. "But he can sometimes get too hot to handle."

"What do you mean by that?"

Tohma chuckled as he hugged his cloak. "Mr. Shindou can be a very difficult person to work with."

Eiri banged his fist on the table as pressed his forehead against the table. "Try living with him!"

"Mr. Uesugi...Please don't take this the wrong way." May gulped before she continued to speak. "But if Mr. Shindou gives you so much misery, why are you still with him?"

"Because I love him," Eiri responded. But May couldn't detect any sense of emotion in his plain tone. If anything, May could almost detect a sense of sarcasm. He didn't even smile when talking about Shuichi. Conversations about loved ones are meant to make one smile. On the other hand, May realized that she was in Eiri's position, smiling would be the last thing on his mind.

"Your relationship with Shuichi could be an important part of this case," May announced. "We'll get back to Shuichi later. Right now I need to talk about that happened on Taka Aiwaza's death. Do you remember what you were doing?"

"I was taking a walk around the cemetery," Eiri admitted. He pulled himself up and straightened up his shoulders.

"Were you with anybody at the time?"

Eiri shook his head. "I was alone."

"I was afraid of that," May admitted. She lowered her head for a few moments then lifted them back up. "I was hoping that there would be some witnesses to give you a solid alibi."

"Well," Eiri hissed. "What you want and what you get are two very different things, Darling."

"What were you doing walking around the cemetery?" May asked.

"I had to clear my mind," Eiri snapped.

"Eiri and Mr. Shindou were meant to be going out on a date," Tohma told May. "They quarreled, and Mr. Shindou ended up eating alone."

"How do you know?" Eiri barked.

"Remember what I said? I am always watching over you," Tohma proclaimed to Eiri. His black gloves crushed against the glass and his face wasn't so far. "I failed you once," he suddenly whimpered. "I can't fail you again." Tohma had so much passion in his voice that May felt that Tohma was madly in love with him.

"You won't fail," May told Tohma. "Because Eiri is innocent."

"NO I'M NOT! Eiri yelled.

"You are," May declared. "You've been set up to believe that you're a serial killer. That's not the case."

"Can ya prove it?" Eiri snapped. "I bet you can't."

"I don't have any evidence on me right now," May confessed.

"That means you can't prove it?"

May shook her head. "Well, I've heard a lot about the real you from Tohma. "Why would Tohma go all this way just to hire a defence attorney? Why is Tohma covering all the legal fees and extras? Why did Yoshika leave her nephew with her brother's supposed killer? Why would Shuichi stay with you? Why do fans all over the world proclaim your innocence and still love you regardless of your past?"

Eiri shrugged his shoulders. "Because it's a mad world."

May stood up. Her chair slid off and crashed on the floor as she slammed her hands so hard against the table it hurt. May sneered over to the glass and roared at the top of her voice, "BECAUSE YOU ARE INNOCENT! YOU KILLED NOBODY!"

"KEEP THE NOISE DOWN!" the prison guard demanded.

"Ooops..." May whispered. All three of them remained silent. "I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Someone out there still has it in for Eiri?" Tohma asked.

May nodded. "I'm pretty sure whoever tried to frame Eiri this time, is the same person that tried to frame him for Yoshika and Yuki's death." May pursed her lips and her mind hovered for a few moments. "I'm going to go to the crime scene," May decided. "I'm going to speak to the detectives and see where we are heading."

"Okay," Eiri muttered. "Bye."

May was going to defend Eiri and clear his name: whether he liked it or not!

The crime scene was the cemetery three streets away from N-G Records. Tohma had decided to go home, but as he left May, he had a warm smile on his face. May had a feeling that he was going to sleep well tonight. It didn't take her long to find the crime scene in the cemetery as she followed the sounds of flashing cameras and police jargon.

"I'm sorry Miss," a young man said behind her. May jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Only authorized personnel are allowed past this point." May swiftly turned around. It was a tall man with a white coat and large spiky brown hair. He looked very familiar and so did the sound of his nasal voice.

"Oh I'm looking for the detective in charge of this case," May responded.

"That would be me," the guy nodded. "Hey!" he cried out. "I remember you. You're Ash's girlfriend."

May was able to remember him. "Gary Oak, right?"

"Detective Gary Oak at your service. Mr. Wright was right, I thought he was pulling my leg when he said you joined his agency. So what made you become a lawyer?"

"I'm going to clear Ash's name," May told him with a huge smirk on her face. "But I need the experience first."

"That's the same reason why I became a detective," Gary admitted. "I know Ash is innocent, but I need to get the evidence and experience to convince the Chief Of Police to reopen the case. So you're Mr. Yuki's lawyer?"

"I am indeed." May nodded. After the meeting with her client in the detention centre, it felt strange for people to call Eiri by his pen name. "So what have you found so far?"

"It's a triple murder," Gary announced. "Ma-Kun and Ken-Chan passed away in the hospital."

"They're the other band members?"

"Taki, Ma-Kun and Ken-Chan formed the band, A.S.K. in the 90's. Their popularity has gone up and down over the years but their music was always pretty solid. They were first signed to N-G Records, but after a dispute, they were dropped."

"What was the dispute about?" May asked, thinking she could find some clues.

"Do you know about Mr. Yuki's previous trial?" Gary asked.

"Yes I do," May replied. "And I also know about his past too. I believe that he was framed for all the murders."

"You do?" Gary asked. "Sorry to break it to ya but he's known to the police as a killer. You won't have much a chance in this case."

"The evidence is out there," May retaliated. "And the truth will speak for itself in the trial."

"Anyway, your friends are over there," Gary pointed over to a man ina blue suit and a girl in a big blue hat. May knew from a distance that it was Phoenix and Trucy.

"Hey!" Trucy shouted out with her palms pressed upon her face. May heard her and decided to run towards her. "I don't think this has anything to do with the case, but take a look at this!"

"What have you found?" Phoenix asked.

"Take a look at who's name is on the stone," Trucy shrieked.

"What is it?" May asked curiously.

"No way!" Phoenix shrieked.

May crouched over towards the small white grave as the words engraved with gold sent shivers down her spine. She gasped with twice as much horror in their faces as Phoenix and Trucy. "That's...That's my name."

May Maple

Beloved Daughter Of Norman and Caroline

Forever missed

"Maybe it's a coincidence," Trucy muttered with little conviction. "Maple is a common surname, right?"

"Maybe," May shuddered. "But Norman and Caroline are the names of my parents!"

"Hey guys!" Gary yelled across the graveyard. "That's the cemetery for the babies and children. There's nothing to see there!"

"Is it really appropriate to be shouting in a place like this?" Trucy asked.

"Nope," Phoenix quickly responded. He looked over at May. "I wouldn't worry about the grave. Like Trucy said, Maple is quite a common surname. And Norman and Caroline are very common names. Must be a coincidence."

May carried on with her investigation, but she took a picture of the grave on her phone. For some reason, she couldn't believe Phoenix when he said it was just a coincidence. May felt that the image of her grave would burn her mind for the rest of her life.
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May's Justice
Chapter Five: Strange Locks

Seventeen cups of black coffee was the secret to May's burst of energy. She needed the caffeine to keep herself awake after staying up for most of the night. May had spent most of her night on youtube watching music videos and listening to interviews related to music generated from Tohma's record label. May found herself listening to the entire discography of Nittle Grasper, Bad Luck and A.S.K. She had hoped that hidden in their music would be clues and evidence that would suggest that lead to the true culprits behind the triple murder. May drifted off to sleep as her head rested against the side of her laptop at 4:35AM. When May opened her eyes it was 8:00AM.

At first, she didn't understand why Bad Luck and Nittle Grasper's music sounded so similar, but then once she found out that Shuichi had idolized Ryuichi Sakuma, the lead singer of Nittle Grasper in every aspect possible, it made sense to her. They had the same staff and same producer. Ryuichi and Shuichi were fierce music rivals at one point, but now they were very close friends, almost like lovers according to comments by fan girls.

For J-Pop, she thought the music was decent. The music wasn't bad for generic pop, but after spending hours listening to the music, she yearned for classic rock acts like Queen, Nirvana and Iron Maiden. May decided to check her emails to see if she had any new messages other than random notifications and she found that she had an email from Detective Gary Oak.

May clicked on Gary's email and waited for it to load. "Come on computer," May muttered to herself. "Good thing I'm not in a hurry." When the message finally loaded, May noticed that there was a lot of attachments in the email. From the small colourful logos, she could tell they were images.

Hi May,

Sorry to send you this so early in the morning. I didn't get much sleep last night so I decided to gather up I have so far and send the information I should have sent yesterday. I've got some photos of the crime scene attached, along with the profiles of all the victims. The prosecution wants believes the deaths of the members of A.S.K are related to the deaths of siblings, Yuki and Yoshiki Kitazawa. I thought it might help you to get prepared for tomorrow's trial.

Hope this all helps.

Best regards,

Detective Gary Oak

"Thankyou Gary," May whispered at the screen. She downloaded all of the pictures and She finds a message from Gary and it contains photos of the crime and important details. May prints them and adds them to the court record. May opened the PDF file first and carefully skimmed through the pages until she could find the important information that stood out for her.

She then downloaded the crime photos and could see that the three young men had all been shot directly in the heart. The murder weapon was believed to be a magnum revolver as the bullets in the crime scene all had 357 Magnum engraved around them. The very same gun that killed Yuki and Yoshika Kitazawa. May was amazed at how quickly the old cases were linked together. May prints them all out and puts them in her bag.

May didn't notice when Phoenix walked through the door until he spoke.

"Have you been up in the office all night?" Phoenix asked. "How's the case getting along?"

"I know one thing for sure," May responded. "Eiri Uesugi is 100% innocent."

"Perhaps there will be more clues in N-G Records," Phoenix suggested. "I would talk to the people who work there, especially the ones that know Mr. Shindou and Mr. Uesugi. "

"Okay," May nodded. "I don't think N-G Studios is far from here. I think it's four blocks away from the big hotel next door. "Thanks for your help, Mr. Wright. I'll be going now." May left the office, flew down the stairs and then took her bike and cycled to N-G Studios. She could have used one of her pokemon like Venusaur to ride her down. In the end, she decided not to as traffic wardens would not appreciate huge pokemon riding in the middle of a busy street.

When May entered N-G Records she parked her bike outside and approached the receptionist by the counter.

"Good morning," the receptionist smiled. "Welcome to N-G Records. What can I do to help you?"

"I'd like to speak to Tohma Seguichi please."

"May I ask who you are."

"I'm May Maple. Eiri's lawyer."

"Okay, one moment please." The receptionist dialed a few numbers and after a few seconds, she got a response. "Mr. Seguchi, Eiri's Lawyer is here... Okay, I'll send her in. Thank you." The receptionist placed the phone down and smiled at May as two doors swung open. "You can go on through Miss Maple."

"Thank you." May ran straight into the doors as Tohma Seguchi greeted her from the staircase.

"How did you get here so early?" Tohma asked.

"Oh I used my bike."

"I could have picked you up," Tohma said with a warm smile on his face. "So what brings you here to N-G Studios?"

"Well, I was hoping to talk to some of the guys who work here, especially Shuichi. I think the true killer could be somewhere in this building."

"In that case, you have my full permission to investigate wherever you want in the studios."

"That's great," May exclaimed. "Thank you, Mr. Seguchi."

