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Re: Ace Attorney Anime DiscussionTopic%20Title

Igi ari!

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Gyakuten$aiban wrote:
I've become too jaded by pre-hate to enjoy this anymore.

ONCE AGAIN the Internet has STOLEN MY JOY before I ever get to experience it.


Why would you be? the internet is just a bunch of people who like to jump on conclusions based on limited evidence.
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So I decided to stop being a butthurt baby and watch it.

It's a little TOO straightforward of an adaptation but since case 1 was just a courtroom battle I guess I can't expect a whole lot of action.

Hopefully episodes that also have investigations get more interesting.
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I just realized something very significant. There is a good chance that for once in 15 years, Grossberg will officially have more than two facial expressions.
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It'd be funnier if he didn't, actually.
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I personally am not disappointed by this first episodes, though I do share the same complaints that the character art doesn't blend well into the background art and that the 'models' aren't always very consistent. I still think it looks good enough, though. It was enjoyable.

Of course, my biggest complaint, like most people have, is the pacing. They really only needed to give a few extra seconds during tense moments to have that drama sink in with the audience. It also really breaks immersion, because characters have thought of a solution before the audience can always even comprehend what's just been said.
This was actually apparent to me within the first 10 seconds (which made me dread the rest of the episode). Frank Sahwit had just killed Cindy and tells himself he needs to pin the crime on someone else. (That already is a bit of a quick realization from the character.) But he hardly even finished that thought and he immediately thought "Oh! I could pin it on 'that guy'!" If they just made Frank Sahwit internally panic between those two thoughts, it'd work way way better!
The same goes for the conclusions Phoenix comes to. Especially when he accused Frank Sahwit of the crime. "Objection! There's a contradiction in your testimony! So, you are actually the criminal!" ...That's how it sounded to me. Let Phoenix wrack his brain for a moment to realize what that contradiction really meant
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I've recently found a hobby in ranking the openings of an anime season as they come out to decide which are the strongest and which are the weakest as the new shows come out. I try to leave most of my bias behind, but people called me out on how high I placed the Ace Attorney opening "Gyakuten Winner" by Johnny's West, which is currently sitting around Space Patrol Luluco and Joker Game as my favorite of the season. The OP has had generally mixed reception, with some people loving how cheesy and totally "anime" it is and others thinking it's too cliche and doesn't particularly fit Ace Attorney. I can't deny that I'm biased towards the series, but I also do have very good reasons for liking the OP specifically as much as I do, and that's a matter of good direction. The details aren't hard to see when you look through the OP and think about it for a few moments, but it's fairly subtle if you're watching it casually and is actually pretty darn clever for an OP as hokey as this. So let's break down the shots of the OP as I put on my "Mother's Basement" hat and try to explain what's so good about the opening to the Ace Attorney anime.

Spoiler: Analysis on the Ace Attorney anime OP
Ace Attorney OP

We open the sun rising over the city, a pretty simple visual metaphor for beginnings as Phoenix's career begins. Interestingly, the city is a symbol tied to Phoenix in this OP, constantly being framed behind him, but I couldn't entirely explain why right now without making vague assumptions, so I'll leave you with that. We get establishing shots of the defendant's seat, the desks for the attorneys and evidence, and the judge's gavel as the shadows move through the courthouse, implying their importance in the trials, before a shot of the courtroom as a whole before we zoom in on the symbol of the court as the sun hits in and the title card emerges. These are mostly just establishing shots for where we'll spend much of the show, but they're effective at what they do.

The titlecard fades to black before the scene is torn from the spikes of Phoenix's hair, which is both a hilarious transition and a good means to emphasizing the iconic hairstyle, as we see Phoenix giving a determined smile. We cut to a quick establishing shot of the city, which again serves as a sort of symbol with Phoenix, before seeing him running past it. The running protagonist trope is common, especially with the hero running right to left (with antagonists often moving the opposite direction), and serves as a general symbol of determination and moving forward. Phoenix stumbles as he tries to avoid stepping on a chalk drawing, though, losing his balance and briefly his determination, showing he's still a bumbling rookie. The chalk drawing holds some fun easter eggs as we see him stumble through it, including doodles of Mr. Hat, Clonco, the Steel Samurai, and Trucy Wright, referencing some major characters from the series in a cute way in a "blink and you'll miss it" shot. Phoenix gets through the drawing and looks back at it, likely glad to have not damaged the pictures, and his badge gives a quick glimmer in the light to draw attention to his profession before he turns back to continue moving forward.

