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Phoenix Wright the Fan Web SeriesTopic%20Title
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The law is full of contradictions.

Gender: Female

Location: LAokio

Rank: Decisive Witness

Joined: Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:43 am

Posts: 296

Ok I'll get wright to the point! (See what I did there... :sadshoe: Yeah I know it was stupid...)
I'm currently in production of a fan web series. What I have in mind is a rather ambitious project along the same vain as turnabout storm only pure Phoenix Wright. The series will have 6 turnabouts, each episode will be 1 hour long, and each case will be 2-5 episodes long, each in a different characters point of view the last being an extremely long one. (that's the 5 episode one.)

Each case will feature a different character as lead defense and prosecution. The names of each turnabout and their location and leading characters are as follows.

Case 1: The Green Turnabout (Takes place in a greenhouse) :athena: :trucy: :payne:
Case 2: A Dramatic Turnabout (Takes place in a Theater showing Broadway tour shows.) :apollo: :phoenix: :klavier:
Case 3: My Precious Turnabout (Takes place in a Jewelry Store) :phoenix: :trucy: :franny:
Case 4: Such Sweet Turnabout (Takes place in a Candy Factory) :phoenix: :athena: :simon:
Case 5: Turnabout Horror (Takes Place in a mansion.) :edgeworth: :maya: :ray:
Case 6: Turnabout For You (Takes place in many places.) (ALL)

It will take place after DD and feature characters from all across the Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth games. But because this is a fan project it will have things in it that are...probably not going to happen. Like in this Gumshoe and Maggie are already married. (It's been 8 years since we've seen's not so unbelievable to think they're married.) Now keep in mind this is this is the biggest change I will place. Most of the characters will be exactly as they have always been only with visual changes.

So here is a list of jobs we'll need to fill.

Sprite Artist
Background Artist
Scene animator (for anyone willing, if not I'll make due with stills)

I'll be using sprites so if your good at making sprites out of the 3D models that would be a great way to audition for the job.

Voice Actors for the following characters.
:phoenix: :edgeworth: :udgey: :franny: :godot: :trucy: :bellboy: :klavier: :payne: :larry: :apollo: :maggey: :eh?: :simon: :ray: :de killer: :Justine: and other mic. characters (I advise you try out for characters all around the spectrum.)

(Characters already taken: :athena: :maya: :pearl: )

I will try and keep this simple.

Details on the first case are below.

Lead Defence: Athena
Co Defence: Trucy
Prosecution: Winston Payne
Lead Detective: Ema Skye
Defendent: Maggey Gumshoe
Judge: Judge
Victim: Donna Belle
Witness: Juniper Woods
Murderer: Rosetta Evergreen (male)
Case Length: 1 day
# of Episodes: 2 episodes
Case Summary: Athena wins tickets to a Broadway show and insists they draw straws to see who goes so that it's fair. She loses to Phoenix and Apollo, and instead decides to take Trucy to visit Juniper where she lives. When they arrive Juniper decides to take them to her favorite flower shop, Evergreen's. Visitors are allowed to see the flowers that grow in the greenhouse. Juniper explains that the rare Emerald Green Rose is grown naturally here. She rushes into the Green house first while Athena and Trucy talk to the store clerk. Suddenly they hear Juniper scream. Athena rushes in to find what exactly Juniper was screaming about. A woman lay dead upon a rose bush with gashes all over her body. Her blood bright red against the green flowers. A pregnant woman lay unconscious, but unharmed, a knife lay next to her. After reporting the crime Athena and Trucy return to the Wright Anything Agency to find Gumshoe waiting for Phoenix. He wants him to defend his wife, the pregnant woman who was found unconscious near the body. Hearing him out she decided to take the case herself.

Episode 1 Script

Phoenix Wright the Post Series: The Green Turnabout

Part 1

(Opening: Phoenix’s 1st Objection theme.)

(Scene: Two silhouettes stand in the shadows of a garden of green roses. Text appears and disappears. It zooms in on a woman’s smile. Then a flash and blood spray. Next scene shows a woman’s body lying in a bed of flowers, blood clashing against the green. Green eyes flash with fear at the sound footsteps approaching. Then it shows Maggie looking in fear as a shadow appears behind her. :End opening scene)
Opening scene Dialogue: Looks like I finally found you out…I don’t know what you’re talking about...Don’t lie you fraud! I’ll expose you!...Or better yet, maybe I could make use of this…No! I won’t let you!...Let’s see how much blood and tears you are willing to shed for the sake of reputation and money!...NO!...Now I’ve done it…what now?...Someone’s coming…I can’t let them know what I’ve done!

(Box dialogue: June 8th 10:45 AM Wright Anything Agency.)

Athena: I can’t believe I won! Sensationnel! Wunderbar! Magnifico!

Apollo: What’s all the yelling about? Can’t you see we’re busy?

Athena: With what, cleaning?

Apollo: What else? We haven’t had a case in four months.

Athena: I think if the Boss cleans the toilet anymore it’s gonna shine brighter than the crown jewels.

Phoenix: Athena, I thought I heard you come in. What’s with that face? You look like you won the lottery.

Athena: As usual you’re right on the money, Boss!

Phoenix: I am? You mean…YOU WON THE LOTTERY?!

Apollo: How much did you win!?

Athena: Oh, I didn’t win money, it’s something even better!

Phoenix: What could be better than money?

Athena: Tickets to the Musical production strait from Broadway! A Mid-Space Fantasy! They’ve been on tour for a while and they just so happen to be playing all week in a theater near here!

Apollo: I’ve heard about that. So far it’s gotten rave reviews. Apparently Lamiroir wrote the songs for it.

Phoenix: Well then we have to go. Though, I have to say that title is a little…strange…

Inner Monologue Athena: Wow, both of them seem so excited...

Athena: I’ve wanted to go for the longest time…Only one problem…I only have two tickets…

Apollo: Well that’s a shame…Hey Trucy!

Trucy: Yes?

Phoenix: Athena won tickets to a Broadway production. According to Apollo, Lamiroir wrote the songs for it.

Trucy: Ooh, that sounds like fun!

Phoenix: That’s what I said. So would you like to go with her?

Trucy: I would love to! When are we going?

Athena: The closest tour stop in the town of Spearesvill where the first show is premiering tomorrow night, after that it will be showing all week. It’ll be quite the train ride, and the show itself is a long one. We’ll probably end up spending the night at a hotel there.

Trucy: Oh, is that so…Sorry, but I’ve got shows lined up starting the day after tomorrow. So I guess I can’t.

Apollo: You’ve been really busy, lately haven’t you?

Trucy: Who else is gonna pay the bills, the Tooth Fairy? Daddy hasn’t gotten a job request since the end of February...

Phoenix: Don’t remind me…Anyways…I guess you get to go Apollo.

Apollo: Hmm…Yeah but…I’d feel sort of guilty leaving you behind Mr. Wright.

