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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 4 RELEASE)Topic%20Title
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Wait this isn't Burger King

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ArrowLawn wrote:
Progress update: Planning is still going but I'm p sure I've got the crime figured out. Can't say for certain right now but it may end up being a 2-day case the way it's going right now.

As for case 6, I'll likely be releasing it alongside case 5 - cases 5 and 6 have a Cosmic Turnabout + Turnabout for Tomorrow kind of relationship so it would make most sense that they both get released at once. Or maybe I'll just release case 5 right away anyway who knows.

Also I updated the cover art. Long overdue I know. Character profiles were prettied up too if you noticed in the OP.

You need to draw everyone else though. Sente stands out like a sore thumb.

Or is that his actual sprite?
I do things.
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 4 RELEASE)Topic%20Title
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DannyPlaysSomeGames wrote:
You need to draw everyone else though. Sente stands out like a sore thumb.

Or is that his actual sprite?

What exactly am I supposed to be drawing?

That's his actual sprite yes.

On another note I may release a small update to the game that changes/adds certain effects - for one thing the top screen fades to black slightly whenever a multiple choice/present prompt happens. I'll probably throw in some screen shakes or flashes in cases 1 and 2 too.
I also finally made the Cross Examination cut-ins not shit.
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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 4 RELEASE)Topic%20Title
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Presentation update go!

No new case yet but the game looks prettier now.
Spoiler: Change Log
* Replaced Witness Testimony and Cross Examination fgs with better ones
* Improved Cross-Examination cut-ins
* The top screen now fades to black on multiple choice questions and present prompts
* Extended the gameover scenes to replicate the trilogy's - Trials and Tribulations', specifically
* Minor bug fixes in case 3
* Added shake effects into case 1 to compliment sfx
* Typo corrections

Case 5 planning is something like 40% rn
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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 4 RELEASE)Topic%20Title
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Wait this isn't Burger King

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ArrowLawn wrote:
DannyPlaysSomeGames wrote:
You need to draw everyone else though. Sente stands out like a sore thumb.

Or is that his actual sprite?

What exactly am I supposed to be drawing?

That's his actual sprite yes.

On another note I may release a small update to the game that changes/adds certain effects - for one thing the top screen fades to black slightly whenever a multiple choice/present prompt happens. I'll probably throw in some screen shakes or flashes in cases 1 and 2 too.
I also finally made the Cross Examination cut-ins not shit.

I was referring to the cover art but if that's how he is then it's ok
I do things.
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 4 RELEASE)Topic%20Title
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Wait this isn't Burger King

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ArrowLawn wrote:
Presentation update go!

No new case yet but the game looks prettier now.
Spoiler: Change Log
* Replaced Witness Testimony and Cross Examination fgs with better ones
* Improved Cross-Examination cut-ins
* The top screen now fades to black on multiple choice questions and present prompts
* Extended the gameover scenes to replicate the trilogy's - Trials and Tribulations', specifically
* Minor bug fixes in case 3
* Added shake effects into case 1 to compliment sfx
* Typo corrections

Case 5 planning is something like 40% rn

Nice to have some progress

ArrowLawn wrote:
>Replaced Witness Testimony and Cross Examination fgs with better ones
>Improved Cross-Examination cut-ins

I do things.
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 4 RELEASE)Topic%20Title
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Minor hype:

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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 4 RELEASE)Topic%20Title
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Mia Payne

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ArrowLawn wrote:
Minor hype:

Oh boy. A Storm is starting to brew.
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 4 RELEASE)Topic%20Title
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Planning is at roughly 75% now. It's been going p slowly so far - it's a long case and exams were happening this month, so it's no surprise, really. But I'm fairly sure I've got the bulk of the planning done, just got to figure out how the trials are gonna go (this is a 2-day case, idk if I ever announced this outside of the main post).

Both investigations at least should be all planned out, unless new evidence has to be thrown in somehow which would make things a little awkward. So yea, still got a bit to go before the case can properly begin so it'll be a while before this case gets released. But some day I am sure this case will be complete.

Also I released a small update to the current version that fixes what I greatly hope to be the last minor bugs lying around cases 3 and 4. Also gave the CE cut-ins a little update to include the VS background.

