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Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title
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The Ace Attorney's Magical Daughter

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OK, guys before you say anything, hold your horses for a bit. I would like to present you with a possibility:

Here we have the silhouette of the new prosecutor.


Here is what I see when I look at this:


And here is what it would look like in a *certain* different outfit with a *certain* different hairstyle.


And here is the blogpost I wrote about this on my tumblr, explaining my thoughts in detail:

Spoiler: Copy Pasted from my Tumblr
OK, this is not me trying to “prove” anything, I just wanna point out that the possibility is still very real.

Think about it. Kazuya Nuri the character designer again. When Kazuya Nuri was given the task to redesign Nick for GS4 so players wouldn’t immediately recognize him, what did he do? He covered up his hair and eyebrows. His most distinguishing features.

This silhouette cuts off at the top. No other Prosecutor silhouette in the trailers did that before. The top is where the spikes would be for Apollo. We also don’t get to se the lower arms, including the wrists. You know, wrists. Like, where one would maybe, possibly see the outlines of a bracelet?

I did this sketch to see if the proportions would work. Taking into account that this figure obviously wears an a lot stiffer suit than the vest-suitpants combo Apollo wore in GS4, they do. A lot from Apollo’s youthful looks came from his lack of a suitjacket. That made him look more “dynamic” than Nick or Edgey per default and made his shoulders look less broad. If you don’t believe me, there’s a few pieces of artwork out there where Nick and Edgey don’t wear their suitjackets. Take a look at those. You’ll see that their shoulders look quite a bit less broad.

Wearing a proper suit would cover up Apollo’s wrists, which would hide his bracelet, simmilar to how Thalassa’s was hidden under her cloak. The new, hairgel-less haircut (And him having locks is very possible. Look at Trucy and Thalassa) would cover up his infamous forehead, (which would have the sideffect that he’d *loose* the “Herr Forehead/Odeko-kun” nickname and thus one of his more childish qualities) The scarf would additionally cover up his features. It would be like Hobo!Nick all over again: It doesn’t look like him on first glance, but you can see it on second glance and then you go all: “WAT.”

People claim the new prosecutor might be Edgeworth again, but I doubt they’d do that. Edgeworth has been used a lot already, they have no reason to give him even more spotlight. It’s hard to say if the proportions would match, since Edgeworth’s proportions have actually CHANGED with every different artist who got to draw him and Kazuya Nuri has yet to draw a Frontview of Edgeworth. I can’t compare. What I however CAN say is that Edgeworth once stated that he only combs his hair, no gel involved. Meaning Edgeworth doesn’t have any hairwaves/curls. This throws a huge wrench into the idea that the silhouette could be him, but not into the idea that it could be Apollo, because, as said before, Apollo *did* use gel.

“But what about the feather?” You may ask now “Apollo never had any bird theme!”

Well, as you may recall, none of the player character ever had any distinct “themes” to them. Nick only gained his “Poker” theme once he lost his main character status. And the moment he regained it, the theme went into obscurity again (apparently). Now, think of Apollo’s famous “Spikes”. They were originally intended to look like plantsprouts, to express youthfullness, but this meaning would obviously be lost with a redesign like this. Now look at them again… Wouldn’t it be very easy to re-interprete them as Feathers…?

Again, I am not trying to “prove” anything. Just to show a possibility. In fact, I am going to be very (positively) surprised if it turns out I am right.

Oh, I also forgot… The last lines in the trailer, shown during the prosecutor silhouette were:

“A dark age of law has come… but… I will show you and bring a Turnabout.”

Usually, the use of the word “Turnabout” would be something you’d expect from the Main Characters, but it was clearly related to the Prosecutor Silhouette here, implying that he has a mindset simmilar to the maincharacters.

That’s not all, though: The Kanji for “Law”, as used in this sentence… Is the first Kanji in Apollo’s first name in the Japanese Version. So, the “Dark Age” could apply either to actual law… or to him, the one who carries “Law” in his name.

Just theorizing here.

Also, what I forgot to mention in this blogpost:

*) This would explain why the "5" in the Logo is "Apollo-Red".

*) The feather shown in the trailer looks like the feather of an Eagle. What are Eagles commonly known for? For the fact that they have very sharp eyes and can see even the smallest details from a great distance. Sounds like the Gramayres alright to me.

*) It'd explain what the "Promise" is for that Nick returned to court: He's trying to make Apollo snap out of it, in accordance with his promise to keep him safe that he gave to Thalassa.

It's all just theorizing, but it seems like a legit idea to me and one that could potentially make for one of the best storylines in the series yet. :yuusaku:

EDIT: Oh, also, this would mean that the person Nick is talking to on the phone in the Anime scene shown on TGS is most likely Edgeworth. So we'd get a game with significant appearance of all three, Edgeworth, Apollo and Phoenix. This could finally bridge the horrible gap between AJ, AAI and the original trilogy once and for all.

