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Danganronpa F2: Prisoner's Dilemma- EpilogueTopic%20Title
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Welcome to Danganronpa F2: Prisoner's Dilemma. This is the official thread for this forum game. Only those who have been registered in the sign-up thread may participate, unless stated otherwise. Please be sure to read over your role PMs before posting.

Spoiler: Game Format
Daily life
- You will roleplay as your character, trapped in a prison school.
- Try to post at least once a day. Different timezones means not everyone can be super active, but at least try.
- During this time, if you want to kill someone, send me the murder plan. If multiple are submitted, I'll select the best one. Should you choose a victim, they'll have a 50% chance to die. The RNG will decide. If another student is selected, the RNG will be scaled for those inactive.
Free Time Events
Once a chapter, you can request to get to know someone. You and that person will get a QuickTopic in which you can RP a one-on-one conversation. The QT can be used into future chapters too. Once one of the participants dies, you may no longer use that QT.

Deadly Life
A body has been discovered!

- Events of the day surrounding the murder will be posted. This will be unrelated to daily life.
- Everyone will be sent an alibi. Use this time to read over it.
- You have the day to react to the dead body.
- Once the day reaches it's end, the next part of the case, the investigations, will be sent to you.
- Everyone will have slightly different alibis and investigations.
- You are allowed to share alibis in this phase.

Class Trial
The murderer is… one of us!

The class trial is afoot. You have 3-4 days to find the culprit.
- Monokuma or Monomi will set topics for the class to discuss on.
- First point of discussion will always be investigation results/alibis.
- Once a topic has been thoroughly discussed, students may opt for another one.
- After a while, students can discuss anything.
- In later chapters, Monokuma/Monomi won't set topics.
- You may vote at any time. If a majority has been reached before the time limit, the trial will stop there. You may change your vote as often as you want until then.
- There will be lifelines you can use. Keep in mind, you can only use a set amount for the whole game. Use these wisely. These may not be used to directly confirm/deny if someone is the killer.
- You may ask Monokuma/Monomi to test things out or ask if something is possible. ie- is it possible to have shot with that gun? The killer must have been stabbed, can we check ___ for a stab wound? But no: Is ___ the killer?
- Class trial mvps will be awarded to those who contributed the best theories and who overall solved the most mysteries. These people will be allowed to make one extra fte request next chapter. They may give this bonus request to another student if they choose.

Throughout the game, each player will have a private discord chat or a qt with the GM and co-GM. Use these for murder plans, questions, voting, etc.

Spoiler: Meta Rules
1. Be a good sport. Don't spare someone just because they're your friend off-game.
2. Don't collect information with meta methods like:
- Sharing QT screenshots
- Using non-players to aid you
- Threatening, extorting, bribing, or otherwise forcing/buying the behaviour of any party involved in a game to influence the outcome
- Reading restricted conversation areas: Dead/Spectator Thread, QuickTopics, other player's role PM's, etc. (If you somehow have access to an area you shouldn't, let the GM or co-GM know).
3. Avoid directly quoting the GM. If it's for quick questions asked mid-trial then fine, no big deal, but don't screencap the GM's comment. Paraphrasing is okay in these instances too.
4. Try not to god mod. Once one god mod starts, it results in someone counter god-modding to get the RP back on track, which leads to another counter, and another, etc. In other words, don't take control of other characters in your post. Prologue is ok to some extent due to the one post per person. If your character punches another for example, don't go onto say how the other was knocked out from it. Say you threw the punch, and let the other person decide if they'll dodge or get hit by it. RPing needs to be done by everyone after all, so don't play out the entire scene by yourself.

Note I will use music from Danganronpa v3. I'll check for spoilers, but regardless, try not to look at the suggested videos in case I miss them.

Spoiler: Monokuma's Rules
1. If you want to leave the Prison School, you must kill another student without your classmates finding out.
2. Once a murder has taken place, a class trial will be held. Participation is compulsory.
3. The class trial ends once a student has received a majority of votes. (In the event of a tie, the trial will be extended until someone changes their vote).
4. If the wrong student is chosen, the killer is granted freedom. A random student is then executed.
5. If the right student is chosen, the killer is punished.
6. Destruction of school property, including cameras and Monokuma, is strictly prohibited.
7. Students are free to explore the school.
8. The blackened can murder no more than two students.
9. The killing school life will continue until five students remain.
10. An announcement will play once someone besides the killer finds a body.
11. Monokuma will never directly murder a student, barring rulebreakers.
12. Further rules will be added when necessary.