Anyway here's your complimentary hype art asset for this update: the full case screen.

Spoiler: Case 5 Screen
(will probably be cleaned up a bit before the final release)

I'll reveal the new characters once I finally come up with names for 'em.
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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (Case 5 in progress)Topic%20Title
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Mia Payne

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Oh boy, a murder case! I can't wait to see what happens.
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (Case 5 in progress)Topic%20Title
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So I was away for a few weeks but now I can say the first half of Investigation 1 is nearly done. I'm finally getting to the real shit. Three of the four suspects have been named, character reveals will happen once this last one gets her name. Pretty sure I've got the trials all figured out now, so consider the planning 100% complete.

Also I released one more update that changes case 4's logic system. Now logic is presented as evidence instead of multiple choices.

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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (Case 5 in progress)Topic%20Title
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Posting an update to announce that the first half of the first investigation is done, which took a lot longer than I expected. But now the fun stuff has begun, so maybe the hype will speed up my progress.

By the way I named that last character so here are the new characters for case 5:
Spoiler: Character reveals
Anton Frost (Age: 50)
The headmaster of Hexepta Legal Academy. He rose to power here in the school four years ago after former Headmistress Aimee Guzman had to step down.

Bartholomew Legrande (Age: 29)
The bartender at the academy's bar. Hes not the friendliest and doesn't hold back in expressing his distaste for his customers.

Gerard White (Age: 51)
The man in charge of the schools latest extension. He's always busy with one thing or another and doesn't spare much time to talk, especially not those ignorant of his feats.

Katherine Flare (Age: 18)
A guard working part time at the guard station in the academy.

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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (Case 5 in progress)Topic%20Title
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Mia Payne

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Oh boy that's awesome. I hope it exceeds my Hexeptations
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (Case 5 in progress)Topic%20Title
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It has been one year since I first released this game on Court Records and the most appropriate way to celebrate is to throw Argus into a most asinine situation. Today I am releasing the second bonus case, Argus Hakan: Asinine Attorney. In this short case, Argus, clad in a most spooky costume, does battle against three unusual witnesses and an even more unusual prosecutor to find something that might be, but is hopefully not the truth.
There's also a recording of the case on my channel if you don't want to download the entire game again just for this one case + very minor updates to previous ones.

As for case 5, progress on that had to stop for a couple of months. My laptop at the time was beginning to fall apart, and my keyboard was broken in a way that typing was possible but needlessly difficult. I've got a new one now, but that still slowed progress since by the time I got it, all the momentum I had after finishing the investigation was gone. This case helped get that back though, so hopefully I'll get the trial done soon.

Also: You can now disable DGS1 music as well as DGS2. The option to remove only DGS2-exclusive music is also there.

October 16 edit: also threw in a sneak update to put a skip button into that one long scene in Storm's asinine case.
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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (Case 5 halfway done)Topic%20Title
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Here's an update for this month:

First of all, surprisingly I haven't said this here yet outside the OP, but "Turnabout Murder" is now "The Sculpted Turnabout," and "Turnabout Hexepta" is now "Turnabout Cremation." Those names should remain final.

Progress is happening, and it's happening nice and swiftly. Both the first investigation and trial of case 5 are completely finished and tested thoroughly, and the second investigation is, hm, 20-30% done, roughly? I have the number of scenes for the section planned out, and so far I've got about 10 of them done, but a lot of those scenes are pretty light, whereas later ones (including one I'm juuuust about to get to) are probably going to be a fair bit meatier, either by dialogue length or gameplay.

The second trial's completely planned out. Probably not the most reassuring thing to hear that that's only done now, but I'll assure you that that was actually taken care of... a month ago. To be clear, I had all the basic details worked around, there was just one thing that didn't really fit, which was, the actual trial flow. Turns out that problem could be reversed with one simple change, and looking back, it makes no fuckin sense why I was originally going to do the trial the way I was going to before changing this. But I'll go into that after the case releases.