Phoenix: So how are we gonna decide this?

Athena: AH! I know! Let’s draw straws!

Apollo: Drawing straws…really?

Phoenix: Sounds good to me.

Athena: Whoever gets the two long straws wins the tickets!

Apollo: Two? Wait, you’re drawing too?

Athena: Yup!

Phoenix: But they’re your tickets…

Athena: It’s only fair since we all want to go!

Phoenix: Ok then…

(Fades in and out of black to show the passing of time.)

Athena: WHAT! …Verdammt nochmal, ich habe verloren!

Widget: Damn it!

Apollo: Wow that’s unlucky…

Phoenix: Here Athena you can have my ticket.

Athena: NO! We drew and I lost! That’s that! Just consider it payment for all you’ve done for me Boss!

Phoenix: Ok…I guess.

(It fades to black again.)

(Box dialogue: June 8th 3:20 PM Forest Hollow.)

Athena: Isn’t this great! The fresh air the sunshine! Much better than sitting in a stuffy theater for hours!

Trucy: So this is where Juniper lives huh?

Athena: Yep!

Inner Monologue Athena: Because neither I nor Trucy could go to the show, we decided to spend this afternoon visiting Junie. But it still sucks that we couldn’t go…NO! Fair is fair! Stop dwelling Athena! Besides Junie should be here to greet us soon…

Widget: You’re in serious denial…

Athena: Shut it Widget…

Juniper: Thena!

(Scene: Juniper appears.)

Athena: Junie! It’s so good to see you! How have you been?

Juniper: Much better now that I’m back in my element. Who’s your friend?

Athena: Oh, yes! Junie I would like you to meet the amazing spectacular Trucy Wright! Magician extraordinaire!

Trucy: You forgot someone.

Athena: Really? Who?

(Scene: Trucy pulls out the Amazing Mr. Hat.)

Mr. Hat: I’m the Amazing Mr. Hat! It’s a pleasure to meet you dahling!

(Scene: Juniper faints.)


Inner Monologue Athena: Goodness gracious! I wasn’t expecting that!

Juniper: I…I’m fine...Is that a puppet?

Trucy: Wow, I didn’t think it was possible but…There is someone out there who reacted more shocked than Polly! Well I guess there was Vera. Seems all the girls are head over heels for you Mr. Hat!

Mr. Hat: No need to be afraid dahling, I won’t bite. Nom nom nom!

Inner Monologue Athena: Did you REALLY have to add the nom nom at the end?

Juniper: Polly?

Athena: That’s Trucy’s nic-name for Apollo.

Juniper: Apollo…So…you two are close?

(Scene: Trucy puts away Mr. Hat.)

Trucy: Of course we are. I’m like a big sister to him. Why do you ask?

Athena: Junie has the cutest crush on Apollo.

Inner Monologue Athena: And, don’t you mean “little” sister?

Juniper: THENA!

Trucy: Oh wow really? Alright then, I’ll support you two!

Juniper: R-really? I…don’t know what to say…OH! Here!

(Evidence box: little potted plant appears.)

Athena: A plant?

Trucy: What kind is it?

Juniper: A green rose bush seedling. Roses can be brewed into tea and can clear the body of toxins and relieve insomnia. I got one for each of you!

(Case Summary: Potted Plant.)

Athena: Junie…*siff* you are so good to me!

Trucy: Why a green rose?

Juniper: Green roses are a rarity, especially ones of this hue. They are considered beautiful because of their rareness. I want to show you to the floral shop that grows them. They have the most amazing greenhouse full of beautiful flowers. But by far the most rare and beautiful are these.

Athena: What are we waiting for? Lead the way Junie!

(Box Dialogue: June 8th 3:30 PM Evergreen’s Floral Shop)

Athena: Wow! This place is...What’s the word I’m looking for…Rustic? With an old world charm!

Trucy: It kinda looks like one of those old fashioned gardens. You know the kind you see in magazines.

???: The goal is to make yur feel at home every time ya walk in.

Juniper: Oh hello Mr. Gardener. Athena, Trucy this is Mr. Peat Gardener, he’s the Manager here.

Peat: Nice to meet you young’uns. You lookin to buy a nice potted plant for yur house? Or perhaps some seeds for a garden?

Athena: Actually we’re here to check out your green house.

Peat: Oh…

Inner Monologue Athena: What’s the matter? He suddenly seems disappointed.

Peat: Yur here to buy them flowers ain’t cha.

Trucy: What’s wrong with that?

Juniper: Mr. Gardener thinks people should work hard and make their own flowers. Or take care of potted ones.


Inner Monologue Athena: Wow, he’s so passionate about this.

Juniper: It’s ok, Mr. Gardner we’re only looking.

Peat: Aww ya have the heart of a saint Juniperee! Ya’all can go on in if ya like.

Juniper: Thank you.

(Scene: Juniper heads off.)

Inner Monologue Athena: Looks like Junie’s gone on ahead.

Trucy: Before we go on in, there’s something I don’t get. If you’re so against cutting flowers, why don’t you just sell seeds and potted flowers?

Peat: Cause Miss Evergreen won’t let me.

Athena: Miss Evergreen?

Peat: The owner, she’s…kinda eccentric. She refuses to sell the seeds and seedlings of them green rose bushes.

Athena: Then how come you sold Junie one?

Peat: Juniperee’s a great customer. She only buys seeds and potted sprouts, as well as gardenin supplies. That girl’d never dream of murdering them poor flowers. So I thought, what the hell. Can’t hurt anyone none.

Inner Monologue Athena: This guy really cares about his flowers. He seems to love them very much…oh is that a tear in my eye?…*siff* It’s so touching!

Peat: Anyways I gotta get back to...



Peat: It came from that there Greenhouse!

Trucy: Athena, let’s go!

Athena: Right!

Inner Monologue Athena: Hang on Junie!

(Box Dialogue: June 8th 3:35 PM Evergreen’s Greenhouse.)

Inner Monologue Athena: Here we are…Where’s Junie?

Juniper: A-Athena! Over here!

(Scene: Athena looked to her left to see a gruesome sight. A pregnant woman was slumped over next to a rosebush upon which lay a dead woman. Blood covered the front of the pregnant woman’s dress and a bloody knife lay in her hands.)

Peat: What the!...That’s Miss Belle and…

???: What’s all the commotion?!

(Scene: A woman appears before them.)

Peat: Miss Evergreen!

Evergreen: What on earth is…I-I see…this is very disturbing. I’ll go call the police.

Trucy: Athena…I think we should get Juniper out of here.

Athena: We can’t…She was the first at a crime scene…we have to stay put for now…

Trucy:…Wait is that?...Aunty?

Athena: Aunty?

Trucy: N-Nevermind…

Inner Monologue Athena: She seems shaken up…What is going on?

