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Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Spoiler: Answers to both questions
1. I needed someone who was both incompetent enough for the purposes of the case, but also someone who wouldn't draw much attention to themselves - be it during investigations or trial. This case wouldn't have worked with someone like Edgeworth, or Franziska, because they would've pulled the breaks at several points -- be it either shutting Phoenix completely down or siding with Phoenix potentially too early. And, as I said, having someone that close to Phoenix would've also been a distraction and potentially brought the story closer to him -- when it really wasn't about him. I couldn't have turned to a brand new character either, because that too would've drawn too much attention and raised too many questions, messing with the pacing and overall focus. So, ultimately, Payne was the perfect choice -- he was an idiot when needed to be, he was devious and unfair at the right moments and ultimately, during the final confrontation, he was insignificant enough to not be missed, so that it could really be a battle between Phoenix and the culprit.

2. The implication is that she's in a purgatory for which she believes there's an escape from. After all, if El Dorado managed to bring back her child -- a human being -- back to life, in a brand new body -- surely, there's still hope for her. Especially since she can still hear the voice of El Dorado, implying that her tether to it is still there. Her journey up to that point had her finally overcome her inner demons and regain her will to live. Hence, why she went from being resigned to her fate to rebelling, and wanting to live. Suddenly, a noble sacrifice wasn't enough. She wanted to be happy, which was, given everything, a perfectly fair wish.

Of course, there's a possibility she's fighting a completely hopeless battle. But if she isn't, then it might just be an occurrence in which, despite it being a dark murder case, everyone lives in the end and gets to be happy.

That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Yabba Dabba Doo

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Spoiler: Prosecutor
Out of curiosity, how much did you want the case to feel "hopeless"? In my opinion, with Payne as the prosecutor it never felt like an "oh shit I'm screwed now" type of thing, considering it's, well, Payne. Did you mean to push the hopeless type of feeling or was that not an important part of the story?

Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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I knew going in that regardless, given the crime, a lot of hopelessness would've faded after the revelation with the knife, simply because so much weight had been taken off of the defendant's shoulders at that point alone.

After that, it becomes more a tug and pull to figure out how to conclusively prove the defendant innocent while figuring out the potential tricks the culprit might've placed along the way -- as well as figuring out who the culprit's identity.

That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Yabba Dabba Doo

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Spoiler: Response
That's what I was thinking. Especially on the second day, it almost felt like a Will Powers-esque situation,
which is by no means bad.

Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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I suppose, in retrospect,
Spoiler: The prosecutor
Klavier would've also worked as a prosecutor. Given his missteps in 4-3 he was no stranger to incompetence. Nor is he a stranger to not leaving much of an impression after being brought back. I would've needed to alter some things progression-wise, obviously, but I think he would've also been somewhat of a reasonable choice.

I just find it funny how at no point over the months it took to make this thing did he ever crossed my mind.

That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title

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Well, that was certainly a great experience (which was expected, since I enjoyed almost all of your cases).

Spoiler: Questions
1. What is the purpose behind Victoria having longer hair in afterlife? She even has a different outline at the bottom screen... Some symbolical meaning?
2. Wouldn't blood be found at a location where Vic was actually stabbed?
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Oh cool it's got some of my fan sprites in it! I've got to check this out!
(I'll download tomorrow and give it a play!)
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Spoiler: Answers
1. It was a way to show off that she'd more or less fully become aware of the fact that what was going on wasn't real (as in, that she was already dead) and that she was refusing to participate in it. And while she could get away from memories that involved mundane and irrelevant things (such as haircuts), she was forced to strap in and watch the chain of events that eventually led her life to ruin. It was also there to show off that the passage of time in Victoria's little world went differently than the one in the real world -- rather, that the two were entirely separate and on different planes of reality -- hence how her hair grew so long after seemingly a short amount of time in the real world. This was important to establish for her final scenes.

2. Keep in mind that things didn't necessarily need to happen as Nick had originally suggested them. Nor is the definitive answer as to what precisely happened outside of that hut established.

There are numerous explanations possible here:
- My own personal vision was that Eve brought the unconscious Victoria to the trunk of the car, then stabbed her. In order to do so, she needed to prop herself a bit up by putting her knee on the edge of the trunk. Victoria, by that point, had slowly regained consciousness and reacted by either being the one to pull the knife out of her chest and stabbing Eve's thigh (clearly within her sights in this scenario), or the two struggled in her last moments.
- Victoria was stabbed away from the hut, but the knife was left in her. As Eve was placing her in the trunk, thinking that she was dead, Victoria stabbed her. The lack of blood is, of course, due to the fact that the knife hadn't been pulled out of her until they got to the car. (In this scenario, the scream the two men heard was Eve's.)
- They simply never found the traces of blood where she was stabbed because it happened a bit ways off from the hut, and the police simply missed it during their search. The phone they found was dropped as Eve was carrying Victoria to the car, hence why they didn't find it then.
- The police are just incompetent.

