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Once upon a time. There was this guy. And he's blue. He's going to his local 7-11 store. His name is Phoenix Wright, but I don't want to type the whole name each time so I'm putting Nick.

Nick: Imma buyin' a blu slurpee.

So he goes in the store. But he find out they were out of blu slurpees.

Clerk: We b out of blue slurpees.


Clerk: Screw you. Let's go to the zoo.

Nick: K.

So they go to the zoo.
They go to the Snake Exhibit or whatever it's called.

Nick: They're so green.

Clerk: What's your point?

Nick: Do I always have to have a point?

Clerk: Yah. Your hair, olol.

Nick: Stfu

Clerk: no u

And when they were exiting the zoo, they run into a monkey. Named Money.

Money: I like money.

Nick: You gots a gangsta necklace?

Money: Yah. I r gonna sell it.

Clerk: Faggot.

So they go to the gangsta shop.

Gangsta #1: u be trippin' on yo peeps, dawg?

Gangsta #2: no wai, foo, I r pimpin' wid da pimps.

So like after that, they see this guy.

Guy: Sup. I'm Mr.Man

Clerk: nm. u? I'm a clerk named Clerk.

Mr.Man: So u wanna come to the dark side?

Clerk: You've got ladies?

Mr.Man: Yah.

So they all follow Mr.Man to the dark side.
They see a lady riding a llama with a purple X on his forehead.

Lady: Sup. whoo mite u b?

Clerk: ur mom. u?

Lady: Mrs.Ladyladington.

Nick: awesoem. So I herd u b playin'?

Mrs.Ladyladington: yah. Let's go explode.

So they all go jump off a cliff and explode.

Llama: We're still alive, foo.

Mrs.Ladyladington: That's cuz we didn't have terrorists with us. So they bring the terrorists.

Terrorist #1:What's in it for us?

Terrorist #2: Yah, we're blowing you up.

Mrs.Ladyladington: a donut

Both terrorists: Deal

Nick: gud. now hurry up.

They blow up.

Spirit of Clerk: So...

Spirit of Money: I need beer.

Spirit of Nick: So do I. I feel like I'm in the mood for some good High Fructose Corn Syrup too.

Now I can't really think of anything else to put.

So that ends part 1?...
I'll probably continue 10 minutes later since I'm bored.

Edit: the title.

Last edited by divinityx on Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:12 pm, edited 21 times in total.
Re: *Insert title here*Topic%20Title


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Part II. With some illustrations.
Separate post to avoid scroll-raping.

They go to the movies.

Spirit of Nick: Let's go find Jesus. Maybe he can resurrect us.

Spirit of Mrs.Ladyladington: Then why'd we go blow ourselves up in the first place?

Spirit of Clerk: To promote global warming?

Spirit of Money: No. I thought Bush had that covered?

Spirit of Nick: whatever.

Spirit of Llama: Omfg! Indian ducks!

Duck #1: We're from Kansas, bitch.

Duck #2: Just 'cause we're Muslim and charm snakes doesn't mean we're from India.

Duck #3: And Indians don't charms snakes.Geez.Image

So the ducks fly away. They run through(Since they are ghosts, for you slow ones) an emo military girl.

Emo Military girl: Fucking author, no such thing as military girls.

Spirit of Nick: No such thing as girls on the interwebz.

Emo Military girl: stfu. Also since it's annoying being called Emo Military girl, I b called Lana.

Spirit of Llama: Why are you at the movies? Shouldn't you be at the military camp?

Lana: Fucking llama, I don't work for the military. I'm running from the lesbians over there anyway.

Spirit of Clerk: Lesbians?...Also, assuming you work for the military...

Lana: fucking assholes i fucking don't work for the fucking military

Spirit of Mr.Man(I almost forgot this character):So...Image

Spirit of Llama: olol talking llama.

So they go explode again and com back to life. Then they were chased by two blue rolling alligators no crocodile no aligators nvm crocodilesImage, and went to go find a time machine.

Money: I want to be a dinosaur.

Clerk: Reincarnation isn't real, stupid.

Lana: EVOLUTION!!!!!Image

Money: Stfu that's all bs. (bull shit. I had a hard time deciphering that one)

Nick: gtfo no u.

