Trucy in Edgeworthland
Uncle Edgeworth tells Trucy a story about a magical land of pure logic critical thinking. What will happen?
Phoenix: I take it as a rewritten fiction from Alice in the Wonderland.
Edgeworth: Magical land of pure logic and critical thinking? That’s interesting. But you know these two things is very abstract, least to no possible to exist as a physical or concrete object. I hope he describes it in detail.
Trucy: Wow! Never know I got to be featured. This needed to be interesting.
Phoenix: Are we talking about that same guy?
From our research, yes. In his profile, he also admits to being the alt of Kumar Timalsina and Mr. Good Writer.Phoenix: Despite that, I can’t earn a pity.
(note: this is an AU, trucy is still 8 like she was when phoenix adopted her, and phoenix is married to thalassa/lamiror)
Phoenix: ........
Edgeworth: ........
Trucy: Hey, did you really love my mommy? And same time, love Lamiroir? Wait, is the story made us to choose is it my Mommy or Lamiroir that my Daddy love?
The Management highly encourage Ms. Wright to..... waitTrucy: And wait, how come my mommy and Lamiroir are the same...
Phoenix: NEXT!
One day Miles Edgeworth was in prsion whipping Manfred von Karma when he got a phonecall from his good friend Pheoinx Wright
"Hello" said Phefnix "me and Thalassa are having our date night tonighjt could you babysit Trucy for us"
"Of course Write" replys Edgeworth "I'd be delighted. You and her are married, in fact of course"
"Cool thanks" said Pheonics "I knew I could count on you Smegsworth"
Edgeworth: If you’re thinking that I have the authority to enter the prison and allow myself to physically torture the criminal, you’re wrong. And also, I don’t know how to begin spotting every misspelling and missing punctuation.
Trucy: Also, I’m an 8-year-old kid who knows how to earn money. I’m nowhere on being a baby.
Phoenix: But you know what’s it like if you get the sweets from the compartment.
Trucy: Daddy!
Edgeworth snapped his cellphone shut and looked down coldy at the welts on von Karma's bloodied back.
"We shall resume our torture session tomorrow... father" and Edgy.
Manfrid looked over his shoulder with dull, lifeless eyes "I'll be waiting... son"
Miles: I only considered Manfred von Karma as my mentor. I never once called him father or perhaps considered him as an adoptive father.
Phoenix: Gee. That’s a bit... off when von Karma calls you “son” despite you torture him. Or considering how everything occurs way back when you’re the defendant.
Later that night, Edgeworks had jsut finished giving Trucy her dinner. After making sure she said her praires he tucked her into bed.
"Good night Trucy" he said turning to leave
"Wait Uncle Edgeworth" said Trucy "Arent u going to read me a story. daddy and mommy always read me a story at bed time"
"I;m not your uncle, Trucy, as I share no familial relationship with either of your caretakers"
"o" seid Trucy
Edge smirked "Hmph but I suppose I could read you a story before bed"
Edgeworth: If I have a chance to teach this author, it would all be about the importance of proof checking.
Phoenix: Honestly, I rarely see you editing one’s fiction rather than just spotting.
Edgeworth: That would be too easy for the writer. And very too easy since we have grammar checking application in the internet like Grammarly and...
The Management encourage Mr. Edgeworth to not advertise on any website or software. Since I’m poor, I said highly recommended to that.
"yay read this one" she said, and she took dog-eared book off the shelf and handed it to him
"My goodness" say eggword "This book is fiflthy. How disgraceful to let a book get into such a condition!"
"But mommy said that my book looking like that is okay because it means I love it alot" said Trucy "Its my favorite book in the whole ride world"
Trucy: Eggword! HAHAHAHAHHA
Edgeworth: This guy creates more variants of names than the COVID-19 variants.
The Management highly encourage Mr. Edgeworth to not make references in a real-world scenario.Quote:
Edgeworth planted himself gracefuly on a stool next to her bed. "Hmm very well" he said "If it's your favorite" The title of the book was "Alice in Wonderland". Edgeworth skimmed through the book and let out a disgustied cry.
"Why, this book contain no logic at all!" he exclaimed. "It's full of contradictions! A talking cat? Mushrooms that cause people to grow or srink? Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb? I can't belive Write lets you be exposed to this twaddle. And an abridged version at that!" Edgeworth throwed the book into the air and it went down his dog throat and into his lungs
Trucy was cryin "Noooo that was my favorite beddy bye story"
Edgeworth: Uhhh. There is a difference between fictional and non-fictional writing. That’s why there is something and there is not something to possibly happen in real-life. This fic-me is so too objective when it comes to writing.