...Because I felt the need to advertise my fanfic with a self-drawn, animated banner. Yes, I'm obsessed, why do you ask?

Last edited by Neni on Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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Ha! That's crazy!

It's only been a year since AJ right? Would have to be pretty disillusioned to become a prosecutor.

Plus here's an idea.

Is there any guarantee the silhouette is EVEN a prosecutor?
Could be an equally important main character, could be Apollo but not in a prosecutor role.

In fact given how they use the phrase "turnabout" makes me more inclined to think it's another defence attorney since the law is horribly biased against defence that the prosecution doesn't really need 'turnabouts' most of the time.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title
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The Ace Attorney's Magical Daughter

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Pierre wrote:
Ha! That's crazy!

It's only been a year since AJ right? Would have to be pretty disillusioned to become a prosecutor.

Then again, I would be disillusioned too if I had to put up with all the crap Apollo has been put through by Phoenix. Just give him *some* last straw and I can totally see him switch sides. Especially given that small inner monologue of his towards the end of AJ that he still didn't even know what what he's actually fighting for.

Plus here's an idea.

Is there any guarantee the silhouette is EVEN a prosecutor?
Could be an equally important main character, could be Apollo but not in a prosecutor role.

In fact given how they use the phrase "turnabout" makes me more inclined to think it's another defence attorney since the law is horribly biased against defence that the prosecution doesn't really need 'turnabouts' most of the time.

That was before the Jury Trials, Pierre. Imagine something went horribly wrong and convinced Polly that the Jury System was a horrible mistake. That'd sound like a reason for me to switch sides and attempt to "fix" it again.

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Re: Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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That was before the Jury Trials, Pierre. Imagine something went horribly wrong and convinced Polly that the Jury System was a horrible mistake. That'd sound like a reason for me to switch sides and attempt to "fix" it again.

Fan speculation aside (which is something I can hate at times) I was really meaning do we have any real reason to believe the Silhouette is a Prosecutor as opposed to say a powerful detective or other figure? Think Shi-long-lang he's a pretty big deal he may have a closer connection to a feather motif than Apollo via Shih-na and the game is done by the AAI team. I'm not saying it's him but I'm just wondering is there any concrete proof I've missed that is in fact a prosecutor?

Then again, I would be disillusioned too if I had to put up with all the crap Apollo has been put through by Phoenix. Just give him *some* last straw and I can totally see him switch sides. Especially given that small inner monologue of his towards the end of AJ that he still didn't even know what what he's actually fighting for.

I don't think so, way I see it AJ ended brightly with that lovely little art sketch of them all and the satisfied smirk that he'd found justice.
Besides, someone recently posted a diagram detailing the Japanese court career progression essentially. Prosecutor is considered a higher position than defence attorney, I think you need to do it for a couple years before you can switch over to Prosecutor.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title
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The Ace Attorney's Magical Daughter

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Pierre wrote:

Fan speculation aside (which is something I can hate at times) I was really meaning do we have any real reason to believe the Silhouette is a Prosecutor as opposed to say a powerful detective or other figure? Think Shi-long-lang he's a pretty big deal he may have a closer connection to a feather motif than Apollo via Shih-na and the game is done by the AAI team. I'm not saying it's him but I'm just wondering is there any concrete proof I've missed that is in fact a prosecutor?

Ehem, may I quote myself?
OK, this is not me trying to “prove” anything, I just wanna point out that the possibility is still very real.

In fact, I said it twice:
Just theorizing here.

Oh, no, wait thrice!

It's all just theorizing, but it seems like a legit idea to me.

If you don't like Fanspeculation, I am sorry, but I think I made it very clear that that's exactly what this is. I just want to discuss the idea, OK?

Besides, someone recently posted a diagram detailing the Japanese court career progression essentially. Prosecutor is considered a higher position than defence attorney, I think you need to do it for a couple years before you can switch over to Prosecutor.

Since when have these games been an accurate protrayal of how law works? Kokone is an 18 years old Lawyer who studied two seperate, difficult fields of study and passed with flying colors, for crying out loud.

Edit: Oh, also, AA1 ended on a rather happy note as well (originally, before the DS remake, where the bonus case was added), with Edgeworth looking like he was becoming a more open person. Comes JfA, everybody thinks he killed himself. I think a happy ending is no guarrantee that things actually ARE going to be happy.

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Re: Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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Cool it Neni :P

I was just wondering if there is any definitive thing that said the shadow was a prosecutor.
Your theory could be perfectly valid except I think it would still be Apollo thus paving the way for bait-and-switch defence attorney during one of the later cases.