So they do to a time machine shop.

???: So ya'll wanna buy a time machine?

Clerk: yeah.

???: i'm Rood Door, btw.

Nick: I don't care who you are. Gimmie a time machine.

Rood: okay

Rood gives them a watch.

Money: fux you. i wanna travel through time.

So they travel through time.

and I couldn't really think of any crap to put here so i'll stop. And so i'll write more later.
Re: *Insert title here*Topic%20Title

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divinityx wrote:
I have nothing better to call my fanfic.
So like yeah.
Title: ....
Author: me
Rating: I don't know.. 2/10? 1/10? epic fail/10? Aren't you guys suppose to rate it?
Genre: phoenix wrong, obviously.
Status: I don't get this part.
Pairing: Or this part.
Summary: A boring fan fic on Phoenix Wright. I made it because I'm bored and I have nothing better to do. And it's pretty pointless.
Careful, wrong spelling and grammar contained.
How should I start..?...The usual... I guess.

Rating = the same thing like the rating of a PG-13

Status = how far are you in the beginning (personally I never include this bit since sometimes I don't know how long a story is going to be)

Pairing = what is the romantic pairing in this story? eg: Phoenix/Miles, Phoenix/Maya, etc.
Re: *Insert title here*Topic%20Title


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Syrus wrote:
Rating = the same thing like the rating of a PG-13
Status = how far are you in the beginning (personally I never include this bit since sometimes I don't know how long a story is going to be)
Pairing = what is the romantic pairing in this story? eg: Phoenix/Miles, Phoenix/Maya, etc.

Oh. I thought the rating was what you guys were suppose to think about it. Well status, I wouldn't really know since my story is baseless random crap that probably end when I don't want to make it anymore, which is probably not going to happen because I'm bored all the time. And on pairing...I'm not really the romantic type.

Thanks for clearing some stuff up though.
Re: *Insert title here*Topic%20Title


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So like, this is like part 3. There are illustrations.


Mr.Man: NO WAI!!!!

Mrs.Ladyladington: Ruff

Clerk: Tuff

Lana: Gruff

Money: Muff

Rood: Stuff

Nick: So where are we?

Llama: Edgeworth Island.

Rood: I thought that was a fuckin' time machine

Mr.Man: Well you had to like fuckin fuckishly lie and fuckin' say it was a fuckin' fucked up time machine, you fuck-hearted fuckin fucker.

Lana: So like, how the hell do get in here?

Nick: We are in. How do we get out?

Rood: Like Edgewurth Island? I herd there was a place called "Kingdom Come" here.

Money: Don't be stoopid. It's "Kingdom Cum" not "Kingdom Come".

Rood: Well, well. You are like, a Jenius with a J! Image

CUT. Sorry, I lost the "Jenius with a J" picture.
RE-CUT. I fount the picture.

So they walk and try to find this "Kingdom Cum".
They bump into this purple-is red-ish guy wearing a cravat.

Guy with cravat: Like, I'm Mr.Myles Edgewurth.

Nick: Like, whatever.

Edgewurth: So I herd you were luking for Kingdom Cum?

Money: Crap, I feel an erection.

Llama: So let's go.

Lana: Whar?

Mrs:Ladyladington: Kingdom Cum.

So they go to Kingdom Cum.

They see a suicide bombing terrorist there.

Rood: Jesus, What do we do? Image

Clerk: RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lana: Thanks, Captain Obvious. Image

terrorist: NO wait!

The terrorist takes off his mask.
It was actually a she!


nick: REALLY?

Terrorist: Here: Image

CUT. For those of you who do not know, Boobies are also birds. But you knew that didn't you?

Edgewurth: NO WAI!!!!!

The gangsta who was in my fanfiction part 1 enters the scene. I reckon you all know who he is. Image Due to the fact that I keep typing Kyouya's name incorrectly, I'm using the picture to represent him. k?

Llama: like so are we at Kingdom Cum?

Nick: Yeah.

Image: So dudes, aren't we gonna lick this place up?

Yes. The floor, the trees, the grass. they were all covered in cum ("Ewwww!" Says the audience).

