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Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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You do realise Arkillian that while I appreciate your criticism, 'stylised' drawing is my way of drawing. I love the sylised way of drawing. The big hair, huge eyes, over exagurrated feautures, caricuture, the lot of it I maybe should have stated this from the start. I do like realism, but to an extent-Let me re-read the proportion page... I will post what it says.

Spoiler: Long! I'm copying from 'female proportions', as that is what I attempted to draw
*Daisy is the character they get you to draw*

Toddler Daisy
The younger the character is, the larger the head will be compared to the rest of the body. AT around 3-6 years old, she is four heads in height. She will also look much chubbier this age.

Preteen Daisy
AT about 9 years old, Daisy is six heads in height.Her body is more shaped than when she was a toddler, but she is still quite undefined.

Teenage Daisy
Daisy is now 17, so she is pretty much fully grown-around 7.5 heads in height. However, some characters are taller than this. Her curves are also much more defined now

Adulthood Daisy
Daisy is at her fully grown height of eight heads. This is not only taller, but notice her body is broader and her hips and limbs are far more curvy. Human beings in real life are rarely eight heads tall, but this is usually commonplace in manga. Sometimes characters can be up to ten heads, but this is usually used for evil characters, or extra strong ones.
Females with more than eight-head proportion are usually heriones or fashion models.

I found this fine advice, myself. The Male proportions page is verrry similar but speaks more about muscle development rather than curves. It may chuck you in at the deep end just a little, starting with heads, but it explains how to draw everything there very thouroughly. If you want I could scan in some pages but i find that not needed.

Sometimes I think the legs look too tall for the body, this is why I shorten them a lot, which looks good to me, but to others I will have no idea.
I find the book greatly useful. It covers more areas than any other book I could see so I bought it.
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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I stand by my critique still then. The FORM is far more important than the proportion. I was only talking specifically the proportion cause that is what you requested critique on. If this is not what you wanted to hear, then I'm not sure what you were expecting anyone to say. All I can say then is keep studying from the book if that is what you are comfortable with, and practice your form. You have a few errors in your form that I could illustrate with a red line critique.
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That would be very nice, Arkillian, if you could do the red-line thing. I suppose I need to work on my form too, I should have asked for crits on that :payne:

I do appreciate how much you are helping me, and everyone else here, please don't take it the wrong way.
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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Romeo wrote:
That would be very nice, Arkillian, if you could do the red-line thing. I suppose I need to work on my form too, I should have asked for crits on that :payne:

I do appreciate how much you are helping me, and everyone else here, please don't take it the wrong way.

OK- I had a feeling it's what you really wanted, but I gave you thoughts on proportion anyway in case it really wasn't what you wanted.

Spoiler: Red Line Crit

Features to note:-
  • Center of balance- In a figure that is not influenced by force, gravity, or any other sensation than gravity effecting them, the human body will ALWAYS balance the body evenly by weight via the foramen magnum hole. Otherwise, is off balance and will fall. IF you want your character to not fall over, the easiest thing to do is draw a line straight down and follow that line. If your body bumps to one side, stick their leg out to counter it or twist something else.
  • The head was on a really extreme angle. It's not a comfortable angle to be at, so unless you need it to make the viewer uncomfortable, best to keep it more up right. If you DO want it tilted, you'll need to bend the neck too so the head is closer to the shoulder.
  • Neck was a bit too tapered. A tapered neck is ok on guys cause it looks muscular, but not so much on ladies. Up to you, but I'm assuming it's not what you wanted.
  • The body is on a 3/4 view, so all the body parts associated need to tilt too. Um... for her left (our right)breast to stick out like it did in yours, you'd have to look at her straight on, and her be a LARGE breasted woman. That's ok though. It comes with trying poses more than once :) The pelvis needed to tilt sideways too.
  • As I said on my first crit, arms go down to mid thigh, the elbows to the bellybutton. That's a proportion that sticks with all the proportion variants.
  • I moved her legs so they balance her. Please note- the closer leg appears *longer* than the further one. That gives the illusion of it being closer. If she's raising her leg then that's another story, but I think they're both meant to be flat- is that correct?

