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NG7: The Nullification Game (End)Topic%20Title
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[This is a forum game. You should not post in here unless you’ve received a role PM.]

“Aaaaand there you have it!” The anchorman grinned at the screen. “That’s 70% of voters saying they’ll be voting for Governor Guilherme Fernando, 10% for Tesla, and 20% undecided.”

“And with only 9 days before the 2032 election, it seems like this is already over!”

“Haha I didn’t even realize it started, Barbara!”

The two anchors laughed as the melodious network tune signed them off.



Down a narrow hallway, a small room housed 9 people. One by one, they had woken up in a closet and walked down the hallway to find the same dead end. They all looked at each other, confused and terrified. I?

“Open the door!” BANG BANG. “I’m not messing around!”

“W-What’s going on? I-I don’t feel so good...”

“Huh? A kid’s here?”

“This is fucked up! Are you watching us?! I’m gonna fucking kill you if you don’t let us out right now!”

“Everybody, please stay calm. Panicking will get us nowhere.”

“Hahahaha! This must’ve been Slim and Zippy playing a joke. Dontcha worry everyone, we’ll be out in a flash.”

“Slim…? Zippy…?”


“Why so quiet suddenly? Do you know who brought us here?”

“Please calm down.”


“As I said, please calm down. I doubt any of us know anything.”

“Are you smiling? You think this is funny, kid?”

“I-I’m just nervous…”

A quick cursory glance around the room made it apparent that there was nothing inside of it except a locked wooden door opposite the hallway. It could perhaps be opened, but only after pulling on it for some amount of time. Perhaps a length of time equivalent to however long it takes 9 people to introduce themselves.

[This is an introduction phase. You can post a maximum of three times. However once everyone has posted at least once, you can post as much as you want.]

Spoiler: Characters
Southern Corn - Albert Blaketon
Planetbox - Helios Tesla
Blinky - Violet Ride
Pierre - Bradley
KamiPanda - Ghost
Cesar - Emma Montin
MechaQDogg - Adriana
Bad Player - Teddy Bianchi
Doctor Nanjo (Formerly Franzise) - Midge

Spoiler: Helpful Links

Spoiler: Table of Contents

Spoiler: Flowchart

Spoiler: Character Sprites by Panda

Last edited by JesusMonroe on Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:02 am, edited 47 times in total.
Re: Nonary Game 7Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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“A-ah, shit! This is...what the hell is this place? Why was I brought here?!”

The rather unceremonious cry of appears to come from a rather greasy looking man, perhaps in his mid-20s. He slowly rubs his head in a mixture of confusion and pain. His hair is jet black and in disarray, with some strands coming off over his sweaty forehead. His eyes are a dark brown, though it’s hard to notice when he's hardly making eye contact with anybody else. He seems to be wearing a lab coat over a dull featureless grey shirt over his rather lanky figure, perhaps indicating he was a scientist of some kind. He brushes his hand through his hair, though the strands come back to their original position quickly. As he moans softly, he takes a look at his surroundings carefully, but closed his eyes again, flinching. Putting his hand over his head, he takes a rather deep breath to try and regain his composure. As he opens his eyes, he notices that there are other people in the room with him. As he looks his fellow captives in the eye, it becomes clear that nervousness was still apparent on his face, but he still speaks out, his voice sounding quite strained.

“H-hey, you guys! Are you t-trapped here as well? Were you grabbed by that asshole in the hazmat suit too?!” His voice loudens at the last sentence, cracking at the last bit. Wincing in embarrassment, he looks away. “W-well, never mind me. More importantly, I think we better get to investigating this stupid place. We need to get the hell out of here, stat…” He turns around, and staggered with little gusto or interest to the door, trying to push it to no avail. "Goddammit, it isn't opening…" He frowns in disdain, unsure of what to do next.

"W-well, maybe I should introduce myself after all. I'm Albert. Albert Blaketon. I'm, like, just a normal guy." He shrugs indifferently as his sleeves come done slightly down, enough to show some sort of bracelet on his wrist. Noticing it, Albert quickly gestures to it. "What's this damn thing supposed to be? It can't be a watch… unless it happens to be one o'clock now." He shows it to others. Strangely enough, there is a [1] on it in a digital-7 font. "Is this like my prisoner number or something? B-because if it is, that's p-pretty fucked up…" He grimaces, picturing himself in a prisoner's outfit. "Never mind that, I guess…" He sighs before looking at the others. "Anyway, who are you all now? I guess I can ask that to you now, given that we seem to have some free time on our hands."