May went up the stairs and followed the stairs up to the first floor. It was one of the many studios in the company building. Once she stood inside she saw Detective Gary Oak interrogating a man with pink hair and red lips. May knew that it was Eiri's boyfriend, Shuichi. She could hear Gary threatening to arrest Shuichi if he failed to co-operate. It must have been the final straw for Shuichi as May could see his cheeks turn into a beetroot red as he stormed off with full speed. His shoulder bashed against May and he slammed the door shut.

"Dammit!" Gary hissed. "If only he could co-operate."

"I wouldn't worry about it," one of the guitarists said. "He's always crying."

"Hey May," Gary strutted along towards her. "Did you get my email?"

"I did," May replied. "Very helpful. Thanks."

In the room, there were two men with blonde hair. One was much taller than the other but they both had guitars strapped around them light proud knights with their swords. Gary rested against the table and began to talk again. "This is Klavier and Matt. They're members of Shuichi's band, Bad Luck. Klavier is also the one prosecuting the case."

"Really?" May gasped. "Well, it's nice to meet you both."

"You're Frau Maple?" Klavier asked as he hunched down to May's height. "Herr Forehead has told me all about you."

"Herr Forehead?" May honestly had no idea who Klavier was on about.

Matt chuckles and put his hands on his feet. "You mean your boyfriend, Apollo?"

"Apollo Justice?"


May still didn't get it. "I'm curious, why did you take the case knowing you would be accusing your bandmate's partner of murder? Wouldn't that hurt Shuichi?"

"I didn't have a choice," Klavier explained. "The case was assigned to me."

"Do you think that Eiri Uesugi really committed those murders?"

Klavier's mind had wondered for a few moments. After standing up tall again, he put his hands in his pockets and said, "We'll have to wait and see."

In other words: He didn't have a clue.

"Would it be alright to ask you both some questions?" May requested.

Both guys nodded.

"So I've heard that Shuichi Shindou is very difficult to work with, can any of you confirm this?"

"He can sure be a nightmare to work with," Matt admitted. "I would hate to live with him. Sometimes on tours, he's absolutely insane. Though he is a great guy with a big heart. Somehow he always manages to get through his deadlines."

"With our help of course," Klavier added.

May's next question was, "What do you guys know about his relationship with Eiri Uesugi?"

"From what I can gather," Klavier stated in a thick german accent. "There's nothing wrong in that department."

"That department?" May raised her eyebrow.

"We know too much," Matt moaned. "He always talks about Yuki. Yuki this! Yuki that!"

"Did Shuichi ever mention Riku?"

"Huh?" Matt commented. "Who the hell is Riku?"

"The guy from Kingdom Hearts?" Klavier guessed.

"That's strange," May confessed. "Shuichi always talks about his dearly beloved Yuki, but never told you that Eiri had adopted a boy named Riku."

"You're the first person to tell us this!" Klavier stated.

"I don't know how you don't know," said May. "Afterall, Riku is Yuki Kitazawa's biological son. A man that Eiri Yuki was accused of murdering a few years back."

"Shuichi never mentioned a kid," Matt declared. "Shuichi is a big kid himself, he wouldn't have a clue how to raise one. He's probably the reason why the others left."

"Hang on Matt," May cried out. She sat down next to Gary who had been listening to the chat the whole time. "What do you mean when you say the others?"

"Hiro and Suguru," Matt replied. "They left the band before Klavier and I joined."

"Do you know why they left the band?"

"I think it's pretty obvious that they had enough of Shuichi's shit," Matt hissed with his hands in his pocket.

"Hiro said he left to spend more time with his wife and kids," Klavier confirmed. "Last time I heard from him, he was a doctor. Suguru left to pursue a solo career and to do other projects."

"I think Suguru left because he hated Shuichi," Matt stuck on to his theory. "He had enough of him."

"Have you ever met the previous bandmates of Bad Luck?"

"Nope," Matt replied. "Never met them in my life."

"What about the victims?" May asked. "The members of A.S.K: have either of you had any dealings with them?"

Matt and Klavier shrugged their shoulders. Matt closed his eyes and placed his feet out on the table as Klavier said, "I know some of their popular hits, but I never knew them personally."

"I see," May said. "I wonder if I should have a look around in the studio."

"There's nothing really important in here," Gary whispered to May. "I think we should move along. I'm going to go the smoking room."

"I guess I gotta go and find Shuichi," May announced. "Thanks for your help guys."

"No problem," Klavier said. "I hope you are ready to rock tomorrow?"

"You bet I will be!" May cried out as she gave Klavier a thumbs up, and then she went into the next studio. At first it seemed to be an empty meeting room until she lowered her head and found Shuichi was hiding under the table like a pussy cat. He shivered causing the top of the table to shake and the chairs around him to rumble. May gulped and closed her eyes.

She tiptoed towards the table and then crouched down to her knees and said, "Hi Shuichi!"

Shuichi gasped and crawled to the back of the room.

"Hey!" May roared. "I'm just a defence attorney, I'm not going to bite." She folded her arms and asked, "What were you doing under the table anyway."


May felt so uncomfortable as she had never seen a man cry so hard before. In fact, she had seen babies cry softer than him. She knew that Shuichi is upset, but something told her that these are crocodile tears. Perhaps he was seeking attention or that he was simply barking mad. May believed that the latter was a more logical answer.

"So I was wondering what you were doing on the night the killings took place?"

"I was playing on my Gameboy," Shuichi announced. "I was at home with Yuki."

"What game were you playing? And what was Yuki doing at the time?"

"Tomodachi Life!" Shuichi shrugged his shoulders and stared at May. He must have been lying. Had he have been truthful, he would have known Yuki's exact actions. Besides, Tomodachi Life is a game for the Nintendo 3DS: the franchise never existed when the gameboy was about.

"Well a witness saw you dining alone in a restaurant after an argument with Yuki," May confronted him. She peered over to Shuichi and crawled under the table with him. "What was the argument about?"

"Don't know what you're talking about." Shuichi hopped out from under the table and sat against the corner with his back facing May.

"You've dedicated your whole life to Yuki and Bad Luck," May commented as she stood up and sat down on one of the chairs. She folded her legs and kicked Shuichi's back. "But you never told your bandmates that you and Eiri adopted a son. The son of a man he supposedly killed. Shuichi... how come your bandmates had no idea who Riku was when I mentioned him."

"I DON'T KNOW!" Shuichi yelled. Suddenly May jumped as the room became engulfed by pitch darkness. She sees the room become covered in chains and three red boxes around Shuichi's heart. Each box had a keylock.

"What are these chains and locks all about?" May asked.

Shuichi refused to look at May. "What are you talking about? I don't see any locks or chains," Shuichi faced the wall as he shrugged his shoulders. "It's all the lawyer weed you've been smoking."

"I don't smoke or take drugs," May made it known that it was not true. As the darkness slowly faded along with the locks and chains, the room returned to normal. May realized that only she could see locks around his heart. She didn't understand why she could see them or if was wise to open them. She wondered if she would ask her boss, Phoenix, but the last thing she needed, was her mentor to think she was crazy too. He says he can't see any locks, chains or blackness and that she must be going crazy.

May wondered if she should continue to interrogate Shuichi or come back later when he had calmed down. May turned around and marched to the door she came in. There was no way Shuichi was going to give her any information in his current state of mind. A tall man in a black suit approaches him as soon as she stepped outside the door. He introduced himself as Mr. Sakano.

"Mr. Seguchi would like to speak with you now," Mr. Sakano told May. "Please follow me."

May followed the man into the lift and took May onto the top view. As soon as the elevators opened, Mr. Sakano opened the door for May and she was quickly greeted by a large office with huge windows showing the amazing views of Tokyo. Tohma was sitting patiently by his desk.

"Morning Miss Maple," Tohma said. "How is the investigation going?"

"It could be better," May struggled to get the words right. She didn't know how to describe Shuichi to Tohma.

"Is Mr. Shindou giving you grief?" Tohma asked. "As I expected, he's been very challenging, especially when it comes to Eiri." He looked over to Mr. Sakano. "Please advice Shuichi to co-operate."

"Right!" Mr. Sakano bowed and left the room.

"What's your opinion on Shuichi Shindou?" May questioned Tohma.

Tohma smiled as he removed his coat. "I don't really have an opinion on him."

Like before, Tohma's office became shrouded with darkness as the room as chains decorated the room. There was a lonely lock against his heart. Tohma didn't seem to be fazed, so May knew that only she would see them. May wondered why does Tohma only have one instead of three? May had a feeling she might be able to break Tohma's lock.

"Is something the matter?" Tohma asked. "You seem to be looking quite... pale."

"Tohma..." May spoke as she bit her lip. "I don't think you hold a very high opinion of Shuichi."

Tohma seemed to be surprised. He folded his arms and smiled. "What makes you say that?"

"Every person I've spoken to today, including you has mentioned how challenging Shuichi's behaviour can be," May confronted him. "As president of N-G Records, you demand nothing but absolute perfection from your artists."

Tohma nodded. "We cannot afford to have poor music being churned from our label."

"Let's be honest," May persisted. She got out three sheets of paper from her folder and slapped them on Tohma's desk. "Shuichi's song songwriting is rather poor compared to your other artists." Tohma had been presented with lyrics from Nittle Grasper, Bad Luck and A.S.K. "You can tell who wrote what based on the handwriting alone. So which one is the odd one out?"

Tohma had the choice between the following lyrics; Dare To Dream by his own band, Nittle Grasper; Italy Loves Pasta by Shuichi's band, Bad Luck; or Let's Fight Love by the deceased A.S.K. Tohma quickly selected the piece of paper that had his own band lyrics on. "This one," he replied. "The other two songs never recorded."

"Trust you to pick your own song," May giggled. "That wasn't what I was thinking of though. I would say that Shuichi's lyrics are the odd one out because of how crappy the lyrics are. The reason you failed to drop Bad Luck is because of their sales. I believe that they generate... 30% of N-G Records profits. If you were ever to drop them, that 30% would be a disastrous loss to your company."

"There are some things that are more important than profit," Tohma argued.

"That's true," May added. "When Bad Luck first joined your label, you felt that they needed an extra member. That's why you hired Suguru, your cousin. From what I've heard, Shuichi was quickly envious of Suguru's talent. Klavier told me that Hiro's reason to leave was to spend more time with his family and then he began to work as a doctor. Whilst Suguru left because he couldn't handle Shuichi's behaviour anymore."

"I know who you mean," Tohma said. "We used to be very close."

"Used to be..." May thought. The lock and chains were swaying but they weren't ready to break. "You have a lot of reasons to hate Shuichi: from putting your own company at risk from turning your cousin against you. BUT... there is one reason why you despise him."

"I wouldn't go that far," Tohma noted.

"Tohma... you've been in love with Eiri for a long long time," May explained. "You and Eiri have been friends since childhood, and you've been with him through the thick and thin. You were even there to support him when his first novel became an instant bestseller. And then some guy comes along and claims Eiri for himself... You wanted to add more workload to Shuichi to keep him and Eiri apart. You wanted to keep Eiri... to yourself."

"You've got me." Tohma gasped. The red box shattered into little pieces and the chains flew away. May had found herself back in reality and back in Tohma's office. May thought if she could break Tohma's locks, then maybe she can unlock Shuichi's too.