Hmm. Considering the Ace Attorney is all about spirit channeling, magical magatama, psyche-lock, and even its law system is very different from the real-life counterpart? Should these possibly happen in real-life?Edgeworth: GAH! (My truth meter!)
Phoenix: So, that's why Mr. Edgeworth sucks in being a child caretaker.
Edgeworth: ARGH! (Great, Mr. Wright-o)
"Now now child" said Edgeworth soothingly "I have a much better story for you. It's an instructive, educational story, and imparts important moral and life lessons. It should serve as a nice counterbalance to that Alice in Aliceland story."
Edgeworth: Actually, if you don’t know, there are something we learn from Alice and the Wonderland.
Phoenix: Oh, name it.
Edgeworth: First, curiosity and then taking risk creates more adventure. Second, it is crucial to know really who you are. Third, keep growing and changing.
Phoenix: I guess this is a book suggested to read ... for the author.
"Oh goody" said Trucy "I like learning morals. mommy reads me stuff like that all the time. Whats your story about Mr. Edgeworth?"
"It's about a sweet little girl just like you" said Miles "who goes to a magical land of pure logic and critical thinking called Edgeworthland"
Phoenix: Heh, Edgeworthland.
You don’t know what would be if it is Wrightland, the land of bluff and turnabout.
Edgeworth: GAH! Please don’t give this author a good idea, please.
Edgeworth began his story.
Trucy: So, we’re actually reading a story which basically reading a story.
Edgeworth: Yeah, so?
Trucy: Considering it’s a sporking fic, it’s now a story reading a story that reads the story.
Phoenix: ...
The Management highly encourage Ms. Wright to not repeat the joke from the other sporking fiction and to not break the fourth screen obviously.Trucy: NOT FAIR!
"One day Trucy and her family went for a pincic in the park. Trucy rested beneath the shade of a willow tree as Phoenix Wright and and his wife chased eachuther around the park. Trucy watched them and said, 'They are very immature and bad, they are not proper caretakers at all. I wish that Phoenix and Thalassa were dead or in jail and that District Attorney Miles Edgeworth was my father instead.'"
Phoenix: That settles. This fic and that author always hate me. If that wasn’t the proof that this is the same author, I don’t know what is. And also, can you imagine I have to earn money in a criminal underground to take care Trucy?
Trucy: Look how they hate my Mommy. Flash news for you, author, she's dead, not something I wish.
Edgeworth: (Sorry for that. Thalassa is alive by the way)
"Um I didn't say that Mr. Edgeworth" said Trucy in real life. She looked around for a way to escape but all the doors and windows had bars on them "Your story is weird"
"Don't fret, child, it's merely a story" he replied "It's not reflective of how things are in real life, but rather how they should be. Now please remain quite and do not iterrupt the story again."
Trucy: Lucky as I and this fic-me have the same mindset. Also, I have you know that my room is not akin to a prison cell.
Edgeworth: Also, considering the context, saying this statement “Don't fret, child, it's merely a story. It's not reflective of how things are in real life, but rather how they should be.” encourages that it is okay to have illogicality (eg. plot hole) or have OOC.
Phoenix: I guess he meant by it’s okay to read a story that has an unreal element in it. I mean that’s how fictional stories work but still, fic-Edgeworth goes to rant about how unreal the character is in a fictional story. It goes, without saying, contradicting.
Anyway back to the story. Suddenly fake story Trucy saw Miles Edgeworth's dog and she follwed the dog and she fell into A HOLE and she fell for a long long time until she landed in the middle of an enchanted forest
Phoenix: Also, I guess it’s time to utilize a section line or chapter that would separate the real portion from the imaginary portion because saying Trucy in real life and fake story Trucy could start a confusion.
Trucy: Oh wait, does Mr. Edgeworth has a dog?
Yes and no. From our research, shown in Gyakuten Saiban Fanbook, there is an idea that Mr. Edgeworth owns a very large dog named Pess which he loves but never got in the production phase. Also, in an anime adaptation, his family also owns a Pomeranian breed dog named Missile but that was until the incident, it was later owned by von Karma.Miles: Hmm. That's why it makes familiar.
"Urhh" said Trucy "where am I?"
"Your in Edgeworth land pal" said jestershoe the kindly jester "a land of pure logic and smart. But sadly things haven't been going too hot lately."
