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Ghost Fables ~ Living Thread EpilogueTopic%20Title
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Spoiler: Table of Contents

Spoiler: Family Tree
(Thank you Panda and Kachu respectively!)



Spoiler: Maps
(Thank you Panda!)

Spoiler: Roleplay Rules and Regulations
1) You cannot break into the tomb. It will be opened when the plot allows it.
2) Characters generally have keys to their own bedroom and the servants have master keys. You cannot swap or collect keys. You can assume if this happens that I've allowed it (if people started swapping keys, I would just need to write alibis where they get swapped back for some arbitrary reason and that will be annoying to everyone)
3) If you want to die early for participation-reasons, let me know. Otherwise I will choose victims myself.

Spoiler: Cast
1) Edna von Braundauer (Southern Corn)
2) Harley Nicholas von Brandauer (Hanzo Shimada)
3) Meta Richter/Edelfäule (Doctor Nanjo)
4) Agnes von Brandauer (Kachu)
5) Heinrich von Brandauer/James Moonview (Winston Payne)
6) Albrecht von Brandauer/Verrier Bain (KamiPanda)
7) Friedrich "Fritz" von Brandauer (Planetbox)
8) Juna Wesseley (Datamatt)
9) Ingrid von Brandauer (DootDootDoot)
10) Erik von Brandauer (Collin)
11) Raphael Fontaine Montague von Brandauer (Bad Player)
12) Julia Weber (NIKI)
13) Jolina Wolff (Mec)
14) Mia Pfeiffer (Franzise Deauxnim)
15) Detektiv Christof Erhardt (Knor)
16) Lynde "von Brandauer" (HonestIago)
17) Angelo (CaptainPancakes)
18) Cecilia "Cici" von Brandauer (Joker)

Last edited by JesusMonroe on Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:57 pm, edited 24 times in total.
Re: Ghost Fables ~ Living Thread PrologueTopic%20Title
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Spoiler: Timeline
Island Occupants:
Frederick was the one who purchased Geistfabel. Albrecht and Heinrich moved there as teenagers. (Probably 1930s?)

Some time in the 1940s Heinrich and Frederick move out and Albrecht raises his family in the manor. Julia is part of the servant staff at some point in this time period. The total time range is probably like 1949-1981.

When Frederick dies in 1981, Gideon moves in with his family (+ Lynde) and kicks Albrecht out. Juna also lives on the island.

When Gideon dies in 1986, Gideon’s family still remains at the manor along with the servant staff (who come and go except for Juna). Lynde lives there as well.

Gideon meets Edna and gets her pregnant (this year might be adjusted for Agnes’ age). Edna begins to live in Gideon’s guesthouse while Valerie, Gideon, and Agnes live in the mansion.

Edna recruits Juna for help around the guesthouse (Hamburg mansion). Juna is primarily her servant initially.

Valerie dies at the beginning of the year.

Gideon adopts Lynde at the end of the year.

Gideon is named head while Frederick is on his deathbed. Frederick dies at some point later in the year (he dies of a rare genetic disease called Brandauer’s).

Gideon travels the world a lot, sometimes bringing family members with him and sometimes traveling alone. Some think he’s trying to avoid Geistfabel.

March 1st, 1986:
Gideon’s birthday (2/29) celebration at the Geistfabel mansion. Dies at some point during the night.

March 15th, 1986:
Gideon’s funeral.

February 28th, 1988:
Family arrives on Geistfabel island for the reunion.

If you want more details about each character, each player wrote a summary here.

Spoiler: First Generation Family (and older)
Albrecht von Brandauer (KamiPanda)
Gideon’s father. Growing up he would raise his kids with an iron fist, and wasn’t afraid to strike them if needed. Some could think he was too strict, but the pressure to succeed growing up in the von Brandauer family was immense. Some would crumble, and some would harden into diamonds. All that being said, he's a part of some pleasant memories.

Unfortunately, he’s getting well into his years. He’s had several strokes and is now wheelchair-bound. His mental faculties get worse every year, and he’s constantly attended to by a doctor. Despite their upbringing, Gideon’s siblings can’t help but feel sorry for him.

His wife/Gideon’s mother died well before the events of the game.

Heinrich von Brandauer (Winston Payne)
Gideon’s uncle. A kind old man, but can have a tendency to ramble about his hobbies. Despite being born in the von Brandauer family he had to work hard to achieve his seat at the table. He and his brother were candidates for the headship, but Gideon was unexpectedly named the heir by their father. He never seemed to show any resentment for it, at least not outwardly.

He has a wife and kids, but they don’t appear in the game. He’s somewhat of a father figure to Gideon and his siblings considering Albrecht’s strict nature.


Frederick von Brandauer
Doesn’t appear in the game. Gideon’s grandfather. Heinrich and Albrecht’s father. The previous head--shockingly named Gideon as his successor while on his deathbed.

Spoiler: Second Generation Family
Gideon von Brandauer (JesusMonroe)
Previous head of the family. While he was successful, he could be arrogant and ruthless. Would always give his family and friends his manuscripts to read. Effin' dead but considering his nature, it's not out of the question that that's a lie.