"Sorry to bust into your secret like that," May apologized. "But I needed to get closer to the truth."

"I understand," Tohma didn't seem to be the slightest fazed.

"Can you tell me what you know about the previous bandmates in Bad Luck?" May asked. "What were their personalities like?"

"Hiro was sometimes a calming influence on Shuichi," Tohma whispered. "They were best friends from school. When I hired Suguru to join the band there were tensions at first, but together their music was wonderful. When Hiro and Suguru left the band's music had dropped in quality, but I still couldn't drop them."

"Are you still in contact with them?"

Tohma shook his head. "Hiro has gone on his own path, and Suguru never responds to my messages anymore."

"Thank you, Tohma," May said. "I think I've finished with the questioning."

"Before you go," Tohma said. "I have something to give you. I went to Eiri's house earlier this morning and got these. They're Riku's adoption papers, I thought they might help with your case."

"Thank you," May said with a smile on her face. "She flicked through the papers and realized that Riku's adoption files could be very important evidence. She could only see Eiri's name on the adoption papers, but they are signed by Yoshiki, Riku's deceased aunt. May found it strange that Shuichi's name was not mentioned on any of Riku's paperwork. "Tohma, you don't need to feel guilty, these papers are proof that Eiri didn't kill anybody."

"You better catch the one that did it then," Tohma demanded with a grin on his face and a tear running down his cheek.

May went through nearly every room in the company building until she found Shuichi in the men's bathroom, covering himself in toilet paper. May was dreading stepping into the men's bathroom, but if Shuichi was keeping himself in, she would come in. May had enough of Shuichi's antics and marched into the men's bathroom.


"To find your secrets," May pushed him.

"I have nothing to say to you," Shuichi responded with his tongue out.

The three locks around his heart said otherwise.

"So Shuichi," May folded her arms and tapped her feet. "It seems you have a couple of big secrets."

"Why should I tell you my secrets?"

"Well your boyfriend has been arrested for murders he didn't commit," May reminded him. "I wonder why you haven't visited him in prison?"

"Because I've been working," Shuichi snapped.

"Tohma and Mika have been working too," May responded. "But they still have time to visit Eiri. Were you seeing other people? And another thing? How come your name isn't on Riku's adoption certificate. You and Eiri are a couple after all."

"Shut up!" was all that Shuichi could say.

"On the night of the crime you and Eiri had an argument," May reminded him again. "You were meant to be going out on a date, but you ended up eating alone." May noticed that Shuichi looked extra sad. "Shuichi... did you by any chance try to propose to Eiri? But Eiri declined as he wasn't ready. That's why he had the argument and that's why you dined alone."

May broke Shuichi's locks and Shuichi succumbs on the floor. "Yuki wouldn't hurt a fly he whimpered."

"So, why don't you visit Eiri in prison and why do you never mention Riku?" May asked. Shuichi glared at him. "It's okay," May said. "You can take your time. Tell me everything you need to know."

"Me and Riku don't get on very well," Shuichi admitted. "Eiri is really fond of the kid, I guess I got... jealous."

"Why are you not mentioned on your son's adoption certificate?"

"Riku's no son of mine!" Shuichi snapped. "Anyway, the law would consider Eiri a single parent. Even if we did get married, Riku would never be my son."

"What has Riku done to upset you? He's just a kid? I think there's something much deeper than that. You miss your old bandmates don't you?"

Shuichi simply nodded and stood back up.

"Eiri's trial is tomorrow," May told Shuichi. "Eiri needs all the support he can get. He needs you now more than ever. Now isn't the time to be moping around."

"They all deserved it!" Shuichi snapped. A serious and much more evil face was engraved on Shuichi's face. "They hurt me and tried to hurt Yuki... THEY DESERVED IT."

May dreaded to know what Shuichi meant by that, but she had a feeling she was on about the victims. "Do you think Hiro and Suguru would help us with our investigation?"

Shuichi shrugged his shoulders. He gives May an address to a clinic. "Is this where Hiro works?"

Shuichi nodded and then ran off. May went to speak with Hiro and Suguru, but didn't anything useful to the case. But both of them said they were going to be in court tomorrow to support Shuichi. May returned to the Wright Anything Agency and found Trucy hugging a Piplup.

"Hi May," Trucy said with a smile on her face. "Look at Mr. Piplup! Isn't he cute?"

"Of course," May said. Mr. Piplup appeared to be enjoying himself.

"How is the investigation going?" Trucy asked. "The trials tomorrow, right?"

"Some strange things have been happening," May admitted. "Today when I interviewed Tohma and Shuichi I saw lots of chains and red blocks near their hearts. I don't know what they're for but only I could see them."

"Those are called Psyche-Locks." Phoenix overheard her. "They represent a secret in somebody's heart. It's strange, without a magatama, you shouldn't have been able to have seen the locks."

"So that's what they were," May said. "But how come Shuichi had three when he was hiding all that stuff, and why did Tohma only have one when he was hiding his love for Eiri?"

"One lock would normally mean a very small secret," Phoenix explained. "The more locks they have, the more the person has to hide."

"Come to think about it... Tohma made his love for Eiri very obvious."

"You've been working all day," Trucy told her as she patted her back. "You deserve a rest. Why don't you come out with me and my friends tonight."

"Sure," May said with a sigh of relief. "That actually sounds like a nice idea."

When May and Trucy left the room. Phoenix took his phone from his pocket and went on to ring his friend, Maya.

"Hey Nick!" Maya cried out through the phone. "How are you?"

"Hey Maya! I'm good thanks. I wanted to ask you something."

"Oh. Okay, what is it?"

"It's about the new lawyer that's joined my agency," Phoenix explained. "Her name is May Maple. She has some rather unusual powers."

"Unusual powers?" Maya retorted. "You mean like flying broomsticks and summoning demons under the ground."

"Not quite," Phoenix chuckled. "She was able to see Psyche-Locks without a Magatama."

"Really?" Maya gasped. "She must be a Fey!"

"And during investigation, we saw a baby's grave with her name on it."

"Okay Nick," Maya said over the phone. "Now this is getting really creepy. I can try and contact my sister and see what she knows about it all."
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May's Justice
Chapter Six: The State Vs. Eiri "Yuki" Uesugi
"I hope you've had a good night sleep," Trucy told May.

"I'm fine," May yawned. "I've had seventeen cups of coffee today."

"Seventeen?" Trucy gasped with her hands on her hips. "May that's way too much coffee. You shouldn't put your health at risk like that, it puts you and the client in danger."

"It's been a daily routine of mine for ages," May said. "Ever since Ash went to prison."

May was aware of the consequences of too much caffeine, but she could not deny the fragrance of dark coffee in the premature sunset. As a child, she used to despise the bitter taste of coffee, but now she couldn't get enough of it. The gallons of black coffee each morning had helped her stay bright and alert. She didn't think that she could get through any of the trials without the big dose of coffee.

All the courtrooms and lobbies were beginning to look the same. They were in lobby three, but May couldn't tell the difference between lobby one, two or three. Today was an important day for Tohma. If May messed up, she dreaded to think what Tohma had in store for her. Even though Tohma had been very kind to her since she took the case on, she didn't know how long it would last.

"Please do your best," Tohma requested. His body shook with more nerves and tension than Eiri. Eiri sat quietly on one of the chairs near the door. Shuichi was talking to his friends in the courtroom. "I'm afraid something terrible would happen if the truth dosen't come today."

May nodded as she scurried to her place in court with the court records her side. On the other side of the court, was Klavier Gavin. May thought he seemed out of place as he dressed up more like a rock star than a servant of justice. May looked around the court, it was a full house. All the people she met during the past couple of days were on the front row. There also appeared to be a lot of people from the paparazzi too.

The pressure was on.

"The court is now in session for the trial of Eiri Uesugi!" The Judge announced.

"The prosecution is ready to rock!" Klavier yelled as he did with his hands as to what could only be described as playing an air guitar.

"The defence is too," May added.

"Ah," The Judge said. "Prosecutor Gavin... does it seem awkward having to prosecute against your bandmate's lover?"

Klavier looked at Eiri and then looked at the defence bench. He shook his head. "Nein Herr Judge, if Eiri is truly innocent then he has nothing to fear."

"Which he totally is by the way," May retorted.

"Are you sure about that?" May felt as if she was being taunted by him. "The evidence says otherwise. Eiri Yuki or known by his real name, Eiri Uesugi was indeed a charmer. He was accused of murdering his tutor, Yuki Kitazawa ten years ago. He was found not guilty due to self-defence. However, he's been on a killing spree ever since."

"You are aware that Mr. Shindou and Mr. Seguichi are present today?" May asked. "I'd hate you to be in trouble with work."

"The music is just a hobby," Klavier chuckled. "This is my true career."

"I remember him in The Gavinners," Trucy whispered to May. "Their music was totally awesome. Much better than Bad Luck anyway."

"I just want to get this trial started." May rammed her nails against the bench and then took a step back. She was so glad that Shuichi didn't hear Trucy.

"With so many victims it would have been hard to get away with it for so long by himself," Klavier announced. His fingers clicked over at Shuichi.

"What do you mean by that?" May questioned.

"Our romantic killer here had an accomplice... the accomplice is none other than my bandmate, Shuichi Shindou."

Language most foul spewed from his mouth. Shuichi was escorted out of the court by three bailiffs. People's mixed reactions were expected, but the one that stood out for May the most was Tohma's forehead resting on the palm of his hand with his face hidden from view. The suspense was contagious.

"Is this really over before it's started?"

"But Yuki Kitazawa's death took place way before Shuichi and Eiri had met," May announced to the court. "So how can Shuichi be his accomplice?"

"That's right," Klavier shook his head as he hissed. The intensity in his voice almost scared May. "But he could have still teamed up with Shuichi anytime between the murders. Eiri is the only one with a motive. And Shuichi out of pure love would do anything to please him... even help him commit a crime. The only witness to Yoshika's murder was Herr Aizawa. Now they're gone, they are no witnesses left. So we have to let the evidence do the talking!"

"I'm still standing by my belief that Eiri Uesugi killed nobody."

Klavier remained laughing. "You really are a stubborn one, Fräulein Maple. The defendant has even admitted that he's a killer."

May flicked open her case file and brought out Riku's adoption certificate. "Do you remember me telling you that Eiri adopted Yuki Kitazawa's son?"

"Ja," Klavier nodded. "What about it?"

May presented Klavier the adoption certificate. She pointed at Yoshiki's signature. "Why would Yoshiki leave her nephew in the care of a man that was accused of killing her brother?"

Klavier shrugged his shoulders. "Perhaps she didn't know."

"Eiri's first trial was in every newspaper in Japan. Yoshiki wouldn't have missed it."

"Mr. Kitazawa worked in New York, perhaps Yoshiki would have been in New York at the time."

"Then New York would have heard about it too."

"Not every murder hits the time news, Fräulein Maple."

"Hey you two!" Trucy yelled. "Cut it out."

"Would the defence please return to her post," The Judge demanded. "And does the prosecution have anyone that we can testify or cross-examine?"

"Oh yes!" Klavier said with a slick grin. "When there is a will, there's a way. So Fräulein Maple, why don't you show us the way?"

"I think we should look at things in a whole different perceptive," May told Klavier. "Since we can't do it from the inside, we should outside the box."