I just don't see Apollo as getting disillusioned enough to become a prosecutor, hell no guarantee he'd find that any better, might just quit his job if it bothered him that much.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title
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The Ace Attorney's Magical Daughter

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Pierre wrote:
Cool it Neni :P

I am sorry, I didn't want to loose my cool, but it annoyed me a bit that you accuse me of having no concrete proof when this was never the point of this thread. ^^; I know very well that I could very easily be wrong and I think I made that pretty clear.

I was just wondering if there is any definitive thing that said the shadow was a prosecutor.
Your theory could be perfectly valid except I think it would still be Apollo thus paving the way for bait-and-switch defence attorney during one of the later cases.

So far, the shadowed figures for the trailers have always been the rivals. Only exception was Mikagami, who was revealed pretty early on in her entirety. Of course, it could be that the shihouette is supposed to be someone other than the rival, but I don't see why they'd break tradition here. The probability that it is the rival-character is very high and given this game is set in the courtroom again, the rival character would have to be a prosecutor.

I just don't see Apollo as getting disillusioned enough to become a prosecutor, hell no guarantee he'd find that any better, might just quit his job if it bothered him that much.

Then again, Apollo is one of the rare Defense Attorneys in the AA Universe who have no strong personal attachment to their job. As far as we know, his only reason for becoming an attorney in first place was that he thought Phoenix was "kinda cool" and I think he was disillusioned in that respect to hell and back in GS4. Apollo has never been about "protecting the weak" all that much if you pay attention in GS4. He doesn't build up any close relationships to his clients and he ocasionally risks getting them into even bigger trouble for sake of finding the truth. People have even pointed out that his personality is more fit for a prosecutor than an (Ace Attorney-style) Defense Attorney, because he clearly doesn't follow Mia's Mantra of "Trusting your Client". He's all about Justice. I doubt he cares much about what side of the courtroom he's on when he fights for it. Note that he never shows an aversion to prosecutors either, unlike Nick: Apollo just dislikes Klavier for... well, being Klavier. :kyouya:

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Dat sketch.

I hereby dub Silhouette Guy "Emopollo".
Read my fic(s)!
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Your theory is really, really interesting and I would be really happy if it was true (hell yeah, finally some spotlight and character development for Apollo !) but somehow your theory is so sophisticated that I doubt Capcom actually plans that...
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Re: Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title

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Re: Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title
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sisselxsoleil wrote:
Your theory is really, really interesting and I would be really happy if it was true (hell yeah, finally some spotlight and character development for Apollo !) but somehow your theory is so sophisticated that I doubt Capcom actually plans that...


Neni, your theory is good. Very good. WAY too good for Capcom's standards. Apollo probably just "went to study overseas" and the prosecutor is a bird-themed asshole who has a grudge against Phoenix because he still thought he was a forger.

Plus he'll probably have a "feather burst breakdown", like Alita.
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The Ace Attorney's Magical Daughter

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VCM wrote:
sisselxsoleil wrote:
Your theory is really, really interesting and I would be really happy if it was true (hell yeah, finally some spotlight and character development for Apollo !) but somehow your theory is so sophisticated that I doubt Capcom actually plans that...


Neni, your theory is good. Very good. WAY too good for Capcom's standards. Apollo probably just "went to study overseas" and the prosecutor is a bird-themed asshole who has a grudge against Phoenix because he still thought he was a forger.

Plus he'll probably have a "feather burst breakdown", like Alita.

Sometimes I think I should just stop being in Fandoms and finally write the darn novels I have been planning out for years. :sadshoe:

...Because I felt the need to advertise my fanfic with a self-drawn, animated banner. Yes, I'm obsessed, why do you ask?
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Screw this, you should break into their office and teach 'em how to freaking write a graphic novel. After T&T they've just been dropping the quality over and over. Heaven forbid that Capcom buys Cing and the Hotel Dusk series.

Regarding the trailer, I don't think those words (the whole "I'll bring a turnabout") were meant to be associated with the silhouette, but that's just me.
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VCM wrote:
Screw this, you should break into their office and teach 'em how to freaking write a graphic novel. After T&T they've just been dropping the quality over and over. Heaven forbid that Capcom buys Cing and the Hotel Dusk series.

I've got like, this huge non-romance AA Fanfic that is apparently the most popular non-romance AA fic somehow (Just what it looks like, don't take my word for it), and I'm getting a lot of comments that say "Dude, you should totally write the games for Capcom!" or stuff.

But while I am fairly confident in my writing skills (I think it's about the only real talent I have), I don't know if the prospect of writing for Capcom is supposed to thrill... or frighteen me unspeakably. :sadshoe:

I currently translating the lawsuit report of this one harrasment case against Capcom for a friend of mine and what I read there kinda freaks me out...

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Gettin' Old!

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There's no reason Apollo can't be in it as well he might not necessarily have "went to study overseas" maybe they are holding back that lovely little surprise for the game's release.