We cut now to Maya's Magatama, swiftly emphasizing her spiritual side, and show off her character for the first time as she prays in Kurain. She looks back to the camera as if something is approaching, before dark clouds swirl in towards her and engulf her in darkness. It's pretty clear that Maya is in trouble, and the shot is immediately followed up by a blue Magatama falling to the floor and shattering. The blue Magatama belongs to Mia, and this is a rather clear symbol for her death. The cut is a rather clever one, as the connection from Maya being in trouble directly to her sister's Magatama shattering implies a correlation, since Maya was Mia's sister and was arrested for her murder. We then transition through Phoenix's hair again as he looks into a now gloomy, dark, rainy sky, in stark contrast to the sunny day he previously ran through. He seems to have stopped running for the time being after Mia's death, but as he takes a moment to regain his composure, he turns back forwards and runs with renewed determination. This whole sequence is my favorite in the OP, as it rather subtly established Turnabout Sisters in its entirety. Maya is in trouble due to Mia's death, and it puts Phoenix at a loss briefly before he keeps on going forward. Worth noting is that previews suggest Phoenix is drenched in rain with loose hair upon speaking to Maya in the detention center, bringing a direct parallel to the events of the anime.

We now cut to Edgeworth's footprint hitting the sand on a barren beach, potentially being a reference to Gourd Lake but also potentially being just a dramatic and empty backdrop for Miles that contrasts the more friendly and urban city associated with Phoenix. Edgeworth's foot is moving from left to right, aka the opposite from Phoenix, before being framed as moving away from the camera, and I don't think I need to explain what Edgeworth going away means. We get our first look at Edgeworth's face, however, when he turns back to see Phoenix Wright, stealing his attention. Phoenix's heavy breathing clues us in that he probably just stopped running and has now both literally and figuratively caught up with his rival. Fitting, since Turnabout Sisters, represented by the previous shots, is where Phoenix finally encounters Edgeworth in court for the first time. They give each other a glare as a bright, golden chain of justice ties them together. Yes this is pretty cheesy and yes it's more than a little shippy but it makes a pretty decent if blatant metaphor for how the two are tied to one another with the law. The scales of justice rise up from the ocean and lifts them each in one scale, and we gets the two shouting and tugging at the chain as the camera sweeps around in the heat of their battle. The scales themselves go back and forth between their weights, showing how the court goes back and forth between the two as their argument gets more and more heated and they constantly tug at one another before the scales finally equal out, showing they've found the balance and the answer.

Their color-coded auras quickly clash before cutting to the shining attorney's badge, a symbol of justice, as their debate comes to an end, implying Phoenix has won. The size of the badge in the frame and the gold glimmer make it reminiscent of the sun. Fitting, since the next two shots are of sunflower fields sprouting from the ground. The sunflower obsession in the OP and ED have raised eyebrows, and I can't claim to know the full extent of what sunflowers are symbolic for. However, the attorney's badge (which is a REAL THING in Japan, ftr) is actually designed after a sunflower as a symbol of justice, so the correlation is fairly simple. The fields pop up both over the beach that represents Edgeworth and the city that represents Phoenix, likely implying both have reached the point of true justice. We're now back to Phoenix running to the left, now in front of a field of sunflowers by the city, and in a moment, his friends, notably Maya, Larry, and Gumshoe, come running to catch up, and we get a shot of all four running with Phoenix as we find he's not alone in this adventure (and yes the framerate does make this a bit derpy, mostly because Maya's run is just super frantic, but that's a production thing and not a direction thing). Phoenix finally stops, however, as Mia Fey walks past the group in the opposite direction, implying that she's no longer with them and her journey's over. The next shots are mostly in expression, as Phoenix turns his mentor in shock, and she returns a reassuring smile to him. Phoenix smiles back and gives a nod before the shot pulls out and transitions to him aruging and pointing in court. Miles Edgeworth does the same from his own bench, and the two's auras clash as their battle overtakes the court and the OP finally ends with Phoenix appearing over the image of the city once more to give his iconic point to the camera.