I'm sure there are other possible explanations that one can come up with, but those are the ones I had in mind.

I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of it! Your sprites were of great help.
That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Finished it. It was amazing, to say the least.
Spoiler: Thoughts
This case surpassed anything I'd imagined. The characters and dialogue were top-notch, the mystery was engaging and the confrontation with Eve was really gripping.
· My favourite part was, without a doubt, when Victoria in the purgatory "relived her memories" (the conversations with Lex, Lucas and Ema in the inn).
· I also enjoyed the funny moments, like when Gumshoe takes Phoenix on his shoulders. It was hilarious.
· The music choices were really spot on (the end credits song in particular).
· Even though I was expecting Victoria's wish to be the baby, the ending was still very moving.
This is, in my eyes, the best case you have produced.

The coldest blue ocean water cannot stop my heart and mind from burning.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Thank you very much for the review! I'm really happy you liked it!
Spoiler: Case spoilers
And yeah, I had a lot of fun with the inn scene repeat. I originally didn't intend for it to go down the way it did, but on a whim, I tried to do it the way it is now - and it actually worked out. It was kind of a happy accident in a way. So I'm really glad that was your favorite scene, because I know it's one of mine.

And Of Monsters and Men's one of my favorite bands, and I couldn't really resist the chance to throw them in.

That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title

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My El Dorado Review:

Spoiler: Whole Case
So here's my belated review of Turnabout El Dorado. First and foremost, this is probably tied for my favourite DWaM case along with Cascade Theater. However, quite unlike the latter this beats it by having the added element of typical Ace Attorney esque gameplay such as Investigation Sequences and Cross Examinations. However, unlike most fan games these Gameplay mechanics remain more true to the orginals, with contradictions making more sense. I am supra glad to not see the return of the super/supra objections which in my opinion almost always required me to use some fashion of a walk through. 90% of the contradictions I was able to solve myself, even the interrogation sequence which I found really thrilling. Turnabout El Dorado is probably DwAM's best attempt in my opinion of replicating the Ace Attorney formula, without becoming to bland all the while.

Now the game play's out of the way - time to get to the part we all play fan games for - the story. This, in my opinion is where El Dorado really shines. The story wasn't like some fan cases and some of your usual DwAM fan cases, which can make you feel lost. I felt like I was actually along for the journey, and the mystery element and the inclusion of amazing three dimensional characters - Lucas being my favorite - really add to the immersion of the case. Despite being spoiled on the final culprit inadvertently by working on said culprits theme - I have to stress this case really isn't about whodunnit - especially if you know your ace attorney tropes - you know that Eve is by far the most likely suspect. Lex would be too obvious and Lucas is the defendant. Also Adam seems too obvious as he fits the male description provided by Lucas.

Cornering her was very fun, as she was a biiitch to take down, and nailing the contradictions was super satisfying. Vic's underlying plot was amazing in my honest opinion - seeing somebody being driven to madness and living in constant paranoia - only driven by the need to find El Dorado and keep her promise to the door enriched the story. I believe you worked the mythical and supernatural area of El Dorado way better than Turnabout Curtain. It didn't take away from the mystery, and didn't feel to isolated from the plot to make it insane. The crime itself - was very much committed in the real world, and as far as I'm concerned that's the most important part. (As you can probably tell, the old plot of TC was my favorite haha) The part where Vic is going through the forest toward the end, encountering everyone was thrilling, and the silhouettes made it more eerie and added hugely to the already dark and grim atmosphere.

If there is one critique I do have, it would be to make Eve's motives less basic than the *doing it for my father* and money. Some darker tones, perhaps a couple more animations for Eve would've helped too. The government conspiracy aspect, could've been improved by adding more of it to the table. Perhaps exploring the added paranoia of Vic's SIN infection more would've been better but this is more of a nitpick really. I'm really confused as to how on earth you finished this in the space of three months! looking at the text files, it's interesting they begin in late May of this year.

Definitely your best work! I recommend anyone to play it, and hope to see more soon! :phoenix:
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Thank you for playing! I'm glad you liked it!

I'll post my responses in red, unlike my usual ones, since there's a point or two I want to touch on.

Also, there are some Turnabout Curtain spoilers here, so beware if you haven't played that yet!

McBomber wrote:
My El Dorado Review:

Spoiler: Whole Case
So here's my belated review of Turnabout El Dorado. First and foremost, this is probably tied for my favourite DWaM case along with Cascade Theater. However, quite unlike the latter this beats it by having the added element of typical Ace Attorney esque gameplay such as Investigation Sequences and Cross Examinations. However, unlike most fan games these Gameplay mechanics remain more true to the orginals, with contradictions making more sense. I am supra glad to not see the return of the super/supra objections which in my opinion almost always required me to use some fashion of a walk through. 90% of the contradictions I was able to solve myself, even the interrogation sequence which I found really thrilling. Turnabout El Dorado is probably DwAM's best attempt in my opinion of replicating the Ace Attorney formula, without becoming to bland all the while.
I'm glad you thought so, although I personally believe I did still deviate quite a bit from AA's traditional formula around the 3rd portion. Something like Contempt of Court or Conflict of Interest captures the feel in general a lot better than I do when it comes to that sort of stuff. That said, I still wanted for the first half at least, while feeling my own, to be more traditional. Stuff like crazy objections never crossed my mind. I just wanted it to have plenty enough of gameplay at a consistent pace. (I remembered people saying Curtain 2's investigation being quite long, so I paid attention to things like that this time around, etc. etc.) This was also actually my first time making a case that had more than one day of investigation based around the exact same crime, so it was definitely an interesting experience. It's good to see it working out the way it did. It's also interesting to see Cascade as being someone's favorite, given that it's the exact opposite to me, but to each their own

Now the game play's out of the way - time to get to the part we all play fan games for - the story. This, in my opinion is where El Dorado really shines. The story wasn't like some fan cases and some of your usual DwAM fan cases, which can make you feel lost. I felt like I was actually along for the journey, and the mystery element and the inclusion of amazing three dimensional characters - Lucas being my favorite - really add to the immersion of the case. Despite being spoiled on the final culprit inadvertently by working on said culprits theme - I have to stress this case really isn't about whodunnit - especially if you know your ace attorney tropes - you know that Eve is by far the most likely suspect. Lex would be too obvious and Lucas is the defendant. Also Adam seems too obvious as he fits the male description provided by Lucas.
I sort of assumed most people would have been 100% on it probably being Eve at the start of the 3rd investigation, but through beta-testing, I was actually surprised to find all 3 of my beta-testers questioning if it was really her all the way up until the second half of the final trial. So that makes me at least hopeful I hadn't made it too obvious. (That, or Dragon's twists had left them too paranoid.)

Cornering her was very fun, as she was a biiitch to take down, and nailing the contradictions was super satisfying. Vic's underlying plot was amazing in my honest opinion - seeing somebody being driven to madness and living in constant paranoia - only driven by the need to find El Dorado and keep her promise to the door enriched the story. I believe you worked the mythical and supernatural area of El Dorado way better than Turnabout Curtain. It didn't take away from the mystery, and didn't feel to isolated from the plot to make it insane. The crime itself - was very much committed in the real world, and as far as I'm concerned that's the most important part. (As you can probably tell, the old plot of TC was my favorite haha) The part where Vic is going through the forest toward the end, encountering everyone was thrilling, and the silhouettes made it more eerie and added hugely to the already dark and grim atmosphere.
I'm happy you liked Eve's confrontation. I originally planned for it to be longer, but realized some of her testimonies were just flat-out nonsensical. Right around that time I also found out that overly-long final confrontations like at the end of AAI were apparently infamous in the fanbase, which led to me shaving some more things off. I'd gotten worried that the overall final trial would be short or unsatisfying, simply because the bridges between each CEs were shorter than the rest of the case. In the end, though, it seems it worked for people, so -- I can't complain.

As for El Dorado itself -- I'd made it a point for myself early on, when realizing that this would be my second PyWright case in the row to feature the supernatural, that it couldn't have been involved with the crime itself in terms of how it was done. I think was what put so many people off from Curtain 2's solution, and I didn't want it happening here. (Well, that, and perhaps the lack of proper build-up to it, which I feel like I managed to fix here, albeit in retrospect there are still things I could've done better. Maybe. Probably.) Plus, honestly, it would've been just reusing concepts, which I didn't want to do, either.

If there is one critique I do have, it would be to make Eve's motives less basic than the *doing it for my father* and money. Some darker tones, perhaps a couple more animations for Eve would've helped too. The government conspiracy aspect, could've been improved by adding more of it to the table. Perhaps exploring the added paranoia of Vic's SIN infection more would've been better but this is more of a nitpick really. I'm really confused as to how on earth you finished this in the space of three months! looking at the text files, it's interesting they begin in late May of this year.
I was sort of trying to imply that her doing it for her father was more than a simple matter of honor or the traditional "i'm his daughter". It was more about Thurston's obsession being passed down onto her -- she became obsessed with ending his misery and began to see it as her "duty" to find the key, by any means necessary. In a battle between duty and morals -- the line blurred for her, just like it had with Adam. It's only mid-final trial that she begins to snap out of it. Unable to face the truth initially, however, she then decides to make her father's dream her own as a way of continuing on after his death.

...These were the things I tried to imply, at least. How well I'd succeeded is obviously debatable, but I did try to give her a bit more dimension to it all.

As for Adam, the FBI investigation, and S-I-N in general -- those were things that... were sort of more prominent in the original drafts for the case, but ended up taking a back seat as the idea evolved. I think I'll talk about this more later when discussing how this thing ended up being what it was - because I do think it was an interesting process. (I'm mostly doing it to show-off the completely batshit alternative to this case that might've been...) I do acknowledge these things weren't given enough attention as they could've. I was too worried that, had they been focused on more, it would distract the player and ultimately confuse them regarding what's going on. In retrospect, that should've been a sign to me to either figure out a better way to structure some things regarding the case or just flat-out change some of the ideas, but... hindsight's 20/20, I suppose.