JesusMonroe- Colin Chamberlain the Ultimate Prince
KamiPanda- Damien Treynor the Ultimate Horologist
Vinny_Valens- Yuma Hayabusa the Ultimate Hospice Aide Hitman
Slezak- Mikael Joy Stanza the Ultimate Voice Actor Doppelgänger
SiRReN- Cain Fitzgerald the Ultimate Leader
Planetbox- Simon Kellar the Ultimate Livestreamer
Kachu- Raymond Vermont the Ultimate Vigilante
Mancinitini- Bud Lau the Ultimate Senator


MechaQdogg- Maribelle Durham the Ultimate Debutante
Franzise Deauxnim- Ohishi Jinno the Ultimate Haiku Author
TheLetterF- Azurine Dimentico the Ultimate Amnesiac Lucky Student
DarkAgea- Aria Hayes the Ultimate Flautist
Salem- Veronica Warren the Ultimate Witch
Collin1002- Elizabeth 'Liza' Frye the Ultimate Biologist
Cesar Zero- Rina Nova the Ultimate Zoologist
Southern Corn- Chisami Madezo the Ultimate Medical Assistant

Spoiler: Current Class
...Aria...........Bud........Veronica ......Damien

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Start
Chapter 1 Body Discovery
Chapter 1 Class Trial
Chapter 1 End
Chapter 2 Start
Chapter 2 Body Discovery
Chapter 2 Class Trial
Chapter 2 End
Chapter 3 Start
Chapter 3 Class Trial?
Chapter 3 Body Discover/Class Trial
Chapter 3 End
Chapter 4 Start
Chapter 4 Body Discovery
Chapter 4 Class Trial
Chapter 4 End
Chapter 5 Start
Chapter 5 Body Discovery
Chapter 5 Class Trial
Chapter 5 End
Chapter 6 Start
Chapter 6 Investigations
Chapter 6 Class Trial

Spoiler: Lifelines
The class is divided in two! Only a scrum debate will settle this. Two people will debate a point on behalf of the class. They will list points for their side of the debate. Monokuma will declare who is closest to the truth.
Image Image
Discussion time has ran out! Use a PTA for an extra 24 hours to the class trial.
Image Image
The answer is right there… The class asks a question. The answer will be hidden. It's up to them to guess letters to fill in the blanks. Guess two wrong letters, and the lifeline ends.
Image Image
We need to investigate this, scat! Three items will be presented to students. They may use one, and only one, to investigate stuff they couldn't before.
Image Image
Think… we need to think! One person will be elected to answer several questions in private. They may make up to one mistake. Once they make another error, or the discussion point has been resolved, the dive ends.

Note: none of these can be used to explicitly confirm nor deny if a student is the killer.

Spoiler: Maps
Floor 1:
Floor 2:
Floor 3:
Floor 4:
Floor 5:

Evidence List

Last edited by Lone on Sat Dec 30, 2017 4:14 am, edited 84 times in total.
Re: Danganronpa F2: Prisoner's Dilemma- PrologueTopic%20Title
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Location: Japan

Rank: Decisive Witness

Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:57 am

Posts: 175

16 students stand there. They were on the island, in front of the giant building. It held an uncanny resemblance to Hope’s Peak Academy. But how could it be, they hadn’t had any classes yet.

“Attention hopeful students,” a PA system blared. The voice was cheery, too much so. The cheer wouldn’t be out of place on a sadist, laughing as he watched infants burn to ashes. “As you can all remember, every one of you entered your new classroom yes? Ah, but something happened, you all got the snoozies, and were knocked out cold. When you woke up, here you were, on this wonderful island.”

“What,” said Colin. “Unacceptable. You cannot remove us from our school like that.”

“Upupu,” the voice said, “this IS your school now.”

“Excuse me?” said Maribelle. “I don’t think you understand. I am a Hope’s Peak student. I was set to go to a school in the big city. Not some far-off deserted island.”

“This is nonsense,” said Raymond. He went up to the giant doors and tried to force them open.

“No use, no use,” said the PA. “Look, lemme tell it to ya nice and easy. All 16 of you here are Hope’s Peak students. You will be attending class in this building on this island here. Got that?”

The class was silenced. They begrudgingly nodded.

“Great,” said the PA to the students. “So let’s begin. Why don’t you introduce yourselves? Let’s hear everyone’s beautiful voices one by one! And once that’s done, the doors will open and your school life will begin!”

The voice spoke softly all of a sudden. “And if you refuse to introduce yourself, the sharks are getting a delicious lunch.”

(Everyone gets one post to introduce themselves. After everyone has posted, chapter 1 will begin. Please refrain from posting anything besides your introduction. This includes responding to other people’s posts. Only requirements for intro post are name and talent.)
Re: Danganronpa F2: Prisoner's Dilemma- PrologueTopic%20Title
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“H-hello.” Emerged a soft voice as a short, feminine-looking boy spoke. It was clear he wore some sort of robe that functioned as dress, and that he had chest length, soft blondish-white hair.

"My name is Y-Yuma. Yuma Hayabusa. And I am, um,” he raised his hand to the eyepatch on his right eye. “The ultimate Hospice Aide. I b-basically help the elderly or terminally ill pass peace. I, um, look forward to making acquaintance with you all.”