Anyways, that's what I could pull from that drawing. My suggestion- once you've drawn a few poses in your 1: 5 scaled human (I think it's that? Or 1:6?), go to Posemaniacs, and draw some poses without assistance from there. It'll be tricky since you work in a different scale, but don't worry about accuracy- just the form. See how the limbs move, and draw it. They also have 30 second poses. It's tricky at first, but once you get use to them, it makes coming up with original poses alot easier.

I hope that was better help for you :)

Last edited by Arkillian on Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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This was greatly helpful. Thank you.
I dont know many proper artists words so I wasn't sure what to call it. I was going to ask for help on, 'getting the body to look right' but that could cover many things. I will keep practicing and hopefully I can get better with time.
I will check out that Posemaniacs too! Maybe after I can show some more work.

One problem though. I cannot see the red-line crit. ITs not slowly loading, its just not showing up. Therefore I cannot use all the crits, espeically the last one. Can you fix it please? I would be grateful if you did.
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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>.< I was sure I pasted it... Maybe I got caught up and didn't check. It's there now though
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Aaaah, I see now. Thank you. I knew the leg was off.
She looks much more natural now, thank you for the help. Greatly appreicated.
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I just want to thank you, Arkillian, for the advice and comments you gave... It's really helpfull :jake: ! And is this the book you were talking about? Cause then I'm planning on getting it!
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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Oh- Yes! Mine is a different colour to that but I may have a different printing :) It's great, but the first few exercises apparently hurt a little. It's because the left side is fighting the right.I don't know cause I didn't need to do that exercise cause my left side sits in the corner most of the time anyways. Persevere with it, ok? It may not make sense, but it works :) I'm glad I helped ^^

<edit> No- it's just the scan. The book is the same as my one :)</edit>
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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It's the war of the Eyeglasses!

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I've only one picture to my name...

And I drew it in the margin of one of my text books.

Sorry he's so small :payne:
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

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Sorry- what were you wanting crit on? If you're wanting critique on it from me, I'd rather not critique an image that small.
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It's the war of the Eyeglasses!

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Arkillian wrote:
Sorry- what were you wanting crit on? If you're wanting critique on it from me, I'd rather not critique an image that small.

Here's a larger though lower quality one.
Spoiler: Big

So I was just wondering overall if I did it right. Like proportions, details, etc.
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

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I don't think you understood me. I can enlarge images myself, and a minor degree of camera distortion can be ok with simple pictures. Your image however is physically too small, and rescanning it wont help that. I'm sorry, but I can give alot of crit on art, but when it's that small, you don't have the space for hand movement to get in details, mistakes become plainly obvious, and it doesn't show your understanding of anatomy. If it fits into the margin of a page, then unless you have a super fine pen, it's generally classed as a sketch or a doodle. Sketches and doodles are great for throwing ideas down fast, but due to their size, can only be judged artistically on story, layout, and appeal. Nothing detail related. Otherwise it undermines the fun/fast aspect of it.

Come back to me when you have a larger picture... something that'd fill atleast an A5 page (148mm × 210mm / 5.8inch × 8.3inch). That way, I can see what you do and don't know about anatomy and art in general :)

<edit> Sorry- I should mention that this is MY base requirement for giving crit cause I know the meaning of doodles- they're for fun, and I feel that if I crit a doodle, it takes away the fun aspect. If someone else feels they can supply a suitable crit, then go for it. I dont' crit art that is smaller than A5 for the above reasons. </edit>
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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I'd like some crit again if people can give it.
Spoiler: Sweeney Todd picture

OK, so before people start giving me crit that I can't change due to the pigment of pencil and time constraints for this, I'm actually only interested in crit for a few areas.

  • Around Sweeney's hand to me feels jumbled with the texture on his gloves with the background. I can't make the background too much lighter due to a mistake I'm masking, so has anyone got ideas? Or is it ok?
  • Does the blue wash over it look ok? Or should I give it a sepia tone. Grey looks too washed out. I thought blue may give it a cool look. Crit on wash colour please :)

I think that's all I want to know >.> Anything else would be too late, or I wont have time to fix. Thank you for anyone that gives thoughts on this no matter how brief :)

Last edited by Arkillian on Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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It's the war of the Eyeglasses!