So they all start licking.

Nick: well, well. I guess we have this place cleaned up. It's time to go somewhere else.

Mr.Man: EPIC WIN!!!!!!!!

Clerk: Image Don't be stupid. you fail. Image

So they all go off on a new adventure in the failboat. And use the fake time traveling thing.
Image Aye, Aye, Captain!


So ends Part 3. Opinions?

Edit: Crap. Mistake.

Last edited by divinityx on Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: *Insert title here* Like people,can you please post opinTopic%20Title


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Okay so nobody likes stories about cum. Any ideas?
Re: *Insert title here* Like people,can you please post opinionsTopic%20Title
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The foxy ladies can't resist my sandwich

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This isn't a fanfic. It's a funny at best.
Re: *Insert title here* Like people,can you please post opinTopic%20Title

Evil on Legs (or so they say)

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This is either the best surrealistic parody, one of the worst fanfic, or a troll.

I'm wishing for parody or troll. This can't be serious.
Re: *Insert title here*Topic%20Title


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DarzieP wrote:
This isn't a fanfic. It's a funny at best.

Really? Thank you! I might still keep making it because I'm bored all day. ^_^

Last edited by divinityx on Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: *Insert title here*Topic%20Title


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SpinnyRoses wrote:
This is either the best surrealistic parody, one of the worst fanfic, or a troll.

I'm wishing for parody or troll. This can't be serious.

Like, I'm pretty stupid, so I don't know what surreal means. And the dictionary isn't helping. So like, either way, thanks for replying! ^^
Re: *Insert title here* Like people,can you please post opinionsTopic%20Title


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Part 4. - with pictures. and lots of it.

So our retards heroes are all aboard the failboat. Here's a mini picture for you lazy people who don't want to scroll up. Image

They are deciding where to go next.
Just to refresh your memory, here are the characters are: nick, lana, money,, mrs.ladyladington, llama, Clerk, rood, Edgewurth, Image , I think I got them all. I think.
So anyway. Let's get on with the story.

Image: Why the hell am I on a sinking boat?

Edgewurth: Why the hell are you asking us?

Image: Twinkle twinkle little star.... {begins to rock with guitar}

Clerk currently is in possession of the watch.

Clerk: I wanna go to a mystical land of unicorns!

Nick: Don't be lame, unicorns aren't real, fairies are!

Lana: Let's vote.
Image: Why vote?

Llama: So we get a sticker. Duh.

Soon, enough when they voted, they all got one of these:Image.

The votes were tallied. It would've been unanimous, but Nick still voted on fairies.

Nick: Crap, I'm out-voted. Image

So they go to the mystical land of unicorns called Unicorna.

They see two girls in these like, purple hippie clothes.

hippie #1: Like totally unicornie!

hippie#2: Totally! Come on, you guize r liek, so slow. Image

Image: We're coming. You don't have to be so jeezuzly jesus about it.Image

hippie#1: OMG DUDES!Image

hippie#2: ONOZ MY HAIR!Image

Mrs.ladyladington: hot guys. duh. I wouldn't be here if they were as spicy as Hannah California.

Rood: fag, it's Montana.

Money: No wai, it's new york! NY!

Image: Party liek a rock star...

hippie#1: anyways hippie#2 is Pearl.

hippie #2: anyways hippie#1 is Maya.

Image: Party liek a porn star...

Maya: Image

Lana: What the hell? tard.

Llama: Image?

Pearl: you ass anyone knows these are better. Image

Edgewurth: But I eat these everyday. Image

Nick: No1carez. Let's go ride unicornz.

Money: k.


So there ends another boring chapter of my story with no title. Hope you had fun reading it. Now I'm gonna go sleep. Good night.
Re: The generic turnabout- I NEED READERS!!!!! Anoyne? PLEASE! PTopic%20Title


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Part 5-
The adventure continues.

They are about to ride unicorns.

Pearl: Let's so not ride unicorns.

Image: Why?

Pearl: Cause.

So they decide not to ride unicorns.

Mrs.Ladyladington: What we need is a quest. A JOURNEY! AN ADVENTURE BEYOND THE UNKNOWN!

Maya: And nail polish.