Last edited by Vinny_Valens on Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Danganronpa F2: Prisoner's Dilemma- PrologueTopic%20Title
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A boy looked up at the building, head held high and shoulders carrying all the confidence in the world with him. His clothes shone brightly, made of materials far more lavish than anything his classmates wore. An ostentatious cape flowed behind him, somehow flowing even with no wind.

His hair was golden and his eyes were lightning blue, almost unnaturally so. He was actually quite alluring, and seemed almost hand-crafted with perfect his proportions were. Strange…feelings stirred around the room. The boy just smiled, used to this.

“Well, this is quite peculiar. It seems we ended up on a beach of some kind, and I believe there's no real faculty present? No matter, I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.”

Everybody stared blankly at the boy, much to his confusion. There was a good amount of silence for a while.

“None of you have heard of Antegria, I take it?”

Some eyes now flitted with recognition. Antegria was an ancient nation, remaining a monarchy since it’s inception. Its history had begun with the Chamberlain dynasty, which was still the ruling family of the kingdom today. Recently, the country has acquired a great deal of wealth through its plethora of natural resources. It still didn’t make the country quite noteworthy enough where the average person would know anything about it other than the current king, as most of the country was hidden from the media regardless.

Regardless of Antegria’s current significance, it’s definitely gotten more attention from world leaders as it was well on it’s own way to becoming the most powerful country in the world in at least 20 years time. It was well on track to becoming the #1 country in math, science, technology, and military.

“Well, that can’t be helped. I am Colin Chamberlain, eldest of the current Chamberlain generation and heir to the throne. You may address me as ‘your highness’ I’m not really one for informalities.”

Colin Chamberlain
Ultimate Prince

A small, white animal began sat itself down next to Colin. He chuckled. “Of course, where are my manners? This is my cohort, Constantine. Officially knighted by my father."

Sir Constantine
Ultimate Knight

…it didn’t seem Colin was being quite truthful about the animal’s ultimate talent but nobody felt the need to call him out at the moment.

Colin unclipped his cape, folded it, and placed it on Constantine’s back. “Let’s all have a great year, shall we?"
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Soon enough, a smaller, aqua-haired girl carrying an odd blue hat in her hands makes her presence known by staring at everyone's faces in innocent awe. She then proceeds to open her mouth to speak-


...but nothing comes out. The schoolgirl sighs before placing the strange hat on her head, which seems to be equipped with a small, black computer monitor strapped to its fabric.


Suddenly, the monitor lights up, displaying a friendly, computer-generated smiley face.

"Hello everyone!" A cheerful voice rings from the hat. "I am Miss Azurine Dimentico's  personalised AI device (DimentiCo.) used for communication and memory aid, the Azurinator 3000! But you can just call me ZuZu."

Azurine blushes mildly in embarrassment, waving meekly at the others.

"Oh, almost forgot!" The device continues. "Azurine's talent is the Ultimate Amnesiac! Yes, it totally is a thing, okay? Sheesh. =["

"Now...ZuZu and Azurine are both confused. Can someone tell us what this place is? =0"

Last edited by TheLetterF on Fri Sep 29, 2017 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Danganronpa F2: Prisoner's Dilemma- PrologueTopic%20Title
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Wibbly wobbly timey-wimey stuff

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The first thing one would notice about the next student who moved forward with tentative steps would be their striking vivid blue hair. The next thing one would notice is the rainbow colored tie dye shirt he's wearing. Other than that, his black trousers and red/grey sneakers didn't really stand out, and neither did his facial features. Well, they might stand out after a while as completely average. His silver irises looked nearly colorless against the whites of his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, and the voice which came out was friendly and calm despite the situation.

"Hello everyone, it's nice to meet you. I don't know quite what's going on here, but I guess it's best to do as the guy on the speaker said," the blue-haired boy stated. Suddenly, his voice changed to one of a deep-voiced announcer.

"I am Mikael Stanza!
The Ultimate Voice Actor . . . !"

Mikael continued, reverting to the higher-pitched friendly calm voice he'd used before, "As you no doubt noticed, I can imitate any voice I can think of. Rest assured that I will use this voice when speaking to you all as to not confuse you; only changing it up for demonstration purposes. I hope that's alright! Now, let's make the most of this year and do our best! Sound good?"

Mikael sunk back into the crowd, awaiting the next student's introduction.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
100% pure Joy.
Excellent source of puns.
Refrigerate after opening.
Re: Danganronpa F2: Prisoner's Dilemma- PrologueTopic%20Title
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Shy guy

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One boy had been showing signs of shock and anger at their current situation, but when it came time to introduce himself he composed himself with alarming haste. He was astoundingly beautiful, for a boy, but his beauty had a somewhat mechanical, artificial feel to it. He held himself with an unnatural grace, and all in all the effect was a little unsettling, like he was a life-sized, clockwork doll. The effect was quickly dispersed when he smiled, however; it was a charming smile, as natural as the island scenery around them. He spoke up with a similarly comforting voice. "Greetings, everyone. Please, call me Damien. I am the Ultimate Horologist, that is, I study and make watches, clocks and other timepieces." He bowed a little, tipping his hat in the process.


