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Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Present my feelings to Planetbox to show that I am hurt :,( *sniffle*

Also examine the janitorial cart.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Spoiler: The Examine-Fest Begins!
EmperorToad wrote:
Punch Dustin Panne for what he did

Sable-Xeno wrote:
I saw that reference, Planet

Examine the door. It could be important evidence!

OshaliteX2 wrote:
Examine the janitor cart, heart monitor, and window.

You consider punching Dustin Panne in the face, but then remember that #DustinPanneDidNothingWrong

Present: Argenta Gold: IV Bag

Before Argenta can leave the crime scene again, Vesti asks, “Wait, Argenta, do you think it would be possible for someone to change the amount of fluid left in this bag? Like, with a syringe or something?” Argenta replies, “Well, I guess so… but you’d need a syringe and some IV liquid from somewhere else to add liquid to the bag… and if you tried to take some out, I guess you’d need somewhere to get rid of it… But to be honest, it doesn’t look like this bag was opened… but I guess I could be wrong.” Vesti responds, “So, basically, you have no idea.” Argenta shouts, “I don’t need this negativity in my life! I’m going back to the corner!” Throwing her hands dramatically into the air, she walks back to the short hallway by the closet.

Examine: Janitorial Cart

Vesti walks over to Dustin’s janitorial cart, still sitting where he left it by the side of the room. The cart is exactly what one would expect from a janitorial cart. It is a mostly yellow cart with a bucket of mop water built into the front. The other end is composed of about three levels of baskets containing cleaning essentials, such as a few wrenches, a dustpan, and a trio of blue screwdrivers. Strapped to the back are two brooms and a mop. Lauren, perhaps checking for possible evidence beneath the cart, lightly pushes it towards the window. This does little else but cause a loud squeaking noise to emanate throughout the room. Vesti inquires, “What the heck was that?!” Dustin eye twitches as he explains, “That would be one of the wheels on my cart. I don’t know what caused them to make that infernal din everytime I so much as nudged it. I was going to try to figure it out this afternoon, but then I found the body, and I doubt I’ll find the time now.” Lauren asks, “So, you took this cart with you when you entered the hospital room, correct?” Dustin explains, “Yep. I guess I left it in here when I went to the lobby to get help, but I was in a hurry, so I think it’s excusable… Not that it matters, I suppose.” {{Janitorial Cart added to Evidence}}

Examine: Closet

Vesti walks over to the short hallway forming the entrance to the hospital room, and attempts to throw open the wooden door to the closet. Unfortunately, the closet door refuses to open. Vesti asks, “Does anyone have the key to this?” Argenta explains, “No, I’m afraid no one does. It’s not even locked. The door just sorta jammed itself a few years ago, so it’s pretty much impossible to open. I think it used to be a linen closet or something, but we don’t use it anymore.” Vesti replies, “Why didn’t you get someone to fix it?” Argenta responds, “The budget’s been a little tight recently. We’ve been focusing on other things.” Dustin mumbles, “I offered to fix it at least twice now, but she always told me we had to ‘preserve the mystery’.” Argenta exclaimed, “It’s not like we used it anyway! There’s a linen closet exactly like this one on the other side of the hallway!” Vest sighs, and mumbles, “Well, that was a disappointment.”

Examine: Door

Vesti decides to examine the door right next to him, which he used to enter the hospital room. It’s just a wooden door with a thin vertical window on the left side of it. There’s really not much else to say about this one. Vesti turns to Dustin, and asks, “Didn’t you say this door was unlocked when you arrived at the room?” Dustin explains, “Uh… yeah. Not much else to say about that.” Vesti continues, “Wait… but didn’t you unlock the door after you led me here?” Dustin replies, “Oh, right, I locked the door before I came to the lobby. I was just trying to make sure no one came back and tried to frame me, or something.” Vesti mumbles, “Yeah… I can understand being worried about that kind of stuff…” {{Door Lock added to Evidence}}

Examine: Window

Vesti walks across the hospital room to stand by Lauren and admire the beautiful view outside the window… Unfortunately, there isn’t one. He can just barely see a sliver over blue sky which take up about a quarter of the window face, but the rest is taken up by the Gold Clinic’s hospital sign. Vesti recalls seeing it from the road when he drove to the hospital, where the sign’s large, colorful letters clearly advertised the clinic. It doesn’t look quite as impressive from the other end, being just a bunch of scaffolding holding the sign up. The only other notable detail on the sign is a metal ladder on the back, which was probably used by the people who built it. Vesti asks, “Hey, Lauren, did you check to see if this window could open?” “Nope,” Lauren replies, before reaching for the window’s latches and opening it. “Now I have,” she continues, before returning to writing in her notebook. “Nice,” Vesti exclaims, “Man, this is a really awful view.” Lauren responds, “I guess they assumed this room’s patient wouldn’t be too worried about the view.” Vesti mumbles, “Eh, I’d still complain about it.” {{Window and Hospital Sign added to Evidence}}

Suddenly, a young man in an orange hooded jacket walks into the room, and begins looking around. Vesti turns to look at his face, and sees that he has short, brown hair, but not much else of note except a small badge on his jacket. Vesti mumbles, “Who’s that guy, and why is he here at the crime scene?” After Lauren takes a look at him, she replies, “I don’t know… But he must be part of law enforcement to be allowed in here. I wouldn’t worry about him.” The man starts talking to one of the police officers, and Vesti decides to ignore him.

Investigation: Cammy’s Hospital Room
Stool, Sink, Heart Monitor.
Argenta Gold
Cammy Tose
Dustin Panne
Body Discovery
Gold Clinic
I should finish this investigation before I leave…
To Argenta Gold
To Dustin Panne
What will you do?

Prestige: 100%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Last edited by Planetbox on Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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Berate my other personalities for ticking Argenta off. They are screwing up my chances of a date at the end of this.

