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Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of Crime [WINNER]Topic%20Title
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Here's a link to the previous competition.




After long months, we have a winner! There was a fierce battle between SuperAj3 and E-Sarge that lasted to the last minutes of competitionand finally SuperAj3 narrowly won by one vote! Congratulations!


No.1 - SuperAj3:

Link to full album:
Rosemary Thyme
Age - 25 Occupation - Dressmaker

Poison as a weapon of choice is seen as the more discreet and feminine choice to murder, which is why Ms. Thyme had been arrested on suspicion of murdering her boss, a major name in the clothing industry, by poisoning his sewing needle as he was finalising a suit for a large gala. Just who was the one who poisoned the sewing needle? Surely not Ms. Thyme, you would hope!

No.2 - Aeliren:


Ian Charge
Age - 37 Occupation - Detective

A veteran detective from London, Detective Charge has been around long enough to know what to expect from a crime scene. No-nonsense and dedicated to protecting the people of London, the good detective does everything that is within his power to find the perpetrator and put them behind bars.

No. 3 - E-Sarge:
Link to full album:
Jude Indigo
Age - 32 Occupation - Musician

A saxophone player known for his sharp wit and on-pitch playing who performs at clubs and speakeasies around New York. After a regular at one of the speakeasies is found dead with a knife in his back and a strange calling card in his hand, Jude decides to try his hand at solving the case. Little does he know just how deep it goes and how much trouble that little card will cause him...

(His name is a reference to the classic jazz song Mood Indigo.)


It was a dark and stormy night… Inspector drew the curtains, turned around and looked at people in the room. Then, he spoke: "I suppose you're all wondering why I've gathered you here… The answer is simple. I finally found who's responsible for the death of the late lord McGonagall. And the killer… is among you!"


Welcome to a new edition of our ongoing Monthly Spriting Competition (which name is getting more and more inadequate ;) )! This time, your task is to make a sprite that calls to mind the spirit of The Golden Age of Detective Fiction. What is it? Generally speaking it's a term attributed an era of classic murder mystery novels of similar patterns and styles, predominantly in the 1920s and 1930s. However, its origin can be traced much further back to the 19th century, when a figure of Great Detective like Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes or Edgar Alan Poe's C. Auguste Dupin was introduced to the literature. That's being said, for the purpose of this competition, I'll stretch this term to the 19th century works as well.


When you think about the golden age of mystery fiction, these stock characters usually come to mind:

  • Private detective or consulting detective (Holmes' preferred term) – the most obvious choice. A private detective is a professional sleuth not directly affiliated with a police department in any official sense (though they may have previously worked in law-enforcement) who takes on cases that private citizens bring to them. They usually have a brilliant mind and extraordinary deductive skills. Examples: Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot.
  • Amateur detective – for these folks, solving crimes is rather a hobby than a profession. They usually don't seek for a case, but murders just tend to occur wherever they happen to be. Examples: G. K. Chesterton's Father Brown or Agatha Christie's Miss Marple.
  • A member of law enforcement – unless they're the protagonist, expect them to jump to conclusions and arrest the wrong person. Otherwise, they may serve a good support. Examples: Arthur Conan Doyle's Inspector Lestrade.
  • Other – naturally, no detective can do their work without an actual crime to solve. So, you can also sprite a victim, a suspect, a murderer (The butler! The butler did it!) or other character. Would it be, perhaps, an elusive Gentleman Thief like Arsène Lupin? A mysterious woman like Irene Adler? A diabolical criminal mastermind à la Professor Moriarty? The possibilites are nearly endless!


  • Your entry should represent ORIGINAL CHARACTERS, although feel free to be inspired by already existing famous characters. An OC who is somehow related to a canon character is also passable.
  • Both scratch and frankenspriting are acceptable.
  • Only special sprites made for this comp may be entered.
  • You can submit a whole sheet, animations, or just one sprite.
  • You can submit ONE entry. However, you may sprite two or more characters in one entry if necessary (think of Machi and Lamiroir). For example, if your detective has a Watson-like sidekick, you are more than welcome to sprite them together!
  • No Chinaman must be entered to the competition. Chinamen are warmly welcomed! (If you're confused by this rule, please look here for explanation ;) ).
  • As long as the submission period lasts, you have the right to update and improve your sprite.
  • Giving your entry a name and a short bio is highly suggested.
  • The entry submission period will last from February 4th to April 10th (given the fact February is the shortest month, I added some extra days). The deadline can be extended if necessary. The competition will continue until we have at least three participants. Voting period will last for two weeks after submission close. The judging method will be a poll.

Voting period has started! You can vote for one person! Good luck to all entrants!