Name: Damien Traynor
Talent: Ultimate Horologist

He was dressed in rather steampunk-like, formal attire. He wore a green waistcoat over a grey shirt, with the chain of a pocket-watch clearly visible, trailing from one of the outer pockets. Below were lightly striped black trousers with a brown belt, and black dress shoes. Set against the dark skin of his face was a pair of fancy glasses, with small, round frames and green-tinted lenses, as well as discrete secondary lenses that looked as though they could snap into place, presumably to provide magnification of small objects up close. Finally he wore a black top hat with a slightly curved brim, currently tipped in greeting. "It is as his highness said, I hope we can have a good year together. I'm sure the situation we're currently in is merely some strange part of entering into Hope's Peak - it is world-renowned for its Ultimate students, so I suppose it is of no surprise that things are playing out so differently from the first day of an ordinary school."

Last edited by KamiPanda on Fri Sep 29, 2017 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Danganronpa F2: Prisoner's Dilemma- PrologueTopic%20Title
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A girl with short, black hair wearing a simple green shirt looks over everyone in the room. Holding off on anything she has to say about the situation for now, she starts introducing herself.

"Hello there. My name is Rina Nova, and I'm the Ultimate Zoologist. That means I'm basically a scientist who studies animals...I specialize in their behavior and training them. I was hoping to go to Hope's Peak to expand my knowledge about this field but...I'm not sure if that's what I will be doing, given what's happening right now."
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Re: Danganronpa F2: Prisoner's Dilemma- PrologueTopic%20Title
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cooler and wilder

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"My name is Lau. Bud Lau." A handsome young man raised his voice. "I am the Ultimate Senator!"

His hair was as wild as his personality, a blazing yellow. He wore a formal shirt, tie and a snazzy red jacket. Bud also had on an assortment of rings and necklaces. He raised his fists at the PA.

"This is damn ridiculous. You hear me! No one is above the law. No one! I am the youngest lawmaker in the world. I've written laws about anything you can imagine. And I can fight you in court if I damn well want to."

Bud's classmates covered their ears at the loudness of his voice.

"Sorry all," Bud apologized. "Tch, let's become the best of friends. I promise on the name of Lau!"

Bud Lau was the youngest person to become senator at 16. No one thought he was seriously running, but then he won 100% of the votes, beating his opponents in a landslide. Such an amazing talented individual was granted exception from laws restricting the age of senators. He was known as the loud baby-faced senator.

Last edited by Mancinitini on Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A tall, beautiful young woman with shoulder-length blonde hair stood confused, briefly inspecting her surroundings. Small, short blonde drills framed her confused face as she took in the school building before turning to her new classmates. She wore a somewhat frilly, yet tasteful white dress with blue bows and frills that extends to just above her knees.

"Oh my..." the young woman said with a slight drawl. She reached into her purse and took out a small fan, and began to aerate her face. "Does anyone know what is happening? This will not do! Such outrageousness... I do believe I'm coming down with a case of the vapors..."

As if suddenly remembering she wasn't alone, she snapped to attention, and stowed her fan. "Land sakes! Where have my manners gotten off to? It would be rude for me to delay my introduction any further!"

After clearing her throat for a moment, the girl curtsied. She smiled warmly and said, "My name is Maribelle Durham. I would never give myself such a highfalutin' title, but others have called me The Ultimate Debutante. Pleased to meet y'all. I am sure as I'm shootin' that we'll get along well if we... well, if we can figure out what's going on."
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Happy Maria

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"Hello, everyone."

Everyone's eyes turn towards the source of the shy sounding female voice. It turns out to be from a fair skinned girl of about 18 She was wearing a lab coat which was fully buttoned, but that did not strike the students she strange as there was something even stranger about her. That peculiar feature was that her hair was dyed a bright pink, which contrasted with her otherwise serious appearance. The girl continued.

"I am Chisami Madezo. Much like you all, I am an Ultimate. To be specific, I am the Ultimate Medical Assistant.

Name: Chisami Madezo
Talent:Ultimate Medical Assistant

"I look forward to getting to know all of you better." She bowed in a graceful manner. "But first, we should find out why we were here. I was under the assumption that we were at Hope's Peak." The other students noticed a twinge of anger on her face as she spoke.