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1) His gloves fine. I can tell it apart if that's what your asking
2) I'm feeling a bit like Lotta as I don't really know what a wash out is supposed to do, but I couldn't really tell that there was any blue added.
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

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JeremyGavin wrote:
1) His gloves fine. I can tell it apart if that's what your asking
2) I'm feeling a bit like Lotta as I don't really know what a wash out is supposed to do, but I couldn't really tell that there was any blue added.

Hrmm... I had a feeling it was too textured damn it T.T Yeah, that was what I was asking- if the gloves didn't blend with the background. Looks like I'm going to have to knock back the background a bit... make it darker. I was getting pretty tired by the time I got to this part of the picture. I probably should've stopped way before then ^^;

A colour wash is when there's a colour over the whole page which is transparent. The colour is only very subtle- you probably wouldn't notice it unless I compared it to a grey version. It gives the grey pencil a bit of personality. Normally I turn it sepia, or a golden brown colour. This one I thought blue would work better, but I think it's a little too cold >.>

Thank you for your comment :)
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heya need to ask how many heads are meant to fit in a body? 4, 5 or 6?
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Golden Luxray wrote:
heya need to ask how many heads are meant to fit in a body? 4, 5 or 6?

Hmm well it depends on many things.
Very young characters tend to have a bigger head in relation to the body- maybe around 4 heads, but this is toddlers we are talking about. As they get older their comparison changes, but when grown up you can expect them to be 7/8 heads in height. Any more than 8 would be tall characters, and 6 would be used for teenagers and shorter people.

However, if like me you draw in a half-chibi fashion, you can expect normal characters to be 6 heads tall.

I cannot explain it very well. ARKY TO THE RESCUE
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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Romeo wrote:
Golden Luxray wrote:
heya need to ask how many heads are meant to fit in a body? 4, 5 or 6?

Hmm well it depends on many things.
Very young characters tend to have a bigger head in relation to the body- maybe around 4 heads, but this is toddlers we are talking about. As they get older their comparison changes, but when grown up you can expect them to be 7/8 heads in height. Any more than 8 would be tall characters, and 6 would be used for teenagers and shorter people.

However, if like me you draw in a half-chibi fashion, you can expect normal characters to be 6 heads tall.

I cannot explain it very well. ARKY TO THE RESCUE

Lol- You pretty much explained it, but anything goes really :) There's no really rule to what is right, just knowing how long the arms and legs are. Realistic proportions are as Romeo says, but fashion design uses a 1:10 ration sometime to get a longer leg and slinkier body, and animes like Sailor moon I think were a 1:9 for similar reason. I use 1:8 cause it's easier to measure for me, but I think Romeo was suggesting that they liked a 1:6 on their characters cause they preferred the larger head look. There's nothing wrong with any proportion you use. If this helps, think of it this way. Under 1:7 is cute and cuddly, 1:8 and above is elegant and slinky. Anything in between is normal (for an adult).

What you DO need to follow if you want your characters to look healthy and not stumpy, is that the elbow goes to the belly button, finger tips stop half way down the thigh, if you crouch the character- the thighs to their chest, the knees sit under the chin, and the eyes are always level, and evenly spaced from the nose. If you get those rules to a pat, then the scale usually fixes itself. After that, it's WAY more important that you get the balance and the form right. Sketch it all out and see how it looks and go from there :)
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Arkillian wrote:
Romeo wrote:
Golden Luxray wrote:
heya need to ask how many heads are meant to fit in a body? 4, 5 or 6?

Hmm well it depends on many things.
Very young characters tend to have a bigger head in relation to the body- maybe around 4 heads, but this is toddlers we are talking about. As they get older their comparison changes, but when grown up you can expect them to be 7/8 heads in height. Any more than 8 would be tall characters, and 6 would be used for teenagers and shorter people.

However, if like me you draw in a half-chibi fashion, you can expect normal characters to be 6 heads tall.

I cannot explain it very well. ARKY TO THE RESCUE

Lol- You pretty much explained it, but anything goes really :) There's no really rule to what is right, just knowing how long the arms and legs are. Realistic proportions are as Romeo says, but fashion design uses a 1:10 ration sometime to get a longer leg and slinkier body, and animes like Sailor moon I think were a 1:9 for similar reason. I use 1:8 cause it's easier to measure for me, but I think Romeo was suggesting that they liked a 1:6 on their characters cause they preferred the larger head look. There's nothing wrong with any proportion you use. If this helps, think of it this way. Under 1:7 is cute and cuddly, 1:8 and above is elegant and slinky. Anything in between is normal (for an adult).