  • Each month a new topic will be picked (by the previous month's winner).
  • To enter, just post your entry here.
  • Stick to the theme! (This one's obvious), but make sure you enter something relevant to the theme picked.
  • ONE entry per person. You can submit one character/sprite design and it can be as little as a single frame, or as large as a full set! Up to you
  • NO USING OTHER FAN SPRITES. Even with permission, we want to see your own creative works. Editing official sprites is OK though.
  • Be creative! Simple recolors are not allowed. At least 2 character sprites edited together with a unique color palette counts as an original sprite. Also drawing custom outfits/costumes from scratch for existing sprites is also acceptable.

    Image Image
    (Custom drawn costume, or a splice of 2 or more official characters, with a unique palette)

    Image Image
    (Basic recolor of official sprite, or minimal editing of official sprites)
  • Please create an entirely new sprite for the competition. If you made a character you think really suits the theme, then you can still edit that sprite into a new one for the competition.
  • Both AA and AAI styled sprites are acceptable, except if the task specifies one or the other.
  • You get 2 weeks to vote after submissions close. This way people have time to look at the entries and vote.
  • Voting will be done after submissions have closed and, as CR has no polling system, all you need to do is post a comment saying your favorite.
  • You can vote for 2 of your favorite choices.
  • You are NOT allowed to vote for yourself.
  • You can use sprites/characters/poses from any RELEASED Ace Attorney game. Try to follow official Court-Records spoiler rules.
  • You can edit your sprite and resubmit it as many times before the cut off date (preferably by editing your original entry post). These can only be minor edits to your existing entry though like fixing some messiness or anatomy, no brand new sprites that you've made. Have confidence in the first entry you make!


  • Make sure you pick a topic that hasn't been done before (Unless it's been over a year since it's been done)
  • Make sure you COPY the rules into your posts to notify everyone!
  • Name your topic as "Monthly Spriting Competition! - Insert genre/topic here"
  • You have creative freedom with selecting topics, provided the entries are in the AA style of sprites. Ideas like a 2 person team collab, or situations like "Twins" where 2 characters are in the 1 sprite are also allowed as potential topics.
  • For clarity's sake, make a quick sprite as an example of what you're expecting from contestants, and post it in the OP)
  • YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF COLLECTING VOTES! Unfortunately, CR doesn't have a polling system, and so votes will have to be through individual comments (to prevent people voting multiple times, we will stick to posting alone)
  • Once the voting is closed, it is up to you announce the results (1st, 2nd and 3rd place), and the winner.
  • You can take as long as you want to start up the next competition thread. If you don't want to be the one running it, you can let 2nd place be in charge.
  • You CANNOT enter if you are hosting, but you can vote.
  • If 2-4 entries receive equal votes, announce those who tied, and hold a tie breaker voting between those. If 5+ to/or every entry ties, the host can pick the winner.
  • If a tie breaker ends with another tie, all those tied win, and they decide the next host amongst themselves.


Last edited by Darth Wiader on Mon May 22, 2017 6:13 am, edited 10 times in total.
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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I have an idea. Here's hoping I have the time for it.
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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Art Person

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I'll not have time to do anything right now, but the deadline's March 10th so I'll definitely get mine in in time!
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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Only two weeks have left, and there are no entries... you better get cracking ;)!
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Uggghh... I've been meaning to do this one, but just haven't had any motivation for anything lately. I'll try to work on it next week.
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title

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I had a sprite I was making for this competition, though unfortunately my hard drive failed this week and I lost all my progress. I don't think I'll have enough time to remake it, so good luck to the participants.
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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Don't worry, if we won't get enough participants until March 10th, I'll extend the deadline.
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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The deadline has passed and there are no entries. This is probably the first time such thing happened, and I think the future of monthly competitions is called into question :beef:. I wanted to postpone the contest, but there are some guys who want to participate and I don't want to let them down. If the community and moderators have nothing against it, I'll extend its duration for one more month for now (and, ultimately, I want to keep this thing up until we have at least three contestants.)
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Seeing as no one's entered I don't mind this being open another month. It's a competition (as a whole) I started so I feel I can make that call XD

I still want to enter! I got into the AAO one, but I'll have to think of an idea for this one. So yeah an extra month will come in handy!
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I do want to participate, I swear! I've just been so preoccupied with real life issues lately that it keeps slipping my mind. It's not even that I haven't had the time; I just am so distracted by other stuff that I just keep forgetting.

I did make an outline for the character, but haven't gotten around to filling her in.
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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My Entry! (After months!)

Rosemary Thyme
Age - 25 Occupation - Dressmaker

Poison as a weapon of choice is seen as the more discreet and feminine choice to murder, which is why Ms. Thyme had been arrested on suspicion of murdering her boss, a major name in the clothing industry, by poisoning his sewing needle as he was finalising a suit for a large gala. Just who was the one who poisoned the sewing needle? Surely not Ms. Thyme, you would hope!

Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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SuperAj3 wrote:
My Entry! (After months!)

Better late than never ;). Your sprite is, as always, top notch!
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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Thanks Darth! :maya:

I've updated and added more sprites to my entry!

Here's the album:
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey...