Edna von Brandauer (formerly Schneider) (Southern Corn)
Gideon’s second wife. She was Gideon’s mistress during his first marriage and he got her pregnant during this time. Edna was much younger than Gideon so this was extremely scandalous.

Edna gave birth to their daughter and Gideon insisted that she be raised in the household and had a father figure. This wore on Valerie until one day she took her own life. Her body wasn’t even cold before Gideon announced his intentions to marry Edna. This was extremely, extremely scandalous. But considering Gideon’s position in the family it was hard to make too big a deal of it even if people voiced their distaste.

Edna seems mostly well-meaning and claims she truly loved Gideon. Even if she’s telling the truth, there’s no denying she made some poor decisions in her youth. A lot of the family probably finds her shady, but she still raises her child and the family is usually able to put aside grievances for an annual reunion.

Harley Nicholas von Brandauer (Hanzo Shimada)
Harley is Gideon’s younger brother. Ever since he was a child, Harley always liked to annoy his siblings by taking apart their possessions, but he would impress them by putting them back together. This curiosity led him to surprisingly working at an auto garage out of college and pursuing a lifestyle as a mechanic--a stark contrast from the rest of the family. He still expects his share after Gideon's death despite not contributing to the family's success.

He has a lovely wife and two children who don’t appear in the game. Harley wears a coverall that is stained with grease and oil from working on cars. He has facial hair showcasing that he's an adult with two sons.

Friedrich “Fritz” von Brandauer (Planetbox)
Gideon’s youngest sibling. He and Gideon would always butt heads when as kids, but still mostly got along as siblings do.

Fritz was always involved in entertainment and eventually took to trying to start his own TV network, with the flagship show being an adaptation of some of Gideon’s most famous works, featuring his most famous character. He’s even the lead actor! Business and creative decisions began to poison the relationship between the brothers however.

Nonetheless, the show is a massive hit! (The books are better though).

Cecilia "Cici" von Brandauer (formerly Monet) (Joker)
Frtiz’s wife. She’s a French actress and screenwriter, and she met Fritz while working on some production together. She's somewhat of a narcissist and thinks she's a better actress than she actually is.

Although she thinks too highly of herself, she generally gets along with her husband's family, but her attitude does cause some fights between them from time to time. Tends to look down on the staff/employees of the mansion.

Ingrid von Brandauer (DootDootDoot)
Gideon’s twin sister (but she likes to joke that she’s the oldest). The closest to Gideon out of all the siblings, and a massive fan of his mysteries. She usually tries to break them after solving them, which Gideon actually appreciated since they made his stories stronger. She’s had moderate success in her career but has had trouble finding a husband of her own and starting a family. She did have a powerful husband at one point, but divorced him for seemingly petty reasons.

Mia Pfeiffer (Franzise Deauxnim)
Ingrid’s best friend and roommate. She’s attended several get-togethers now, and seems to mostly get along with everyone. Whether it’s genuine affability or just being polite, who knows. Maybe if Ingrid stopped faffing about with her friends all the time, she’d finally find someone.


Valerie von Brandauer
Gideon’s first wife. Died as mentioned above, and doesn’t appear in the game.

Spoiler: Third Generation Family
Agnes von Brandauer (Kachu)
Gideon and Edna’s daughter. She’s had a very weird life, being raised by Valerie as her mother for some time. She resented her parents for some time after Valerie died but as she got older she started to realize the situation was a little more complicated than first glance.

She shares a lot of common interests with Gideon. She’s a giant bookworm and especially loves mysteries of course.

Lynde “von Brandauer” (HonestIago)
Gideon and Edna’s adopted son… though it doesn’t really feel right to say that.

Lynde was born in the iron curtain and is a very skilled dollmaker. His dioramas are incredibly detailed, and could often include mystery themes. Gideon was able to hear about him, and wanted the boy working for him immediately. Unfortunately, crossing the Berlin wall was no easy feat even with Gideon’s massive wealth and connections.

But Gideon always gets what he wants, so he formally adopted the boy despite him being 20 years old already. He even lived with the family, which was very strange and made his actual family uncomfortable (it doesn’t help that Lynde is socially odd by nature). Still the awkwardness faded eventually and he’s invited to reunions with everyone else.

Erik von Brandauer (Collin)
Fritz and Cici’s son. Decently friendly. Has a tendency to act rather cocky, playfully snarky (when he doesn't dislike someone; then he's just scathingly sarcastic), full of himself, and perhaps overly confident. Still a bit younger so massive success isn't expected of him quite yet, but many eyes are on him to see the kind of man he'll turn out to be.

Raphael Fontaine Montague von Brandauer (Bad Player)
Heinrich’s grandson, Gideon’s first cousin once removed. Raphael used to be handsome, smart, funny, and cheery. Now he’s only some of those things. When he was a young boy, his face got badly burned and scarred. It’s been a source of shyness for a while, and he tends to be more comfortable wearing a simple mask than exposing his face.