"y is that scruffy?" she asked.
Edgeworth: Oh my. Gumshoe has joined the chat.
Phoenix: It’s weird to see him in jester outfit, no less.
"Because King Edgeworth was kidnapped by an evil wizard named Phoenix Wright and a whorish witch named Thalassa.
Trucy: Please, Daddy, tell me that my Mommy is not bad.
Phoenix: No, sweetie. Mommy is not bad that author wants you think. Hey, at least, Mr. Edgeworth was treated as not villain.
Edgeworth: Excuse me, but one who needed to be rescued.
Basically them took over edgeworth land and are using black magic to make everything not logical anymore."
Edgeworth: Also, I don't know how these two transforms the world into "not-logical". What is a world without logical scenario?
Trucy: Oh, maybe the gravity disappears, the single person can be in two different location, or a victim without gunshot wound was killed by a gun.
Phoenix: Gee, you know the concept about killing by falling, alibi, and murder weapon.
Miles: (This girl getting smarter every now and then.)
He pointed at an evidence tree. "Normally the evidence on that tree would be logical and consistent with the facts but ever sense the wizard took over all the evidence has been forged and isnt admissiable in court. Now no one has faith in our criminal justice system anymore because of the evil lawyer i mean the evil wizard and all the criminals are being aloud to walk free."
Phoenix: A tree that grows evidence. That's interesting but bizarre-sounding. Gee, what's it look like?
Trucy: Daddy, it's like a tree. Imagine it grows evidence like a knife, cellphone, past case files, and autopsy report. It's lucky that these last two is well... paper, thus, made out from the tree.
Phoenix: ...
"Um thats bad an all" Trucy said nervously "but i should really be getting back home to America"
"Sorry pal" said Jestershoe "but the only one who can send you back to America is King Edgeworth. And, well, he's being held captive in the wizard's cassle, so..."
Trucy rooled up her sleef "Then we must go safe him scruffy!" she said. "We cant let that evil wizard and that evil witch ruin Edgeworthland!"
"Yeah!" exclaimed jestershoe "yeah! you're right! wow, no has ever thouhht to stand up the wizard before. you sure are brave"
Edgeworth: And we still don’t know what Edgeworthland can be described as.
Trucy: Is it more like Roman Colosseum-land, Philosopher-land, an enchanted land with logic power thingy, or a Modern-Science land or is just similar to Alice in the Wonderland?
Phoenix: I doubt the author has to establish that.
"Thanks" said Trucy "My name is Trucy Wright btw"
"Cool my name is Jestershoe"
"So how do we get to the cassle, jestershoe?"
Jestershoe parted some bushes and beckoned her forward. He pointed to a yellow bricked road. "we gotta follow that shit and it'll lead us to the cassle"
Edgeworth: Again, we’re in the story, not a chat. And please don’t tell me that acronyms are the future of creative writing.
Phoenix: Well, this story takes a turn.
Okay" said Trucy and they walked through the bushes and down a slope to the road "why is it yellow anyway"
"I don't know" said Jestershoe. "Some say that its made of gold but others say that its just made of yellow"
"o I see"
Edgeworth: “Made of yellow” is a bit misleading. Yellow is not a substance or object that produced a newer substance. Color is something that describes but is not made of. Can you imagine if I say I’m made out of brown because I’m a human being?
Phoenix: “Made of gold” can be a correctly sounding because gold, is like...a substance?
Edgeworth: Yes but close, it’s an element. (Please, study chemistry)
They walked for a while and then the road split off into two different paths. One path led to the cassle, and the other path lead to die. Two evil monsters stood near the fork in the road. One monster, when asked a question, would tell the truth. But the other monster would tell only bad lies meant to deceive. The problem was that PTrucy and Jestershoe didn't know which creature was good!
Jestershoe sat down and started cryin "now we'll never get to the cassle, we dont which path to take or whose good and whose bad"
"Don't worry Jestershoe" seaid Trucy "We'll just use LOGIC" and she arrested the monster who only told lies and put him in prison. Then they asked the truthful monster which path to take and went on they're marry way
Phoenix: This is not logic. It is more like common sense. I would’ve already know just by looking at the first paragraph.
Edgeworth: Hmm. I know people said that lying is bad but it can be good or okay in a some situation. For example, if I ask you where is your daughter so I’m going to kill her, can you tell me the truth or lie?
Trucy: Hey, that’s rude!
Edgeworth: Again, lying in this situation can be a form of deceit.
