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Re: Ace Attorneys: Rising Justice (Episode 1 Released! 11/8)Topic%20Title
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Rising Inspirations

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"Update 11/22"

"What is Re:tracer?"

I'll let you think on that.

Episode 2: Re:tracer trailer:

Hoping for more reviews :D. Eventually, I'll release DevDiary 1.5. It's been done. I just haven't put the time to post it.

Personal reasons for my inactivity (again). I'll see you guys, later. (Oh, I'll get that *cough* request *cough* done soon.)
Re: Ace Attorneys: Rising Justice (Episode 2 trailer 11/22)Topic%20Title

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Okay, do want Episode 2. Now more than ever. :will:
So, I'm guessing that Phoenix has decided not to retake his career as a lawyer? At least, that's what his dialogue with Edgeworth makes me think. If that's the case, then I'm expecting some sense-smacking by everyone's favourite pair of spirit mediums. :maya: :pearl:

And I'm officially confused with Godot now. Maybe you won't answer this because of spoilers but, was he sentenced to death? I mean, from what I gather, there are two ways of understanding the last statements: One, it's Phoenix referencing one of Godot's rules, hence, the image of Godot in the background. But this one doesn't make sense, since Phoenix's font is supposed to be blue; Two, Godot is still alive and is the one speaking. But then, the bit with the child asking his/her Papa where he is going (in the same font, mind you) doesn't make sense. If we are to assume that those two are related, there is no way Godot could have had a child between his imprisonment and the time when the events take place.

So yeah, I think that I'm WAY of track with what I mention in the second paragraph, but I just wanted to voice (or write) what came to my mind after watching the trailer. This one is looking to be quite interesting. Keep up the good work! :odoroki:
Re: Ace Attorneys: Rising Justice (Episode 2 trailer 11/22)Topic%20Title
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Rising Inspirations

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Karel wrote:
Okay, do want Episode 2. Now more than ever. :will:
So, I'm guessing that Phoenix has decided not to retake his career as a lawyer? At least, that's what his dialogue with Edgeworth makes me think.

If that's the case, then I'm expecting some sense-smacking by everyone's favourite pair of spirit mediums. :maya: :pearl:

And I'm officially confused with Godot now. Maybe you won't answer this because of spoilers but, was he sentenced to death? I mean, from what I gather, there are two ways of understanding the last statements: One, it's Phoenix referencing one of Godot's rules, hence, the image of Godot in the background. But this one doesn't make sense, since Phoenix's font is supposed to be blue; Two, Godot is still alive and is the one speaking. But then, the bit with the child asking his/her Papa where he is going (in the same font, mind you) doesn't make sense. If we are to assume that those two are related, there is no way Godot could have had a child between his imprisonment and the time when the events take place.

So yeah, I think that I'm WAY of track with what I mention in the second paragraph, but I just wanted to voice (or write) what came to my mind after watching the trailer. This one is looking to be quite interesting. Keep up the good work! :odoroki:

I will say that trailer follows the events after the trial of Bridge to the Turnabout (PW:T&T) to some part of today. And there is one thing that happens during T&T very close to the end, so to say, that we don't know about ;). It is reflection that Phoenix has done. I'll break it down.

Okay, do want Episode 2. Now more than ever. :will:
So, I'm guessing that Phoenix has decided not to retake his career as a lawyer? At least, that's what his dialogue with Edgeworth makes me think.

Phoenix did get his badge as noted by Franziska and Edgeworth in Episode 1, but when exactly, did he make that conversation with Phoenix? :edgeworth:

If that's the case, then I'm expecting some sense-smacking by everyone's favourite pair of spirit mediums. :maya: :pearl:

Heh, you answered something that the 1st ending mentioned. There's one thing, how did Maya know that Phoenix has a daughter (Trucy), but not Pearl? And even Franziska has mentioned something about Trucy as well as another character (during the investigation).

And I'm officially confused with Godot now. Maybe you won't answer this because of spoilers but, was he sentenced to death?

Never know. Killing the game usually results in death. :karma:

I mean, from what I gather, there are two ways of understanding the last statements: One, it's Phoenix referencing one of Godot's rules, hence, the image of Godot in the background. But this one doesn't make sense, since Phoenix's font is supposed to be blue;

Mmhm, the colors do matter a lot.

Two, Godot is still alive and is the one speaking. But then, the bit with the child asking his/her Papa where he is going (in the same font, mind you) doesn't make sense. If we are to assume that those two are related, there is no way Godot could have had a child between his imprisonment and the time when the events take place.

Let's just say, it's his goodbye before "he leaves." Right before "it" happens (whatever "it" is). A question that should occur, how the hell Phoenix know the character from the second ending and just who is she?

Heh, it is designed to be incoherent and confusing. Even the episode, so to say, is fragmented. This episode is not exactly designed like the others. It's experimental, as you will have some cases, but significant to the story itself? Maybe not. Will there be a murder? Most likely not as it is an attempt to go beyond the murders as well as a different way of story-telling. We'll see.
Re: Ace Attorneys: Rising Justice (Episode 2 trailer 11/22)Topic%20Title

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Okay, yeah. Scratch the part of Phoenix and the badge from what I said. Just like you said, it's mentioned that he got it back. Guess I should have re-watched the endings before posting. :bellboy:

I'll brainstorm some more and see what I can come with, I guess.
Re: Ace Attorneys: Rising Justice (Episode 2 trailer 11/22)Topic%20Title
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Rising Inspirations

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Karel wrote:
Okay, yeah. Scratch the part of Phoenix and the badge from what I said. Just like you said, it's mentioned that he got it back. Guess I should have re-watched the endings before posting. :bellboy:

I'll brainstorm some more and see what I can come with, I guess.

I wish you the best of luck ;).

"Development Diary #1.5"

Spoiler: Development Diary #1.5
Welcome. Allow me to show you the development process of Episode 1: Whipping Turnabouts and the beginning development of Episode 2: Re:tracer.

This DevDiary will be composed of two parts, hence the 1.5. It will be long, but, I'll try to keep it interesting.

Episode 1: Whipping Turnabouts wrote:
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney wrote:
Case 1-1.
This case has a significant influence over this episode. In what ways? The crime scene, to say it simply. The crime in Whipping Turnabouts occurred in Gatewater, simple enough, right? It gets interesting here. The crime occurred near a (certain *wink*) room that we all know and love. It references part of Phoenix's first investigation.

