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Danganronpa F7: Die on a Hill (END)Topic%20Title
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The American Dream

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Welcome to Danganronpa F7: Die on a Hill! This is a forum game. Only those who have received a group DM or QT with us may post.


[Logo created by WinterCoat]

Spoiler: Participants
Hanzo Shimada as Great Dragon/Pedro, the Ultimate Wrestler
TheLetterF as Woody Vernell, the Ultimate Florist
Cold52 as Dale Fades, the Ultimate Safety Officer
SaizotheSixth as Samuel "Sam" Lockmeister, the Ultimate Dungeon Master
CaptainPancakes as Adel Wagner, the Ultimate Explorer
KamiPanda as Ramon Aki, the Ultimate Cashier
Datamatt as Luke Malley, the Ultimate Mechanist
NIKI_4829 as μ-r10v (Myrion), the Ultimate Advanced Robot Companion
Southern Corn as Maxwell “Max” Montgomery, the Ultimate Salesman

Collin1002 as Ruby Colyer, the Ultimate Maid
DootDootDoot as Deirdre Durand, the Ultimate Chess Player
Akkordian as Ryleigh Valentina, the Ultimate Volleyball Player
Franzise Deauxnim as Tsubasa Hirabayashi, the Ultimate Online Gamer
Doctor Nanjo as Devin Lewellen, the Ultimate Employee
Joker as Roxanne "Roxie" Trudeau, the Ultimate Graffiti Artist

Hotel/Casino Staff/Other:
WinterCoat as Lucy
WinterCoat as Cups
WinterCoat as Loki
Kachu as Hugh Stakes
Kachu as Ace
Planetbox as Jennifer Wolfe

Spoiler: Sprites

Spoiler: The Rules
#1 Be active. We understand that things come up and not everyone can sit in front of a screen for 20 hours and always post. We’re not asking for that. We advise that you attempt to post frequently and meaningfully as often as you can, within reason of course. This applies to both Daily Life and Trial phases.

#2 Be active. Yes it’s the same thing twice. Activity during trials is more important, but please do not sacrifice daily life activity for trials. Both are essential in this game. Being inactive during chapters in general may cause your character to die in the following chapter, or in extreme cases, during the current one. Activity is important for the game as a whole and even one inactive player drags the game down more than one would normally expect. If you will be inactive for any extended period of time, like over two days, or at all during a trial, please inform the GMs as soon as is convenient.

#3 Develop your character. Okay that sounds more like a command, but it’s more of a request. Try and develop your character as the game goes on. Try your best to have some sort of impact on the cast, through reacting to things, daily life posts, and the such. Though at the end of the day try and play a character you’ll be satisfied with when they die, instead of being half baked and full of missed opportunities.

#4 Try to remain SFW (Safe for Work). This isn’t super strict. While this is a text game, so no flashy images will show up, there is no hard ban on stuff like fanservice, or explicit vocabulary. If you’re uncomfortable with murders and such, this probably isn’t the game for you. Some of the players check the game while at work or in public, so try to keep most of the content and posts okay to look at and read while at school, or at your desk at your job, or in front of ol’ aunt Carol, or poor SC, whose heart can hardly take anymore NSFW posts. I’m sorry about your allergy.

#5 We reserve the right to remove anyone from the game. This is just something everyone should be aware of, though we’ve never had any issues in past games where something like this had to happen. However, if needed, it will happen. Don’t break any of the hard rules or Court Records rules.

#6 No godmodding. Weird how this is so far down the list, ‘cause this is like, the big no-no for roleplaying. Godmodding is simply saying or insinuating what characters other than your own character are doing. Don’t do it. Even with the other player’s approval, more often than not, it’s better to let them respond themselves.

#7 Think about the game as a whole. Be flexible with your character, and don’t expect everything to go exactly as you envision it. Try to leave a strong impact on the game (in a good way; don’t be remembered for being bad), and try to do things that are better for the game as a whole, rather than what’s better for your character specifically. This game is, well, a game, but is also a group writing project, in a sense. A lot of roleplay is improv, and as some old man at Arby’s once said, “The worst thing you can do in improv is say no.” Or that’s how I interpreted his strange gurgling noises.

A lot of these rules are just the same rules as the past games with new paint on them. Either way, you should keep all this in mind as you play the game.

[Game rules/overview excised due to post length]

Spoiler: Gift Shop
Purchasable items (Prices subject to change):
[The Gift Shop is Currently Unavailable.]

Spoiler: Resources
Sign-Up Thread (Closed)
Q&A QuickTopic (Do People Actually Use This?)
Evidence Doc

Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 7
HSG Room
Movie Studio - Basement Floor 5
Movie Studio Vents - Basement Floor 5 Vents
Major Game 3 - Basement Floor 6
VR: Haunted Mansion
Twilight Strip

Let’s Play Hangman! - All the characters jointly decide on a question to ask. The answer will be hidden, but each character gets to guess a letter. Two wrong guesses (or multiple, depending on the length of the answer) and the minigame ends. Order can be decided before minigame, but no discussion on which letters to guess can take place. (Price: $10M)

Gloves Off, Throw Down! - Two (or more) characters can argue on a point, at the end it’ll be revealed which side was closer to the correct answer.
(Price: $4.5M)

Galaxy Brain! - One character is chosen to put together a numbered list of everything they know about the case. At the end, they’ll be told the first three items that were incorrect. (Price: $6M)

Think it Out! - One player is chosen to answer multiple choice questions about the case in a rapid fire manner. The event itself takes place in public. Others may talk to the player about what to do but only the player themselves may make the decision. It ends when two incorrect answers have been given or the point of discussion for the dive has been resolved. (Price: $5M)