"It is most peculiar, too", she continued as if nothing had happened, "As you may have rightly guessed from my name and accent, I am from Japan. Hope's Peak, one of the most prestigious schools in the world, have up till recently been exclusively situated in Tokyo. It has not been long since they have stablished worldwide branches. So I find it curious that I, a Japanese student, have been invited to a worldwide branch. And now we were brought here instead." She stopped talking to take a deep breath.

"Regardless, I look forward to interacting with my other fellow students." She gave a smile to the others, and then went silent. It appeared this was all she had to say.
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After a while of staring at the ground beneath him, the black haired boy took a step forward to the rest of the group, rubbing the back of his head and looking away, avoiding eye contact, he spoke.


Suddenly, he looked up, with a very serious expression on his face, his red eyes giving a piercing glare.

"I'm Raymond Vermont. Ultimate Vigilante."

And as if that never happened, he quickly tries to hide his face in the navy blue cloth covering his neck, a tint of red showing on his cheeks. He looks away from the others and speaks once more, but much quieter.

"Y-You guys can call me Ray or something, i-if you want.. .."

He then turns his back to everyone, and shakily walks away from the group, but not too far..
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"I suppose it's my turn to introduce myself."

Spoke a female voice, breaking the silence. A green haired girl in a gray dress and witch's hat stepped forward from underneath the shade of a tree, followed by a rather chubby black cat.

"My name is Veronica Warren, and I am the Ultimate Witch." Said the girl, in a rather serious tone. "And this is my familiar, Giles." She gestured to the black cat, and then gave him a scratch behind the ears. He responded by purring in delight.

"And I'm not gonna say any of that 'let's be friends' crap. I'm here to further my talent as an Ultimate. Not make friends. That's all I have to say."

After her introduction, the girl made her way back to the shade, with Giles close behind her.
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A new dawn.

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"Vayam kutra smah...?" A lady who seemed around sixteen years, holding a flute loosely in her hands, looked around, silently taking note of their surroundings. She had held off on thinking about the situation long enough but now having gotten time to see where they were, she stiffened, taking some time to calm down.

She turned to the others, exuding an aura of grace, though one could easily notice her nervousness on looking closer. Her clear blue eyes scanned the other students. Her black hair came till just below her waist, mostly free except for the part of it that was in two side braids, pulled to the back and tied in a ponytail with a white silk hair tie. The most noticeable thing about her were her clothes - a long beautiful white frock with golden loops on it that nearly touched the ground, contrasting her sandy complexion. Pressing her hands together, flute in between, she inclined her head to her classmates. "Hello, everyone," she started with a polite smile, using her left hand to brush back the strands of hair that had fallen onto her face as she continued in a melodious but accented voice-

"My name is Aria Hayes.
I am the Ultimate Flautist."

Demonstrating her talent, Aria's fingers moved like clockwork as she played a short sweet tune on her flute, putting it down after around fifteen seconds and giving them all another smile. "I hope we can all... um, shabdah kimasti-" she muttered the last part to herself and took a few moments of thought to finish her sentence, "-get along well."

Last edited by DarkAgea on Tue Dec 05, 2017 7:13 am, edited 4 times in total.
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A young man stands near the edge of the group, seemingly too preoccupied with checking his pockets to pay much attention to his surroundings. Eventually, he gives up on whatever he was doing, and starts looking out at the other fifteen students. Letting out a quiet sigh, he walks over to introduce himself.

“Hey, everyone!” he exclaims, walking out towards the center of the crowd. He waves with a pleasant grin on his face, and continues, “I’d go ahead and introduce myself, but… I’d imagine some of you guys already recognize me, right?”

The young man is tall and slim, with dark brown hair dyed green in the front, with eyes the same color as his hair. He wears a hooded jacket and short jeans, and has a pair of headphones wrapped around his neck. However, despite his distinctive appearance, Simon can tell from the other students expressions that no one recognizes him.

Laughing awkwardly, he asks, “Seriously? No one? …Maybe the name ‘Sike3425’ rings a bell?”

Still, there is no response. The boy crosses his arms, closes his eyes, and mumbles something under his breath. A second later, he looks back up, smiles, and cheerfully shouts, “Well, that’s alright! That just means I get to meet even more new people! …Great!”

He finally explains, “The name’s Simon Kellar, and I’m called the Ultimate Livestreamer!” Laughing, Simon continues, “I don’t mean to brag, but a few months ago I reached one million subscribers!”

Simon looks up at the PA, and continues, “I… uh… don’t really know what’s going on here, but it’s nice to meet you all! …And I guess I’m not at risk of getting eaten by sharks anymore… That’s always nice!”
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

Avatar from over here probably
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A young, teenage girl with dark, raven-black hair steps forward, wearing a very light pink-colored sweater along with a pair of simple blue jeans, timidly hiding her face behind her hand before uncovering it, revealing her dark green eyes and eyeglasses.

"Hello, everyone... I'm Elizabeth Frye, the, uh, Ultimate Biologist... I-It's a pleasure to meet you all! Oh, and feel more than welcome to call me Liza...!"

