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Danganronpa F6 Sign-up Thread (Closed)Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Greetings, everyone! On this most fortuitous day, Doctor Nanjo and I present to you...


This is a series of forum games-slash-roleplays based on this obscure little indie gem known as 'Danganronpa'. You may have heard of it, you may have not. In fact, knowledge of the games isn't primary for your enjoyment of this, as it is mostly standalone in nature. The general essence of the actual games though is that several people who are talented in some field or another are trapped in a dangerous situation forcing them to kill one another, but also leaving the others to figure out who the perpetrator(s) behind each murder was. Now, in regards to how the the game actually works, a detailed study of the general format is given below for your kind perusal.

Spoiler: Format
Most of the game will occur over 5 chapters. Each chapters will consist mainly of two segments- the Exploration Phase and the Tribunal Phase. Basically, if you're already familiar with previous games, these are basically the equivalent of the Daily Lives and Class Trials from there respectively. In case this is all strange and new to you though, let me elaborate.

The Exploration Phases will consist of free roleplaying, for the most part. Several new locations will be introduced for you and your fellow players to traverse through and perhaps get into some unique and fun scenarios with. Exploration Events will be a common occurence in these phases, often either establishing some new conflict or something interesting for the cast to react to, even if they don't necessarily forward the main plot in some way. These will be a crucial part of the game and posting at least semi-frequently in these is a must. These phases will last around a week or so at most.

Of course, while you can post publicly in the thread, you can also have some interesting one-on-one time with some other players in a Expedition Fraternity Link, EFLs for short. Essentially the equivalent of Free Time Events from previous games, these allow you to bond with other characters and get to know them better. To request EFLs, contact the GMs and we'll set it up, no problem. These will require mutual agreement from the other player though, and you can only request one EFLs per chapter (not counting accepting others' requests). Standout activity in the Tribunals will grant you an extra EFL request, though. There will be other variations on EFLs which will be revealed sometime after the game starts as well.

Now for the Tribunal Phases. These will occur at the end of an Exploration Phase, usually with a few GM posts setting up the body discovery (or rarely, bodies) as well as the beginning of the tribunal, or trial for simplicity. The trial will be dedicated to catching the perpetrator(s) behind the crime, or the tainted. The tainted people themselves are usually within the group of remaining players at that point. Players themselves can volunteer for the position of tainted usually sometime before the trial starts and even submit a murder plan (though this isn't a necessity, and there's a good chance we might not end up using it anyway). As the trial itself starts, everyone involved will received a detailed post about their alibis and investigations in their QuickTopics (which will be sent to them pre-game).

Now, with all this information they have equipped, they are now ready to catch the tainted! Of course, the tainted's objective now is to avoid capture and escape. Unless it may work better for them to get captured, though it would still narratively be advantageous if they didn't give the entire mystery away immediately. I know, I know, ironic coming from me. In case the players find themselves in a pinch, GM hints and lifelines will be provided to simplify matters. Of course, these will once again be detailed at the appropriate time during the game.

Once the trial itself ends, the players will be allowed to vote for who they believe to be the tainted. After a small period of waiting time, the tainted will be revealed. In the case that the players are correct, the tainted will be brutally executed for their terrible crime. In the case that they're wrong, however, the tainted gets to escape, leaving the others horrifically humiliated by their collective ineptitude. Plus one of them gets executed at random, so it may be wise to prioritise your survival in this case by focusing on the trial.

Players who make a large number of useful posts in trials with stellar activity will get nominated at the end for the position of Star Detectives, essentially MVPs of the trial. As mentioned previously, these people will get an additional EFL for their standout performances. Trials themselves will be usually much shorter than the Exploration Phases, lasting about 4-5 days at most. Once they end, there will be some time for your character to catch a small break while introspecting over the recent events and then the next chapter will start.

If this still confuses you, then I recommend reading previous F games (particularly F4 and F5) to get a decent idea of how the whole thing works.