Feeling Lucky? It’s Roulette! - One player picks a range of numbers between 1-12,13-24, or 25-36. If the ball (read: RNG) lands in that section, they will get a random confirmation about the murder. Betting on a specific number grants a more valuable confirmation. Can be used up to three times during the entire competition (2 uses left). (Price: $???) [Temporarily Unavailable]

Enter the Shark Tank! [Chapter 2 Only] - Contestants nominate another contestant to be put in a shark tank. Whether or not they are willing is irrelevant. The Shark will sniff out any info they are hiding, though will totally ignore anything that would directly point to the killer’s identity. The contestants will be informed if the one in the tank is hiding anything, on a scale from “Major” to “Minor”, as well as whether or not it is relevant to the case/topic at hand.
Can only be used once during this specific High Stakes Game. (Price: $N/A)

Spoiler: Table of Contents
Prologue: "Such a Lovely Place"
Episode 0: The Beginning

Chapter 1: "Give in to Temptation"
Episode 1: Free Time
-Game Explanation
-Curse #1 and #2
-Major Game #1: Hugh's Bingo Night Spectacular
-The Takeover: Bingo Cancellation
Episode 2: Fear Time
-Curse #3
-Body Discovery
Episode 3: High-Stakes Game
-Closing Argument
-Explanation & Execution

Intermission 1
-Awkward "Cafeteria" Scene
-The Folks at Home #1
-ACS (cont'd)

Chapter 2: "Way Across the Sea"
Episode 4: Free Time
-Twilight Cinema #1 & Blackjack
-Major Game #2:魚モンスターバトルタイム! (Fish Monster Fighting Time!)
-Round 1
-Round 2
-Round 3: Semifinals
-Round 4: Final Round
Episode 5: Free Time
-Storage Closet Meeting
-Curse #4
-Body Discovery
Episode 6: High-Stakes Game
-God's Pawn
-Witness Testimony: Cleaning Bot 487 & Wands
-Closing Argument

Intermission 2
-Awkward "Cafeteria" Scene
-Twilight Cinema #2

Chapter 3: "Holding Out (for a Hero)"
Episode 7: Free Time
-Staff Performance Review
-Wrap Party
-Major Game #3: Heroes vs. Villains
-Round 1
-Round 2
-Round 3
-The Great Flood of 203X
-Devin & Deirdre Talk to a Ghost
-Body Discovery
Episode 8: High-Stakes Game
-Lifeline: Let's Play Hangman!
-Lifeline: Feeling Lucky? It's Roulette!
-Lifeline: Gloves Off, Throw Down!
-Explosive Fun
-Working Hard, or Hardly Working?

Intermission 3
-Folks at Home #2 & More
-Super Awkward "Cafeteria" Scene

Chapter 4: "Dancing Shadows and Firelight"
Episode 9: Free Time
-Jack is Back
-Fancy Feast
Episode 10: Major Game #4: The Abyss
-Bonus Puzzles
Episode 11: Free Time
-Body Discovery
Episode 12: High-Stakes Game
-Woody Thrusts His Truth into the World
-Deirdre's Will
-The Furnace

Intermission 4
-God, Could It Get More Awkward Than This?

Chapter 5: "Played All the Fools"
-Wake Up Call
Episode 13: Free Time
-Major Game #5: Terrific Tournament
-Round 1
-Round 2
-Round 3
Episode 14: Club Time
-Cain and Adel

Chapter 6 [FINAL]: "The Night is so Long"
-Cain and Adel II
-The Abject Misery and Tragedy of F7

Epilogue: "Before the Final Crack of Dawn"
-Character Endings

Last edited by WinterCoat on Fri May 22, 2020 12:54 am, edited 165 times in total.
Re: Danganronpa F7: Die on a HillTopic%20Title
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The American Dream

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Prologue: “Such a Lovely Place”

“Luck is not chance, it’s toil; fortune’s expensive smile is earned.”
-Emily Dickinson

80 Miles North of Las Vegas, Nevada. Summer of 203X...

“Ngh… oh…. My head… Lucy, what time is it?” asked a man groggily. “I think that maybe drinking a whole bottle of Vietnamese snake wine before bed was a bit of a mistake…”

In the darkness of the man’s room, a flash of light appeared, quickly taking the form of a cheerful young woman. “I’m inclined to agree. It’s nearly ten, sir.”

“Morning or night…?”

“Morning, I believe.”

“Morning… ten in the… morning…”

There was a moment of silence before the hologram woman cleared her throat. “The contestants, sir. They’ll be arriving within the hour.”

“Contestants…? Jumping Jehosaphat, the contestants!” shouted the man as he jumped out of bed and nearly put his head through the ceiling. He was very tall, after all. “I can’t believe I forgot!”

“It’s okay, sir. I’ve already got the water for your bath started and your clothes are freshly pressed, ready for you to wear,” said Lucy. “Shall I make any further preparations before the contestants arrive?”

“No, no. Thank you,” said the man as he strutted over to his immaculate bathroom. “I’ll be out in a jiffy!”

One entire jiffy later…

Hugh Stakes stood on the edge of the town. The Twilight Strip, it was called, and it was his most treasured creation. Home to nightclubs, restaurants, bars, and, most importantly, the Twilight Palace Hotel and Casino. Behind him stood two security droids, though they were just barely able to match his impressive height. Lucy appeared by his side, though she was nearly invisible in the bright desert sun.