"Ja!" Klavier agreed. "Very good, Fräulein. Now... Are you to ready to rock?"

"The defence was born to rock."

"I'm glad we can agree on things," Klavier sighed with the click of his fingers. "I would like to bring Fräulein Skye to the stand."

"Eh...Who?" May asked.

"You know, Fräulein Ema Skye!" Klavier chuckled. "The beautiful forensic scientist."

"I was thinking of calling Detective Gary Oak to the stand," May thought out. "He's the one in charge of the investigation."

"He can be next," Klavier reported.

May simply nodded. She had never met the woman before, so she couldn't judge Klavier's taste in women. Klavier spoke of her as if she was a hollywood actress. When Ema Skye came to the stand, she seemed like anything but a Hollywood actress as she shamelessly threw one of her snacks at Klavier. Klavier caught the snack in his mouth.

Ema Skye was a young and attractive lady. But not even the large lab coat could hide her huge bump. She had a big bag of Snackoos, a popular brand of chocolate covered karintos. Karintos were a traditional Japanese snack that was popular among young kids.

"State your name and occupation, please."

"Ema Skye," she muttered. She looked up to the ceiling with her neck turned away from Klavier. "Forensic scientist and...mum-to-be." She continued to snack away as every crunch grinded May's ears.

"She loves her snackoos," Trucy whispered in May's ears. "You can always see her with some."

"So they're not just a pregnancy graving." May couldn't help but think all that sugar and calories in those bags can't be good for her or the baby.

"It's your fault I'm in this mess, you glimmerous fop!" Ema hissed.

"Did something happen between those two?" May asked.

"Fräulein Skye go way back..." Klavier back.

"You won't have a back by the time I'm through with you."

Trucy shrugged her shoulders. "I think Klavier is the father."

"Congratalations Miss Skye," The Judge announced with a smile on his face. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Double trouble!" Ema sighed.

"Must be twins," Trucy added.

"Alright Miss Skye, please give us your account on the events."

"The members of A.S.K were all gunned down by a magnum revolver. The same way that Yoshiki Kitazawa was killed a few years ago. At the crime scene I found a lipstick which belonged to Miss Kitazawa in Mr. Aizawa's pocket. Whoever killed them would have been someone with a lot of experiance. Which is why Mr. Uesugi is the only possible culprit."

"Thank you Miss Skye." The Judge banged his gavel. "The defence may begin the cross-examination."

"Do you have the murder weapon?" May asked.

Ema shook her head. "The murder weapon was never found."

"Objection!" May cried out at the top of her voice. "How do you know if it's the murder weapon if you don't have it?"

"From the bullets." Ema smirked. "We examined the bullets from all victims and they all come from the same weapon."

"He's been arrested quite a few times hasn't he?" The Judge pondered. "Why was he not convicted for Miss Kitazawa's death? And why did he serve no jail time for Mr. Kitazawa's death?"

"For Yuki Kitazawa's death: A plea of self-defence and the fact he was a minor at the time of the crime," Ema responded. "He was found not guilty. For Miss Kitazawa's death, he was arrested, but the charges were dropped due to lack of evidence."

"My client is 100% innocent!" May roared.

"OBJECTION!" Klavier retalliated. "Herr Uesugi isn't even 1% innocent."

"The prosecution has a point," The Judge admitted. "He admitted to killing three people in first trial."

"Mr. Uesugi may have shot Yuki Kitazawa, but he didn't kill them."

"Any proof?" Klavier raised his eyebrow.

"Take a look at these!" May presented the pictures of each three of the crime scenes. She pointed to the picture of Yuki Kitazawa's body as her finger rested on his shoulder. "The ones on the victim's shoulders are the ones that my client took. Compare these gun wounds to the others. The rest are directly in the heart. Which means that Eiri Uesugi cannot be the only suspect."

"Objection," Klavier screamed. "That only proves that the crimes are connected. And their connection is that Eiri Uesugi killed them all."

"And what about Shuichi being the accomplice," May reminded Klavier. "How does that fit in?"

"I can explain!" Ema exclaimed.

"Please do!" The Judge begged.

"Mr. Shindou must have helped the defendant drag Yoshiki from the real crime scene to their house with the intention of disposing it later."

May objected. "That makes no sense."

"Why not?" The Judge sneered at May.

"Because if Eiri was really the killer why would he dump the body outside his house for everyone to see!"

"Good point," The Judge agreed. "That would be very strange."

"How so?" Klavier questioned. "Maybe he had to deal with Shuichi's antics."

"The real killer has the murder weapon. Until we find out where it is, we cannot judge my client like this." She saw Detetcive Gary Oak and scurried over to him. "Can you do me a favour?" May asked Gary.

Gary nodded. "Sure what is it?"

"The murder weapon is still missing," May reminded Gary. "I think the real killer is hiding it somewhere. I need you to investigate two locations." May gave Gary a small note with the details of the locations already written on it. "Is that okay?"

"Sure it is," Gary responded with enthusiasm. "I'll ride on Pidgeot to get there."

"In the meantime," The Judge announced. "The court shall take a 15-minute recess."

Right up until the very last moments of a quick recess, there was silence. Everyone had been unusually quiet, especially Trucy. May went through the records one last time to check that she hadn't missed anything. After listening to everybody's testimonies and how the case was linked to the murders of the Kitazawa siblings, May was able to see a pattern. They were all killed in the exact same way, which meant that it must have been the same killer all along. Klavier's theory about there being an accomplice also seemed to make sense. It was all coming together to reveal the truth.

"Deep in my heart," Tohma whispered out of the blue. "I wanted to believe that you were innocent, Eiri. I should have followed my heart a long time ago."

"Don't worry," May told him. "Today is the day Eiri will get his acquittal."

"What if the prosecution play dirty tricks?" Tohma asked.

"Then I will counter their tricks with some of my own," May responded with a large grin on her face. "Recess is over. It's time to go back."

Everybody nodded as they all returned to the courtroom to continue the case.

"The trial of Eiri Uesugi shall continue," The Judge announced. He looked over both sides of the court and realized that prosecution bench was empty. "Where is Prosecutor Gavin?"

"He's been knocked out by an unknown assailant," one of the bailiffs screeched.

"OH MY GOD!" Trucy exclaimed. "I hope he's okay!"

The Judge banged his gavel. "Then trial shall continue tomorrow when Prosecutor Gavin is feeling better."

"HOLD IT!" May screamed. "We can't leave it like this!"

"Why not?" The judge cried out. "We cannot continue this trial without the prosecution."

"He's right, May!" Trucy told him. "Besides, it means we will have more time to investigate."

May shook her head. "Trucy, I don't need any more time." Trucy took a few steps back as May crashed her hands against the table. "Your Honour...if we leave the trial for another day then the true killer will escape! He will go out and kill more people," May replied. "Besides," May smirked as she folded her arms and shook her shoulders back. "I know who the killer is."

"What!" Trucy gasped.

"YOU DO?" The Judge screeched. "Please tell us!"

"Prosecutor Gavin's theory is very accurate," May announced to the court. "There is an accomplice."The only error in Prosecutor Gavin's theory is the name of the culprits." May left her bench and marched around the courtroom. "Would the real killer please stand up! You've got ten seconds...Nine...Eight...Seven...Six...Five...Four...Three...Two...One."


The audience gasped in horror as Suguru sprinted from his seat and leaned towards the witness box.

"May... I don't know what's going on," Trucy told her. "But I'm really frightened right now."

"Why because I'm telling the truth?" May laughed. "THAT make me a bitch?"

"Because You know how shitty that is!"

"Mr. Fujisaki?" The Judge panted. His head made a firm shift in May's direction. "Miss Maple, Mr. Fujisaki is the only one standing up. Are you suggesting that he is the culprit?"

"He's hardly protesting," May answered.

"Phew," Trucy sighed. "You've done it again." She raised her fists in the air. "Now show them who's boss!"

"I don't get it," The Judge confessed. "What would possess Mr. Fujisaki to commit such terrible crimes? How did you come to the conclusion that it was him?"

"Other than Eiri's family and Tohma," May started. "The only other person who knew about Eiri's past was Suguru Fujisaki. That fateful night was the day that Suguru Fujisaki discovered his love for killing."

"What?" Suguru's voice had returned to his normal polite self. "me a murderer?" Suguru only giggled. "No comment."

"No comment he says," May pointed out. The case was solved as far as she was concerned. "Not I didn't do it. But of course you did do it, didn't you?"

"Suguru..."Tohma cried out. "Why would you risk tarnishing your reputation with these foolish acts of violence?"

"I would have gotten away with it if you'd have kept your nose out of it," Suguru growled at Tohma.

"But for years, you have been getting away with murder," May acknowledged. "When you murdered Yuki Kitazawa around eleven years ago. You would have been only around ten at the time. You heard gunshots coming from outside Mr. Kitazawa's house. When you walked in, you saw Eiri unconscious as Mr. Kitazawa and his henchmen were severely injured in the corner of the room. There in front of you was a gun by your foot. It was the first time you saw a gun, and you felt bold and excited. As soon as you noted that they were alive you pulled the final blow to everybody. You took the gun and ran off."

Suguru closed his eyes and folded his arms as he listened to May speaking. His lips were sealed.

"Wait!" Eiri gasped. "I remember something. After I pulled the trigger...I blacked out. I woke up next to Yuki's corpse, and then Tohma found me."

"Have you got anything to add to that Mr. Fujisaki?" May asked.

Suguru refused to speak.

"For seven years everything was going well until Yoshika Kitazawa turned up."

"She was making things hard," Suguru hissed. "She had to go."

"But there was a witness," May declared. "Somebody saw you shoot Yoshiki. You wanted to frame Shuichi for the crime, so you left Yoshiki's body outside his apartment. Eiri was arrested, but released due to lack of evidence. "

"I'm only a short," Suguru reminded May. "How could I have dragged Yoshiki all the way from the crime scene to Eiri and Shuichi's house?"

"That's why you had an accomplice." May pointed at Hiroshi Nakano. "As Suguru's accomplice, you helped him move Yoshiki's body with your motorcycle. However, as Shuichi's best friend, you also didn't want him to be accused of the crime. So you suggested to frame Eiri instead. Taki Aizawa witnessed you dumping the body outside their apartment. You both left the band on the very same day that Yoshiki Kitazawa's body was found, so people would never suspect you. For another three years, everything was going fine. Then Taki Aizawa had an appointment with you the day he died. But it wasn't for a check-up. It was a confrontation. You arranged a meeting with him in the cemetery, but you failed to show up. Instead, it was Suguru that showed. When Suguru saw all the members of Taki's band and Eiri wondering around in the cemetery, he took his chance."

"Sorry Shuichi..."Hiro said with his head to the floor.

"Why are you saying sorry?" Suguru yelled at Hiro. "This isn't over. They can't prove it without the murder weapon. Look in my house, I dare you!"

May shook her head. "Detective Oak has already looked. The murder weapon is not in your house."

"Then how can you pin it on me?"

"You've already confessed to the crime," May mentioned. "There's no turning back now. But, I think I know where the murder weapon is."

"Where is it?" The Judge asked.

"At any second now, Detective Oak will come through these doors and present the magnum revolver," May declared with her left arm in the air. "The gun in Doctor Nakano's office."