Now, once you've gone through all that (which I recommend doing regardless of whether you're a returnee or a newbie), you might be thinking you're ready for this now. You might be getting excited to return to good ol' Hope's Peak and meet some fellow Ultimates in a cool looking high school, right?


If you were thinking this is going to have anything in common with the actual Danganronpa series beyond the basic fundamentals mentioned earlier, you were heavily mistaken. Not only will the game be standalone in nature, it also has several core differences- in premise, setting and even the cast. This is another part of the game which is crucial to know about before you sign up. Some important facets of the game are given below which I heavily suggest you go through beforehand. These will be especially important for crafting certain traits of your character. A few addendums have also been included here, so I recommend going through this again even if you've already have before.

Spoiler: Plot Premise

The quaint town of Rattlewater is nestled next to a two lane highway in the middle of nowhere. It is known for its strong sense of community and diverse populace.

Recently, in a push to stop the slumping of economic activity in the city, the mayor has started a program called the star citizen program, which advertises the accomplishments of the most talented people in the community and provides incentive for their greatness.

Behind closed doors in this seemingly peaceful town, however, are whispers of blood feuds, deep dark secrets, and full-blown conspiracies.

When a resident of the community disappears into the system of natural tunnels squirming beneath the narrow streets, Rattlewater enlists sixteen of its star citizens as first responders to go on an increasingly dire rescue mission to save them.

Spoiler: Help #1
Star citizens are people who have been recognized by the mayor for an accomplishment. The accomplishment could be extraordinary or it could be something small. Your character may be receiving city money or promotion through this program. Your character might be hesitant to go on the mission, but unfortunately they are conscripted through the program. Most characters should be 17+, but exceptions may be permitted if necessary.

Spoiler: Help #2
Rattlewater will be important to your character’s backstory. You will be asked to come up with one event from your time in Rattlewater which dramatically affected your character and has become a part of them. They need not have lived in Rattlewater for a long time or have some huge history there, but you should be able to come up with a story that has a meaningful effect on your character and possibly (though not necessarily) a story that other player characters might have known about or been involved in.

As suggested by the final line, your character may be familiar with other characters even passingly if need be. If you'd like, you may coordinate with other players on certain facets of your character's backstory.

Spoiler: Help #3
Your character has a vice, some extreme weakness in their personality or character that can be exploited. Maybe it’s their fear, maybe it’s their greed, maybe it’s some secret, but it is important to have a good idea of what their greatest weakness is.

One thing to note here is that your character may be flawed in some way but it doesn't even need to be criminal in nature. We're only mentioning this here since some people may already be leaning that way currently, so if it isn't really necessary to who they are it may be benefitial to scrap it.

Anyway, those are the important parts. If you've read through all that and you're ready to go, then great! There's just one little part left, which is the survey! For one week, we'll keep this bad boy open, and you can fill it up and send it in, and then post in the thread to declare your interest. Take your time on it, you don't have to submit it till the end of the week. The survey itself contains several questions involving your character and what you'd like to achieve in the game itself. Some questions are mandatory and you have to fill them in. Others you can leave empty, but it would be best if you filled them in anyway since that way we might be able to craft a more satisfying experience for you as well as others.

Once the deadline is over, we'll close the survey and decide on the cast in the coming days. Currently there are 16 places for players though if need be, we can make it 17. You might not be necessarily guaranteed a spot though if we receive more than 16 signups, but the chance of that happening isn't too high, at least. Players will be decided on their previous activity levels and how much they can contribute to the game, plus their character and how well they'll mesh into the game. Newcomers will also be prioritised here (if we even receive any).