Attempt to impress Argenta with a bold and daring manoeuvre and climb the ladder....

Uh...I mean...

The criminal could have entered the room this way! We must investigate the ladder and presumably the roof!

Then climb the ladder...for investigative purposes.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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#DustinPanneDidEverythingWrong #NotMyJanitor

Examine the stool and the sink, then sneak up behind the Orange guy and kick him in the shins for getting in the way of MY CASE
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Shy guy

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Hmm... the closet still seems suspicious. Ask Argenta if we'd be allowed to force it open. And for Pierre's sake, attempt to ask nicely XD
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Spoiler: ok
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Examine the stool, sink, and heart monitor.
... yeah.

Sable-Xeno wrote:
Talk about Dustin Panne

...And then proclaim that whomever murdered Cammy Tose is currently hiding in that closet! Begin breaking down the door to reveal the true killer as...


...Immediately dismiss the idea while having fond but painful memories of your time with Marcus.

{{I’m just gonna lay down THE TRUTH. Basically. The closet isn’t relevant to the case AT ALL. It was just a random thing I threw into the room as an extra thingy, only to later realize that it’s existence ruins the entire case. Since I couldn’t go back and just remove it, I was forced to make up the thing about it being jammed. So yeah, it’s irrelevant, but I might have it be opened anyway later on if I have time and stop being lazy.}}

Before Vesti begins investigating, he notices the strange man in the orange hooded jacket pulling a pair of red-tinted goggles out of a pocket on the inside of his jacket and then putting them on. He then pulls out a container of blue liquid and begins spraying the liquid on surfaces near the body, clearly searching for bloodstains. In response, Vesti whispers, “Hey, Lauren! That shifty guy in the hoodie has Luminol now! Should I arrest him?” Lauren replies, “Just because he’s not wearing a uniform doesn’t mean he’s not qualified to investigate. You don’t even wear your uniform that much!” Vesti continues, “I know, but spraying random stuff with Luminol is MY thing! This guy is trying to throw off my groove!” Lauren responds, “Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s an acceptable charge around here.” Vesti sighs in disappointment, but continues to keep an eye on the strange man as he begins examining the body.

Vesti turns his attention back to the window, and asks, “Hmm… Do you think it would be a good idea to go climb that ladder?” Lauren replies, “What? Of course not! You could fall off and hurt yourself.” Vesti explains, “But the killer could have used that ladder to escape the scene of the crime! We need to go investigate!” Lauren shakes her head, and replies, “The killer could have left through the front door just as easily, if they were inconspicuous about it. Besides, we could get to wherever that ladder leads a lot more easily and safely by taking the stairs, once we’re done investigating here.” Vesti sighs, and mumbles, “Yeah, I guess you’re right… It’s such a shame… I would’ve looked so cool climbing that ladder!” Lauren mumbles, “Assuming you didn’t lose your grip and fall badge-first into the parking lot, that is.”

Examine: Stool

Vesti looks at the gap between the wall with the window in it and Cammy’s hospital bed. Nestled into this gap is the victim's heart monitor, now finally shut off, and a small wooden stool. The stool seems to have been knocked over, as it is resting against the left side of the hospital bed. The stool’s legs are pressed against the opposite wall, preventing it from sliding completely onto the floor. Vesti, more loudly than he intended to, asks, “What is this stool doing here?!” Argenta hears him from across the room, and shouts, “Oh, that? We kept that stool in this room for Cammy’s husband! He would sit on that when he visited her!” Dustin asks, “Speaking of which, has anyone told him about… this stuff yet?” Argenta replies, “I texted my sister about that, and she said she’d take care of it, assuming she could track him down.” The two of them continue talking, but Vesti ignores them. He instead gives the stool a suspicious glare, and mumbles, “Something tells me that this thing is worth keeping note of…” {{Wooden Stool added to Evidence}}

Examine: Heart Monitor

Vesti take a look at the heart monitor, which is still attached to Cammy’s body. It’s been turned off though, so nothing is on the screen at the moment. Vesti exclaims, “Hmm… So the flatline this heart monitor registered was what drew Dustin into the room…” Lauren, either having not heard him or having not thought the comment merited a response, leaves and starts moving throughout the crime scene. Vesti decides that there isn’t much else to say about this object, as everyone already talked about it earlier. He looks back towards Lauren, and sees her looking into a sink directly across from the hospital bed. The sink is right next to Dustin’s janitorial cart, which the man in the hooded jacket seems to be investigating. Vesti can’t help but wonder what the man is looking for.

Examine: Sink

Vesti walks over to wear Lauren in standing and takes a look into the sink. It appears to be a completely normal sink, and the only things inside it are droplets of water. Lauren remarks, “It looks like this sink was used recently…” Vesti replies, “Maybe it was used to wash blood off of something, such as the real murder weapon! …Wherever that is right now…” Lauren responds, “I was thinking the same thing.”

Vesti is trying to figure out what to do next, when he is interrupted by a male voice behind him, asking, “Are you the detective leading this investigation?” Vesti turns and finds himself face to face with the man in the orange jacket, still wearing the tinted glasses. From close-up, the man appears to be younger than Vesti, perhaps somewhere in his twenties. Under the hood, Vesti can see light brown, somewhat shaggy hair. The man’s jacket is covered in several pockets, and unzipped, revealing a black shirt with some kind of emblem on it. Upon closer inspection, Vesti recognizes the badge pinned to the man’s jacket as the kind worm by prosecutors. Vesti replies, “Uh… Yes, I am. Why?” “I’ve identified the man who murdered this woman,” the man explains, “An arrest must be made, but I can’t make one myself.” “Really?” Vesti replies, “Who do you think should be arrested?” The man points straight at the room’s entrance, and shouts, “I wish to arrest the janitor, Dustin Panne, as the perpetrator of this crime!”