Mr.Man: Adventure time!

Nick: Problemo!

Lana: What now?

Nick: Where will we go?

Lana: To Adventure, of course!

Nick: Adventure?

Clerk: You retard, don't you know where Adventure is?

Nick: No.

Edgewurth: Then too bad.

Llama: let's just go. U'll see when we get thar.

Nick: k.

Nick pushed a button on the watch and they all said


They arrive at Adventure.
They see a person. It was the most regular person they have ever seen.

The regular person: sup folks. welcum to Adventure.

Nick: So like, what the hell do we do here?

The regular person: Pick a door and start your adventure in Adventure.

Money: Ok. u b cumin' with us?

The regular person: Sure. Why not. My name is Generic.

Lana: Liar.

Generic: No srsly.

Clerk: lul I c wut u did thar

Generic: Gud.

Rood: Ok so let's pick a door and start our fuxing adventure already.

Money: Let's pick the door with the picture of a card on it.

Llama: k.

They enter the door with the picture of a card on it.
It was a circus.

They see this sexy cute girl.

Girl: Hi.

Lana: sup.

Girl: you have cum on your mouth.

Lana: o shit

Lana licks her lips.

Lana: better?

Girl: Yah. Now it's all over ur face. So much better. [No sarcasm intended]

Nick: Who the hell r u?

Girl: i'm suppose to be your adopted daughter. But screw that. I'm not. I'm a magical magician.

Nick: lul

Rood: so. Where are we?

Girl: A circus, obviously.

Image: Yay! Let's play!

Girl: Thar is a club down the street. My name is Minuki.

I am going to use the emotion sometimes instead of typing "Minuki" because the emotion is cute.

Image: Ya! Hot sexy girls here I cum.

:minuki: : Also, cocks.

Edgewurth: I am in need of a new cravat.

Nick: owned.

Llama: Imma swinging on this trapeze!

:minuki: :No! You idiotic bastard! don't!

Now I don't know how the hell a llama can swing on a trapeze anyway, but it did. And down came the llama. And fell right on top of a laptop computer in the middle of the circus ring.

:minuki: : damnit you bastarding bastard you broke my computer.

Llama: Wait. I'll fix it. Image

And the llama did.

:minuki: : But now it smells like llama shit since you forgot your right ball on the keyboard.

The llama picks up his right ball and glues it with llama spit back on where it belonged.

:minuki: : Screw this laptop. I'm cumin' with u on ur adventure.

Money: how did you know we were going on an adventure.

:minuki: : Magic. Now let me show you my pogeymanz. Image

Minuki take them to a seprate tent full of other magicians that look like her. except they r guys. (Sadly I consider none of them really hot...ok maybe some of them are, but not all of them.) And these guys. Isn't it obvious who they are? Actually no it isn't since I'm mixing the Big Berry Circus story and characters in with the Arumajiki troupe.

Inside of the tent, they found the people :varanbaran:, :pshhh:, :moe:, Zakku, Tensai, and Yuumi. But you don't know that yet.

:minuki: : Varan, quit turning your stick thing. it's annoying.

Varan: make me

Varan: I'm varan, kiddos.

Kiddos(Everyone in the story except for the circus chaacters): Hi Varan.

The clown: I'm Moe, the annoying clown who gets on everyone's nerves by telling jokes that aren't funny!

Nick: k. What is the point of this?

Clerk: I thot u were showing us ur pogeymans.

:minuki: : These are my pogeymans.

Conceited magician: I'm Maximillion Galactica. I don't go by my real name billie joe johns because it's the gayest name ever.

Edgewurth: You have man boobs.

Max (Maximillion): I know.

Edgewurth: They might decide to fire their layzhurs.

Max: And I b firen em at u.

Edgewurth: o shit

The pink magician: I b Zakku. I luv poker.

Nick: then I challenge you to a poker fite!

Zakku: Deal

They start throwing poker chips at each other.

The old magician: I r Tensai. I'm obsessed with potatoes.

Rood: Me too!

Tensai: Let's eat potatoes then!

Tensai takes out a key, sticks it into the ground and there opens a secret passageway.

Nick: Hey Generic, ya know how to get back to Adventure?