That's a lot of words for something that really isn't all that complicated, and the OP isn't really high art or at the crazy detailed level of a typical JoJo OP or anything. These symbols aren't too complex or anything and they don't take too long to figure out, and this kind of stuff, while it sounds like I may be making half of it up, has been prevalent in anime OPs for years. However, the whole thing flows together incredibly well and essentially shows off Phoenix's journey from being a bumbling rookie to being an independent and confident lawyer with friends by his side. It basically sums up Turnabout Sisters - Maya's in trouble cuz Mia dies and Phoenix is sad but he goes to fight Edgeworth anyway - in a really clever way and has some neat details like the chalk drawings and some simple but effective symbols like the Magatama and the sunflower fields to get across a certain idea. It's easy to write off as "it's just running anime characters and weird chain stuff with not great animation and a boy band song" but give credit where credit is due, because the directing really is pretty neat. Maybe not revolutionary, but pretty neat. Better than a million still shots of characters standing by their names or mindless action shots so fast and generic you barely even process them at least. If you're in the OP just for the song or whatever, that's fine, but I think it's nice that OPs like this can put at least a little attention to the details.

If you liked this I might try to do it again (maybe tackle that ED since I seem to be alone in adoring that thing, or some other anime this season like why I like Kuma Miko's OP or why I hate Asterisk War 2's OP), though really you should try out Geoff Thew's channel "Mother's Basement" for his video series "What's in an OP?" where he goes into even DEEPER analysis on how OPs work, including JoJo, Spice and Wolf, Your Lie in April, Nichijou, School-Live, and much more. I basically stole his thing here and he's way better at it than I am, with more directorial and symbolic knowledge under his belt and a keener eye for details. He's great and deserves attention so check him out.

I believe the proper phrase here is "you fail"!
-Miles Edgeworth
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TheDoctor wrote:
Since the Ace Attorney anime is slated to come out in April 2016, I thought it would be appropriate to start discussing what people would like to see in the anime.

For starters, as far as casting is concerned, I'm hoping we get Norio Wakamoto as the Judge and Mugihito as von Karma. More so the latter than the former (although Norio Wakamoto would probably work for von Karma, or even Gant for that matter). Not sure who should voice Phoenix and Edgeworth though, although I can sort of hear Sayaka Ohara as Mia and Tomokazu Sugita as Godot.

Assuming there's an English cast, after seeing a video with von Karma lip syncing to something sung by Judge Frollo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, I almost want Tony Jay to voice him (although it'll never happen). The only other casting decision I can think of would be J. Michael Tatum as Kristoph Gavin, even though that's a ways off yet (unless they introduce him early).

EDIT: I also read somewhere that Jennifer Hale would be a good choice to play Franziska, which I have to say is a pretty dead-on casting choice.

I'll so get the Anime series itself in English dubbing in the future there - I don't mind watching it in Japanese with English subtitles for the time being. Worth it. :maya:
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I liked it a lot. It really catches that down-to-earthness the series had in the beginning which I started to miss after T&T. They also show they can still do it justice outside of the original script with Larry breaking in like "That's my name!!!" and getting pulled back by a police officer or the Judge hitting the gavel on his head because Mia startles him with an interjection, and it has that brisk energy that I love. It may look uglier in still frames but it's a smoother and more energetic production than any of the DD cutscenes for example. I feel like the characters move around a lot in this and i love that.
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The latter half of the anime interview with Director Watanabe & Shu Takumi is here!

Spoiler: Summary that goes a bit more into detail than originally intended
Note: This interview was held before the episode aired. Watanabe & Takumi share their thoughts after watching it.

Watanabe comes right out, saying he's impressed by the number of cuts in the episode, kinda like how a landlady does. Takumi replies about how busy the team was, thinking over how to set things up, kinda like how a landlady or the beautiful officer secretary who serves drinks does.

"The birth of a new attorney, like the sakura blooming season!" Takumi likes packing metaphors into moving pictures. Watanabe sometimes worried that they took it to the point their message wasn't so clear anymore.

Takumi was really impressed by the voice actors' performances and enjoyed them a lot. They surpassed his expectations of how the characters were meant to feel, especially with one "dark horse" of the cast who held the spotlight of the episode. That dark horse, of course, is Winston Payne.