Dustin shouts, “WH- WHAT! Not this again!” Vesti replies, “You’ve got to be kidding! There’s not even any evidence to suggest he killed anyone.” The man shakes his head, walks over to the janitorial cart, and points towards one of the attached baskets. The basket contains several tools, with three blue screwdrivers sitting on top, within view. He explains, “On a whim, I checked the tools in this cart with Luminol. I got a reaction from the tip of one of these screwdrivers. Clearly, that screwdriver was the murder weapon.” Dustin shouts, “Is this some kind of joke?! Why would one of my screwdrivers have blood on it?!” The man calmly replies, “Well, I’ve noticed that stabbing people with your screwdriver tends to have that effect. That could be the explanation.” Lauren remarks, “…Who are you, and why should we believe you?” The man replies, “I’d prefer not to get acquainted, considering I’ll be returning to my office once this man is finally arrested. Besides, you don’t need to trust me. Just check the screwdriver yourself. It’s hard to miss.” Vesti and Lauren immediately rushed to the janitorial cart to check the screwdrivers. All it took was a look through Lauren’s pair of the red-tinted glasses to notice it. The tip of the screwdriver, as well as some of the metal leading up to the handle, had reacted with the Luminol, and was now visible. {{Blue Screwdriver added to Evidence}}

The man in the hooded jacket calmly asks, “Are you finished now? Can we finally bring in this criminal?” Vesti turns around, and shouts, “Of course not! I won’t make an arrest without probable cause! The only thing suggesting Dustin committed this crime is that screwdriver! Just because it was his screwdriver doesn’t mean he used it!” The man sighs, and mumbles, “I really don’t have time for this…” He reaches for the red-tinted glasses he’s still wearing, quickly removes them, and puts them away. He glares straight at Vesti, and continues, “…but if you insist on defending this criminal, then I suppose I have no choice!”

Argument: Dustin’s Deceit
???: Dustin entered the victim’s hospital room while making his rounds this morning.
???: He took a screwdriver from his janitorial cart, intending to use that as a murder weapon.
???: Next, he slashed the victim twice on her right leg…
???: …then finished her off by stabbing her in the chest.
???: He removed the weapon, allowing her blood to leak into the bedsheets.
???: Then he quickly washed the weapon, and returned it to its cart.
???: Finally, he left the crime scene, and reported the body’s location.
PRESS a statement or PRESENT evidence.

(I don’t even know who this guy is… But I do know that there’s no way Dustin committed this crime. I just have to prove it…)

Prestige: 100%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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NonoNO! This guy is doing introductions all wrong!

Present my Police badge to him! Can't believe he didn't even have the etiquette to allow me to do that before trying to argue with me.

Then Press him about washing the weapon.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Press the first statement.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Shy guy

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Press the statement about slashing her leg. Why bother if the victim was comatose? One clean stab through the heart would do it.

Also, there's no place to state this and the answer could just be "he didn't think of it", but it's odd that Dustin didn't wash the screwdriver with something stronger like bleach if he really was the murderer. I mean, he's a janitor with all kinds of cleaning supplies right there in his cart. A pretty big oversight for a guy who used to be a police officer.
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Spoiler: OW, MY EYES!
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Press 6 and 7.

Sable-Xeno wrote:
Press statement 7. We saw Dustin discover the body in the room in the opening of the case!...I mean, Vesti didn't, but we did! Point is, why would he walk out, make his rounds, and fake surprise at discovering a body whilst being the only ither person there?

Sable-Xeno wrote:
Press statement 7. We saw Dustin discover the body in the room in the opening of the case!...I mean, Vesti didn't, but we did! Point is, why would he walk out, make his rounds, and fake surprise at discovering a body whilst being the only ither person there?

That’s not how things work round these parts, pal! That kind of testimony isn’t verifiable evidence, even if Vesti could present it!

Present: Attorney’s Badge: Statement 1


Vesti shouts, “Wait a minute! There’s something very wrong here!” The man replies, “Really? ...What, dare I ask, is the issue?” Vesti explains, “You haven’t seen my badge yet!” He quickly pulls out his police badge and shoves it into the other man’s face. Then he continues, “My name is Vesti Gates, and this badge represents by status in law enforcement! Now, gaze upon its majestic sheen!” The man pushes the police badge away from his face with one hand, and mumbles, “...Interesting. Can we return to the discussion at hand now?” “Of course not!” Vesti shouts, “You’re making a mockery of introductory etiquette! Now you’re supposed to tell me your name and show me YOUR badge!” The man replies, “I don’t give my name out to just anyone… Especially not people like you, who I’ll certainly try to avoid seeing again after this brief, pointless discussion!” Your prestige decreases by 5%. From the sidelines, Dustin shouts, “Hey, Mr. Gates? This is very important, so could you please try a little bit harder than that?!” (Unbelievable! Were these people never taught their manners?!)

Press: Statement 6


Vesti asks, “So, what’s all this about washing the weapon?” The man responds, “I’ve found that’s it’s a common practice for murderers to wash the blood off the weapon they used for the deed, so Dustin most likely did as well. The fact that the screwdriver that was used to murder the victim had the blood washed off of it also helped me reach this conclusion.” “Yeah, I figured that out on my own,” Vesti responds, “But how do you suppose the screwdriver was washed off?” The man points behind him, and explains, “I’d assume he used the sink over there. Keep in mind that there are traces of water left in the sink, so it must have been used recently.” Vesti asks, “But the man you’re accusing of this crime is a janitor! Wouldn’t he have access to better ways to wash off blood than with just water?” The man explains, “Perhaps he did, but he might have decided not to use him. What if he accidentally spilled the bleach in the room, or left traces of it in the sink? That kind of chemical evidence could be traced back to him, especially if his brand of cleaning supplies couldn’t be found in this hospital!” Vesti replies, “Hmm… I suppose you could be right…”