She awkwardly waves towards everyone after having introduced herself. Her voice had a slight accent as well; most likely English or Welsh.

Unsure of what else to say, she steps back to where she once was, waiting for the next person to introduce themselves.
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"Oho, threats? How crass.
I shan't forget this insult.
Vulgar imbecile."

After berating the creepy, disembodied voice, the young lady turned her attention to who would apparently be her fellow classmates. She had straight, shoulder-length purple hair that was tied in a small bun on the side of her head, and gentle yet sharp purple eyes. Her shapely form was wrapped in a navy blue, ankle-length kimono, and she wore wooden geta. She carried herself in a dignified manner, and her smile was kind, although it held a hint of superiority as well. When she spoke again, it was in a rhythmic, slightly condescending tone.

"Well, it's no matter.
I would introduce myself
Without crude demands."

She cleared her throat politely before addressing the group en masse.

"Your attention, please!
I am Ohishi Jinno!
Remember my name!

"My words are beauty!
I craft the finest haiku
In all of the world!

"Though raised in Japan,
I will speak English while here.
No need to thank me!"

She then bowed her head once, her introduction apparently done, and waited patiently for the school doors to open.

Ohishi Jinno
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Last to speak, the entire class waited impatiently as Cain stood silently, jean-clad legs firmly planted and muscular arms crossed over his chest. The class took the time to study him. Outwardly he appeared calm, his short black hair lightly tousled, his skin pale, and his lips thin. As they looked more closely though, they began to notice the tight control he seemed to have over himself - clenched fists hidden in his crossed arms, muscles bulging in his effort to keep still, lips turned down slightly into a frown, his eyes slightly narrowed....

Now that they looked more closely at his eyes, they noticed that he appeared to have no pupils. Instead of coloured irises and dark pupils looking back at them as intently as they watched him, a pair of milky eyes looked at nothing, and they realized he was blind. He seemed to be listening intently as they spoke though, and even now his head was cocked every so slightly as he listened - it wouldn't have been noticeable if they weren't looking so intently.

After an uncomfortable silence it almost seemed like he wouldn't speak before the very tall man finally sighed and his head tilted back in resignation.

"Cain," he said grudgingly, his voice deep and beautifully accented with an Irish lilt. "Ultimate Leader."
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"Aaaaand that's everyone," the PA cheered. "Okay guys, in you go!"

The doors slowly creaked open. The class could finally enter.

They found themselves in a gray, dim hallway, splitting off in different directions. Instead of windows panes, there were bars sealing things off. The PA blared up again.

"Alright, so to cultivate learning, each one of you will get a personalized 'Research Center'. They will include objects relevant to your talent. Floor 2 is currently closed off for… 'renovations'. Take your time and enjoy what you have. Upupu…"

Spoiler: Cafeteria
A rather sizable cafeteria. One long table is present, with exactly 16 seats. There is a fridge in the back with various meats, vegetables, desserts, and drinks. A miniature greenhouse with fruit bearing trees is also there. Supplies are regularly replenished.

Spoiler: Cells/Bedrooms
What appear to be prison cells. Each one is equipped with a bed, toilet, and a sink (toothbrush and toothepaste provided). There's a shower cubicle in each room, just out of public view. Bar soap is provided and replenished when needed. 16 cells, each with a student's name on it.

Spoiler: Storage
Stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. Simon found some hair dye. There's also some rope, a volleyball set, a barbecue set, swimsuits of all forms and sizes, and much much more.

(tl;dr, if there's an item you need for daily life, ask me or Pancakes, and we can add it here).

Spoiler: Research Center 1
A dimly lit room. Candles are the only source of light. Cain brings in a flashlight from storage. The class sees:
- Cat food and cat toys.
- Old traditional broomsticks.
- An assortment of witch hats.
- A brewing stand. Can make potions that allow for invisibility, flight, and disguising as someone else. Effect lasts for 1 minute. Can only be used once an hour.
- A fire extinguisher.

This appears to be the Ultimate Witch Research Center.

Spoiler: Research Center 2
Aria opens the door. The class is wafted by the smell of ethanol. The walls are pure white. Objects of interest are:
- A first aid kit. Filled with syringes and needles. Also some medical tape.
- Blood tester. Determines if blood is type A ±, B±, AB, or O
- Mini-fridge. Filled with bags of blood.
- A poster showing human anatomy. It explains how to kill someone instantly, or gradually.

"Oh, this one's mine!" says Chisami.

This appears to be the Ultimate Medical Assistant Research Center.

Spoiler: Research Center 3
A very wooden and 'official' looking room. Objects of interest are:

- An assortment of iconic laws on display. Going back to the 19th century.
- A gavel.
- A police baton.
- A polygraph, for detecting lies.
- A shelf full of sunglasses. Covers the eyes just enough to hide that look of uncertainty.