Case 1-4.
Franziska von Karma wrote:
I don't know.
It was just there.
And I picked it up without thinking.

It is the ironic representation of the events that has occurred with Edgeworth in 1-4.

I understand, overused idea. So is the Phoenix getting his badge back. What matters is the execution of these ideas.

Think about this as I have said to BBblader.

The relationship between Edgeworth and Franziska is an interesting one. Think of the irony involved, especially dealing with Edgeworth, the prosecutor dealing with this case. You know those random "......" that he used throughout the game? They were suggestions to his thoughts. Very SUBTLE suggestions; it heavily depended on player understanding. One of those thoughts from Edgeworth was about his past when he picked up the gun WITHOUT THINKING. Remember how Franziska commented that case was the starting of his "death" in PW:AA:JFA? While Edgeworth wasn't there to hear it personally, think of the irony that Edgeworth is thinking about, especially to one that is close to him. Think of Franziska's irony and what she may feel on the matter.

That is why I said, look and think heavily. I am using overused ideas, but I am playing with execution. There is so much subtlety in the back-stories. There is so much to look for in Whipping Turnabouts other than the case itself. The characterizations, the uses of irony, and the references are there to bring a much larger story.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All wrote:
Case 2-4.
The episode is dependent on the Shelly de Killer card that Maya drew on. We never actually know what happens to the card and I felt it was a wasted opportunity by Takumi/Capcom to not use the card, well, of the events that we know of right now. As I have said previous times, I wanted to have some characters to return. Franziska is one of them. Arguably, Franziska and that card are the most important in this episode. I'll talk about Franziska and the card later.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations wrote:
Case 3-3 and Case 3-5.
These two are mainly used for fun quotes, such as Godot's "if something is not normal, then it's not possible, then where does that leave off..." But it also brings the spirit (metaphorically) of a character back. ;). As said before, I'll discuss this later.

This is probably one of the most interesting parts of the game. It's how the game starts, hehe. So, I promised Dypo that I would show how the game developed over time with the beginning. Here are two things. The Episode 1 intro and scene 1.
WIP Beginning: Intro wrote:
[Steel Samurai Ringtone]
Phone: *beep*
Phoenix: Wright, here.
Franziska: I need your help.
Phoenix: Oh? It's you. It's been a while.
Franziska: I heard it from him that you recently reinstated your badge.
Phoenix: Huh, so he told you.
Franziska: Could you come to the Detention Center?
Phoenix: I'll be there.
Franziska: So, is that a yes then?
Phoenix: When will it start?
Franziska: Three days from now. It'll start at 1PM.
Phoenix: Alright, I'll be there.
Phone: *beep*
Phone: *beep*
Phoenix: Apollo, you there?
Apollo: Mr. Wright? What do you need?
Phoenix: I need you to be in Court House\nthree days from now.
Phoenix: I'll explain later.
Phone: *beep*

WIP Beginning: Scene 1 wrote:
Franziska: Why are you wearing clothes like that Phoenix Wright?!
[Franziska whips.]
Phoenix: I see that you still have that habit of saying full names, Franziska von Karma.
[Franziska whips.]
Phoenix: And that whipping habit.
Franziska: Why?!
Phoenix: Oh? I didn't tell you?
Phoenix: I lost my badge. [laughing]
[Franziska whips.]
Franziska: I thought you reinstated your badge recently!
Phoenix: Oh... That's right...
Phoenix: I did. [laughing]
[Door opens.]
Trucy: Polly!
Apollo: Hey Trucy. Hey Mr. Wright.
Apollo: So, what's up?
Trucy: Daddy is just talking to that lady with the whip.
[Franziska whips.]
Franziska: You expect me to believe that HE'S defending me?
Phoenix: ... [Gant stare] (Using HoboPhoenix serious mode)
Phoenix: Whipping me won't change anything, Franziska.
Franziska: ..!
Phoenix: Trust him.
Phoenix: Plus, he has a perfect win record that you love so very much.
Franziska: He's your student?
Phoenix: You could say that.
Apollo [thinking]: (Student? What student?)
Franziska: ...Fine.
[Franziska whips Apollo.]
Apollo [thinking]: (YEOCH!!!)
Franziska: I suppose I should introduce myself.
Franziska: Franziska von Karma, prosecuting prodigy.
Apollo: ...von Karma? Wait, FRANZISKA VON KARMA?!
Franziska: So you heard of me?
Apollo: Y-Yes. A-Apollo Justice! A defense attorney like Mr. Wright was!
Franziska: Was?
Franziska: You haven't told him?
Phoenix: Nope.
Apollo [thinking]: (Huh?)
Franziska: I see.
Franziska: You are a loud one, Apollo Justice.
Franziska: Just like him.
Franzsika: Have you prepared him for the case?
Phoenix: Nope, he's practically gonna wing it.
Apollo [thinking]: (And you are telling me this now? Great...)
[Franiska whips Apollo.]
Franziska: Foolish student of a foolish fool who foolishly lost his badge.
Franziska: I expect more from you, Apollo Justice!
Franziska: Especially if you are the foolish student of that foolish fool!
Apollo [thinking]: (I get it already. I'm a fool.)
[Franziska whips Apollo.]
Franziska: I expect a clean and perfect aquittal.
[Franziska leaves.]
Trucy: She seems nice.
Phoenix: Franziska can be like that sometimes.
Apollo: But why did she whip me? Not once. But TWO times.
Phoenix: I believe she was merely greeting and saying her goodbyes to you.
Phoenix: For a second there, I thought you were about to scream.
Apollo [thinking]: But I did scream.
Trucy: Daddy!
Phoenix: Haha, sorry Trucy.
Apollo: I remember she said was in a question.
Apollo: Does that mean you got your badge back? And why did you?
Phoenix: Apollo, it doesn't matter right now.
Apollo: B-But..
Phoenix: Right now, you are the one defending her.
Apollo: Why are you having me defend her when she specifically requested you?
Apollo: And I'm sure you have more knowledge on this case.
Apollo: In fact, I don't even know anything about this case.
Phoenix: Well, for one, the whip.
Apollo [thinking]: (Oh, so you want me to have a full leather course meal of whiplashes...)
Phoenix: And second, I need you to be able to understand the bigger scope of this trial.
Apollo: ..?
Apollo: What do you mean?
Phoenix: ...
Apollo: Hold it!
Apollo: M-Mr. Wri-
Trucy: Good luck, Polly!
Apollo: Wait, Trucy, you're not assisting me in this trial?
Trucy: No, Daddy said that he is going to be the one assisting you.
Trucy: But I will be watching from the gallery.
Apollo: Wait, WHAT?!
Phoenix: Let's go, Apollo.