Press: Statement 3


“Wait… What was the point of slashing her legs before killing her?” The man replies, “Honestly, I’m not entirely too certain about that. However, I’ve seen cases where killers dealt extraneous wounds to their victims out of rage. Perhaps Dustin had pent-up aggression towards the victim, and he released some of it during the murder. That would account for the seemingly unnecessary leg wounds.” Dustin shouts, “Oh, come on! The only person I have pent-up aggression towards is you!” Lauren continues, “Despite the way he phrased his objection, Dustin is right. Why would he have a motive to kill Cammy Tose?” The man explains, “One of the officers informed me that Dustin used to work here as a doctor about five or more years ago. Perhaps he interacted with the victim back then, before she received her injury. That’s certainly a good enough opportunity for a motive to develop.” Vesti mumbles, “Hmm… Fine. That explanation was kinda lame, but I guess there’s nothing objectively wrong with it.” The man replies, “Well, that’s certainly refreshing to hear.”

Press: Statement 7


Vesti asks, “Why would Dustin have left to report his own murder?” The man explains, “Simple. If Dustin reported the body himself, the police would believe that the victim was already dead when he arrived, and wouldn’t suspect him for the crime as quickly, and they certainly wouldn’t check his tools for blood. Unfortunately for him, the trick didn’t work on me.” Dustin mumbles, “Ah, so this is what I get for doing my civic duty.” Argenta mumbles, “To be fair, killing people doesn’t really fall under civic duty…” Dustin replies, “Oh, don’t you start.”

(This isn’t really getting me anywhere. It seems like he has responses planned for everything I say… I need evidence, but I don’t have anything that proves Dustin’s innocence right away… But maybe I have something that proves that events didn’t occur quite in the same order this man is suggesting…)

Argument: Dustin’s Deceit
???: Dustin entered the victim’s hospital room while making his rounds this morning.
???: He took a screwdriver from his janitorial cart, intending to use that as a murder weapon.
???: Next, he slashed the victim twice on her right leg…
???: …then finished her off by stabbing her in the chest.
???: He removed the weapon, allowing her blood to leak into the bedsheets.
???: Then he quickly washed the weapon, and returned it to its cart.
???: Finally, he left the crime scene, and reported the body’s location.
PRESS a statement or PRESENT evidence.

(I don’t even know who this guy is… But I do know that there’s no way Dustin committed this crime. I just have to prove it…)

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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Well introductory etiquette is still worth it.

This is more clarification than full on objection.

Statement 1: But the IV bag suggests that the needle was knocked loose at sometime closer to 1pm rather than this morning and the bag was refilled at midday so she was alive this morning.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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The state of the bedsheets! But I think I'll present the state of bedsheets at uh.... statement 5.

The state of the bedsheets suggests that the bedsheets were moved. I find it strange that the bloodstain from the chest wound was moved close to the bed's edge.
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More specifically, the bloodstain from the chest wound was moved, and then the leg wounds were inflicted. The bloostains on the sheets for the legs are right over the top of them, but for the chest it's been knocked to one side. If she'd been stabbed in the legs first and then the chest, after which the sheets were knocked away, both bloodstains would have moved. But the leg bloodstains haven't moved, suggesting they occurred after the chest stabbing and subsequent bedsheet dislodging.

I guess that's presented at statement 3? Or 4. Whichever makes most sense. I mean, I'm not even sure what the significance of this is to begin with, but hey, gotta object to each and every contradiction!
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Happy Maria

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Yeah, the others pretty much said it already.
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Spoiler: The Arthur theme song is stuck in my head right now, and that’s okay!
OshaliteX2 wrote:
WAIT. Try the Heart monitor at 1, or, 2, or, 4, or anything really.
If not that, try the door lock at 7.

Pierre wrote:
Statement 1: But the IV bag suggests that the needle was knocked loose at sometime closer to 1pm rather than this morning and the bag was refilled at midday so she was alive this morning.

...Aw crud. I don’t know why I put “morning” there. I might have written this testimony before I was certain about the timeline. That first statement should have said “...while making his rounds this afternoon.”

Present: Statement 5: State of Bedsheets


Vesti shouts, “That was a very convincing argument, my anonymous adversary, but something isn’t right!” The other man asks, “Really? And what would that be?” Vesti explains, “It’s impossible for this murder to have occurred in the order that you described, and the proof lies in the victim’s bloodstains!” The man calmly asks, “Interesting… What would be the problem with those bloodstains?” Vesti continues, “According to your argument, the killer slashed the victim’s legs first, and then stabbed her in the heart. But if you take a closer look at the sheets, most of the blood has stained an area to the left of where the victim was stabbed. Why is that?” The man answers, “Simple. The victim’s sheets have clearly partially fallen off the side of the bed. If this occurred after the murder, the bloodstains would have been dragged towards the side of the bed with them.” Vesti continues, “But not all of the bloodstains have moved. If you closely examine the sheets over the victim’s legs, they are located right over the slash wounds. Even the holes torn in the bedsheets are perfectly placed over the wounds. They clearly haven’t moved an inch. So, why is it that one bloodstain has moved, but the other hasn’t even budged. The answer is simple: the victim was stabbed and the sheets were knocked off the bed BEFORE her legs were slashed!”

