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Re: Dahlia's real hair color? (Semi-spoilers)Topic%20Title

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lolz I'm totally late for this

I'd like to think she was just born with red hair but everyone else's theories are k too D: *bonk'd*
Re: Dahlia's real hair color? (Semi-spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Black-Harmonia wrote:
Wasnt it Dahlia who said that they were identical twins? Or am I mistaken and pulling that out of thin air.

:that-b-word: She and I look absolutely identical. No one can tell us apart.

That's as close as anyone gets to saying they're identical twins.

oh yeah. that was the line.
unfortunately line that isnt decisive for us to for sure determine.
however you interpret the difference of BEING identical and LOOKING identical is the problem...
so confusing DX
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This probably has already been said, but...

Spoiler: Spoiler: 3-5
When Maya channeled Dahlia, her hair was black. This may be due to the fact that Maya has black hair, and her hair is the same, no matter who she channels as. This is proven with Mia.

However, I believe that Dahlia's and Iris' hair is black. The Fey family all has black hair, except for Mia and Pearl, but the brown may be a recessive gene. Red hair (although I know this shade of red is impossible naturally, but then again this is the Ace Attornet universe. Impossible shades of red may be natural and genetics could work differently) is usually recessive. Even if their father had flaming red hair, I think it would probably be overpowered by the Fey genes.

Also, look at the girls themselves. Iris is working as a modest nun. Why would she ever have a reason to dye her hair? Dahlia only cares about herself, so she is probably vain about her appearance. She probably dyed her hair so she could have a new identity and then she kept it up after the Terry Fawles case. I think her spirit has red hair because it's a reflection of how she sees herself.

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Re: Dahlia's real hair color? (Semi-spoilers)Topic%20Title
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I personally think they are identical twins with different hair colors. Iris has black, and Dahlia has (natural) red. In the AA universe, stranger has happened than two twins with different natural hair colors. I also think it was Iris who dyed her hair while she was dating Feenie. She dyed her hair to red, the same as Dahlia's, so Dahlia could still be seen on campus without being noticed.

Dahlia's BFF Rose: "O hay Dahlia! Did you dye your hair? Weird, I saw you a few hours ago with your boyfriend, and you said you were catching a movie at his place for awhile, and your hair was normal then!"

^ Really lame example of what might have happened if Iris's hair was still black while on campus.

As someone said before, Feenie would be suspicious with the hair color change. Although he might not have actually talked to Dahlia, he was still with Iris and on the same campus as Dahlia. I'm guessing Dahlia still went to most classes and had a dorm at Ivy U, seeing as Iris couldn't have been away from Hazakura all the time. What if Feenie saw the real Dahlia somewhere on campus, with red hair? THEN, he later sees Iris, with black hair? I know Dahlia and Iris probably had schedules of where they would be (so Iris didn't take Feenie to Dahlia's dorm while Dahlia was there), Feenie might have taken a surprise visit to Dahlia's dorm while Iris was at Hazakura, and Dahlia was actually there, red hair and all. That wouldn't end up good.
Once Dahlia was caught, Iris stopped dying her hair, since there was no reason to, seeing as she couldn't go back to Feenie or the campus.

Annnnnd, that's my two cents on the issue. Feel free to contradict me.
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If I remember correctly, Bikini said something about having never left Hazakura. I don't know if I just imagined that, but if she did, then Iris and Dahlia probably actually switched--with Iris at Ivy U and Dahlia at Hazakura temple.

And fatalfeline, I think you make a good point about the fey family having dark hair and Iris being a nun. :edgy:
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I personally say Dahlia had black hair naturally.

Spoiler: 3-5
Because when she was channeled she didn't have red hair. She had black hair like Iris. The spirit thing is red only because Dahlia died with red hair. Notice how when Mia is channeled she doesn't have her young appearance. When a person dies, their spirit stays that way and when called, they will appear as the last form they were in before they died.