Also possibly the reason Apollo doesn't mistrust prosecutors as much is because the iconic 'demon prosecutors' had disappeared from the scene? Mannfred had become an a legend essentially in the courts possibly with him put away the image of prosecutors had become much better? Just curious about the universe.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Pierre wrote:
There's no reason Apollo can't be in it as well he might not necessarily have "went to study overseas" maybe they are holding back that lovely little surprise for the game's release.

Also possibly the reason Apollo doesn't mistrust prosecutors as much is because the iconic 'demon prosecutors' had disappeared from the scene? Mannfred had become an a legend essentially in the courts possibly with him put away the image of prosecutors had become much better? Just curious about the universe.

That's all very likely, yeah.

The reason why I'm so thrilled by the idea of Apollo taking the role of the rival character is that it'd be one possibility to still get something out of the drained Phoenix character. In the first triology, Nick always had a personal conflict driving his developement, but he's resolved all of those now. The most logical way to still make him a compelling character now would be by confronting him with his actual (as opposed to just the rumored) actions during GS4 and that could only be done through a handful of characters, Apollo being the most obvious, closely followed by Trucy and then maybe Edgeworth (given he followed the developements)

But Edgeworth has butted heads with Nick enough for 3 lifetimes and the possibility of the overattached Trucy turning against her Daddy is very unlikely. For these reasons, I wish they'd really, REALLY make use of Apollo for this. *sigh* :payne:

...Because I felt the need to advertise my fanfic with a self-drawn, animated banner. Yes, I'm obsessed, why do you ask?
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Pierre wrote:
There's no reason Apollo can't be in it as well he might not necessarily have "went to study overseas" maybe they are holding back that lovely little surprise for the game's release.

Also possibly the reason Apollo doesn't mistrust prosecutors as much is because the iconic 'demon prosecutors' had disappeared from the scene? Mannfred had become an a legend essentially in the courts possibly with him put away the image of prosecutors had become much better? Just curious about the universe.

Legendary Prosecutor Manfred von Karma has passed away, Demon Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth put his dark past behind and Prosecuting Prodigy Franziska von Karma has also put her dark past behind, meaning that the image of the Prosecutor's Office has taken a lift for the positive.

I concur with your theory, but it might happen with the same one about Kokone being a Gramarye; it's looking less and less probable. But like the saying goes: only time will tell...
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Pierre wrote:
There's no reason Apollo can't be in it as well he might not necessarily have "went to study overseas" maybe they are holding back that lovely little surprise for the game's release.

They're surely holding back a lot of things. Let's take a look at the TGS trailers of AAI 1 and AAI 2 back then.

In the AAI 1 trailer we only saw Edgeworth, Gumshoe, Kay (the new assistant) and the culprit of the first case, Portsman. There was no hint at all that we would see Franziska, Maggey, Ema, Meekins, Manfred von Karma, Oldbag, the Judge or Larry.

It is a little bit different with AAI 2 because the main cast stays the same, but we only saw Nicole Swift (Mikiko Hayami ;)) and de Killer in the trailer, while the rest were only shown as silhouettes. No mentioning of
Spoiler: returning characters in AAI 2
Gregory Edgeworth, Manfred von Karma, Franziska, Lang, Badd, Regina, Sahwit, Ema, Larry, Lotta, Penny or Will Powers.

Considering that basically the AAI team creates AA5, we can expect that there will be quite some returning characters. The question is whether they concentrate more on bringing back AJ characters or characters from the old trilogy or maybe both.
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I must say, if this does come to fruition, it makes the leftmost part of the forum banner much more foreboding.
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Neni wrote:
So we'd get a game with significant appearance of all three, Edgeworth, Apollo and Phoenix.

You instantly got all my attention just with that. I hope it's right.

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CatMuto wrote:
Neni wrote:
So we'd get a game with significant appearance of all three, Edgeworth, Apollo and Phoenix.

You instantly got all my attention just with that. I hope it's right.


This would be glorious indeed.
Re: Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title


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I like your "Prosecutor Justice" theory,the possibilty crossed my mind aswell.
The thing is,he'd have to go through quite a bit of a change(personality-wise) to make an interesting prosecutor.
Although,Edgeworth as the prosecutor again seems the least interesting possibility,story-wise.
Anyway,I think that it's either gonna be Apollo or someone new~
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he'd have to go through quite a bit of a change(personality-wise) to make an interesting prosecutor.

With how truth-thirsty Apollo is, becoming Prosecutor wouldn't be all that wild of an idea. That profession has ties with the government. Assuming he knows he's a Gramarye, he can change his name to Apollo Gramarye and get even more ties (since it's pretty obvious the Gramaryes had ties with the Government). To what end? Well, assuming he knows that he's biological mother is alive and that she will obvious hold with her any information regarding her father, he'll use connections that can give him answers.
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Although,Edgeworth as the prosecutor again seems the least interesting possibility,story-wise.