Phoenix: It seems you’re like convincing people, even the witness, that it is okay to lie.
Edgeworth: Not my intention, Mr. Wright. We are still holding your secret. Don't make me convince otherwise.
Trucy: Oh, Mr. Edgeworth, what’s that secret?
Phoenix: We’re forgetting that conversation.
meanwhile at the cassle thalassa was watching them in her crystal balls "Bad news Phoenix" she said "They past the first trial of logic"
Phoeinx lagued in his throne "Dont worry that trial was easy" he said "it was 50/50 wheter they took the right road anyway. The next trial will stump them for sure." And he laughed evilly and drunk alochol.
"Hmph" said the good king Edgeworth under his breath. He was sitting in a birdcage suspended from the ceiling. "It seems like Trucy could use some help" He took some doves out of his pockets and sprinkled them with his essence "Go now my doves, go forth and help Trucy pass the challenges which await her" and the birds flew out the window
Edgeworth: Statistically speaking, I don’t think that’s 50/50 if that two doesn’t randomly choose or it was so easy that you only use common sense to enact this situation. It’s more like choosing which is a drink: a omelette or grape juice?
Phoenix: I know people confuse me drinking me alcohol but it’s just grape juice.
Meanwhile, Trucy and Jestershoe follwed the yellow brick road and presently it lead them into a village. A bald old man in a dress way crying in front of a bunch of men in orange jumpsuits
"What's wrong, beared gentlman?" asked Trucy
the judge sniffed "Oh nothing my life is just kinda stressful right now? You see, one of these men is a criminal, but I don't know which. And until we find the true criminal, the town is cursed, and there's an invisible barrier that prevents anyone from leaving or entering. We'll be starved."
"And we won't be able to follow the brick road, pal!" said Jestershoe.
Phoenix: The Judge has joined the chat.
"Hmm, maybe i can help" said Trucy. She looked over the men carefully. "Oh, I know, we can use the process of elimination to find the true criminal, just liek miles edgeforth" and she had the judge and
Edgeworth: Ah, the process of elimination! The wonders of logic. It is where you exclude every improbable choices to get closer in choosing the correct option. Of course, if they find the correct option first, they have to test by proving if any remaining choices are improbable. That is the idea of choosing who is the culprit from the 5 suspects. Only one is guilty and the rest is innocent unless an accomplice were to be involved and...
Jestershoe burn the men alive until there was only one left.
Phoenix: Great. You’re going with Apollo Justice-sound level...
Trucy: With Ema-Skye-blood level.
And Franziska von Karma-violence level.
"NOOOOOOO dont kill me" the last man said. "Yes I admit it, I'm the criminal" and the baliff took him away and put him in jail for 3 days for stealing his neighbor's chicken and coveting his ass.
Trucy: Coveting his [*****] HAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Phoenix: Watch your mouth.
The Management highly encourage Ms. Wright to maintain a family-friendly environment in sporking session.Edgeworth: Is three days of jail time is fair to more than one life being killed in this story? Ngooooh...
"Wow nice work" said the judge. And he gave her a Junior Judge's badge and she pinned it to her shirt. "That badge has magical properties btw. If you ask the badge for food, it will give you food."
Now that the criminal had been caught, the barriar that had been preventing their progress collapsed. However, as it was now late in the afternoon, Trucy and Jestershoe decided to stay at the inn for the night.
Phoenix: Oh great, the Badge with Powers cliché intensifies. In the past, a fic-Wright’s badge that gives power to John Phoenix. Then now, a Junior Judge badge which gave you more...food.
Trucy: Wow, what’s going to be in the next story? A badge that automatically gives you to fly. A badge that silences everyone's voices.
Edgeworth: Again, don’t give this author a good idea.
"And shall you be wanting dinner" asked the inn keeper, Winston Payne.
"No thanks pal" said Jestershoe "We have magic badge that make food"
Impossible thought the inn keeper. But he watched them through a telescope in the wall as they had their dinner, and sure enough, as soon Trucy rubbed the badge and asked for food an entire feast appeared on the table
Phoenix: Now, the janitor is going to be in this story.
"I must steal this treasure for my own evilness" Winston said evilly. "I will sneak into their room tonight and cut off Trucy's head and steal the badge" But Edgeworth's doves were sitting on his shoulders, and later that night they opened the door to Trucy's room and whispered into her ear and told her about Winston's devilous plan
Trucy got out of her bed and shook Jestershoe awake. "Jestershoe, switch beds with me"
"OK pal" he said sleeply. He went over the the other bed and lay down.