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A pity she wasn't suspected of plotting to murder nine people. If she was, and someone had used the poisoned needle on her before she could kill anyone, you could say a stitch in Thyme would save nine.
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I like it.
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Do we need to extend the date a little longer?
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Today's the 10th...
Anyone there?


*call echoes*
*tumbleweed rolls past*
:tonate: *camera pans out to show emptiness*
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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Unless you want to be a sole victor due to W.O., I want to keep this up until we have at least three participants. So, if you don't mind, let's continue this endless Mr. Bones' Wild Ride ;).
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I'm ok with another extension. No fun if a competition has no competition :april:
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Happy Maria

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SuperAj3 wrote:
Thanks Darth! :maya:

I've updated and added more sprites to my entry!

Here's the album:

Quite a nice character,honestly. And that name...

I myself am a bit surprised at the lack of contestants,but I guess I shouldn't be since last time you only barely got three. Still,wow. Over a month since the deadline?
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Any way we could drum up some more attention for this?
I feel so bad no one's entered in a month even after the extensions...
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The Pokémon Prof

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I'm working on an entry and should have it done soon, just been busy with stuff so I haven't been able to get around to it...
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title

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Managed to cobble something together.

Ian Charge
Age - 37 Occupation - Detective
A veteran detective from London, Detective Charge has been around long enough to know what to expect from a crime scene. No-nonsense and dedicated to protecting the people of London, the good detective does everything that is within his power to find the perpetrator and put them behind bars.
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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Art Person

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Nice work!!
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Yeeeeah! The competition is not yet dead! Nice entry, I updated the OP!
And for clarification - the competition won't be automatically closed after the 3rd participant comes in. So, if you're working on something, don't be afraid you'll lose your chance the very moment the 3rd person post their sprite.
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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The penguin is MINE

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I'm not exactly much of a sprite artist, but the topic looked cool, so I tried to throw something together. While a lot of the authors of the Golden Age of Detective Fiction were British, I find myself really enjoying the American authors from the movement (Chandler, Hammett, etc.). I dunno, something about the American culture of the time period really intrigues me.

So, I decided to make an entry that tried to capture that part of the movement:
Link to full album:
Jude Indigo
Age - 32 Occupation - Musician

A saxophone player known for his sharp wit and on-pitch playing who performs at clubs and speakeasies around New York. After a regular at one of the speakeasies is found dead with a knife in his back and a strange calling card in his hand, Jude decides to try his hand at solving the case. Little does he know just how deep it goes and how much trouble that little card will cause him...

(His name is a reference to the classic jazz song Mood Indigo.)
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Art Person

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Woo more entrants!
Awesome stuff!
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title
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I'm not exactly much of a sprite artist, but the topic looked cool, so I tried to throw something together. While a lot of the authors of the Golden Age of Detective Fiction were British, I find myself really enjoying the American authors from the movement (Chandler, Hammett, etc.). I dunno, something about the American culture of the time period really intrigues me.

So, I decided to make an entry that tried to capture that part of the movement:
Link to full album:
Jude Indigo
Age - 32 Occupation - Musician

A saxophone player known for his sharp wit and on-pitch playing who performs at clubs and speakeasies around New York. After a regular at one of the speakeasies is found dead with a knife in his back and a strange calling card in his hand, Jude decides to try his hand at solving the case. Little does he know just how deep it goes and how much trouble that little card will cause him...

(His name is a reference to the classic jazz song Mood Indigo.)

A cool idea for a character! As I promised, I won't close the entry period automatically - but I don't want to drag this competition forever. You have three more days - the voting phase will begin on Saturday, May 6.
Re: Monthly Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of CrimeTopic%20Title

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After nearly a month since the original limit, there's finally enough people for a competition to take place!

Very nice sprite, by the way!
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Voting started right?
I'll throw my vote in for E-Sarge because I like that Sax animation :edgey:
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Happy Maria

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Vote: SuperAj3.
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Giving my vote to SuperAj3 on this one
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SuperAj3 wrote:
I'll throw my vote in for E-Sarge because I like that Sax animation :edgey:

Re: Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of Crime [VOTING]Topic%20Title

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It's a touch call, but I'm going to be voting for SuperAj3.
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I like E-Sarge's attempt at a unique pose and saxophone.
Re: Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of Crime [VOTING]Topic%20Title
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The penguin is MINE

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Thanks! I'm gonna vote for SuperAj3.
Re: Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of Crime [VOTING]Topic%20Title
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Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey...

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Re: Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of Crime [VOTING]Topic%20Title
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Gonna throw my vote for SuperAj3.
Re: Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of Crime [VOTING]Topic%20Title
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Ta-dam! We have a winner! There was a fierce battle between SuperAj3 and E-Sarge that lasted to the last minutes of competitionand finally SuperAj3 narrowly won by one vote! Congratulations!
Re: Spriting Competition! - The Golden Age of Crime [WINNER]Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Congratulations to SuperAj3! :gant-clap:
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