The room is filled with a brief silence, as the other man seems to be contemplating Vesti’s evidence, mumbling indistinguishably. But before replying, he takes a look at his watch, and immediately remarks, “Well, I suppose I’ll be here a little longer than I anticipated… I do have an important meeting to attend, so if you don’t mind, I’ll get to that before we continue.” Vesti, obviously quite confused, replies, “Excuse me, what?” “Great,” the man replies, “Please excuse me for a moment.” The man immediately pulls out a bizarre device. Vesti eventually recognizes it as one of those newfangled Neentando 3D Game Machines his nephews always seem to be playing at family gatherings. This only adds to Vesti’s growing confusion. He desperately asks, “Okay, I really need answers now. Who are you, what are you doing, and why is this happening?” The man finally exclaims, “If you must know, my name is Percy Graham, and I am a prosecutor. I previously promised an anthropomorphic bird in this game that I would show him my home at precisely this time, and if I don’t meet him he will start to hate me. I had assumed I would be out of here before then, but I severely underestimated how long it would take to see a criminal arrested in this town.” Lauren, seemingly unfazed by this development, asks, “...Could you please try to remain focused on the task at hand?” “Please don’t ask pointless questions,” Percy replies, now completely focused on his screen, “Besides, this detective’s argument doesn’t merit much concentration.” Vesti shouts, “Wh- what?! But I found a contradiction!” Percy continues, “Of course you did, but why does that contradiction matter? So what if the victim’s wounds were dealt in the opposite order? How does that help prove Dustin’s innocence?” Vesti mumbles, “Ah... Well, that’s... that’s a good question...” Percy continues, “To put it another way...”

“What does this contradiction mean?”
Pick a response:

1. Dustin attacked Cammy after she died!

2. The blood on the bedsheets was forged!

3. Dustin’s screwdriver is a fake murder weapon!

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Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Happy Maria

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Duh, 3.
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3 makes sense. Get blood on it by stabbing the already-dead Cammy. Explains why it's such a strange, unnecessary wound.
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Yeah, 3 is the answer I'd go for here.
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EmperorToad wrote:
choose option 3

OshaliteX2 wrote:
... or 2, perhaps?

{{I honestly had trouble coming up with wrong answers for that last one that still seemed sorta plausible.}}

Option 3

Vesti explains, “Y’know, those leg wounds have been bothering me for this entire case.” He gestures towards Percy, who is still preoccupied with his game, and continues, “Even your explanation seemed a little too convenient and hard to believe…” Percy mumbles, “Yeah, the only thing I want in a case is more inconvenience.” Ignoring him, Vesti continues, “However, now that we know the leg wounds were dealt last, there’s a much more reasonable explanation for their prescience available to us. One that PROVES that Dustin was framed!” Dustin grumbles, “Again? Why can’t people just commit their murders without trying to put me in jail?” Argenta replies, “Don’t worry. If I ever kill someone, I’ll be sure to leave you out of it!” “Whoever’s mumbling over there, please shut up,” Percy responds, “So, you got all of that from a few bedsheets? Sounds pretty convenient to me.” Vesti explains, “Perhaps, but it’s much more logical. After all, why would Dustin commit murder with a weapon that only implicates himself? Of course he wouldn’t, but a killer trying to frame him would! I believe there were two murder weapons! I’m not sure about the first, but it was whichever object the killer used to stab Cammy in the chest. Next, they took Dustin’s screwdriver from his janitorial cart, and sliced the victim’s legs with it. Now the screwdriver was not only covered in Dustin’s fingerprints, but also with Cammy’s blood. Finally, the killer washed off the screwdriver, and left it in Dustin’s janitorial cart, hoping to pin the crime on him!” Percy replies, “You don’t have any proof that a second murder weapon exists.” Vesti responds, “And YOU don’t have any proof that Dustin committed this murder anymore. I’d say we’re even!” Percy looks up from his game just to glare at you. He continues, “I wouldn’t say so. Your theory about a second weapon isn’t even remotely possible.” Vesti asks, “Really? And why is that?” Percy replies, “Allow me to explain.”

Argument 2: Only One Weapon
Percy: Even if there was a second murder weapon…
Percy: …that doesn’t change the fact that the screwdriver was used!
Percy: To get the screwdriver, the killer must have been in the room after Dustin found the body.
Percy: But no one could come and go to the room as they pleased.
Percy: Dustin locked the room until the authorities arrived, and there were cameras right outside.
Percy: Therefore, Dustin is still the only possible suspect!

(My case hinges on the screwdriver being fake. But for that to be true, it means the killer had to get their hands on it somehow… Do I have any evidence to present?)

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Last edited by Planetbox on Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A typo there: "Dustin looks up from his game just to glare at you."

Present Window and Hospital Sign at statement 4. They could have entered and/or exited via the window!
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Whatever objection we make I want to reach over and firmly close his 3DS rip off on itself just to mess with him.

Then press him on the Cameras.

One things for certain, the killer must have put the screwdriver in Dustin's cart. If we check the footage around the time of death we should be able to see who passed Dustin.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Also poke him in the eye with his stylus

Press statement 4 for the same reason as KamiPanda
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Spoiler: I’m not on a plane, but I am on a LONG CAR TRIP!
Sable-Xeno wrote:
3: the Heart Monitor said that the victim was dead by the time that Dustin got there. Since she was already dead beforehand, the screwdriver would need to have been taken before Dustin found the body and locked the room for authorities to investigate.

Or the killer was a ghost hiding in the unopenable closet, and they came out when Dustin locked the room and took the screwdriver, and stabbed the victim with it...even though she was already dead from her leg wounds. And said ghost would have done it because...ghosts are jerks, and they pull pranks like this all the time. Duh.

OshaliteX2 wrote:
Press 3,4, and 5.

Or just do what Xeno said.

Sable-Xeno wrote:
3: the Heart Monitor said that the victim was dead by the time that Dustin got there. Since she was already dead beforehand, the screwdriver would need to have been taken before Dustin found the body and locked the room for authorities to investigate.

Or the killer was a ghost hiding in the unopenable closet, and they came out when Dustin locked the room and took the screwdriver, and stabbed the victim with it...even though she was already dead from her leg wounds. And said ghost would have done it because...ghosts are jerks, and they pull pranks like this all the time. Duh.