“Here they come, sir,” she said. Hugh looked at the horizon and saw fifteen separate self-driven cars rapidly approaching, each one a bright red and adorned with a decal of Hugh’s face on the hood. Their license plates spelled “ALCO.” The tycoon smirked, though it could not be seen beneath his glorious facial hair. Just take my word for it.

“Most magnificent,” said Hugh as he turned to the hologram girl. “I suppose we should greet them at the hotel, so come along, Lucy.”

As the two retreated further into the town, the cars got closer and closer. And then, something magical happened, for you see, the entire border of the Twilight Strip is surrounded by an invisible barrier, not unlike a giant dome, if you will. The most wondrous aspect of this barrier is that, once inside it, the entire sky becomes a permanent sunset, with a rich pinkish-orange palette that sparks a sense of nostalgia and desire in many.


The cars slowed their speed as they came into town, allowing their passengers to properly experience the shift from a brutal morning sun to a gorgeous twilight. They drove past several expensive-looking restaurants, bars, shops, and a lavish nightclub named Club Dusk before finally arriving at their destination. The machines stopped in front of the main entrance to the hotel, where Hugh Stakes and Lucy waited to greet them, and before long all fifteen cars opened their doors to let passengers out.

“Welcome, my dear contestants, to the Twilight Palace Hotel & Casino and, by extension, the Twilight Strip!” Hugh cheered while Lucy applauded behind him, even though her hands didn’t make any sound. “You were all selected to participate in this televised contest, taking place over the course of the next month, based on your exceptional self-professed talents, and, of course, your magnificent stories! I cried forty-seven times for each of your applications!”

“This is true,” Lucy chimed in. “Mr. Stakes cries a lot. He cries every night while reading his favorite book, The Tall Man & Other Stories to Scare Your Kids Before Bedtime. It’s a very beautiful book, though. Very poetic. At least, that is what all the online reviews say. I’ve never read it.”

Stakes awkwardly cleared his throat and then puffed out his chest. “Yes, well, I’m easily moved. Sue me. Anyhow, I’m delighted to finally meet you all in person. Please take this time before we enter the hotel to introduce yourselves! Not just to me, but to your fellow contestants!”

With that, the contestants were left to introduce themselves. Who would be the first among them to speak up…?

[Welcome to the game! All contestants currently have a maximum of 3 posts to introduce themselves and/or respond to others (introductions are not counted in the 3 post limit). After introductions are over, we’ll move on and get into the main game.]

Last edited by WinterCoat on Fri Feb 14, 2020 4:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Re: Danganronpa F7: Die on a Hill (Prologue)Topic%20Title
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A young woman looked around, a seemingly unimpressed look on her face. She was around five foot three -- 160 cm -- with a thin, lithe build, long jet black hair that went down past her back, along with what seemed to be a lacy, pale pink headpiece, and perhaps most notably of all, deep crimson red eyes that would like pretty scary if they glowed or something.

She was wearing a dress, but it wasn't just any kind of dress. It was a sort of... maid outfit? Her dress did not have any shoulder straps or the like, but it looked completely secure and not about to fall off. It was mostly black in color, but down at the very end of the skirt, there were some frilly, very light pink fringes. She likewise had a red sash wrapped around her waist -- contrasting well with the black -- along with bright red stilettos on her feet and a pair of dark red tights with a checkered sort of pattern.

She continued to look around, that same unabashed look on her face... and then, suddenly, a wide smile formed on her face, and she began to practically bounce up and down with excitement.

"OhmygoshthisissoCOOL!" she squeaked out. "It's so pretty here! The permanent sunset, and look at all these buildings! Haha, it's so awesome! You really outdid yourself, Mister Stakes--"

Her eyes practically bugged out of her head as she suddenly halted her speech.

"IS THAT A HOLOGRAM?! That's so coooool! Nice to meet you, miss!"

She winked at Lucy before turning to the others.

"Anyway! And it's nice to meet you all as well! My name's Ruby Colyer, and Iiiiiii'm... the Ultimate Maid! Trust me when I say that I'm the best dang maid you'll EVER meet! Cooking, cleaning, laundry, all that jazz -- I'll do it all and more, and I'll have it done TWICE," she held up two fingers as if to emphasize her point. "as fast as anyone else can ever hope to do! If anyone needs anything at all, don't feel afraid to ask me! I'm here to serve... but, uh, I'm also here to win, don't forget!"

She sweetly grinned at the group before her before settling back down, though the smile remained on her face and she bounced up and down as she waited for the next person to introduce themselves.
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"HOLA!" A voice boomed out from amidst the contestants, as the contestant who said that made their way toward Hugh Stakes.

The contestant in question turns out to be a man of no more than 25 years old and he appears to be 6' 3" tall. From just looking at him, he seems to be slightly muscular and he have dark skin. He appears to be wearing a white t-shirt with a green dragon decal on the front, black jeans that are distressed in a stylish way, and red sneakers. What made him stands out from the others was the mask. His mask seems to be designed to resembles a dragon, with green as the main color, red and yellow for the details. The mask allows the others to notice that his eyes were green.

"It's an honor to meet you in person, Mr. Stakes!" The masked man's voice was so loud that it caused those close to him to covers their ears. Upon realizing what have happened, the masked man continues to talk, this time in a normal tone "Perdón... Great Dragon's so excited to meet you all that Great Dragon tends to be really loud when excited."

The masked man turns towards the other contestants. "It's an honor to meet you all!" The man flexed his muscles. "Great Dragon's name is Great Dragon!" Then the man strikes a pose, almost as if he was prepared for photographers to take his pictures. "And Great Dragon's talent is Ultimate Wrestler!"