Generic: Just use the watch.

Nick: Ok.

Girl Magician: I'm Yuumi. Magician assistant. And a magician.

Generic: a wine cellar! let's drink.

Image: crabs drink.

:minuki: : ur stoopid. Crabs smoke. Cabbages drink.

Image: O yah. I forgot.

:minuki: : Let's go in.

Tensai: No! I'm not showing you my pogeymans! Image

:minuki: : Why not?

Tensai: Because I don't want to.

Yuumi: Well too bad. I don't care what you want.

They all enter the very dark room. Nobody could see anything. It was very hot inside.

Moe: Why are leaves so religious?

:minuki: : Why?

Moe: Because they have many be-leafs!

Nick: Image


Generic: Crap I was scroll-raped.

???: Not as much as he is going to be!!

They hear a noise and the lights open. They were in a dark cellar full of sacks of potatoes.
In the middle of the cellar was a man in an orange suit. He seemed to be giving off a little bit too many heat waves and was making the room stuffy and hot. Next to him was an over sized potato bag stuffed with something. It was big enough to fit a person. Was a person in there?

???: It's rape time!



Nick: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Image: MY GUITAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clerk: O YAH!


???: I'm not Gant.

Tensai: Then who the fuckin' fuck are you? and get the fuck off my potatoes!

???: I'm THE GANT. Not just Gant.

THE GANT: Best raper ever. I dug my way here.

And they all saw, in the very corner of the room lay lots and lots of dirt. And a hole tunnel that looked twisty and confusing. It was so long, they couldn't see the slightest hint of sunlight.



Max: This is so not fabulous! You have my rigged deck of cards!







THE GANT: Yup. I jacked everyone of your things.

:minuki: : What did you jack from me?

THE GANT: Well you had nothing so I jacked a sock.


THE GANT: And you guys aren't seeing any of these things ever again. Toodle. We might meet again some day.

And with those words, THE GANT simply disappeared in thick air. THE GANT, as mentioned before, has a very stuffy aroma.

Maya: That ass.

Pearl: That fag.

The large potato sack on the floor began to move.

???(Thing in the potato sack): Gemme out!

:minuki: : Geez, Tensai, you potatoes talk now.

Tensai: Fool, that's not a potato. That's a person.

???(Person in potato sack): come on! geezuz fuckin christ! That orange guy almost jacked something from me too!

Zakku: Well he didn't.

???: Thanks to you guys. Thank you for letting me keep my virginity.

Varan: ur welcum.

???: Can I cum out noaw?

Image: for half a jar of cum.

???: Deal.

They let the person out.


*yawn*n I'll write more tomorrow or some other time. SOMEONE PLEASE READPOST.

Last edited by divinityx on Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished pTopic%20Title


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Edit: Sorry. I need someone to post. Thank you Darzie and SpinnyRoses forgiving this fanfic a chance.
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished pTopic%20Title

You weren't kidding when you said that this contained nonsense. This is easily the most confusing fanfic on the board, and I respect that. 7/10.
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished pTopic%20Title


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GearsoftheApparatus wrote:
You weren't kidding when you said that this contained nonsense. This is easily the most confusing fanfic on the board, and I respect that. 7/10.


And thanks for rating it too. Hopefully you enjoyed the fan fic and it wasn't a waste of your time. ^_^
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished pTopic%20Title


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I might not make any more parts any time soon because I am being piled with homework and loads of other stuff on my mind..
*stares around* lul. Not many people read this anyway.
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished part5Topic%20Title


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Part 5 and a half. I'm too lazy to make it longer. So it's half of a fan fic.

They bravely let potato man out of his sack.

Potato Man: Whoosh. Here is your cum.

Potato Man hands him the cum.

Image: Thank you. Can I have a douche bag too?

Potato Man: No, you only said cum. Plus, that cum is mystical cum. Magic cum. Also, I'm not a potato man, stupid divinityx.

Image: damn

divinityx: lul

Potato Man: That's really all you say, isn't it?

divinityx: lul

:minuki::If you aren't the fucking potato man who the fuck are you?

Potato Man: .....

Varan: Generic

Generic: Moe



Max: That's one "HA" too many. Also, cocks.