[T/N: I kid you not. The interview on site says so.]

Takumi quite respects the differences between game and anime. While the game's focus is on Phoenix's point of view, the anime gives spotlight to all the rest. He offers as an example, the opening scene to the Turnabout Samurai case, and the Director suggested that they set the battle from Cody's view.

Watanabe mentions that because they're opting for a different perspective on the story, they have to take a few liberties. For example, while in the game, the player can visit sites in any order they so wish (or otherwise) at the pace they wish, the anime has to keep a steady progression from scene to scene, and as a result, they have to fit a lot of content in each.

Takumi comments that it's an everlasting battle against time. Watanabe replies that it's constant battle with the art too.

While the game simply uses text bleeps for speech, the anime needs its voices. Everyone on staff really enjoys their job on this anime, and thus feel quite responsible about what they do. The director himself doesn't need to apply extra pressure. Takumi comments on how it's similar with the actors in the stage plays and pays his respects to them.

Ace Attorney takes quite a lot of inspiration from the classic Detective Columbo series, which is known for its howcatchem mysteries, as opposed to the whodunit. It's only expected that the culprit is revealed up front and center, even before the court drama starts.

Takumi jokes about how strange that the killer always somehow comes to court anyway. Watanabe enjoys it this way, though, to stir up those feelings of "unease" and "betrayal" in the drama. Naturally, as the anime takes plenty of influence from the game, which already has quite a few unrealistic things in it, they can have a bit of leeway for artistic license.

This court is one that brings quite a varied cast, and the voice actors deserve special mention. They're constantly undergoing fine tuning to make sure their lines are presented in the best way possible. I.e. given a comical character, what's the best way to bring out that comicality in these scarce lines? Like, "Oh, so it becomes like this kind of tone" at times or "This is surprisingly funny" at other times. Takumi takes his hat off to these hardworking actors.

The interviewer brings up a particular detail in the anime: when Larry brings up his "best couple of the century" line, it's a little different, and so is Nick's response. (In the localized ver., Larry brags about how they lined up with the greatest couples in history, and Nick points out that they all died. In the original script, Nick just wonders "where the heck did that come from!?")

Takumi explains that since the line was written back in 2001, it would have had a greater effect at the time, and now that it's already 2016, a little change had to be made. Because it's such a memorable line from Larry, they decided they had to keep it in, but renew the line somehow. Thus, it became "best couple of the 20th century" here. (And Nick responds with "That century already passed, Larry...")

Watanabe adds that the anime is itself a new product that is only inspired by the game. Those who knew the story from the game can look forward to what the anime does differently, and those who didn't play the games before can look forward to what the original was like.

Takumi restates it with a four-word idiom, "learning from the past". Watanabe restates it with "the same story, but with twice the fun!"

The interviewer then brings up a certain line that Mia is famous for. ("A lawyer is someone who smiles
no matter how bad it gets.") Takumi explains that it's a line that the original case didn't have, but one that developed from a conversation with the head scriptwriter Tomioka. They discussed how they could use such a line much earlier, and Takumi agreed to write it in. Since the script for the games were constructed in pieces, it was difficult to collect together all the relevant memorable quotes for characters like Mia, and he thanks the writing team for their extensive research.

Watanabe goes on to say that compiling all that research was what determined the direction the anime would come to take. And of course they could turn to no one else but Takumi for advice with these characters, and after much deliberation, they came to the finished product. He even says that this is one of his few experiences with the opportunity to perfect the quality.

Takumi asks why, pointing out that no person would dare be so intrusive like that. Rather, Watanabe thanks him for doing so. If it wasn't for his help, the alternative wouldn't have been nearly so precise or quick to arrive.

The interviewer then asks if all that praise seems excessive to the point of feeling ironic. Takumi handwaves it, saying that he's gotten used to being praised so much.

Still, Watanabe replies, it's what the actors say themselves. With their opinions flying around like a ball of catch, it was crucial Takumi personally spent time with them to make fine adjustments, and only good could have come of it. Now Takumi thanks him, feeling much more relieved that his small accomplishments weren't too intrusive.