As for speed -- it was actually 2 months. The initial month I spent on planning the story, gathering the resources, and scripting the first third. One month I took off was mainly due to real life obligations. Work had restarted at the end-ish of June, I believe, and concluded about a week before the end of July. So around 2 months. Maybe less, I don't know.

And yes, it was the crack. It's always the crack.

Definitely your best work! I recommend anyone to play it, and hope to see more soon! :phoenix:

Once again, thank you so much for playing!

For anyone that hadn't read the review to see -- this is the person that made the previously mentioned custom music tracks! Once again, thank you for your hard work and thank you for making my case better!
That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Yabba Dabba Doo

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Another aspect I really enjoyed, looking back on it, is how Victoria isn't always right, even when dead. It's nice that she's not this all-knowing being in her afterlife. Hell, there were even a few times where I was rooting AGAINST her.

Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Spoiler: Thunder's thoughts
Oh, interesting!

Victoria's purgatory was very much through the perspective of a human experiencing it, so naturally - she couldn't always be right.

I'm also curious about the parts where you rooted against her. Which parts were those?

That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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I know this is random but let me say it warms my heart to see a fully-released AA fancase with an active thread in August 2017.

I'm looking forward to playing this when I have some free time... After I finish Spirit of Justice of course, still on Case 5 :0
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Well, it warms my heart to see hearts warmed.

In all seriousness, I do think that the fangaming community has stagnated quite a lot across the board, so I've also been pleasantly surprised so far.
That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Yabba Dabba Doo

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Spoiler: Response
I guess "rooted against" is a bit strong, but there were definitely times where I disagreed with waht she was doing. For example, her whole part with Lucas seemed off as, at least in my opinion, it was clear that Lucas really did care for her. And the part where she stabs phantom Eve felt...wrong-ish? She had a right to be mad though. Maybe it's jsut because it's really hard for me to stay mad at people lol.

Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Spoiler: Response
Fair enough, I see where you're coming from.

One of the things I tried to do, though, was just that. Present the story from different points of view and have the player have a certain bias towards certain pieces of information they'd gotten in a certain way. When you first meet Lucas as Phoenix, aside from his annoying quality of hiding things constantly, the player has no reason to actually hate him at any point throughout the majority of the case. From Lucas, you also get the impression (and from certain times the flashbacks appear) that he and Victoria had a meaningful relationship.

Yet, literally every person that knew Victoria DID hate him. They suggest they DIDN'T have a meaningful relationship. In fact, so many of them say point-blank that it was far from perfect. But you as the player have SEEN the good times, and are only HEARING about these supposed bad times, making you question what the truth actually is. And that's sort of what the period between finding out about Lex's and Victoria's relationship all the way to the inn reprise is supposed to do - make you question everything you actually know about Victoria and the people who care about her.

Ema's version of events comes only from Victoria. Lex's version of events could arguably not be entirely truthful given his numerous reasons to hate Lucas. But at the same time, Lucas himself has, through his own actions, shown some signs of being obsessive and delusional about the past. Both long-term and short-term.

So, it comes to this -- who do you trust more? How did Victoria actually feel about the man?

The inn reprise is supposed to give insight into that. She hates him, but it's not as if she doesn't acknowledge he cared for her. It's just that he did it in his own strange way, which ultimately ended up hurting her, if that makes sense.

It's actually interesting because I've had people not hating Lucas at all and sympathizing with him, but also people thinking he's a complete douche, and that was sort of what I was going for.

That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title

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I've played the majority of your cases (I'm a hungry fan case eater, lol) and I think this is your best work. I was on the half on the case this morning because I couldn't end it last week , at 3 am, and finished at 8am. The pace was really good, and I was inmersed so deep that couldn't stop until i finished it. So, congrats really, I had an amazing time. Thank you!
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I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Thank you for playing!
That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Wotter boy

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Let me do a live commentary:

Spoiler: Day 1
4:01AM - The beginning was pretty interesting, I wonder how that's going to affect everything. And it's nice to see one of my characters alive! The last time I saw one of them in a fangame, they were dead :v

4:03AM - BADGE. I love these badge convos so far.

4:05AM - From an archaeologist to a pizza boy, oh man, the characters I create get the best jobs :U I love it though. I love how you used him so far, snarky asshole that he was always intended to be <3

4:15AM - Hah, the desire to screw Kristoph is great indeed.

4:17AM - Jesus, the look on Nova's face is nightmare fuel... AND GUMMY <3

4:25AM - Poor Nick, I know his pain.

4:40AM - Jeez Greenwell... Welp, you're not the first defendant to make an attorney's life more difficult than it needs to be.

4:47AM - Adam and Eve eh? Symbolic are we.

4:48AM - Oooooohhh!!! Flashback!!!