Once that was taken care of, Great Dragon steps off to the side to let the others introduces themselves. "Great Dragon's looking forward to being good amigos with you all!" Great Dragon exclaimed.

Great Dragon
Ultimate Wrestler

Last edited by JaytheBluPirate on Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Danganronpa F7: Die on a Hill (Prologue)Topic%20Title
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A young man in a green hat stares blankly into space, seemingly distracted by something, or perhaps caught in a daydream. In his arms is a bouquet of differently colored flowers: red, blue, orange, yellow, pink, purple. He stands at a somewhat average height, and his choice of clothing hints at a possibly more rural lifestyle.

"Hm..." The young man hums to himself. "Oh!" He suddenly snaps out of his daze. "Hi! I guess I should probably introduce myself to you guys." The green-clad boy smiles. "My name is Woody Vernell. I'm 19 years old, I'm from a town called Littleleaf, um..." Woody pauses. "It's kind of like, you know, south of here? But not really that south. You probably haven't heard of it. I think Littleleaf had a world record for the largest haystack in the world once but it was a really long time ago."

Woody puts his finger to his chin. "Hmm...Yeah, I think that's about it for my introduction. Oh! Wait! I'm also a florist. It might not be as cool as some of you guys' ones, but that's my talent." He scratches the back of his head sheepishly. "I guess this thing gave it away" Woody gestures at his bouquet. "Anyways, it's nice to meet you folks!" The florist gives a small bow, taking off his hat in the process to reveal his messy brown hair.

"Oh, and thank you Mr. Stakes for having me! I'm such a lucky guy to get to be here." Woody nods.
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Among the group was a man crouched down looking at the road where the car he had just gotten out of was, looking at a wheel on the car seemingly mumbling to himself.

"No no it was surely the perfect ride over, surely the man in charge here is made this entire trip safe as could be, the man he bought this from is incompetent and ill see to it the man learns what it means to potentially kill clients with faulty crap that could have caused a severe crash and killed us all before we even arrived! I could have been killed on that ride over here!"

The man hidden from site in the back began hearing hugh speak and realized it was his chance to get the matter settled.
The man was wearing a white hardhat, wearing a blue coat and pants and a safety vest over it. he has grey hair and has dark circles next to his eyes, just how sleep deprived he was none could say for sure but he looked as tired as they came.

"Ahhh...ah yes your Hugh Stakes, what a pleasure to meet you!"

"who am I you ask? well name is Dale Fades sir, the Ultimate Safety Officer. now then if i may ask, who did you buy those mobile metal deathtraps from if i may ask?" he had as big a smile as possible while he asked this."" I can beat the ever loving crap out of them for not strictly following the guidelines on a properly manufactured automobile." he muttered to himself.
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From one of the cars came a great shaking, as though a large being was moving about inside. The wheels squished from one side to the other, the fender screeched, and it all seemed liable to fall apart...!

And then, with a sudden burst, the door flew open, and out crawled a man, hauling several bags worth of... things that rattled and clanged against each other, and the corner of a book could be seen peeking out of one of them. The entire collection looked quite heavy. A pair of headphones were in his ears, which he seemed very ill-inclined to pull out at the moment.

He looked up into the sky, and quickly drew up the hood to his coat, hiding his white hair from the sun as he turned toward Mr. Hugh Stakes and his assistant. He stomped his way over, his blood-red eyes glaring angrily at anyone who got too close. Unfortunately, being in the same general area as he was considered "too close".

"Name's Sam," he said shortly to the boisterous bouncing being, pulling a headphone out to listen to Hugh. "Samuel Lockmeister. Ultimate Dungeon Master. Now, can we get out of the sun? I'd rather not turn into a fried piece of human chicken."
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"I...I guess I'll go next," nodded a young man who walked up to the group. He seemed dazed and confused, unsure of where to look at, or who to address. It was almost too much pressure for him. What if he didn't make enough eye contact with someone..? Would they dislike him..? What if he turned his back to someone, and didn't notice? What a misunderstanding that would be.

"U-Um..." he said, shaking a bit.

He reflexively grabbed towards his neck, rubbing a beautiful necklace that was hidden under his shirt which definitely isn't hidden just cause I couldn't find an avatar like that nope. He seemed to calm down a bit, and put it away, once again facing the others.

"I'm...Adel Wagner," he said, a bit too plainly. "And um...I'm here as...hmm..."

He brought his hand to his chin, thinking about how to proceed.

"I guess you could call me the Ultimate Explorer..."

His eyes quickly darted to his appearance. His apparel exuberating boyish charms didn't exactly scream Indiana Jones. As dumb as he was, even he knew he didn't fit the part.

"A-And I'm not lying..! I really *am* an explorer..! I found some really cool stuff, that was kind of a big deal..! Apparently...that's what they tell me, anyways. Like, for example, I found an...what do they call it..? A ufoh? Like, the kind where aliens drop in from. It was kind of scary. I thought I might get chased around by some green things."

He glanced at the exceptionally green Woody and the Great Dragon as he said this, looking a bit anxious.

"...Oh, and I found some bones of this animal species that apparently was never discovered...cause maybe some meteors or bullies with guns wiped them out, or something."

He paused, his child-like eyes deep in thought.

"...Ah, but it was kind of by accident. I didn't mean to find that stuff...I just came across it...isn't that weird?"

Adel tilted his head. "A-Anyways, I'll try my best. I'm not really good at what I do, but I really need money."

He abruptly finished his sentence there, his eyes continuing to dart around the room, like a lost puppy.
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"Ahahahahaha!" A short, chubby man (boy?) couldn't help but laugh giddily as he took it all in, overwhelmed by the atmosphere of showbiz and novelty. "Oh, but this is fantastic! Even better than I'd imagined! I really am fated for extraordinary circumstances, I suppose. ...ahahahahaha!"