What you DO need to follow if you want your characters to look healthy and not stumpy, is that the elbow goes to the belly button, finger tips stop half way down the thigh, if you crouch the character- the thighs to their chest, the knees sit under the chin, and the eyes are always level, and evenly spaced from the nose. If you get those rules to a pat, then the scale usually fixes itself. After that, it's WAY more important that you get the balance and the form right. Sketch it all out and see how it looks and go from there :)

thx guys that should help ill show ya if i make an ok body ^^
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Dora Feddy: Southern Fried Prosecutor

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I'm here for another critique, if you don't mind, Arkillian. I dunno if it has to PW fanart or not, oh well...

Anyways, what I'm really asking for is a critique on the proportions and shape, since I was pretty much lazy on the color and shading.

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Dora Feddy wrote:
I'm here for another critique, if you don't mind, Arkillian. I dunno if it has to PW fanart or not, oh well...

Anyways, what I'm really asking for is a critique on the proportions and shape, since I was pretty much lazy on the color and shading.


Firstly, mind if I ask what you were trying to achieve with the picture, cause right now, it has alot of character and merit. If what you wanted how ever was to aim for realism, then I'd be able to say something. Right now however, it's a characterised picture, and has it's own charm :)
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Arkillian wrote:
Firstly, mind if I ask what you were trying to achieve with the picture, cause right now, it has alot of character and merit. If what you wanted how ever was to aim for realism, then I'd be able to say something. Right now however, it's a characterised picture, and has it's own charm :)

Honesty, I have NO idea what I was trying to draw, but thank you for the compliment.

I wouldn't mind if you went with the whole realism idea though, I would really appreciate the tips.
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heya erm another question does anyone have any tips to draw a wolf/ dog?
(or is thread only for people?...'~')
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Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

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Golden Luxray wrote:
heya erm another question does anyone have any tips to draw a wolf/ dog?
(or is thread only for people?...'~')

All I can say is to draw it in simple shapes and then flesh it out. It's the ground basis of all art, but I don't tend to draw animals so I can't help you much- sorry :( If you're on Furaffinity, they could help better. Their registrations are down right now if you don't though.

Dora Feddy wrote:
Honesty, I have NO idea what I was trying to draw, but thank you for the compliment.

I wouldn't mind if you went with the whole realism idea though, I would really appreciate the tips.

I guess sometimes just letting it happen has it's own bonuses :) Having a purpose for the art however is pretty key. If it's for fun only, then I'd say just leave it. IF you're trying for accuracy, there's a few things up with it. Remember, when I say this, I actually think it's fine as it is. IF you want me to nit pick it to realism, these are my thoughts:-

  • I don't know if you're drawing your hair onto your base head, or the other way around, but it's a trap for beginners to draw the head in the gap the hair makes which isn't right. Always with hair or clothing draw the raw form underneath it first, then draw the hair coming off it. it'll help you see where it should fall, and keep the shape right.
  • I'm going to be bold and say that the head is a bit round. When I say bold, there are found heads out there so without a reference to comment on, I'm not sure if it's applicable. It may just be a case of making the head above the eyes higher to make it right. It feels a little *too* short. Humans come in all shapes though. I may be unfamiliar with this shape.
  • The eyes are too big for realism. It's cool for a more toony look, but realistic eyes tak up 1/5th of the width of the face *front on*, so on an angle, they are less wide. I think it's because you've made the face take up too much room. This is totally cool for a toon, but realism is alot smaller. When I say alot though, minor adjustments to size- 1 or 2mm make ALL the difference T.T
  • Back on the eyes, unless the subject is surprised or glaring, the top eyelid tends to go over the coloured area of the eye. You've... sort of started to do it, but her pupils are HUGE so that compensates for it alot which is why you don't notice immediately, but the dilation of the pupils make her look a little stoned. Pupils get that big generally in low light conditions, when someone is on drugs, or apparently when they're hot for someone. A little unnerving for the viewer.
    Spoiler: An alert looking eye
    Notice how it still covers the coloured area and the pupil is small? Her eyes are actually very alert looking. A relaxed eye would have the lid touching the pupil
  • Use long strokes for your hair. This is something I was told in intermediate when I was... 12 or so and it's SO important to know. Short strokes are easier, but they give the impression of strands floating out of no where. Make your lines long and flowy. I suggest drawing from the inside of a curve to get the smoothest line.
  • Teeth- the eye is attracted to differences in light and dark. Showing individual teeth is ok in a toon, but in realism, keep the lines to the further back teeth where it's darker. IT may be accurate, but you dont' have to put EVERY line on the human face into your art. Less can be more in some cases :)
  • Eyebrows- Watch the direction the hair on your eye brows go. Eyebrows have long follicles and should be treated like very short hair, not like it's fuzzy. A solid edge eyebrow is better than a fuzzy one in my experience.
  • Shadows- give yourself a bit more depth by finding where your darkest tone is and putting that in first if you know you wont smudge it. That way, you keep your depth and light source solid :)

