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Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Scratch spriter

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Ropfa wrote:
So, I know that I said I wasn't going to make a tutorial, but whatever. I was going to make this character anyway.

This is the general process I go through when planning a character. Every character is different so there's no single perfect way to do everything. Keep that in mind always. Also, this is just my way of doing things. Others might have methods that are different or maybe even more efficient. Just find a way that works well for you. This is art, not rocket science.

Spoiler: Step 0 (optional)
Not everybody can draw well by hand. That's a separate skill, but is related to spriting. However, if you can draw something that even halfway resembles a human being, I would strongly suggest making a rough sketch of how you want the final character to look. This way you have something to keep looking back on as a visual reference. Even if you can't draw that well, I'd still recommend making a line skeleton, which shows the position all his/her body parts will be in. (You can draw lines and circles... right?)

On this page, I didn't know at first how I wanted her eyes and nose to look, so I drew several examples before deciding on the ones I thought looked best.


Spoiler: Step 1
Make a basic outline for the character. It doesn't have to be perfect yet. If you're unsure about how to make the proportions or shape, use a canon character for scale. Find somebody who is about the same size that your character will be. Maybe even draw the outline on top of them first.


Spoiler: Step 2
Edit the outline as needed. Here, I adjusted her head so it wasn't tilted downward quite so much.


Spoiler: Step 3
Choose the color palette. Sprites from the first three AA games used 16 or fewer colors. AJ sprites use more (I forget the exact amount). Keep the color selection limited, because if you use too many, it will lose the Ace Attorney style. For a first time sprite, you might want to stick with 16, just so you can get used to working with a limited palette. Here, I'm using 18 colors, not including pure white.
Fill in each area on the sprite with a "base" color.


Spoiler: Step 4
You should have a better picture of how the character is going to look now. If you still need to, fix any outline issues there might be. Here, I adjusted her head some more so that she's staring straight ahead, instead of down. Also, I adjusted her shoulders and chest and made her a bit shorter.


Spoiler: Step 5
Put in basic shading. It doesn't have to be perfect yet. Once again, if you're unsure of how to do it, your best references will be the canon sprites. Look at them to see where the darker shades should go.

But whatever you do, don't just put dark colors around the outside and light colors in the inside. That's called "pillow shading" and in most cases it won't look very good. Think of where the light source is facing your character. That will affect where shadows show up on his/her body.


Spoiler: Step 6
Put in some basic anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing is to make the sprite's edges appear less jagged. Before, you could more easily make out individual pixels in her outline and here it appears smoother. It's hard for me to exactly describe how to do anti-aliasing well, because I'm still getting the hang of it myself. AA 1-3 characters used some, but generally not a whole lot of it (due to the 16 colors thing, probably), but AJ and the AAI games have quite a bit. Try putting a medium tone between the dark outline shade and the lighter inside color.

I've mostly ignored the face and hair for now, because those are a whole 'nother beast.


Spoiler: Step 7
As I said, facial features are a whole different thing from the torso and arms. Faces differ SO much from character to character, so there's no single method of doing anything. Even with noses... Compare Maya's small mousey nose to Luke Atmey's Pinocchio one... And then compare those with whatever the heck Victor Kudo is supposed to have. They're all entirely different.

Your characters' faces are going to be different for each character. I know it sounds like a broken record, but... Once again, look to the canon sprites for reference. There's a whole bunch of characters and odds are one of them has something similar to what you're looking for. If not, search for other anime characters to compare to if you don't know how to work in the shading and detail.

Out of all the facial features, the eyes are probably the most important. These are what people will focus on the most when they look at your sprite. And they tell a lot about the character's personality. A younger, energetic character might have large round eyes. Somebody who is more serious will have narrower eyes. An evil character might have triangular, slitted eyes. Be very careful how you make them, as they'll do a lot to determine how people view your OC.


Spoiler: Step 8
Hair can be complicated to make as well. Like the eyes, it says a lot about a character's personality. It can also be one of the hardest parts on the body to make right if it's a complex hairstyle.


Spoiler: Step 9
Add any extra details you feel your character needs. I thought her shirt looked rather plain, so I added a little bow for her to wear.


Spoiler: Step 10
Make any final edits to the shading, anti-aliasing, or outline that you need to.


I really like her, but there´s something wrong with her eyes, they look pretty big for being an ace attorney sprite, everything else looks awesome! :gant:
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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I started out working on this one for a sprite competition on AAO. However, either I read the guidelines wrong or they've changed since I initially read them, so I probably won't be able to submit him. He's not quite finished yet. I'm still planning to complete the set and get him animated.


Last edited by Ropfa on Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Can I hear an "Objection!"?

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Ha! It's Xin Eohp!

By the way, I am loving all the sprites in Conflict of Interest, esp. the ones in the newest case.
Mr. Edgeworth, do you realize if we played by the rules, we'd be in court right now?


(My father spent three years restoring this car...)

Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Good to hear! I still need to update the first post here. I'll probably do that once A Super Effective Turnabout is finished.
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Haha, those are well made! It would've been nice if they had something like that in Trials and Tribulations!
"Whaddya youse say I aint Phoenix Wright!?"
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Ropfa wrote:
I started out working on this one for a sprite competition on AAO. However, either I read the guidelines wrong or they've changed since I initially read it, so I probably won't be able to submit it. He's not quite finished yet. I'm still planning to complete the set and get him animated.


I think i dropped my pen :udgey:
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Can I hear an "Objection!"?

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Made this just for fun...

The background came out crappy...
Mr. Edgeworth, do you realize if we played by the rules, we'd be in court right now?


(My father spent three years restoring this car...)

Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Just updated the first post with some of my sprites from T-Consequences. I still hadn't gotten around to putting those up. I'll probably release the Pokemon case sometime soon and you can expect the sprites from there to be uploaded as well.
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So... I have a break coming up and I'm feeling generous. So I'm going to be opening up for requests temporarily.

However, sprites take too much time and even with a vacation here, I'm still way too busy. So the catch here is that I won't do any requests for character sprites... but evidence.

I'll make some evidence for the first three people to put in a request. This is either physical evidence or a character profile. Anything that will go in one of those little square boxes. The only requirement is that it won't violate CR's no-NSFW policy in any way.
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Could I request a rapier with its tip bloodied, by any chance?
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Sure, I'll try and get around to it later.
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Awesome. Thanks!
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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For PiGreat:

Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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It's gorgeous. Thanks, dude.
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Made for ApolloGrimoire:


I think that was my first time trying to draw something that's supposed to be see-through. And it was hard as heck.

I can probably make evidence for one or two more people. First come, first serve.
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Tried making Michael Rivales without the sunglasses. Unsure of whether or not I'll actually end up using this in Conflict of Interest at any point.

Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Michael Rivales confirmed for T-Unknown then? You sure like to update this guy a lot, Ropfa.
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I wouldn't consider this another update for him; I was just messing around and decided to find out what he looked like underneath the glasses.

And really, I just can't stand to always see him as Oliver Deacon in a hat.
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Just updated the first post to include stuff from A Super Effective Turnabout, my Pokemon crossover case. Feel free to critique.
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Great work with those sprites!
You did well balancing the Pokemon anime style with the AA style, and they look great!
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Some stuff I was working on the past week. Don't expect either of these people to show up in the final case of COI. I updated Victor Timmons' profile and made an alternate sprite for another character.

(original on right for comparison)

She has bags under her eyes from constantly staying up past 2 AM doing nothing important on the Internet.

Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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You neatened the shading on the profile picture nicely!
I always wondered what was behind that mask! :maya:

Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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For some reason, I am reminded of Vulper when I look at her.

Anyway, nice sprite!
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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So, guess I haven't posted anything here in a while. I'll just leave this here.


The final section of Turnabout Consequences for Conflict of Interest will be going to the beta testers within the next few days. After that, my plan is to finish those Xin Eohp sprites that I never got around to completing. I'll also open up briefly for requests.
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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So, I'm going to open up for requests briefly. I'll take three requests at the moment, from different people.
I'm gonna limit it to just a base sprite though, so no full sprite sheets (they take too much time). Apart from that, same rules as usual.
Re: Ropfa's sprites (now open for requests)Topic%20Title
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Hey listen can u do something related to shadow the hedgehog
Sup :klavier:
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Ropfa wrote:
So, guess I haven't posted anything here in a while. I'll just leave this here.


Haha, that looks cute! Also interested in those fancases. Are they on AAO? Or PYWright?
Re: Ropfa's sprites (now open for requests)Topic%20Title
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Both are on Pywright, though I'm in the process of porting the Pokemon case over to AAO. You can find links to both of their threads in my signature.

dellenXlawyer wrote:
Hey listen can u do something related to shadow the hedgehog

Sure. What were you thinking? Give me as much information as you can.
Re: Ropfa's sprites (now open for requests)Topic%20Title
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Ropfa wrote:
Both are on Pywright, though I'm in the process of porting the Pokemon case over to AAO. You can find links to both of their threads in my signature.

dellenXlawyer wrote:
Hey listen can u do something related to shadow the hedgehog

Sure. What were you thinking? Give me as much information as you can.

k I was thinking about him being in the prosecution desk and him holding a gun only when he points and thr gun should be like the gun from shadow the hedgehog game and If u can do some more ppses like him using some chaos powers or him throwing a chaos emerald in his hand
Sup :klavier:
Re: Ropfa's sprites (now open for requests)Topic%20Title
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Okay. I'm not really a huge Sonic fan, so if you could PM me any images for references, I would have a better idea of what you want.
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Some sprites I'm currently working on for requests. These are works-in-progress and are by no means finished. As always, looking forward to any feedback or suggestions.

Shadow the Hedgehog

Apollo-era Lana Skye

A karate guy
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Looking awesome!
(And those Kamina glasses! Love it!)
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Prison Attorney. Thanks Mij!

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Loving the karate dude, it looks amazing
Backburner26. Currently working on Wolfgang Ace attorney, Visit this post here to find out more.
Visit my Sprites page! I post regularly and whenever I finish a set that I am working on.
Ask Wolfgang a question.
(The Wolf waits, looking for an opening.)
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Here's another one that I made over the weekend, in anticipation of the new season of Game of Thrones. Arya Stark.

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Not a fan of GoT, but that looks awesome ! I really like your spriting style and the OCs you made, especially the karate dude !
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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So, I'm looking to expand my list of sprites that are free for everybody to use. Apart from finishing up those Xin Eohp ones that I started a while back and never got around to completing, does anybody have any specific requests?
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Ropfa wrote:
So, I'm looking to expand my list of sprites that are free for everybody to use. Apart from finishing up those Xin Eohp ones that I started a while back and never got around to completing, does anybody have any specific requests?

Completing the furio tiger set
Sup :klavier:
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Tigre will get done, hopefully sometime in the next month. I was looking for stuff beyond just that.
Re: Ropfa's spritesTopic%20Title
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Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey...

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This may be an odd request, but perhaps a Judge Monokuma? Maybe he could be sitting on top of the judge's bench.
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Judge Monokuma it is then!

Once I get finished with Tigre and Karate Man.
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