Last edited by Southern Corn on Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Nonary Game 7Topic%20Title
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"H-hazmat suit, you say?" a strange voice asked. The voice's owner had been doing their best to keep out of sight, but that comment caught their attention, and it was quite immediately apparent why. "Oh dear... not me I hope? I don't remember doing anything like that... I don't think I'd want to either, that sounds violent. I don't think I like violence." The figure stepped forth, wringing their hands, albeit awkwardly due to the rather large hazmat gloves they were wearing. Hazmat gloves that matched a full-body hazmat suit, obscuring all their features and altering their voice enough that it wasn't really clear what they sounded like. "I suppose it's too much to ask if anyone knows what's going on here? I'm feeling a little lost."

Last edited by KamiPanda on Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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“‘What is going on here?’ …That seems to be the question at the forefront of your minds, yes? Well, perhaps I can provide some sort of explanation!”

A sharply-dressed man in a jet-black suit strolled confidently through the group. Upon reaching the door, he turned half-way, resting his palm against the shutter. Looking back towards the others, he flashed a grin, showing an array of perfect, glistening white teeth.

As the others stared at his chiseled-face, neat yellow hair, and confident grin, most of them realized that they had seen it all before. His face had been in the forefront of national news recently, as he spoke at political rallies and candidate debates with the same smile.

“As a Senator in our great nation’s Congress…” the man continued, speaking as if every word has been carefully planned beforehand. “I fought tirelessly for the rights of common people like you. And now, it seems that normal people like you have been caught in the controversy of what must be a politically-motivated abduction.”

The man scanned his eyes across the others, making eye contact with each of them. “Indeed, as you have likely surmised, I am Helios Tesla, future president of the United States of America! And, just as I have been doing for years on Capitol Hill, I will ensure that harm does not fall to a single one of you.”

Stepping forward, Helios pointed deliberately at the figure in the hazmat suit. “Now, you are the one behind this nefarious deed, I presume? There’s no need to put these people in danger any longer. State your terms, post-haste!”
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Last edited by Planetbox on Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Nonary Game 7Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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"I-it is you!", Albert shouts frantically at the figure in the hazmat suit. "That looks just like the one that guy who kidnapped me was wearing! You son of a..." He steps back nervously, his demeanour changing from confrontational to fearful. "W-what do you even want with me, Hazzy?! I didn't do anything wrong! Is this about the mo-"

But he is quickly interrupted by the rather showy senator, and he quickly gives a look at him, mild surprise apparent on his face. "O-oh, yeah... I think I might know you from TV, actually..." He nods, the details returning to him. "Ah, you're that kinda crappy underdog guy, right? Last I checked, Vegas had you at something like 40-1 odds to even win the elections. Must be suuuper embarrassing considering you're a major party candidate, dude", he remarks in a tone meant to be emphatic but comes out more condescending.

"Maan, this country's really going downhill", he sighs. "A-anyway, yeah. Uhh.... right, Hazzy!" He turns to the figure again, thoroughly apprehensive, beads of sweat sliding down his face. "W-what the hell did you bring us for?! You think you can get away with this?!"
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"Yeah, you creep! Just let us out of here!" A young girl snapped and the hazmat man. She was very young - probably a junior high or high school student. She wore a purple sleeveless top, a short black skirt, and extremely tall heels that made one wonder how she was even able to walk around in them. While her outfit wasn't too flashy, it definitely stood out on such a young girl.

She toyed with her long brown hair. "Anyways, if we're doing names now, um..." She paused for a second. "My name's...Violet Ride. I woke up in a closet down the hallway with this bracelet on." She held up her wrist, revealing a 1.5 on the display. "Dunno what it means. I just wanna get out of here."
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"N-now, I'm sure this is all just one big misunderstanding!" the hazmatted figure replied uneasily, holding both hands up in peace. "We're all still alive, right? We're not ghosts... right?" they asked for some reason, walking over to Helios and patting his face with one of their gloves. "See! All alive and well. Let's focus on positives like that!" The others got the impression the person in the suit was trying to sound upbeat, but something about the suit was altering their voice and it came out flat.

"You're a, a, leader person right?" they said, stepping back from Helios again. "I... don't actually know who you are, but everyone else seems to, so you can lead us! Um, you won't get any answers from me though I'm afraid. I'm as confused as the rest of you, and judging by this," they said, raising a bracelet of their own which read '1' just like Albert's, "I'm in the same situation as you all too. So for now, let's all just keep calm, okay?"
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The small boy in the corner watched the others with trepidation fidgeting with his hands. He eyed the labcoat man warily as he stepped forward into the room, making sure to stay a calculated distance away from everyone.