He’s generally pretty mopey as he feels cast and isolated from society since he’s marked with or without the mask (he prefers the wary fascination with the mask than the unbridled disgust without, however). The real question is does he feel angry or sad over his fate?

Spoiler: Servants
(General thing to keep in mind is that the mansion has other servants, these are just the ones who happen to be on shift during the story)

Julia Weber (NIKI)
Head servant. Worked in the family since she was young. Can clean anything in a pinch. She’s a downright angel, and just as much family as everyone else. Has enough seniority where she can boss others around, and is capable of pulling off any task if needed. Cleaning is her specialty but she also has a penchant for dress-making and embroidery.

She’s older than she looks, certainly old enough to have cleaned up after the second generation when they were kids. Not afraid to remind them either.

Juna Wessely (Datamatt)
Caterer. Polite and well-mannered, but a bit deadpan. Has worked with the family for some years. The family generally treats her kindly but she gets along better with the servants or younger members. Her food is incredible, so she’s always a necessity for every reunion.

She's from East Germany, but her family escaped while she was young. She grew up in pretty poor conditions until Edna eventually recruited her for help around the mansion.

Jolina Wolff (Mec)
The family reunion is an extremely important event, so only the best hands can be on deck. Unfortunately it’s flu season and many of the best servants have called in sick. She’ll have to do…

Spoiler: Other
Verrier Bain (KamiPanda)
Albrecht’s caretaker. He's a qualified medical professional and acts as Albrecht's personal doctor. Verrier acts on Albrecht's behalf for many decisions and Albrecht trusts him to do so. He comes across as kind and friendly, if a bit distant.

Meta Richter (Doctor Nanjo)
The family lawyer. Has helped the family out in a variety of pinches (divorces, estate disputes), but she primarily worked on Gideon’s behalf (even before he was the head). Nonetheless she’s earned a great deal of respect and gratitude from the family.

Last edited by JesusMonroe on Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:01 am, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Ghost Fables ~ Living Thread PrologueTopic%20Title
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Spoiler: Police Report
Victim: Gideon von Brandauer
Date of Incident: March 1-2, 1986
(This narrative was constructed with the cooperation of multiple witnesses)

The victim Gideon von Brandauer was holding a small birthday celebration. He held an informal gathering after returning home after some time.

March 1st, 6-9 PM:
Present at the gathering at this time were his brother Fritz von Brandauer, his uncle Heinrich von Brandauer, his cousin Raphael Fontaine Montague von Brandauer, his son Lynde von Brandauer, and his lawyer Meta Richter. A servant named Jolina Wolff was also present.

9:45 PM:
Gideon’s wife Edna Schneider and daughter Agnes von Brandauer arrived. Edna goes to bed shortly after. Gideon, Fritz, Heinrich, and Raphael speak for a short while before Gideon goes to bed with Edna. Every other person present at the gathering was alone and does not have a verifiable alibi for the rest of the time.

10:00 PM:
Gideon’s sister Ingrid von Brandauer and her guest Mia Pfeiffer arrive late. They run into Fritz, Heinrich, and Raphael in the hallway as they leave Gideon’s bedroom.

Ingrid is left alone for one minute as everybody else leaves the hallway. She claims to have gotten distracted. Soon after, everybody goes to bed. Nobody has a verifiable alibi for the rest of the night and Ingrid is spotted wandering the house.

March 2nd, Midnight:
Gideon runs into Agnes in the mansion in the middle of the night. She doesn’t ask him why he’s up and wishes him happy birthday.

6 AM:
A servant Julia Weber arrives at the island. Jolina Wolff leaves. Julia noted Ingrid was already awake when she arrived.

8 AM:
Gideon is discovered missing from his master bedroom in the mansion. He’s discovered in an unoccupied guest room in the guesthouse, adjacent to Lynde’s bedroom. His face is completely smashed in, but this was done posthumously. His cause of death is unknown. Many of his family members alleged that the man was very strange and could very well have killed himself. Both Gideon’s bedroom and the room his body was discovered in were unlocked upon discovery, and it’s been insisted by multiple parties that I note this.

Gideon went to bed in his master bedroom in the mansion at 10 PM. At midnight he ran into his daugher Agnes in the mansion kitchen. At 8 AM he was discovered in a guesthouse bedroom.

The total attendants at the event were Gideon, Fritz, Heinrich, Raphael, Lynde, Meta, and Jolina. Edna and Anges. Ingrid and Mia. Julia.

Nothing impossible happened in this crime, with the only unusual element being Gideon’s strange movements. No clues were found to suggest a guest at the event killed him, or that this crime couldn’t have been committed by an intruder. Several family members have brought up that he may have committed suicide, and that somebody desecrated his face afterwards.

Other Notes:
-His headship ring was missing. Witnesses claim he did not have it the entire night, which was unusual since he had worn it since his coronation.

Spoiler: GM Note
This mystery only has a timeline because it’s events before the game. The other mysteries won’t be like this, and this is just to share “public info”. This is what would be realized after everybody shares their alibis.

This mystery is not solvable as is, so all you can really do is read certain details and go HMMM for now. There’s nothing to solve.