Now, the link to the survey is here! If you're unsure on what to fill here, a sample response is given below. It answers all the questions in a (mostly) serious way, so feel free to use it as a reference. Definitely don't copy paste it though, at least be creative if you're going to send in your joke entries you nerds. Plus I'm totally using this for F7 sorry

Spoiler: Sample Survey

Here's some supplementary reading material too if you like reading more stuff. The rules part is mostly just regurgitating the dos and don'ts of RPing, but the FAQ section does have a few important notes, so be sure to go over that part at least.

Spoiler: The Rulez (cool kids only, sorry grandad)
Most of these aren't really rules so much as suggestions as to what not to do here but we recommend you follow these anyway for a generally fun experience here.

  • Be active. This should be fairly self explanatory. It's better for everyone if you can post frequently (and meaningfully) in the thread throughout the game, especially for us GMs.
  • Be active during trials. Emphasis placed here especially since trial activity is far more important than in the Exploration Phases. Inactivity here will be severely frowned upon and will leave you liable for death in the following chapters. As a side note, if you happen to be inactive during any part of the game and you have a legitimate excuse for it, please contact us beforehand so we can sort it out appropriately. And no, finding difficulty with the trials themselves does not count. The effort you put into them does count, though, so be sure to do your best.
  • Try to develop your character. Sort of a bit vague, but you should try and make sure that your character has a satisfying arc throughout the game and interacts with characters properly. Using your EFLs for this purpose is highly recommended. Reacting to events, murders and the like is also important. Just make a suitable impact on the rest of the cast, whether they like or hate your character. If nobody really has anything to say on your character, then it tends to say a lot about them.
  • Please keep this game SFW (Safe for Work). Me and Nanjo are both allergic to fanservice so we'd really prefer it if you kept it away from us. Even other than that, some characters this game may end up below 18 while others may be above 18, so stick on the safe side just in case. The stray cat who lives outside my house reads these so just be careful. Also as a corollary, I did some extensive research on the subject and discovered that it is a well known truth that most rescue teams sent down into deep dark murky tunnels do not happen to wear swimwear in there, so we are hereby preemptively banning any characters who dress up in such a crass, undignified manner. We apologise for the inconvenience- hahaha no we don't suck it losers
  • We reserve the right to kick anyone off the game for any reason. This is mainly to establish a precedent more than anything, it's highly doubtful this will actually need to happen any time during the course of the game. Just don't do anything crazy which breaks the rules, and hopefully you'll be fine.
  • No godmodding. Godmodding is simply saying or insinuating what characters other than your own character are doing. It's generally uncool to do, and you're probably better off just refraining from it (unless you have the player's approval in advance to do so). The GMs, of course, reserve the right to write for all of your characters in our posts, but we promise to be faithful to them as much as possible.
  • Think about what's best for the game as a whole and be flexible as possible with your character. Attempt to prioritise contributing positively to the narrative overall, as that may leave a bigger impact on others. RPing with others is basically a community writing project, so it's good to work together to make a memorable story. As a great sage once said, "The worst thing you can do in improv is say 'no'", so working along with others for an ideal experience is pretty key.
  • Be flexible with your character as much as you can. You might not get what you want ideally, but try playing with what you've got as best as possible. It's good to have more than one idea for your character, so try not to get attached to a particular ending. We all can't be the chapter 4 killer, after all. If you get some other cool ideas for your characters, let us know too so we can give you a satisfying send-off!
  • Doctor Nanjo and Southern Corn are allowed to sign up for this game! Just in case we're really in need of a first victim or something, y'know.

Spoiler: FAQ
Q: When will signups end and when will the final cast be announced?
A: In one week exactly on 30th May, 2019. We'll close all entries there and evaluate what we've got. The final cast will be announced on the following day, 31st May, and then preplanning will take place between us and the players.

Q: When will the game itself start?
A: Originally we were planning to start it at the beginning of July, but then it turns out that Nanjo and I would both be occupied for about a week there. So now we've moved the starting date to July 12th. Hopefully we won't need to delay it further, but this is just about the best we can do for now.