Maybe, but considering how Edgeworth and Phoenix were portrayed and kind of created as each other's "biggest Rival" (despite being friends), I think Edgeworth kind of got a bum deal out of it. Yeah, he's the major prosecutor in GS1. But afterwards he does brief cameos that could almost rank up on the importance of Charley the houseplant.

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CatMuto wrote:
Although,Edgeworth as the prosecutor again seems the least interesting possibility,story-wise.

Maybe, but considering how Edgeworth and Phoenix were portrayed and kind of created as each other's "biggest Rival" (despite being friends), I think Edgeworth kind of got a bum deal out of it. Yeah, he's the major prosecutor in GS1. But afterwards he does brief cameos that could almost rank up on the importance of Charley the houseplant.


I wouldn't call 2-4 and his stand-in protagonist role when Nick was out in 3-5 "Cameos". :think-think-think: Also, need I remind you that he was the cause of the entire overarching plot of JfA?

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Edgeworth has never had a cameo; his appearances are plot related:

1-2: The intro for the rival prosecutor.
1-3: Another case with the rival prosecutor.
1-4: Wright has to defend him.
1-5: Although they could have made a new prosecutor, the idea of defense and prosecution joining forces could reasonably been pulled only by Phoenix and Miles.
2-4: Obviously an emotional reunion: Nick thought him a disgrace but he returned better than ever.
3-5: It's the last case in the PW Saga, everyone close to Nick had to be in it (Edgeworth even used his Magatama and played as defense attorney for a bit).

In summation:
He's never had a cameo.
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In summation:
He's never had a cameo.

In other words...he's too boss to have a foolishly foolish cameo...:franny:

Haha! Well, I understand the cameos in AAI (being little and all), but in AA format, how would such a cameo be possible?
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Eversister wrote:
In summation:
He's never had a cameo.

In other words...he's too boss to have a foolishly foolish cameo...:franny:

Haha! Well, I understand the cameos in AAI (being little and all), but in AA format, how would such a cameo be possible?

Maybe have less of them. As opposed to the 10 or so in AAI, maybe have 5, and have 2 or 3 be big important ones.

As for the Prosecutor idea, I like it, although it does seem like Apollo either forgave or just accepted Phoenix's behavior in 4 after the resolution of the jury system. Just having him decide the Jurist system isn't working or being made at Phoenix isn't enough to get him to switch. Having some kind of life-altering loss or event which would cause him to doubt it might.

Realistically, I think he's a new character, just based on Capcom's history, but I'm really hoping Apollo is an important character in GS5. And knowing the AAI team, I have faith that he will.
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Reimitsurugi wrote:
Edgeworth has never had a cameo; his appearances are plot related:

1-2: The intro for the rival prosecutor.
1-3: Another case with the rival prosecutor.
1-4: Wright has to defend him.
1-5: Although they could have made a new prosecutor, the idea of defense and prosecution joining forces could reasonably been pulled only by Phoenix and Miles.
2-4: Obviously an emotional reunion: Nick thought him a disgrace but he returned better than ever.
3-5: It's the last case in the PW Saga, everyone close to Nick had to be in it (Edgeworth even used his Magatama and played as defense attorney for a bit).

In summation:
He's never had a cameo.

He could get a cameo here under the reasoning "I heard you had regained your badge Wright, time to see if you are an honest attorney or not"
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Neni wrote:
I wouldn't call 2-4 and his stand-in protagonist role when Nick was out in 3-5 "Cameos". :think-think-think: Also, need I remind you that he was the cause of the entire overarching plot of JfA?

Ok, "cameo" was probably the wrong word... :ini:
What I mean is, for somebody who is supposed to be the grand rival for Nick, I would have expected him to be the prosecutor for about 95% of the cases in all games. Not just the first few and then... yeah, kinda shoved aside until the end.

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I like your theory, Neni. Guess, you're in the right then. But let me point out a few things, alright?

Neni wrote:
OK, guys before you say anything, hold your horses for a bit. I would like to present you with a possibility:

Here we have the silhouette of the new prosecutor.


Here is what I see when I look at this:


And here is what it would look like in a *certain* different outfit with a *certain* different hairstyle.


For me, the face, the hair and even the body look like Apollo. There's no mistake about it.


About the silhouette (w/o the in-lines, see first picture).. you can't really tell if it's Apollo. Look, I completely agree with you and your theory, but there's this question that has been spinning around in my head right now.

What if there's a COMPLETELY new prosecutor in GS5?

I'm not trying to say that this might not be Apollo, but nevertheless, the creators are creating new characters. Like this orange-haired girl. Or whoever is here in GS5 right now.


Neni wrote:

*) This would explain why the "5" in the Logo is "Apollo-Red".