The lad had pale skin, paler hair, and shocking, vibrant red eyes that examined his fellows with wide-eyed curiosity. He wore clothes that seemed as if from an older time period, with a small brown waistcoat and puffy white shorts. Shuffling his miniature frame through the room he gave the Hazmat man a pointed stare before turning his attention to the Hero-man who seemed to blame Hazmat man. He didn't know much about what a "senator" was but he looked like a hero from his comics.

He saw the girl, Violet she said, and looked down at his own watch. 1.5 just like hers. "My name is Bradley." He mumbled quietly waiting to see what the adults would say while keeping an eye on the other figures in the room.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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A buxom young woman perhaps in her early thirties stood pensively. She sported long black hair, and wore a black dress that skirted the line between professional and sexy. She also wore a bracelet that appeared identical to those shown so-far. Her face was impeccably made up, and would have been very attractive had it not also sported horrified expression.

The woman cleared her throat and tried to get her emotions under control. "Senator, before you get physical, I'd like to reiterate: we should keep our heads about us. As much as I'm sure the rest of us would like to see our captor beaten to a pulp, we still may need them to get out of here. Still, there's more of us than of them-- I assume there is some way we can force him to lead us out of here."
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Helios's smile did not waver at Albert's comments, but it did seem to come off as quite a bit more strained. "Last I checked, sir, Vegas is not the deciding factor in our elections. That would be the votes of our good citizens like yourselves, who I'm sure will make the right decision at the ballots in nine days... though I suppose we can't be entirely certain how long we've been asleep, have we?"

"In any case, it is imperative that we focus on the situation now." He slapped his fingers together to emphasize his point and then turned back to the man in the hazmat suit. "Admittedly, I'm not certain how believable your testimony is. As I recall, everyone else here clearly remembers someone of your stature kidnapping them." He glanced around the room for confirmation.

"But still, you are correct. Staying calm is essential! Let the acts of heroic bravery wait until we know precisely what we're up against!" Helios continued with a knowing glance at the woman who had just spoken. "For now, let's continue showing our bracelets, so that we can perhaps learn more about our situation." Helios raised his right hand, revealing the face of his bracelet, which had a [1] printed on it.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Re: Nonary Game 7Topic%20Title
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“Y-You bastard, you...!” The bulky middle aged man took an aggressive step towards the figure in a the hazmat suit, but then stopped himself. While Helios was handsome and chiseled, this man was... not. Perhaps he could clean up well, and the tank top and sweatpants (and the fact that he had been drugged, kidnapped, and stashed in a closet) certainly weren’t doing him any favors, but it didn’t look like he’d be winning a beauty pageant anytime soon. He was the tallest member of the group and seemed to have a fair bit of muscle on his frame, but most of it was covered in fat. Either way, he looked like the exact kind of guy you did not want to get in a bar fight with.

“You’re getting set up, or you have the biggest goddamn balls I’ve ever seen. Either way, start talking.” He impatiently crosses his arms, showing the bracelet with a [1] on his wrist.
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Re: Nonary Game 7Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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KamiPanda wrote:
"I... don't actually know who you are, but everyone else seems to, so you can lead us! Um, you won't get any answers from me though I'm afraid. I'm as confused as the rest of you, and judging by this," they said, raising a bracelet of their own which read '1' just like Albert's, "I'm in the same situation as you all too. So for now, let's all just keep calm, okay?"

"W-what the hell? Why do we both have the same number?!", he asks angrily to the Hazmat suited individual. "And... 1.5? Why are there even decimals here? And why are there goddamn children in this place?!" He quickly gestures to Bradley and Violet. "And...shit, why are any of us here?" He sighs forlornly to himself. "I-I'm just a dumb broke college kid...nothing special about me! Why would some guy want to bring us here? This...isn't fair."

Planetbox wrote:
Helios's smile did not waver at Albert's comments, but it did seem to come off as quite a bit more strained. "Last I checked, sir, Vegas is not the deciding factor in our elections. That would be the votes of our good citizens like yourselves, who I'm sure will make the right decision at the ballots in nine days... though I suppose we can't be entirely certain how long we've been asleep, have we?"

"Yeah, and from what I saw on TV you're like, pretty much boned, man. Sorry, but even I know that your competition is crushing it." He shakes his head apologetically.