(Fade to black)

Inner Monologue Athena: The police got there and questioned Junie. Me and Trucy stayed with her…confirming what we knew. It was hours before we were able to leave. By then it was already late. We spent the night at Junie’s house. The next day I came into the office to find someone waiting there…

(Box Dialogue: June 9th 8:00 AM Wright Anything Agency.)

Inner Monologue Athena: The door was unlocked. Did Apollo or Phoenix come in before leaving or...

???: It’s about time you got here pal! Do you know how long I’ve been waiting?!

(Scene: A man appears before her.)

Athena: Ack! Who are you? Why are you here?

???: I should be asking you the same thing pal! Where’s Wright?!

Athena: Wright? Oh, the Boss! Sorry he isn’t coming in today.

???: Oh…

Inner Monologue Athena: Ack!! Oh no, it sounds like his sorrowmeter is rising to absolute critical!

Athena: If you don’t mind me asking, why are you so upset?

???: It’s my wife…

Athena: Your wife?

???: She’s being charged for murder and I don’t know what to do. I thought my ol, pal Phoenix Wright could help her but…

Athena: Oh…WAIT! Your wife wouldn’t happen to be pregnant…would she?

???: Yeah pal how did you know?

Inner Monologue Athena: Just as I thought. It was probably the murder from yesterday.

???: What am I gonna do pal? She’s gonna go to jail, and I might never get to see my son…or daughter.

Athena: That…*Sniff* That’s so sad! I CAN’T LET THAT HAPPEN!

???: Huh?

Athena: I Athena Cykes will take the case!

???: Huh?...Wait, how do you plan on doing that pal?

(Evidence box: Shows Badge)

Athena: See, I’m a Lawyer!

???: A kid like you? Really?

Athena: I happen to be 19! Anyways, if I’m gonna defend your wife I should know a few things. Like your name for example.

???: Oh right! The name’s Dick Gumshoe. BUT DON’T CALL ME DICK!

Athena: Gumshoe? Gumshoe… Oh! I heard about you! You’re Detective Gumshoe! The Boss, Mr. Wright, told me about you!

Gumshoe: Yeah! Good to know my old pal talks about me! All good things I bet!

Inner Monologue Athena: Maybe I shouldn’t tell him the Boss thinks of him as a lovable idiot…

Gumshoe: But I don’t know…do you REALLY think you’re up to this case? I don’t even think Wright was up to it…

Athena: No hay problema!

Gumshoe: No, hey…huh?

Athena: I’ll finish this case up and reunite you with your wife in no time! You can count on me!

(Scene: Trucy barges in.)

Trucy: Athena this is terrible!!!

Athena: What is?

Trucy: My panties! My magic panties are missing!!!

Athena: Uh oh! What will you do? You have a show tonight don’t you?

Trucy: Looks like I’ll have to…Uncle Gum Gum?

Inner Monologue Athena: Uncle…Gum Gum???

Gumshoe: Oh hey kiddo! How ya holding up?

Trucy: Oh, I’m great!...WAIT! NO I’m NOT! I need those panties! You got to help me find them Athena!

Athena: Umm… Sorry but I can’t. I have a case…

Trucy: Case?! Really? That’s wonderful!

Gumshoe: Hey! Kiddo could you not look so happy! That’s my wife’s who needs defending, you know!

Inner Monologue Athena: Uh oh…Looks like Trucy made him upset…

Trucy: Wife?…Uncle Gum Gum, does that mean Aunty Maggey is…

Gumshoe: Yeah…

Trucy: Athena! That pregnant woman we saw! That WAS Aunty Maggey as I thought! We have to prove Aunty Maggey innocent! Then we’ll find my panties!

Inner Monologue Athena: Wow I wasn’t aware they were so close…Trucy putting her panties second is a rarity.

Athena: So how long have you known Uncle Gum Gum?

Inner Monologue Athena: That name sounds so weird…


Athena: Ok, got it!

Inner Monologue Athena: Wow, he sure is quick to get excited isn’t he?

Trucy: Uncle Gum Gum helped out Daddy a few years back.

Athena: The Boss really?

Trucy: Back when he lost his badge, he was one of the few people who still believed in him.

Gumshoe: He did a good thing taking in the kid. Even after he lost his job, he was willing to raise her all by himself…and on top of that back in the day he helped out both Maggey and Mr. Edgeworth, he even offered me a job when I was out of one…Despite his lawyerly ways, I didn’t think he had it in him to forge evidence. So two years ago when he was proven innocent of everything, I felt happy knowing I was right about him.

Athena: Wow! That’s so sweet!

Trucy: Uncle Gum Gum and Aunty Maggey are both good people! Though, Uncle Gum Gum is absent minded at times, and Aunty Maggey has the luck of a black cat passing under a hundred step ladders, while breaking a hundred mirrors…

Athena: Wow sounds like they’re quite the disastrous duo…

Inner Monologue Athena: And doesn’t she mean a hundred ladders?

Gumshoe: Hey kid, could you lighten up a bit?

Trucy: Sorry, Uncle Gum Gum. I’m only speaking the truth.

Inner Monologue Athena: Honest Trucy is honest…

Gumshoe: Anyways, if you’re serious about defending her, I think you should go and get the details about the murder from her. All I ask is that you stand by her. I will do what I can in the mean time! Here, I want you to give this to her. That prison food ain’t good for a pregnant woman.

(Evidence Box: Lunch box: Contains mostly weenies.)

Athena: Kein problem, Un-umm…Mr. Gumshoe I’ll make sure she gets them, and don’t you worry! Your wife will be out of detention and back in your arms before you can say NOT GULTY! Just you wait sir! Come on Trucy, let’s do this!

Trucy: Right!

Gumshoe: Good luck…

(Box Dialogue: June 9th 8:30 AM Detention Center.)

Athena: Well we’re here. I suppose she’s in for questioning right now…

Trucy: Should we wait or go inves…

(Scene: Maggey appears.)

Maggey: MR WRIGHT I SWARE I DIDN’T…’re not Mr. Wright…

Trucy: No but we’re the third best choice!

Inner Monologue Athena: Well thanks for the vote of confidence Trucy…

Maggey: Trucy! Where’s your father?

Trucy: Daddy and Polly are out of town so you’ll have to settle for Athena. She’s pretty good from what I’ve heard…But I can’t say for sure.

Maggey: Oh….

Inner Monologue Athena: Harsh Trucy…Could you be any more brutal?

Widget: Way to go Trucy! You really know how to bash a person’s reputation!

Trucy: Well EXUUUUSE me Athena!

Athena: It-it was Widget who said that! S-sorry!

Inner Monologue Athena: But still, Mrs. Gumshoe seems to be in a fragile emotional state. I should ease her of her fears.

Athena: Bonjour, my name is Athena Cykes. I’m gonna be your defense lawyer! Could you tell me a little about yourself?