I assume you played the episode or at least played the beginning. Do you see how much has changed from this old script to the new beginning (the current intro and investigation phase) that you play now? It was intended to have Phoenix's point-of-view (pov) in the game. You would realize sooner that he receives his badge and that Edgeworth knew a while back, as well as something happening to Franziska, but she needs you to be at at the Detention Center.

There are two reasons as to why I wanted to make a mini investigation.

First, while I was making the game, I realized that the pacing with that beginning heavily blows because it drags.

Second, the investigation is a test of one's patience and dedication in finding subtle details. Plus, it allows flexible story-telling and allows player interaction which distracts the player from feeling the pacing. It also allows me to add some subtle back-story in there for people to see which I will show later on. I wanted this game to have some reply value.

Now to talk about Episode 1 intro specifically, I decided that since this episode is about Franziska, I wanted to hint about some things of her past and the changes that she went through. While, many of you have agreed that I have captured her well, I did not want to have a 1:1 ratio of her personality between this episode and Trials and Tribulations or GK. I wanted to show the changes of her character just like how Phoenix's character has changed. I'll discuss more of Franziska's character as well as others later on.

Plot I
I wanted to prove DeMatador wrong. That was a huge piece of motivation. Papermario's way is not the only way to have both Apollo and Phoenix together. I wanted to show that, there are no separate universes. It was all simply perception.

Tap wrote:
I was very impressed by the direction the plot took. It was unique and captivating. The addition of .avi movies added to the brilliance of your trial. You, sir, are a genius. Your ideas were fabulous and you pulled them off really, really well.

Now, Tap is not the only reviewer, but this particular part focused on the plot that I made. BBblader commented a piece of the plot as well, but I have addressed it with Case 1-4 explanation in order to show how much I thought about the plot.

Like anyone, I want to be original and unique. To do so, I observed how other fangames were made. I noticed the trends and attempted to avoid them. Now, that is not to say that I haven't limited myself. I am using familiar characters. If I wanted to be more original, I could make a fangame with new chars, and if I want to be more original, I would make my own game. My focus is to use what is there and go beyond the "typical/trendy" (subjective) fangame.

Typical/Trendy wrote:
A quick rundown of my observations:

Phoenix getting his badge back.
Always a murder case, seriously? Is that the only way? The Stolen Turnabout (3-2) was the closest to have a case without a murder. It was just theft, but, noooo, a murder had to happen.
A case always named specifically with "Turnabout." (e.g. no play around with the name)
The person who committed the crime would be found by the end of the episode. If I recall correctly, it was considered to be a feat for Phoenix to be able to get Larry a "Not Guilty" (1-1) and find the killer. The constant finding of the killer seriously devalues that in my opinion. It becomes too formulaic.
The introduction of characters such as "My name is Apollo Justice. I am a defense attorney." or "This is Phoenix Wright, a former defense attorney, and my mentor" and usually done with the protagonist.

There's more you can argue of what is original and what it is not. It is always a societal debate. It's also one that you cannot really win; no one really could win. Now, here's the ironic part from my observations: I am using Phoenix getting his badge back and a murder case. Now, it goes to my next point, execution. It gets harder to be creative when trends are followed (common sense in my opinion), so the next thing is how things are executed. Seriously, if I were to say, oh hai guys, I am bringing Franziska, Edgeworth, Gumshoe, Wendy, and Phoenix for my fangame! It will look like all I care about simple fanservice. Screw that. Make them significant, whether it is for comedic relief or to add more to the story, they should have a purpose for being there which is why I say there are no separate universes with Phoenix and Apollo. They all follow the same grounds of "Ace Attorney." They have some relation to each other.

Part II involves with the plotline of the episode (including backstories) and the cross-examinations (every one of them).

Apollo - I wonder when someone would have noticed the calm nature of Apollo (Ping xD). Sure, there are instances where he was shaking/nervous for comedic effect. Without spoiling my story, knowledge is seriously a confidence builder. Also remember that Edgeworth is very lenient towards Apollo until the very end. Edgeworth basically gave Apollo very minimal stress during the court case which allows Apollo to freely make theories/conjectures at his leisure. Another note; Apollo has read Phoenix's lawbooks (hehe, see what I mean by subtle) which allowed him to learn a few new things, whatever they may be. Then there is his "perfect" record. And, the rest... Well... I wonder what that would be. It's been talked and has even surprised Edgeworth ;). Just when did Edgeworth show his surprised look to Apollo? And through that answer, is it enough? What else has made him a more calm character?

Franziska - I do not want to play a 1:1 ratio in terms of personality. She does have vibrant hints of it though (i.e. whipping habit). If you noticed, she hasn't said "fool" or variations of the word not that much. If you have played with the investigation, you would see that she is a more sentimental character. And even without it, the ending would have shown more of it as well. Out of all the characters, Franziska has a considerable in-depth backstory. One would be the event that happened five years ago. Will you ever see it? You may never know.

Phoenix - He got his badge back. So what? We (and by we, I mean you), don't understand based on the first episode. This is for pacing purposes, hehe, and it is my way of poking fun and say, hey, I can slap Phoenix with a badge too! Phoenix keeps his "snarky" personality as well as retaining his act as a lawyer. Oooooo, wonder what it would be like to do a CE with a snarky Phoenix in court?

Edgeworth - He seems to be the least changed, or rather, I expect that you are unable to tell, due to his passive nature in that trial. Consider why he is in the trial and what has happened to Gavin. Consider the reason for his actions other than the blatant. He acted in unusual ways, just like his reappearance in 2-4. Even so, why is Edgeworth truly back?

Gumshoe - Chief Detective?... HOW? What is funny is that if you noticed the previous Chief, you would see a similar relationship in terms of character of the two. Brings an unusual humor, I would say, and a possible reason. Gumshoe, like Edgeworth, is a character we do not know of at the moment. 8 years has passed, and yet, we still don't know what has changed as a character.