"Heck yeah!" says Bud. "My room is totes awesome!"

This appears to be the Ultimate Senator Research Center.

"One more," says the PA. "You guys can access one more Research Center, 'kay?"

Spoiler: Research Center 4
The class wonders around for a bit. Eventually, Damien suggests checking outside. They file out, and notice the cottage. Ohishi goes up and tries the door. It's open!

They enter and are shocked at such an elegant room. The room is painted in the image of cherry blossoms. Wind flows through the open windows, allowing the curtains to flow. Objects of interest are:

- Café tables. A menu for tea on every one. There is a tea making machine in the back. Smaller than ones in the cafeteria.
- Geisha costumes. Has a little notepad for taking orders.
- Ink, brushes, paper. Only the absolute finest quality for the best haikus.
- 57.5 paper fans. Goes well with the Geisha costumes.
- Futon mattresses. For sleeping on the floor.

"Ufufu," says Ohishi. "I am most lucky, to have received my room here, on this pretty beach."

This appears to be the Ultimate Haiku Author Research Center

The class assembles back in the hallways.

"Alright," says Bud. "You tell us what the darn hell is happening here!"

"As you wish… upupu."

The temperature freezes. The class stares as a black and white bear, no taller than a meter, appears in front of them. He was white on one half, black on the other. The white was like any other teddy bear. But the black… he had an eerie (half) smile, and an ominous red zig-zag eye.

"Hello class," the bear smiled. "I'm Monokuma! And I'll be your head master for your stay at Hope's Peak Prison School."

"A-and I-I'm Monomi…" A similar pink and white rabbit appeared behind Monokuma. "I'll b-be your principal…"

The class looked horrified. "Prison School!" They all shouted.

"Yup," said Monokuma. "You're staying at a prison school. Yes, what a perfect place to have a killing game."


"Whoopsies," Monokuma covered his mouth. "I shouldn't have said that. Ah well."

His red eye glowed. "If you want to escape this prison school you must kill another student. Otherwise you will be stuck here. Forever. Once you kill someone, we shall have a class trial. If you can dupe your students into voting for the wrong person, you shall be granted freedom. Just use the boathouse. If you fail, then you will be punished. If you succeed, a random student will be punished in your stead.

Upupu. And the punishment… why, execution of course! It's only fair. Now… have fun! Monomi's slipped you your student handbooks. Make sure to check them for information. We won't want any rule breakers now. Upupu."

The bear and rabbit disappeared, leaving a shocked class behind.

(OP has been updated. Check for details. FTEs are also a go now. If you want to talk to one of your classmates, say so in your discord group or personal QT. A QT between you and that student will be made. You can use it until one of the participants dies or graduates.)

Last edited by Lone on Sat Sep 30, 2017 4:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Chisami shivered nervously. "T-there's no way...this is real...right? This's like a prison...." She looked around at her fellow classmates. "I hope...none of you are planning to follow what that bear says.." She coughs. "E-excuse me...I am not feeling well currently. M-maybe...I should..check up on myself.." With that, she shakily walks into her Research Centre, closing the door behind her.
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Simon glares skepically at the bizarre teddy bear, then suddenly bursts out laughing.

"Heh, this is one of those prank shows, right? Like the ones on YouTube? I've been on them before, and let me tell ya' this is the most unconvincing one I've ever seen!"

His jovial manner quickly subsiding, he continues, "I mean, come on, a talking teddy bear? Prison schools? Killing game? ...This can't possibly be real, right?"
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Last edited by Planetbox on Sat Sep 30, 2017 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"Whether or not it's real doesn't matter. It's one thing to kidnap and kill ordinary students, but me? It ensures retaliation from Antegria. I'm sure the United States wouldn't allow one of their senators to be kidnapped either. So if it's fake, there's nothing to worry about. If it's real, rescue will come in no time."
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JesusMonroe wrote:
"Whether or not it's real doesn't matter. It's one thing to kidnap and kill ordinary students, but me? It ensures retaliation from Antegria. I'm sure the United States wouldn't allow one of their senators to be kidnapped either. So if it's fake, there's nothing to worry about. If it's real, rescue will come in no time."

Simon responds, "Yeah, that's right! There's no way something like this could happen! I'm sure one of my... uh... hundreds of subscribers would have noticed by now!"
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Damien was speechless for a short while, before suddenly bursting out in rage. "Cut the crap, you deranged stuffed animal! None of what you just said makes any sense, don't you dare up and leave us like that!" He yelled at the missing mascots, face twisted into a snarl that completely distorted his usual unnerving beauty. "What the hell do you mean by killing, why should we do something as deranged as that?"