Anyway, this case is just past the halfway mark at this point, and it's looking to be about 4 hours in total. The case could honestly come out pretty soon at this point, if I stay as consistent as I am now. I'm also working on presentation as a big thing, not just for this case but previous ones, too. By the next update, some scenes in previous cases will have updated lines or even completely rewritten. As an example:

Spoiler: Case 2
Upton, in the investigation section of On the Road, is portrayed as a dick, basically. He just hurls insults at Argus and runs away. In the trial... he's now a shady con artist? This has been rewritten for consistency, Upton is now his scamming-salesman self in both chapters.

Anyway here's some hypeshots for case 5.

Spoiler: Case 5 Screenshots

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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title
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The Sculpted Turnabout: Released!

The end is near, my people. Case 5 has been released after 9 months of development. This case has had some slow development, but I've put as much effort into it as I could this past year and hope it lives up to expectations. Get ready to solve some crimes once again in a case that is larger than the previous two combined!
Download link is in the OP, but you can also find it here: ...

As well as case 5, this new download also has changes made to previous cases. Here's a log of the notable stuff (ie, the stuff I actually remember to log):

Spoiler: Changelog
[*] Added case 5.
[*] The "Argus" BG now displays on the bottom screen the entire time you're talking to someone (both in the Talk Menu and during their conversations.)
[*] The Suspense music now loops.
[*] Elements in the court record now aline with the blank squares.
[*] Great Revival 2013 replaced with Great Revival 2002.
[*] DGS1 music can now be disabled alongside DGS2 music.
[*] Reworked the intro and lobby scenes in case 1.
[*] Made Upton's investigation appearance more consistent with his later trial appearance in case 2.
[*] Added a bunch of present dialogues to cases 2 and 3.
[*] Changed a certain piece of evidence in case 3.
[*] Minor tweaks have been made to The Plot regarding the academy & the Student Justice System.
[*] Improved case 4's Logic some more, also fixed a few bugs surrounding it.
[*] You can no longer save while examining evidence as well as a few other areas. This avoids the risk of a PyWright bug that causes broken saves.
[*] General script improvements.

That's about it. Next update is the finale. Hope you people enjoy this one.
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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title
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manifesting ciconia phase 2

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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title
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Mia Payne

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Yo can't believe Case 5 gave us a Yamazaki Special

nice case i liked it
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title

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when case 6 aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title
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Fortunately, the game has not been abandoned - in fact, I have spent the last few months actively planning out some of the smaller details. You could say the planning phase has come from """85%""" to "actually 85%".

But right now I'm working on another case for the current AAO comp. I'd say this has had a positive impact on Hexepta, since I think I've managed to improve my outline of case 6 quite considerably from what it was just a month ago.

But anyway yeah, the deadline for the AAO comp is April 22, and my entry is about 90% complete at this point. Once it's done, I'll pick Cremation back up - I am quite a bit more confident in it now. (Lets just hope the next comp theme doesn't tempt me away again, lel.)
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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title
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Today I come not with the finale, but some backstory. In this bonus case, whose length is between 1 and 2 hours, we delve into Storm Sente's past, to an incident that changed his life forever. Why is he the way he is today? Why did Richard leave him so many years ago? How was life in England with only him manning the defense bench?
All of this is answered on the day Storm had to defend his buddy when he was accused of killing a man in his office.
Note: The above download contains Turnabout Apprentice as it's own standalone game. It is to be placed in the games folder. The case will be added to the main Hexepta download for the final release.
Spoiler: Screenshots

(The next update will be the finale this time I promise)
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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title

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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title

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any update regarding case 6?
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title
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Released an update for the currently-released cases. It's mostly script improvements, but there's some small changes to certain logic elements in cases 2 and 4 - both cases are still mostly the same, just wanted to take a slightly different approach to their concepts. Storm's portrayal in case 3 has also been changed to make him more consistent with his portrayal in every other case (because he was, pretty dumb in 3 compared to 5+6).

Also changed some character names slightly, as well as some music choices - now the trial cases use AJ's CE music instead of DD's because turns out they aren't as unfitting as I thought they'd be - and they're better.

One final thing to mention is that you should run the game in the PyWright version it comes packaged with - this update makes some changes to PyWright's core files.