*) The feather shown in the trailer looks like the feather of an Eagle. What are Eagles commonly known for? For the fact that they have very sharp eyes and can see even the smallest details from a great distance. Sounds like the Gramayres alright to me.

*) It'd explain what the "Promise" is for that Nick returned to court: He's trying to make Apollo snap out of it, in accordance with his promise to keep him safe that he gave to Thalassa.

This. Yes, this right here. I agree with you so much on this. Great explanation, also you're maybe in the right with your theory.

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Re: Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title


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Reimitsurugi wrote:
he'd have to go through quite a bit of a change(personality-wise) to make an interesting prosecutor.

With how truth-thirsty Apollo is, becoming Prosecutor wouldn't be all that wild of an idea. That profession has ties with the government. Assuming he knows he's a Gramarye, he can change his name to Apollo Gramarye and get even more ties (since it's pretty obvious the Gramaryes had ties with the Government). To what end? Well, assuming he knows that he's biological mother is alive and that she will obvious hold with her any information regarding her father, he'll use connections that can give him answers.

I wasn't referring to his motives.
I meant that defense attorney Apollo,as a prosecutor,is not interesting.
I.E if he were to have the same gestures and personality that he did as a DA,it wouldn't work well for a prosecutor.
If they won't change his personality,it'll feel like there are 2 defense attorneys in court rather than a defense attorney and a prosecutor.
Can't quite explain it right now cuz I'm really tired,but I hope you understand what I meant anyway.
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Lady you just blew my mind. Weren't you also the one who came up with that Apollo-is-Damon-Gant's-son theory?

Except this one has the higher chance of being confirmed/disproved but still, very interesting idea...
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Apollo being the prosecutor would certainly be a curveball and a half!
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Yaragorm wrote:
Lady you just blew my mind. Weren't you also the one who came up with that Apollo-is-Damon-Gant's-son theory?

Except this one has the higher chance of being confirmed/disproved but still, very interesting idea...

No, the Gant theory was Pleady. It was part of the reason I found this forum in first place. X'D

But thanks! I'm glad people find the ideas as intruiging as I do!

Jonathan wrote:
Reimitsurugi wrote:
he'd have to go through quite a bit of a change(personality-wise) to make an interesting prosecutor.

With how truth-thirsty Apollo is, becoming Prosecutor wouldn't be all that wild of an idea. That profession has ties with the government. Assuming he knows he's a Gramarye, he can change his name to Apollo Gramarye and get even more ties (since it's pretty obvious the Gramaryes had ties with the Government). To what end? Well, assuming he knows that he's biological mother is alive and that she will obvious hold with her any information regarding her father, he'll use connections that can give him answers.

I wasn't referring to his motives.
I meant that defense attorney Apollo,as a prosecutor,is not interesting.
I.E if he were to have the same gestures and personality that he did as a DA,it wouldn't work well for a prosecutor.
If they won't change his personality,it'll feel like there are 2 defense attorneys in court rather than a defense attorney and a prosecutor.
Can't quite explain it right now cuz I'm really tired,but I hope you understand what I meant anyway.

Conversely, I think that part of the reason why Apollo was less well liked as Protagonist was, that, unlike Phoenix, he had a personality less oriented on helping people and more oriented on striving towards the truth. The funny thing is, Apollo's ideals and even parts of his thought processes are more simmilar to those of Miles Edgeworth than those of Phoenix Wright. He just expresses it vastly differently. Phoenix would often stall for time or even outright bluff and lie in court when he was frighteened something might happen to his client. Apollo, on the other hand, sees the clients as just yet another involved party in the case. He gives them the benefit of doubt, but that's it. He only trusted Phoenix because he used to be his idol, but Wocky and Machi? Apollo only defended them because he wanted to solve those cases and as a Defense Attorney, they were his only way of getting involved. If they had happened to turn out to be actually guilty, I am sure, he'd have pleaded Guilty in a Heartbeat. In fact, I think in Wocky's case, the only things that kept him from doing that several times were his own pride and Trucy. Mostly Trucy. Vera was special, because Apollo was mostly FED the investigations for that case with a silverspoon and thus really hadn't much of a choice but to believe she didn't do it, especially when kristoph got involved.

It's something I notice again and again in GS4: Apollo choose the wrong occupation for himself. He wanted to be cool as Nick, but forgot to consider what being a Defense Attorney really means. He'd be more fit for any juristic occupation where he doesn't have adjust the orientation of his interests to those of a client. Apollo doesn't want to defend people as much as he wants to go against crime and injustice - he wants to investigate and contribute to cases being solved fairly. You can see this in Turnabout Corner, when even before Wocky comes into picture, he's downright magically drawn to the Crime Scene there and itching to investigate it, if Ema would just let him and Trucy wouldn't keep bugging him with her panties. You can also see it in Turnabout Serenade, when he scans every nook and cranny before Machi is even arrested and is severely frustrated when Lamiroir refuses to give him the information he needs because he's not yet supposed to be investigating into this case.