4:52AM - The plot thickens as we continue....

4:53AM - Franziska teach me to be perfect pls


4:56AM - Awww, no co-counsel Ema ):


5:09AM - Pfffft, I'm loving the "fail" conversation.

5:18AM - I love how I'm fudging up the first testimony :v

5:20AM - K-King Ramesses? I-Is he the man in gauze?

5:26AM - Oshit Payne actually being competent? A miracle.

5:32AM - Pfffft suddenly KA TONK to Payne. That's what you get for making fun of a precious memento.

5:36AM - Just one contrived coincidence after another... Jeez...


5:51AM - Greenwell, what are you doing... MORE FLASHBACK

5:54AM - VICTORIA ARE YOU PREGGO!? I mean, really... alone, at the hut. False positives...

5:58AM - I can see why you were admitted to an asylum Victoria... Slowly going insane.

6:03AM - That slide in with the phone is great.



6:13AM - They totally did it in that hut.

6:23AM - ...Jeezus. WOAH CTT 2013!

6:27AM - ...Even with a burst of confidence, you're still as dumb as ever Payne.

6:29AM - With the first part done, I will stop here for now.


Spoiler: Day 2
4:39AM - The El Dorado stuff is p. crazy tbh. Ooooo story time!!!

4:43AM - Woah.....


4:49AM - Awww, just pretending, you rascal you.

4:56AM - I wish I could write sarcastic humour this well. *sigh* Believe me Lucas, I know how it feels to have a good relationship fall apart :/


5:01AM - Jeezus... El Dorado must've been pretty important for Vic... Vic...

5:09AM - Like you'd know about ancient tech Nick...

5:11AM - Plane tickets... to Equador...? I don't know if you meant Ecuador or just made a fake country like everywhere else in AA land.

5:17AM - Greenwell just Edgeworth in disguise eh? WELLLLL I did use some Edgeworth in the building of his sprites...

5:19AM - I'd LOVE to be in Nick's position right now.

5:25AM - T-The feds D:

5:28AM - Nick... I'm worried about you right now... Getting lost. SHOOT! That bird noise scared me.


5:39AM - I am suspicious of you Eve e_e

5:44AM - A... Pharma group? Huh.


5:54AM - Well then... I'm.. glad you lived?

5:55AM - ...Rasputin...

5:57AM - ...Well then. What are you playing at Eve...?


6:11AM - Adam... who are you?

6:15AM - C-Cameras...? ALL over her house?! O_O

6:17AM - W-Why was her locket at Ema's..? SHE WAS LIVING WITH HER

6:19AM - Nick's having a good day...? Things are going to shit.

6:22AM - W-What is whispering to you Vic...?

6:24AM - Oh.. Oh no... Vic... you lost it D:

6:26AM - Ema pls. EMA PLS

6:29AM - Ummmm, time what are you doing?! The fourth wall has been broken D:


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I approve of these uncertainties in your emotions.
That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
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Welp. I'm glad you're feeding off my misery.

Spoiler: Day FINAL
12:09AM - Here we go... Court day 2!

12:12AM - As an aside, I'm a bit disappointed that the co-counsel sprites I made for him weren't utilised, but it's not really a bit issue, just me wanting to feed my ego :V

12:15AM - Nick, things are gong to go south real quick and in a hurry, aren't they?

12:17AM - Woah Nick, we're moving pretty fast.

12:18AM - Um... Eve, you're not Lex Rumstrum.

12:20AM - I'm loving these burns Nick is laying on Payne.

12:21AM - ...This... is bizarre.

12:23AM - Eve, can you, like, not lean on the fourth wall?

12:26AM - You... have a bluffing sense Nick?

12:27AM - Mmmmph! I love it when "Basics of the Case" kicks in.

12:30AM - I love these sick burns Eve is laying into Payne.


12:39AM - Poker references are nice.

12:43AM - Rumstrum is kind of a creep... for stalking Vic :/

12:46AM - Gosh dang Nick. Maybe... NOT hit on the witness crowd. She MIGHT kill you.

12:48AM - Jeez, that's a dick move. Firing her like that.

12:50AM - I tooooold you things would go south fast Nick.

12:53AM - You'd know a thing or two about acting, wouldn't you Nick :^)

12:57AM - I don't... like how easy this is feeling, breaking him already? It feels ominous.


1:00AM - Oh.. Ohno.




1:09AM - W-What is even... I'm... I don't know how to feel.

1:13AM - Jesus Christ...

1:15AM - I.. have to agree with you, Your Honour.

1:16AM - EMA


1:20AM - What.. what HAPPENED to you Vic...?

1:23AM - Everyone's laying some sick burns into Payne todayyyy


1:31AM - Ema is on fire today!

1:32AM - This case is a mess...

1:38AM - This... is... wow.


1:43AM - ...Ema...

1:48AM - What... is even happening...

1:56AM - This.. is certainly a ride...

1:59AM - She literally told you not to eat Ema.