Oldbag - Relatively minor character, intentionally used for comedic relief. Will she ever reappear? Never know.

Trucy - Now, this one is an interesting character. As compared to other characters, her role is pretty minor in this episode. She was not even suppose to be in the court for various reasons. One of them was that she was practicing the new magic tricks that she has inherited. As to her role in the fangame overall, it'll be significant.

Alexander Ethos - Pay attention to his name; it is very significant. First, let's look at his last name:

Ethos (ee-thos) - the fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of a group or society; dominant assumptions of a people or period

Without saying much, the significance of his character becomes greater. His name is an embodiment of the game itself as well as myself and you indirectly. I am assuming that you played the game. You realize that Alexander is an Interpol Agent which reflects a bit on Franziska's character. I hope that you wondered what has Franziska been doing for the past eight years.

Now his first name. Alexander an indirect reference to Alexander the Great. Emphasis on great. Great can be taken metaphorically in how the game may have affected your perspective or emotions. Great can be taken as a characterization of this character. Now, what is so great about Alexander Ethos?

Another thing, what's funny is that Alexander Ethos was not the first name, the other name was Price Zephyre. I decided to change the name when I thought about the embodiment of what the game represents.

Sophie - The major spoiler. Woot. Now, I will talk little of her. I wanted to partially bring the spirit of a certain character, but at the same time, bring up a new character. It also brings more backstory for not only Phoenix but for another character. I thought long and hard, should I bring that character I originally want from one of the AA games or bring a new character? I was looking through some stuff for inspiring ideas and I came across an idea that someone (MiaFeyFan) has made. It popped. Freakin' genius. Seriously, the clear idea that was needed for the development of the story. I decided in respect to her great idea, I kept the name that was created as well as other ideas, and then I began to develop her character. Not like you will know it right now. Seriously, if it weren't for MiaFeyFan, the effect of Episode 1 would not be as great as well as the entire game itself. I really owe it to her for even able to do this. So, to sum it up, here's one question, how the hell Phoenix knows her?

Thank you for reading Part I of the Episode 1: Whipping Turnabouts DevDiary. I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment if you have any other questions. The next stuff I will talk about is the plot development of the Episode.

Episode 2: Re:tracer wrote:
To be ahead of the game, I was developing the plot for Episode 2 while making Episode 1. This DevDiary section is very brief and will be discussed in a later DevDiary, but I will try to give the most out of it.

Name choice
Turnabout this; turnabout that. I understand, respect to the games, but in my opinion, a limit on the potential creativity of oneself.

Allow me to briefly talk about Episode 1: Whipping Turnabouts. Whipping Turnabouts has a rather large influence over future episodes. Whipping can be taken metaphorically as well as subtly hinting character(s). The metaphor can be taken on multiple scales, depending on the interpretation of the person. Now Turnabouts is an interesting one. If you have noticed, there is an "s" in Turnabouts. That being said, that "s" is suppose to describe the game in a "plural sense" if that makes any sense. To make it easier on yourself, basically, this Episode affects all the future episodes.

Now, the name choice of Re:tracer. No, I did not get that idea from Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. End of story. Re:tracer is the name of a story that I have made over seven years ago. The original name of Episode 2 was suppose to be Episode 2: Rise of the Ashes II, but while developing the story, I realized how much you will go back in time, hence the Re: in Re:tracer. Tracer is to reference two things. One that I will not discuss and for the other, it describes the "memory lane" that you will experience.

I wanted to be a little more creative with the name choice, expand the potential of my creativity that I can have for this fangame. Remember, I do understand why people has Turnabout in the episode name and I respect that, but I still cling to my opinion.

Fragmented... Resolute... Re:trace all memories...

"Re:trace Everything."

This is highly experimental, but I hope it may bring something interesting to look at. First of all, a murder may not happen. I want to expand on that and bring something just as effective.

You will experience something that could potentially be incoherent, but this Episode is largely focused on bringing the backstories of the introduced characters. It's designed to be "flashbacky" in order to develop the characters.

You will most likely play multiple perspectives, that much I will say.

That concludes the brief Episode 2: Re:tracer DevDiary. Thank you for taking the time to read it!

Thank you for taking the time to read the DevDiary. I will later discuss the plotline, some frustrations of the development of this game, improvements, and something more of Episode 2: Re:tracer.

Hope to hear your comments everyone :phoenix: . While I am inactive, it still brings motivation regardless :D.
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This game sounds very promising o . o
*keeps an eye on this thread*
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Rising Inspirations

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This project dies when I say so. Otherwise, I won't stop.

It has been a long time and a lot of lost time. I am still working on the story nonetheless. I am going to reorganize my first post and give a layout. So...

Hi :phoenix:
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Glad to see you're alive and kickin' :)
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Huddini wrote:
Glad to see you're alive and kickin' :)

Just because I haven't been talking as much as the first episode doesn't mean that I haven't been doing something :D. I still need to get my tablet pen and it's a good thing the forums are up now. Since it is summer and I am free to do more things. Well, unless I am doing my internships. I am working on the storyboard (still) and fixing up the things from the previous episode.

This is like the third time I said I am alive, but gotta keep reminding ;).
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Whoops, I forgot to add *still xP

I would imagine that without the internships to worry about, you'd definitely be able to focus more time on Re:Tracer.

But I would think real life would always be a high priority no matter what haha

And you're right, it's a relief the forums are back up :p
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Well, started playing Ep1 just now. Got several thoughts about the music not looping properly; "Examine" being on everywhere, as opposed to just on key objects; apparent lack of timing, as in animations just jumping from one to another without any transition once the text chunk changes, general stuff. Music from AAI also doesn't cope very well with music from actual AJ, it's just too different. Animations also seem out of place most of the time, as in Edgeworth kept standing in the same position of "Oh well" for almost 10 phrases. Text also seems very jumpy compared to what it was in original games. And, one more thing about the music: the looping. It keeps ending, blacking out and restarting from the very beginning, instead of simply continuing the loop from some certain point in the song. Game needs polishing.

There was also a bug I noticed: when text's color is blue, one of the previously spoken white lines overlays it during the animation. Fix that.

As about the plot... Well, I haven't got far yet (Gumshoe at the stand), but I've got this bad feeling that I won't see new characters. Hopefully, I'm wrong.