Thanks to this production, Watanabe feels he understands the series creator a bit better. Takumi shared with him and the rest the story of when he was young, which inspired him to write the backstory to Phoenix. (Fyi, he once was accused of stealing a girl's lunch money when he just wanted to return it to its owner. There was no official "class trial", but the teacher did make him pay her back.) He was pleasantly surprised to find how everyone on staff sympathized with him.

Watanabe finishes it with how that story essentially created the character known as Phoenix Wright, he who fights for the people and protects them when no one else is on their side. Takumi then jokes how getting wrongly accused has its upsides too. Watanabe replies that what makes Phoenix Phoenix is Takumi himself.

A previous interview with the original character designer, Iwamoto, included his comments about how Nick = Takumi. Takumi says to that, back then, since he didn't have much of an idea for creating original characters, he just went with what felt natural to him. Watanabe goes on saying, the details are what really matter, and the Nick that lives in Takumi allows him to shout "Objection!" at this studio's crew.

T: "Oh, I see." (laugh)
W: "And if the studio is a courtroom, and Mr. Takumi is Nick, then I guess I'd be standing where Larry is." (laugh)

Regarding any feedback they've encountered, Watanabe claims he's got a few criticisms on his end, but with Takumi by his side, it's become a superbly wonderful thing they have. As of now, the entire scenario is complete, and previewing the final episode, he couldn't help but be moved. And now he's ever revved up to make this thing work.

Takumi was actually excited to show him and see how he'd react. Unfortunately, they couldn't get in touch directly, only via email, and by the time he found a chance to personally meet with him, this interview came up.

Watanabe closes with another thank you and stays confident that the anime team will cook up something delightful, especially with what they may add. Takumi is most pleased.

Takumi ends with a few comments on how the production has affected him. As the "unimportant creator" [sic], he's glad to have had the chance to work with everyone on staff. This has been an excellent opportunity for him to revisit his past self at the start of the franchise, and the "Gyakuten Project" has let him meet with many wonderful people. He awaits excitedly for the next episode, where Maya and Edgeworth officially make their appearances.

Watanabe can't stress enough of how everyone on the team loves Ace Attorney, maybe to the point that it's worrying in a way. In any case, the next episode is one to look forward to... just as he's looking forward to seeing how GS6 turns out.

What an entertaining interview. Now, I don't usually ship characters, needless to say, characters with their creators, but Takunaru is the best OTP in all of this franchise.
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My thoughts are that the sunflower motif is supposed to resemble the attorney's badge?

Additionally - I had started writing a transcript for the anime here, but I don't know if that's already being done, so I stopped. Does anyone know if this has been done or if I should continue to write it out?
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I don't think anyone else is writing it, so thanks for that. It could be useful to track what differences were made in the anime script as opposed to the game's. It's up to you, though, if you want to keep going for every episode.

Do you transcribe them from the raw episodes? I haven't seen the English subs for the first episode, so I don't know how Crunchyroll's translations go.

And one quick correction in the beginning: He's just panting at first, not laughing.
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I haven't read the whole thread yet (and it's really annoying that I can see every episode only a week later, because the threads for the episodes are pretty long then), but I kind of have mixed feelings about the anime. I love nearly everything AA related and I'm really not the kind of person that complains about Capcom messing up with the series, but sometimes the Anime is pretty strange and makes me wonder what the heck I'm watching there. But I like the intro, I think it's pretty catchy, and since I also found that the first cases of the game were a little boring, I honestly hope it will get better.
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There I was, being so hyped about the anime when I saw Pachinko cutscenes, thinking they'll be scenes from the anime. The actual anime ended up being somewhat disappointing, now...
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God, am i the only one who find Maya really annoying in this series?

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Sligneris wrote:
There I was, being so hyped about the anime when I saw Pachinko cutscenes, thinking they'll be scenes from the anime. The actual anime ended up being somewhat disappointing, now...