It'd be easier to give more if you had a photo reference you went off. till then, this is all I can point out :) I hope it helped.
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aw man i cant draw mia :( tips anyone??
(oh and also the wolf i thought you might like a looky
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Dora Feddy: Southern Fried Prosecutor

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Arkillian wrote:
Stuff a post or so up.

Thanks so much for the tips.... I eh, don't really have much to say... I had to go get rabies shots yesterday after an incident, so I'm kinda out of it (still wondering what the heck happened)... I really do appreciate the criticism though.
Golden Luxray wrote:
aw man i cant draw mia :( tips anyone??
(oh and also the wolf i thought you might like a looky

I uh, ain't exactly the best on drawing animals, but if Arkillian doesn't mind I could give you a few pointers...
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Dora Feddy wrote:
Arkillian wrote:
Stuff a post or so up.

Thanks so much for the tips.... I eh, don't really have much to say... I had to go get rabies shots yesterday after an incident, so I'm kinda out of it (still wondering what the heck happened)... I really do appreciate the criticism though.
Golden Luxray wrote:
aw man i cant draw mia :( tips anyone??
(oh and also the wolf i thought you might like a looky

I uh, ain't exactly the best on drawing animals, but if Arkillian doesn't mind I could give you a few pointers...

im sure arky wont mind and i would love to know what you think too ^_'
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Waiting on Godot...

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As I said before, I don't draw animals, so I couldn't help you so much. I'd be giving basic advice. This crit thread is open to ANYONE giving crit :) I'm just giving crit to everyone so the forum is moving. I'm by NO means an expert at all forms of art though. I'm particularly weak in non humans.

What kind of advice are you wanting on drawing Mia? I say just do it. Sorry that's not helpful ^^;
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Arkillian wrote:
As I said before, I don't draw animals, so I couldn't help you so much. I'd be giving basic advice. This crit thread is open to ANYONE giving crit :) I'm just giving crit to everyone so the forum is moving. I'm by NO means an expert at all forms of art though. I'm particularly weak in non humans.

What kind of advice are you wanting on drawing Mia? I say just do it. Sorry that's not helpful ^^;

oh yh sorry kinda forgot that you dont draw animals sorry, but anyway heres my kinda failed mia
Imagesorry its a bit blurry '~' but i would love to know what you think.

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I think she looks very Mia-ish, so I wouldn't worry about people not getting who she is. She does have anatomical errors though- is that what you are wanting help on? Cause she looks very Mia to me :)
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Golden Luxray wrote:

I'll try my best to critique it properly, but don't expect anything too fantastic or thought provoking. Just ask if you need me to elaborate on something.

One thing to remember is that having a good reference at hand can help your drawing a lot.

Starting off with lightly drawn basic lines and shapes can be a hassle, but after you get an idea of what you're drawing by using them it becomes easier to give the drawing its final look.


- The back of the wolf in your drawing looks odd because of the way it suddenly arches up. It makes it look like the hip is up way farther than it should be.

- The base of the tail is very thick. With fluffy tailed animals like a wolf, the base of the tail looks the thinnest, since the fur around it doesn't 'fluff out' like it does farther down the tail.