That's pretty much it for now.
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mottwww wrote:
Well, started playing Ep1 just now. Got several thoughts about the music not looping properly; "Examine" being on everywhere, as opposed to just on key objects; apparent lack of timing, as in animations just jumping from one to another without any transition once the text chunk changes, general stuff.

The investigation part served as more of a frustration and patience test for the game. It also is the first (and minimal) representation of PWLib's investigation since no one has done it yet for it. KSA fixed the investigation bugs for PWLib 1.2 long ago.

mottwww wrote:
Music from AAI also doesn't cope very well with music from actual AJ, it's just too different. Animations also seem out of place most of the time, as in Edgeworth kept standing in the same position of "Oh well" for almost 10 phrases.

I see your point in regards to the music. Nothing too much to argue/defend there.

mottwww wrote:
Text also seems very jumpy compared to what it was in original games.

SilentBobX mentioned that a while back and I long considered that. While I am working on Re:tracer, I am fixing up the more shallow factors of this episode.

mottwww wrote:
And, one more thing about the music: the looping. It keeps ending, blacking out and restarting from the very beginning, instead of simply continuing the loop from some certain point in the song. Game needs polishing.

Ping mentioned it and even told me I should, but due the complexity and sheer frustration I dealt with working the looping as well as other incomplete features, I decided that I would focus more on putting this up as a beta test in order to find out what is needed to be done. This is a one man project and I have no one to quality control/check with me in this project before releasing. So, the criticism (and praise) from others helped me see what I need to do. Ping and many others such as Cardivore release their episode part by part while I released mine as a whole for the purpose of beta testing.

mottwww wrote:
There was also a bug I noticed: when text's color is blue, one of the previously spoken white lines overlays it during the animation. Fix that.

As about the plot... Well, I haven't got far yet (Gumshoe at the stand), but I've got this bad feeling that I won't see new characters. Hopefully, I'm wrong.

That's pretty much it for now.

As for the bug, I can't. It has been already fixed in PWLib 1.2, but due to my (sudden) inactivity and disappearance, the PWLib Unleashed book has been held back which held back 1.2. The bug is AIGE related, something that is beyond my control.

New characters are more subtly mentioned than outright presented in this episode. I knew if I don't have the other episodes, it would come up confusing, but I really needed to see the shortcomings of this episode in regards to what I already know for my story. Anyway, that is more for my focus in Re:tracer which explains and describes the events as well as experimenting the "lack of death" just for artistic creativity. Re:tracer is more focused on the solidifying everything that has been laid by Whipping Turnabouts.

I created the DevDiaries to explain and show my thought process. I showed and explained some part of the philosophy and complexity in the storytelling. I already realized that it will be a problem, but the story is not directly given. At least in this episode. Much of the story has to be understood through questioning and searching for subtleties in order to be more fulfilling.
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Hm. Just a suggestion about the music looping: What about splitting each track into 3 separate ones: the beginning, the looped part, and the fade-out? At a certain statement, the beginning starts playing, after which goes the looped part which loops (hurr) until the statement that triggers the fade-out. That way, it can flow better.

Anyways, nice work there. Working alone must be hard.
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mottwww wrote:
Hm. Just a suggestion about the music looping: What about splitting each track into 3 separate ones: the beginning, the looped part, and the fade-out? At a certain statement, the beginning starts playing, after which goes the looped part which loops (hurr) until the statement that triggers the fade-out. That way, it can flow better.

Anyways, nice work there. Working alone must be hard.

I did try that but I suffered awkward pauses. It could possibly be that way due to how the sound system works in PWLib or how I loop and track my segments. It is difficult when you have to do almost everything, but it is an ongoing process. Thank you for being understanding :D.
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Hi there! Glad to hear this project is still continuing on, I sure as hell still want to know what's going to happen with our favourite Kurain girls, and maybe suffer some more Edgeworth-induced headaches.
How are things with Re-Tracer coming around? Any chance for a heads-up in its development?

It's good to see Court Records back alive and kicking.
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To Radex, if you're still about:
I have just played this game-- the first Phoenix Wright fan game I've ever played-- and I just wanted to use my first post here to say THANK YOU.

The presentation, the ambiance-- it all went together so well, made something truly epic in scope and execution. Cinematic, I suppose, would be the word I want to use. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.

It feels like the tip of a much more awesome iceberg, and I can't wait to see further developments.
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Can someone upload the game to dropbox and 4shared? Thx in advance.
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Terribly sad that this game hasn't updated. Anyway, my biggest problem is that I can't save properly. Also, at some point in Oldbag's 2nd testimony, it won't let me present again if I mess up. Im forever stuck looking at evidence.
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I'd offer suggestions but I'm not familiar with PWLib enough to give you a solution (plus crap netbook still makes me lag playing it :P)

Radex is probably still around, but attending to real life stuff first.
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Lumine wrote:
Terribly sad that this game hasn't updated. Anyway, my biggest problem is that I can't save properly. Also, at some point in Oldbag's 2nd testimony, it won't let me present again if I mess up. Im forever stuck looking at evidence.

Yeah, the save issue is within 1.1. Nothing much I can do. I still want to make the game; I have KSA on steam actually, if I am able to, I might contact him. But it has been a while since we talked. If I had better allocated my time I could have helped him make the PWLib 1.2 book and 1.2 might have been out.

I know I placed a mini guide how to beat the game <_<. I hope I can find it.

Huddini wrote:
I'd offer suggestions but I'm not familiar with PWLib enough to give you a solution (plus crap netbook still makes me lag playing it :P)

Radex is probably still around, but attending to real life stuff first.

And I still want to get around the AAO version of the game, but I underestimated the amount of work I would be doing in university :P. It has been 3 years since I said anything, but it's one of these projects I still want to work on and I really enjoy making. I still have some bits and pieces of my script, but I need to repractice my drawing skills, haha.

If and when I do come around, I will make a new topic and update a few things here and there and rework some things on first episode.
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just downloaded the game...

other than save issue, you need to have better memory management for the game if the engine allows it, the requirement said minimum RAM required is 256MB, but as soon as the first case start the game load about 900mb into memory, which if it were to run on a computer with 256mb RAM the game will crash and if it run on a computer with 1GB RAM the game will slow down the computer drastically.

it seem like you loaded all the resource needed for the first case at once right from the start, that is kind of bad, you should only load what needed for the current event of the game.
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Kimidori wrote:
just downloaded the game...

other than save issue, you need to have better memory management for the game if the engine allows it, the requirement said minimum RAM required is 256MB, but as soon as the first case start the game load about 900mb into memory, which if it were to run on a computer with 256mb RAM the game will crash and if it run on a computer with 1GB RAM the game will slow down the computer drastically.

it seem like you loaded all the resource needed for the first case at once right from the start, that is kind of bad, you should only load what needed for the current event of the game.