March 15th, 1986. 4:00 PM


Everybody had gathered at the island of Geistfabel for Gideon’s funeral. There had been a more public ceremony earlier in the day where many of Gideon’s friends and business partners had gathered. But this final showing was only for family, where they would watch Gideon be put to rest and be removed from their lives forever. So right now in the main hall, with Gideon’s coffin on display, would be their last chance to say goodbye.

There was an open bar, apparently requested by Gideon himself. Almost as if telling his family this was a time for joy, not despair. Some did seem to be enjoying themselves, able to reminisce and let old grievances go for a day. Some were miserable, some were inwardly relieved, and some plotted for this day to happen.

The only thing in common for every single person present was that today was a reminder of their own mortality.
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"So where is Gideon, anyhow?" a voice croaked out. "Late as always, that boy?" Off to one side of the room, Albrecht sat in his wheelchair, as was increasingly the norm for him.

"No, master. He passed away a couple of weeks ago, remember?" the man standing to his side said kindly. "This is his funeral." Verrier Bain, Albrecht's personal doctor and assistant, had long since become accustomed to Albrecht's declining mental faculties.

"Oh... Oh, that's right, yes. I suppose he really is 'late' then, hmm?" Albrecht joked, though without a shred of humour. Presumably this joke had been rewritten during localisation to work in English.

Albrecht's presence was definitely making people uncomfortable. Those who had been close to Gideon would not have been fond of his comments, and the constant reminder of his failing health only further dampened the mood of people already face-to-face with mortality.
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Although 'enjoying the open bar' would be a very misleading way to describe it, Ingrid was certainly grateful for it being there. She and anyone watching had already lost count of how many drinks she'd had while keeping her back to Gideon's coffin. She hadn't even approached it yet.

"... Why are you even here." she said to Albrecht, remarkably lucid. "Just leave and do everyone a favor. Yourself included..."
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"This is my home!" Albrecht shot back, a remnant of his old self flaring up. "I have every right to be here, even if my own son kicked me out." He glared at Ingrid through blurry eyes. "Look at you. You know Ogilvie doesn't want you drinking so much. Tch, disgraceful..."

Seeing his master get so worked up, Verrier opened his fan with a sharp snap! and began cooling Albrecht off. He scanned the room in the meantime, expression unreadable. He had yet to speak to any of the others beyond polite pleasantries.
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"Father, please, now isn't the time for one of your jokes." A 42-years old man said in respond to Albrecht's joke. He certainly looks like he was ready for the event since he was wearing a suit with a necktie. People would almost not recognize him without his coveralls; this was Harley Nicholas von Brandauer.

"Gideon just passed away and we're here to pay our respects to the deceased." Harley said in an exasperated tone before he takes a sip of the alcohol drink that he have had requested at the bar. "I wouldn't want my boys to end up going around making such dark jokes like that." He glances in the direction where a woman is talking to two teenager boys. Indeed, this was Harley's family.

"Oh boy, I better not drink too much, otherwise Christina wouldn't let me live this one down..." He mumbles to himself as he looks down at his drink.
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KamiPanda wrote:
"This is my home!" Albrecht shot back, a remnant of his old self flaring up. "I have every right to be here, even if my own son kicked me out." He glared at Ingrid through blurry eyes. "Look at you. You know Ogilvie doesn't want you drinking so much. Tch, disgraceful..."

Seeing his master get so worked up, Verrier opened his fan with a sharp snap! and began cooling Albrecht off. He scanned the room in the meantime, expression unreadable. He had yet to speak to any of the others beyond polite pleasantries.

"Oh, you've already forgotten?" Ingrid laughed bitterly. "Well, I don't mind reminding you of this one, father dearest. I already divorced Ogilvie years ago because he was a scumbag and a pain in the ass."

She finished her most recent drink and looked over her shoulder somberly at the coffin. "... I think I've had enough already though."
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Walking from the bar towards the coffin, the young man Lynde Von Brandauer can be seen and heard. The sight of him is quite peculiar given the circumstances. He is wearing most of a finely tailored suit, but instead of a button down shirt and or tie, there is an extremely fluorescent "I want my MTV" t-shirt, as well as a strawberry Daiquiri with multiple mini umbrellas and swords protruding from it held in his hands.
The sound of him is much more inline with the surroundings. Lynde is trying to quietly cry but still ending up with sniffles that can be heard in all corners of the room. He walked up to the casket and sniffled for a full minute, only pausing to sip from his Daiquiri. Then he quickly retreated to the relative comfort of his theoretical relatives.

“He doesn’t look very good. Not bad, but I think I might have been able to do better.” Lynde said not meeting anyone in particular’s eyes.
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A blonde man in a clean white suit leaned against the bar with one foot poised on the nearest stool. He drank hurriedly, as if he could feel time slipping away with every sip. Occasionally, he glanced at his watch or at the door, but it wasn’t clear if he had somewhere to be or preferred not to be here.

The man, Friedrich von Brandauer, watched the group as they began to argue, and finally interjected.

“Come on, everyone, let’s try to stay positive,” Fritz said, “I don’t think Gideon brought us here to mope around. I’m sure some of you have your favorite memories of Gideon, right? Why don’t we talk about those?”