Apollo is the victim of a mistake many fanboys/fangirls make in their youths: Choosing an occupation based on hero worship, without thinking it through. Granted, Nick kinda, sorta did the same thing, but it happened to work out for him, because it happened to complement his ideals and personality. Not so much for Apollo, who is almost permanently frustrated with his job in GS4, to the point that he was to assure us he'll stay at it in the game's credits. You know, like that wasn't the first guess we'd have.

So yeah, for all these reasons, I believe Apollo changing occupation wouldn't even be all that unlikely. If just one thing happens that causes him to take back his statement from the epilogue, it could easily happen in my opinion... :yuusaku:

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Last edited by Neni on Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Neni wrote:
So yeah, for all these reasons, I believe Apollo changing occupation wouldn't even be all that unlikely. If just one thing happens that causes him to take back his statement from the epilogue, it could easily happyn in my opinion... :yuusaku:

I will start off with agreeing that this is an interesting theory. However, I think you're thinking a bit too much about it.

Like you said, Apollo is much less associated with his clients because they were mostly jobs that came to him. However, I'd say it's just his inexperience that Apollo acts the way he does. He hasn't had nearly enough cases to compare to Nick, and it just so happens that his cases were fed to him. Naturally, he wouldn't feel nearly as much emotional attachment. He didn't feel too bad about Kristoph either, but he was a bit lost after that. Fortunately, he soon met with Nick and Trucy. Nick wasn't nearly as lucky when Mia went away, and he later had to face someone with a vengeance because of it.

To add to that, Nick's Magatama outright lets him into the hearts of people he meets (through use of evidence of course), so there are greater sentiments involved during confrontations. Apollo's bracelet only helps him spot someone's tells, and he has to interpret them himself. So, yes, he's more like Edgeworth in that he thinks less emotionally than Nick would. But he's still a defense attorney, and a loyal one to boot.

We don't know exactly why Apollo became a defense attorney in the first place, but it's true that he idolizes Nick. And that's just it. If there was anything at all that would frustrate him enough to switch sides, it would be way too sudden, since there isn't anything that happened during his game to suggest it. The first game featuring Edgeworth's case is the only exception to blatant foreshadowing because it's the first game in the series, the basis and exposition. (Him leaving the party early could be interpreted as an example of subtle foreshadowing.) From there, Capcom was free to brainstorm for coming sequels. The next two games did well to tie up loose ends that the second game fleshed out. Apollo Justice didn't do as well to tie things up and only brought up more questions, but that builds his potential as a major character, so he won't be left out. But, I hope Capcom won't have him stuck to assistant work. He's his own lawyer, even if he's working at the Wright & Co. Law Offices.

Spoiler: opinions
The real reason I'm not as fond of AJ:AA is because of how easy it is for Apollo to find help. There wasn't much room for him to develop on his own. I like the guy himself, but everyone seems to greatly underestimate him, even more so than with Nick.

Honestly, if Apollo ever did switch sides, I would promptly call Nick and Trucy to slap him into submission. That's real betrayal there.

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Rubia Silve Ryu wrote:
I will start off with agreeing that this is an interesting theory. However, I think you're thinking a bit too much about it.

Story of my life, ahahaha, I can't even say anything against that, because I totally know you are right. X'D

Like you said, Apollo is much less associated with his clients because they were mostly jobs that came to him. However, I'd say it's just his inexperience that Apollo acts the way he does. He hasn't had nearly enough cases to compare to Nick, and it just so happens that his cases were fed to him. Naturally, he wouldn't feel nearly as much emotional attachment. He didn't feel too bad about Kristoph either, but he was a bit lost after that. Fortunately, he soon met with Nick and Trucy. Nick wasn't nearly as lucky when Mia went away, and he later had to face someone with a vengeance because of it.

To add to that, Nick's Magatama outright lets him into the hearts of people he meets (through use of evidence of course), so there are greater sentiments involved during confrontations. Apollo's bracelet only helps him spot someone's tells, and he has to interpret them himself. So, yes, he's more like Edgeworth in that he thinks less emotionally than Nick would. But he's still a defense attorney, and a loyal one to boot.

We don't know exactly why Apollo became a defense attorney in the first place, but it's true that he idolizes Nick. And that's just it. If there was anything at all that would frustrate him enough to switch sides, it would be way too sudden, since there isn't anything that happened during his game to suggest it. The first game featuring Edgeworth's case is the only exception to blatant foreshadowing because it's the first game in the series, the basis and exposition. (Him leaving the party early could be interpreted as an example of subtle foreshadowing.) From there, Capcom was free to brainstorm for coming sequels. The next two games did well to tie up loose ends that the second game fleshed out. Apollo Justice didn't do as well to tie things up and only brought up more questions, but that builds his potential as a major character, so he won't be left out. But, I hope Capcom won't have him stuck to assistant work. He's his own lawyer, even if he's working at the Wright & Co. Law Offices.