There is a way to have better memory management I believe, but PWLib 1.1 has memory issues, so it would be minimal for my part to try to reorganize the code. 1.2 is a definite improvement, especially when KSA showed me the more simplified script, but like I said to Lumine I would need to ask him if I could get it. Part of me still wants to make the book happen so that others may have a chance to use PWLib to its full potential.

I am slowly coming back to work on my project when winter break starts. If everything goes out well, I will have a dev diary next month and show a lot of new content (new sprites, edited bgs, etc.). No promises though, I have to study for my MCAT, haha.
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Ah hah! Good to see you're balancing your workload!
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Huddini wrote:
Ah hah! Good to see you're balancing your workload!

It's been a while, but let's see what I can do after three inactive years ;).



To new and old faces, it has been a while! If you don't remember me, I'm the dork that has this overly ambitious plan that fell just like many others before me, (but at least I got you Whipping Turnabouts) :P. I am the dork that likes to type out my development process as a way to keep you interested. Hopefully this one recaps ya to what I was doing in the past.

Still, priorities, priorities, priorities. I still am focusing in getting into med school, but I do have fun in making this project. It'll be a slow process, but let's see if I can make Episode 2: Re:tracer happen :O. I won't start working on the project until maybe I think.... in 1-2 more weeks???

"Old Content"
"GS5 Phoenix Wright Front View"

My main priority is finishing up much of Ceres' old work with his GS5 Phoenix Wright. If I do complete the sprite sheets, I will definitely release them for people to use.

Here is the current list of people I have to sprite
Sgt. Amari Lassard (If I still think he's relevant to the script)

Here is a small portion of script that I haven't touched for 2-3 years, I definitely am rewriting a lot of it.
2nd Intro: The Epic Intro

[Play Pursuit ~ Cornered! 2011 (Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright) Orchestra]

Sophie: Are you joking me?! *slams desk*

Sophie: Cut the crap, Phoenix Wright!

[By Radex]

Phoenix: Now, when did I started joking in this trial?

Sophie: When haven't you been joking?

Phoenix: You have a point there. *smiles*

Sophie: I gave out my points, so please, I insist you give yours.

Phoenix: Alright, Miss Armando.

Phoenix: There is only one point needed to be addressed in this case. *starts hitting the papers*

[Episode 2: Re:tracer Part 1 "The one to rise. The one to fall. The one to resurrect."]

[Play 11 - Ace Attorney 3 Epilogue Orchestra]

Phoenix: The "supposed" conspiracy that you are accusing my client of.

Judge: Excuse me, Mr. Wright, but I am a bit confused.

Judge: Isn't that what we were addressing in this entire trial?

Phoenix: Calling this a conspiracy is basically questioning the work I have done for over seven years!

Judge: Huh?!

Judge: M-Mr. Wright, I a-am afraid that you shouldn't be handling this case in consideration of your involvement of this case!

Judge: I am sorry, even though you recently got your badge reinstated, I will have to send this to the Committee for-

Sophie: Don't bother, your legal highness.

Sophie: After all, there was a certain case that he handled against all odds...

Phoenix: *smirk* Good times.

Sophie: Yes, Mia Fey's murder. You successfully defended yourself then, and you would successfully defend yourself now.

Sophie: But yes, I am questioning "it," Phoenix.

Sophie: Phoenix, you are not the only one who spent seven years working towards something...

Sophie: But listen to me, please.

Sophie: I am not here for a vendetta.

Sophie: I am not here for only just the truth.

Sophie: Maybe I chose the wrong words, but I believe you know what I mean.

Phoenix: ...

Sophie: The thing is...

Sophie: Unlike everyone else in your previous trials...

Sophie: I won't let you do the impossible.

[Show Ace Attorneys: Re:tracer logo]

So, that is about it. If you don't remember, I don't plan on having any murder involved in this episode, but that does not mean it will be any less interesting ;).
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Apollon Flame

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Uuummm... Is that GS5 PW final? I don't like how it looks, looks to sharpish and could, therefore, look better.
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This is how I always imagined a GS5 PW to look like. Though I agree with Scent the set could use some serious cleanup in terms of execution (unless that's what you meant by Old Content and you're revising it). The idea is there, and that's what's importnat
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Scent wrote:
Uuummm... Is that GS5 PW final? I don't like how it looks, looks to sharpish and could, therefore, look better.

I agree. If I remember 3 years back, I spent 2-3 hours on it with the minimal experience I had in spriting (still minimal) :P. I was mainly focused on realizing my color palette. I haven't spent the time cleaning up the piece 3 years back so it's not ready for animation.

Huddini wrote:
This is how I always imagined a GS5 PW to look like. Though I agree with Scent the set could use some serious cleanup in terms of execution (unless that's what you meant by Old Content and you're revising it). The idea is there, and that's what's importnat

Gotta love Ceres' vision for Phoenix; I really like it. I could always cheat and just brush areas to soften the look, I was going to anyway :P. I am not going to be meticulous about color count like I was in the past in working on this piece.
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"Update 12/21/13: GS5 Phoenix Wright WIP"

"GS5 Phoenix Wright Thinking"

Don't mind the animation speed or artifacts in the gifs. It's not like that in game when I tested it. Photoshop gif speed to web gif speed is hurting my head :yogi: . It's something I don't care to figure out, haha.

This gives you an idea how far I have went. There are some obvious things for me that I need to clean up, but so far so good. I plan on releasing the sheet when it's cleaned up and done. For the next updates, I plan on giving a gist of how Re:tracer will work story-wise. If I get around, I will start showing concepts of Lassard and perhaps create a test video of the 2nd intro for Re:tracer using Franziska as a placeholder and old Phoenix if I don't get all the spriting/splicing done.
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Uuuh... Isn't his neck a *bit* too long?
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Scent wrote:
Uuuh... Isn't his neck a *bit* too long?