- The forelegs and hind legs. The 'armpits' on canines are level or only a little above the chest or bellies. The rest is only the shadows cast by the muscles. If you continue the limbs far above the chest and belly, then they will look flat.

- The head mostly just has perspective issues. I'm not sure which way you wanted the wolf to be looking.

There... Thats pretty much all I had to nit-pick about. I hope I didn't do too badly...
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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Arkillian wrote:
I think she looks very Mia-ish, so I wouldn't worry about people not getting who she is. She does have anatomical errors though- is that what you are wanting help on? Cause she looks very Mia to me :)

thx well i just wanted to know what you thinked and any errors that you saw and can see afew myself XD

Dora Feddy wrote:
Golden Luxray wrote:

I'll try my best to critique it properly, but don't expect anything too fantastic or thought provoking. Just ask if you need me to elaborate on something.

One thing to remember is that having a good reference at hand can help your drawing a lot.

Starting off with lightly drawn basic lines and shapes can be a hassle, but after you get an idea of what you're drawing by using them it becomes easier to give the drawing its final look.


- The back of the wolf in your drawing looks odd because of the way it suddenly arches up. It makes it look like the hip is up way farther than it should be.

- The base of the tail is very thick. With fluffy tailed animals like a wolf, the base of the tail looks the thinnest, since the fur around it doesn't 'fluff out' like it does farther down the tail.

- The forelegs and hind legs. The 'armpits' on canines are level or only a little above the chest or bellies. The rest is only the shadows cast by the muscles. If you continue the limbs far above the chest and belly, then they will look flat.

- The head mostly just has perspective issues. I'm not sure which way you wanted the wolf to be looking.

There... Thats pretty much all I had to nit-pick about. I hope I didn't do too badly...

thx im sure that will help :P
( its meant to be looking to the side kinda XD well my mum has a little fake wolf thats looking that way so i used that and a pic that i cant fid any more)
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Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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I REALLY need help with shading. I'm terrible at it.

Spoiler: Horrible Shading
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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nekonohime wrote:
I REALLY need help with shading. I'm terrible at it.

Spoiler: Horrible Shading

the shading looks good to me but i dont know where the light is coming from thats the only thing i can think of but over all good work ^_'
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Golden Luxray wrote:
the shading looks good to me but i dont know where the light is coming from thats the only thing i can think of but over all good work ^_'

I wanted it to come from the top left corner but I couldn't figure out where the shading was supposed to go, so I just put it in random places. The shading on the pants is especially weird :/
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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nekonohime wrote:
Golden Luxray wrote:
the shading looks good to me but i dont know where the light is coming from thats the only thing i can think of but over all good work ^_'

I wanted it to come from the top left corner but I couldn't figure out where the shading was supposed to go, so I just put it in random places. The shading on the pants is especially weird :/

lol i put some grey where i thought the shading should go but it kinda made it looks a little wierd...(also i did it in colour too)

i hope it helps but it probly wont '~'
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Last edited by Golden Luxray on Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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Hey this does help somewhat. Geez I need to pay more attention to where the shading goes XD Thanks!
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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The Hoosiers :) Just too cool.

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nekonohime wrote:
Hey this does help somewhat. Geez I need to pay more attention to where the shading goes XD Thanks!

he he thats ok ^_' love to help another time if ya need it
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Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

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nekonohime wrote:
I REALLY need help with shading. I'm terrible at it.

Spoiler: Horrible Shading

Spoiler: Crit

Shading is a difficult thing to do on manga for me cause it's deformed from realistic proportions so I don't know where everything is, but I wiped your shading off and gave it just 1 level of shading. Shading is basically all about understanding what is happening in the picture, where the light is coming from, temperature and all sorts of things. To get it right, you're going to need to get out a book. I don't think you should do anything heavier than 1 layer of shading if you don't know what you're doing, or it'll become obvious. If you want to improve on it, I suggest drawing from another picture, and seeing what lighting is like from someone that knows what they're doing and see how they do it. I'd prefer a photo, but everything has mistakes now days so... >.> The biggest thing is visualising your character as a 3D object and not a flat plane. And for a character without a background, I suggest using a more saturated colour for shading than the base colour so it doesn't wash out :)

I think you have some basic ideas there of shading- don't get me wrong. They just don't give off quite the right shape. It's all practice though.
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