Spoiler: opinions
The real reason I'm not as fond of AJ:AA is because of how easy it is for Apollo to find help. There wasn't much room for him to develop on his own. I like the guy himself, but everyone seems to greatly underestimate him, even more so than with Nick.

Honestly, if Apollo ever did switch sides, I would promptly call Nick and Trucy to slap him into submission. That's real betrayal there.

That's an interesting take on his character, that makes his personality seem a bit more in-tune with his occupation. I don't think it really contradicts my interpretation all too much. And most likely, the truth lies somewhere on the middleroad, because I definitely can't deny that there is a lot of truth to what you say, at the same time the tendencies in Apollo's personality that I notice whenever I replay AJ are just too hard to pass off. He's really very different from Phoenix in how he treads his clients, in more than can be attributed to a mere lack of emotional attachment. Nick initially had no reason to be directly emotionally attached to Maya, yet he quickly opened up to her, even quicker than Apollo opened up to Trucy and that despite the circumstances under which Maya and Nick met beeing much worse. Of course, she is Mia's sister, but it still takes a certain kind of person to believe so strongely into a stranger for such a circumstancial reason. I don't think Apollo would have acted like that. Defending Phoenix was different, because Phoenix was his hero. He had a reason to believe that this man could never murder someone. From what I understood from Turnabout Sisters, though, Mia never really spoke about Maya. Nick also showed great loyality to Will, even though there was no reason for him to believe that Will is innocent.

I'm rambling too much. My point is that, yes, my interpretation may make him too less like a dedicated Defense Attorney, but I think yours is going too far into the other direction. He's proably somewhere in the middle of both...

And yeah, we never found out what really made him become a Defense Attorney. THAT bit of backstory could, of course, change everything... If we just got it. *sigh*

Oh, and with the thing in the spoilerbox, I agree completly and fully, except that I wouldn't consider it "betrayal" if Apollo turn his back on Phoenix. Phoenix played him like a chesspiece all along. It's true, he led Apollo by the hand a lot, at the same time, however, he also downright *controlled* the boy and left him largely in the dark about almost everything.
If Apollo left, I would maybe consider it as a betrayal towards Trucy (Who really, truly and deeply seems to love him as a fraternal figure), depending on the circumstances, but not towards Phoenix. Phoenix is in dire need to be harshly confronted with some of his less-than-OK actions in AJ, I think.

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Re: Could the new Prosecutor be a familiar face...?Topic%20Title

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If Apollo were to be a prosecutor, what would his prosecuting style be? I could imagine him caring only about the truth no matter how agressively or far he has to push the witness or defendant. Kind of like Edgeworth in 2-4 when he questioning Adrian.

A: "If people find out... I'll......" :adrian-crunch:
E: "If you were going to say you would 'choose death', that is of no concern to me. However, before you die.....I will pull the truth from your breathing lips! No matter what I have to do." :edgeworth:

Anyways, it's been a while since there's been a prosecutor so ruthless in their pursuit of truth rather than their own personal agendas or win streak. :karma: :franny: :godot:
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courtgallery wrote:
If Apollo were to be a prosecutor, what would his prosecuting style be? I could imagine him caring only about the truth no matter how agressively or far he has to push the witness or defendant. Kind of like Edgeworth in 2-4 when he questioning Adrian.

A: "If people find out... I'll......" :adrian-crunch:
E: "If you were going to say you would 'choose death', that is of no concern to me. However, before you die.....I will pull the truth from your breathing lips! No matter what I have to do." :edgeworth:

Anyways, it's been a while since there's been a prosecutor so ruthless in their pursuit of truth rather than their own personal agendas or win streak. :karma: :franny: :godot:

Klavier was technically like this. He just had the bad luck of having 2 out of 3 murderers in his cases be either his BFF or his big brother. That can make you a bit emotionally torn.

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Apollo's facet as a Prosecutor would be easy to build, seeing as how that profession has a work itinerary:

You're assigned a case by the Office:
+ You go to the crime-scene.
+ Act as the immediate supervisor.
+ Gather all the evidence and testimony.
+ Question the suspect.
+ Prepare the witness(es).
+ Prepare the case.
+ Go to court.
+ Present yourself.
+ Give opening statement.
+ Summon witness(es).

Defense Attorneys have a more spontaneous schedule.

The problem with Apollo in GS4 was that he was always nervous seeing as how he could present a theory and be crushed by the Prosecution, obviously because they have all the evidence and testimony recompiled. So as a Prosecutor, he could act by protocol.
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