Probably is, I did a 1:1 splice with the original. Haha, as if the original is proportionate (I still question one of the poses that makes his head seem too small). I checked if Ceres' proportions match the original and it matched pretty well. Since it did, it made splicing that much easier.

I'll get a comparison of the original for ya.

Edit: Instead of posting again until the next update, I'll just edit this post.

The image is zoomed in 400%.

If you look at the 92px mark, the collars are aligned with one another. At the 49px mark, they are at the same height. At the 81px mark, the GS5 Phoenix's ear is slightly larger, but it shouldn't affect how you perceive the neck. Notice that the line intersects with the lapels evenly.

The possible reason why you think the neck may be longer is because more skin is exposed on the GS5 Phoenix. Also the different in shoulder height (at 108px) may be a huge factor.
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"Update 12/25/13: GS5 Phoenix Wright / Dev Diary 1.6 / Sgt. Amari Lassard Script"

Merry Christmas! As a small gift here is the first sheet based on Ceres' work. Do whatever you want with it. I will continue to do improvements as I get better and work on other poses (hopefully get 1-2 more out by end of January). Haha, I really do mean it when I said it'll be a slow process.

Spoiler: GS5 Phoenix
Ceres GS5 Phoenix (He has stated in the past anyone can edit and further his work)

My work so far.

When the time comes, I will compress and organize the sheets better.

A lot of the poses I will have to make from scratch (mostly) unlike the thinking pose. It'll be an interesting experience for me since I am so used to painting with a wide palette of colors.

And it's been a while, but here's a Dev Diary that I haven't done in years :P. Remember, Dev Diaries are spoiler heavy and I assume that you have played the first episode (Whipping Turnabouts).

Spoiler: Development Diary 1.6
It's been a while and a lot of the stuff I am going to say is what I can remember three years back.

"Whipping Turnabouts Ending 2 Script"

Apollo: The times that are spent.
Apollo: The memories that are being created.
Apollo: What does it all mean?
Apollo: Why is it necessary?
Apollo: To look up the history of our predecessors?
Apollo: To be searching for answers?
Apollo: I can't even begin to think how far we are in achieving a just system.
Apollo: How can I even give a proper answer when there are so many possibilities?
Apollo: Could it be impossible to give such an answer?
Apollo: What is there left afterwards?
Apollo: Did they have to face the same problem at one point in time?
Apollo: ......
Apollo: I suppose...
Apollo: It's my turn now.

[Two days later... Courtroom Lobby]

Phoenix: Heh.
Phoenix: Upon meeting a beautiful young lady, ask for her name and profession.
Phoenix: That's one of my rules.

???: Nothing gets past you, hm, Phoenix Wright?

Phoenix: Maybe.

???: I see then.
Sophie: Sophie Armando.
Sophie: ......
Sophie: Prosecutor... and defense attorney.

Apollo has a monologue after the trial of Franziska. There are three particular things worth notable about it: possibility, the impossible, and what is "left." Each thing has a particular color and if you remember I often used particular colors in my trailers and this ending. Why? Each color is associated with a character. The colors embodies the idea of each character and how they worked in the previous games. It may sound too much, but I am trying heavily to tie the past games in both character development and influence of the plot (*cough* unlike the possible retcon of the jurist system in AA:DD *cough*).

Now comes the dialogue between Sophie and Phoenix. I honestly like the new laid back Phoenix from AJ:AA and I just wanted to have a bit of fun with old dialogue with him. Sophie is a definite favorite character of mine. She is inspired by MiaFeyFan and I wanted to take her character to the next level with her part in the dialogue. Hehe, I wonder how she will be designed based on what she said?

"Episode 2: Re:tracer Format"

The way I imagined this episode to be is that it would be like how AA:AJ Turnabout Succession works. You would go between past and present with Phoenix and Apollo. Depending how I will rewrite the script, you probably will play three characters, but definitely, Apollo and Phoenix. It's focused on character development as well as continuing the mystery plot in Whipping Turnabouts. I have a feeling people will either like it or hate it with a passion. This episode to me is an experiment of what I can possibly do to expand this kind of medium.

Here is a brief format of what I imagined three years back:
2-1 / Trial: Phoenix and Sophie.
2-2 / Investiation: Apollo and his little journey to a certain memorable place :)
2-3 / Investigation Past: Phoenix and Edgeworth.
2-3.5 / Investigation Past: A scene with Sophie.
2-4 / Investigation: Apollo and Ema encounter. Brief encounter of Apollo and Lassard.
2-5 / Trial: Continuation between Phoenix and Sophie.
2-6 / Investigation: Phoenix and Franziska.
2-7 / Investigation Past: Franziska and Alexander.
2-8 / Trial: End Phoenix and Sophie.
2-9 / End.

Now it sounds convoluted, but actually it's not. I expect the difficulty of this case to be not as crazy as Whipping Turnabouts, but I hope I can create interesting enough characters and develop a decent plot that you guys can enjoy. It took me 3 months to finish Whipping Turnabouts and its mainly due to art assets. I expect much longer time especially with my limited time and because of my focus on my MCAT, but I hope I can create assets that you guys can use for your games. Either way, I enjoy working on this project whenever I can.

I promise that the next update will be big with a lot of art assets to show. So, it will be a while. (Good ol' MCAT.) I want to show some concept art that I had in mind. And I found something useful for Lassard, so you will get to see him as well. I like him because he's such an exaggerated commando character and his theme song just screams awesome :karma: . Look at the spoiler to get an idea :godot: .

Spoiler: Sgt. Amari Lassard Script Portion WIP
Scene #: Apollo meets Lassard.

[Apollo and Ema enters the "area."]

[Lassard appears.]
[Play 1:47 portion of C&C Generals music (USA Battle Theme 1)] Link:

Lassard: Son, just what are you doing here?
Lassard: This is restricted property. Only authorized personnel are permitted.

Apollo [thinking]: (! Great...)

Apollo: Ahhhh, haha... Ummm, I just got lost, s-sir...
Apollo [thinking]: (... What now? I need to get there.)

Lassard: . . .

[Shake screen. Flash screen.]

Lassard: NO UMMMS [Shake screen.]
Lassard: NO PAUSES. [Shake screen.]

Apollo: I GOT LOST, SIR!

Lassard: Is that so?

Apollo: YES, SIR!!!
Apollo [thinking]: (Why me... Why hasn't he taken notice of Ema?)
Apollo [thinking]: (... P-please, h-help me... Ema...)