It took him a while to calm down. Anyone looking at him would find themselves looking at a squat 22-year-old in a simple uniform and, for some reason, a cape. He had strikingly red hair, and childish features that made him look younger than he was, almost out of place in a casino town.


"Well, introductions are in order, I'm sure!" He finally said, clapping his hands together and speaking like he was trying to sound important. "My name is Ramon Aki, and I am the Ultimate Cashier. But, my friends, don't misunderstand! My time as a cashier is only temporary, a stepping stone on my way to my true calling. Behold!"

Without warning or prompting, he pulled up his shirt, giving everyone a clear look at his tubby belly. There was a large birthmark on it: it could, if you were generous and squinted, be called a sun. "This birthmark... I am destined. I am the reincarnation of an ancient Mayan hero, and will one day awaken to his powers! And that's not all." Doing everyone the service of covering his stomach again, he then pulled something out from under his top, which was hanging from some string around his neck. It appeared to be a relic of some kind. "This here is a family heirloom. It houses ancient Aztec technology that will start up again upon my own reawakening. When the time comes, I will achieve greatness...

"Why have I revealed all this to you, you ask? Well, it's only fair! I have, I think, an unfair advantage over you all in this contest, so I thought it best to forewarn you. I will win, for it is my destiny! Just another step on my journey towards greatness!"
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"Woah...!" A young girl, who had practically leapt out of the car she arrived in, spun around in place like an excited puppy, taking in the sights of the Twilight Strip. Her blonde hair, easily reaching past her waist after being bunched up into tails on either side of her head, sways about as she continues to giddily bounce on her heels. The girl's skin is tan, and myriad freckles dot her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

Bright green eyes were almost sparkling as they settled on the hologram girl at Mr. Stakes' side. "This place is amazing!"

After a fleeting moment of awestruck standing and staring, she quickly turns to face the other contestants.

"Oh, right, I need to introduce myself!"

"My name's Ryleigh Valentina! Nice to meet'cha!" Her already cheery demeanor erupts into an uncontrollable grin as she raises a hand to her chest, palm resting against the front of her closed Letterman jacket. The body of the jacket is maroon and emblazoned with 'D.V.' on the breast. Underneath the jacket was a pair of black spandex shorts, the rest of well-defined legs left bare save for the plain white tennis shoes on her feet.

"And I'm..." She dramatically trailed off in order to plant her feet on the ground, hand gripping her shoulder as her other arm flexed upwards, the gun show that was surely on display covered by a traitorous sleeve, "the Ultimate Volleyball Player!"

As she stood there, triumphantly posing, one thing was apparent; the girl was short. Very short. To say that her height was below average was putting it lightly.
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"You people are excited, aren't you?" a well dressed young woman, who would look exactly 22 years old if you were the Ultimate Age Guesser, spoke up, with a small smile. She actually exited her car a long while ago, holding a heavy looking overcoat and quickly putting her left hand in her pocket, but apparently preferred to let the more colorful people around her speak first.

"I'm Deirdre Durand. That's spelled as it's said, D-e-i-r-d-r-e, and no, my parents weren't drunk when they named me, they were just assholes. I'm the 'ultimate' chess player, though I don't really play chess anymore..." she said, looking around and losing the smile from earlier. "Can we go inside now? It's too hot in here."

She took her left hand out of her pocket to wipe some sweat from her forehead. There's a gray glove over it, making her character design delightfully asymmetrical!
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No other way than to make this mistake.

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"Of course I'm excited!"

Someone at the front speaks up and they turn around to face the others, with a big grin on their face. Their voice is definitely masculine and matches the rest of their looks - their skin is quite tanned and they seem to be in the middle of their twenties. They're wearing a t-shirt with 'BOSS' written over it in blocky, white capital letters. Over it is a brown leather jacket that has definitely seen better days. Black workboots and a pair of jeans adorned by a grey steel chain going from a pocket to the belt and several washed-out oil stains complete the look.

He clears his throat, "Right, I should prooooobably introduce myself. I'm Luke Malley, the Ultimate Mechanist." He puts his right fist over his chest in what's most likely an act of pride. "I'm sure that's clear enough for now. Now, when do we get to go in..."
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"O-oh god, introductions...? N-nobody said anything about this..." one of the contestants mumbled under her breath, her baggy, bright yellow eyes darting around anxiously. She looked to be just barely old enough to participate in the game, had pale skin and medium-length messy brown hair, and seemed to be wearing a double-layered hoodie over a basic set of gray pajamas. "B-but I guess it makes sense to do that in these kinds of situations... J-just be the protag... Believe you're the protag... Y-you can do this..."

She took several deep breaths in order to calm herself. Unfortunately, she took them much too quickly and nearly started hyperventilating, which just had the opposite effect. "H... H-hi!" she finally managed to squeak out loudly, holding one hand up timidly. "W-what's good in the h-hood? I, uh, I-I'm Tsubayashi Hirasa... No! I mean Boobasasha Hatsushi... Tsu... Tsubasa Hirabayashi! That one! That one's my name! B-but, uh, y-you can just call me 'Sue' if you want... o-or 'Basa' I guess... J-just... don't call me late for dinner!" She chuckled and smiled awkwardly, her cheeks turning bright red. "Um, n-not that I expect you to take me to dinner or anything... It's just a... n-nevermind... m-move on, please..." she murmured, trying to hide her face behind her phone.

"W-wait! I forgot!" Tsubasa yelped almost immediately. "Talent! I have one of those! U-ultimate Online Gamer!"