Q: How long will the game itself last?
A: Around 2 months or so. We're hoping not to exceed that but that's the upper bound for now.

Q: Does the game take place in the future?
A: No, the game itself takes place in present time. The current level of technology is modern, though keep in mind that Rattlewater is an old-fashioned place. Some things have been modernized, but some things have been taking place there for decades.

Q: How big is Rattlewater as a town? Can my character know other characters from there?
A: Rattlewater is a small time town with its population ranging from 1000-2000 people. Your character may be aware of other people from there and even know some of them personally.

Q: Can I [insert obvious joke here]?
A: Yes (unless it's anything involving a swimsuit).

Spoiler: The Final Cast
1. Collin1002
2. WinterCoat
3. JesusMonroe
4. TheLetterF
5. jumpfight5
6. KamiPanda
7. Joker
8. Kachu
9. DootDootDoot
10. cold52
11. Cesar Zero
12. SaizotheSixth
13. Lone
14. Datamatt
15. Franzise Deauxnim
16. CaptainPancakes

Spoiler: Substitutes/Alternates
We have none.

Spoiler: Cast Picture

Aaaand that's about it, I think! Hopefully that answers everything. If you still have any further queries, please either reply to this thread or message us in private. Anyway, good luck to you all on your little adventure!

Last edited by Southern Corn on Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up ThreadTopic%20Title
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No other way than to make this mistake.

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first ligma im in
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yeah i'm

i n t e r e s t e d
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Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up ThreadTopic%20Title
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Can't fill he survey for like a few more hours but still posting here to show dominance
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Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up ThreadTopic%20Title

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Can't sign up just yet but hoy boo hoy I'm interested.
I'm interested like a dog hearing the W word.
I'm interested like a person at a comedy club who saw a "No Oldton allowed" sign outside.
I'm interested like a plague doctor being offered sweet juicy medieval bitcoin.
I'm interested like a war veteran seeing noise canceling headphones while trapped in a firecracker store.
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Reminder that Althea doesn't have an ending
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up ThreadTopic%20Title
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The American Dream

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oh boy i’m interested
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Planetbox wrote:
Reminder that Althea doesn't have an ending

Reminder that she likely never will tbh
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Makes sense tbh, I mean who wouldn't want an Oscar for their character?
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Yeah I'm signing up I can't think of anything creative right now.
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Actually scratch everything I just got an idea and am now submitting a 100% serious survey
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Damn that was the longest survey I've filled out yet I think... anyway writing the obligatory interested post.
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I'm not planning on signing up this time. Just a little busy with things rn. Good luck to everyone else!
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No other way than to make this mistake.

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oh god oh fuck
Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up ThreadTopic%20Title
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Oh boy here we go
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Submitted my survey, and interested. Let's see where this takes us, shall we...
Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up ThreadTopic%20Title
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Hi, hello I'm interested. I will send in my survey soon™.
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hi I'm back and with another spicy, sexy character. Might be too cool for this game though. I agree to the MAMA and all that.
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I'm interested...survey is a work in progress though. :v

Edit: survey sent.
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Just a guy online.

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You rang for another submission?

Ready and done.
Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up ThreadTopic%20Title
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I guess I should say I am and have been interested, just haven't felt up to writing the survey yet

I'll try to get that in tonight

okay pretty much in
Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up ThreadTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Alright, so it's been a week now and I think we've gotten everyone we're going to get now, so I'm officially closing sign-ups! People who're still interested may sign up as substitutes if needed (though this will only likely occur if a player drops out before the game starts).

Now, for the epic reveal everyone's been waiting for (except not really considering the number of people we have this time):

Spoiler: The Final Cast
1. Collin1002
2. WinterCoat
3. JesusMonroe
4. TheLetterF
5. jumpfight5
6. KamiPanda
7. Joker
8. Kachu
9. DootDootDoot
10. cold52
11. Cesar Zero
12. SaizotheSixth
13. Lone
14. Datamatt
15. Franzise Deauxnim
16. CaptainPancakes

For the record, yes, CaptainPancakes did sign up but didn't post in the thread. Truly shameful, I know.