He spoke in a solemn tone that seemed oddly strained. He looked at the others, awaiting a response.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Agnes von Brandauer stood silently next to the coffin, though she had spend more than enough time already weeping. She turned around to meet with the rest of her family, with a blatantly fake smile made all the worse in contrast with a few stray tears rolling down her face. She passed her brother wordlessly, as if any surroundings were lost in her sea of tears, and she could only focus on her immediate goal, to met with her aunts and uncles by the bar.

"How have each of you been?" She politely asked, interrupting her own words with a sniffle or two, holding her own arms and idly tugging on a sleeve. "I apologize for not asking as much sooner, please forgive me. It's wonderful to see each of you."

It was clear that she was struggling, but despite that she still smiled wide. It seemed that a tiny fraction of her was excited and happy to see everyone, even in these circumstances.
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Raphael sat on a chair near the back of the room, silently staring at the coffin, although he had yet to approach it. To an outsider, it'd probably look like Raphael had overdone it a bit, even for the wake of his family's head: he wore a black cloak on top of a black suit, and a black mask with an intricate gold design covered his entire face. But this was Raphael's usual attire. He had done absolutely out of the usual in terms of his outfit to mark the occasion.

His gloved hands were clasped; Raphael had made no motions towards the food or drink, which was natural, considering his mask had no opening at the mouth. (A bit earlier, one of the servers made the faux pas of offering Raphael some hors d'oeuvres, and it took a solid 15-second awkward silence for them to realize their mistake.)
Credit to Evolina for the sig+avatar!
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A woman in a black dress sat in front of Gideon's coffin, unmoving. The people in the mansion knew her as Edna von Brandauer, Gideon's widow (and former mistress). She had only been back on the island for two weeks now, and had been keeping to herself ever since Gideon's body had been found. While she hadn't attended the public funeral earlier that day, it was clear it was because she had been crying her eyes out from how bloodshot they were. Because of this, everyone decided it would simply be better to leave her alone, and she appeared to be fine with that, not having spoken to any of the family for the entire day- not even Agnes. Naturally she showed no interest in the bar or the food being served either (though that being said, she seemed as though she hadn't eaten in hours, maybe even over a day).

As of now, she was simply staring at her late husband's coffin, a strange expression on her face. Was it sorrow? Anger? Desperation? Nobody could quite tell.
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A woman with poker-straight grey hair sits in one of the chairs, her ankles crossed. Her eyes are shut behind her glasses, and she breathes gently, as if sleeping.

In her lap, clasped between her hands, is the memorial card from the earlier service and a silk handkerchief which had already seen some use. The creases around her eyelids give the impression of lassitude.

Her eyebrows raise and her eyes flutter open, seeing the family by the bar. She knows many of them very well, but even so she's not eager to breech the intimate air around the relatives. She had already done made two trips to the coffin, but seeing empty space freed up in front of it tempts her to go back just to fill the time.

This woman is Gideon's lawyer and a longtime friend, Meta Richter. She looks to several years younger than Albrecht due to his deteriorating health, but in reality she is a handful of years older.

After a minute or so watching the others, Meta pushes herself up laboriously from her chair and makes her way to where Albrecht sits in his wheelchair. She greets him warmly and does her best to start a meaningless conversation with him about current events.
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"I think I'm entitled to 'mope around' a little after losing my brother, Friedrich." Ingrid answered, and seemed like she was about to say more before Agnes approached the group. "... Agnes. I'm glad to see you too." she greeted her niece, forcing a fake smile of her own. "I'm, don't worry about us. How are you holding up?"
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“Now there’s no need for that, he was my brother too,” Fritz muttered, before being interrupted by Agnes. He flashed her a smile of his own before responding.

“I’ve been well, Agnes,” he said, “And don’t worry about taking some alone time. I do wish we could have met under better circumstances.”

“Erik’s been well too,” he added, “He roughy home an excellent report card recently, and Cici and I couldn’t be prouder. I’m sure he’d love to speak with you, though I’m not entirely sure where he went off to...”

Fritz scanned the room, hoping the two of them were actually here so he didn’t look like an insane person.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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DootDootDoot wrote:
"... Agnes. I'm glad to see you too." she greeted her niece, forcing a fake smile of her own. "I'm, don't worry about us. How are you holding up?"

"I've been well!" Agnes lied. "Erm, actually, um..." Agnes goes silent and frowns, looking down at her feet. She didn't respond further, instead shifting the conversation.

Planetbox wrote:
“I’ve been well, Agnes,” he said, “And don’t worry about taking some alone time. I do wish we could have met under better circumstances.”

“Erik’s been well too,” he added, “He roughy home an excellent report card recently, and Cici and I couldn’t be prouder. I’m sure he’d love to speak with you, though I’m not entirely sure where he went off to...”

"Ah, that is good to hear! It pleases me to see that despite this, our family is as strong as ever. I do hope I can get the chance to speak with Erik myself, of course. However I'm sure he... um... Well I might be a little busy, and..." Agnes trails off and mumbles again, fidgeting and glancing around the room nervously.