Maggey: About myself? Well…I’m a lost cause for one thing…

Athena: You mean your lot of misfortune, don’t you?

Maggey: Yes…I’ve always been unlucky… When I was six months old I fell off the ninth floor of an apartment building. Since then, I have experienced a myriad of disasters such as getting hit by various vehicles, getting sick from all sorts of foods, failing almost every test I have ever taken, and I even lost every game of tic-tac-toe I’ve ever played! Not to mention I was falsely accused of murder four times now…Luckily one time was dealt with before it got so far as to make it to court…but that’s not saying much since I’m in here now…And just when I think my life is on the strait track towards happiness, fate has me thrust back in this cold place once again…

Trucy: That’s quite the track record you got there Aunty…

Maggey: I know…and what’s worse is now my Son/slash/Daughter is suffering because of my unluckiness…I truly am the Goddess of Misfortune…

Athena: I think your just thinking about this the wrong way.

Maggey: What do you mean?

Athena: Sure you’ve been through hell and misfortune. But you survived right? You have a husband who loves you, and a child on the way! You’ve lived through things any normal person would have died from! But you’re no ordinary person! You’re a goddess, and I will make sure you and your son (and or daughter) are reunited with your husband once more!

Maggey:…W-wow…I don’t know what to say. Can you really do that?

Athena: Just consider me your personal goddess of justice ready to fight for a fellow goddess in need! All I acquire is your full cooperation! So tell me what you know and then leave the rest to me!

Maggey: Understood!

Athena: All right! Tell me about what happened before the murder occurred. I sort of saw the scene myself so I know the result…

Maggey: I was on my way to buy some flowers for a vase my hubby made me.

Athena: He got you an empty vase?

Trucy: Knowing Uncle Gum Gum, he probably couldn’t afford flowers…

Maggey: That’s right! The vase was hand-made, and very pretty. I wanted to get some flowers since I had just gotten my paycheck.

Athena: A-a paycheck? YOU’RE STILL WORKING?!

Maggey: I can’t afford not to. Don’t worry I’m very careful. I was actually supposed to take a leave of absence now that I’m into my fifth month…but…

Athena: Yeah I got it…

Inner Monologue Athena: She certainly is big for a woman in her fifth month…

Maggey: Anyways, according to the store’s clock I went into the greenhouse at about 3:20.

Inner Monologue Athena: That’s about the same time we arrived at Forest Hollow.

Maggey: It was then that I saw it…A woman lying upon a bed of green roses…dead…and that’s it. That’s all I remember…

Inner Monologue Athena: She must have passed out from the shock…

Athena: Was there something that stuck out to you? You know anything unusual?

Maggey: Not that I...Wait!

Athena: What is it?

Maggey: There was a strange brown looking thing covered in blood…I think that might have been the murder weapon!

Athena: Really?...Wait, the knife you had in your hand didn’t look brown at all… the handle was yellow.

Maggey: Oh, that…that’s my knife.

Athena: WHAT?

Maggey: I was using a stainless steel fruit knife to cut the apple I was eating.

Trucy: Ooh, did you make an apple bunny?

Athena: Trucy that’s not exactly relevant right now…

Inner Monologue Athena: Once this case is over I should make a plate of apple bunnies. Maybe melt some caramel, get some toothpicks. Or perhaps just skip the apples and eat some caramel…KYA! WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?! The fact that it’s her knife is REALLY bad for our case!

Athena: *Ahem!*… Could you tell me more about the crime scene? Like what was the victim’s condition?

Trucy: You mean other than dead?

Athena: Sorry, it’s a stupid question, I know…

Maggey: She was dead, but other than the stab wound in her chest she could have been sleeping. Sorry but that’s all I remember…

Athena: Hmm…Thank you Miss Gumshoe as long as you told me everything, we should be fine.

Trucy: You sound pretty confident Athena.

Athena: I think I know what really happened…You were set up! The only trouble now is proving it!

Trucy: Well what are we waiting for? Let’s head for that crime scene!

Athena: Right!...Wait! One more thing before we go.

(Evidence Box: Lunchbox)

Athena: Mr. Gumshoe made this specially for you!

Maggey: Urp…

Trucy: Umm Aunty Maggey…you don’t look so good…



Maggey: Sorry about that…whenever I even think of weenies they make me well…

Athena: Yeah I understand…But what are we supposed to do with these though…

Maggey: I’LL EAT THEM!

Trucy: What! A-are you sure that’s a good idea?

Athena: I think I understand. Here you go.

Maggey: THANK YOU!

(Evidence Box: Athena handed the Lunchbox to Maggey.)

Inner Monologue Athena: Wow she’s really horking them down…

Trucy: Athena! Why did you give her that?! She’ll get even sicker now!

Athena: Trucy…Can’t you hear it? Her soul burning with the passionate desire to eat her husband’s weenies!

Trucy: But she gets sick just thinking about his weenies!

Athena: She is willing to choke down his weenies for love! We shouldn’t interfere!


Trucy: Whatever you say, but I’m not sticking around for the result…

Athena: G-good idea…I think it’s best if we go check out the crime scene...

(Box Dialogue: June 9th 9:40 AM Evergreen’s Greenhouse.)

Athena: Well we’re here. Wow the cops seem to be everywhere.

???: Hold it right there! Civilians aren’t allowed near the crime scene!

Trucy: I know that voice.

(Scene: A somewhat put off woman appears eating a bag of Snackoos.)

???: Didn’t you hear me? I said…

Trucy: Miss Ema!

Ema: Oh! Hey Trucy…Where’s Apollo?

Trucy: He’s with Daddy. The two are off seeing a Musical today.

Ema: That doesn’t sound like something Mr. Wright would be into…

Athena: I know right? But as soon as Apollo mentioned Lamiroir did the music, the Boss’s eyes started to glow.

Ema: He must be a fan of her music…By the way…Who are you?

Athena: OH Yeah! I’m Athena Cykes, attorney to Mrs. Gumshoe!

Ema: Ah…I see…Sorry, but I can’t let you near the crime scene…

Athena: What?! But…I need to gather evidence!

Trucy: Come on Ema, don’t be like that!

Ema: Look I would be happy to help you out if I could. Hell if it was up to me I’d see to it there was no igneous unturned but…

Inner Monologue Athena: Uh oh…we better not push her buttons any farther. She may not look it but she’s just about ready to explode!

Trucy: So umm Ema why don’t we use Forensics science to check out the crime scene together?

Ema: …!

Inner Monologue Athena: Uh oh…That did it!


Inner Monologue Athena: Looks like she blew a gasket. Is she gonna be ok?

Athena:…Wait. Payne? As in Gaspen Payne?


Trucy: Athena, I’m scared…I’ve never seen her so angry.

Athena: I can understand why…I’ve met Gaspen Payne. He’s nothing but an arrogant jerk! Still, what could he have done to piss this woman off so much?