Spoiler: Substitutes/Alternates
We have none.

This will be added to the main post. Now that we have the main cast ready, preplanning will officially start. Good luck to you all!
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hello yes i'd like to sign up
Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up Thread (Closed)Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Thank you Pancakes, very cool.
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Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up Thread (Closed)Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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The cast is revealed!

Spoiler: Cast Picture

So yeah there you go. You guys can all make your guesses as to who each character belongs to or what talent/vice they have or whatever.
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Haha sign-up thread short stupid dumb and stupid. Thank God I'm none of those things
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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This thread is a huge disrespect to long man smh.
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Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up Thread (Closed)Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Hey it's not my fault nobody wants to have a nice time here. I even mentioned that you could guess all the talents and stuff here but I guess not >:(((
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Fancy modern technology Discord is bankrupting good, honest high-street businesses like Court Records, it's so sad
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i also have surprisingly little to say about them until intro posts go up. 'oh, that guy has a pony tail, that guy is really tall and really bald, that girl's eye color is giving me a siezure'. so idk, rip sign-up threads i guess
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I'm pretty sure everyone just slowly stopped trying after realizing they were never gonna come up with anything as good as Doot's "I'm interested like a war veteran seeing noise canceling headphones while trapped in a firecracker store."
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up Thread (Closed)Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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I'm pretty sure everyone's only posting now because you're bullying us into acknowledging this sign up thread sucks wow
Re: Danganronpa F6 Sign-up Thread (Closed)Topic%20Title