2:08AM - Elliot... Thurston? Is.. he Adam?

2:11AM - Lex... you're KIND OF a dick.

2:14AM - Jesus Christ.

2:15AM - ADAM

2:17AM - Adam... Donnerhug? Not... Elliot Thurston?


2:20AM - What. WHAT!? The old man was Elliot Thurton!?

2:22AM - He.. found El Dorado!?


2:29AM - Who.. was helping you Thurston?

2:30AM - JESUS. F-Father?! Red dress... Eve?

2:31AM - ??? Vic's bottom sprite looks.. different.

2:33AM - What... Vic where are you? What is happening?

2:36AM - I like how the three choices are already ticked off for you.

2:40AM - Her and Ema.. were really... that close huh...?

2:42AM - Lex made her paranoid. I kind of can't forgive that.

2:44AM - Vic's wish?

2:49AM - Jesus... I.. Wowww Vic. Wowww Lucus. Wowwww Lex.

2:52AM - I like how the walkthrough just tells me to move randomly.

2:56AM - W-Why can't she go to the door D: EMA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE

3:02AM - RIP in Pepperoni, Glory by in Ravioli xD

3:05AM - Woah. Candles and stuff. I'm glad that's over though, it felt as if it dragged on a bit.

3:06AM - I... hope she gets her wish.

3:08AM - EVE. Evelyn Thurston-Merryweather.

3:09AM - Pffft, his wife. She doesn't know though?

3:12AM - Ahhh shit. I game overed. Paradox end.

3:16AM - This is interesting, being interrogated like this.

3:25AM - WOAH NICK FRONT SPRITE. I always found people seem to draw him too.. broad? But I guess he actually is so w/e

3:28AM - I knew Eve was suspicious! What.. an... adventure...

3:35AM - Oh, we're back to being with Vic.


3:37AM - ...Thurston?

3:39AM - Hah. Poor Payne. I guess I can see why you chose him. He put up a damn good fight before at least. HELLO CTT 2016

3:43AM - Oooo custom testimony music...

3:47AM - Ooooo, someone's getting defensive.

3:48AM - Injured... your leg? Uhuh... A... skiing blunder...

3:52AM - I... kind of forgot you were there Payne.

3:57AM - She's stubborn and tenacious, I'll give her that.

3:58AM - HAH. Pot calling the kettle black indeed.

3:59AM - Nick what ARE you playing at, you literally poor child?

4:02AM - I-Is this a custom pursuit o.o

4:06AM - You're REALLY drawing at straws Nick.



4:13AM - Ooo spoopy ghost.

4:15AM - Vic.. Your life.. is a sad one.

4:18AM - WOAH! A Cornered Heart for a testimony?

4:24AM - How... How Nick? How did you...?

4:25AM - WHAT?! Adam was in on it too!?


4:28AM - Why... Why Adam?

4:37AM - I'm back from late-night sandwich and ready to continue.

4:38AM - Eve, you sure are one sarcastic bitch. FINGERPRINT

4:42AM - God damn Eve, you really are persistent.

4:47AM - You cheeky man, not getting rid of the penalty bar on the right answer.

4:48AM - I am disturbed by this laughter.

4:50AM - Hello again Vic. GHOST EVE

4:52AM - Goodbye again Vic.

4:53AM - PAYNE TO SAVE THE DAY!? No, just to question.

4:55AM - Vic, why? Why did you pull it out? Oh. To stab her.



4:59AM - I get it. The swaps now.

5:01AM - I knew there was no skiing accident. The swaps.. are foreshadowing I guess?


5:06AM - LET'S END THIS EVE. Why did you accuse him... after telling him to bugger off?

5:12AM - Duty vs. Morals seems to be the moral of the story here...

5:14AM - T-The world broke D:

5:15AM - Yayyyy, not guilty.

5:16AM - Y-Yes Eve? I.. hope taking the key off her didn't ruin her wish...

5:19AM - I... hope things get better for Lucas and Lex...

5:21AM - Why... are you there? In those mountains you guys...?

5:22AM - The.. door IS El Dorado...?

5:24AM - C-Crying...? What...? C-Can someone explain to me what just happened?

5:29AM - No. Thank you for delivering this wonderful story to us.

5:32AM - Find.. her way back? Like... reincarnation?

That... was a ride.

Spoiler: Review
I've never been disappointed with your stories DWaM. And this one was no exception. I loved the initial feeling of hopelessness and dread to confidence to victory. I loved how the characters were made. They felt.. real. My only gripe is that the "random movement" part of Victoria's segment felt like it dragged on a bit, but otherwise, it felt flawless to me.

Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Thank you for playing and enjoying! I'm happy to have used your sprites, I think they added a lot to the case, and I hope you thought so, as well.

To answer your critique:
Spoiler: Spoilers
The cave wandering was intentionally made lengthy to portray just how long Victoria's actual wandering in the cave had been. Having said that, I can understand why people would've found it to be a bit too long at times, perhaps.