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Re: Dahlia's real hair color? (Semi-spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Sorry, Ephidel, but that explanation does not really work. When a spirit channeler channels a spirit, her hair is unaffected. When Maya channels Mia, her haircolor (and hairstyle) remains the same--it does not become brown like Mia. When Pearl channels Mia, the same thing--it stays light brown. Dahlia only had black hair like Iris when she was channeled because Maya has black hair.

And we see Dahlia's spirit alone when it leaves Maya's body. We never see another spirit without a body, so we don't really know. Although I think that the argument that a spirit stays the same way when the person dies (like hair color, even if dyed) is a perfectly fine argument that I've already said... somewhere in this thread... I think....

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I was quite confused about the whole issue myself.

Personally, I do believe they're identical twins, due to Dahlia's line about them looking exactly the same. BUT hair color is, as others in this thread have noted, a pretty noticeable difference, and I'm pretty sure that identical twins always have the same hair color. (Correct me if I'm wrong on that one.) The theory about Dahlia dyeing her hair after jumping into Eagle River and basically faking her own death makes sense, so I guess I'll go with that, because I see no real reason for Iris to dye her hair. (Not that one really needs a reason--after all, I dye my hair a different color every year for my birthday, just for the hell of it--but she doesn't seem like the type of person who'd dye her hair, y'know?)
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Anna Cassidy wrote:
Personally, I do believe they're identical twins, due to Dahlia's line about them looking exactly the same. BUT hair color is, as others in this thread have noted, a pretty noticeable difference, and I'm pretty sure that identical twins always have the same hair color. (Correct me if I'm wrong on that one.)

Yep, you're right. Identical twins have the exact same DNA, which means the exact same (natural) hair color.

Although there are animes where identical twins have different color hair, so who knows in the PW universe. (At least, someone said that earlier in this thread. Considering the craziness of anime hair, I'm sure that's true, but I personally haven't seen that)
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I know someone in my class that has an idetical twin and they both have the same natural hair colour. ~i'm not sure if all do but they did. :D.

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Re: Dahlia's real hair color? (Semi-spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Bad Player- Really? I think I remember that. But still, there's a possibility. Iris could have just gone down to Ivy U for school hours, then could have returned to Hazakura when all classes were done. Dahlia could have also switched with Iris during school hours (Iris at Ivy U, Dahlia at Hazakura) without dying her hair black, using the demon warding hood. It completely covers the hair, so no one would notice that Dahlia's hair was red while she was wearing it.

Everyone's saying that Dahlia dyed her hair red after she fell off the bridge, but I don't think that's it. If you pay attention to the opening scene of the case (Where her, Terry, and Valerie are on the bridge), you'll see her hair. Now, the scene is sepia, so I could be wrong here, but notice, Dahlia's hair still seems to be red. Now, compare it to sepia Valerie's hair, which is definitely black. You can obviously tell that Dahlia's hair is red, or, at least not black. I don't see any real reason for Dahlia to have dyed her hair (besides just randomly doing it for no reason) before she did anything wrong, causing her to need a new appearance.
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I don't think she dyed her hair. I agree with Dimentia. She could have easily swapped places with Iris for school hours and wear the hood which covers her hair. Bikini wouldn't notice a thing. But Iris must have done something to her hair, so it would look this Dahlia's since she was too be Dahlia. Bikini would NEVER notice if she had done something like that, right?

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Re: Dahlia's real hair color? (Semi-spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Well, to be honest, I think this issue can go either way. I'm more inclined to think that Dahlia dyes her hair red, the reason being that she and Iris are twins, and as far as we can tell, they are otherwise perfectly identical. Dahlia also does say that they look exactly the same. I believe that she would most likely have dyed it after she disappeared to hide her identity, but I also think she used it as a sign of independence from her sister whom she seems to disdain. Iris seems to have no reason to dye her hair and she loves Dahlia. The most conclusive evidence that you can point to that Dahlia's hair is natural is the fact that when her spirit leaves Maya's body, the hair is red. However, as the game states, this is her ego, not her physical self. Her hair could very well be red because that is how she views herself and distinguishes herself from her sister. It is a reflection of her mind more than her body.