The people of the court were alarmed as a giant Nidoking pushed open the court's doors. Detective Gary Oak raced into the courtroom on his Arcanine's back. In Arcanine's mouth was a clear plastic bag. A gun could clearly be seen inside it. "Your Honour," Gary said as he presented The Judge with the magnum revolver. "I found this in Doctor Nakano's safe in his office. Gary expressed great courage in his voice."Suguru Fujisaki and Doctor Hiroshi Nakano, you are both under arrest for the murders of Taki Aizawa, Ma-Kun, Ken-Chan & Yoshiki Kitazawa. And there will be other charges too." The bailiffs handcuffed both men as they were escorted out of the court. Gary continued to read out their rights.

"Goodness gracious me," The Judge sighed. "What a complete turnabout. I never expected that Mr. Fujisaki and Doctor Nakano to be the culprits." The Judge had his eyes on May. "Miss Maple..."

"Yes, Your Honour!"

"Forgive me for only just realizing how talented you are," The Judge confessed. "Not many rookie attornies can take on two very prolific cases in their first week and win them both. I congratulate you."

"Thank you," May smiled as she bowed before The Judge.

"Any chance that you're related to Mia Fey?" The Judge asked curiously. "Your style reminds me of her."

"I don't think so," May responded. "As far as I know, all of my family live in Hoenn."

"Ah, I see."

"I think it's time for your verdict," May told The Judge.

"Yes," The Judge nodded. "The court finds Eiri Uesugi... NOT GUILTY!"

"YIPEE!" Shuichi cried out at the top of his voice. He jumped into the middle of the courtroom to hug Eiri. Shuichi appeared to be squashing him but Eiri didn't seem to mind. As May watched the happy couple share a long awaited embrace, she thought to herself that one day it would be her turn to set free the one she loved.

The Judge slammed his gavel against his bench. "That is all, this case is adjourned." The Judge stood up and left the courtroom. Just as May was about to head back into the lobby, she was stopped by another woman. A tall one with brown hair and lots of shiny badges to brighten out her dull brown dress. At first, May was startled by her military stance until the lady greeted her with a stretched out smile.

"Congratulations," the lady spoke. "Well done, Miss Maple. That was truly an entertaining trial." The woman lifted her hand out and May shook it. "I'm Lana Skye: chief of police." Another lady in a white coat who just slightly taller than Lana stood behind her. May reconized her as Ema, the scientist who was on the stand earlier. "Oh, and this is my sister, Ema."

"Nice to meet you," May said to both of them.

"I wonder why you became a defence attorney?" Lana asked. "Are you following a certain someone's footsteps?"

May shook her head. "I'm hoping to get my boyfriend an acquittal. He was wrongfully imprisoned for killing his mother."

Lana smirked. "You're a clever lady. I'm sure you will clear his name eventually. Well. If you have any evidence to suggest that your boyfriend is innocent, then I will gladly consider reopening the case. Lovely to meet you, Miss Maple, I shall see you soon."

Both ladies left the court, but May had a feeling that their paths will cross again. Shuichi refused to let go of Eiri in the lobby as his arms were wrapped around Eiri's neck. Tohma watched by from the distance as he watched his nephew and children join in with the hug. May went over to Tohma. "I've never been so happy," Tohma told May. "I've never seen Eiri so happy."

The case was over, but the quest for justice was far from over. Somewhere out there was another client that needed May's help. She knew that it wouldn't take long before she would begin to work on her next case.
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Chapter Seven: An Unexpected Corner

Kari skied into the closest cubicle possible, almost knocking the janitor over in the process. She slammed and locked the door as if her life depended on it. Her body curled around the corner of the room as gasped for air. She heard thunderous steps coming into the room. She was being chased by a man called Brock. He was a renowned gym leader, but he was also a huge flirt to any attractive lady he found.

Brock had terrified her. She tried to tell him that she already had a boyfriend, but didn't listen. She requested him not to touch him, but he couldn't keep his hands off her. Kari had no choice but to run, but still, he followed her. The women's bathroom was the only place where she could hide.

"Excuse me, Sir," she heard the janitor speak. "The men's bathroom is on the right."

"Oh... I see," Brock sighed.

Kari remained silent. She hoped that Brock wasn't waiting outside for her.

"Good evening M'lady," Kari heard the janitor speak again. "Would you care to die?"

"It's you..." It was a woman's voice, but she couldn't see her through the cracks in the door. She peered through the opposite crack and saw the janitor with the gun pulling the trigger towards the entrance.

The janitor marched over towards the as he was about to leave, Kari heard a series of gunshot and she saw the janitor implode on the floor landing on his head. The sparkling white floor now had huge red blotches. Kari pushed herself against the wall when the sound of the crashing bucket screeched in her ears. Kari tried not to scream as curled herself into a ball on the toilet seat.

The barrel of the gun was empty, Kari assumed when she heard the numerous clicking. A sudden bang caught Kari's attention. She above her head and saw the gun fly into her head. Kari's hands shook and she screamed as she tossed the gun back.

"WHO'S THERE?" Kari screamed.

No answer.

"I'm not coming out until you tell me who you are," Kari screeched. She frantically twirled around the room as she saw the red pool reach her shoes. "HELP ME!" she cried. "SOMEBODY HELP!"

Kari got a response. This time, it was the sound of the windows crashing. When Kari unlocked the door; she was alone. Her eyes caught the attention of the broken window. She scurried towards it and saw the body of the janitor squelched in front of the busy city. She swirled over and slipped on the puddle.

"That's it," Kari whispered to herself. She looked above and the end of a black cape leave the room. "I'm done for. They're going to think it was me."

Kari blacked out.

May didn't know much about Digimon. A new Digimon Centre was opening in Pewter City, and the only reason she attended was because Brock invited her. She thought it would be great to see Brock again, as she hadn't seen him since Ash's trial five years ago. The fact that he spent more time ogling on the prosecutor put her off seeing him. She expected much better than that from him.

Pewter City seemed quite packed. Trucy and May few of the many people gathered around the tall silver building with a white staircase.

"This is the first time coming to Pewter City," Trucy admitted. "It's a very pleasant city. Great for shopping."

"Just you wait until you see the big supermarket in Celadon City," May told Trucy with a great grin on her straight face. "It's bigger than three wailords put together."

Trucy gasped with her hand over her mouth. Her lips quickly turned into a smile. Both girls jumped for joy. "We should totally go there some time," Trucy giggled.

May nodded.

Another girl with blonde hair and a pink hat approached them. Her bright blue eyes that almost matched the same colour as May's stood out to them. Her head leaned over to May's side as she said, "You're May...right?"


"So you're a lawyer now?"

"I am." May stopped the girl just as she was about to walk away. "Sorry... do I know you?"

"Maybe by name," the girl responded with blushing cheeks and a sweet smile. "I'm one of Ash's friends, Serena. You're the one that's going to save Ash?"

"I hope so."

Serena giggled. "Do your best."

"Hey wait..." May shouted, but it was too late: Serena had gone.

"I've seen her before," Trucy cried out. "She came to one of my magic shows."

May turned to Trucy. "I really need to go to one of your shows one day."

"I would like to thank you all for coming here today," Brock announced outside a building surrounding red tape. "As you all know, we've been waiting a long time a Digimon Centre in Kanto." Brock threw his arms in the air as he dropped his mouth to smile. This will be a marvelous attraction to our city." Brock placed his hands down and bowed as the residents of Pewter City applauded him. "There's going to be a museum, a maid café, and even a store with lots of amazing merchandise."

"Trust Brock to mention a maid café," May muttered towards Trucy.

"As Gym Leader of this city," Brock announced with great pride. "It gives me great pleasure to announce that the Digimon Centre is officially..." Brock was interrupted by the sound of shattered glass from one of the top floors. "WHAT!"

"Look May," Trucy called as she pointed to the broken window. "There's something falling from the sky."

May felt something small and something wet land on her hand. She raised her hand and saw the droplet was red. A quick glance of the sky showed clear blue skies. "It's not raining. So it must be blood."

Everybody stepped back as soon as the body landed in the middle of the staircase. The police quickly arrived at the scene and asked everybody to either leave or step away from the body. The Digimon Centre had been cornered off to the public as the crowds flocked away.

"Aww," Trucy sighed. "I really wanted to buy some new plushies."

"I think the plushies will have to wait," May told her. "Looks like we've got work to do." The two girls saw Detective Gary Oak charge into the building as Brock laid down on the pavement. Brock appeared to be contemplating on life. "I think we should talk to Brock." They scurried over to him and May simply smiled at him. "Hey Brock."

Brock opened his eyes and forced himself back up. "Oh hi there." Brock waved his hands as he held onto the lamppost for support. He chuckled. "How have you been doing, May?" He quickly blushed and held Trucy's hand the moment he set eyes on her. "And who is this beautiful lady of magic."

"I'm Trucy Wright."

"Trucy..." Brock murmured. He sighed and clenched her hands tighter. "What a beautiful name. I gotta know more about you Trucy." The way Brock was gushing over Trucy made May felt nauseous: they had only just met. "What do you do?"

"I'm a magician."

May sighed with her hands around her hip. "I can't believe you're playing along with this, Trucy."


A loud voice from across the road alarmed them. A tall guy with a strong tan and auburn hair marched across the road with fierce eyes directed at Brock. If his face got any redder, they would match the colour of his shorts and top. A blue creature clinched onto the edge of his shoulder as the man brought his fists up towards to go directly to Brock. As the man got nearer, May noticed that most of his big hair was covered by huge gigantic goggles. She had seen several young boys wandering around with huge goggles on their heads, but she never understood what it was for. Personally, May thought it was an awful fashion trend.

The man ran quicker. May dragged Trucy away from Brock as the man pulled Brock's blazer and banged him against the wall. The man gritted his teeth and punched Brock directly in the face.

"Hey Davis," the little cried out. "Why did you punch him?"

"So Brock," Davis snarled as his other hand clutched Brock's neck. "I hear you've been messing with Kari."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Brock hissed. He clenched his eyes shut and used the edge of his arms to try and push Davis away. "I don't know anyone called Kari."

"Don't you play that trick with me," Davis snapped. He pushed Brock onto the floor.

"Hey!" Gary barged out from the Digimon Centre and stood between the two men and had glared at Davis. "This is a crime scene. Take your scrap elsewhere!"

"He deserved it," Davis roared with his hands on his hips. He pointed at Brock and just was he was about to charge into him, Gary intervened. "He sexually harassed my girlfriend."

"Well your girlfriend has been arrested for murder," Gary barked. "And if you don't calm down, I'll arrest you for assault."

"WHAT!" Davis yelled. His hands gripped onto Gary. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN KARI'S BEEN ARRESTED?"

"She's been arrested for the murder of the janitor," Gary explained. "Her fingerprints are all over the murder weapon and she's got the victim's blood all over her clothes. The case is closed."

"YOU'RE WRONG," Davis shouted. Tears rolled down his eyes. "She's innocent. My Kari would never kill anybody!"

"Will you lot stop acting like kids," A woman demanded from out of the blue. She looked down on them as she fiddled with her large frilly dress and long purple hair. "Honestly, my kids behave better than all of you put together. I'm trying to get some sleep."

"Oh Champion Iris," Gary greeted her with a smile on his face and a gentle bow. "I'm sorry for the noise. There's been a murder, but the assailant's been caught."

"Oh," Iris cried out. "I see. Well, keep up the good work Detective."