"No, lie down the other way" she said "So that your feet are where your head is now."
Trucy: Just in..that the janitor is a, under without any circumstances, 100% dumb.
Edgeworth: Wait, if the dove has the strength to open the door and communicate with any human, would it be a sense that the dove to tell every civilian or assist Edgeworth escaping from the castle?
Phoenix: You’re very too objective for a children's novel. This story should have a “saving the princess” situation...
Edgeworth: ...
Phoenix: Or “save the king”
Edgeworth: I’m no princess, gratitude appreciated.
Jestershoe oblighed, and Trucy went to her new bed and fell asleep. Later at midnight, Winston Payne sneaked into the roon with a huge executioner's axe. He approached the bed in which Trucy should have been sleeping and brought the axe down. Then he reached under the covers and ripped something off Jestershoe's chest.
[Phoenix covers Trucy’ eyes]Phoenix: What in the world?
The next morning, Jestershoe lifted the covers and saw that his feet had been cut off. "Whoa pal" he said. "Why are my feet dead"
Edgeworth: Your feet has been chopped. CHOPPED!
Phoenix: What’s next? I, Phoenix, were stereotyped as a idiotic lawyer who depend on luck and bluffing. Then Maya were stereotyped as a gluttonous burger-loving teenager girl or a witch. Now, Gumshoe was stereotyped as a big lug who feels no pain. No, I’m not only blaming the author, it’s really anyone.
And Trucy explained what the doves had told her. Then they nailed Jestershoe's feet back on and went downstairs. The inn keeper was shocked to see Trucy still alive.
"B-b-but h-how...?" he sputtered.
Trucy let out a yawn. "Ahhhh I had a great sleep last night. But my neck itches a litle."
Winston got scared and peed himself because he thought Trucy must be a powerful witch. Then she said, "Oh, I'm pretty hungry" and rubbed the badge. Suddenly a bowl of Steel Samurai cereal appeared out of thin air.
"WHHHHHAAATTTTT IMPOSSIBLE" said Winston. "If you have the badge, whats this I took from your room last night?" And he held up Gumshoe's bloody nipple.
Phoenix: Nailed the amputated foot back in the leg...Ripping out Gumshoe’s bloody nipple. Is there anything that doesn’t gets much worse?
"You got tricked you silly man" said Trucy. Then the doves flew out of her sleeves and pecked his eyes out as punishment.
Phoenix: I can take it as no. Next slide, please.
Edgeworth: This is supposed to be a children's novel but this one involves blood.
After that, Trucy and Jestershoe continued following the yellow brick road on the way to the cassle. Eventually the road entered into the mouth of a huge cave. At the entrance to the cave was a distrissted looking man.
"Whats wrong mister" asked Trucy
"Oh hello little girl" said Will Powers. "My poor, sweet little daughter was kidnapped by the bandits that live in this cave. She's about your age. You see I used to be the leader of the bandits but King Edgeworth came to me in a dream and told me to give up my life of crime so I broke off with the bandits and became a farmer. It's hard work but its honest and Im setting a good example for little Bonnie. But the bandits were angry because they thought I had stolen from them, so they took my daughter away. And now I'm afraid thay will kill her or worse turn her into a bandit." The man opened a locket with a picture of his daughter in it and started crying.
"Whoa pal stop talking so much" said jestershoe. "Me and this kid are heros. We'll save your daughter."
"Oh, thank you" thanked the man. "Your great people."
Phoenix: Will Powers is a bit gentle, kind, and naive, so, the opposite of his fierce and muscular figure. It's too weird seeing him, more or less, a leader of the bandit.
Edgeworth: Ok. I guess it’s preferable if Gumshoe says to Powers to stop crying, not to stop talking.
Phoenix: Still, we don’t know what her daughter looked like. Chances are that this will be thrown out into irrelevant to this story.
Edgeworth: Also, epiphany doesn’t work like this.
Will Powers: I will going to kill anyone who crossed my path. BWAHAHAHAH!
Edgeworth: Hey, give up your life of crime.
Will Powers: Oh my goodness, I’m a changed person now. Thank you very much, King Edgeworth!
Anyways they entered the cave. They walked alot and the cave was confusing with lots of different winding path's but as long as they followed the yellow piss road they were find. Eventually they saw a light in the distance which was the exit but suddenly a huge shadow appeared and blocked out the light.