To be fair, people repeatedly said that the real anime won't be as good as the Pachinko scenes, exactly so that people won't get disappointed, expecting something as marvelous as the Pachinko scenes
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To comment on something I've noticed a lot:

Many people are complaining that the anime isn't like the game and that some scenes were left out. I don't think film adaptions of books/games are supposed to be the same, wouldn't that be really predictable and boring for the people that have already played the game? Besides, one episode is about 20 minutes long and it takes hours to get through one case in the game, so it would be hard and pretty boring to get it 1:1 in the anime. Imo we should treat this as an anime based on the storyline of the games not as an anime version of the games.
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You are right in that it's not the game. Many changes are to be expected. However, people are free to criticize the choice which scenes are removed. It's one thing to say that the anime is worse because a scene is removed. But it is another thing to explain why the scene was important and to discuss the changes to the meaning of the story the changes have.

So in short, just complaining about something being different isn't productive, but discussing how the changes impact the story is quite productive.
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Sorry for bringing back an old topic, but this seemed like the only "general discussion" topic, so I brought it back.

I watched the first episode and didn't really get into it (although part of it is I don't have a Crunchyroll account so since I wasn't thrilled with it I didn't really want to make the effort to register). However, now that it's complete (and there's a likely Blu-Ray release in the future), I had a question.

Now that it's finished, would you say there's a lot of new material here? Are there any episodes which expand the story in big ways? Are there any flashback episodes that play out in more detail than the games? Or is it just a straight-up adaptation of the series? I know there's some discussion about things being removed but I was wondering about things they could add. I'd be much more interested if there was a lot of new material here.
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They changed up some things for the sake of pacing and fitting the content into a few episodes. Some of the changes are good and some of the changes are... meh.
I would say there are basically two additions:

1. The 13th episode is a Flashback that's pretty well written and fleshes out Phoenix's childhood
2. You are able to see reactions from side characters in the gallery (which can be hit or miss)

One other thing that comes to mind is that they improved Oldbag in Case 1-3. I think that was unanimously agreed on
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Eh I didn't like the pacing of the anime. Or the fact that it cut out cases 1-5 and 2-1. Also hated how they didn't implement the games' soundtracks efficiently. Don't get me started with what they did to Adrian and Celeste. And seriously, lawyers and prosecutors can airbend?! But on the bright side, case 2-3 was WAYYY better here than in the games. Also liked how they gave more depth in Phoenix's childhood.
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Thanks guys! It sounds like the kind of thing where if I see the Blu-Ray for like $20-30 I'd buy it and watch it but probably not more than that.
I used to have Sam Waterston as my avatar but photobucket added a watermark and also Law & Order has been cancelled for 10 years so it's time for me to move on.
Re: Ace Attorney Anime DiscussionTopic%20Title
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I overall quite enjoyed the anime, though I'm on the fence about showing it to non-fans. There's plenty of good, neutral and bad to go around...

Some good stuff:
- Overall increased characterization, making a lot of characters better fleshed out (especially characters related to 1-3 as well as Lotta Hart and Marvin Grossberg)
- More Larry Butz, including an appearance in 2-4
- Maya and Pearl are pretty much spot on
- A better look at the class trial is presented along with the relationship between Edgeworth, Larry and Phoenix
- The Samurai shows are actually shown
- Phoenix's house, bike and other locations are shown
- 2-3 is giant improvement overall since they actually do something different with the wrap-up episode
- Increased physicality, since multiple characters can interact with ease, allowing for better humorous moments, better sweet moments, etc.
- Morgan Fey is more transparently evil, which while killing the mystery a bit actually comes across fairly well, and mixes up part of 2-2 in an interesting way

Neutral Stuff:
- Some of the content cut for time, which some fans will probably be sad to see but quite a few are of no big loss (Gumshoe getting fired in 2-4 and some fetch quests come to mind)
- Some of the scenes changed aren't so much worse than the original but just different (locations of confrontations change, etc.)
- I'm putting this here because some people are split on it and I personally love it: dramatic wind is implemented to justify the over the top anime reactions you see in the game, with people getting knocked back and tossed around (as stated above it's like lawyers are now airbenders)
- Soundtrack use (yeah I thought it was fine but some people have argued its worse and better than the game so I'm labeling it neutral)
- Some negative traits of characters are dropped (Edgeworth appears to be less of a dirty douche, Franziska
- No 1-5, as while it sucks it really isn't necessary since that was added on for later releases of the first game and will only really matter when it comes time to introduce Lana and Ema, which can really be done in another season (though it should be done at some point)