Then Iris walked away.

"Who was that?" Davis asked, sneering at her dress.

"She's really pretty though," Trucy said. "I heard she's married to Lance, the champion of Johto."

"That's true," Gary said. He looked over and his eyes widened. "Sorry there, I didn't see you two."

It seemed that Davis wasn't the only one who was protesting Kari's arrest. A young girl with short brown hair was escorted in handcuffs into a police car. Her clothes were drenched in blood. A group of other young adults were reaching out towards the cops and trying to stop the police from taking the girl away. May knew the girl being chucked into the police van must have been Kari: Davis' boyfriend.

May lowered her head and thought back to the time when Ash was arrested. She could feel their pain, and especially Davis' pain. She didn't know what happened between Brock and Kari, but she couldn't help but think that Kari was innocent. If she was truly guilty, then the victim probably would have been Brock. May tried to concentrate on what was happening in her surroundings, but a vision of Ash crying in his cell had mentally drifted her away.

"YOU THERE MISS!" Davis pointed at May. May blinked and opened her eyes. Her eyes felt heavy as if she had just woken up. His index finger pointed directly at May's golden attorney badge. "You're a lawyer?"

"Yes..." May nodded.

"Then you're going to defend Kari!" Davis declared.

"Davis you can't just hire a random attorney from the street to defend my sister." A tall guy with even bigger hair than Gary spoke with his arms folded.

Davis turned to him. "Look, Tai! I have a feeling that... I can just trust her."

"He's right to trust her, Tai," It was Matt's voice. May couldn't believe how different Matt looked without the hair gel and neon clothes. Matt walked up to Tai. "My boss hired her, and she's really good."

"Matt!" May cried out.

"It's nice to see you again," Matt swiveled his head. "It's a shame it couldn't have been under better circumstances."

"Looks like I've got more than I've bargained for," Gary sighed. "Since you guys were in the Digimon Centre at the time of the murder, I need you all to come down to the station and give your statements." Gary turned around to all of them apart from May and Trucy. As Gary seemed too occupied to question Kari's friends, May and Trucy stepped away from the gang as they were all escorted to the station.

"What do you think our first plan of action is?" May asked Trucy. "So much has happened in one go. I can't think straight."

"You're a Pokémon trainer, right?" Trucy asked May.

May nodded.

"Well you could your Pokémon and I can use my magic to help in the investigation," Trucy suggested. May thought Trucy's suggestion. She wanted to nod in agreement. Instead, she held onto her sleeves and cowered her head. Trucy quickly noticed it and grabbed her shoulders. "Hey! What's up?"

"Nothing," May lied. "I was just worried about my Pokémon getting hurt."

Trucy shook her head. "Your Pokémon could help us solve the case. You should try it."

"Alright then. Come on out Beautifly!" May called out. She threw her ball in the air and out came a graceful butterfly Pokémon known as Beautifly.

"She's so beautiful," Trucy squealed. "Seeing it makes me really want to get more Pokémon." As she spoke, Mr. Piplup came out of her hat and pecked her cheek. "Oh, but Mr. Piplup, you'll always be my favourite."

"Okay Beautifly, take a look at what's going on in the broken window." May witnessed Beautifly zoomed towards the broken window. "I wonder what Beautifly will find?" May and Trucy had waited for about twenty minutes until Beautifly tumbled down from the window. "What did you find?" May asked Beautifly.

Beautifly swirled around May as she tried to explain to her trainer what she was able to gather. Beautifly explained that the murder had taken place in a girl's bathroom and that the victim was thrown out of the window after being shot several times. May also noticed a white hand with a pink Apricorn in Beautifly's hand.

"That's Shelly De Killer's card!" Trucy exclaimed.

Beautifly whispered into May's ear. Even if her Pokémon didn't speak English, her bond helped her become able to understand what they were saying. "So there was more than one?" Beautifly nodded to May's question. "So there were loads. That must mean that the victim is Shelly De Killer: the assassin."

"Look May," Trucy cried out as she looked over to the dustbin near the end of the white tape. "Someone's left their hat Perhaps somebody ran in panic and lost it."

May followed Trucy towards the dark alleyway where the red hat stood out. When May picked it up from the floor, the white brim and white semi-circle on the hat alarmed her. "Ash wore a hat like this," May gasped. She took a look inside and noticed a tag black letters on it. "AK... those are Ash's initials!"

"Could it be Ash's hat?" Trucy asked.

"If it is," May said. Her stomach churned as she spoke. "What is it doing here? Could this be the key to reopening the case?"

"Maybe you should ask him?" Trucy asked. "After all, you still need to talk to your client. Let's make our way to the detention centre."

"All right then. Let's go!" May looked up to Beautifly and pointed the ball directly at her. "Beautifly return!"

"So May."


"You haven't talked about your boyfriend very much since your interview," Trucy noticed. "I really want to know what he was like."

May felt a fuzzy feeling inside of her. Even though talking about Ash was painful, she would never forget the fond memories they had of each other. "Before Ash was arrested," May started. "He was one of the kindest guys I've ever met."

"What does he look like?"

"He's got a really nice tan," May started. Her eyes dazzled as she started to praise him. "Black spiky hair and cute birthmarks on his cheek."

"Is his hair as spiky as Daddy's hair?" Trucy asked.

"The spikes are more... horizontal if you know what I mean. The top of his head is flat because he always wore caps." May took out her phone and showed Trucy her display screen. "Here's a picture of him with Pikachu, his starter."

"He looks so adorable and innocent," Trucy noted. "How did you two meet."

"We met when we were ten."

"Oh, was it like love at first sight?"

May shook her head. "Not really, it wasn't until we were 15 when we first started dating. He was my first boyfriend too. And I think I was his first girlfriend."

"That sounds so sweet."

"He was a lot of things to me," May explained to Trucy. "He was a mentor, a friend, and a partner. Even when we were apart we would still contact each other. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him. I could always count on him to make my problems melt away."

"So he really means a lot to you," Trucy said. "Loves like that don't come very often."

"He's done some amazing things." May continued speaking with a smile on her face. "He's done well in every Pokémon league he's played in. He takes care of everybody around him and he's saved so many lives, including mine. He's got a heart of gold. That's why I know that he's innocent."

"I can't wait to meet him," Trucy exclaimed. "This should be interesting."


"What?" Ash shrieked in the detention centre. His mouth was wide open as he leaned over with his forehead against the glass. "Iris and Lance are married?"

"She basically called all of us kids and that her children behave better," May replied with a nod.

Ash slid back to his seat. "Iris actually has kids? The world really has gone mad."

"Wasn't Iris one of your travel companions?" May asked. "I thought you two got on really well."

"Yeah, we were the best of friends," Ash retorted. May sensed a sarcastic tone in his voice. His tone quickly became loud and angry. "Always calling me a kid even I'm older than her. Anyway..." Ash glared at May. "What are you doing here? Haven't you got work to do?"

"I came to see you of course," May responded. Her mouth shivered and she closed her eyes. She opened them again and glared at Ash back. "The same reason I come to see you every time. I've been hired to defend someone's girlfriend. During the investigation, I found this!" May presented Ash the red hat that she found outside the Digimon Centre. "It has your initials on it. Does it mean anything to you?"

"Nope," Ash snapped. "Means nothing to me." When three psyche-locks appeared around Ash's heart, May knew he was hiding something. May wasn't sure if Trucy could see the locks, but the way her eyes pierced at Ash made her knew that she was onto something. Ash pushed himself back towards the chair. "Why are you both staring at me like that," Ash asked. His body began to shake as his fingers bent around his hair.

"Why are you overreacting?" Trucy asked Ash. "It's just a hat. There's no need to get so defensive over it."

"I'm not getting defensive!"

"Then why are holding onto your hair like that?" Trucy asked. "Why are you so mean to your girlfriend? She's working really hard to get your acquittal."

"Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind," Ash muttered. He folded his arms. "Now get to the point."

"If you want me to get to the point?" May asked. "Alright then, this hat isn't just any old hat. I bet that this is your hat!"

Ash smirked. "You've got no way of proving that!"

"I have." May smirked back and mimicked Ash's movements. "I can always ask Pikachu."

"Don't you dare."

"Excuse me," May asked the guard. "Can you let Pikachu out for a second?"

The guard shook his head. "How do I know you're not going to help a prisoner escape?"

"You know detaining a Pokémon for their trainer's crimes is against the law?" May stood up and pointed at the guard. She knew Ash was innocent, but even if he was guilty of his crimes, they could not legally detain Pikachu.

"Fine," the guard squirmed. "I'll open the door for Pikachu, and Pikachu only!"

The electric mouse came dashing out of the door and jumped onto May's shoulder. May sat down and gave Pikachu that hat to have a look at. With his little black nose, Pikachu sniffed nearly every part of the hat. Once he finished, he placed the hat on his head. "PIKA! PIKA PIKA!"

"It is your hat," May yelled at Ash. "Even though it's been a long time since you've worn it, Pikachu can still sense a part of you in that hat."

Ash was speechless and the lock in the middle broke. Ash only had two psyche locks left.

"Where did you find that hat?" Ash yelled.

"I already told you," May said. "We found it near the trash can. You always wore your hats, without them you feel naked."


"Either somebody stole your hat, or somebody was looking after it for you," May acknowledged. "I also saw one of your good friends in Pewter City."

"Who?" Ash demanded. "I have lots of friends. Brock? Misty? Dawn? Clemont? Bonnie? Dawn?"

May shook her head. "I did see Brock, but that's not who I mean."

"Who do you mean then?"

"Serena," May responded with a smile.


"That's right," Trucy said. "May and I both met Serena, but we only had a short chat."

"Did Serena steal your hat?" May asked. She noticed that the chains holding the red locks together rumbled as if the lock was about to break. "Or did you ask her to look after it for you?"

"Why would Serena steal my hat?" Ash asked. "There's no way it could have been her."

The second psyche lock shattered and vanished into thin air. Only one remained.

"So your hat was stolen?" May asked.

"I'm not telling you anything else," Ash hissed. "My hat got stolen and you found it. Good for you."

"Now we've acknowledged your hat was stolen," May announced. "The next part is determining when it was stolen. You didn't wear your hat during your trial. And the last time I saw you wear your hat was before you were arrested."

"My guess is that the person who stole your hat is the person that framed you for murder," May declared. "That means your hat was stolen on the night your mother died." The final psyche lock broke and the chains vanished. May was back in reality with the sight of grey walls and frozen guards. Ash's cold face had melted as he curled into a ball. "Ash... are you okay?"

It was a stupid question: he anything okay, but it was May's instinct to ask him.

"Do I look okay?" Ash screamed as if he was about to cry. "I told you I'm guilty. Why don't you believe me?"

"Because you're innocent," May announced. "Ash, this hat links the man's death to your mother's death. When I present this hat in court, they will reopen the case. Sooner or later, I'm going to find the truth of what happened. Even if I have to force it out of you. I know somebody has set you up. You don't have to say anything, but I'll promise that I'll defend you right until the very end. Even if the truth tastes bitter."

"You're wasting your time," Ash mumbled. "I've been sentenced to death."

"Then I'll act fast," May shouted. "Just because you've given up, doesn't mean I will. You have to tell me what really happened that night. Ash, can you at least give me an explanation."

Ash shook his head. "Please leave."