(snickers)Edgeworth: Whether it’s intentional or misspelling, I don’t need to know.
"Feefy fie foe fom" sayed the monster "I am the monsterer and the wizard told me not to let any person passed!"
Trucy smiled "Oh but I'm not Any Person I'm Trucy write"
"Yeah I'm not Any Person either im jestershoe" said Jestershoe
"Duh" said monstar "then who is any person?"
Trucy pointed to Will Powers "hes Any Person" and while the monster was killing and eating Will powers, Trucy and Jestershoe sneaked out of the cave and followed the yellow brick road to cassle.
Edgeworth: What a great cause. Sacrificing a person for a person.
Pheonix: Any Person? The naming gets familiar in the case of Luke Atmey, Will Powers, or ...
Edgeworth: We are not having that conversation.
After a few more hours they finally reached the cassle. But it was sorrounded by water and the drawbridge was up.
"Oh no" said Trucy "Now how will we save king edgeworth?"
Edgeworth: Considering you have a badge that gives you food, logically assuming that has no limitation to how much, probably I would make a contraption made out of food. Any ideas?
Phoenix: Uhh. Build a chocolate bridge?
Trucy: Make a fudge cake rowing boat or a spaghetti helicopter? Oh, wow! What a classic food engineering.
I have you know that food engineering is about designing and manufacturing food product, not making contraptions out of food.Quote:
She thougt rely hard and then she had an idea "Eureka! That's it!"
Edgeworth: Or maybe just communicate the dove and do the work.
Phoenix: Hey, you leave us out with your first option.
Edgeworth: Occam’s razor, Mr. Wright. Occam’s razor.
She rubbed the magic badge
Trucy: Yay. We won. It leaves to our option as correct, Daddy.
Edgeworth: Okay. That would be fair.
and wished for an axe.
Edgeworth and Phoenix: Wait, what?
Trucy: That’s not right. How come we have the badge that basically provides us food but it can give us ax.
Uhh. There might be an explanation but I’m not sure about that.
"Wow nice work" said the judge. And he gave her a Junior Judge's badge and she pinned it to her shirt. "That badge has magical properties btw. If you ask the badge for food, it will give you food."
"That badge has magical properties btw. If you ask the badge for food, it will give you food."
"That badge has magical properties btw.
magical properties
Trucy: So, the food wishing is just one of the magical properties.
Edgeworth: Still, the story never addresses why they never mention the ability of weapon wishing. Or anything that the badge has multiple magical properties.
Then she cut off one of Jestershoe's arms and gave it to a dove.
Trucy: ARGH!!
[Phoenix cover Trucy's eye]Edgeworth: Now, I’m going to pity Detective Gumshoe for this.
Phoenix: Enough to take back the salary cuts?
Edgeworth: We’re not having that conversation.
The dove flew over the moat and used the arm to operate the crank and lower the bridge.
Trucy: Hey, if the dove can open the door, should it make sense if the dove can also operate the crank without the need of the hand?
Edgeworth: At this time, Detective Gumshoe would have died by blood loss.
Phoenix: Gee, when it comes to bad fiction, you always wish for the death of the character to escape from having its dignity sullied.
Edgeworth: Truthfully, I’m not even denying it.
Trucy threw it into the moat "No its dirty from the bird touching it you dont want it anymore"
(relief)Phoenix: Well, at least, we’re not going to forcefully watch the amputated arm being nailed back to its body.
and then they entered the cassle and climbed the stairs to the throne room where they found phoenix the wizard looking at Thalassa's crystal balls.
Trucy: Why there isn’t any guard?
Edgeworth: While I don’t know why, I do know we can get out from this Theatre as earlier as possible.
Phoenix: At least there’s no anime-style fighting scene. I don’t want to go back with Phoenix Phoenix shenanigans.
The Management highly encourage Mr. Wright...Phoenix: To not reference other stories.
To not give the author a good idea. Phoenix: To not give the author a good idea.
"Whoa look at that" he said "It almost looks like there in the cassel"
"Pheonix look" said Thalassa "Trucy and Jestershoe have entered the cassle"
"What" wizard say "but how"
Trucy smirked and bowed like Franziska. "It was easy, whenever I was confrotned with a problem, I used logic. It was what King Edgeworth would do."
Phoenix: Franziska has join the chat..oh. At least, she would not appear in that story.
(smirked and bowed like Franziska)Edgeworth: I used logic AND common sense. Thank you very much.
Phoenix: Well, it was easy because of the dove with human capability...and (food?) badge.