"I-I'm sure I'll get to speak with him soon. Again, it's a pleasure to see all of you."
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As if on cue, a rather sharply dressed young man -- no older than twenty -- pushed off of the bar, rather ornate glass of red wine in hand, and approached the slowly growing group of people. Erik, as everyone else would know him as, looked quite a bit like his father, having the same shade of blonde hair, a rather similar facial structure, and the same bright smile. With his hair neatly done and slicked, as opposed to the usual sort of messy style Erik liked to keep it in, the resemblance was even more noticable. Unlike his father, though, he had separately colored eyes -- one was a simple deep brown, while the other was a rather vivid green-ish blue. It was quite nice to look at.

"Aw, thanks, Dad. Just keeping up with my studies, you know? I want to make you and Mom proud," he said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head with his free hand as he turned towards Agnes.

"Hey, Agnes. How, uh... how are you holding up? Ech, stupid question, I know. This is... probably a lot for you. Would be for any kid, honestly..."

He sighed and cleared his throat, his gaze softening a bit.

"Well, anyway, I'm here for you if you need me, okay? If you want someone to lend an ear or offer a shoulder to lean on, feel free to let me know."
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"I've been doing fine, Agnes." Harley replied to Agnes, as he smiles at her. "Business is going well over at my auto garage. My boys, Karl and Daniel are doing well in their education. Christina and I couldn't be more prouder of them. Though they tends to bicker most of the time, but they get along like brothers normally do."

"The way my boys bicker... It actually reminds me of Fritz back when we were children." Harley chuckled at the memory. "Though it was just Gideon and Fritz who bickers most of the time..."

"Anyway... I do hope you're doing well, given what happened to Gideon." The man glances over to the coffin where his late brother Gideon rests.
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Albrecht glared at his various children. Thankfully for everyone, Meta pulled his attention away and he began conversing with her. The conversation was indeed quite meaningless, though. Albrecht would often repeat himself, and sometimes seemed to forget Meta was even talking to him at all, instead gazing listlessly off into the distance.

Verrier remained by his side, choosing not to interact with anyone. This was an event for family and close friends, so perhaps he felt he shouldn't intrude. The only reason he was here was so that Albrecht could attend.
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An older-looking man approached the family. He was wearing a black suit which perhaps unsurprisingly considering the wearer's age, looked like it had been used quite extensively and could even have been older than some of the younger members of the family. However, in contrast to this, he was also carrying a brown walking stick which looked like it was relatively new. After greeting his relatives, he made his way over to Raphael. This may have been a surprising move if it wasn’t for the fact that the man, named Heinrich, was actually his grandfather. Even though for obvious reasons, it was hard to see any resemblance. “Hello… Raphael. You seemed a bit lonely… so, I thought that I’d umm…. keep you company," he let out a very awkward chuckle followed by a small cough, “So… how are things going on your end? It’s been a while… s-since I’ve heard anything from you.” It seemed like Heinrich had either forgotten about Raphael's mask's lack of a mouth hole or was trying his best to ignore it.
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A blonde-haired caterer by the name of Juna had been running back and forth for a while now, having been the one to prepare the various snacks and appetizers for the family, as was somewhat customary by now. Not a single word was uttered out of her mouth as she dutifully carried her tasks out and brought the various plates. The run she just completed would be the last for a while, which allowed her some free time -- although not in the best of environments.

She took a quick, judgemental look around the room to see who exactly was attending. A pitiful gaze found its way to Edna, which made her consider that perhaps the grieving people should be left alone. The servant, instead, made her way to a specific table that was relatively out of the way. It didn't look like she was going to stand there for too long, at the very least.
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For the most part, Mia had kept to herself somewhere between the bar and the wall. Contrary to her picture, her usual loosely braided blonde hair had been tied back, and her usual casual wear replaced with an appropriate black dress for the occasion. Just use your imagination.

She'd largely kept to herself at the funeral; having not known Gideon all that well, she mostly came as emotional support for Ingrid. Or, at least, that was the idea. She'd never been the best at knowing what to say in situations like this. Or at large family gatherings in general, for that matter.

As she quietly sipped her glass of juice, she watched her roommate's niece approach her. Gideon's daughter. She should probably at least go say something to her, right? Mia chewed on her lip as she racked her mind for some appropriate words of consolation, but as soon as she came up with something she thought wouldn't sound too hollow, Agnes had already walked off to talk to someone else.

...Well then. Maybe a bit later. There was still someone over there she really should talk to, though...

Mia adjusted her frames and shuffled over to Ingrid with a somber smile on her lips. "Hey..." she murmured. "Um, how're you doing?"
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Mia adjusted her frames and shuffled over to Ingrid with a somber smile on her lips. "Hey..." she murmured. "Um, how're you doing?"

Ingrid didn't respond for a moment, instead staring down at her empty glass. For the first time in the day, he face softened up a little. "... I'm doing as well as I can, I guess. I just..." she looked over her shoulder at the coffin again, which Edna still stood in front of. "... Forget it. It's stupid. I should be there saying goodbye, not drinking here..."