She then pulled her hoodie closer. "O-okay, that's it... N-next person..."

Tsubasa Hirabayashi
Ultimate Online Gamer


Last edited by Franzise Deauxnim on Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"Ah, pardon me for not speaking up sooner! My eyes were adjusting to the sudden twilight."
A tall, young man with a pretty face appears from a car. He had been sitting with the door open for a while, contemplating the scenery.

He had lavender hair and slightly orange eyes… not a natural look to say the least. There's a glowing pink triangle peeking through his black fitted top which matched his pants. Wearing heels that added at least an inch to his height, too, how stylish. Even though he was a robot, he didn't seem…"robotic". He was very life-like, except for the little details that were left in to go with the android look.

"My name is μ-r10ν, you can call me Myrion! I am the Ultimate Robot Companion, so I hope we can be friends! If you've read about my functions online...don't get your hopes up, I'm off-duty for this contest, haha! I came here to win for my creator!" He looks quite pumped up about this.
He turned to look at the hologram girl and the security droids. "Woah! This place truly does have the latest technology! She will love hearing about all of this!" He then began to walk around the area.
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A pudgy woman leans on the side of one of the cars, dressed in a distracting and garish outfit. The most noticeable thing about hr though is her hair, which flies off of her head at odd angles and is a tangled mess of reds and blacks and dark browns. Strands meet and split apart in a dizzying mess. Her hair almost stands as tall as her head itself.

Her eyes are hidden behind dark, thick eyelashes and eyeliner. They are like pools of blackness on her otherwise sickly pale face. Under her eyes are huge bags which make her look extremely burnt out and also slightly bored.

Her large mouth droops slightly open while listening to everyone else. Her facial structure gives the faint impression of a frog.

"This place..." She looks around in awe, showing off the large bolts puncturing her earlobes, "Looks like such a waste of money."

Her voice is deeper and more hoarse than expected, but after a second, it begins to fit in with her overall look. She wears a collared, black-and-white checkered shirt with a crimson bow tie. She also has on baggy black pants with a wallet chain coming out of her pocket. Over her shirt, she has a second, black button-up with zippers and metal snaps. The sleeves are rolled up past her elbows, leaving her forearms bare. Fingerless gloves tightly wrap her palms.

She glances around at the others, trying to see who's introduced themselves already. She seems a little anxious, and blushes a bit.

She clears her throat, "H-hey, I'm Devin Lewellen. I'll be honest, I don't think I caught everyone's names. My bad I guess."

She chuckles nervously.

"I mean this is a pretty fake way to meet people anyway. You don't make friends by loudly announcing your name and talent. But... You also don't make friends going on a rant like I am, so, my bad. And I know that this is like some sort of game so we aren't supposed to make friends but like... I feel like I still have a point."

Devin hesitates a moment, feeling nervous now that most eyes are on her.

"But like yeah, look at this poor girl in the hoodie, who I'm so sorry, I forgot your name, but she had a tough time talking to us because this whole thing is stupid and if I was her I'd be kinda annoyed about it."

She laughs awkwardly, "Well I guess I am kinda annoyed anyway but you see what I mean. Also that old guy is probably right about the safety specs on his car, which like makes me kinda nervous, I'll be honest."
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"Huh?" Tsubasa gasped, then started waving her hand far too frantically. "Oh, n-no no no no no, I'm not having a tough time at all! I talk to people all the time! People want to talk to me allllll the time!"

Apparently she forgot to give her name again.
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"Ah, I believe you are what is known as 'fun at parties'!" Lucy said to Devin. "However, I assure you that the safety specifications of all machinery in or around the Twilight Strip, Twilight Palace & Casino, or any other Stakes Co. or ALCO location has met the minimum safety requirements mandated by OSHA, the FMVSS, and the EPA!"
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"... Oookay." Deirdre looked from Tsubasa to Devin a few times, "Sorry if this is a weird question, but are you two okay? No offense, but both of you are talking nonsense and look like you haven't slept in weeks."
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
"Huh?" Tsubasa gasped, then started waving her hand far too frantically. "Oh, n-no no no no no, I'm not having a tough time at all! I talk to people all the time! People want to talk to me allllll the time!"

Apparently she forgot to give her name again.


Abel rubbed his chin and stared at Tsubasa intently, studying her facial expressions, her body language, and the bags under her eyes.

"...Ah, you're totally lying, aren't you? Right? You're definitely lying."

"Ah, I believe you are what is known as 'fun at parties'!" Lucy said to Devin. "However, I assure you that the safety specifications of all machinery in or around the Twilight Strip, Twilight Palace & Casino, or any other Stakes Co. or ALCO location has met the minimum safety requirements mandated by OSHA, the FMVSS, and the EPA!"

"...Y-You're just using all these big words to confuse us..! T-The...OSHA? FMVSS? Spe...shificaters..?"
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"Of course I believe you talk to people! Or at least I thought I believed that until you tried to convince me of it?" Devin chuckles and gives Tsubasa a concerned look.

"And okay so you weren't nervous but probably somebody was, and so I'm just pointing out how this whole thing is pretty stupid."

Devin rolls her eyes and turns to Lucy.

"I am fun at parties, but I'm more fun at parties thrown by people I know, and not like some billionaire? Does that make sense? Like sure make this thing a real banger and maybe I'll enjoy it more."

"And uh..." Devin turns to Deirdre but her words catch in her throat.

"Well I was going to be mad you said I looked so awful, but then I saw how good you look and so now I feel like you're probably right."