"Atta girl" said King Edgeworth with pride.
"Hmph" said pheoinx wizard "it doesnt matter NOW YOU DIE" and he took out his wand and sent a death curse at Trucy but it hit jestershoe instead.
"NOOOOOOOO jestershoe!" cried Trucy. And she cryed over his corpse.
"Ha" said Phoenix "What now little girl"
Phoenix: Here goes the plot armor and here goes the fic-me's contribution to this story.
Edgeworth: Well, the good thing that this story happens so far....depending on what you think.
Trucy took out her cellphone "Easy I'll do what a child is supposed to do when the parents of Edgeworthland are bad
Edgeworth: Considering that we are only armed with a food badge or well, a badge that gives you everything since the ax incident, maybe I can use a badge to wish a shield and sword.
Trucy: .....Oh, me? Maybe, use a badge to have a magic blocking shield and magical birdcage for the two.
Phoenix: If this author maintains the power of Trucy’s badge, I have to call a dove to do the work.
(abruptly stands from his seat and walk out)Phoenix: ...That's how you explain Deus ex machina.
Trucy: CPS? California Police Station?
and she called CPS and they took away Phoenix Wright and Thalassa for being bad parents and not taking proper care of Edgeworthland.
Phoenix: If I read that right, it would be the Child Protection Services. This story should indicate what specifically is CPS. Maybe it would mean Consumer Product Safety since we have already that food badge shenanigans. Also, I don’t think the child would call CPS first, it should be the police department they are calling for.
Trucy: We are in the Edgeworthland, a copy version of Alice in the Wonderland. There is no police station.
Phoenix: And CPS. Maybe but why calling or even some sorts of technology exist in this era.
"Good work Trucy" said Edgeworth not in a cage anymore "Now I could send you back to America if you like"
Edgeworth: So, I’m not hallucinating all along. WHY...SHOULD...THEY...NOT...CALL...THE...CPS...EARLIER? I mean if the CPS can defeat the two villains, why bother go into the adventure and sacrificing every person they met? Or considering fic-Lamiroir has a death ray power, how would CPS would defeat them?
Death spell power and fic-Thalassa, you mean.
Edgeworth: Thank you, Mr. Management.
Trucy: Hmm. I wonder so.
Phoenix: (Save by the skin)
"Um actually King Edgeworth sir" she began
"Plese... call me father"
"Father could you adopt me and let me stay in your cassle forever"
The good king threw back his head and laughed "Of course that would be a delight. In fact I'm not sure I would have let you leave anyway."
Trucy: Hey, father.
Edgeworth: Calling me that makes me more like a priest.
The Management highly encourage that you should be happy that you were called a Daddy because many fans have a headcanon that you are Trucy’s adoptive daddy or maybe mommy.Trucy: Oh, that’s so sweet.
Phoenix: At least this story has something that the reader can agree upon. Maybe this outro is not bad after all, from the reader’s perspective.
Except you’re in jail, thus, no longer a legally adopted parent.Phoenix: Oh, that.
"Good thing i want to stay" Trucy joked. Then Jestershoe came back to life and Trucy became princess of Edgeworthland and would one day ascend to the throne and follow in her father's footsteps and assure that Logic and Critical Thanking remained the watchwords of the land forever.
Phoenix: Oh my. Another “Bring back the character alive again” cliché, I would’ve expected that.
Edgeworth: Include common sense and problem-solving.
Trucy: Yay! I’m the princess of the world.
Edgeworth in real life stood up. "And they all lived happily ever after
Edgeworth: What an uncreative way to make this style for the outro. A partner of a “dark and a stormy night”.
except for those who died."
Edgeworth: Uh...not going to change that.
Phoenix: One way to interrupt a happy ending mood.
Trucy: At least I’m a princess now.
"Um..." said Trucy
"And how did you like my story?" he arched an eyebrow "Was it not far supurior to that tripe you asked me to read?"
"Alice is better" said Trucy "I think your story was wierd and i dont understand it"
Trucy: Lucky that I have the same mindset as fic-Trucy.
Phoenix: Wow, you love being a princess, then one second later, here you are. You’re really a mood changer, Trucy.
Trucy: No, I’m not, Daddy!
Edgeworth: Honestly, I have a comment for that at the end of the sporking session.
"How dare you!" Edgeworth marched anrgily to the door. "Your grounded forever!" He stepped outside and slammed the door. But he listened at the door and heard Trucy sobbing so he opened it and peeked inside.