Trucy: I think I know what it might be. Ema…Did he say something bad about forensic science?

Ema:…He told me…GERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

Inner Monologue Athena: We’ll never get anywhere if things continue on like this…Oh wait!

Athena: Miss. Ema…

Ema: That’s Detective Skye to you!

Athena: Ok, Detective Skye, how about we try something…umm…scientific…

Inner Monologue Athena: This is just a shot in the dark but…

Ema:…! You mean…a science experiment?

Inner Monologue Athena: I knew it! Every time she hears the word science, her feelings of happiness surface!

Athena: Yeah let’s go with that!

Ema: Well I guess it couldn’t hurt. What does this experiment involve? I’d like to know in detail.

Inner Monologue Athena: Good I got her attention.

Athena: Meet Widget.

Widget: Hello!

Athena: He’s my partner he will be playing a major part in this “exparament.” He is capable of scanning my neural passages and reading my thoughts and feelings. With a fine tuned sense of hearing, I can pick up on the subtle emotional cues in a person’s voice. So when I hear someone speak, Widget then turns the images and emotions that appear in my mind as I listen into data. That data is then placed into the Mood Matrix where I then scan it for any inconsistencies. This is Analytical Psychology.

Ema: Fascinating!

Inner Monologue Athena: Wow she seems excited!

Athena: Would you like to try a session?


Athena: Ok then…Let’s start with the obvious. What are you so mad about?

(Scene: Athena opens the mood matrix. The anger level is highest. There is sadness when she mentions the crime scene.)


Athena: GOT IT!

Trucy: Did you find something?

Athena: Yup!…Detective Skye, I detected sadness when you mentioned the crime scene…Why?

Ema: Well you see…He won’t let me examine it properly!

Athena: But you’re a detective! Can’t you examine a crime scene anyway you want?

Ema: That’s what I said but…That jerk! He said it wasn’t necessary!

(Scene: Data changed.)

Athena: I see…Could you tell me what he said?

Ema: …

Athena: Please…For science’s sake!

Ema: !...Ok.

(Scene: Athena opens the mood matrix. The anger level is highest. But on the part where it says “When I told him what I found…” The happiness and surprise meter goes off.)

Ema: He came in and took a look at the crime. He was there two seconds before he claimed he knew what happened. Then he took the knife as “decisive evidence.” When I told him what I found…THAT JERK HAD THE NERVE TO SAY IT DIDN’T MATTER!

Athena: GOT IT! Detective Skye, you seem to be quite happy about what you found. Do you mind telling me what it was?

Ema: It’s not like it matters anymore… I’ve spent so much of my time studying and working so hard all so I can excel in the forensics field. But, it’s all been in vain…might as well quit.

Trucy: You can’t Ema! Forensics is special talent! The way you can examine a crime scene and find the unseen! It’s like magic!

Ema: It’s no use Trucy I’m giving it up…There’s no point in perusing it if I can’t be useful.

Trucy: But you have no idea how many times Apollo was saved by the evidence you found!

Athena: I don’t quite know what’s going on exactly. But if it’s something, you love doing you shouldn’t give it up just because one arrogant jerk says something mean about it. Besides, what if it does matter! Whatever you found might make all the difference in finding the truth!

Ema: The truth huh? You really do work for Mr. Wright don’t you…

(Scene: The mood matrix noise level goes from 100 to zero. It closes out saying “Bye Bye”)

Ema: It may be that Prosecutor Payne doesn’t want me to say anything. But no one and I mean NO ONE insults forensic science and gets away with it...While I still can’t let you see the crime scene, I’ll let you in on all the details. I’ll even give you an autopsy report.

Athena: Really? Thanks Detective Skye!

Ema: It’s Ema, there is no formalities to those who share an aptitude for science!

Inner Monologue Athena: I suppose Analytical Psychology can be considered a type of science…

Athena: First could you tell me what happened in a little more detail.

Ema: This is the victim, Donna Belle, a florist. Her autopsy confirms the cause of death was stabbing.

(Evidence Box: Autopsy Report: Victim: Donna Belle Cause of Death: A single stab wound to the heart. Time of death: Between 2:50 and 3:30) Was added to the court record. )

Ema: She was here visiting her friend, the owner of the shop Rosetta Evergreen. However Rosetta was on a train returning from Aravill at the time. Miss Belle decided to stick around and wait till her friend returned. According to the manager Peat Gardener she was in the greenhouse from 2:40 until the time the body was found.

Athena: What about Mr. Gardener? Does he have an Alibi?

Ema: Yep there was a security camera on him the entire time. And the only time he left the check out desk was when he went to the restroom at around 2:00, not only that but the restroom door is in the camera’s view. It was all caught on tape, from the time Miss Belle came in to the time she was found by Miss Woods no one was came in or out of the greenhouse except Miss Gumshoe.

Inner Monologue Athena: Brilliant, that’s just what I wanted to hear…

Athena: What about the green house? Aren’t there doors or cameras in there?

Ema: No. There is one door but it was locked and you would need a special code to enter. There are also alarms in place just in case someone where to break through the glass walls. It would have gone off signaling the police so the possibility of there being another person is zero.

(Evidance Box: Security System was added to the court record.)

Inner Monologue Athena: Wonderbar, first the murder weapon belongs to my client and now this…this case just keeps getting better and better.

Trucy: Wow Athena, you’re sweating as much as Daddy when he’s cornered in court.

Inner Monologue Athena: I better change the subject, unless I’ll be the one having an emotional breakdown…

Athena: The flowerbeds have a rather old fashioned wood and nail design for such a technologically secure greenhouse.

Ema: According to Mr. Gardener, everything inside the greenhouse was made with the same theme as the shop in mind.

Trucy: Oh you mean that “home” feeling?

Ema: That may have been the goal but I just end up thinking of old Country Living magazines.

Trucy: That’s what I said.

Athena: What’s with the large nails? Wouldn’t normal sized ones work?

Inner Monologue Athena: And they look so rusty and old…

Ema: I noticed that too. I asked Mr. Gardener about it. Apparently those are Railroad spikes. He collects them for his art.

Athena: Art?

Ema: He shines them up and uses them to create lawn ornaments. The ones he isn’t able to clean up he uses as nails for the flowerbeds. He says they make them look more homemade.

Athena: I get it, like flower pots made out of watering cans or spare boots.

Trucy: Why would anyone make a flowerpot out of spare boots?

Athena: You’d be surprised what people can do with old worn out things no one uses anymore.

Ema: Aren’t you two a little too engrossed over the design of a flowerbed?

Athena: Oh right, sorry!

Inner Monologue Athena: Ok. I think I’ve gotten all the information I can about the crime scene. Now for the coup de grace!

Athena: Alright Ema. I think the time has come to ask. What on earth did you find?

Ema: Ah I was waiting for you to ask! Around the victims wound I found significant traces of Iron Oxide.