"It's been a long couple of years."
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DootDootDoot wrote:
"... Oookay." Deirdre looked from Tsubasa to Devin a few times, "Sorry if this is a weird question, but are you two okay? No offense, but both of you are talking nonsense and look like you haven't slept in weeks."

"True..." Woody mumbles. "I don't want to sound mean, but I'm not sure if they have the stamina to be a part of this game." The florist admits. "You know, I for one am very good with stamina. Last night I was so excited to be here that I only slept exactly 53 minutes. But look at me, I'm fine!"

Woody then inches towards Adel. "I saw you giving me a bad look a moment ago...Did I do something wrong? Or maybe is it something that I said? Please tell me." The florist approaches him further, staring at him with his big green eyes. "I"m serious, I don't want you to be uncomfortable with me...Do you want me to apologize for something? Tell me now. Tell me."
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CaptainPancakes wrote:
"...Y-You're just using all these big words to confuse us..! T-The...OSHA? FMVSS? Spe...shificaters..?"

"My intent is to inform, not to confuse," Lucy corrected Adel. "If you would like any further clarifications on terminology, I'd be happy to discuss such matters with you in your spare time."

Doctor Nanjo wrote:
Devin rolls her eyes and turns to Lucy.

"I am fun at parties, but I'm more fun at parties thrown by people I know, and not like some billionaire? Does that make sense? Like sure make this thing a real banger and maybe I'll enjoy it more."

"I'm sure you'll find this contest to be quite the 'banger', then," Lucy said with a static-y chuckle. It sounded slightly ominous. "However, if you have any other complaints or suggestions, I am here to ensure that our guests have the best possible stay, so don't hesitate to let me know."
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"Come on guys, we're live, on TV!" Ramon verbed excitedly. "Of course we have to do our introductions like this!" He turned to wave at one of the security droids, apparently convinced that's where the hidden cameras were. "Haven't you guys ever done this before? Or at least watched TV where people did this sort of thing? Hi mom!!" Wave wave wave wave wave.
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Doctor Nanjo wrote:
"It's been a long couple of years."

Deirdre sighed and nodded at the last part. "Honestly, I get that. And just between the two of us," she said, where everyone else paying the slightest attention could also hear, "I looked about the same as you a couple of days ago. I just decided to clean up a little for this whole thing..."
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TheLetterF wrote:
DootDootDoot wrote:
"... Oookay." Deirdre looked from Tsubasa to Devin a few times, "Sorry if this is a weird question, but are you two okay? No offense, but both of you are talking nonsense and look like you haven't slept in weeks."

"True..." Woody mumbles. "I don't want to sound mean, but I'm not sure if they have the stamina to be a part of this game." The florist admits. "You know, I for one am very good with stamina. Last night I was so excited to be here that I only slept exactly 53 minutes. But look at me, I'm fine!"

Woody then inches towards Adel. "I saw you giving me a bad look a moment ago...Did I do something wrong? Or maybe is it something that I said? Please tell me." The florist approaches him further, staring at him with his big green eyes. "I"m serious, I don't want you to be uncomfortable with me...Do you want me to apologize for something? Tell me now. Tell me."


Overwhelmed, Adel backed up slowly, shaking somewhat with anxiety, his right hand rubbing his necklace.

"N-No, you're just...really green...Oh, but I don't have a problem with the color green. I think there are lots of nice things that are green. But, so are aliens..."

He looked to the left and to the right. "You're not an alien, are you..? Cause I found an ufoh. I definitely did..! So there are definitely aliens, somewhere. Maybe not here, but, somewhere. Yeah."
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DootDootDoot wrote:
"... Oookay." Deirdre looked from Tsubasa to Devin a few times, "Sorry if this is a weird question, but are you two okay? No offense, but both of you are talking nonsense and look like you haven't slept in weeks."

"M-me? Y-yeah, I'm okay! Totally... h-honky-dorey? I got... like five hours last night?" Tsubasa answered uncertainty. Then she blinked as if realizing something. "Um, s-so... how're you?"

CaptainPancakes wrote:
Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
"Huh?" Tsubasa gasped, then started waving her hand far too frantically. "Oh, n-no no no no no, I'm not having a tough time at all! I talk to people all the time! People want to talk to me allllll the time!"

Apparently she forgot to give her name again.


Abel rubbed his chin and stared at Tsubasa intently, studying her facial expressions, her body language, and the bags under her eyes.

"...Ah, you're totally lying, aren't you? Right? You're definitely lying."

"W-what?" Tsubasa flinched. "N-no I'm not! Why do you think I got that v-voice changing app?"
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"Why would I be an alien?" Woody says to Adel, frowning. "Aliens are from space, and I said I'm from Littleleaf...Did you think Littleleaf was in space? That's just silly." The florist shakes his head.

"I agree, lots of good things are green! Like leaves, grass, and garbage cans." He nods. "But why do aliens have to be green? Why can't they be blue, or purple, or something? Maybe the "ufoh" you saw had blue people hiding inside. That sounds even scarier, honestly."
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"Wait is this actually streaming?" Devin looks around. "That's dumb and a huge waste of time to watch a stream of people just saying dumb things about space aliens."

Devin turns back to Dierdre briefly, "See? Then you understand. I'm not more tired than usual. This is the everyday look, though yeah maybe I could have done my makeup better."

"Anyway, if this is what we're talking about, I think aliens are grey. It's like how all cave creatures are albino. There's a good chance they come from a place with no need for color."

Last edited by Doctor Nanjo on Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
"M-me? Y-yeah, I'm okay! Totally... h-honky-dorey? I got... like five hours last night?" Tsubasa answered uncertainty. Then she blinked as if realizing something. "Um, s-so... how're you?"