On the other hand, though, a theory I haven't seen proposed is that Dahlia and Iris are identical twins, except that a genetic mutation could have changed Dahlia's hair color (this one is a bit far-fetched, though, because I'm sure it would be rather complicated considering the genes involved).

Just a thought.
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Dimentia raises a good point. Although she could of dyed it rumor still stands. The question though.. Was her hair already red if you can see from the picture (of her Terry and Valerie)? Or was it black before she threw herself in the river and then dyed it red? My stronger point goes towards Dimentia's reason. :that-b-word: :ayame:
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Bad Player wrote:
Sorry, Ephidel, but that explanation does not really work. When a spirit channeler channels a spirit, her hair is unaffected. When Maya channels Mia, her haircolor (and hairstyle) remains the same--it does not become brown like Mia. When Pearl channels Mia, the same thing--it stays light brown. Dahlia only had black hair like Iris when she was channeled because Maya has black hair.

And we see Dahlia's spirit alone when it leaves Maya's body. We never see another spirit without a body, so we don't really know. Although I think that the argument that a spirit stays the same way when the person dies (like hair color, even if dyed) is a perfectly fine argument that I've already said... somewhere in this thread... I think....

Yes but this brings up a possible plothole in PW.

simply because when Misty Fey channels Dahlia, her whole appearance changes, as well as Maya. What's wrong with that statement? When Mia enters Maya, the clothes don't change, nothing. As I said this is an interesting subject that may cause there to be a plothole in TaT.

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Ephidel wrote:
Yes but this brings up a possible plothole in PW.

simply because when Misty Fey channels Dahlia, her whole appearance changes, as well as Maya. What's wrong with that statement? When Mia enters Maya, the clothes don't change, nothing. As I said this is an interesting subject that may cause there to be a plothole in TaT.

Dahlia changed her appearance immediately after being channeled by Misty. She states that she pinned up her hair, put on a robe, and picked up the staff. She must have did the same thing after being channeled by Maya.

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Dahlia doesn't actually hate Iris.

The problem with the "Dahlia dyed her hair after jumping off the bridge" theory is that while Terry doesn't remember what Valerie looks like, he does recognize Dahlia when she talks to him in 3-4 before his testimony. I'd think if she had black hair back then, he wouldn't be able to realize who it is so easily.
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(I don't exactly remember 3-4, so this theory might be utterly wrong ^^') Well, Terry obviously loved (or was obsessed with) Dahlia very much. Edgeworth was able to figure out who Dahlia actually was--in fact, we can assume that she knew that he knew, and she had agreed that he could reveal it. After all, she didn't go all, "ZOMG! You promised you wouldn't tell!" or "ZOMG! How'd you know that?" when Edgey revealed who she actually was. This means that this new identity wasn't very important to her, so she could have contacted Fawles (somehow) earlier.

Or, just going from how Terry loved/was obsessed with Dahlia so much, maybe he really was so devoted to her that he could recognize her after 5 years (and a possible hair color change.)

EDIT: Wait, that reminds me... what do you mean Terry recognized her? Edgey revealed that she was Dahlia, so when/why did Terry see who she was before?
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Yes, Edgeworth knew who Dahlia really was, but it was Mia that revealed it. I really don't think Dahlia told Edgeworth it was okay if he told, but he was forced to admit he knew.

Terry refused to believe Dahlia was alive until he saw her face-to-face.
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All in all, the rumour still stands.

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...Thinking about it now, why can't we just say that Dollie's hair is red and Iris's hair is black and leave it at that? I mean, this IS Ace Attorney, and weirder stuff has happened.

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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Yes, Edgeworth knew who Dahlia really was, but it was Mia that revealed it. I really don't think Dahlia told Edgeworth it was okay if he told, but he was forced to admit he knew.

Well, they had agreed somehow that it could be revealed. It was probably just a "I might have you reveal your true identity, but only if worst comes to worst." If they hadn't discussed it at all beforehand, I doubt Dahlia could've remained so calm at that point.

Maro-chan wrote:
...Thinking about it now, why can't we just say that Dollie's hair is red and Iris's hair is black and leave it at that? I mean, this IS Ace Attorney, and weirder stuff has happened.