Trucy: You found Iron oxygen?

Athena: I think she means rust.

Ema: Bingo! Not just that, but none of the other wounds found on the body had any traces of rust, just the killing blow.

Athena: Rust huh…

Ema: And that’s just about all the help I can give. Sorry, I wish we could investigate the crime scene together but, I’d get a huge cut in my paycheck if I don’t at least listen to Payne…

Athena: I understand. But why would he go so far?

Ema: I think he’s just sick of losing cases. Since I let you in on the details of the case, could you do a little favor for me?

Athena: What is it?

Ema: Get me a copy of the train schedules from the station. I have my hands full here as you can see. MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH.

Inner Monologue Athena: Yeah, hands full of Snackoos!

Athena: Sure I guess a quick trip to the train station wouldn’t hurt. Let’s get going Trucy.

(Box Dialogue: June 9th 10:00 AM Train Station.)

Athena: What is it about train stations that make me think of goodbyes? The girl is saying so long to her loved one as she boards the train; looking back at him with tears in her eyes! *Sniff* It’s so touching!

Trucy: You’re so dramatic Athena.

Inner Monologue Athena: Says the girl in a top hat and cape.

Station Worker: Hello there, do you need anything?

Athena: Yes I’d like a one-way ticket to nowhere.

Station Worker:…

Athena: Sorry, I always wanted to say that…*Ahem* Umm I would like two copies of the scheduled arrival times from yesterday, please.

Station Worker: That’s an odd request...but alright?

Trucy: Why do we need two?

Athena: Ema wanted this schedule for a reason. I’m gonna find out why.

Station Worker: Here you go mam.

(Evidance Box: Station Schedule was added to court record.)

Athena: Thanks…WHOA!

Trucy: What, what is it?!

Athena: Look at this. According to this schedule there where two trains arriving from Aravill! One was scheduled to arrive at 3:30 the other…2:55! SUR! Please tell me what train did Miss Rosetta Evergreen take?

Station Worker: I could look it up…But why do you need to know the arrival time of Miss Evergreen?

Trucy: We’re solving a murder.

Station Worker: Woah, murder! I guess it would be alright then…

Athena: Oh thank you sir!

(Scene: Fades to black.)

Station Worker:…She arrived at 2:55.

Athena: Thanks could you print a copy for me?

(Evidance Box: Rosetta Evergreen's ticket information was added to the court record)

Inner Monologue Athena: This is it…I don’t think I’ll be finding any more evidence today. But that’s ok, this is more than enough to make a case. Rosetta Evergreen…She arrived during the span the murder could have occurred. All I have to do is prove she was there! Don’t worry Gumshoes! Athena Cykes is psyched and ready to go! Let’s do this!

To be continued…

Rosetta Evergreen

Tell me your opinions below. If anyone knows anyone who might be willing to help with this project let me know.
"Follow Your heart out of the darkness! Stand up and rise from the ashes! Back to the start, far from the madness. Come alive again! Break off the chains of hesitation! Your voice will be your salvation! Look to the light of liberation waiting at the end!"

Last edited by Ucha Nekome on Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:39 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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Case 2: Info
Lead Defence: Apollo Justice
Co Defence: Phoenix Wright
Prosecution: Klavier Gavin
Lead Detective: Cathryn (Cat) Sai
Defendent: John (Courtney) Marsh
Judge: Justine Courtney
Victim: Van Atique, Fells Newman
Witness: Lotta Heart, Fill Lane
Murderer: Hera Wayne
Case Length: 2 days
# of Episodes: 3 episodes
Case Summary: Apollo and Phoenix are on a trip to see the Broadway show, A Mid-Space Fantasy, a popular musical that is now touring the country. They reach their destination to find Klavier Gaven won a ticket there as well. The curtain rises and the show begins. When the Intermission curtain falls, though far away, Apollo notices something onstage the others didn't...a trickle of blood falling from the lowered curtain he looks up to see two men strapped dead to a curtain. One with a smile mask plastered to his face...After investigation the "Keen Eyed Detective" Cathryn Sai deduces that the culprit was none other than John Marsh, the leading actor. But just as Apollo feels something's off about the situation, a woman named Justine Courtney demands to know what happened. Phoenix explains, she ponders to herself before demanding one of them defends her son. At first Phoenix agrees to the case but after hearing his name Justine chooses Apollo simply because she feels the "Goddess of Justice" smiles more proudly upon him...Phoenix just thinks she likes Apollo's last name better...

This case happens at the same time as the first case and takes place out of town. That's why Gumshoe isn't there he's busy consoling his wife.
"Follow Your heart out of the darkness! Stand up and rise from the ashes! Back to the start, far from the madness. Come alive again! Break off the chains of hesitation! Your voice will be your salvation! Look to the light of liberation waiting at the end!"

Last edited by Ucha Nekome on Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Silence, forumer-dono!~

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Really stoked for this series! You seem awesome, love that you have adrisaurus's Courtroom Revolutionnaire in your sig :P I'd be happy to audition for some male roles when you are looking c:
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BlackquillSilence wrote:
Really stoked for this series! You seem awesome, love that you have adrisaurus's Courtroom Revolutionnaire in your sig :P I'd be happy to audition for some male roles when you are looking c:

Yes that would be lovely! So far we only have me and my sister and while I CAN do male voices, they are...well...What's the word I'm looking for? Weird? I can do Luffy from One Piece and Vegita from Dragonball. I know, strange that a girl can sound so gruff. Anyways, I'm hoping to create something special and so far me and my sister have a fair idea of what we want from this. Quality is what I'm looking for. I will look for the best of everything. Because their more common I'll be doing this completely in DS sprite art. More preferably Apollo Justice quality. I'll be crediting all people who contribute to the video in the credits. :) I'll be uploading a small sample of my editing skills. (A kind of Phoenix Wrong video with Disney songs.) So there's that. Anyways, I'll be looking forward to your audition!
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Character designs for the first case. These are rough sketches so don't expect them to be masterpieces.

Defendant: Maggie Gumshoe (Byrde)
Murderer: Rosetta (Ross) Evergreen
Victim: Donna Belle

My scanner is very temperamental so these might be a little askew but oh well...
"Follow Your heart out of the darkness! Stand up and rise from the ashes! Back to the start, far from the madness. Come alive again! Break off the chains of hesitation! Your voice will be your salvation! Look to the light of liberation waiting at the end!"
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Case 3 summary!