She still made no move to get up. Just stiffly shuffled closer to Mia.
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Jolina seems to be unusually busy during the day of the funeral. Throughout the day she can be seen walking in and out of the guest rooms. Making sure there were enough clean towels, that the beds were made, any bathrooms were clean, and had proper toiletries probably needed to be done should any of Gideon's mourners decided to stay the night. Whenever she passes by any of the family members or guests she gives them a polite smile as she continues about her business.

After tidying up the guest rooms she lounges about in the servant's quarters, ready to wait out the remainder of the day.
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Julia, who had been here the whole time also making sure everything was going swell in terms of preparations, had taken a moment to go around attempting to comfort people with a nice, reassuring smile and a few pats on the back to a select few individuals. She didn't say much though, deciding that letting the family speak to each other would be better than butting in mid conversation.

She occasionally wiped off a few tears with a pink handkerchief she had in one of her pockets.

Datamatt wrote:
The servant, instead, made her way to a specific table that was relatively out of the way. It didn't look like she was going to stand there for too long, at the very least.

"Oh, Juna! Are you taking a breather, dear? You've certainly earned it!" Julia approached the table once she noticed the other servant. "I bet Mr. Gideon would love to taste everything you've made today... It's all perfect as always...!" She sniffled a bit and gently wiped a tear away.
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Seeing her husband and son together again, Cecilia, who was appropriately dressed for the funeral, approached them from somewhere else in the room.

"Hello, everyone." She said, trying to put on a smile for the others. "How are you all holding up? Is everyone getting along?" She glanced at Fritz as she asked the last question.
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Juna looked up to Julia in a hurry, swiping something from the table behind her, "While I can!" She hastily replied, taking a literal breather now from the unexpected assault. "You know I do my best with it, but thanks for the praise!" The servant exclaimed with a smile, turning back to the rest of the group with a more neutral expression. "Did you give your prayer yet?"
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DootDootDoot wrote:
Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Mia adjusted her frames and shuffled over to Ingrid with a somber smile on her lips. "Hey..." she murmured. "Um, how're you doing?"

Ingrid didn't respond for a moment, instead staring down at her empty glass. For the first time in the day, he face softened up a little. "... I'm doing as well as I can, I guess. I just..." she looked over her shoulder at the coffin again, which Edna still stood in front of. "... Forget it. It's stupid. I should be there saying goodbye, not drinking here..."

She still made no move to get up. Just stiffly shuffled closer to Mia.

"Mm, if you think that's best..." Mia mumbled softly. Her eyes followed Ingrid's gaze to her brother's casket. "But, well, you can do both if you want. I'm driving, remember?" she chuckled awkwardly as she reached over to give her companion's shoulder a light squeeze.
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Winston Payne wrote:
An older-looking man approached the family. He was wearing a black suit which perhaps unsurprisingly considering the wearer's age, looked like it had been used quite extensively and could even have been older than some of the younger members of the family. However, in contrast to this, he was also carrying a brown walking stick which looked like it was relatively new. After greeting his relatives, he made his way over to Raphael. This may have been a surprising move if it wasn’t for the fact that the man, named Heinrich, was actually his grandfather. Even though for obvious reasons, it was hard to see any resemblance. “Hello… Raphael. You seemed a bit lonely… so, I thought that I’d umm…. keep you company," he let out a very awkward chuckle followed by a small cough, “So… how are things going on your end? It’s been a while… s-since I’ve heard anything from you.” It seemed like Heinrich had either forgotten about Raphael's mask's lack of a mouth hole or was trying his best to ignore it.

"...I suppose I am as fine as could be expected, considering the circumstances," Raphael replied slowly, slightly muffled by the mask but still fully comprehensible. His voice was sullen, but did not seem to hold much (if any) grief. It is left to the listener to discern whether the "circumstances" Raphael mentioned are Gideon's death or his own personal situation. "How are you?"
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Hanzo Shimada wrote:
"The way my boys bicker... It actually reminds me of Fritz back when we were children." Harley chuckled at the memory. "Though it was just Gideon and Fritz who bickers most of the time..."

Fritz raised an eyebrow at his brother, knowing this was a poor time to discuss their feuding.

"You do have a point," he replied, "Boys will be boys, I suppose, but I hope the two of them grow out of it. I know I could have left things in a much better place with Gideon, but hopefully he's not looking down on me too harshly."

Fritz let out a sigh. Getting lost in his thoughts, he swirled the glass in his hand. Cici's approach seemed to cheer him up, however.

"Of course we are, dear," he replied with a smile, putting a hand on his wife's shoulder. "Just the fact that we were all able to come together like this means a lot. It would certainly take far more than this to tear the von Brandauer's apart!"

Though he clearly meant well, his remark came off as somewhat ominous.
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The rest of the viewing was surprisingly pleasant, a few bad moods and awkwardness aside. People took their time to say some quiet last words and prayers for their own sake. Many had already spoken eulogies at a public funeral, and some still said some words regardless. Some did not have the courage to speak, but maybe they would find it later in the day.