Because arguing is fun :edgy:
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Agreed :P.

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Thats what this kinda stuff is for. This forum (Hazakurain) Is for GS3 only right? This is all the things worth posting for! :redd:
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The Turtle Guy wrote:
Ephidel wrote:
Yes but this brings up a possible plothole in PW.

simply because when Misty Fey channels Dahlia, her whole appearance changes, as well as Maya. What's wrong with that statement? When Mia enters Maya, the clothes don't change, nothing. As I said this is an interesting subject that may cause there to be a plothole in TaT.

Dahlia changed her appearance immediately after being channeled by Misty. She states that she pinned up her hair, put on a robe, and picked up the staff. She must have did the same thing after being channeled by Maya.

But remember, Iris and Dahlia wouldn't exactly still look the same. There would have to be some slight change in the look.

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What exactly would be different?
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
What exactly would be different?

Well maybe I exaggerated on that but there's something else wrong.

When Maya locked herself in the chamber and called Dahlia, there was no way that Dahlia had any shot to have that outfit on, since she barely had any time when Iris and her made the switch because Phoenix and co ran in shortly after.

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Re: Dahlia's real hair color? (Semi-spoilers)Topic%20Title

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Ephidel wrote:
Well maybe I exaggerated on that but there's something else wrong.

When Maya locked herself in the chamber and called Dahlia, there was no way that Dahlia had any shot to have that outfit on, since she barely had any time when Iris and her made the switch because Phoenix and co ran in shortly after.

And if Maya changed her outfit before heading out to the Inner Temple? Remember that Maya was there to train, so it's likely that she would follow their traditions for that and they use a different outfit for their acolytes. Misty was wearing the acolyte clothes from Hazkura and it's perfectly possible that Maya would have changed as well before training. When Dahlia is exorcised, Maya is still wearing those clothes right before she collapsed. It's only after she's taken away to recover that we see her show up in her normal outfit (I can't imagine she would want to remain in the clothes after all she had been through).

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Mia_Fey wrote:
Ephidel wrote:
Well maybe I exaggerated on that but there's something else wrong.

When Maya locked herself in the chamber and called Dahlia, there was no way that Dahlia had any shot to have that outfit on, since she barely had any time when Iris and her made the switch because Phoenix and co ran in shortly after.

And if Maya changed her outfit before heading out to the Inner Temple? Remember that Maya was there to train, so it's likely that she would follow their traditions for that and they use a different outfit for their acolytes. Misty was wearing the acolyte clothes from Hazkura and it's perfectly possible that Maya would have changed as well before training. When Dahlia is exorcised, Maya is still wearing those clothes right before she collapsed. It's only after she's taken away to recover that we see her show up in her normal outfit (I can't imagine she would want to remain in the clothes after all she had been through).

actually you are correct. She was wearing those clothes.
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:that-b-word: and :ayame: are identical twins, so they both probably had black hair. However, After Dollie kept on committing crimes, she either dyed her hair red, or the devil did it for her.

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Maro-chan wrote:
Dollie's hair is most likely naturally red because of
Spoiler: 3-5
the exorcism showing her hair as red which someone already mentioned here.

Also I don't know if the writers did this intentionally or not, but in 3-5, Edgey states that he couldn't find Iris's fingerprints anywhere on his case files. This proves that Iris and Dollie are fraternal, because identical twins would have the same fingerprints. (Although maybe they just did that to reinforce that Iris =/= Dahlia.)

No 2 people have the same fingerprints.Even twins.Sorry if anyone already mentioned this
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Just because their identical doens't mean they nesceraly have the same hair or eye colours...
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Black-Harmonia wrote:
Wasnt it Dahlia who said that they were identical twins? Or am I mistaken and pulling that out of thin air.

:that-b-word: She and I look absolutely identical. No one can tell us apart.

That's as close as anyone gets to saying they're identical twins.

Well, that means they're identical twins, no? If they were fraternal there would be a small difference perhaps, but there is none in this case.