{{Sorry, man, but I think you may be a little confused. Basically, Cammy was stabbed in the chest with an unknown weapon, which killed her instantly. THEN the killer slashed her legs with the screwdriver to frame Dustin. So, yes, Cammy should have been dead before her legs were slashed. (Also, the Heart Monitor is just Dustin’s testimony, and Percy certainly wouldn’t accept it as proof while Dustin is still under suspicion.)}}

Pierre wrote:
Whatever objection we make I want to reach over and firmly close his 3DS rip off on itself just to mess with him.

{{It’s not a rip-off, it’s an actual 3DS. The joke earlier was that Vesti isn’t particularly familiar with the console, and unknowingly referred to it by the wrong name!}}

Press: Statement 5


Vesti shouts, “I got it! Those cameras are the key!” Percy replies, “Of course they are. Thanks to those cameras, the killer would have been easily seen entering the hospital room through the door, which means they would have been caught trying to use Dustin’s screwdriver. Therefore, Dustin is the only possible suspect.” Vesti continues, “That’s not what I’m talking about at all! Think about it this way. The screwdriver had to get into Dustin’s cart at some point after it was used to frame him. So, maybe the killer passed Dustin in the hallway and dropped it in there! Then, the cameras would have caught them in the act!” Percy asked, “Interesting… Personally, I had thought the killer would have used one of Dustin’s own screwdrivers, so the murder weapon would be covered in his fingerprints… but now you’re saying they used one of their own that Dustin never touched?” Dustin adds, “As much as I hate to help his case… I have to be honest here. When I left this morning, I had just as many screwdrivers in that cart as I have now. Three, to be exact.” “Oh… Well…” Vesti continues, “Perhaps they took the screwdriver out earlier in the day, and put it back in later. Or, they switched the screwdriver with another one, and then switched them again later!” “Well, that is an interesting theory,” Percy responds, “So, you’re saying that in order to avoid getting caught on camera going into the hospital room to frame Dustin, the killer used another method to frame Dustin that would have gotten him caught on camera anyway… I’ll admit, I couldn’t have come up with that myself…” Vesti shouts, “Hey, maybe they just didn’t totally think their plan through. Not all murderers are criminal masterminds!” “Alright, if you won’t accept my opinion, how about proof?” Percy explains, “I’m talking about the IV bag. If that bag is right, and Cammy was killed shortly before Dustin arrived at the crime scene, the killer only had perhaps a minutes to switch the screwdrivers. They only would have had time if they left through the door and passed Dustin in the hallway, in which case the cameras and perhaps even Dustin would have seen him. So, what would us checking the cameras accomplish? Well, it would either prove Dustin was innocent, or it wouldn’t show anything, therefore putting you back at square one. Considering that you're supposed ‘true killer’ was smart enough to frame Dustin, they were probably smart enough to stay away from the camera… So, are you really willing to take that risk?” Vesti mumbles, “Well… I suppose not…” Percy replies, “Good. Now, I will continue with my argument…”

Present: Window and Hospital Sign: Statement 4


Vesti says, “In order to get the screwdriver from Dustin’s janitorial cart, the killer had to be in the hospital room after Dustin found Cammy’s body. But this leads to a major problem. How did the killer get out of the room when the door was locked, and cameras were right outside?” Percy replies, “Yes, thank you for repeating the main point of my argument for me.” Vesti continues, “HOWEVER, there is a solution to this problem! The killer had the perfect means to enter and escape the crime scene right over there!” Vesti points past Percy, and at the window near Cammy’s bed. Percy mumbles, “The window?” “Not just the window,” Vesti explains, “But also the hospital sign on the other side of it, and the particularly convenient ladder heading up to the floor above, out-of-sight of anyone outside the hospital.” Percy replies, “And you’re saying the killer climbed through the window and up that ladder to get out of the hospital room? That window looks kind of high up to me…” Vesti explains, “That could have posed a problem, if not for the wooden stool sitting right next it. By standing on that, they could have climbed back up to the floor above easily.” Vesti turns to Argenta and asks, “Speaking of which, where exactly does that ladder lead?” “Well, it doesn’t really ‘lead’ anywhere, because that ladder hasn’t been used since the hospital sign was completed…” Argenta replies, “But the room on the floor above this is a storage closet, which has a small window in it that you could probably reach from the ladder.” Percy asks, “And what about cameras? Are there any outside that closet?” Argenta answers, “There shouldn’t be. The fifth floor only contains offices and storage rooms, so we don’t have any security cameras up there.” Vesti exclaims, “So the true killer could have completely avoided security cameras by taking that route! That MUST be how they escaped!” “Hmph… I’m actually somewhat proud, Mr. Gates…” Percy replies, “You managed to find the perfect escape route from the crime scene.”