Lead Defence: Phoenix Wright
Co Defence: Trucy Wright
Prosecution: Franziska Von Karma
Lead Detective: Dick Gumshoe
Defendent: Admen Diam
Judge: Judge
Victim: Smith Silvers, Tea Blake
Witness: Margaret O Ester, Ron Delite
Murderer: Gol Denai
Case Length: 2 days
# of Episodes: 4 episodes
Case Summary: It's Trucy's birthday soon, and Phoenix special ordered something for her. He goes to pick it up at the jewelry store to find it closed off by all too familiar yellow tape. He sees Gumshoe and asks what happened, he says a burglary took place two people died, and all the gold was taken. (Including his present to Trucy.) But Gumshoe claims the ringleader was caught. Phoenix goes down to the detention center with every intention of squeezing information out of him. But as the conversation went on he realized the man behind the glass was innocent. Forgetting for a moment it was Trucy's birthday tomorrow, he accepts the case out of reflex. Only when he leaves the detention center does he realize his error. Phoenix explains what happened to Trucy. (Leaving out the present part.) She says it sounds like fun and decides to go with him. Phoenix takes Apollo and Athena aside to tell them to finish the surprise party preparations for him. It then occurs to Phoenix that he raised a very strange young woman.

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Haha, I love the character designs! (Rose throwing her bra pads XD)
I'll handle some of the spriting, as you requested! (So, I guess for the first case, I can finish off my Athena sprites, and maybe do Maggey?)
What poses for Maggey would you like?

Also, for Maya sprites, User skycompass made some DD Era Maya sprites Link (Ask for permission of course!)
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Mijumaru wrote:
Haha, I love the character designs! (Rose throwing her bra pads XD)
I'll handle some of the spriting, as you requested! (So, I guess for the first case, I can finish off my Athena sprites, and maybe do Maggey?)
What poses for Maggey would you like?

Also, for Maya sprites, User skycompass made some DD Era Maya sprites Link (Ask for permission of course!)

Thank you SO much! I needed those! OoO Your going to do the Maggey one as well? Thank you! :edgey:
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Last edited by Ucha Nekome on Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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im the one playing pearly. :pearl:
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Ucha Nekome wrote:
Character designs for the first case. These are rough sketches so don't expect them to be masterpieces.

Defendant: Maggie Gumshoe (Byrde)

My scanner is very temperamental so these might be a little askew but oh well...

I hate to be so picky with such good work but... rule one of saluting; You always use the right arm. Otherwise everything looks nice and overall; I'm looking forward to this.
Sorry if I come off as plain picky but it is one of the most important parts of any salute.
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manfred von wright wrote:
Ucha Nekome wrote:
Character designs for the first case. These are rough sketches so don't expect them to be masterpieces.

Defendant: Maggie Gumshoe (Byrde)

My scanner is very temperamental so these might be a little askew but oh well...

I hate to be so picky with such good work but... rule one of saluting; You always use the right arm. Otherwise everything looks nice and overall; I'm looking forward to this.
Sorry if I come off as plain picky but it is one of the most important parts of any salute.

Haha! Oh well. This was just a rough sketch really. The finished sprite will most likely be using her right hand. XD I wasn't thinking about that while drawing. I'm going to post some more pictures when the designs are finalized. So we always have time to fix that! :)
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I suppose I could take a shot at voicing the Bellboy, maybe. Though my mic isn't the best.
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PiGreat wrote:
I suppose I could take a shot at voicing the Bellboy, maybe. Though my mic isn't the best.

All I ask is you try, I can edit sound files easily so if the voice is good enough I could try and fix any issues.
Thank you for offering your help.
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Case 1 script part 1 100% done.
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Last edited by Ucha Nekome on Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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And yes it is obvious who the real killer is and yes it is obvious what the real weapon is. HOWEVER this is the first case it's supposed to be obvious. The other cases won't be so clean cut.
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Last edited by Ucha Nekome on Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:58 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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What the heck how did I manage to double post? :udgey:
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Last edited by Ucha Nekome on Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Sounds very interesting. Maybe I'll apply for the spriting job, any DD characters you would like to see as a sprite asap?

I could also help with Athena speaking German, since its my mother tongue. I actually spotted a little mistake in your script already.
You wrote:
Athena: WHAT! …Verdammt noch mal ich verloren!

but it should be:
Athena: WHAT! …Verdammt nochmal, ich habe verloren!
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Vaenarys wrote:
Sounds very interesting. Maybe I'll apply for the spriting job, any DD characters you would like to see as a sprite asap?

I could also help with Athena speaking German, since its my mother tongue. I actually spotted a little mistake in your script already.
You wrote:
Athena: WHAT! …Verdammt noch mal ich verloren!

but it should be:
Athena: WHAT! …Verdammt nochmal, ich habe verloren!

Oh, thanks! :) Yes sprites would be appreciated. What I would REALLY like is an Apollo Justice style sprite of DD Phoenix from the front with all his DD poses. Out of all the sprite work I've seen this guys looks best but it looks like he isn't going to finish.
Could you do something similar to that?
I also need sprites of Rosetta Evergreen, and Peat Gardener. I'll post some concept art for Peat soon. But for now the art of Rosetta is in an earlier post.
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I'll see what I can do about those Phoenix sprites. It is something I need for a project I have in mind as well, so I was going to do these sprites anyway. :basil: But it will definitely take some time, since I'm not going to copy the work that was already done but do my own version instead as I did with my Apollo sprites.

As for your OCs- they'll have to wait until after I finish Phoenix and probably Apollo.
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Vaenarys wrote:
I'll see what I can do about those Phoenix sprites. It is something I need for a project I have in mind as well, so I was going to do these sprites anyway. :basil: But it will definitely take some time, since I'm not going to copy the work that was already done but do my own version instead as I did with my Apollo sprites.

As for your OCs- they'll have to wait until after I finish Phoenix and probably Apollo.

Go ahead and do those Apollo ones as well I'm in no hurry. I still have to finish the courtroom part of the first case and start up on the second case. Also I was giving you an example of what I was looking for. You don't have to copy them exactly. I just want the same kind of quality. But yeah of course I want them in your version their your sprites. :P
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Last edited by Ucha Nekome on Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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I created a Rosetta Sprite from scratch...this is my first sprite so...yeah...Would someone do me a favor and animate this?

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I'm thinking about giving :franny: a shot. Although I'll admit I don't have a mic and I'd nee to know a bit more about the project before I actually commit to it.
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EmeraldKaruma wrote:
I'm thinking about giving :franny: a shot. Although I'll admit I don't have a mic and I'd nee to know a bit more about the project before I actually commit to it.