Bad Player wrote:
“Y-You bastard, you...!” The bulky middle aged man took an aggressive step towards the figure in a the hazmat suit, but then stopped himself. While Helios was handsome and chiseled, this man was... not. Perhaps he could clean up well, and the tank top and sweatpants (and the fact that he had been drugged, kidnapped, and stashed in a closet) certainly weren’t doing him any favors, but it didn’t look like he’d be winning a beauty pageant anytime soon. He was the tallest member of the group and seemed to have a fair bit of muscle on his frame, but most of it was covered in fat. Either way, he looked like the exact kind of guy you did not want to get in a bar fight with.

“You’re getting set up, or you have the biggest goddamn balls I’ve ever seen. Either way, start talking.” He impatiently crosses his arms, showing the bracelet with a [1] on his wrist.

Albert shrieks in fear, suddenly retreating to the corner of the room, glancing at the burly man who had just spoken with utter terror. "O-oh god...this is the end for me, isn't it..." He suddenly curls up to a ball and starts rolling on the ground. He appears to be an inch away from bursting into tears. Oops.

Last edited by Southern Corn on Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Nonary Game 7Topic%20Title
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"I suppose it's fair to assume everyone here was also kidnapped by someone in a hazmat suit, given your reactions to seeing this man. That must mean we're all in more or less equal situations at the moment, right?"

The calm voice came from a neatly dressed woman with a purple suit. Her graying hair and mature facial features would make most guess she's around her fifties.

"I think the first order of business here is to calm down and hear what everyone has to say. I doubt our abductor would just show up in front of us with the outfit they used to kidnap us, then pretend they don't know what's going, so for now I doubt we're in any immediate danger."

After she said this, she walked over to Albert and extended a hand to help him up, letting everyone see a bracelet displaying a [1] on her arm. "Come on now, getting like that isn't going to get you out of here, is it?"
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Bradley looked down at Albert in confusion "Adults shouldn't act like that." he muttered quietly before locking eyes on the man in the Hazmat suit. " haven't said your name. should take off that stupid helmet too. It makes you look sinister." he said pointing at the yellow man.

Looking up at the kindly old lady Bradley asked "And what's your name Miss?"
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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The suited person seemed intimated by all the negative attention, and started wringing their hands again. Clearly happy for the diversion, they turned to Bradley and leaned down a little to talk to him. "I'd love to remove the helmet, but I'm really not sure how," they explained apologetically. "If there's a trick to it, I certainly don't remember it. I... don't remember anything actually," they added nervously, shifting upright again and looking around at all the others. "I don't remember how I got here, or what I was doing before this, or... who I even am. I don't even know my own name. Only one thing stands out in my memory: the word 'ghost'. Does that mean anything to anyone?"

"I suppose you'll all need to call me something though... so let's go with that. Call me Ghost."
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Violet glared at Albert. "Hey! I'm not a kid!" She stamped her foot, hands balled into fists. "I'm gonna be 14 in a couple months!"

She then turned to Ghost. "You don't remember anything? Like, amnesia? But you still remember something about ghosts? That sounds like total BS."
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The woman turned her look towards Bradley. "Ah, of course, I didn't even introduce myself. You're already more polite than me at your age, huh?" She said, smiling somewhat awkwardly at him.

"My name is Emma Montin." She looked towards all who had not stated their names yet, specifically the tall man, as if waiting for them to introduce themselves as well, but got distracted by the conversation Ghost was having.

"Amnesia? And you apparently remember a specific word...isn't there anything else? It's odd you remember a specific word but not anything you associate it with."
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The bulky man sighed as Albert curled into a ball in a corner. “C’mon kid, you’re just embarrassing yourself...” He mutters while shaking his head.

Then the person in the hazmat suit offered their... ‘explanation.’

“Really? You expect us to fucking believe that?” He demanded. “Well, if you don’t know how to get that suit off, I’d be happy to provide some ‘assistance.’” He offered with a grin that did not look entirely good-natured.
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"Ugh, what's going ON here?" the final captive groaned. She looked to be a middle-aged woman, with tired brown eyes and long, disheveled, brown hair that clearly hadn't been washed in some time, much like her clothing; a worn blue blouse, brown slacks, and black boots. "Getting kidnapped and locked up with some senator, some poor kids, someone talking about ghosts, a guy who's freaking out about numbers on bracelets? Quit freaking out!" she snapped at the man who called himself Albert.