Potato Man: I am.....

*drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *scroll rape* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll**drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll* *drum roll*

....Housuke Odoroki, AKA Apollo Justice!

:minuki:: Aren't you like, my brother?

Odoroki: Yah. Half brother.

:minuki:: No, your body is still full. Lemme saw you in half. Hold still. Image

And she saws Odoroki in half.
Spoiler: odoroki, half 1
Spoiler: Apollo, half 2

And gives the other half for Rood to hold.

Rood: Nooooo I want the other half. Switch.

:minuki:: Fine.

So they switch. Rood gets
Spoiler: This part
So I am going to call the one Rood has, Apollo, and the one :minuki: has, Odoroki.

Odoroki(since that part of him has a mouth, that is the only one that can talk. For now.): stitch me back together later. But like, let's go to Adventure now so we can end the circus scene, k?

They end the circus scene and return to Adventure.


Out of all of them, this one sucks most. lul.
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished pTopic%20Title
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Slightly Disheveled Radiator

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Whaha *so confused* I don't know if I'd call it a fanfiction, it's more like a random spazz-out...But it's entertainingish.
Created by Vickinator, the greatest person EVER.
~ Crying in Public ~ The Kallisti Project: Samurai Arc

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Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished pTopic%20Title
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MercuryKitten wrote:
I don't know if I'd call it a fanfiction, it's more like a random spazz-out

I said that around ten posts ago.
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished pTopic%20Title
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Slightly Disheveled Radiator

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DarzieP wrote:
MercuryKitten wrote:
I don't know if I'd call it a fanfiction, it's more like a random spazz-out

I said that around ten posts ago.

And I was agreeing with you.
Created by Vickinator, the greatest person EVER.
~ Crying in Public ~ The Kallisti Project: Samurai Arc

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Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished part5Topic%20Title
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The foxy ladies can't resist my sandwich

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I never said you weren't.
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished part5Topic%20Title

Method of Madness

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Quite simply, this is your brain on 4chan.
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished part5Topic%20Title


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Err. Thanks for all the comments guys. ^_^
The other half of part 5-
I left off when they all went to adventure, yes? So at adventure, they had to select a door.

Nick: Let's go in da green one

Generic: No wai! screw the green one. Let's go in the GR33N one.

Nick: What's the difference?

Generic: So that I win.

Nick: lul k.

Generic: So we're going in the GR33N door?

Nick: shure.

Generic: YUY! I WUN! Image

Edgewurth: Well!? Why the hell aren't we going in?

Mrs.Ladyladington: Cuz me an my phat belly r in da way!

Llama: Well can you hurry u and get out of the way? Cuz I'm waiting. Image

Mrs.Ladyladington: k fine

Money opens the door and everyone goes in the GR33N door.

They were on a very steep and tall mountain. In a cave in the very steep and tall mountain..if that makes sense?

In that cave, there was a really stuffy aroma.

Rood: I'm awesome.

Odoroki: Why?

Rood: Cuz I'm awesome liek that.

Odoroki: o i c

:minuki:: There might be a bear in here.

Image: There might be gant.

Lana: That's just as bad.

Varan: You mean that's just as good.

Lana: No, I mean that's just as bad.

Varan: Something that's just as bad is just as good. Same amount of bad, same amount of good.Image

Lana: But it's more bad than good.

Varan: So? Don't be emo.

Lana: I'm not emo.

Varan: lul

Odoroki: guize stfu, I think I hear sumthing.
They all stfu...

Tensai: I don't hear anything.

Max: Image

Then they hear a small tap tap. Well not really.
Spoiler: For this story.
More like they hear a small "rape" "rape". :gant:

Generic: hmm...Needs more desu.Image

Lana: stfu. I hear it too.

Generic: no u! I'm gonna ignore you now.

Lana: You do so.

Generic: ALALALALALALA! I don't have to reply if I don't want to.

Lana: Yes you do.

Generic: No I don't!

Lana: You just did.

Generic: dam!

After that, they all fell silent and listen to the sounds. Then for a minute, they thought they heard a scream.

???: I told you we'd meet again.