Ok, I've got the timeline and everything set up. Pretty much it's compiled of 6 different cases each split into 2-5 episodes. (And maybe some specials on the side. It's all non cannon so it will be like watching fan cases. I want it to be very emotional, thrilling, and fun. I also want to include characters we haven't seen in a while. Problem is, getting people I can rely on to do my sprite work. I don't have the time to do all the sprites. Sure, I CAN make sprites...but I'm no expert. I'm an artist, that's why it LOOKS good. But I'm not an animator. Right now I'm in the middle of writing the first trial. It should be done soon. However the first EPISODE'S Script is done and ready to go. I want to get at LEAST 4 episodes into the scripting possess before hiring VAs. Right now I'm 2 3rds done with episode 2. The reason for this is so I can create insurance...Whenever I make an episode I'll start work on another script which will be three episodes ahead, then while I'm making that script I'll make the next episode, so that when I have episode two out, I'll still be three episodes ahead in the script. But here's the catch I can't have any series without sprites. Which is why I need help. I need sprite makers willing to put the time in.
"Follow Your heart out of the darkness! Stand up and rise from the ashes! Back to the start, far from the madness. Come alive again! Break off the chains of hesitation! Your voice will be your salvation! Look to the light of liberation waiting at the end!"
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By :ray: do you mean Raymond Shields/Tateyuki Shigaraki?
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MBr wrote:
By :ray: do you mean Raymond Shields/Tateyuki Shigaraki?

In the second to last case Phoenix gets kidnapped by a cannibal/serial killer. And it's up to Edgeworth and Maya to figure out where he is before it's too late. Ray was hired by the suspect's husband to defend his...husband. You'll see...

"Follow Your heart out of the darkness! Stand up and rise from the ashes! Back to the start, far from the madness. Come alive again! Break off the chains of hesitation! Your voice will be your salvation! Look to the light of liberation waiting at the end!"
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Ok...I have a video I'm gonna post here that has nothing to do with anything...This video I made real quick to show my editing ability. It was something I wanted to do for a while and I thought what the hell.
"Follow Your heart out of the darkness! Stand up and rise from the ashes! Back to the start, far from the madness. Come alive again! Break off the chains of hesitation! Your voice will be your salvation! Look to the light of liberation waiting at the end!"

Last edited by Ucha Nekome on Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Phoenix Wright the Fan Web SeriesTopic%20Title
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Ucha Nekome wrote:
Ok...I have a video I'm gonna post here that has nothing to do with anything...but here is a video I made real quick to show my editing ability. It was something I wanted to do for a while and I thought what the hell.

The video is evidently not available on mobile devices.

That said, I might be interested in voicing Phoenix, Edgeworth, and/or Blackquill. However, I have an upcoming surgery, and I have no idea what my voice acting quality is going to be like during my recovery time. About when would you expect to need the voice acting done by?
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TheDoctor wrote:
Ucha Nekome wrote:
Ok...I have a video I'm gonna post here that has nothing to do with anything...but here is a video I made real quick to show my editing ability. It was something I wanted to do for a while and I thought what the hell.

The video is evidently not available on mobile devices.

That said, I might be interested in voicing Phoenix, Edgeworth, and/or Blackquill. However, I have an upcoming surgery, and I have no idea what my voice acting quality is going to be like during my recovery time. About when would you expect to need the voice acting done by?

I probably won't need it for a few months. I'm planning to have the first episode out by January of next year...that is if all goes well and I actually get the sprites I need by then. If you are REALLY good I can wait till December 1st at the latest. That's when the auditions for the first episode close. Till then I'm gathering what I need to make this a thing.
"Follow Your heart out of the darkness! Stand up and rise from the ashes! Back to the start, far from the madness. Come alive again! Break off the chains of hesitation! Your voice will be your salvation! Look to the light of liberation waiting at the end!"
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Why does it keep double posting on me >:(
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Last edited by Ucha Nekome on Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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jkghjkhk wrote:




Thanks! Nice to know someone liked it! :D
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Hey this looks pretty ambiguous! I'm afraid I was never blessed with any creative talent, but I do have a pretty deep voice if you're still looking for male 'voice-actors'. Especially the role of de killer seems appealing to me, but if you want me to try other voices I'd be down for that. I recently got a new headset and microphone so this would be a good opportunity to try the audio capacity.
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Sjibbey wrote:
Hey this looks pretty ambiguous! I'm afraid I was never blessed with any creative talent, but I do have a pretty deep voice if you're still looking for male 'voice-actors'. Especially the role of de killer seems appealing to me, but if you want me to try other voices I'd be down for that. I recently got a new headset and microphone so this would be a good opportunity to try the audio capacity.

I'll be posting an audition video for case 1 at the start of November. Auditions will close December 1st. If you don't get a part now don't worry. There will be individual auditions for each future case. At the moment I'm gathering sprites, scripting and trying to find someone to do locations, and screenshots.
"Follow Your heart out of the darkness! Stand up and rise from the ashes! Back to the start, far from the madness. Come alive again! Break off the chains of hesitation! Your voice will be your salvation! Look to the light of liberation waiting at the end!"
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I was wondering though. Does the audition simply consist of the words 'Objection' 'Hold It' and Take That' and the like? Or are you aiming for full lines of dialogues? (like partially voiced 'cut scenes' or something)
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Sjibbey wrote:
I was wondering though. Does the audition simply consist of the words 'Objection' 'Hold It' and Take That' and the like? Or are you aiming for full lines of dialogues? (like partially voiced 'cut scenes' or something)

If you've ever seen Turnabout Storm or Operation: Turnabout, I'm doing something like that. Only the cases are more like they are in the games. So yes there will be full voice acting.
"Follow Your heart out of the darkness! Stand up and rise from the ashes! Back to the start, far from the madness. Come alive again! Break off the chains of hesitation! Your voice will be your salvation! Look to the light of liberation waiting at the end!"
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Script 2 is 70% done. This one was a little more difficult considering I have to fit it all in the space of an hour.
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Long time no see guys. Sorry for the two month disappearance. RL stuff ya know. Anyways, because of RL stuff, this has been pushed back. But don't worry, I will continue. I'm starting up again after the Holidays. :)
"Follow Your heart out of the darkness! Stand up and rise from the ashes! Back to the start, far from the madness. Come alive again! Break off the chains of hesitation! Your voice will be your salvation! Look to the light of liberation waiting at the end!"
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Just watched that Phoenix Wrong video you posted. It was just too hilarious at points. There were a couple of points I wasn't too thrilled with, but that's more due to me disliking the song as opposed the the animation.

(I think Tony Jay is now my new in-head voice for von Karma).
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Hi everyone sorry I was gone so long the Holidays were a mess. As a responsible adult I needed to stop all projects and pay attention to other things. BUT! Now that I am able and willing, I'm back on this project. The sprite gathering process is going MUCH slower than I ever thought possible. So I'm (Mostly cause so far there are no Junie sprites.) But if I could get some more spriters on this I'm sure we can hit the road running I will continue to work on the OC sprites myself. In the future I'll be updating with more designs more scripts and more well...everything. See you all later when I have more to show ya!
"Follow Your heart out of the darkness! Stand up and rise from the ashes! Back to the start, far from the madness. Come alive again! Break off the chains of hesitation! Your voice will be your salvation! Look to the light of liberation waiting at the end!"
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yes!!! we'er back in business :kissy: :b33r: :magatama-spin: :unlock: :omg: as you can tell im so FUCKING HIPPED!!!
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