She gasped and wiped her brow with the back of her left hand, the bracelet on her wrist and ring on her finger glistening briefly in the dim light of the room. "Hey, anybody else... not feeling too hot? I remember the hazmat suit guy like the rest of you, but I don't remember being sick before they got me. Think it was the gas maybe? Some kind of bioweapon?"
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[Meta-narrator here. May as well use this time to tell people they can buddy up with anyone they please for this timeline. QTs can’t be used if you’re in a separate room during a room phase.

You can request to set up a qt with someone until this timeline switches or your partner dies. You can only request or accept one qt. So if you request to set up with someone and are successful, you can’t accept any other qts. The exception is for the odd (wo)man out when everybody is paired.

In addition to qt requests you can choose to whisper to any player during a timeline, but not more than once per timeline. Any questions you can ask me in the OOC chat and I’ll update the front page with them.]
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Helios gave Albert a bit of a sideways glare, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly. He took a quick deep breath and continued, "Well... In any case, now isn't the time to discuss politics. Now that everyone has introduced themselves, for the most part..." He gave a cursory glance at those who hadn't given their names. "It'd be a good idea to discuss our strategy."

"First order of business should be tearing the helmet off Mr., uhh... Mrs...? Ghost's head." Helios calmly remarked. He turned towards the rather ugly man. "It sounds like you've got that taken care of, uhh... Sir? Next, we probably need someone to look after these children, and make sure they don't hurt themselves or pick their noses, or whatever children do." He waved a hand dismissively at Violet and Bradley. "I'd offer, of course, but I'm busy planning our next course of action. Finally, we need someone to bang their fists against this door as loudly and desperately as they can for the next few hours." Helios clapped his hands, smiling at the group. "Any volunteers?"
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Happy Maria

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“I-I’ll do it”, Albert suddenly volunteers. It seems he had managed to calm himself down somewhat, though his legs are still trembling out of fright. “It’s not like I’m even slightly useful other than that, anyway…”

He makes his way to the door and starts banging his fists against it as loudly and desperately as he can. Of course, it doesn’t seem the loud part is working as well onsidering he also seems to be trying to stop himself from spontaneously bursting into tears.
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"Hey, didn't you hear me? I'm not a child!" Violet shouted. She pressed her hands over her ears. "And stop banging on the door! You're making my head hurt worse than it already does."
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"...I don't see how banging on the door will help. It's unlikely our captor would keep us in a place where people could hear us so easily." Emma said, watching Albert's attempt at helping. "We should keep discussing our situation for now, speaking of which..."

She glanced at the woman who had spoken last, then turned to Violet. "I also felt quite sick upon waking up. A headache, stomach pain...kind of like I had caught the flu. It's certainly starting to sound worrying, if I'm not the only one who felt like that."
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“It’s probably just a side effect of whatever the fuck they used to incapacitate us. You can’t just knock someone one with zero other side effects.” The burly guy scratched the back of his head, then resumed glaring at the hazmat suit.
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Happy Maria

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“Agh.” Albert pauses his terrible attempt at banging the door to look at the others. “You guys got screwed up too, then? M-my body was also in a bit of a cold sweat when I woke up. I don’t think I’m feeling so good now…”

“Still, m-maybe we should try to figure out how we got here. What was the last thing you were doing when Hazzy over there grabbed you? T-there’s gotta be a connection there, I think”, he reasons. “I was just at home myself, at my study when I got captured. That was pretty bad timing”, he sighs.
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Bradley frowned at being so easily dismissed by Helios before giving Violet a curious glance as she protested being a "kid".

"You are quite young though. Are we not children?" He asked quietly before looking at Helios "But we don't need looking after though. I'm perfectly certain we can take care of ourselves." He said matter-of-factly.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
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Albert gave a curious look at Bradley. “Kid looks like he’s 7 or something and he’s acting like he doesn’t need anybody, huh”, he vaguely mumbled to himself. “This lad’s just like him, isn’t he?”
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Bradley frowned and puffed himself up as tall as he could "What do you mean by that! I'm 13 I'll have you know! I'm just small!" He said quickly giving Albert a jab in the arm.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: Nonary Game 7Topic%20Title
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“Ah, crap!” Albert flinches slightly at the jab, but recovers from it quick enough. “You better eat your veggies then, squirt. I wasn’t so short at your age”, he advises Bradley. “Hell, might as well as ask you about this too. Where were you grabbed, kiddo? Were you mugged in an alleyway or something? Did they get you while you were doing your homework?”, he asks. “Same goes for you too, kid”, he shouts at Violet. “W-we better figure out if there’s a pattern there. Might be useful in determining why we got caught and brought here in the first place.”