Suddenly, Percy closes the game console with a resounding slam, and drops it in whatever pocket he pulled it from. Then, he throws off his red hood, revealing the rest of his short, brown hair, crosses his arms, and glares straight at Vesti. Finally, he continues, “It’s such a shame that your brilliant escape route would have been useless to this hypothetical true killer.” This response leaves Vesti mildly annoyed for three major reasons. For one thing, he lost his chance to close Percy’s 3D Thingy on his fingers now that he’s put it away. Secondly, Vesti suddenly realizes that his devious plan to poke Percy in the eyes with his stylus was doomed to failure from the start because the latter is wearing glasses. Finally, Vesti had thought he had managed to convince Percy to stop going after Dustin, but it seemed that this was not the case. He asks, “Why not?! We already know the windows are easily opened!” Argenta shouts, “And don’t try to say that you couldn’t open the windows from the outside! Because… well, you can’t… but I always keep the window open, at least a little, so it doesn’t get overheated!” “That’s not what I'm suggesting at all,” Percy replies, “Allow me to explain. Let’s briefly assume that Dustin is innocent, and someone else framed him for the crime. In that case, Dustin must be telling the truth, as he had no reason to run into the lobby screaming about a murder, unless he shares a pathological need to waste people’s time with the detective here.” Vesti shouts, “Hey, that was totally uncall-” Interrupting him, Percy continues, “Therefore, when Dustin entered Cammy’s hospital room, she must have already been dead, as he described seeing her covered in blood, and hearing her heart monitor flatline. Therefore, if the killer was not Dustin, the crime MUST have been committed before the body was discovered. …See the problem?” Argenta gasps, and exclaims, “The killer wouldn't have been able to take Dustin’s screwdriver!” Percy responds, “Precisely.” Vesti asks, “Good point… Dustin, when you found Cammy, did she have any wounds on her legs yet?” “Well…” Dustin answers, “I can’t say for certain. I was more focused on the huge bloodstain by her chest, so she very well might not have had her legs injured yet…” Vesti shouts, “In that case, all the killer had to do was hide in the room until Dustin left, and then take the screwdriver from his cart!” Percy replies, “Hmm… That would perhaps solve the issue… But this room doesn’t have very many hiding places, especially considering the killer had to find one on such short notice. So, answer me this…”

“Where did the killer hide?”
PRESENT evidence.

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Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Woo! Present the closet!

Present Window and Hospital Sign again. No reason they couldn't just hide out the window, perhaps on the back of the sign (if that's a thing) or something.
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KamiPanda wrote:
Woo! Present the closet!

Present Window and Hospital Sign again. No reason they couldn't just hide out the window, perhaps on the back of the sign (if that's a thing) or something.

I doubt it, remember this person had to be close enough to grab the screwdriver.

I'll present the bedsheets.

They've been pulled to one side and hang off the bed. By hiding under the bed and the hanging bedsheets it's possible he could reach out and grab the screwdriver from the lower part of the trolley.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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I'm with Pierre on this
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Dustin left the room, leaving it isolated for a while. So I think the window thing could still work.
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Spoiler: Early update today but I kinda forgot why.
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Oh! I think know this one!
Present the bedsheets!

Present: State of Bedsheets


Vesti remarks, “I imagine the killer didn’t expect Dustin to arrive at the crime scene. If they had, they would have waited until after he left to commit the murder, giving them more time to deal with evidence or frame Dustin. But instead, they committed the murder only a couple of minutes before Dustin showed up, resulting in him leaving to get help. That gave the killer far less time to get away from the crime scene. There’s no way they’d intentionally put themselves into such a time crunch!” “Yes… I agree with your thinking,” Percy replies, “But I must ask. What exactly does this have to do with the killer’s hiding place?” Vesti continues, “Well, it means they had to hide quickly when they noticed Dustin approaching. So, their hiding place had to be somewhere they could have gotten to quickly.” Argenta suggests, “Hmm… Maybe they climbed back up the window before Dustin saw them?” Vesti replies, “Perhaps, but that most likely would have been too risky. The window is high enough that it would have taken them some time to climb through. If they weren’t quick enough, Dustin would have seen them climbing up, or even just seen their foot a second before they climbed out of sight. Not only that, but they would have needed to move the stool if it wasn’t in the right position. The risk of being caught was too great.” Lauren exclaims, “Assuming that the stool used to be by the headboard, it would have been too far to the right for someone to have climbed into the window from it. Judging by where the stool’s legs are now, it must have been moved.” Percy asks, “So, you’re saying the killer didn’t have any place to hide after all?” “Of course not, because the killer found an even faster hiding place,” Vesti continues, “All they had to do was crawl under the bed!” Percy replies, “Don’t be ridiculous. Look at all the space under that bed. Dustin would have seen anyone hiding there easily!” “Not necessarily,” Vesti explains, “Allow me to direct your attention, once again, to the bedsheets.” Vesti points to the bedsheets, especially the ones that have fallen to the floor beside the bed. Percy remarks, “Those sheets are your answer to just about anything, aren’t they?” Vesti continues, “Well, when you really think about it, those bedsheets are very strange. A simple stabbing shouldn’t have dislodged them so thoroughly, especially because the victim was comatose, and wouldn’t have fought back. But what if they were instead knocked to the floor intentionally? If they piled those bedsheets onto the floor, Dustin couldn’t have seen the killer under the bed unless he went to the other side of the room. And, of course, he did not, instead locking the door and running to the lobby. This gave the killer the chance to crawl out from under the bed, slice Cammy’s legs with Dustin’s screwdriver to cover it in her blood, and set up the stool and climb back out the window to escape, not realizing that by moving those bedsheets they were leaving evidence pointing to their own deceit!” “Hmm… Good reasoning…” Percy replies, “But you seem to be skipping over one rather important detail… According to Dustin, the door was shut when he approached it in the hallway…”

“So… How did the killer know Dustin was coming?”
PRESENT evidence.

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Squeaky wheels! Squeaky wheels!

So present the Janitorial Cart.
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Squeaky wheels! Squeaky wheels!

So present the Janitorial Cart.
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Yeah, what KamiPanda said!

The janitorial cart was what alerted the killer to the fact that Dustin was coming. All because of one squeaking wheel on the cart.
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What he said
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Spoiler: I figured that this one would be simple.
OshaliteX2 wrote:
The cart 'cuz it has a squeaky.