I have noticed some other points of interest in your SoC, and I think you might find some of the answers you seek in the previously answered questions in the thread.

Once again, thanks for playing!
That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
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I'm up to the 2nd day of investigation and I'm thoroughly enjoying this!
I'll just say that so far I haven't felt this intrigued by a mystery like this in a while!
Normally they can get pretty predictable but this has been well crafted!

Edit 2:
Also, I'm not sure if it was you who messaged me asking to edit Eve's sprites, but if you needed to animate her mouth for one pose, that would've been totally fine XD
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SuperAj3 wrote:
Normally they can get pretty predictable but this has been well crafted!


When the revelation hits just right
yeah its an old meme but it works dammit

SuperAj3 wrote:
Edit 2:
Also, I'm not sure if it was you who messaged me asking to edit Eve's sprites, but if you needed to animate her mouth for one pose, that would've been totally fine XD

I don't recall doing so, but I generally have a policy of not wanting to bother artists to do extra work if possible. I'm under the impression they have more important things to do such as actual commissions, so just walking up and asking for extra poses (or just anything in general) without really offering anything in return feels a bit rude of me. (And yes, that does include even minor things like these.) It's probably just a 'me' thing.

I'm glad you're enjoying the case!
That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
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XD I did not see that part coming.

And ahh. Yeah that's really nice! I also feel bad taking requestd because I normally draw in my free time and that's kinda sporadic so it never ends up timely.

Little bug I found:
Spoiler: close to end
Eve confesses to it all! (Should be Ema speaking in this segment)

Finished the case!
Spoiler: Ending Thoughts
That was so well done, and the final sets of testimony up to the end were done so well!!
Fantastic stuff! Gotta check out your other fangames!

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Thank you for playing! I'm happy to see you enjoyed it! Once again, thanks for making your sprites available for use! They added a lot to the case.

I do think El Dorado is the most well-rounded and... "non-life-destroying" of all my stuff, so I don't know how well you'll like some of the other things I've done, but... Here's to hoping!
That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
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Der Namerloser Gamer did a full video walkthrough of the case. So, if you're not in the mood for downloading anything and just want to see the thing - here's the playlist for it.
That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
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I've felt worse.

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So I know I'm a few months late to this party, but I might as well leave my disorganized thoughts on this.
Honestly, this was great. The characters were great, the mystery was great, the penalty lines were great. I managed to correctly predict early on where Victoria was for the past six months, and then correctly predicted nothing else. Though in hindsight I probably should have seen at least one other thing coming...
I was a bit skeptical about Ema apparently joining an expedition to search for El Dorado, but I guess it isn't that different from Apollo's backstories. Heck, I'd say this was a better conclusion for her character than anything SoJ had to offer.
And I suppose I am a bit iffy on a supernatural entity capable of granting wishes existing in the AA verse, but eh, doesn't seem that far-fetched after Khura'in.
Also that child is going to have an interesting conversation when they grow up. "What happened to my mother?" "Well, sweetie, you actually died in a failed pregnancy, so your mother found a giant talking gold door who agreed to bring you back to life after she died."
The segments with Victoria did tend to go on for a while longer than I would have liked. It's probably normal for visual novel standards, but for AA standards it could have been shorter.
I did find a typo right before the final cross examination. Should be in story48testimony16.script.txt line 1407.

Regardless, this was a great experience. May just be the recency bias talking, but it's left me with the emotionally satisfying ending I've seen in quite a while.

"It's never too late to learn that growing old doesn't have to mean growing up. Stay curious, stay weird, stay kind, and don't let anyone ever tell you you aren't smart or brave or worthy enough." -Stanford Pines, Gravity Falls
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Thank you so much for playing! Happy to hear you enjoyed it!

Sadly can't address a whole lot here, since a good chunk of it were your own impressions, but just one thing I wanted to comment on: I personally had an issue where I thought Vic's segments for too short. I actually had more flashbacks originally planned before I had to cut down the number because I just ran out of places where I could've put them that made sense.

I agree that for AA standards it's not quite right either way, but stylistically my cases were never really trying to be faithful to AA so that was never an issue for me.

Glad to hear you found the conclusion satisfying! It's good to see that even though some stuff was left in the air admittedly, it still overall felt complete.

That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
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I finally got around to actually finishing this case. Only took me like half a year WHOOPS

Geez this case was REALLY good

Spoiler: "Extended" Thoughts (Also Curtain spoilers I guess)
I don't really know what I'm doing so I'm just gonna do a list of THE GOODS and THE BADS!!