Last edited by Southern Corn on Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Bradley scowled at Albert "I'm not a 'squirt' neither! I'm Bradley!" He said giving Albert another jab in the arm for good measure before stalking off to the corner. "I don't remember much, other than Ghost was there. I was on my way to the Doctor's I think and I saw his big yellow suit out the corner of my eye." He raised a hand to his head "Its weird and my head hurts when it tries to remember it."
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Pierre wrote:
Bradley scowled at Albert "I'm not a 'squirt' neither! I'm Bradley!" He said giving Albert another jab in the arm for good measure before stalking off to the corner. "I don't remember much, other than Ghost was there. I was on my way to the Doctor's I think and I saw his big yellow suit out the corner of my eye." He raised a hand to his head "Its weird and my head hurts when it tries to remember it."

"O-ow, kid! You pack a mean punch, don'tcha?" Albert winces in pain. He then turns to Ghost. "S-so, you kidnapped the kid while he was on the way to his doc?! What kinda sick fuck are you, Hazzy?!" He steps back again. " Why're you even pretending to be one of us?! Give up the chase already, w-we all know what you did!"
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"H-hey, I mean what I said!" Ghost began, backing away timidly. "I don't remember anything, especially not doing anything to any of you. And I really don't think that's in my nature, if... I've understood my own nature. A-Anyway, if it's alright with you, I don't think removing this helmet will get us anywhere. We have more important things to worry about. But thank you for the offer!" they added, addressing the burly man who'd threatened him.

"Speaking of which, you're all feeling unwell? You should be resting! Here, Albert, let me handle the door," Ghost then said, going up to it and gently moving him out of the way so they could bang at the door in his place. "I think it'd be best if you all sat down in the meantime. We have two 13 year-old children here with us, kids feel illnesses more than adults do!"
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"A-ack! Don't touch me, you bastard", Albert shouts, running away from Ghost in fright. "W-wait...does that mean you don't feel ill or anything?', he suddenly asks, still keeping a safe distance from him. "'re the only exception as well? T-that's pretty fishy to me", he says. "Are you even trying to look innocent, dude?"
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"The reason we're banging on that door," Helios explained, turning to Emma. "Is that I have a feeling that it will open if we do so for long enough. Don't ask me why I know that - it's only a hunch! I was simply struck with that idea shortly before Albert introduced himself."

"Though now that I think about it, maybe we're supposed to pull on it instead? Be sure to try that too, my inherently suspicious friend!" He said, gesturing at Ghost.

"Oh, and as for the current discussion topic: I was knocked out by someone in a hazmat suit while I was in my office getting dru-- err, getting phone calls taken care of. And yes, I've been feeling down with the flu as well. My apologies for not bringing it up earlier. But yes, even I can fall ill from time to time!"
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"So we've all got these bracelets with numbers on them... and the ch..." she caught herself, looking at Violet. "...younger among us seem to have a number half a... whatever... higher than the rest of us... Is that significant?" she said, displaying her bracelet with a [1] on it.

"Adriana, by the way." she added quickly.

KamiPanda wrote:
"Speaking of which, you're all feeling unwell? You should be resting! Here, Albert, let me handle the door," Ghost then said, going up to it and gently moving him out of the way so they could bang at the door in his place. "I think it'd be best if you all sat down in the meantime. We have two 13 year-old children here with us, kids feel illnesses more than adults do!"

At this, Adriana asked pointedly, "How do you feel, Ghost?"
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"You want to know how I got kidnapped?" Violet folded her arms. "Well, I'm not saying anything until you stop calling me kid."

Hearing Adriana correct herself, Violet grinned. "See! Someone gets it!"
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"...You were getting what now?!", Albert says in surprise hearing Helios. "So the rumours about you were true after damn, man. What else? Embezzling funds? Getting into a sex scandal? Ties to the mafia?"

Upon hearing the little girl, however, he sighs resignedly . "Alright, Violet. Could you tell us how you got taken now, please?"
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"Good." Violet nodded. "Let's see...I was asleep in my room, when something broke the window. Then all this white gas started spraying in. I tried getting out, but I guess I passed out or something.

"Actually..." She paused, looking over at Ghost. "I don't think I even saw anyone in a hazmat suit."
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"Alright, that's helpful... I guess. Thanks, kid", Albert replies.

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