He received no answer, of course. Turning to the other students, his expression rapidly calmed, then showed the same warm smile he had during his introduction. "Maybe Simon's right, there's no way this can be anything so serious. Perhaps we should all go to the cafeteria and have some tea or coffee, talk this over and try to make sense of things?" Without waiting for a response, he turned and headed for the mentioned destination.
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Aria stared in surprise, muttering to herself in her language before asking aloud - hoping he was still hearing them - to confirm she had understood that properly, "Killing g-game? You want us to kill?" She looked at the others and added with a bit of hope, "Um, he did not use any uncommon words, but please tell me that that was some kind of... um... a-a statement that has an indirect meaning...? Perhaps a joke?" She turned to the place where the two strange animals had been at. "I would choose not to believe, but those dolls being controlled by playful spirits could explain..."
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Raymond stands silently, looking around the prison like school..

"Hm.. Joke or not, this has a lot of thought behind it.."

He then sighs, and steps away from his classmates.

"I'm sure this will get sorted out.." he mutters to himself as he enters the storage room.
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Colin heads over to the cells, wiping dust off of one of the bars as he approached it. He then stepped inside.

"That smell..." He found his way to his bed and paced end to end a few times. "This won't do..."

Colin studied the map of the room, feeling it with his hands. "Excuse me, I wasn't really paying attention during the introductions. Which one of you is Yuma?"

Last edited by JesusMonroe on Sun Oct 01, 2017 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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*additional notes.

The waters are surrounded by sharks. They won't go inside where the buoys float, but outside them…
The boathouse has boats locked with fingerprint recognition software. No one's fingerprints work

If anyone has a murder plan, send it to me or Pancakes.
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Seeing the other students begin to leave to room, Simon quickly shouts, "Uhh... Hey, is anyone else missing stuff they had with them? I definitely had my camera and my phone before I woke up here, but I can't find either of them."
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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"A prank?" Rina says, looking around the strange place. "Taking us from the school to this strange place...who would put that much effort into pranking us?" She thought about the other possibility for a moment. "B-but now that I think about it, this could be some sort of test set up by the school to, like, train our talents. Maybe I'm supposed to tame that strange bear or something...there's no way we will actually have to kill."

She proceeded to go outside looking somewhat shaken up, paying no mind to what anyone inside the room said.
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"Tsk, nonsense." Bud turned and head to the beach. "Anyone up for a BBQ!?"
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"K-killing game..." Yuma muttered. "T-this is..." He then shook his head to stop his train of thoughts.

He then heared Colin asking for him. "Um! I am Yuma your highness!" He raised his hand to make himself visible. "Did you need me for something...?"
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The color drained from Mikael's face, putting it in stark contrast to the otherwise colorful Voice Actor. He shook his head and opened his mouth, but no words came out. He was stunned for a few seconds.

"U-Um guys? What kinda entrance ceremony is this?" Mikael asked sounding very timid, "I thought we were supposed to take c-classes together and hang out and stuff. I don't wanna k-k-k-kill anyone!"

Mikael began to shake as others began to leave the room, heading to who knows where. "It's not right! N-Not right at all! Okay Mikael, all you need to do is calm down and, I dunno, talk to someone." Mikael said the last part to himself. He tensed up in an attempt to supress the shaking, then seemed to relax a bit. Mikael looked around but couldn't make up his mind on what to do first.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
100% pure Joy.
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Vinny_Valens wrote:
"K-killing game..." Yuma muttered. "T-this is..." He then shook his head to stop his train of thoughts.

He then heared Colin asking for him. "Um! I am Yuma your highness!" He raised his hand to make himself visible. "Did you need me for something...?"

"Yes, it appears we are cell neighbors. You see, Constantine requires a certain amount of comfort so I'm going to have dismantle the bars between our rooms to double the living space, and you're going to have to find somewhere else to sleep."
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"I-I apologize, your highness." Yuma bowed down quickly. "B-but I don't think the rooms work like that...C-can't I just get a portion of the room to sleep in? Your...knight...can have the bed."
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"I'm glad to hear it!" Colin slaps Yuma on the shoulder. "I'll arrange for your stuff to be moved out posthaste. Don't worry, the sand is much more comfortable than it looks."

Last edited by JesusMonroe on Sat Sep 30, 2017 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Finding his question unanswered, Simon mumbled something indistinguishable and left for the cafeteria.
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This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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"If you find the s-sand comfortable, you sleep o-on it. I will simply not give up what is mine, y-your highness." Yuma replied.
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Taking up Damien's suggestion, Aria went to the cafeteria and took a seat. Not sure what to converse about to the others despite wanting to, she hummed a song under her breath and tried not to get too tensed over the situation. There was no way the rest of the world wouldn't notice something was wrong... right?
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After a while of doing whatever, Raymond finally steps out of the Storage room, carrying some blankets, and some rope. He slowly but surely walks over to the cells, reading the names until he finds his own.

"..Didn't expect to be sleeping in one of these.."
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