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Alright it's 3 AM for me so I think this is a good time as any to get fucking avant garde with this thread.
Now, avant garde means vanguard. Vans are vehicles. Vehicles go fast. So obviously, to be avant garde, I have to go fast. But how can I go fast in a forum thread? Simple. I'll just skip ahead to create the illusion that I was so fast y'all couldn't even see me. So, I'll skip ahead to the end of the game and instead of a lame character prediction post I'm gonna post my character ranking right here and now.
So obviously my favorite character would have to be prison boy. He had the most developed arc and his romance with his ball and chain was really touching. I, for one, gave a little squee when he died deepthroating it. I squeed even more when we got that beautiful and very detailed scene when his stomach ruptured and the ball and chain burst through his skin covered in gore like a round metal fist through a feeble piece of meat.
Number two is Longman. Now I know he's a popular pick but I'm not just saying this out of peer pressure. I placed Longman at number two because he materialized out of the game and has been living in my house for about two weeks now. We really got to know each other in that time, and I must say he is a valued friend. He gets number two instead of number one because he ate all the cake I bought for myself and not for him yesterday.
Number three is of course goggles man. He was a very funny character who avoided the typical trap of making bad jokes by never making any jokes at all. In fact, he further avoided the trap of failing at being a funny character by never doing anything funny at all. That was very avant garde in my opinion, especially for a comedic character. He only gets number three instead of number two because he raped those people in his backstory which I thought was a little gratuitous.
Okay so hear me out here. Number four is dirtyman. Now I know what you're thinking: Igniter, dirtyman wasn't a character, we all just collectively hallucinated him. And I say he was real to me, dammit. My heart soared when he confessed to having killed all of our parents in real life and framed us, even if the illusion was kinda cheapened by the fact none of us even have any parents to begin with. Still, a solid character, even if he didn't really technically exist.
Number five is wheelchair girl because she had massive tits. I'm talking some real badonka bonkers. Like some goddamn hazonga bungas. Like a real set of hooga boogas. You get what I'm saying. In saying she had some goddamn killer mamacitas. Literally. Her breasts coming to life and killing her was a great twist. Though not as great as her boobs.
Number six is June. She had the number six bracelet, so obviously she's number six.
Number seven is the ballerina. I thought it was weird at first how she was a porcelain statue with weirdly long arms instead of a human, but it was a fresh idea and those have intrinsic value. She grew on me over the course of the game which is strange because she's a literal statue and did not do anything during the whole game! Really shows how well written she was.
Number eight is Liza 2. When Collin announced Liza 2, the naysayers said it couldn't be done. But my boy damn well buckled down and proved the naysayers right by not playing Liza 2 and just rolling a new character after three posts. Excellent meta twist. And his new character was really good too, it was quite avant garde of him to put all his points into pottery and going nude at all times. He even carried us during the final boss with all that pottery.
Number nine is the armless one. They only had one arm, and that was the best fucking twist of this entire game. The whole time we thought they had two arms, and then right in their last post they pulled the rug right from underneath us and revealed they never had two arm. Great misdirection. I was completely fooled right from the intro post, when they cleverly hid their twist by explicitly describing how the character used both arms to crush that poor armadillo to death.
Number ten is the flasher. Now we're getting into the stinkers. Literally. We all thought dirtyman was gonna smell, but every character from here on out was surprisingly smelly. I took the players' suggestions for what I should smell in order to know what their characters smelled like, and I must say none of them disappointed. I mean, the flasher kinda disappointed, since he had a small dick. But that's neither here nor there.
Number eleven is the black belt. They're held back a little because I thought it was kinda annoying how every single one of their posts had an unskippable thirty second ad for Cobra Kai but that's just something I had to learn to live with. Aside from that, excellent character with excellent cheese making skills. He really saved us during the final boss fight with that delicious healing cheese of his.
Number twelve is the counselor from Persona 5 the Royal. Signing up with a character literally lifted directly from another source was avant garde enough, and using a character from a game that's not even out yet was already avant garde beyond my wildest dreams, but playing this character exclusively by quoting pre release material was the avant garde detail that really pulled the whole character together in the end.
Number thirteen is unlucky so let's skip it.
Number fourteen is the orange head guy. Playing a character with a head made of oranges can't have been easy, and I have to acknowledge all the effort that went into describing their big orange head in every post. I could really taste the orange when they ate their victim's flesh, stopping to savor the blood like we savor orange juice. Quite avant garde in my opinion. Eight outta ten, at least.
Number fifteen is the Gator Demolitionist. Amazing talent. Amazing character. Amazing Gator Demolishing action. I really can't get enough of these live action two hours long short films that were included in every single post. All the alligators killed in them must feel honored to have died for this cause. What an amazing character. I bet he has a massive dick. Unlike the flasher. Stupid flasher and his stupid tiny dick.
Number sixteen is the cleaner. They broke into my home and cleaned my bathroom, so I can't really give them the last spot, but still their gimmick was really annoying. I'm all for a character that has to kill someone in every post, but did they have to also be so clean about it? It's unrealistic imo. Kinda Mary Sueish. They blew up that guy and somehow ate up all their bits so quickly they didn't even stain the cave walls? Ridiculous.
Number seventeen is the other goggles guy. I didn't like his man bun and the way he flaunted it around and made me question my sexuality. I also didn't like how his goggles could shoot lasers, I think he should've been in F5 instead. His arc was nice though, I'll admit that.
Number eighteen is the cop. They killed my dog. They suck ass. Stupid sucky cop. Killing my dog like that. Asshole.
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I'll double post because that's avant garde
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I don't know whether this is the best post ever or the worst post ever, but at least now I can say this sign up thread is better than F4's, sorry PB.

Also I hope this also happens to be your exact same character ranking even once the game ends. Which it has for you, but you know.
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Waking up in the morning and reading that post I can't help but feel like this was a waste of a SHIFT but oh well.
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Doot made the only good posts in this thread, we're all just hecklers at his comedy club
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This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Wow nobody told me a quarter of the cast would be nerds.
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