Present: Janitorial Cart


“The door was closed, so the killer’s sight wouldn’t have told them that Dustin was approaching.” Vesti explains, “However, the killer had another sense to aid them. Their hearing!” Percy asks, “So… Are you saying the killer heard Dustin’s footsteps as he approached?” Vesti replies, “Of course not! The killer couldn’t have heard Dustin’s footsteps over the sound of the heart monitor flatlining! Besides, Dustin had with him a much louder source of noise: the squeaking of the wheels on his janitorial cart!” “Ah, that must be it…” Dustin exclaims, “Those wheels were extremely loud. I couldn’t hear the flatline until I stopped pushing the cart, even when I was right outside the door!” Vesti continues, “When the killer heard those wheels squeaking, they knew Dustin was right outside. So, like I said earlier, they quickly threw the bedsheets onto the ground and crawled underneath the hospital bed. When Dustin heard the flatline and entered the room, the only thing he saw was Cammy’s body. So, he left to get help, leaving his cart behind and locking it inside. Then the killer emerged from their hiding place, and quickly came up with the plan to frame Dustin using a screwdriver from his cart. Finally, they escaped by climbing up the ladder on the back of the sign, and into the closet on the floor above, out of sight of the security cameras! THAT is how this crime was really committed!” Percy crosses his arms and tried to glare at Vesti, but the intended effect is ruined by a twitch in his right eye. After a few seconds of hesitation, he replies, “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves… You don’t have any proof of that…” Vesti glares back, more effectively, and shouts, “I don’t NEED any proof. This is a crime scene, not a courtroom! And even if it was, YOU’RE the one making the accusation, so the burden of proof lies with you! I presented a reasonable scenario in which Dustin is innocent of any wrongdoing. So unless you have actual proof that Dustin is the murderer, I want you to get out of this crime scene and let me actually finish my investigation!”

A tense silence follows, as Percy stands on the other side of the room, arms crossed and eyes closed, clearly trying to think of a response. However, he only sighs, and shakes his head. He looks back to Vesti, and replies, “Indeed… I suppose more investigation may be required in order to solve this case… I’ll continue looking for evidence, and then decide for myself who the killer is…” Everyone in the room watches in silence as Percy puts his hood back on, pulls his 3DS out again, and walks towards the door leading out of the hospital room. However, he stops just before crossing the threshold, and turns to address Vesti one last time. “Remember, this isn’t over. I’m going to identify the person who committed this heinous act, and if you try to stand in the way of the administration of justice… There may be consequences.” With that, Percy walks out of the hospital room and out of sight.

To be continued…

{{Part Two is coming soon. I might try to release it earlier, if I have time.}}

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Laugh at Percy because I was right and he wasn't the stuck up jerk!

Then have that wonderful date with Argenta :)
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Play it cool for Argenta and wink at the camera.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Spoiler: There’s nothing in here; don’t click it.

Date: Tuesday, January 5th, 2016. Time: 1:40 PM. Location: Gold Clinic, Cammy’s Hospital Room.

Percy wasn’t the only person who left the crime scene. While Vesti was trying to make one last sweep of the area for evidence, Dustin and Argenta discreetly left to take care of other things while he wasn’t paying attention, much to his chagrin. After he is finished, he continues waiting in the hospital room for the team to arrive to take the body for the autopsy. After about five more minutes, he angrily exclaims, “This is getting ridiculous! Why hasn’t the team arrived to take away the body?!” Lauren, who was testing random objects throughout the room for bloodstains, replies, “Apparently there was some dispute about who would get to keep the body, so the coroner is going over here to perform the full autopsy.” Vesti continues, “Well, where is she, then?” Lauren answers, “Apparently she’s held up in traffic… and she’s coming in from out of town. So, she’ll probably be awhile.” Vesti shouts, “That’s just brilliant! How do you know all this stuff, anyway?!” Lauren shrugs, and replies, “Some guy told me.” Vesti sighs, and replies, “Oh, whatever. I don’t want to keep standing around in this room. Let’s just go investigate the rest of the hospital, before some other random person charges in here.”

Suddenly, a woman in a blue suit with long, curly black hair runs into the room and shouts, “Oh, hey Vesti! I haven’t seen you since the last family reunion!” Vesti replies, “What the heck? What are you doing here?!” The woman shakes her head, and replies, “Wow, Vesti. I’m shocked. You see me again for the first time in thirty years, and THIS is how you greet me?” Lauren, momentarily distracted from testing for bloodstains on the heart monitor asks, “Uh, Vesti? Who is this person?” Vesti explains, “This is my sister, Lita Gates. She’s a defense attorney …And it has NOT been thirty years since we last saw each other.” Lita shouts, “Now hold on, you’re skipping over a rather important word there. I’m your OLDER sister. I’m the wizened one here!” “Yeah, that’s debatable,” Vesti replies, “Why are you here again?” Lita explains, “Some guy told me there was a murder here, and this janitor was going to be arrested, but some weird detective was trying to defend him and doing a really bad job. So, I came here to help!” Lauren responds, “Well, you were a little late for that. No one has been arrested yet.” Vesti shouts, “Hold on, can we go back to that part about the weird detective?” “Aw, that’s a shame,” Lita replies, “Well, maybe now’s my chance to preemptively defend someone BEFORE they get arrested!” Vesti responds, “Or you could just leave and let me finish my investigation in peace…” Lita shouts, “No, that’s BORING! Now hurry up and tell me what’s going on here!” Vesti sighs, “Well, it was worth a shot…”

Investigation: Cammy’s Hospital Room
I’ve already examined every suspicious nook and cranny…
Lita Gates
The Case
Lita Gates
Percy Graham
Security Room
Hospital Lobby
Storage Closet
Argenta’s Office (Don’t go here yet please)
Main Office (Don’t go here yet either)
To Lita Gates
What will you do?

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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First, talk about the case! It's best to get Lita Gates up to date on the case.

Then talk about Percy Graham. Does she knows who he is?

Well, there's two rooms that we can move to... But this is a tough decision, so perhaps we should consults Lauren and asks her for her opinion on which room we should check out first. The security room? Or the storage room?
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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Present Badge to Lita Gates

Who has a great pun name.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Ask Lita about her favourite colour.

Then make funny faces at her because I don't care. Older sisters are soooo boring amirite
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