And if Dahlia originally had black hair, it would be too much of a hassle for both her and Iris to dye it red. They'd have to bleach it and then dye it red and if Dahlia did it all the time from when she was very little her hair wouldn't be nearly as "beautiful and perfect". And I don't think Iris would do that all for 6 months. I mean, it seems like a very tedious task, even for your sister. Wouldn't it be easier just for her to keep her black hair colour and the day in court Dahlia puts on some temp. black hair dye? I think Phoenix would notice some pretty prominent roots in Iris anyways. So I don't think their original hair was black.

I like the idea that both originally had red hair. It's easier for Iris to dye her hair black after the depression of losing her sister. And when Dahlia was exorcised she still had red hair.

Some hair naturally goes from light to black. Maybe that was the same for Dahlia and Iris? Dahlia was executed before it went fully to black and Iris' hair just kept getting darker...
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The small difference is they have completely different hair colors. :lana:

And however tedious it might be for Iris to keep dying her hair, she was trying to save Phoenix's life. I'd think that's good enough reason to do it. Besides, she hadn't planned on being with him for six months; it was supposed to be a quick 'get the necklace and leave' deal.

I don't think the black dye for Dahlia suggestion would have worked since Dahlia had red hair when she and Phoenix first met. Why make him suspicious by having Iris show up the next day with black hair? Speaking of, Phoenix was only mildly suspicious of Iris when he met her again at Hazakura; I'm sure he would have pressed her much harder had he been dating Dollie with black hair.
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SaraVera wrote:
I like the idea that both originally had red hair. It's easier for Iris to dye her hair black after the depression of losing her sister. And when Dahlia was exorcised she still had red hair.

I don't think you can use the three frames from the "exorcism" as proof of her natural hair color: that was her final moment in the game, of course they would portray her as they have been all along. That red is what sets her apart from the rest of the cast. If her hair had been black then no one would have caught on immediately that "Oh yes, that must be her natural hair color," it would have just been confusing.
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I am of the opinion that the developers didn't think nearly this hard about it :P
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Re: Dahlia's real hair color? (Semi-spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
The small difference is they have completely different hair colors. :lana:

And however tedious it might be for Iris to keep dying her hair, she was trying to save Phoenix's life. I'd think that's good enough reason to do it. Besides, she hadn't planned on being with him for six months; it was supposed to be a quick 'get the necklace and leave' deal.

I don't think the black dye for Dahlia suggestion would have worked since Dahlia had red hair when she and Phoenix first met. Why make him suspicious by having Iris show up the next day with black hair? Speaking of, Phoenix was only mildly suspicious of Iris when he met her again at Hazakura; I'm sure he would have pressed her much harder had he been dating Dollie with black hair.

Hair colour is a small difference? It seems like a very identifying trait for anime and game characters in my opinion. I haven't seen even fraternal twins with different hair colours either.

My main point is that Dahlia's hair would be seriously damaged if she always bleached her hair so much. But Dahlia apparrently has nice and soft hair, not damaged hair. It's okay for Iris to dye her hair black because it might not have been for long... (If she just started when Dahlia dyed it would only be for several months, not enough to damage her hair.)

Also... I believe my suggestion was that neither has black hair until after Dahlia died. I said that if Iris had black hair while dating Phoenix Dahlia should have simply temporarily dyed her hair on the day of the murder and the day of court so not to arise suspicion from Phoenix. And I agree that it would make Phoenix more suspicious that he was when he met Iris. I was saying that Iris couldn't have had black hair at the time. Basically, I was agreeing with you: Neither had black hair when Phoenix was dating them.

Croik-- Then it could easily be said that the developers just gave her red hair to differentiate her and her sister. If the two actually existed they would both have black hair. Right?
Thank you ILoveMaxGalactica* for the signature~
Re: Dahlia's real hair color? (Semi-spoilers)Topic%20Title
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My guess is black, cause Maya, Misty, and Morgan all have black. Not to mention black is a dominant trait.
Re: Dahlia's real hair color? (Semi-spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Her hair was originally black and then she dyed it red. That's the best I can come up with :delilah-hair:
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