"Well, I'm sweating like a pig here." Deirdre shrugged, waving an end of her overcoat a little to make some wind. "But this suit is a rental, so I don't really care. I'm surprised you're out here wearing a hoodie like that."

Wait shit this is my last post isn't it oh god oh fu
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Great Dragon was taken aback by Devin forgetting everyone's name.

"Oh come on! Great Dragon couldn't believe you didn't heard everyone introduce themselves! And this is our first time meeting!" Great Dragon objected in response to Devin. "Dios... And, to think that everyone would know Great Dragon's name by now..."
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"Hey, don't worry, it's fine!" Ramon said, turning now to Adel. "If any aliens come flying in, I'll protect you from them! You can count on me! I might not have awoken my powers yet, but I'm confident in my diplomacy skills. You meet all kinds of people working at a till, you know. You gotta know how to deal with complaints, and convince people to buy extra! Speaking of which, is there an Arby's here? No better place to go for food, take it from me!"
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TheLetterF wrote:
"But why do aliens have to be green? Why can't they be blue, or purple, or something? Maybe the "ufoh" you saw had blue people hiding inside. That sounds even scarier, honestly."

" this a trick question?" Adel asked, feeling somewhat attacked.

"Hey, don't worry, it's fine!" Ramon said, turning now to Adel. "If any aliens come flying in, I'll protect you from them! You can count on me! I might not have awoken my powers yet, but I'm confident in my diplomacy skills. You meet all kinds of people working at a till, you know. You gotta know how to deal with complaints, and convince people to buy extra! Speaking of which, is there an Arby's here? No better place to go for food, take it from me!"

"Who's Arby..? Is he here..?" Adel's eyes darted around the room, looking for the man named "Arby."
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Myrion stopped wandering around and looked back at the contestants with the mention of green.
"Oh, green is good! It's the color that indicates I have a full battery! I also like plants, and flowers, my creator taught me to press them between heavy books to preserve them. Maybe we could get on well!" He said, referring to Woody. His voice sounded cheerful. Like, customer service level of cheerful.

"I uploaded a video showing my collection to an online platform, but everyone kept commenting about the way I acted and constructing conspiracy theories..." he looked a bit bummed out about this.
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[The 3 post limit has been lifted. Enjoy some more light conversation before we move on, courtesy of Hugh Stakes himself.]
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"Okay but is it a conspiracy theory if you're actually a robot?" Devin asks Myrion. "Like yeah I'm sure everyone was an asshole to you but like you are actually a robot so it seems normal that they would wonder about that?"

"Maybe I'm misinterpreting what you're saying though."
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Hugh sheds a single tear that's quickly sucked into his overly large mustache.

"This is better than I could have possibly imagined. Seeing the excitement from some of you is enough to bring me to tears again! I'm most certain the people at home are on the edge of their seats, eagerly waiting to see more of my prized contestants!"

Hugh smiles wide, but it's impossible to tell. He does, however, stand tall and proud, glancing around at some of the more vocal contestants with a gentle look in his eyes. Or at least, as gentle as his eyes could get.

"This game will absolutely be one of them riots!" Hugh laughs a little at his own words.
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DootDootDoot wrote:
Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
"M-me? Y-yeah, I'm okay! Totally... h-honky-dorey? I got... like five hours last night?" Tsubasa answered uncertainty. Then she blinked as if realizing something. "Um, s-so... how're you?"

"Well, I'm sweating like a pig here." Deirdre shrugged, waving an end of her overcoat a little to make some wind. "But this suit is a rental, so I don't really care. I'm surprised you're out here wearing a hoodie like that."

Wait shit this is my last post isn't it oh god oh fu

"Ah, r-really?" Tsubasa mumbled, hugging her hoodie instinctively. "I-I didn't really know if it might be cold or raining or something here... I guess I am a little warm, though... M-maybe I'll take it off inside..."

Just then, her phone jingled. "Ahh!" she cried, instantly looking at the screen and swiping it. "S-sorry, I need to take care of this quick!" She started tapping away frantically.
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Great Dragon looks around for a few minutes before he made his way over to where Ryleigh is.

"Say, do you work out?" Great Dragon asked as he looked Ryleigh up and down. "From just looking at you, Great Dragon can tells that you take exercising very seriously. Great Dragon like folks who exercises to stay fit."
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Hanzo Shimada wrote:
Great Dragon looks around for a few minutes before he made his way over to where Ryleigh is.

"Say, do you work out?" Great Dragon asked as he looked Ryleigh up and down. "From just looking at you, Great Dragon can tells that you take exercising very seriously. Great Dragon like folks who exercises to stay fit."

Ryleigh stops trying to smile and act cute for the hidden cameras, wherever they are, to face Great Dragon.

"Oh, you bet I do!" She shouts -- clearly not knowing the concept of 'inside voices' -- and places her hands on her hips as the enthusiastic grin from earlier comes back in full force. "I work out all the time!"

"You don't become Queen of the Court without hard work, determination, and even more hard work. Not to mention a whole lot of practice!"
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Ruby looked around the area, scanning for any possible cameras before settling on a security droid. She stood up on her toes and enthusiastically waved at it, grinning broadly.

"Well, if this is a camera... hey, Mom! Hey, sis! Hope you guys are doing well! And Corey, if you're even bothering to watch this..."

She turned her wave into a flip of the bird, and she scowled. However, she quickly changed her facial expression to a smile once more as she turned her attention back towards the group. She saw as Tsubasa scurried off, and just waved at her.

"Byyyyye, Tsubasa! Don't be a stranger!"
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