Bad Stuff:
- Dead God is there a lot of off-model problems when it comes to the animation, more than once it's like you can peg the scene where the episode started to run out of money
- Some of the court stuff goes really fast, investigation typically gets more love than the actual courtroom antics
- No Magatama, except for one quick short glimpse of psych-locks that are in this case used as a visual metaphor to show when a person cracks (show still works okay not having it but yeah, this one will annoy pretty much all fans, even myself and I'm a bit of an apologist for some of the stuff left out)
- Adrian Andrews and Celeste end up having a different relationship, which was no doubt simplified for brevity but the result is Adrian, one of the more tragic characters in all of Ace Attorney, not getting as much characterization, so in particular fans of the character will be annoyed, especially if you thought Adrian was in love with Celeste
- A few big moments from the games end up falling a bit flatter in the show, with the most obvious moment being the taser scene and Maya's moments in 1-4, as while still decent they really don't seem to carry quite the same weight as they did in the game, despite the different presentation style which should arguably make things grander
- 1-4 ends up having a plot hole or two thanks to some changes made
- 1-2 suffers a bit at points since while Grossberg, Maya hiring Phoenix and I'd argue even the final blow to Redd White are well done some other bits, like April May's whole bit, kinda suck
- Lotta Hart isn't in 2-4, being replaced by Larry (kind of a bummer since Lotta Hart did get better characterization in the anime)
- No 2-1 (real blow for Maggey and Gumshoe fans even if it isn't until 3-3 that goes anywhere)
- Edgeworth lacks a fear of earthquakes (earthquake doesn't factor into the worst day of his life anymore, which irks some people and I don't fully get why they cut that one)
- First opening and ending aren't terribly impressive (first opening is even off-model in some episodes)
- Second ending is full of lies (okay this one's petty but Missile the Police Dog is in the ending but never otherwise in the anime, dammit!)

There's plenty of more specific examples I could list but hopefully that fleshes out some specific issues people have. I still say at the very least fans should watch the anime but temper your expectations, it's an anime with a limited number of episodes.
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Happy Maria

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Overall,the anime was.........meh. Not bad,but not great. Definitely can't recommend it to non-fans. Play the games instead. :nick:
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I wish the anime would have had Trials & Tribulations.
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This Pachinko scene is making me crave even more for T&T
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Chloe wrote:
I wish the anime would have had Trials & Tribulations.

They might. I've heard reports it was popular enough to potentially justify doing more, just gonna be a question of when, how many episodes, and then also when we'll find out if that's actually gonna happen or not. General consensus has been a fairly positive 'meh', in that people have plenty to gripe about (not a shocker, especially if you just look at this forum alone) but people have been keeping up regardless.
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Butz the Klutz 52 wrote:

This Pachinko scene is making me crave even more for T&T

This looks so wonderful.

I love Dahlia's voice in this.
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Chloe wrote:
Butz the Klutz 52 wrote:

This Pachinko scene is making me crave even more for T&T

This looks so wonderful.

I love Dahlia's voice in this.

Yeah I love the way voice actress says her lines.

Plus the music was on point
Re: Ace Attorney Anime DiscussionTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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I'm really disappointed those weren't in the actual anime,because they're way better in terms of animation than the actual show.
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Time Paradox

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Ace Attorney anime is a bad adaptation.
Sure, an adaptation always has to adapt and find new ways to entertain people already familiar with the source material. But this one... uh, it's just lame.

Everything is ruined : Some characters disappear, others are entirely rewritten. The animation is at least lazy, and the art is less than common, like a great majority of the soundtrack. The openings and endings are all perfectly out of context. This anime just seems like any other stereotypical anime without a shred of ambition.
Case 1 was correct I guess... but every single other case are rushed... or delayed.

Oh yeah and of course there's the deal of AA1-5 and AA2-1, replaced by a filler episode.
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Happy Maria

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And the middle part of Big Top being rushed out. Though the finale is better.

It really says a lot when the best case finale isn't Goodbyes or Farewell,but Big Top.
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what the heck?? why is this pachinko version seem ten times better than the actual anime??
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godot_in_court wrote:
what the heck?? why is this pachinko version seem ten times better than the actual anime??

Shorter anime sections than a whole anime series, less of a tight schedule, bigger budget due to there being more money in pachinko (I think).
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