End of the other half of part 5.
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished part5Topic%20Title


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It seems my fanfiction was burned lol. But that doesn't matter. Sorry I could make any, I wasn't busy, I just couldn't get a hold of the internet(or a computer).*stares at room with like 2 fans* lol

So yeah. Here's a new one so this doesn't completely die(yes I'm serious).

Now I'm guessing all of you are thinking it's gant. Well you're all wrong. It's THE GANT. Ok? k.

THE GANT(since I already told you): Right there. Perfect. Ahhhhhh.....

Odoroki: He gets all the fun.

THE GANT: Assholes, you let him out?

Image: he gave us cum. It was worth it.

THE GANT: Fag. Anyways, I'm bored.

:minuki: : well, take ur fcking penis out of that dewd and stick it in me instead.

*shuffle* Shuffle* *switch* *swing* Ding! Err...No.

THE GANT: It doesn't fit.


Sorry I have to end this now I gotta go I swear I'll make more.
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished part5Topic%20Title


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Ok. This is probably a little later than I expected to make this but whatever. Sorry for the delay. So yeah. Here it goes:


THE GANT: man, screw this.

:minuki:: now wut do we do?


Odoroki: Sew me.

:minuki:: then what was the point in cutting you.

Lana: *cough* eeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmoooooooooooooooooooooo *cough*

Nick sews Apollo and Odoroki together to make Aporoki.

Aporoki: I wish I didn't have such a retarded name.

Varan: Who names their kid a name like Apollo?

Aporoki: Well who names their kid Baran?

Varan: It's Varan, not baran, you moron

Aporoki: Well SOR-RY Mr.Baran.

Varan: Shut up

Aporoki: Toaster.

THE GANT: *sigh*

Max: I happen to have pink hair.

Rood: No wai.

Max: yah i gots it from my mama

Rood: Den wut about ur pops?

Image: They're mine. Image


Err yeah.. I can't really find a plot for this story so I'm hoping I'll make one in the next chapter of mine. Ok. So yeah.
Re: The generic turnabout.I NEED READERS!PLZ!Just finished part5Topic%20Title


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Ok. So here I am. I'm refusing to let this die, so I'm making another chapter to keep it up. I'm hoping to get more readers, and ever more posters. Damn, I suck.

All of them go back to Adventure.

Generic: I'm bored.

:minuki::I want a -

Nick's Cell Phone(interrupts :minuki:):

Nick: Hello?

Cellphone: I've got her hostage!

Nick: Who?

Cellphone: Your girlfriend.

Nick: Dude, I'm single. So like who's my girl friend?

Cellphone: This hot chick.


Nick: Fries?

Cellphone: Stop calling me that, I dislike McDonalds.

Nick: Well then how about Jack-in-a-box?

Cellphone: I made out with Jack, he's a petite extra small. Not worth it, even if he is in a box.

Nick: Yeah, I heard about that. Only like an 8 incher.

Cellphone: I bet I would even do better with my rope.

Nick: But I'm pretty gud for an americunt don't you think?...*becomes hopeful*

Cellphone: Well you might not be as good as the Eurofags over here in Germany. We have soccer.

Nick: How about I defend you and we make a little exchange?

Cellphone: deal.

Nick: Ok, where?

Cellphone: Door that has a picture of Bambi's ass on it.

Nick: Alright, bye.

Cellphone: Cya.

Edgewurth: TO COURT!


Aporoki: so.

Nick presses the button and they go to Adventure once more.

Nick: The door with Bambi's ass.

Mr.Man: I found it.

There is was. And they all entered.

They were all in the familiar defendant lobby.

Rood: Who that?

The look over to see a dude that's wearing sunglasses(It's Maki).

Maki: I'm Maki.

Nick: I'm here for fries.

Maki: We don't sell those here.

Mrs.Ladyladington: He means Franziska.

"I see," said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw. (pun intended)

Nick: Where is she?

Maki: Over there.

Over where?

Putting on a Shoop Da Whoop show. Let's watch.

They see Franziska putting on a show. At the end of it, she bows and the audiences claps.

Yuumi: Pedo Bear approves.
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Now I'll stop there and save the Courtroom drama for later.
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