"You know what, I changed my mind your not grounded forever"
Trucy wiped her tears away and smile "Tank you Mr Edgeworth I love"
Phoenix: See that?
Trucy: Hmm.
Edgeworth: Seeing that last statement, this Trucy would have the potentiality to start a World War 3.
The Management has highly encourage Mr. Edgeworth to prevent any implicit reference to any real-life scenario.Edgeworth: I don’t get it. Why is it necessary to have this scene of Trucy hating this story and fic-me grounding her? I mean it would make sense if a protagonist learns the story and tell their insight to the storyteller.
Phoenix: Meh. It makes sense since this story is bad due to plot holes, incorrect spelling and grammar, and also bit bloody to make it qualify as a children's novel. But it would not make sense if the author intentionally makes the story bad in order to get Trucy’s hate.
He smiled and slowly closed the door. Then he heard the sounds of car doors slamming in the driveway and went downstairs.
"Oh hai Edgesowhjt" said Pheinx "I hope Trucy wasnt to much a handful"
And Edgeworth told Phonics and Thalassa all about the story he told Trucy
"Ahahaha." said Thalassa. "Edgeworthland sounds fun. I wanna go there."
Phoenix: Nah, it’s boring, so does logic.
Edgeworth: If you don't always rely on bluff and belief, logic is not boring. And also, it would be better if it’s like this.
"Oh hai Edgesowhjt" said Pheinx "I hope Trucy wasnt to much a handful"
“Yes, we’ve just read the story about Trucy who is venturing on an Edgeworthland, the land of pure logic and critical thinking. It’s exciting but Trucy says it’s weird, you know.
"Ahahaha." said Thalassa. "Edgeworthland sounds fun. I wanna go there."
Edgeworth: Ah, the power of “show, don’t tell”.
Phoenix: But still you only add the statement but didn’t grammar check the whole.
Edgeworth: Again, I said it would be too easy for the author.
Edgeworth turned away in pain. "No... you dont..." he said. "The real Edgeworthland is a dark, cold place..." and he took his dog and went home.
Trucy: Wow! The change of mood and environment.
Edgeworth: You gave this story too much credit.
The next day when he went to prison, Manfred von Karma assumed the position.
"I'm readey to be whipped as punishment for my sins Miles" said Manfred von Karma, not daring to look him in the eyes
Trucy: Ok, so in what position?
Phoenix: The position where he gets to be tortured but yes, still vague.
Edgeworth: It’s too bit out-of-character when Manfred von Karma accepts something like this.
But instead of his usual icy glare, today Edgeworth favored his mentor with a more kindly look. He took out a book. "Actually, sir, I was thinking that today, instead of whipping you, I would read you this story
Edgeworth: If that is Trucy in Edgeworthland, I’m going to say it’s torturuous.
you told me when I was a child. It's called Miles in Von Karmaland"
Edgeworth: So, you’re telling me about Miles in Von Karmaland?
Trucy: Oh, so it’s going to be a von Karmaland, the land of dignity and perfection. Miles, the protagonist, and his sidekick, Daddy, or called himself the Jester-Wright, would venture to save King von Karma from the villains like...wait, who’s Manfred von Karma’s rival by the way?
Miles watched them and said, 'They are very immature and bad, they are not proper caretakers at all. I wish that Gregory and his wife were dead or in jail and that Prosecutor Manfred von Karma was my father instead.'"
Phoenix: Uhh...
Jester-Wright burn the men alive until there was only one left.
The next morning, Jester-Wright lifted the covers and saw that his feet had been cut off. "Whoa" he said. "Why are my feet dead"
"If you have the badge, whats this I took from your room last night?" And he held up Phoenix's bloody nipple.
Then Miles cut off one of Jester-Wright's arms and gave it to a dove.
Phoenix: Please, don’t give this story a sequel.
Von Karma smiled and his eyes crinkled and happy tears streamed down his face. "Thats my favorite story" he said.
Phoenix: I said no...NO!
Trucy: Wait, I saw now the parallelism here. Like Trucy and his Daddy, being the villain. In that new story, Miles and his biological father, being the villain. While my Daddy’s rival is Mr. Edgeworth, probably Mr. von Karma’s rival is your father.
Edgeworth: Next, just next before anyone gets this idea! (Gee, how Trucy becomes smarter.)
The end
Edgeworth: Thank goodness! How I never realized that this is the end of the story while ranting how going to be bad, is it? Is it, Mr. Wright?