Lassard: AND YOUR NAME AND OCCUPATION! [Shake screen.]


Lassard: Son, that was a mighty fine voice you got there.
Lassard: One of the loudest; one of the proudest.

Apollo [thinking]: (Score one for my Chords of Steel!)

Lassard: Hmph...
Lassard: Do not take me for a dunce. You didn't just get "lost" here. But with a voice like that, I'll let it slide.
Lassard: Private Swabbles, you have my permission to speak.
Lassard: Ask away, but do note that I will not reveal any classified information.
Lassard: Understand?

Apollo [thinking]: (... Private Swabbles?)
Apollo [thinking]: (What kind of name is that?)

[Lassard glare. Screen flash.]

Lassard: Understand?

Apollo: Yes, sir!

So, here you go and hopefully I can draw the character justice. I plan on working the AAO version of Whipping Turnabouts (A promise is a promise). I might ask for beta testers and advice. My priority is still PWLib no matter what. We'll see. Hope you enjoy and again, Merry Christmas :phoenix:.
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Apollon Flame

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Y'know, I really like this sprite iteration of GS5 Phoenix: it's like a splice between Hobo!Nick and Lawyer!Nick! :D
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Scent wrote:
Y'know, I really like this sprite iteration of GS5 Phoenix: it's like a splice between Hobo!Nick and Lawyer!Nick! :D

AHHH the neck, please, lower the head , or put clothes on that covers it, now i'll never look at phoenix's neck the same...
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The sprites look pretty nice. Looking at the zoomed in Phoenix, I think you have the dither mode to "Diffusion" instead of "No Dither" when exporting.

The problem with the neck is mainly attributed to the shading, though it does start curving outward a bit too high up.
Spoiler: Rough mockup

Note I used an extra level of shading to help explain the depth a bit better. You probably don't need it.

AAO general / C-R dead-ish / deviantart slowly filling
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Rising Inspirations

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Scent wrote:
Y'know, I really like this sprite iteration of GS5 Phoenix: it's like a splice between Hobo!Nick and Lawyer!Nick! :D

Yep, when I first saw it, I was like, that is soooo cool xD.

Blizdi wrote:
Scent wrote:
Y'know, I really like this sprite iteration of GS5 Phoenix: it's like a splice between Hobo!Nick and Lawyer!Nick! :D

AHHH the neck, please, lower the head , or put clothes on that covers it, now i'll never look at phoenix's neck the same...

Haha, let's see if I can figure it out.

mercurialSK wrote:
The sprites look pretty nice. Looking at the zoomed in Phoenix, I think you have the dither mode to "Diffusion" instead of "No Dither" when exporting.

The problem with the neck is mainly attributed to the shading, though it does start curving outward a bit too high up.
Spoiler: Rough mockup

Note I used an extra level of shading to help explain the depth a bit better. You probably don't need it.

The zoomed in Phoenix that I showed as an example to Scent? I did a half-assed zoom by setting Photoshop to 400% and then screencapping it (ya I know, red flag, haha.). I wasn't thinking straight to have a proper zoomed in image. (The first 5 minutes involved me getting frustrated with image resize :P). The thinking gifs, however, I do vaguely remember that dither mode was set as diffusion >_<.

I appreciate the sketches and shadings though. To artist to artist, it really helps me find anything that I missed or didn't think about. I always look for that kind of criticism and advice. It pretty much confirmed what I feared when I started the splicing process three years ago, but I went through it anyway seeing that Ceres kept the height of his Phoenix and old Phoenix the same, which made splicing that much easier. I noted about the shoulder to Scent. I had a huge internal debate whether or not I should raise the shoulder like the original to make shoulder to neck curve not as sharp.

I am going to mess with the shading before messing the body and see where that takes me. I probably will include that experiment in the next update. Thank you again for the help!
Re: Ace Attorneys: Rising Justice (Update 12/25/13 DevDiaryTopic%20Title
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There's nothing really wrong with doing what you did, no red flags here. I often display my sprites as an optional 300-400% zoom. Measuring the distances is a start, but not the end. It's more important to measure up body parts instead of clothes though.

By zoomed in I meant the one in the lower right here. That's where it's most obvious. Incidentally, it can also be considered a decent enough reference. I would think that fixing the back of the neck before you start trying to correct the shading is a better idea.
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Glad I could be of help to you.
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Re: Ace Attorneys: Rising Justice (Update 12/25/13 DevDiary Topic%20Title
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Apollon Flame

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That grape juice Nick drinks must have whey/soy protein or something, seeing as how he looks BEEFED! XDD
A King

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Re: Ace Attorneys: Rising Justice (Update 12/25/13 DevDiaryTopic%20Title
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Rising Inspirations

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mercurialSK wrote:
There's nothing really wrong with doing what you did, no red flags here. I often display my sprites as an optional 300-400% zoom. Measuring the distances is a start, but not the end. It's more important to measure up body parts instead of clothes though.

By zoomed in I meant the one in the lower right here. That's where it's most obvious. Incidentally, it can also be considered a decent enough reference. I would think that fixing the back of the neck before you start trying to correct the shading is a better idea.
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Glad I could be of help to you.

OHHHH THAT. Then you would have to talk to Ceres about that, but he hasn't been here in a while and I know he is not in the spriting mood. I haven't even touched that sheet in particular. Anyway, I planned on redrawing the zoomed in sprite to actually have the frames without the coloring.

Probably would be better, though I want to see how much I could compensate just shading alone. I'll keep a test sprite with the original idea I had of raising the shoulder and another with neck fixes. I'll look at the references Ceres used to get an idea of his reasoning.

Scent wrote:
That grape juice Nick drinks must have whey/soy protein or something, seeing as how he looks BEEFED! XDD

You know, I was wondering why Phoenix's coffee is purple... What you said makes sense lol...
Re: Ace Attorneys: Rising Justice (Update 12/25/13 DevDiary Topic%20Title
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Apollon Flame

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Uh... You never thought it was grape juice?
A King

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Re: Ace Attorneys: Rising Justice (Update 12/25/13 DevDiary Topic%20Title
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Does anyone have a download link to Ace Attorneys: Rising Justice, both links one the first page don't work anymore.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I'm currently trying to archive older PWLib and PyWright on internet archive to preserve them.
Thanks again :ema:
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