Meta coughed to get everyone’s attention. She was reading from a piece of paper. “Gideon will be buried soon. He encourages those who think there’s a trick to try and find it.”

A few raised an eyebrow at this, but Gideon setting up his funeral like a magic show was hardly a surprise.

It was a closed-casket viewing, but a few people could not help but take a peek at the contents inside. This would usually be considered abhorrently rude, but considering the absurd lengths Gideon could go to plan anything he wanted, nobody really judged them for this action.

The inside of the coffin had Gideon, dressed in the same suit he got married to Edna in. The mortician had done an excellent job of reconstructing his face, but there was still a slight uncanny valley effect to it. To the mystery-savvy members of the family, this ambiguity was unacceptable. Still there was nothing they could but try to search the rest of the coffin to see if there was any trick. Nobody found anything however.

After some time, enough people were satisfied to move on. Gideon’s siblings, Edna, Agnes, and Lynde grabbed the coffin and headed to the family cemetery.


The family cemetery was about half a kilometer from the mansion. The only people buried there were Frederick, his wife, Albrecht’s wife, and maybe a family pet or two. Geistfabel was still fairly new, so it wasn’t quite "filled-in".

Gideon, ostentatious as ever, didn’t appear to be satisfied with a large tombstone. A rectangular tomb was being constructed, the workers sitting back and waiting for the family before they could finish. The tomb seemed to be pretty much complete except for the left wall which was removed.

Gideon’s body was placed on top of the altar in the tomb. It wasn’t clear why the family had to go through the missing left wall instead of just using the door, but the instructions Meta was reading from were clear on this.

Meta read from the instructions again. “Those who wish to inspect the tomb should do so now.”

Almost ominously, there was a light rumble of thunder at that statement. A drizzle of rain had begun to fall. Expecting this, the servants began to pass out umbrellas.

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Fritz chuckled to himself, though his eyebrows were furrowed in what looks like annoyance.

"Typical Gideon," he mumbled, "Always trying to keep things interesting. Though knowing him, I'm sure this will be worth the time."

Fritz scanned the room, hoping to get a better understanding of its layout. Like a map or something would be cool but idk
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
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In contrast to Fritz, Ingrid took the instructions in with with a grave expression. She had also been one of the most insistent while checking the coffin.

"... The door. Seems too obvious, but there has to be a reason we couldn't use the door..." she muttered, while moving to inspect said door more closely.
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Spoiler: Gideon’s Tomb
It currently looks like the below but with the left wall removed.


There’s a door, a small staircase, and an altar that the coffin rests on top of.

The tomb was extremely basic. The completed version would more or less be four walls and a rectangular roof. Unlike most tombs, there didn't appear to be any windows. The door was also stone like everything else.

The inside somehow felt even more simple. There was a small staircase and an altar raised off of the ground that the coffin rested on top of. As Ingrid had guessed, the only thing noteworthy was... the door.

[Scene Music]

It was a stone door made of the same material as the rest of the tomb. It was meant to open towards the inside of the tomb, and metal braces were on either side of it. Inside the braces was a crossbar, barricading the door shut. An uneasy feeling had begun to strangle the congregation.

Last edited by JesusMonroe on Tue Feb 23, 2021 1:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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"I don't understand this." Harley said as he joined his siblings in exploring Gideon's final resting place.

"What did Gideon expect us to find by looking at his final resting place?" Harley asked, an eyebrow raised. "This better not be like one of Gideon's stories... When it come to his stories, I admit that I'm not good at solving these mysteries. Hell, a lot of my guesses usually ended up being completely wrong."

"Though... Why would there be a crowbar barricading the door? Is Gideon trying to keep something inside? Or maybe he's trying to keep something out?" Harley theorized as he looks at the door in question.
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"The only entrance closes from the inside." Ingrid sighed, carefully touching and prodding the crossbar and braces to test them. "It's like he's making a joke of it. He wants his tomb to be a closed room."
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"It's almost as though Gideon wanted the tomb sealed to outsiders, but openable from the inside," Verrier agreed, addressing the family for the first time. Despite not even being a family member, he had been oddly thorough when investigating the coffin earlier, though perhaps not to the same degree as Ingrid. "How very interesting!" He tapped his closed fan against his cheek. He almost seemed to be enjoying this, which wasn't very proper for the situation.

Albrecht, meanwhile, just grumbled by his side. It had been difficult manoeuvring him into the tomb, but the missing wall had allowed it.
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DootDootDoot wrote:
"The only entrance closes from the inside." Ingrid sighed, carefully touching and prodding the crossbar and braces to test them. "It's like he's making a joke of it. He wants his tomb to be a closed room."

"Maybe he wanted to be sure nobody would mistake his, er, tomb from anyone else's?" Mia suggested uncertainly, pacing around the altar and eyeing it casually.
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“Hmm, this reminds me of that old Grimsley novel, The Tomb of Lost Souls,” Fritz remarked, “Where the corpse vanished from its tomb, only to be replaced by a new one...Though I’m sure Gideon isn’t attempting something so macabre.”

Fritz tried examining the altar to see if there was anything interesting there.
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