Case 6 will properly begin... when I kill my general lack of motivation. Still sitting on the first trial with only one CE complete right now, might rewrite it when I get back to it if even just to get momentum going.
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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title
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I just got done with the last of the currently released cases. Overall I had a lot of fun! I went in expecting it to be kinda fun, I wasn't expecting the cases to actually be good given the general premise (it's a HEXEPTA FANGAME), yet they totally were. I'm genuinely looking forward to the conclusion to this story now.
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title

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any update 'bout c6 and/or a possible ETA?
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack ((MOST OF) CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title
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I am looking forward to play it! When will the final part of case 5 will released? Or case 6? :phoenix:
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack ((MOST OF) CASE 5!!)Topic%20Title
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You best rethink that evidence, compadre

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So is it worth trying this game despite the unfinished status? I don't wanna try it and love it like with Trials after Justice just to feel dejected that there's no end :(
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (Done)Topic%20Title
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ok i finished it.

I figured it deserved an ending of some sort before I did the first release of the next thing, so here it is! The ending of Hexepta: Mayor Attack, completely 100% faithful to what was originally planned for it! It also doesn't have the most thorough proof-read (it definitely didn't get the level of attention I've given to TRoRN) but it should be decently readable I think.

but it's not in the main game's download. you'll have to download the final chapter separately. nvm its on there now, let me know if the updated game has any new bugs. you should still download this version if you've already played the rest of Sculpted just so you start immediately at the final chapter.

it works with the pywright version bundled with the main game so use that, it almost definitely won't work with version 1.1 or other versions that might exist. Download it with the link above.
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Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (Done)Topic%20Title
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Okay, I finished this game yesterday after some months and I must say:

Like, seriously, at first I thought it would only be a dumb game, since it was a fangame of a "fangame", but I downloaded it anyway cause I had nothing to do and I laughed my ass of the first case, everything was just so stupid and Argus basically doing the same thing as Ryunosuke, but in a way stupidier way was incredible, so I fell in love and quickly finished case 1 and 2, case 3 I lost my save file at some point, but after 1 month of being lazy, I finally created the courage to play and beat it. Turnabout Apprentice was weird, cuz the PyWright version just didn´t worked for me, cuz when I had to investigate the crime scene, the game would instantly close, every time, so I had to play it on AAO. Case 5 and 6 I beat in one or two day and I beat both asinine attorneys in 1 day, so I am here to give my review now.

This fangame is amazing, the humor is incredibly dumb and stupid, but it also becomes funny somehow. Every character there is awesome, even the ones I thought I wouldn´t like(like Storm, cuz for some reason I thought you were part of the people making Acquittal: Induction and was just including him for that reason) I ended up loving. The story is really stupid, but seeing everything having a end in case 5 was awesome, every single plot thread was resolved in that case, and I really liked how case 5 was like an Investigations game, but like a normal main line AA game, and how case 6 had a section that was similar to one of the best games ever made(999: Nine Persons, Nine Hours, Nine Doors), even with a "Seek a Way Out" animation. So yeah, if someone ever read this review, please, play this game, it´s fucking incredible.

Also, it´s funny how between Hexepta and Acquittal, this was the only project that got finished and it involved both universes.

Two questions though:
1 - What happened to Hexepta: Logic Hack? Like, I can´t find shit about that game, the subreddit became a creepypasta, a download link that I found from another subreddit is dead, and it looked like a normal PyWright game, not a Unreal 4 game. Also, the music linked in the CR post is also dead.
2 - Where can I download the demo for Acquittal: Induction? I wanted to try it, but for some reason, I can´t download it on the page, so, anyone has a link or the game itself and can share it with me?
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (Done)Topic%20Title

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I initially didn't know how to take this fangame. Cases 1 & 2 being like. Glorified shitposts. But holy shit once it got going I really enjoyed it! Case 3 is probably my favorite overall. These characters are all really lovable man and so many moments had me rolling. I'd give a more in depth review but it's 2AM lmao. I look forward to your future works!
Re: Hexepta: Mayor Attack (Done)Topic%20Title
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I included "The Sculpted Turnabout" in a post on my blog about my favorite mysteries no one talks about. Not a full review so much as me gushing about how much I loved the last case. Hopefully that will expose the game to more of my fellow mystery fans, but if not perhaps you might like to see it. It's the last one I mention, at the bottom of the post.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
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