May gasped. A cold shiver ran through her spine as five black psyche locks appeared around Ash. May panted. She had never seen so many psyche locks, and never had they been so cold and so dark. The black locks seemed stronger than the red ones and the chains that kept them in place appeared much stronger. May could see thunderbolts escape from Pikachu's cheek, but the glass bounced the electric currents right back to Pikachu.

"Didn't you hear me?" Ash yelled. "I said leave. And take Pikachu with you."

"I don't think there's anything you can do now," Trucy advised May. "We'll have to leave. Maybe we should talk to Kari."

"You're right," May muttered. "She picked up Pikachu and left the room. "Let's go and talk to Kari."

Another guard escorted May and Trucy into the room where Kari was in. Tai and Davis along with three other creatures that May assumed were Digimon were already inside talking to Kari. As soon as the door opened, Davis turned his head.

"Hey, what took you so long?" asked Davis.

"Please forgive me," May said as she bowed to Davis. "I had an emergency call."

"Okay Kari," Tai said to his sister. "Davis and I are going home now."

"I'm not leaving Kari by herself," Davis retaliated as he pressed himself against the wall.

"Come on," Tai said. "Our visiting time is up. We have to go now."

Davis was reluctant to leave, but he looked over at Kari and blew her a kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow, Kari."

"See ya!" Kari said.

Both men left and the Digimon quickly followed them. Trucy and May took their seats as Kari's happy face quickly became one of sorrow and nerves. Her legs wobbled like jelly. "Hi there," she said. "My name is Hikari Yagami. But most people call me Kari." She looked up to May. "Hey! I know you... you're dating Davis' cousin."

"Ash is Davis' cousin?" May asked.

Kari nodded. "His mom and Ash's mom are sisters. But they weren't very close. Ash is the only cousin that will speak to Davis has been in contact with."

"Only cousin that will speak to him?"

"I know Davis once said that his Aunt Delia had four children."

"I always assumed Ash was an only child," May admitted. "Ash has never mentioned any other siblings. And the only relative I've met is Ash's mom."

"And now you know his cousin: Davis."

"You learn something new everyday," Trucy added.

"Anyway." May shook her head. "Enough about that... let's talk about you and what happened this morning."

"It wasn't me," Kari declared straight away. "Someone else was there too."

"Did you see who it was?"

"No." Kari shook her head. "I only heard her voice and saw a black cape just as she was leaving."

"Why were you in the bathroom?" May asked. "And why were you in there for so long."

"The gym leader couldn't keep his hands off me," Kari admitted. "I tried to tell him to stop and I tried to be polite, but he just wouldn't leave me alone. He was touching me in private places... so I ran away from him. And he... followed me. I hid in the girl's bathroom and I heard Brock's voice."

"What was Brock saying?"

"The janitor told directed him to the men's bathroom," Kari told them. "I was scared that he would be waiting outside for me so I stayed in the cubicle. Then I heard the gunshots and the window smashing. I fell over and that's why there was blood all over my clothes."

"How did your fingerprints appear on the gun?"

"After the man got shot, the killer tossed the gun into my cubicle. It landed in my hands." Kari slammed her hands against the table and leaned closer towards the glass. "This is the truth. You've got to believe in me," Kari begged. "I didn't kill that man."

"It's okay," May said with a smile. "I believe in you. When Davis found out you were arrested, he asked me to defend you straight away... and I'm going to defend you."

"Thank you so much," Kari cried with a smile on her face. "This means so much to me."
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Pikachu was so frigid, he was like a doll. He followed May whenever he went, just as Ash had instructed. Last night, May was kept awake by the sound of Pikachu's bawling. It was the first time May had heard about Ash's family other than his mother. She didn't even know anything about Ash's siblings. She had been round to Ash's house many times and there were lots of pictures of Ash and his friends, but nothing to suggest that Ash had any siblings. His mother was the only relative he actually mentioned.

She hoped she could find some answers through Davis.

May couldn't stop thinking about that gravestone with her name on it. She didn't bother applying her make-up, but she had her shower and cups of coffee before cycling she called into the Wright Anything Agency. She had plans to meet Trucy and get the earliest train to Pewter City to avoid the big traffic. When she strolled into the office, she saw Trucy on the couch waiting for her just like she said she would. Mr. Piplup sat on Trucy's lap.

"Good morning May!"

"Good morning Trucy."

May sighed. "What a day yesterday was."

"I know. I just bought some plushies on my phone."

May raised an eyebrow. "You did? Which ones?"

"I bought a Biyomon and Palmon plushie," Trucy replied. She flashed a picture of a pink bird with blue eyes and red beak next to a green creature with a pink flower on its head.

"Wow! They look so cute," May admitted.

"By the way," Trucy said as she put her phone back in her pocket. "Daddy's in. He wanted to speak to you."

May and Trucy went over to Phoenix. May had noticed that someone was there with him. A young woman with a unique hairstyle. A small bun at the top of her head and two thin horizontal pigtails and the rest of the hair flowing behind her back. She wore a purple that was slightly covered by a white clock. She must be sweating, May thought. The gigantic beads and a pendant shaped as a 9 also appeared to be heavy.

"Good morning, Mr. Wright."

"Good morning May," Phoenix said. The woman next to him smiled at him. "Please take a seat."

"Hi there Miss," May greeted the woman. She bowed to her, as she assumed that she must have been some sort of priestess or at least, a very important person.

"This is Maya Fey," Phoenix introduced the woman. "Your aunt. She's been a good friend of mine for a very long time."

"It's nice to meet you, May."

"It's... nice to meet you too." May couldn't hide the fact she was shocked. I have an aunt, she screamed inside her aunt. She leaned back against her chair and had to take a few deep breathes. She pondered how it was possible for Maya to be her aunt. If she was her aunt, which side of the family was she on? Her father was an only child, and she never recalled her mother having any siblings either. "Are you a long lost relative?"

"It seems that you're the long lost relative," Phoenix announced.

"So the grave we saw is more than just a coincidence?" Trucy asked as Mr. Piplup ran around the table appearing to be oblivious to everything. Nobody was taking much notice and allowed the pokemon to run wild.

"It turns out your parents had another daughter called May," Phoenix explained to the three women. "But the child was stillborn. They were devastated, but they decided to adopt a daughter to get over their grief."

"That's where my sister comes in," Maya explains to May. "She was in a happy relationship with Diego, but he was poisoned and fell into a deep coma. She was heartbroken and heavily pregnant at the time Diego was hospitalized. She took advice from Aunt Morgan and she advised us to give the unborn child away to be adopted. That child...was you."

"So I'm adopted?"

Maya gives May a picture of a couple: a man and a woman. The most noticeable thing about the woman was her large breasts that almost popped out of her black dress. The man had his right arm around her and a cup of coffee in his left. Both seemed very happy. Their strong smiles oozed confidence and charisma. May couldn't help but think how beautiful the woman was and how handsome the guy was. They looked like they fresh from a fairy tale but in a modern setting.

"Now to answer your question," Phoenix said as he pointed to the woman. "This is Mia Fey."

"The woman that started this firm?"

Phoenix nodded. "Maya is her younger sister."

"And the guy that's with her, that's my father?"

"Yeah," Maya said.

"Looks like he likes his coffee too," Trucy added.

"Your parents were very formidable defence attornies," Phoenix explained to May. "Mia defended me once, then I went to work for her."

"Where are they now?" May asked. She heard that Mia Fey had been murdered, but today was the first time she had heard of Diego Armando.

"They both passed away."

May's stomach churned as all of her muscles tightened. The biggest ache was around her chest. She gritted her teeth. Her eyes clenched shut for a few seconds and then she opened them again like she was hoping it was all a dream. As her eyes became more fixated with the picture of Mia and Diego, images of her family in Hoenn flashed in her mind. May wiped the wet patches from her eyes.

There were various feelings inside May. First was the feeling of confusion. The more Maya and Phoenix had explained to her about the circumstances of her birth, the sharper her headaches became. Her fingers dug into the palm of her hands as they closed with her thumb holding onto the edge of the photograph. She was angry because Norman and Caroline had never told her she was adopted, nor did she tell her about her dead sister. An immense guilt flowed through her veins as she didn't know how to tell her little brother, Max.

Overall, she felt as if her life had been a whole lie.

Finally, she was hit by a wave of sadness. When Phoenix told her that Mia Fey and Diego Armando was dead, she felt as if she had been run over. It was a tragedy that she never got to knew birth parents. She was angry at Norman and Caroline, but she couldn't bring herself to hate them. She was devastated for them to hear about their lost daughter.

"They both look so beautiful," May decided to speak after a long silent pause. "They were both defence attornies like me and they looked like they had a bright future together. So what went wrong for them?"

When May popped her head back up, she straightened her back. She quickly noticed that Maya's body had suddenly been transformed. She was taller, and curvier and her chest was bigger. Even though her clothes were the same, her body was completely different. Her eyes shrunk and they were an extra shade of blue. There was a black spot on her cheek that caught May's eyes. Every little detail of her face matched the photo in the picture.

"Aunt Maya?"

"It's me, May." Maya's voice was deeper than before.

"Maya Fey is the master of the Kurain clan," Phoenix explained to May. "She can channel the spirits of the deceased. But it takes a lot of training and skill to do it as well. And the skill can only be passed on to girls."

"So that woman next to you? Is that my mother?" May had never been so confused in her life. She never expected that she was adopted, and she most certainly didn't expect her to be related to a clan of spirit mediums. The day hadn't even started work, but she felt as if she had worked a long day. Both Phoenix and the spirit inside Maya's body nodded. "You know Mom," May said to Mia. "I've been having a really hard time growing up, but I always felt as if someone was an angel or a ghost watching over me. She looked a lot like you."

Mia smiled. "That's because it was me."

"What happened between you and my father?" May asked. "What drove you apart."

"Dahlia Hawthorne," Mia answered. "She was my cousin, but she was the biggest failure that I've ever known."

"I know a man named Redd White murdered you and framed Maya," May said to Mia. "Because I've seen it in the papers. What did Dahlia Hawthorne do? Did she kill my father?"

"In a way," Mia replied with her arms folded. "She kinda did. It's a very complicated, so this is going to take a while."

"I guess we'll have to get through the morning rush-hour on the train," May admitted.

"We could always fly on Thalassa," Trucy suggested.


"Thalassa is my altaria," Trucy told May as she let her pokemon out from a pink ball. "A client gave us a swablu egg as a gift. I named her after my mom. The audience love her." Thalassa seemed to be a healthy and happy pokemon. Her skin was bright blue and her white fur resembled clouds.

"Since when did you have one?" May asked. She had assumed that Mr. Piplup was her only pokemon.

"I've had her for ages."

"Diego and I worked together in the same firm," Mia started to explain. "We got on very well and we started starting. On my first case, I worked with Diego. My first client was framed for murder by Dahlia. My client committed suicide on the stand. We started to hit it off right after the trial."

"So what did Dahlia do?"

"She poisoned Diego and put him in a coma," Mia admitted.

"Did she ever get caught?" May asked.

"I got her in the end," Mia said. "Now, your father did wake up, but I had died by the time he had awakened from his coma."

"So Father died not knowing I existed."

Mia nodded. "But when we were reunited, I told him about you. He's been watching over you too. And he has a message for you."

"What's that?"

Phoenix smirked as if he knew that was about to happen next.