-There was AMAZING writing with a great mix of drama and comedy!!!
-All the characters were really deep and cool and detailed (except Adam I guess but he had a more minor role so whatever). My favorite was probably Lucas. But, like, when even the victim is a really interesting character, you know you did good.
-I think the flashback segments were the perfect length.
-The trial segments were very well-done. I had trouble with a lot of the contradictions, but only cause I'm dumb. I really liked the part where Phoenix came up with the crazy car theory that was immediately disproved, and the final confrontation was excellent.
-Also the final confrontation music is amazing so props to that guy.
-Winston Payne as prosecutor worked surprisingly well.
-The recording thing was brilliant.
-The interrogation probably would have been too if I didn't get scared and look up the answers.
-I thought Lex was dead the whole first half lol.
-The flashback to Ema's investigation was a really cool "twist" except it wasn't really a twist but I don't care.
-I liked how all the seemingly irrelevant details were actually extremely relevant.
-There was no spooky ghost murder. 12/10.
-There's probably more stuff I could put here but I'm lazy. All in all, the case basically had no flaws except for the flaws I'm about to list.

-There were like five million typos smh.
-According to Eve's profile, Elliot and Lex were secretly brothers. Plot twist of the year.
-I really had no idea what was going on during that section with Adam and Eve being partners or whatever, but that's probably my fault.
-Once DWaM said rude things about my earbud case on Discord, so I'm adding an extra bad as revenge.
-I do kinda wish Eve had some kinda breakdown-esque scene cause I felt the trial ended too fast as a result (it didn't really though that was purely psychological).

Anyway that's all. Good job!!!

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Oh my gosh...

This... was... AWESOME!

The plot, the music, the writing, the characters (both old and new ones), the emotional parts, the trial! It was beautiful!

The standards of your cases are always so high, Dwam. It really IS incredible how you manage to pull off good stuff every time.

Only small problem, but maybe this could be because I'm not-that-good or not-good-enough
Your cases are always so hard, I often have issues on figuring contradictions. With the first testimonies of this game it was going all good, sometimes I made some mistakes but I managed to advance on my own, but the further I went, the harder it got, and in order to not make the whole experience frustrating, I had the use the walkthrough.

In general, it's a problem I always had with your cases, not just this one - Starting from Turnabout Tomorrow, the very first one I played years ago

But really, I don't want to focus on that. I wanted to post just to say that your trials are AMAZING.
The stories of your Visual Novels are so interesting, so involving, so well-studied, it's amazing.

You are good writer, sometimes i'm more addicted to your creations rather than "official" stuff.
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Phew wee, what a case!

I should probably preface this by saying this is the first of your fan cases that I've ever played. I'm not really familiar with your work (other than they're usually "life destroying"?) so I had very little in terms of prior expectations going into this.

So with that out of the way, onto my actual review.

Spoiler: Turnabout to El Dorado in its Entirety
I really, really enjoyed this case. I loved the dynamic between both the canon characters as well as the original ones. The latter were also really done well and their relationship with the victim was very interesting. The flashback parts were perfectly timed, especially the inn scene redux. I absolutely love the dialogue flow there.

The story as well as the mystery was good. It was interesting figuring it out and I think you pretty much nailed the difficulty here. It's just solvable enough while also being pretty obtuse. Even towards the end the contradictions remained the same level of difficulty to me, which some may say is not a good thing but I really appreciated the consistency in a strange way. Admittedly some plot elements felt pretty minor (like Adam's whole thing) but the main things were still great.

Your character writing is on point as well. All of the canon characters were written quite good! The only problems I have are that Ema is a bit too profane and that the Judge doesn't get too many funny lines but those are relatively minor. Payne was the perfect prosecutor for this case, by the way. I appreciate the contrast between his behaviour in the first and second day. During the first, the case is extremely airtight leaving no room for doubt leading to his cocky behaviour but by the second, he pretty much does what he usually does and stands away while Phoenix and the witness argue. He's present enough whole not being a distracting factor, which I appreciate. Phoenix himself was also pretty competent, which I appreciate a lot. SoJ really annoyed me with how dumb they made him seem.

The music was also really good, though not all of them were fitting. Sunset Men, for example, felt weird for the inn scene. I also recommend using this version of the song, as it's pretty much the same while also being continuous at the looping point (the version you use stops abruptly at the looping point and restarts from the beginning). Resolution playing at Eve's confrontation was good and the testimony themes for her were great.

I think I touched on everything overall. I really did enjoy this case, though the ending ultimately felt slightly empty with no music playing, though I think that was intentional. Still, good work! I should try out some of your other cases later when I get the time.

Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title

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good case, cba to write a paragraph so here's a quick question:

what's the song that's in endgame - presto? (hope no spoiler lol)
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title

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i tried to download this but the link is broken, it doesn't show the file
Re: [PyWright] A Turnabout To El Dorado (Released!)Topic%20Title

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go here:

it's a collection of pywright cases and turnabout to el dorado is among them. bit annoying having to download all of them but it's the only way to get this case now.
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Due to popular demand, the game has been re-uploaded on Apologies for any inconvenience along the way.

While you're there you may be interested in readin' some of the other stuff I've made in the years since El Dorado. You know. If you wanna

Special thanks to Ana for having a copy of the game on-hand!
That one guy from AAO that made about a dozen cases that all kinda go off the deep end and fall apart at one point or another.
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