"He says keep drinking the coffee."

Phoenix chuckled, so May assumed that he must have been right.

"So it wasn't until after Father got poisoned, you got pregnant with me?" May asked.

"Losing Diego was one of the worst moments of my life." Mia glanced at the photograph in May's hand as she continued to speak. "I found out I was pregnant, and I turned to my Aunt Morgan for help. She had a friend called Caroline who was looking to adopt. So when you were born, you were handed over to Caroline and Norman."

At that moment May had a flashback from eighteen years ago when May was three. Norman carried her into the lounge as he placed her on his lap. Caroline held May's hand with her right hand and cradled her bump with her right. It was the moment she found out that she was going to be a big sister. When May left home for the first time, Max was too excited to wait and he went along with her, Ash and Brock around Hoenn. Max was eighteen now, and she didn't think that May would know anything about the adoption or their dead sister.

"You can't cry," Mia instructed to May. "Your dad had this saying: The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."

"And it's far from over," Phoenix added to the conversation.

"But no matter what happens from here..." Mia's tone suddenly became much more serious, but there was also a dash of softness and sincerity. "I will always be proud of you."

"Thanks a lot...Mom."

"By the way," Mia said. "About that hat you found yesterday. You should hand it over to Lana as soon as possible. Her office opens dead on 9:00AM. If you're flying with a pokemon, it shouldn't take that long. Well, I better let you get to your job. I hope to talk to you soon...May."

Mia's spirit had left Maya's body before May had a chance to say goodbye. May knew that Mia's spirit would always be watching over her. May had a feeling that there was so much more Mia wanted to tell her. Explaining why she was adopted and what happened to her birth parents was not going to be resolved in one meeting. Even though she felt as if she had accomplished something, she still yearned for more information.

May followed her mother's advice and handed the hat to Lana. She didn't say an awful much, other than that she would get her sister to take up some tests and that she would let May know what to do in a few weeks. She didn't know if it was enough to postpone or even cancel his execution date, or if it was enough to trigger a retrial.

May and Trucy flew on Thalassa and as soon as their touched the ground of Pewter City, they witnessed an argument outside the pokemon centre. It was Detective Gary Oak and Davis, Ash's cousin having a verbal match. The nurse in charge of the centre shooed them away as Davis followed Gary onto the other side of the road. May hopped off Thalassa right before the pokemon was summoned inside her ball by Trucy.

"If you carry on, you'll be the third person to arrest within 24 hours," Gary shouted. His finger darting towards Davis.

"You're always threatening to arrest me but you never do it," Davis snapped back. "If you're gonna arrest me go ahead. At least I'll be with my cousin."

"Hello there, Gary." Trucy waved as Gary turned over to see her. Gary quickly tried to recompose himself.

"Hi Trucy," Gary said. He spoke as if the argument between him and Davis had never happened.

"You two have some serious beef with each other," May stated. "You two need to stop fighting and get moving if you want to clear Kari's name."

"But Miss Lawyer," the blue creature on Davis' shoulder said. "Gary was the one that arrested Kari."

"And I arrested Brock for sexual harassment," Gary yelled back. He pulled his face towards Davis as if he was about to spit at him. "I hope you and DemiVeemon are satisfied."

"YOU KNOW WHAT?" Davis yelled. Several pedestrians passing couldn't keep their eyes from him. Gary ignored him and walked the other way with Trucy. "I WON'T BE SATISFIED. NOT UNTIL KARI IS RELEASED FROM PRISON."

"Pi Pika Pika Pikachu." Ash's Pikachu jumps off May's back and walks up to DemiVeemon. Pikachu's little black eyes were like beads compared to DemiVeemon's enormous red eyes. The pokemon and the digimon shook hands.

"It's nice to see you again, Pikachu," DemiVeemon cried out. He turned his head towards the sky and tilted his head under Davis' chin. "Hey Davis, it's Ash's Pikachu."

"Hey there, Pikachu." Davis got down on bended knee and hugged the electric mouse. "It's been a while."

"So you're Ash Ketchum's cousin?" May asked Davis. May watched him nodded as Pikachu went back on her shoulder. "Kari said that your mom and Ash's mom didn't get on with each other. She also said that Delia had three other children. I've known Ash since he was ten, and this is the first time I've ever heard about him having siblings."

"Trust me when I say this," Davis hissed. "You do not want to know them."

"You know that's not the answer I was looking for. Kari told me that Ash was the only cousin who would speak to you. And why does your mom hate her sister so much? So can you please tell me all you know about Ash's family?"

"Mom hated Aunt Delia because she's jealous." Davis had yelled as if May was choking him against the wall. Even though May was at least three footsteps away from him, the tone of his voice had changed. He panted and hurled to the floor as if someone had punched him. DemiVeemon and Pikachu tapped his back in unison. "I don't know why they just do."

Just as May had predicted, she was able to foresee a psyche-lock. May gulped. "Davis... I think you do know what's going on. And quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if this case was related to your aunt's death."

His jaw dropped. "But Ash killed Aunt Delia five years ago..."

May tilted her head. "Do you really believe that Ash is guilty?"

"I don't think so!" DemiVeemon announced in his defence as he jumped on Davis' hair.

"There's a chance that whoever framed Ash, could also be the same person who framed Kari."

"How are they even related?" Davis asked. "These are both completely different cases. Ash was guilty: and Kari is innocent."

"Then what was Ash's hat doing outside the Digimon Centre?" May asked. "And more importantly who stole it? Was it the person that framed Ash or was it someone else? I've known Ash since I was 10, and he's never mentioned any siblings to me. And if your mom used to be close to your aunt, then something must have happened."

"How do you know the hat belongs to Ash?" Davis asked May. "That hat could have belonged to anybody. Red caps like the one Ash wears are pretty popular right now!"

"Two things," May replied. "One, the hat had Ash's initials on it. And secondly, Pikachu was able to detect a part of Ash on there."

Davis wiggled his nose over to Pikachu as the electric mouse nodded. "Okay then," Davis responded. "I'll tell you."

The psyche-lock broke, even though May felt as if she hadn't done as much. She had started to realise what the locks were for and she was beginning to see that the more she pressed on at a person, the more likely she was able to seek and destroy them.

"Tell me what?" May sighed as Davis paced into the crowded streets. May chased him. "Hey don't run away from me. If you want to clear Kari's name, you have to tell me more about Ash's family," she shouted across the street.

Davis halted as soon as his girlfriend's name was mentioned. His trainers steered towards May as he crashed into her chest. He was quick to lift his head up and bow his head in apology. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

"You need to sit down," May demanded. She pointed to the bench behind them and Davis shuffled himself on the wooden planks. Pikachu and DemiVeemon sat on either side of Davis as May inserted loose change into the vending machine behind them. Two cans popped out. May took one in each of her hand as she sat on the right side of the bench. "And have a drink too."

"Thanks!" Davis quickly slurped with cola. Within a minute the can was in the trash. "Mom never hated Aunt Delia," he admitted to May. "They just...grew apart and she hated her husband."

"Her husband? Why would your mom hate Delia's husband?"

"Mom used to be a pokemon trainer," Davis explained to May. "She only had three, but she loved them to bits. She had Slowpoke, Marowak, and Cubone. Marowak was Cubone's mother. All three of them got stolen. Cubone was safe in Lavender Town, but both Slowpoke and Marowak were found dead with some of their remains sold for profit."

"Sounds like something Team Rocket would do!"

"It was Team Rocket that killed Marowak and Slowpoke," Davis spat out. "She felt like a failure as a pokemon trainer. She never got any other pokemon after that. But what made Mom made was that Aunt Delia married Giovanni Ketchum: the leader of Team Rocket. She was only 16 when she fell pregnant with her first child, so Giovanni proposed. Mom was furious, but even more furious with my grandparents for letting it go ahead."

May didn't want to believe the words coming out of Davis. She wanted to shake her head so vigorously that she would wake up from a long and deep dream, but she couldn't. The truth was bitter as black coffee, but May knew she had to swallow it. "So Ash is Giovanni's son..."

"Yeah," Davis muttered. "I'm too ashamed to tell everyone that my Uncle is the leader of Team Rocket. Even though they've claimed to have changed, I still don't forgive them for what they did."


"Ever since Aunt Delia died they've rebranded themselves as a charity," Davis said. "I say it's a load of bullshit. They're just using that as a cop-out for all their criminal stuff they've done."

"And what about Ash's siblings?" May asked. "

"Ash is the youngest of four siblings," Davis explained. "He's the same age as me. I think that's what helped us get on so well. Even though my mom hated my other cousins, she was very fond of Ash."

"What were your other cousins like?" May asked.

"Leaf, his sister, was the oldest of the siblings, and then her younger twin brother was Red. Silver was born a year later and when Aunt Delia was 19, Ash was born. All of three of them were exceptional trainers: just like Ash. All of Aunt Delia's children are now considered pokemon masters. Uncle Giovanni's a cruel and cold man his traits got passed on to the other cousins."

"So the reason your mom was so fond of Ash was because he was a lot like his mother?"

Davis nodded. "Out of all of my cousins, Ash definitely has the biggest heart...and appetite. His older siblings used to pick on me whenever I was over, but Ash stood up for me. And before Kari was my girlfriend, Ash and Aunt Delia were always encouraging. Even when we went to Pallet Down to visit Aunt Delia, mom never even spoke to her." May noticed that the tone of his voice quickly began to deepen and sound bitter. "Uncle Giovanni was never around," he hissed. "He told Delia he was too busy with his journey as a trainer, which is bullshit! Uncle Giovanni only came to Pallet Town when he wanted sex with Aunt Delia. If Aunt Delia had divorced him, then she'd still be alive."

"What makes you say that?" May asked.

"Mom and Aunt Delia would have been friends again." May couldn't miss the water being held back in Davis' eyes. "Ash wouldn't have had to have gone to prison, and nor would Kari."

She wanted to agree with Davis. She wished that Ash had never had been accused, but if Ash wasn't accused, then she would have never had become a lawyer. She asked herself, who would have saved Sakura Haruno and Eiri Uesugi if she hadn't have taken on their cases. She would never have known her birth parents or Trucy.

Fate worked in mysterious ways.

"Davis... it's pretty clear to me that you were close to your aunt. You miss her and Ash deeply."

"And it's also obvious that you care about Ash a lot," Davis added. "I used to believe that Ash really was guilty until you came along."

"Thinking about it," May pondered. "We're both in the same boat. Though, you also seem to have some bad blood with Gary. How come you dislike him so much?"

"He's a jerk," Davis snarled quickly. "I can't stand him! He claims that he became a detective to clear Ash's name, but he's done nothing about it since joining the police. He used to bully Ash."

"Did he?" May was surprised. She thought of Gary as one of Ash's best friends from his childhood. They may have had a rivalry, but it seemed like a friendly one.

"He used to always tease him and put him down," Davis shouted. "He even wrote on a wall: Gary was here, Ash is a loser."

"Wow..." May was speechless. "That's really stupid. Enough about Gary. Kari's trial is tomorrow, which means one thing."

Davis got himself up. "What's that?"

May raised her index finger at Davis as if she was at court. "The frontline needs you today!"

"Huh? The frontline?"

"That's right!" May nodded. "First, we're going to give Kari an acquittal. Next, we'll give Ash the not guilty verdict he deserves."
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